RH16 & RH17 EDITION - SEPTEMBER 2015 - ISSUE 30 Delivered to 24,000 homes & businesses in the RH16 & RH17 postcodes
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It is with the greatest of sadness that we deliver to you the heart breaking news of the demise of our colleague and friend, Jonathan Courtenage (Jon). We send out our thoughts and prayers to give strength to his nearest and dearest through this tough time. Jon will be deeply missed, but leaves behind all the fond memories we have of him. He always had a smile, and was highly regarded by everyone who ever had the opportunity to meet him.
Jon was such an extraordinary person. This is truly a great loss to us, and everyone’s life he touched.
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Marriage Allowance Question: What is the Marriage Allowance?
Answer: The new Marriage Allowance will let you transfer some of your Personal Allowance to your spouse or civil partner. This is the amount of income people can get before paying tax. The Marriage Allowance is most advantageous if throughout the 2015/16 tax year one of you has income of £10,600 or less in the 2015/16 tax year, you may be able to reduce your partner’s tax by up to £212. The 2015/16 tax year starts on 6th April 2015 and ends on 5th April 2016 the following year. Eligibility In order to qualify for the Allowance, throughout the 2015/16 tax year you must both be: • Not higher or additional rate taxpayers, • UK resident and domiciled, • Married or in a civil partnership with one another; and • Born on or after 6th April 1935. If you and your partner are eligible for Marriage Allowance, you can register your interest with HMRC online. HMRC will send you an email explaining what to do next. If your application is successful, HMRC will backdate any changes in your tax to 6th April 2015. If you’d like to discuss your personal tax affairs in more detail, please contact us for a free consultation
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Hello September! While many of you will associate September with going “back to school”, others might be concentrating on the fact that autumn is well on its way. And I know I’m not the only one when I say 2015 has gone so quickly - I feel like it was only several weeks ago I was making my new year’s resolutions! Luckily I’ve managed to stick to (most) of them. For me, autumn brings training! I’m running the Brighton Half Marathon in February for Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice and I’m a complete beginner - but more about that below. For those of you who love to be creative, you’re probably aware that the Lindfield Arts Festival is on this month. It’s a huge affair with loads to do. There’s a few last-minute callouts, as well as three events happening during the festival that we think you should go to. We also interviewed a fantastic support group at the Princess Royal Hospital about how they have helped hundreds of women in the community. Have a fantastic month, and please get in touch if you are running any autumn or winter events ASAP! Amy COMMUNITY 6 Community News 12 Whats On CHILDREN AND EDUCATION 14 Questions To Ask When Choosing Your Child’s School FOOD AND DRINK 19 Mediterranean Fish Bake HEALTH 20 Managing the Menopause STYLE 24 Hello Autumn! HOMES 26 9 ways to create a new room in your house GARDENS 34 Unwelcome Visitors
PUBLISHED BY Mantra Magazines Ltd CONTACT Unit 32, Rowfant Business Centre Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NQ WEBSITE www.rhuncovered.co.uk
ADVERTISING SALES Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk Heather Porter, Paula Wadey, Nadine Lindsay,
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David Arnold, Christine Seymour production@mantramagazines.co.uk COMMUNITY PROJECTS MANAGER Emma Stevenson, emma@mantramagazines.co.uk COMMUNITY EDITORIAL Amy Packham, amy@mantramagazines.co.uk ACCOUNTS
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with Jessie J and The Vamps I
t’s not often that famous faces such as Jessie J enter the RH16/17 area but this month, things are about to change.
The brand-new Boomerang Festival comes to town on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September at Hickstead Showground for a two-day music event. Lizzie Bunn, Hickstead director said, when launching the event: “We are very excited to announce the launch of Boomerang Hickstead, our first major live music event. It’s set to be a superb weekend of music and the huge International arena will provide a wonderful, open-air concert venue” Headlining on the Saturday night is Simple Minds, who will be performing songs from their latest album ‘Big Music’.
Supporting Simple Minds are The Proclaimers and country music-influenced duo, The Shires, as well as up and coming phenomenon Andreya Triana. On Sunday, Jessie J (eek!) arrives to perform chart favourites including ‘Domino’, ‘Price Tag’ and latest number one smash ‘Bang Bang’. Joining Jessie J as headliner is The Vamps. Further support comes from ‘Keep On Movin’ and ‘Back To Life’ award winners Soul II Soul and rising singer songwriter star, Rae Morris. As well as watching the acts perform, there will be pop-up restaurants, street food and alternative entertainment away from the main stage. Tickets are priced £39.50 for one day, or £75 for the whole weekend. For more information and to book tickets, visit boomeranghickstead.com. Hickstead Showground, West Sussex, RH17 5NU.
Celebrate Cuckfield’s 10th Village Show: Entries Are Open
his year marks the 10th anniversary of Cuckfield’s Village Show, and it’s going to be bigger and better than before.
Ogranised by the Cuckfield Society, the show will be held on the 12th September from 2pm-4.30pm, and will be a mix of tents, teas, brass bands, pumpkins, photos, and family fun. Each year, the village runs competitions during the show which include categories of vegetables, fruit, flower, floral art, crafts, art, photography and of course the junior entries, too. Can you grow the longest runner bean, the heaviest pumpkin or the heaviest marrow? Or are you better at arranging flowers or sewing a cushion cover? As a 10th anniversary special, there are extra categories for teens (10-16-year-olds) to enter, including victoria sandwich, shortbread, piece of art and jewellery categories.
Applications to enter any of the categories should be received no later than 7pm on Wednesday 9 September, so it’s time to hurry! For all entry details, visit cuckfield.org and click on “Village shows”. Good luck, and please do get in touch with photos of your entries if you take part.
Why I’m Racing for Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice I
’ve never been a runner. During athletics when I was at school I was always a sprinter, but long distance running has never been for me. However, back in April this year I went to watch the runners at the Brighton Marathon, and stood at the finish line as thousands of people came through. From looking at everyone’s vests, I saw all the worthy causes people were running for, special notes about their family, and groups of people who were supporting them. That’s the point I realised I wanted to do my bit too, so I signed up for the Brighton Half in February 2016. When I started running I couldn’t even run 5k, and within four months of training I had completed my first 12k. I’m currently struggling to get over the 15k mark! At RH Uncovered, we all like to do our bit for charity too. Matthew Arnold, the Managing Director, and Emma Stevenson, the Community Project Manager, did an abseil for charity earlier this year, and so I decided to run for a local children’s hospice.
Children who go to the hospice have life-limiting conditions, and the charity offers support for the whole family.
Chestnut Tree House is the only children’s hospice in East and West Sussex, and cares for 300 children and young adults form 0-19.
Janet Parsons from Chestnut Tree House told us: “Families are never charged for the care they receive. “With less than 8% of our funding coming from central government, we rely almost entirely on our local community and events like the Brighton Half Marathon to raise the £3 million we need each year to provide this care. “We are so grateful to all of our runners - their support means a great deal to all of us at Chestnut Tree House.” If you’d like to donate money for Chestnut Tree House and support my sister, Leanne Packham, and I in our race, please head here: www.justgiving.com/Amy-Leanne-Packham. To find out more about running for Chestnut Tree House please visit www.chestnut-tree-house.org.uk/run or contact the Events Team on 01903 706355. Email events@chestnut-tree-house.org.uk
01342 718348
M.A.P.S: A Local Support Group That Really Makes A Difference P
amela Parsons is the founder of Midwives And Parents Support (M.A.P.S), a group which works to support anyone who has lost a baby through stillbirth, neonatal death, late miscarriage or termination for foetal abnormality. While it might not be the happiest of subjects, Pamela has received an MBE for her work, and the group is a vital place for parents who need to explore their thoughts and feelings within a safe environment. We spoke to Pamela about how the group began, and how they hope to support parents in the community. “In 1991 I was working as a midwife at the old Cuckfield Hospital,” she told us. “One night whilst in charge of the Maternity Unit I admitted a lady who was expecting her second baby. In the morning I handed over her care to the day staff but when I returned to work that night she had sadly given birth to a beautiful stillborn baby boy.
“This had me thinking of how many parents this had happened to and how difficult it must be to actively seek help when your world has fallen apart.” After some research, Pamela decided to start a support group which could be available from when parents were in hospital and continue for as long as was needed. With the help of three colleagues, Pamela and the group held their first meeting in July 1991 and named the group M.A.P.S. “It was not long before I realiaed how inadequate I was running the group, so over the next two years I self-funded three counselling courses, one of which was specifically for bereavement.
“It was devastating and affected all the staff. I visited her on the ward offering as much support as I was able, but felt quite useless.”
“Over the last 24 years we have tried to provide facilities that parents have asked for. This has included provision of a specially-designated room just outside the labour ward furnished with a double bed, homely furnishings plus a shower unit so parents can spend time together before and after their baby is born.”
Pamela said when she was discharged, the lady would ring her to talk about her baby and some days would come to the hospital and just sit at the top of the stairs.
The group provides parents ‘Precious Memory’ boxes which include a camera, photo album, notebook and pencil, candle, two teddy bears, hand knitted blanket and small bunch of flowers.
“I was the link to her baby and she needed to talk about him,” said Pamela. “I was more than happy to talk with her but unfortunately as I was in charge of a busy labour ward I could not give her the time she obviously needed.
Each year, the group holds a memorial service where Pamela decorates a personalised candle for each baby, to enable parents and their families to come together to remember their precious babies so sadly lost. Pamela was awarded an MBE in 2007 which she described as a “total shock”. She was nominated by six bereaved couples who having lost so much yet did this, it is so humbling. MAPS continues to meet on the first Friday of the month, at 7.30pm in a room adjacent to the antenatal clinic, The Princess Royal Hospital. It is confidential, asks no fees and provides a forum for parents to explore thoughts and feelings within a safe environment. For more information, visit midwivesandparentssupport.co.uk.
Community Hero:
RobinSpringer Mid Sussex District Scouts
e’re always keen to profile people in the community who really stand out. Those who are doing their bit, making a difference, and really bringing people together. To kick off September’s hero spot, we have Robin Springer, who was nominated by Paula Pearson (and many others, including Jo Baker, Carla Spear and Tony Pearson). Robin has been a member of the Scout Association since he was six, and became a leader back in 1996 in a group in Haywards Heath. He’s since been involved with District, County, Explorers and has run numerous international trips including Uganda and New Zealand. Robin is part of the 3rd Haywards Heath Scout Group. When asked why Robin deserved to be the community hero, Paula explained how she knew Robin first: “Robin was in the district team and involved with explorers when I came in as a Beaver Scout leader, then I moved up to cubs. But during my time with cubs about five years ago Robin was appointed district commissioner.” So why is he a community hero? “Robin is a community hero because of his undying love and passion for scouting and that he can turn a group from nothing into something. This was his group as a child. He was a beaver then a cub then a scout, and he is very happy to see the group flourish.” Paula said Robin has made a huge difference to the community and has shown the group that he really believes in them. She said his lust for scouting is “still as enthusiastic as it was as a child”.
“He gives the group a lot of his time as well as working full time he is also a dad and husband has a beautiful daughter and another baby on the way. But for Robin, nothing is too much trouble.” Do you want to nominate a community hero who you believe inspires the local area, puts in their own time to make a difference, or simply deserves some recognition? Email me at amy@mantramagazines.co.uk with your nomination and tell me why you think he/she deserves to be in next month’s issue!
01342 718348
Busking Call Out And Events To Attend
Lindfield Art’s Festival organisers
his year’s Lindfield Art Festival is back VERY soon, and will be held from 18th-20th September. The festival is a registered charity and their main sponsors this year Barrett Homes’. Since 2010, the village has been hosting an annual art event and referred themselves as the “creative hub” of Mid Sussex. Thousands of visitors now attend the event, which celebrates art in all its forms and for all ages. This year, they are looking for buskers to perform along the high street on Saturday 19th or Sunday 20th. This was trialed for the first time at the 2014 festival, and was a huge success. Claire Durant, volunteer for Lindfield Arts Festival, told us: “There will be three ‘busk stops’ positioned at different points along the high street where musicians can perform for 15-20 mins. “All walks of life are welcome, whether that’s aspiring artists who want to gain live performance experience or complete amateurs who would love an opportunity to perform to a crowd. “The festival this year will be focused just on venues along the high street so we are hoping there will be lots of passersby to watch the buskers. It will create a real buzz about the festival.” If you are interested in performing music, please email enquiries@lindfieldartsfestival.com.
Lynn Tulip, from Lindfield Arts Festival said: “People should come to the festival this year to see unique short Lindfield plays performed in the High Street by children, students and professional actors. Stories about Lindfield’s history. “The Festival has something for all ages of the community. It’s going to be fun and frivolous. “The art and crafts will be in King Edward Hall with exhibitions from Rotary and WI as well. From All Saints Church to Lindfield Primary School, the Festival will showcase local talent from Friday to Sunday!” Want to get a taste of what’s going on? Here’s a couple of ideas to get you excited: Alex Wilson Memorial Exhibition - FOR ADULTS Alex Wilson was a prolific abstract artist who unfortunately passed away on 19th April 2015. Born in Scotland but settling in Eastbourne, he painted and sketched throughout his life. Jacqui Smith’s Design sessions - FOR CHILDREN Jacqui Smith is holding children’s interior design session for your youngsters who want to get involved. They are being held on the 19th September and are one hour sessions from 10-11am, 11.30-12.30pm, 1.30-2.30pm and 3-4pm at Barratt Homes Sales Office in Lindfield.
To book events and find out what else is on, please visit lindfieldartsfestival.com. Keep up to date by following them on Twitter: @LindfieldArts and Facebook: Facebook.com/LindfieldArtsFestival.
MONDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Alzheimers & Dementia Support Group (Mid Sussex) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— First Monday of the month - 7 - 9.00pm for carers of those with Dementia. Talks with people who have knowledge on various subjects to help those in need. Age Concern, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3DN —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Minton Badminton Club - meets at Victory Hall, Balcombe 8pm. 01444 400054 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Lindfield Company Boys' Brigade - meets Mondays Anchors (5-8yrs) 6.00pm-7.00pm, Juniors (8-11yrs) 6.30pm-7.30pm, Company Section (11-15yrs) 7.30pm-9.30pm Lindfield United Reform Church, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HL. - Contact - 07810340787 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Rotary Club , (Haywards Heath) Community voluntary group. Meeting on Monday's at 6:15pm - Haywards Heath Golf Club, High Beech Lane, RH16 1SL —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Isle of Thorns Bowls Club - Join our very friendly club on Monday (2.00 p.m.) and Thursday (6.00 p.m.) to play a relaxing game of bowls in the beautiful Ashdown forest. No experience necessary. Just come along and try us out. Lewes Rd, Chelwood Gate. Contact Barbara Bird: 01342 323861 www.iotbowls.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TUESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Ardingly Rainbows Brownies, A uniformed organisation, part of Girl Guiding UK. Tuesdays 5.30pm-7.00pm (term time) Hapstead Hall, High St, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TA. 01444 892717 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mid Sussex Friends of the Earth - We meet fortnightly on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm venues vary (often Haywards Heath). We run campaigns and activities throughout the year. For info call Rachel: 01444 891533 - midsussexnature@live.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Friendship Club (Tea and Chat), First Tuesday of the month. 2.30pm-4pm (except January) £1.00 for tea and cake. Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, RH17 5AS. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Sussex Harmonisers (Male Barbershop Chorus) - 7-10 p.m. (rehearsal) St Paul's Catholic College, Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill, RH15 8GA No——need to read music! Just turn up or call Mike on 01444 415043 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Women’s Institute - meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Join us for book club, walking group, days out, arts and crafts, guest speakers and much more. haywardsheathwi@gmail.com or Tel : 01444 454925. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— All Saints Lindfield Tower Bells, 7.45-9.00pm (practice) Venue: Lindfield All Saints, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HS - Mrs B Dart 01444 482283 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Group , Are you a single man or woman, aged 45+? The Group meets in Burgess Hill on the second Tuesday evening of every month. Walking, golf, theatre, pub evenings, dinner, arts and music, singles holidays. Not a dating agency but an opportunity to make new friends doing the things you enjoy. Also in Lewes, Horsham and Brighton www.thegroup.org.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— WEDNESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 12th Haywards Heath Rainbows, For girls aged 5-7 years. Meet Wednesdays 4.30pm-5.45pm (term time only) Haywards Heath United Reformed Church Hall, 55 South Rd. 01444 233 825 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Lindfield Badminton Club - Secretary 01444 453559 Wednesdays 7.30 – 10pm - Oathall Community College, Haywards Heath. Men’ s, Mixed and Ladies’ teams in local leagues - www.freewebs.com/lindfield —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ansty Garden Club, Last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm at Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, West Sussex, RH17 5AS. Suzanne Mace (Secretary) 01444 459151 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 15+ - Wednesday evening - 7pm - 9pm, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, Silver and Gold age 15+ Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
THURSDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly Evening Women's Institute, Third Thursday of the month at 7.45pm Venue: Ardingly Village Hall, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Adventurers Art Club, A club for anyone interested in art. 7.30pm-9.30pm (term time) Cuckfield Old School, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, RH17 5JZ www.adventurersart.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly Choral Society - Non-audition choir, please contact for more information. 7.30pm (term time) - 01273 831264 . Venue: Ardingly College Music School, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6SQ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Warden Park Badminton Park - 8pm - 10pm - at Warden Park Badminton School Cuckfield, Men & Woman with previous experience. 01444 471002 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 11 -14 , Thursday evening - 6.45pm to 8.45pm Duke of Edinburgh Open Award Centre training - Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— FRIDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cuckfield Evening Flower Club - meets on the second Friday of each month at 7.30pm at Queens Hall, Cuckfield. Call Sue Spooner on 01444 831602 for more info. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 4Sight - A reading (book) and discussion group for visually impaired people. 3rd Friday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon (except Aug and Dec) Dorothy Lazenby - 01444 450947 - Haywards Heath Libary —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Flower Club - Last Friday of the month (except Aug & Dec) Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, RH17 6HP. www.balcombevillage.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Icebreakers Dining Club - A local dining club for the single over 40’s. We meet on Friday’s for a meal at different venues in the area, such as pubs, restaurants, country hotels. For more info call Jacquie on 01403-273480 or vists www.icebreakersclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— VARIOUS —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly History Society, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, W. Sussex, ww.ardingly.org —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Age UK West Sussex, Monday - Friday 9.00am-4.00pm. 01444 450248. www.ageukwestsussex.org.uk The Redwood Activity Centre, Clair Hall, Perrymount Rd, Haywards Heath, RH16 3DN. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Town Ladies Football Club, 01444 257822. ww.hhtlfc.talktalk.net Thursday training and Sunday matches for ages 16-40 approx. Hanbury Stadium, Haywards Heath. Training: Hurstpierpoint College. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Baha'is of Haywards Heath, Meet in an informal and friendly manner “We are all leaves of one branch on one tree” Contact Hannah on 01444 451783 50——Lucastes Avenue, Haywards Heath, W.Sussex, RH16 1JY. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music 43 Meadow Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2RJ . Mrs G Paine : 01444 483454 (Honary Local Representative) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Tennis Club, Oldlands Avenue, 01444 811839 www.balcombetennisclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cowfold Short Mat Bowls Club, Roll-up sessions all year round, Monday 19:00 - 21:00 - Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00 Thursday 14:30 to 16:30 Contact Roger Hawke on 01444 881477 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Dolphin Ladies Swimming Club Looking for new members to swim on a Tuesday 9.00 am – 11.30 am at the Dolphin Leisure Centre or at Ardingly College pool on a Friday 8.30 am – 10.00 am term time. The teachers are voluntary and we are non profit making (also we support other charities on an annual basis). All ladies welcome whether unable to swim, need advice to improve or wish to attain competitive standard. Contact dolphinladies@gmail.com or view our website - www.dolphinladiesswimmingclub.co.uk
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n s o T i o t s A e u Q oosing Your Child sk ’s Sch
n Ch e h W
or many parents, deciding which school their children should go to – be it for primary, secondary, state-run or independent, can be one of the hardest choices that they will encounter; after all each child is different and of course, we all want the best possible start for the brightest future. As well as perusing the glossy brochures, chatting with fellow parents and going along to open days – we’ve put together a definitive list of questions to ask prospective schools, which will hopefully make that all-important decision easier.
How will my child be graded?
ready for a busy day, so the introduction of breakfast clubs has become a lifeline for many Recently, changes were made families. It’s estimated that 85% to how our current GSCE system of schools in the UK run breakfast is graded, with A*-G marks clubs to ensure, that for a small disappearing, in favour of the fee, our children enjoy a hearty new 9-1 grades (9 being in comparison to an A** grade and and healthy breakfast – proven to boost concentration and 1, similar to the lowest G grade). This will affect children going into memory levels! years 7, 8, 9 and 10, with those in year 11 keeping to the current Will my child be safe? A*-G system. From behavioural to on-site health and safety policies, Are there any extra-curricular schools have responsibilities activities? for children, whilst in their care. Of course, each school’s Whether your child enjoys sports Does my child need to go to the or is more interested in ICT; policies will differ, so don’t nearest school? forget to discuss any security extra-curricular activities are an worries you have with important part of school life, for This may come as a shock to prospective schools. pupils; physically, academically parents – but, you can actually and socially. All schools, apply for your child to attend, Are bursaries available? regardless of their ownership whichever school you prefer; (government or private) will offer even if it is not the closest one after-school clubs, just be sure to In recent years, the Independent to home. With state schools, chat with them about your child’s Schools Council has started this could lead to an appeals offering £780 million worth of individual needs. Many will also process, if there is over-demand offer out-of-hours homework clubs fee deduction, benefitting over at your chosen school, however, too, for students struggling with 160,000 pupils, with 5,000 of it doesn’t mean that this isn’t these children receiving a full subjects. a possible option. If you are bursary. If you are considering a considering sending your child to Do they offer a breakfast club? private school for your child, private school, many will organise it may be worth talking to their own transport to ensure them about sports or gifted We all know how stressful children can get to and from mornings can be, with the whole and talented bursaries that school. may apply. family rushing around getting
01342 718348
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WATCH ALL ENGLAND RWC2015 MATCHES LIVE AT HAYWARDS HEATH RUGBY CLUB Come and watch every England and Home Nation match in this year’s Rugby World Cup LIVE on the BIG screen in the HHRFC Clubhouse at Whitemans Green, Cuckfield. All members and non-members in the Mid Sussex community are invited to join us for a selection of fabulous food and drink and great company during the forthcoming England campaign to win the famous Webb Ellis Trophy. As a great warm up for the rugby ahead this autumn, Haywards Heath 1st XV is opening its 2015/16 season against local rivals Crawley RFC at home on Saturday 12 September, an event supported by Heath’s Main Sponsor - Vines of Gatwick BMW. Support your local rugby club - the Clubhouse will be open for drinks and lunch from 12 noon.
To keep track of everything going on at Heath this coming season visit www.hhrfc.co.uk HHRFC welcomes players of all ages and abilities from age 5 upwards. Senior & Colts Training: every Tuesday & Thursday 7pm Minis & Juniors: Sunday mornings from September to April
The Jolly Tanners Whats on in September
Sat 12th: ‘The Chicargo Theives’ Blues – 9pm Sat 19th: ‘Richie Milton & Steve King’ R&R – 9 pm Sat 26th: ‘Brian & Abi’ Contemporary Rock Duo – 9pm Excellent home cooked food & fine ales available.
01444 400 335
The Jolly Tanners, Staplefield, West Sussex
Here at The Cherry Tree we only use locally sourced ingredients which are freshly cooked for absolute perfection. Check out our current menu online, although our specials are changed daily, and the regular menu updated regularly depending upon the seasons and the Chef’s mood! Find owner Oscar in the kitchen cooking up a storm with a smile. We pride ourselves on our steak and of course Argentinian Steaks cooked to perfection on our grill is something Oscar is very passionate about. From the finest fillet to a tasty sirloin we always have a fantastic range of meat on offer. You have to try our melt in the mouth ribs too!
Private parties catered for inside our bar or outside in our marquee. 01342 717007 | contact@cherrytreecopthorne.co.uk | www.cherrytreecopthorne.co.uk Copthorne Bank, Crawley, RH10 3JD
01342 718348
Mediterranean fish bake
This is a great one-pan dish full of fresh flavour. Monkfish is quite pricey but the meaty flesh is delicious and bakes really well, however you can replace it with cod loin, salmon steaks or thick pieces of haddock fillet if you prefer. Serve with a green salad and warmed ciabatta bread to mop up all the lovely herb and lemon flavoured pan juices.
Serves 4, Ready in 50 minutes
2 tbsp olive oil (choose a good quality fruity one) 350g small new potatoes, halved 1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 1 green pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 225g small plum tomatoes, halved 4 monkfish fillets (each weighing about 150g) 50g butter, softened Pared rind and juice from 1 small lemon, plus extra wedges to serve 1 tbsp fresh chopped oregano Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Place the oil in a large non-stick roasting tin and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes to the tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Roast for 20 minutes, turning once. 2. Add the peppers and tomatoes to the roasting tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Make a space in the tin and add the monkfish fillets. Return the roasting tin to the oven for 10 minutes. 3. Dot the butter over the fish fillets and sprinkle over the lemon rind, juice and oregano. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and roast for a further 5-10 minutes until the fish is just cooked through and the potatoes and peppers are tender. 4. Slice each monkfish fillet and arrange with the potatoes, peppers and tomatoes on four warmed serving plates. Spoon over the pan juices and serve immediately with lemon wedges. Tip: Replace the peppers with sliced courgettes, chunks of celery and baby button mushrooms, if liked.
Managing the Menopause A
re you suddenly finding yourself feeling hotter than the Gobi Desert? You know the feeling, as you settle down for a night’s sleep you want to throw the duvet out the window? I’m talking about the signs that the menopause may be starting.
What can Doctors help you with during these changes within your body? The most important thing to say is, don’t put off going and speaking to your GP. They can help guide you. They have many links to other organisations who can help with this transition your body is going through.
What are possible signs and symptoms that it may has started?
Doctors have a wide array of medications available including HRT, which research has shown can help to restore the level of the hormone, oestrogen. Many other medications are available, which may help with the hot flushes, nausea or other changes in mood.
• Hot flushes or night sweats • Feeling your heart racing • Difficulty in sleeping, either going to or staying asleep • Reduced libido • Mood changes, such as feeling tired, irritable, depressed or anxious • Concentration loss or poor memory
Are there any natural alternatives available? Exercise has been shown not only to help with some of the symptoms but also by exercising you help protect your body from heart disease and osteoporosis. Always seek advice from a fitness or medical professional before commencing any exercise. Relaxation techniques or selfhypnosis may also help. Learning how to manage the anxious thoughts around these changes can give you back a feeling of being in control. Acupuncture, Aromatherapy and other alternative remedies are widely available too. It’s always important to get yourself checked out by a GP if concerned, and then find a course of treatments or combination of things that work for you. Our bodies are all different, so if one doesn’t work, try an alternative. Don’t give up. I know there are some extremely knowledgeable professionals in this area who are on hand to help and give advice.
There are many ways to help you through this time of changes, always speak to someone. It’s important to know you are not alone. Becky Wells, www.beckywells.com Personal Development Hypnotherapist www.payitforwarduk.net
What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a natural state of heightened awareness that occurs within all of us. It allows us to open our minds to beneficial suggestions and allows the client to use their imagination to make positive changes. A brief way to describe a feeling similar to hypnosis is that moment you’ve been watching TV and not heard a word that’s been said, even though you’ve been staring straight at the screen. Alternatively it’s the car journey where you wonder how you got to a certain place. Your mind is on auto-pilot and must have been in control, otherwise there would probably have been an accident. What can hypnotherapy help with? • Agoraphobia • Anxiety • Blushing • Confidence Building • Depression • Fears and Phobias • Gambling • Guilt • Habits and Compulsions • IBS • Insecurity • Insomnia • Memory Recall • Nail biting • Nervousness • Pain Control • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Panic Attacks • Public Speaking • Smoking • Stress Management • Timidity • Trauma • Weight Problems • Worry
01342 718348
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01342 718348
Hello Autumn!
Perfect for chillier mornings or late autumn afternoon walks, mittens and scarves, quilted jackets and even some leafy bling, we’ve got Autumn all wrapped up with our fabulous finds this month!
1. Cashmere Beanie Hat For Women, Gift Wrapped & Gorgeous, www.giftwrappedandgorgeous.com £59 2. Sophie Allport Hare Everyday Shoulder Bag,Sophie Allport Limited, www.sophieallport.com £19
3. Long Chunky Wool Blue Scarf, The Nautical Company, www.thenauticalcompany.com £45
4. Navy Blue Quilted Jacket The Nautical Company www.thenauticalcompany.com £65 5. Fox Motif Wool Mittens, Etsy www.etsy.com £28.76
Hair & beauty salon offering a wide range of services including permanent makeup
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Get ready for Autumn! • Exciting smart & casual clothing • Irresistible shoes & handbags • Online store Marble, Pomodoro, FDJ, Yest, Amazing Woman, Decollage, Michaela Louisa, Heavenly Feet
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Private Collection, The Square, Lewes Road, Forest Row RH18 5ES
01342 718348
Hire a luxury Hot Tub
from just £199 for 6 days!! * Whether it’s for a special occasion or you just want to pamper yourself, our Hot Tubs are the ideal way to make your day that bit special. Our tubs can seat 4-6 people. Our friendly, experienced, engineer will deliver your freshly cleaned Hot Tub, assemble it and before leaving will run you through the simple details necessary to ensure you have the most fabulous, fun experience courtesy of Alpine. Don’t worry if you have any queries once our engineer has gone as we have a dedicated Hot Tub Helpline, just for you. Go on treat yourself! Now taking bookings for 2016 SPECIAL OFFER: ALL BOOKINGS MADE BEFORE 30TH SEPTEMBER WILL RECEIVE A £20 DISCOUNT BY JUST QUOTING RH10 WHEN MAKING YOUR BOOKING.
Phone: 07939 994932 Email: info@alpinehottubs.com Website: www.alpinehottubs.com * A small delivery/collection charge may apply if more than 15 miles from Gatwick.
10 ways to create a new room in your house
Just had a baby? Started working from home? Run out of storage? Then you need to stretch your home. 1. Build an extension
2. Convert the loft
Pros: Adding a rear extension to a kitchen can be a great way to create a multi-functional family room. Filling in the side return in a typical Victorian terrace is popular. It may be possible to add a second storey for a new bedroom or bathroom on the first floor, too.
Pros: Create a bedroom (perhaps with a bathroom), a home office or playroom, without taking space from the garden.
Cons: Reduces garden size. Unsympathetic extensions feel like an add-on. Regulations:Can often be done without planning permission, depending on size and height. Check your permitted development rights with your local council’s planning department. You’ll also need building regulations approval and, if you’re semi-detached or in a terrace, party wall consent from neighbours. Visit www.planningportal.gov.uk for more information.
Cons: Not every loft has the headroom or enough useable space. More difficult and expensive if your roof isn’t traditionally built. Regulations: Can often be done without planning permission, depending on size and height. Check your permitted development rights with your local council’s planning department. You’ll also need building regulations approval and, if you’re semi-detached or in a terrace, party wall consent from neighbours. Visit www.planningportal.gov.uk for more information.
3. Convert the cellar Pros: Turn a cellar into family living space, a useful utility area, a home office or even a self-contained annexe, without altering the outside of your home.
Regulations: If you just want to turn an existing cellar into a normal room, it’s classed as a change of use and doesn’t need planning permission. But if you lower the floor or extend, you’re likely to need permission, so check with your local authority. And Cons: Often more expensive, per square metre, than you’ll need party wall consent from any adjoining other ways of creating extra space. Can be difficult to neighbours. In both cases you must comply with Building Regulations.gov.uk for more information. get enough headroom and light into the new room.
01342 718348
4. Build a room in the garden
5. Divide a room into two
Pros: The building work will hardly bother you.
Pros: Create a bedroom (perhaps with a bathroom), a home office or playroom, without taking space from the garden.
Cons: Not suitable for small gardens. Could look like a shed, security is an issue, and if not properly insulated it will be too cold to use in winter.
Cons: You’ll need to create a separate doorway for the room, and include an opening window.
Regulations : A simple garden room may be exempt from planning permission and Building Regulations, but if it’s laid on permanent foundations and connected to mains power, water and sewerage, you’ll need both.
Regulations: Planning permission is not usually needed, but Building Regulations apply to new walls, doors, windows and electrical work.
6. Put in an ensuite
7. Build on top of your garage
Cons: Installing an ensuite at the expense of a bedroom could knock your property’s value.
Cons: Foundations may not be strong enough, so the garage will have to be underpinned.
Regulations: Planning permission isn’t usually needed, but Building Regulations approval is.
Regulations: You’ll need planning permission and Building Regulations.
Pros: Loved by buyers. Can be fitted into quite a small space.
Pros: A first floor extension on top loses no garden space and is often relatively easy.
8. Convert your understairs space 9. Convert your garage Pros: Turns a poorly used area into a valuable extra room – perfect for a ground-floor loo, an extra shower room or a study area. Cons: You’ll have to find extra space to store that under-stairs stuff. If putting in a loo or bathroom, ventilation and connecting to drainage may be a problem. Regulations: Building Regulations approval is necessary if you’re installing a bathroom.
Pros: It’s a relatively straightforward job to turn it into a valuable indoor space. Cons: Foundations may need strengthening. Avoid if you live in an area where parking is at a premium. Regulations: Planning permission is not usually required, but Building Regulations approval is.
10. Add a conservatory Pros: Adds extra living space and brings the garden into your home. Relatively inexpensive. Cons: A poorly built conservatory can be too hot in summer, freezing cold in winter and full of condensation. Takes space from your garden. Regulations: Many conservatories are exempt from planning permission and building regulations, but check with your local planning department first.
A Public Apology, from Tim Burberry Plumbing and Heating! Dear Harri, Just a quick message to apologise for missing your birthday this year which was unacceptable and very selfish of me! A Public Thank You... Harri, I would like to take this opportunity to make amends for this dreadful oversight by wishing you a very happy 6th anniversary of working at Tim Burberry Plumbing and Heating! 6 years ago you started working for me as a shy and young apprentice and I have watched you mature and grow into a fine young man with exceptional work skills. Harri, it is an absolute pleasure to work with you and long may it continue, Thank you,
Tim x
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01342 718348
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Storage Solutions Gone are the days when storage mean putting things behind closed doors or in the cupboard under the stairs! Nowadays there are masses of storage solutions that are designed to be on show. So whether your taste is industrial shelving or shabby chic baskets, there’s a storage solution available that’s right up your street!
1. 2. 3. 4.
Cosmetics Storage, myflowermeadow.etsy.com £27 Storage cubby unit, www.alisonathome.com £125 Wire Storage Unit, www.vincentandbarn.co.uk £195 Wooden Storage Crates, www.vincentandbarn.co.uk £85
01342 718348
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01342 718348
Garage Doors
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WE OFFER A free, no obligation survey from ex seeboard, e.d.f. advisors, all with a minimum of 15 years experience WE CAN Carry out EPC's - Energy Performance Certificates SO DON’T PAY Electricity board prices - ring for a FREE survey
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Unwelcome Visitors
Ask a dictionary the definition of a weed and you’ll read that it’s ‘a plant growing in the wrong place’. Ask a gardener, and they’ll tell you that weeds are often the number one menace in their garden. So if you want to wage war on those pesky weeds, and stand a chance of winning, take a look at my multi-pronged attack strategy.
Off with their Heads Whatever the weed problem, it’s essential to prevent them from setting seed. Make sure you cut off its head before it has a chance to even start to procreate. The old saying that ‘one year’s seed is seven years’ weed’ isn’t far from the truth. Stop Stowaways When you’re next shopping for plants in your local garden centre or nursery make sure that you only bring home what you want, not those hidden stowaways that often lurk on the compost surface. I always do a bit of weeding before buying: especially for weeds such as the innocent looking hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta). Spaghetti roots Some weeds like couch grass, bindweed and nettles have amazingly resilient and far-reaching underground stems or roots. Whatever you do, don’t succumb to the temptation to use a powered cultivator or rotovator as this will chop the roots into little bits and end up spreading and increasing the problem in the process. Lawn Louts Lawn weeds such as dandelions and daisies are difficult to control as unlike the taller weeds, these rosette-forming plants won’t be harmed as you mow the lawn. One of the best, albeit slow, methods is to tackle them with a sturdy old kitchen knife or a daisy-grubber tool. Deep Rooted Problems Some weeds such as docks and dandelions have tough and chunky roots that are very difficult to kill. And to make matters worse, if you leave any sizeable bit of the root in the soil, it’s likely to form a new plant. Do everything you can to take out the entire root as you’ll be saving a lot of time in the long run.
Laying Carpet For large areas, try the carpet option; literally covering the surface with a layer or two of carpet, held in place with bricks. If the carpet is placed fluffy side down and left in place for at least 18 months, the weeds will start to die off from lack of light. Make sure that the carpet is made from natural fibres, not synthetic or else you’ll be left with it in the soil, and for allotments, check that there are no restrictions on using carpet. Time it Right Some weeds such as the purple flowered oxalis spread by forming tiny ‘bulbils’ or miniature bulbs below ground. If you try to dig these weeds out now, the bulbils will be shed into the surrounding soil as you lift the plant out, making matters worse. Wait until next spring when the bulbils will be firmly attached and weed them out then. Hoe, hoe, hoe An old fashioned and still just as useful method of weed control is the hoe. They’re a great way to weed your garden, especially if it’s largely annual weeds such as chickweed or groundsel that invade your plot. Keep the hoe sharp and use it regularly. Careful what you Compost Only compost the green, leafy bits of weeds; avoid any chunky roots, and never put any flowering or seeding weeds in the compost heap. Some weed seeds will easily survive most domestic composting systems. Visit Pippa’s website www.pippagreenwood.com for a great range of gardening products including Pippa’s favourite weeder, Nemaslug, Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh & Envirofleece and lots more besides.
01342 718348
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01342 718348
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All Tree Work & Fencing Undertaken Quality Assured ♦ Fully Insured ♦ 15 Yr’s Exp. “No Hedge Too Small, No Tree Too Big”
Call Danny on 07850 027806 or 01444 810 179
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Accountants, Tax Assist Accountants (Haywards Heath) , 3 Alternative Health, Holistic and Mystic, 22 Arts Festival, Lindfield Arts Festival 2015, 16 Beauty Salon, J K One, 24 Charity, Cats Protection, 13 Choral Society, East Grinstead Choral Society , 16 Clothes Shop, Private Collection, 24 Cosmetic Surgery, McIndoe Surgical Centre, part of Horder Healthcare, 23 Dance classes, Gracie Grooves, 15 Doctor’s surgery, Cuckfield Medical Practice, 21 Domiciliary Care, Surrey Quality Care Ltd, 5 Double Glazing, As Good As New, 31 Drain Specialist, Drainjet, 35 Driveways, New Look Driveways Ltd, 37 Driveways, Penfold Driveways Specialists Ltd, 7 Driveways, Vintage Driveways, 35 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 33 Garage Services, Ellis Motors of Burgess Hill, 13 Garden Buildings & Conservatories, Cousins Conservatories & Garden Buildings, 40 Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 48 Health and Wellbeing Centre, The Koorana Centre, 21 Hearing Care Centre, Action For Deafness, 22 Heating Services, Storaheat, 33 Hot Tubs, Alpine Hot Tubs, 25 Hotels & Inns, Europa Gatwick Hotel, 12 Interior Design, Homesmiths, 32 Jewellers, Pruden & Smith, 25
Kitchen and Bathroom Services, Dream Doors Interiors Ltd, 31 Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 33 Mobile Hairdresser, The Style Lounge, 24 Mobility , No Step Showers Ltd, 21 National Trust Property, National Trust Wakehurst Gardens, 16 Opticians, Dolphins Optometrists, 2 Outdoor Pursuits, Blackland Farm, 15 Painter and Decorator, Adrian Inman, 29 Paving, P N Paving , 36 Pest control, Heath Pest Control, 37 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing, 28 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing, 28 Property Refurbishment & Construction, Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 29 Public House and Restaurant, The Cherry Tree, 18 Public House and Restaurant, The Jolly Tanners, 18 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, Tilley & Co, 31 Roofing, B M Roofing, 54 Rugby club, Haywards Heath RFC, 17 Satellite/TV, Norsat, 32 Scaffolding, Sussex Chimneys (East Grinstead Scaffolding), 29 Solicitor, Tisshaw Family Law Solicitors, 13 Swimming School, Tracy Lowe Swim School, 15 Taxi Services, AV Cars, 1 Tree Care, Bartlett Tree Experts, 36 Tree Surgeons, Beadell Tree Surgeons, 37 Tree Surgeons, J Ledger Tree Care, 37 Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 37 Will Writing Service, Thy Will Be Done, 38 Outdoor Buildings, Breathable Spaces, 35
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