RH16 Uncovered June 2015 Issue

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RH16 & RH17 EDITION - JUNE 2015 - ISSUE 27 Delivered to 24,000 homes & businesses in the RH16 & RH17 postcodes

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Welcome to our June issue

It’s been a busy month in the RH Uncovered office!

The launch of our community website couldn’t have gone any better. We are so pleased with the response we have received from both our advertisers and the public. Thank you to all that have logged on, shared our posts and entered our exclusive competitions. If you haven’t yet visited take a look on www.rhuncovered.co.uk June is the time when you really start thinking and believing it’s actually summer. It’s the beginning of three months where we hope and pray for sun, book our summer holidays, and brave our nearest beaches. When searching for community content for this issue, I came across a Lindfield Laughter Club which to me, would’ve been perfect to go with this summery issue. But no, it was a Lindfield located in Sydney, Australia! So here’s a call out if anyone wants to start a laughter club - we want to feature you! 2015 marks the 100th year anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Institute. It’s a huge milestone, and all of the RH issues across Sussex are going to be featuring local WIs to see what they get up to in the community.

COMMUNITY 4 Community News 4 Community Groups

As well as that, there’s a summery garden walk I think you should try, and some local events that are happening this month. Enjoy!

HOMES 14 Bring me Sunshine

Until next month ! Amy

GARDENS 20 Bugs and beetles CHILDREN 26 Avoid tea-time terrors STYLE 27 Clean up your look HEALTH 28 Five ways to boost your

PUBLISHED BY Mantra Magazines Ltd CONTACT Unit 32, Rowfant Business Centre Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NQ WEBSITE www.rhuncovered.co.uk



confidence this summer

ADVERTISING SALES Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk


Heather Porter, Paula Wadey, Nadine Lindsay, info@mantramagazines.co.uk

COMMUNITY PROJECTS MANAGER Emma Stevenson, emma@mantramagazines.co.uk COMMUNITY EDITORIAL Amy Packham, amy@mantramagazines.co.uk ACCOUNTS

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Savings Income Question: Can you tell me what the tax changes were with regards to savings income in the recent Budget announcement please? I’m a pensioner and I rely on my bank interest receipts to boost my income. Answer: From April 2015, if your total income (things like wages, pension, benefits and savings income) is less than your personal allowance plus £5,000, you will be eligible to register for tax-free savings with your bank or building society. Non-savings income is always taxed before savings income. So the tax-free £5,000 savings band only applies if you earn less than £15,600 a year, or if some of your savings income falls into the £5,000 band. If you believe all of your savings income will fall within the £5,000 limit, you can ask your bank or building society to pay your savings interest tax-free by filling in a R85 form, which is available on gov.uk. If only part of your savings income falls into the £5,000 band, you may be able to get some of the tax back. Complete form R40 available on gov.uk and return it to HMRC if you think this applies to you. In addition from April 2016, a tax-free allowance will be introduced for the interest that people earn on savings. If you are a basic rate taxpayer and have a total income up to £42,700 a year, you will be eligible for £1,000 tax-free savings allowance. If you are a higher rate taxpayer and earn between £42,701 and £150,000, you’ll be eligible for a £500 tax-free savings allowance. Those with income in excess of £150,000 a year will be taxed in full on their interest income. As a result, from April 2016 banks and building societies will pay interest gross and HM Revenue & Customs will look to adjust PAYE coding notices accordingly.

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A sunny summer walk at High Beeches


ithout a doubt, one of the best things about summer is being outside, enjoying the weather and the gorgeous gardens we have right on our doorstep (and yet never venture out to see). And it’s even better with the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) - an open garden scheme and a registered charity which has raised over £45 million for nursing and caring charities. This month, we’re guiding you towards the open garden in High Beeches Woodland and Water Garden, under the NGS in Handcross a garden that not only looks beautiful, but different from your usual summer walk. There are 25 acres of woodland and water gardens with spring daffodills, bluebells and many rare and beautiful plants. Have a spot of lunch in the picnic area, walk through the wild flower meadow, or uncover the rare and exotic plants that you can find here.

June is the month to see the flowering of the beautiful 4 acre ancient, acid wildflower meadow full of orchids, buttercups, Ox-eye daisies, yellow rattle, clover and many more, we’re told by Sarah Bray from the gardens. “The meadow has not been cultivated for over 150 years and is managed to encourage the native flora creating a sight not to be missed. The flowers in the meadow attract huge numbers of insects, amongst them butterflies, bees and dragonflies to name but a few,” she adds. Last year, the gardens were named as one of the seven gardens in the country in which to see wildflowers by Plant Life, the wild plant conservation charity. There’s also a wonderful tearoom to relax in after your walk. To visit, head to High Beeches Lane, Handcross, RH17 6HQ on Sunday 7th June, from 1-5pm. Admission is £7, and children go free. Contact Sarah Bray on gardens@highbeeches.com.

COMMUNITY - CHARITIES, CLUBS, GROUPS AND ORGANISATIONS MONDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Alzheimers & Dementia Support Group (Mid Sussex) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— First Monday of the month - 7 - 9.00pm for carers of those with Dementia. Talks with people who have knowledge on various subjects to help those in need. Age Concern, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3DN —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Group , Are you a single man or woman, aged 45+? The Group meets in Burgess Hill on the second Tuesday evening of every month. Walking, golf, theatre, pub evenings, dinner, arts and music, singles holidays. Not a dating agency but an opportunity to make new friends doing the things you enjoy. Also in Lewes, Horsham and Brighton www.thegroup.org.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Minton Badminton Club - meets at Victory Hall, Balcombe 8pm. 01444 400054 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Lindfield Company Boys' Brigade - meets Mondays Anchors (5-8yrs) 6.00pm-7.00pm, Juniors (8-11yrs) 6.30pm-7.30pm, Company Section (11-15yrs) 7.30pm-9.30pm Lindfield United Reform Church, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HL. - Contact - 07810340787 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Rotary Club , (Haywards Heath) Community voluntary group. Meeting on Monday's at 6:15pm - Haywards Heath Golf Club, High Beech Lane, RH16 1SL —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TUESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Ardingly Rainbows Brownies, A uniformed organisation, part of Girl Guiding UK. Tuesdays 5.30pm-7.00pm (term time) Hapstead Hall, High St, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TA. 01444 892717 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mid Sussex Friends of the Earth. We meet fortnightly on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm venues vary (often Haywards Heath). We run campaigns and activities throughout the year, all are welcome. There is no obligation to attend events or meetings as occasional helpers are always welcome. For further details contact Rachel: 01444 891533 - midsussexnature@live.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————



Friendship Club (Tea and Chat), First Tuesday of the month. 2.30pm-4pm (except January) £1.00 for tea and cake. Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, Haywards Heath, W.Sussex, RH17 5AS. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Sussex Harmonisers (Male Barbershop Chorus) 7-10 p.m. (rehearsal) St Paul's Catholic College, Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill, RH15 8GA No——need to read music! Just turn up or call Mike on 01444 415043 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Women’s Institute - meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Join us for book club, walking group, days out, arts and crafts, guest speakers and much more. haywardsheathwi@gmail.com or Tel : 01444 454925. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— All Saints Lindfield Tower Bells, 7.45-9.00pm (practice) Venue: Lindfield All Saints, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HS - Mrs B Dart 01444 482283 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— WEDNESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 12th Haywards Heath Rainbows, For girls aged 5-7 years. Meet Wednesdays 4.30pm-5.45pm (term time only) Haywards Heath United Reformed Church Hall, 55 South Rd. 01444 233 825 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Lindfield Badminton Club - Secretary 01444 453559 Wednesdays 7.30 – 10pm - Oathall Community College, Haywards Heath. Men’ s, Mixed and Ladies’ teams in local leagues - www.freewebs.com/lindfield —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ansty Garden Club, Last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm at Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, West Sussex, RH17 5AS. Suzanne Mace (Secretary) 01444 459151 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 15+ - Wednesday evening - 7pm - 9pm, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, Silver and Gold age 15+ Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— THURSDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Adventurers Art Club, A club for anyone interested in art. 7.30pm-9.30pm (term time) Cuckfield Old School, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, RH17 5JZ www.adventurersart.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

01293 824088

Local youngsters encouraged to

‘get in, go far’ A

government campaign to encourage young people into apprenticeships is being encouraged locally throughout 2015. West Sussex Country Council wants to promote and highlight the huge benefits of apprenticeships.

The modern-style apprenticeships of 2015 are completely different to what they were even five years ago, and young people in our town and villages need to be encouraged that university isn’t the only option after finishing school. And it just goes to show, as in the past 12 months, over 2,500 young people have started apprenticeships - training and earning money, while kickstarting their career. The West Sussex County Council themselves employ 55 apprentices, and are looking to employ more over the next six months. They cover everything from HR, to catering.

Central Sussex College in Haywards Heath offers a range of apprenticeships, from intermediate to advanced and higher and they cover everything from beauty to business and fashion. Premier Sport in Haywards Heath offer sports coaching apprenticeships, as well as digital marketing, SEO, fashion assistants and production. There is so much on offer! Local apprentice in Haywards Heath, Kayley aged 18, said “I’m so glad I chose an apprenticeship over going to university. I’m studying towards a Level 3 qualification in Digital Marketing, I get to work and live locally, and I’m getting paid, too!” For more information on apprenticeships in our area, visit westsussex.gov.uk/jobs/apply-for-an-apprenticeship.

Jeremy Hunt visited a local college during National Apprenticeships Week, and was impressed how well local businesses are working well with colleges in West Sussex.

COMMUNITY - CHARITIES, CLUBS, GROUPS AND ORGANISATIONS Ardingly Choral Society - Non-audition choir, please contact for more information. 7.30pm (term time) - 01273 831264 . Venue: Ardingly College Music School, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6SQ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly Evening Women's Institute, Third Thursday of the month at 7.45pm Venue: Ardingly Village Hall, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Warden Park Badminton Park - 8pm - 10pm at Warden Park Badminton School Cuckfield, Men & Woman with previous experience and of a reasonable standard. 01444 471002 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 11 -14 , Thursday evening - 6.45pm to 8.45pm Duke of Edinburgh Open Award Centre training - Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— FRIDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cuckfield Evening Flower Club - meets on the second Friday of each month at 7.30pm at Queens Hall, Cuckfield. Call Sue Spooner on 01444 831602 for more info. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 4Sight - A reading (book) and discussion group for visually impaired people. 3rd Friday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon (except Aug and Dec) Dorothy Lazenby - 01444 450947 - Haywards Heath Libary —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Flower Club, Last Friday of the month (except Aug & Dec) Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6HP. www.balcombevillage.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Icebreakers Dining Club A local dining club for the single over 40’s. We meet on Friday’s for a meal at a number of different venues in the area, such as pubs, restaurants, country hotels. For more information call Jacquie on 01403-273480 or vists www.icebreakersclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— VARIOUS —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly History Society, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, W. Sussex, ww.ardingly.org ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————



Age UK West Sussex, Monday - Friday 9.00am-4.00pm. 01444 450248. www.ageukwestsussex.org.uk The Redwood Activity Centre, Clair Hall, Perrymount Rd, Haywards Heath, RH16 3DN. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Town Ladies Football Club, 01444 257822. ww.hhtlfc.talktalk.net Thursday training and Sunday matches for ages 16-40 approx. Hanbury Stadium, Haywards Heath. Training: Hurstpierpoint College. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Baha'is of Haywards Heath, Meet in an informal and friendly manner “We are all leaves of one branch on one tree” Contact Hannah on 01444 451783 50——Lucastes Avenue, Haywards Heath, W.Sussex, RH16 1JY. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music 43 Meadow Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2RJ . Mrs G Paine : 01444 483454 (Honary Local Representative) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Tennis Club, Oldlands Avenue, 01444 811839 www.balcombetennisclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cowfold Short Mat Bowls Club, Roll-up sessions all year round, Monday 19:00 - 21:00 - Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00 Thursday 14:30 to 16:30 Contact Roger Hawke on 01444 881477 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Dolphin Ladies Swimming Club Looking for new members to swim on a Tuesday 9.00 am – 11.30 am at the Dolphin Leisure Centre or at Ardingly College pool on a Friday 8.30 am – 10.00 am term time. The teachers are voluntary and we are non profit making (also we support other charities on an annual basis). All ladies welcome whether unable to swim, need advice to improve or wish to attain competitive standard. Contact dolphinladies@gmail.com or—— view our website - www.dolphinladiesswimmingclub.co.uk ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

01293 824088

Urgent call for Creative Volunteers

Following on from the previous extremely successful and popular arts festivals in Lindfield, the organisers are continuing the success of Lindfield Arts Festival over the weekend of the 19th/20th September 2015. “Exciting plans for this year’s festival are already underway with several amazing music groups and bands, exhibitors, other performers and workshop leaders already on board to help make this festival as special and unique as it has been in previous years,” said Marian Cameron.

“However, we need your help. The Trustees are currently looking for people to come and help us organise this special community event. Furthermore if you or your organisation/business would like to participate in this year’s arts festival please get in touch.” To contact Lindfield Arts Festival send an email to enquiries@lindfieldartsfestival.com.

What’s on inJune

6th June 2015 - One Great Day in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital

Following on from last year, the One Great Day event in the Orchards will be full of fun activities to bring the family along to, all in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital. We’re told there will be a bucking bronco, a five-a-side football pitch and unlimited candy floss machine…

6th June 2015 - Sussex Factor Finals

Come and see the greatest local talent in the Orchard’s Shopping Centre for the finals of the Sussex Factor. They’re going to be held alongside the One Great Day fundraiser, and promise to show the greatest local talent battle it out for some amazing prizes and opportunities!

7th June 2015, 17.30pm - Mid-Sussex Sinfonia - Children’s Concert

at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath. Further information can be found on our concerts webpage http://midsussexsinfonia.co.uk/concerts

12th June - Cuckfield Vintage tearoom and crafts market

Everyone loves to go out for tea and cake, and finding local places to indulge is so much better than your average chain cafe. This month, Cuckfield is running a busy vintage team room, alongside their regular monthly market at the Queens Hall in Cuckfield, on June 12th from 9.30am-1pm.

13th June 2015, Saturday, 19.30pm. Mid-Sussex Sinfonia - Summer Concert

at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath. Further information can be found on our concerts webpage http:// midsussexsinfonia.co.uk/concerts

17th June 2015, Wednesday, 10.15 am, Mid-Sussex Decorative and Fine Arts Society Lecture on “This is Wren - the Classical, the Baroque and the City of London Churches” by Tony Tucker. At Clair Hall, Haywards Heath. www.mid-sussexdfas.org.uk

21st June 2015, Sunday, 10am - 2pm, RSPCA South Godstone Car Boot Sale

Eastbourne Road/A22, South Godstone, RH9 8JB. Ice cream van, Cake stall and hot and cold drinks. Free parking with disabled parking area. Sellers all cars £10.00 Vans £15.00 Trailers additional £3.00. Pay on entry. NO NEED TO BOOK YOUR PITCH! Open for set up from 9am. Gates open to buyers at 10am. No Food Sellers or Traders. Admission is by donation please be generous as all funds go to help the animals at the Centre. Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a lead



01293 824088

Friends of Chernobyl’s Children host 2015 visit


arlier last year, we introduced Friends of Chernobyl’s Children (FOCC) Mid Sussex, a charity set up after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine to help the children living with the consequences of this every day. Food is grown in contaminated soil, and the air is polluted by chemical factories. The Mid Sussex charity brings around 14-15 children over from Belarus to Sussex every summer, staying with local host families. This month sees the beginning of the 2015 visit from the children, coming from the 7th June until the 5th July. “We’ve put the activity programme together, and it’s always great to have new things to do,” said Sheila Nash, Group Coordinator. “A few years ago a lady who runs a riding school got in touch after reading about and has invited the children for a riding lesson every year since! She runs the Albourne Equestrian Centre. We also have lots of supporters who invite the children to BBQs in their gardens, and local schools who let the children spend a day with their kids, which is great for learning about other cultures.”

“We provide activities for the kids every weekday 9am - 5pm, and then they spend evenings and weekends with their host families,” Sheila tells us. While it’s too late now to help out with providing activities, the charity is still seeking donations such as good quality clothes, donations and raffle prizes will be hugely appreciated as part of their activities. “We also have a fundraiser after the kids have gone home on the 11th of July. It’s taking place in Horsted Keynes. The whole of the village will be open for business selling everything from bric-a-brac to crafts, cakes and plants.” “We are always very grateful for any kind donations of clothes and toiletries for the children, as well as raffle prizes and monetary sponsorship. Our costs have recently increased by an additional 20% due to visa charges imposed by the government. This means we need to raise an additional £90 per child in order to continue with the visits each year.” For more information on becoming a host family, or donating prizes, visit foccmidsussex.co.uk, tweet them at @foccmidsussex or call 01825 790295. The scheme is based in Horsted Keynes, but the catchment area emcompasses Haywards Heath, Crowborough, Danehill, Newick, Lindfield, Scaynes Hill, Balcome and North Chailey.




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The 100th year anniversary of the

Women’s Institute I

n 1915, 100 years ago, the first Women’s Institute was formed to revitalise rural communities, but also to encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Although their aims have changed, today, there are more than 6,500 women’s institute branches across Britain, hosting around 212,000 members. The great British institution, still running 100 years on, is reinventing itself. Their aims have broadened. They are the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK and local groups still play a very unique role in providing women with opportunities, a chance to build skills, take part in activities, and also to campaign on issues that really matter to them and their communities.

Often associated with food, cooking and healthy eating, craft has also played an important role in the WI and thousands of members across England. They usually meet once a month, welcome speakers and demonstrations, and are eager to learn new skills. Here at RH Uncovered we were keen to see how, 100 years on, the WI operates in our communities today… I caught up with Jean Sedgley, a member of the Scaynes Hill WI. “About 4 years ago I wanted to find a friendship group



in Scaynes Hill. I was given information at Haywards Heath Library and telephoned the President of the WI and just turned up at the next meeting. Being a member is like having an extended, supportive family. This is especially important when a member is ill or going through a difficult time. “We are a small WI – about 30 members. In a small village the WI offers a social network for women of all backgrounds which would otherwise be missing.” “There’s a range of interesting themes for meetings (June: Living in one of HM prisons) and outings (August:Hampton Court, June: The Houses of Parliament) plus a lunch club and a craft club. We enter lots of classes in the South of England Agricultural Show. We had 5 new members join in March. New members are made very welcome and soon integrate into our small WI.” Scaynes Hill Group was found on April 19th in 1917, and one of the first in England. It began as a place for women to find friendship and entertainment, with meetings much looked forward to. The ladies gave us an insight into their first ever meeting, at 3pm on that very Thursday, with discussions about cups and saucers for future meetings, the rules of the WI explained, and a prize offer for a cake competition.

01293 824088

Pat Barnett, the President, joined in January 2011. She was partially retired and wanted to keep busy. “We are a small friendly group of various ages and backgrounds,” Pat told us. “Not all members live in the village they come from Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill, East Grinstead, and Ardingly. “We encourage new members by word of mouth, articles in the Parish magazine and advertising events. Ladies who have reached the age of majority can join and there is no upper age limit.” The ladies meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2pm, Pat explains, and have interesting speakers, tea and cake and a natter, as well as conducting the WI business, about national and country level information. “The 3rd Wednesday is lunch club day - the committee organise a place to meet and ladies can come along if they so wish. The 4th Wednesday is the craft group meeting we have a lot of very good crafters!”

“We are a lively, friendly group with an active craft group. For the Christmas market raffle the craft group each year have produced a wonderful quilted blanket. The winners have always been delighted and have said that they could become family heirlooms.” “Yes we sing Jerusalem at the beginning of the meeting, jam does get made, but we are very much 21st century thinkers and workers.” Pat adds at the end. To find out more about the Scaynes Hill Women’s Institute, visit http://scayneshill. webplus.net/wi.

All their meetings are held in the Scaynes Hill Millennium Village centre. Their centenary celebrations will be held in September, on the 9th at St Augustines Church in Scaynes Hill, followed by an afternoon tea. On November 28th, they’re holding their fourth Christmas market. “For this we have some stall holders who pay a fee for the stall. However stalls are given to charities free of charge and the charity keeps all that they make on the stall. The village community choir have attended and also the children’s choir from the village school have entertained. So this is very much a community event,” Pat told us.




Bring Me Add extra space, make the most of precious sunshine and bring the garden into your house. Katherine Sorrell looks at what you should consider when planning to build a conservatory.

Kit or bespoke? Kits tend to be cheap and DIY-friendly, as most of the parts (usually a PVCu frame and polycarbonate roofing) are pre-cut and predrilled ready for installation. If you choose a bespoke design you’ll pay a great deal more, but you’ll have something tailored to your individual requirements. Remember that unless a conservatory is well finished and appropriate to your property, it may detract from rather than add to its value. Size, siting and aspect A simple plant room or occasional-use home office can be squeezed into quite a small space, but for a useable room such as a sitting room, dining room or playroom, allow at least eight to ten metres of floor area. Overall, ensure that the proportions of your conservatory suit how you’re going to live in it and complement your property and garden.

Walls and frames Traditionally, conservatories are built onto a 600mm high ‘dwarf’ wall made of brick or stone, in a colour and style that matches or complements that of the main house. More recently, however, fully-glazed structures have become fashionable, offering a contemporary look and even more light. The most popular choice for the wall framework is PVCu, a material that is light, strong, requires little maintenance and is often made to stock lengths so it can be system-built quickly and easily. It isn’t an environmentally friendly choice, however, and its modern look can be inappropriate for a period property. Bespoke conservatories are generally made in hardwood, which can be carved into slender, intricate designs and suits older properties, though it is more expensive and requires regular maintenance.

How will your conservatory adjoin the house? Is there a large enough exterior wall, and will you have to avoid obstructions such as trees or outbuildings? If possible, try to place it facing east or west, as north-facing conservatories tend to be cold, while south-facing ones can overheat.



01293 824088

Glazing Double or triple glazing is essential to reduce heat loss from a conservatory at any time other than mid-summer. The best glazing combines a low-emissivity coating that reflects heat back inside, and argon-gas filled units for maximum insulation. In a bespoke conservatory, you can specify tinted, etched, obscured, anti-sun, fire-resistant, self-cleaning or other specialist glass at a price. For roofs, choose from glass or polycarbonate panels.

Ventilation In the height of summer you’ll need to be able to provide a cool waft of air in your conservatory. Roof vents may be opened manually (with long-armed winding gear) or electrically, or may even be thermostatically controlled to open at the necessary time, with a sensor to close them if it starts to rain. Trickle vents in the roof or side windows are useful, allowing warm air to flow out as necessary. You may also wish to add a central ceiling fan.

The latter are light and strong, cheap, and quick and easy to fit, but tend to obscure light, particularly at thicknesses that achieve the same thermal performance as double glazing. Near trees, they may also suffer from algae growth.

Shading Not just necessary for privacy, blinds also provide shade from direct sunlight and reduce the build-up of heat. If the latter is a problem, your best bet is solar-reflective roller blinds. Otherwise, the options include pleated fabric, pinoleum Roman blinds and slatted Venetian blinds. The blinds you choose will have an enormous impact on the style of the room as a whole, so take your time choosing a look that’s right for you. Remember to ask how easy it is to clean your chosen blinds, and consider whether you want to open and close them with pull-cords, rods or via remote control.

Heating Heating is essential if you plan to use your conservatory in winter and, to comply with building regulations, it must be independent from your main system. You may wish to place radiators against the dwarf walls or install under-floor heating, either of the warm-water pipe or electric cable variety, or you may consider electric trench heaters, hidden under grilles around the edges of the floor. Where there’s room for a chimney or flue it is perfectly possible to install an open fire on the wall that was the outside of the original house.

Do I need permission? Many small, domestic conservatories don’t need planning permission, but there are conditions. For further information, look at planningportal.gov.uk and consult your local planning authority.

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Bugs and Beetles Bugs and beasties are really thriving in this warmer weather, so just how should you deal with the most common problems you are likely to encounter at this time of year? Aphids


Greenfly and blackfly, also known as aphids, can be a real menace as they suck sap from your plants and can transmit viruses at the same time. Aphids breed incredibly rapidly, so regular control is necessary.

Woodlice often cause a lot of concern, however these little creatures are rarely responsible as they simply do not have adequately strong mouthparts. They can cause damage to soft new growth or occasionally to soft-fleshed fruits such as strawberries but can’t tackle tougher plant growth. You may see them at the ‘scene of the crime’ and presume that they have caused the initial damage but they have probably moved in to clean up a lot of the debris created by other creatures.

Check plants regularly and either spray with a suitable insecticide or a soap or plant oil based insecticide

Use biological controls – they’re totally safe for all other creatures and of course leave no residues

Use a strong jet of water to blast the aphids off plants, but do a thorough job or else they will soon be back up and causing damage

Caterpillars Caterpillars come in all shapes, sizes and colours, but can do a lot of damage as they munch their way through your plants and perhaps even into your vegetables. •

Hand pick the pest where possible and either squash or place on the bird table. They’re easiest to spot at dusk or very early in the morning.

Spray with a suitable contact insecticide or better still use the Nemasys Caterpillar biological control.

Some caterpillars, in particular the Tortrix Moth produce quantities of fine webbing which they use to bind leaves or other plant parts together to create particularly safe shelters for themselves. It’s hard for a pesticide to actually reach them so hand picking or squashing is often the best answer.

Cover caterpillar-susceptible crops such as calabrese, broccoli and other brassicas with Envirofleece or Enviromesh.

Earwigs Earwigs can cause quite a bit of damage, particularly on the flowers of plants such as clematis and dahlias, where they nibble out large quantities of petal or occasionally leaf. Try trapping them using an inverted flowerpot on top of a bamboo cane. The bamboo cane and pot should be positioned amongst susceptible plants and the pot needs to be stuffed loosely full of hay, straw or similar material. The earwigs climb in there to hide and the pots can them simply be emptied out on a regular basis. Mildew Powdery mildew is also a problem at this time of year; it coats plant leaves, stems, buds and sometimes even petals with a white floury deposit. Sometimes the mildew can also prevent fruits from swelling normally, cause the leaves to become distorted and even fall early. Prompt action is essential and if you wish you can use a proprietary fungicide but check the label carefully for suitability. Keep the damage to a minimum in the first instance by ensuring that the plants are kept well watered. In addition try to ensure a good flow of air around the plants. A bit of careful pruning or weeding often helps too.

Visit Pippa’s website www.pippagreenwood.com where you can sign up for Pippa’s free newsletter and receive a free ebook on organic gardening, and buy a great range of gardening products including Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh, Envirofleece and a hand-picked selection of garden products



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01293 824088

any of us dream of running our own business and becoming renowned in our chosen field, but for Sussex resident Sam French, that dream has quickly become a reality – already winning Gatwick Diamond’s Young Start-Up Talent, having his quirky gingerbread bakes featured in Vogue magazine and even becoming a motivational speaker, inspiring fellow young entrepreneurs; all before he turned twenty-three years old.

Sam, who won a prize worth £50,000 from the Young Start Up awards in 2013, was inspired to bake his way to success whilst on a trip to Selfridges with his grandad – even though he couldn’t actually bake at the time: “I went into London to have lunch with my grandad. I hadn’t even been in there before, but had wanted to go. After trying some gingerbread I remember thinking: this is one of the best stores in the world, but I’m sure I can do better, so I started baking!” It took Sam a little over a year to perfect his gingerbread men (and women) and it wasn’t long before he was supplying both local and national businesses; including British Airways, winning over the Gatwick Diamond judges and motivating others with the story behind his London Fashion Week influenced collection and personalised bakes.

“I’ve always been someone who wants to do whatever I’m doing to the best of my ability,” Sam, who founded Sam’s Kitchen at just sixteen, tells us. “Whether that was selling second-hand toys (as the Crawley resident starting doing when he was just five, at his dad’s stall) or selling gingerbread men, I think it’s important to really love and enjoy what you do.”

“It’s been so exciting,” the young entrepreneur continues, “I’ve met some really inspirational people – including the founder of British retailer Jack Wills, which was amazing! You only live once, if there’s something you want to do, why not give it a go? “You’ll never know otherwise!”

We’re pleased to announce that Sam will be joining the RH Uncovered team, showcasing the talents of fellow business owners in our local area – pop over to www.rhuncovered.co.uk to check out his latest blog!



01293 824088


The Jolly Tanners

Haywards Heath & Beech Hurst Bowls Club Open Day Saturday 6th June 2015 from 2pm

Free Mid-Summer Music Fest in aid of St Catharine’s Hospice Local musicians & bands throughout the weekend Saturday 20th June 1pm -11pm & Sunday 21st 1pm -9.30pm

Charity raffle, BBQ & fund raising events throughout the weekend

01444 400 335

The Jolly Tanners, Staplefield, West Sussex

VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION SHOP IN HAYWARDS HEATH Training and hours to suit you, If you have a little time to spare, then please call:

Teresa,Tania or Becky Tel: 01444 459526

Come and join us at our Open Day on Saturday 6th June from 2pm all are welcome. If you are interested in playing Bowls we will have Bowls coaches to help you give it a go. No dress code just flat shoes You can find us in a beautiful setting of Beech Hurst Gardens with its miniature Railway running by the side of the Bowls Green. There is a club house with a bar. During the summer, apart from a full fixture card of friendlies with local Clubs we host the Bowls Sussex Ladies Finals plus a Charity Day and other local and club Competitions. We are looking for new members either to play bowls or as a social member. We hold lots of social events through the year from BBQs in the summer to Race Nights, Bingo, Quizzes and live music in the winter. In addition we play short mat bowls in the clubhouse several days a week throughout the winter. We are looking forward to seeing you at our Open Day. For further information please contact the Captain John Milsom 07785 782372.

Best d e t o V ussex S n i Pub 4/15 201 Silver Surfers Lunch Club

2 Fish and Chips for the price of 1

3 course menu only £10.99 pp any lunchtime 12-4pm. When quoting RH16 Uncovered

with peas or beans plus a cup of tea only £9.95 for 2 people available anytime. When quoting RH16 Uncovered

Tapas + carafe of Sangria only £20

Freshly cooked breakfasts served daily

Book 10 or more people and the organiser eats FREE

Children and dog friendly Follow us on facebook and twitter

for 2 people every Wednesday between 6pm and 10 pm. When quoting RH16 Uncovered

from 9.30am-12.00pm. 7 items plus Orange juice and tea only £5.95per person. When quoting RH16 Uncovered

High Street, Balcombe, West Sussex (5 minutes from Crawley) @rhuncovered



Avoiding Tea-Time Terrors For many parents, the end of the day is when we’re at our busiest. From picking the kids up from nursery, school and after-school activities, to unpacking shopping, helping with homework, cooking dinner and supervising bath time – it can be a whirlwind few hours. That’s why this Child Safety Week (1st – 7th June), the focus is on tackling tea time terrors, as organisers, the Child Accident Prevention Trust found that most serious accidents happen during these hours. The week aims to offer parents simple and practical tips to keep their children safe, with events throughout the country. Families are invited to take part in a range of fun activities, including tasting Bitrex - known as the bitterest substance discovered, making it a powerful deterrent to accidental swallowing of harmful household, garden and automotive chemicals.

“Tea-time is a high pressure time for parents, with lots of competing demands. But it’s when pressures are high and everyone is tired that serious accidents can happen, including devastating burns and children knocked down by cars,” Katrina Phillips, Chief Executive of the Child Accident Prevention Trust, explains. “This Child Safety Week, we’re offering simple tips to help families make safety part of their tea-time routines. Look out for local events, check out our safety advice and join us on Facebook and Twitter.” Advice is available now on the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s website www.capt.org.uk, Facebook page www.facebook.com/ChildAccidentPreventionTrust, and via Twitter @childsafetyweek.

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01293 824088

Clean Up Your Look!


When was the last time you washed your make up brushes? It’s estimated that many of us have NEVER cleaned the beauty tools that we use every single day or replaced our cosmetic supplies or make-up bags! It’s time we gave our makeup bags a make-over! With these pretty pieces, we’re sure you’ll be tempted to put those dirty, old brushes in the bin pronto…

1. Studio make up bag, Oliver Bonas, £13.50

3. Limited Collection mini brush set, Marks and Spencer, £8.50

2. Limited collection BB cream, Mark and Spencer, £7.00

4. Lip and cheek velvet stick, The Body Shop, £12.00



Here comes Summer! • Exciting smart & casual clothing • Irresistible shoes & handbags • Beautiful hats and fascinators

Marble, Pomodoro, Amazing Woman, FDJ, Yest, Decollage, Michaela Louisa, Heavenly Feet Tel: 01342 823703 Tue - Sat 10am - 5pm

www.privatecollectionladieswear.co.uk Private Collection, The Square, Lewes Road, Forest Row RH18 5ES



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Five ways to boost your confidence this summer With summer fast approaching the thought of shedding off those layers of clothes can terrify us. Here’s some top tips to help you blossom this Summer.

• Firstly how about shedding all those negative thoughts about how you look. It’s time to spring clean those thoughts. Rather than starting from a point of ‘I wish I was’, start from ‘this is where I am, how can I move forward?’. As you head along the journey clear out the excess. How many of you keep clothes in their wardrobe ‘just in case’. You are already telling yourself you're likely to fail. As you open your wardrobe this summer see the clothes of the future, not the past. • Secondly, the key to dieting and healthy eating is listening to our bodies. Imagine balancing all the unhealthy food we eat in one hand and all the nutritious healthy foods in the other. Can you imagine what each hand would look like? Junk food sticking to one hand, running down your fingers, a mix of sticky ingredients. Against the natural foods, the fresh fruits and vegetables, with every colour of the rainbow catered for. I know which one is more appealing to me. If you are not sure or want some guidance, we have so many nutritionists available locally these days.



• Thirdly and just as importantly is hydration. Our bodies are made up of over 70% water. If you’re dehydrated this is a form of negative stress on the body. • Tip four is exercise. When you exercise you release a feel good chemical into the body. So not only are you burning off energy, you’re releasing that feel good chemical in you. • Finally but just as important, sleep… no I’m not hypnotising you! A lack of sleep can cause us to lose focus and make mistakes, which is turn can undermine our confidence. So how to spring into Summer confidently? Look after number one. Take time to relax. Have a massage. Treat yourself to a relaxing hypnotherapy session. Fuel your body with energising natural fuel. Why not grow vegetables? Then not only do you get the energy, you get the exercise looking after them. So shoulders back, a smile on your face and make this Summer your most confident one ever. Becky Wells, www.beckywells.com Personal Development Hypnotherapist www.payitforwarduk.net

What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a natural state of heightened awareness that occurs within all of us. It allows us to open our minds to beneficial suggestions and allows the client to use their imagination to make positive changes. A brief way to describe a feeling similar to hypnosis is that moment you’ve been watching TV and not heard a word that’s been said, even though you’ve been staring straight at the screen. Alternatively it’s the car journey where you wonder how you got to a certain place. Your mind is on auto-pilot and must have been in control, otherwise there would probably have been an accident. What can hypnotherapy help with? • Agoraphobia • Anxiety • Blushing • Confidence Building • Depression • Fears and Phobias • Gambling • Guilt • Habits and Compulsions • IBS • Insecurity • Insomnia • Memory Recall • Nail biting • Nervousness • Pain Control • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Panic Attacks • Public Speaking • Smoking • Stress Management • Timidity • Trauma • Weight Problems • Worry

01293 824088


Expand your horizons Enjoy an inspirational three day creative retreat this summer in a Creativity is a beautiful Sussex great way to get venue. Begin a to know youself, to creative journal, grow in confidence explore mixed and to let go media and create of tension unique pieces to and stress. take home. Suited to all levels of ability. Friday 31st July to Sunday 2nd August, £195 to include materials. Book by 30th June 2015, quoting ‘RH’ To book please contact

www.thekooranacentre.com info@thekooranacentre.com

The Koorana Centre, Street Lane, Ardingly RH17 6UB





Fixed Fee Divorce

£450 plus VAT & Court Fees (£950)

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• Servicing • Repairs • MOT’s

Unit 12 Sheddingdean Business Centre, Burgess Hill, RH15 0PZ

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Accountants, Tax Assist Accountants (Haywards Heath) , 3 Blinds, Blind Design, 7 Bowling Club, Haywards Heath and Beech Hurst , 25 Carpentry & Joinery, Bridgland Carpentry Services, 18 Carpets & Flooring, Carpet Man Sussex, 18 Charity, Cats Protection, 9 Clothes Shop, Private Collection, 27 Conservatories, Icon Roofs Ltd, 21 Doctor’s surgery, Cuckfield Medical Practice, 29 Domiciliary Care, Surrey Quality Care Ltd, 5 Double Glazing, As Good As New, 18 Drain Specialist, Drainjet, 19 Driveways, Resin Drives, 32 Driveways, Vintage Driveways, 22 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 18 Garage Services, Ellis Motors of Burgess Hill, 30 Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 41 Health and Wellbeing Centre, The Koorana Centre, 29 Hearing Care Centre, Action For Deafness, 29 Interior Design, Homesmiths, 19


Kitchen and Bathroom Services, Dream Doors Interiors Ltd, 16 Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 18 Opticians, Dolphins Optometrists, 11 Painter and Decorator, Adrian Inman, 16 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing, 17 Property Refurbishment & Construction, Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 15 Public House and Restaurant, The Half Moon Balcombe, 25 Public House and Restaurant, The Jolly Tanners, 25 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, Tilley & Co, 16 Roofing, B M Roofing, 18 Satellite/TV, Norsat, 17 Scaffolding, Sussex Chimneys (East Grinstead Scaffolding), 19 Solicitor, Flackwoods Solicitors, 30 Solicitor, Tisshaw Family Law Solicitors, 30 Swimming School, Tracy Lowe Swim School, 26 Taxi Services, AV Cars, 1 Tree Care, Bartlett Tree Experts, 21 Tree Surgeons, Beadell Tree Surgeons, 22 Tree Surgeons, Holder Tree Services, 21 Tree Surgeons, J Ledger Tree Care, 22 Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 22 Will Writing Service, Thy Will Be Done, 10



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