RH Uncovered Horley Edition March 2017

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Delivered to 14,000 Homes and Businesses- Issue 92


IN THIS ISSUE Reader Competition WIN a family day pass to Drusillas Park HOMES Spring Clean Like A Pro DAYS OUT English Country Gardens

Sunday & Wednesday, banquet nights just £12.95pp for 4 courses

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This month, the clocks go forward and we begin to see spring come into bloom! Now spring has sprung, we’re bringing you our top tips on how to spring clean like a pro and we’ve also got stunning English country gardens for you to visit to blow away the winter cobwebs! Our cover story this month features Drusillas Park in East Sussex, the award-winning family attraction which is preparing for the new season with a series of new sights! If you’re keen to grab some of the action, we’ve got a family day pass for you to win! Enjoy March with us, whether you’re ready to spring into action or not, catch up with our great lifestyle features and local community content. Don’t forget you can contact our community writers by emailing featuresdesk@mantramagazine.co.uk if there is something you would like to see in the magazine next month. It’s over to you! The RH Team



6 COMMUNITY Community News


12 COVER STORY Drusillas Park – What’s New At the Zoo In 2017 16 LEISURE English Country Garden Days Out 20 TRAVEL Welcome To Travel Counsellors 22 CHILDREN Hazards At Home: Keeping Your Child Safe


24 HOMES Spring Clean Like A Pro 32 GARDENS Making The Most Of Your Container Garden 36 MOTORING Driverless Cars 40 HEALTH Turning Japanese!





Mantra Magazines Ltd

David Arnold & Koo Hussain production@mantramagazines.co.uk

CONTACT Unit 14E, Borers Yard, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, RH10 3LE



www.rhuncovered.co.uk @RHUncovered RH Uncovered


44 STYLE Prom Planning

Matthew Arnold, Matthew@mantramagazines.co.uk

46 PET CARE Caring For Tropical Fish

Mandy Notridge, Credit@mantramagazines.co.uk


Nikki Relffe-Arnold, nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk Heather Porter, Nadine Lindsay, info@mantramagazines.co.uk


RH Uncovered


Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk

ARTICLE WRITERS Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk Shelley Welti, shelley@mantramagazines.co.uk Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk

COMMUNITY WRITERS Sarah Ballingal, Jacob White featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk

 01342 718348


Under The Arches

‘The smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd’ is a phrase that came instantly to mind when I visited The Archway Theatre for the first time in January - the smell hit me as I came through the door. By Sarah Ballingal


he aroma of greasepaint indeed, but also scenery paint, wood shavings and even a hint of coffee suggesting well-earned breaks for an industrious cast and crew. The roaring, though, came from the stage that night, for the production I saw which was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis’s classic tale and one of my all-time favourites. Tucked behind Horley Railway Station and sprawling within eight of the bridge arches, the theatre could quite easily go un-noticed were it not for its excellent reputation earned over 65 years. It is known and loved by discerning theatre-goers near and far, including their patron, a certain Dame Judi Dench - who should know a good performance when she sees one! The Archway started as two separate groups: Barts Players and Horley Central Players, both these groups performed in different locations in and around Horley. They then came together under the Arches and eventually formed The Archway Theatre Company in 1987. The theatre is a member of The Little Theatre Guild which promotes and supports theatres nationwide.

Run entirely by volunteers who include actors, the director, stage hands, front of house and bar staff – each production involves people on and off stage, currently 150 members form this creative and talented team. The output for such a small theatre is prolific; every year 10 main house productions are performed, each with 10 performances making it a total of 100 annually. In addition there are productions by youth groups and smaller productions are performed in their studio theatre. The programme is diverse and includes drama, comedy, panto and musicals. Chairman, Paul Tester, even welcomes suggestions for future performances - productions this year include Stones in His

Pockets, Jerusalem, September Tide and Blood Brothers. I was enchanted during the performance I saw – not by the White Witch of the title (although Joy Andrews was very convincing in the role!), but by the incredible acting skills of what was mainly a very young cast. Rachel Harrison, who played Lucy Pevensie, is only 10-yearsold yet her stage confidence belies her youth. Like many of the young cast, Rachel has benefited from the Archway’s Youth and Young Adults’ Workshops. The Archway Theatre seems to be a way of life for the cast and crew with many being involved for years, and they have passed on their passion to young members of their family. Some have even met partners under the arches, but romance isn’t guaranteed! There are ways to support the theatre and its worthwhile work – enjoying a performance, becoming a Company or Club member. You can even sponsor a seat as the theatre is fundraising to replace the seating that has accommodated audiences’ bottoms for decades. Was one of those yours, or have you yet to discover Horley’s hidden gem...?

For more information about the theatre, visit: www.archwaytheatre.co.uk or visit the group’s Facebook: facebook.com/Archway Theatre, or Twitter page: @ArchwayHorley Photo courtesy of Kevin Day



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COMMUNITY Spotlight:

Horley & Crawley FMA UK Action and Support Group At the beginning of the decade there were more than two million cases of fibromyalgia recorded in the United Kingdom but for many suffers in the UK their condition goes undiagnosed, and many GPs know little about the disease and treatments, but there is a group close-to-home doing its bit to help. By Jacob White


orley & Crawley FMA UK Action and Support Group is a local support group working within the framework of nationwide charity FMA UK. The group says in just a five-mile radius of Horley there are more than 40 sufferers and the group is there to help and support those with the condition. Fibromyalgia has more than 280 symptoms and is largely an individual illness because it causes such differing ailments including chronic widespread pain, dizziness, pins and needles and depression to name just a few of the symptoms which can damage careers and personal relationships of sufferers. Laura Hunt from the group says that some sufferers may have to give up work, some have marriage breakdown, as there is a feeling that one cannot make plans as one can never know how they will feel from one hour



to the next, and that the group stands to fight loneliness from an invisible illness. She knows about fibromyalgia first-hand when in the winter of 2015 she suffered from fatigue – she described how she was sleeping without a problem but still felt tired. She underwent several blood tests and each one suggested she was suffering from a vitamin D deficiency which was treated. By Easter 2016, Laura explains how her condition worsened while visiting Brighton, she said: “My legs felt like I had run a marathon and the pain was unbearable, they felt just like jelly. At home I fell asleep for hours and hours and the next day I had to walk with a crutch, I haven’t walked unaided since.” After months of struggling to find medication that worked and a GP’s diagnosis of fibromyalgia things looked bleak for Laura, but after a referral to a specialist, she has been officially diagnosed and also now registered disabled and received support to get an electric wheelchair enabling her to work. “Treatment I have been given is pain killers to try and dull the pain; I take around 18 tablets

RH Uncovered


a day. I have just applied for a council property as I privately rent and I now need an adapted property that I can use my wheelchair in, but I have been able to stay in work which is amazing” Laura added. The group offers hands-on support and information on fibromyalgia and advice on how someone with the condition can adapt their home. Other help can be the contact details of specialists in the area, how sufferers can get the referrals they need and the chance to meet others with the illness. Laura says that this is vitally important as even loved ones can struggle to understand fully the impact of fibromyalgia on the sufferer. She also hopes that the group can do its part to help raise both money and awareness to ensure help is given to sufferers and their families who need it most. Horley & Crawley FMA UK Action and Support Group meets on the second Monday of each month at Delta House, Horley, RH6 7LD. For more information call: 0844 887 2463, visit: www.facebook.com/HCFMAUK/

or email: hcfmauk@gmail.com

 01342 718348


Have the long winter months left you longing for adventure, fun and a good night out? We have the answer….our Charity Casino night – Join us on March 10th at the Gatwick Aviation Museum where you can don your glad rags and become part of the jet set – literally…


et amongst a stunning array of amazing cold war plans – you’ll be able to spend the evening like a secret agent. Apart from blackjack poker and roulette, you’ll be able to test your top gun and sharp shooting skills on our simulator games; you’ll also be able to have a flutter on the ponies. Tickets cost £25 and include chips to get you started and a vodka martini, shaken not stirred of course. There will be spot prizes on the tables and some prizes for the top shot, best landing, and highest roller. There will be food and a range of bond themed cocktails available to buy all night and photo opportunities for you to snap a selfie as a bond girl, an evil villain or as the man himself. As Surrey Clubs moves towards its 70th anniversary we will be holding a range of fundraising events. The funds raised at the Casino night are for Surrey Clubs for Young People. Who support volunteer led youth clubs, with funding, volunteers, and equipment Apart from our Casino Night we are planning two other events. The first is our Golf Day. We host an annual golf day at



Farnham Golf Club, which will be held this year on Monday October 2nd. It will be a Team Stableford followed by a lunch with an auction. The other is a 70s themed concert scheduled for the summer. We proudly support over 650 volunteers who often work in areas where the worst deprived young people live, giving these young people the chance to have somewhere safe to go, meet friends and find role models, Often these clubs only open 1 night per week, but for the 2500 young people who attend these 100 plus clubs, it

gives them something to look forward to. “As a young person growing up and attending my local Youth Club I got involved with plenty of events and activities with SCYP, The activities that I’ve taken part in have helped me learn new specific skills and also develop my social and leadership skills” (Courtney)

We help these brilliant volunteers keep the doors open and the lights on – this takes funding and that’s where you can make a difference by coming along to one of our fundraising events.

To book tickets for the Casino Night by 3rd March call 01293 862528 or to find out more about Surrey Clubs for Young People email admin@scyp.co.uk after all as Blowfeld said…we’ll be expecting you…

RH Uncovered


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Drusillas Park – What’s New At The Zoo In 2017 There always seems to be something new to see and do at the award-winning family attraction, Drusillas Park in Sussex and 2017 looks set to be no exception! This year sees new arrivals, new events and new attractions. So now that spring has sprung, where better to head with the family?


By Jacob White

overing 10 acres, Drusillas Park near Alfriston in East Sussex attracts between 350,000 and 370,000 visitors each year and is home to the first Hello Kitty themed attraction in Europe. With exhibits targeted towards children between two and 10-years-old the zoo cares for both wild and domestic animals. Highlights include ring-tailed lemurs, meerkats, and penguins. The park boasts many hands-on activities, an adventure play area for



different age groups, an indoor soft play centre and the Safari Express train ride as well as on-site cafes and shops. The zoo has gradually increased the number of animals since owners Laurence and Christine Smith took over Drusillas 20-years-ago, but still maintains a policy of only having smaller ones. A range of loveable primates are kept at the zoo for visitors to marvel at on their visit to the zoo, including crested black macaques, colobus monkeys and lar gibbons. Other intriguing animal residents include servals, African crested porcupines, Rodrigues fruit bats, Asian short claw otters, llamas, Humboldt penguins, parrots, and flamingos. Other exhibits include Pet World, Lemurland, a small farmyard, and a walk-through lorikeet aviary where you can feed nectar to the birds.

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Did you know? Aside from the cute and curious critters, Drusillas Park is also home to the first permanent Hello Kitty attraction in Europe - Hello Kitty Secret Garden. Hello Kitty Secret Garden includes three specially designed children’s rides: a Hello Kitty car ride, a tea cup ride and a fun-a-minute ‘reach for the sky’ hopper ride. There’s also a Hello Kitty House and Parlour - where face painting and other activities take place - as well as regular meet and greet opportunities with Hello Kitty.

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Competition Time! We’ve teamed-up with Drusillas Park to offer you the chance to WIN a family (four people) day pass.

New For 2017:

For more information on how to win, visit our website: www.rhuncovered.co.uk

Go Safari! A brand new attraction, this totally wild new area will cause quite a fu’roar amongst young lionhearted explorers, with three exciting children’s rides part of the exhibit – the Hippopotobus, Flying Cheetahs and the Safari Express Train. Looking ahead to its launch, Drusillas Park managing director, Laurence Smith, said: “This is a million pound investment for us – our biggest undertaking ever – and we think that once it’s in place, it will be a great success and very popular.” The Safari Express Train is expected to leave Mungo’s Central Station for the first time on Friday, March 31 with the Hippopotobus and Flying Cheetahs ready for take-off later this summer with June being earmarked for their unveiling.

Dates for your Diary: Drusillas has a varied and fun diary of events on offer with some notable new additions for 2017:

Hello Kitty

Visit her beautiful-themed house and have a souvenir photo taken with the cutest cat herself! Up-coming dates: Tuesday, April 4, Tuesday, April 11, Friday, April 14 and Monday, April 17.

Bing and Flop

Round the corner, not far away, Bing and Flop are at Drusillas! Up-coming dates: Wednesday, April 5 Chase and Marshall from PAW Patrol Get ready for action as two of PAW Patrol’s finest recruits – Chase and Marshall return to Drusillas! Up-coming dates: Wednesday, April 12

Giant Anteaters A brand new exhibit, a species never before seen at Drusillas Park in its 90-year history – giant anteaters! The natives of tropical forests and grasslands of Central and South America they have no teeth, and they rely on their tongues. A giant anteater’s tongue can protrude more than 60cm to sweep up the 35,000 ants and termites they consume each day. The new arrivals are expected to join the zoo route by Easter and will be situated next to the pretty flamingos.

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Five Minutes with Mike Founder and Owner Mike Potts Why would I store Private or Company records? There is always an argument for using a space more productively at home or in business premises. Most people or companies do not need constant access to all of their records but are legally bound to keep some. The important thing is to be able to locate files or boxes with ease when needed.

How safe are my records and how do I get access? This is the most important consideration. Always choose a reputable company with testimonials like S4B. Ensure that their premises are fully protected by CCTV, have entry systems and are monitored out of hours by a reputable alarm company. Access is available weekdays during office hours and we can retrieve a file/box next day or same day delivered or collected from our premises.

Is there a minimum amount of boxes and is it expensive? No it is priced on the amount of boxes stored, but we can invoice annually for very small amounts if needed. There is no comparison with paying per box against a self-storage room where you pay for the entire area. Call or email us for a free quotation.

What if I am storing elsewhere at present? It is unusual to move and sometimes costly but if you want to move it will be down to poor service or cost. It never hurts to get a free quotation! We are always looking to add to our happy customers – our advice is free and we will help with relocations.

Give us a call!”

and have recommended you to others” Law Firm, East Sussex


English Country Garden Days Out “How many kinds of sweet flowers grow in an English country garden?” So goes the traditional folk tune and this month we’ve picked two elegant English country gardens you can visit with the family for a fun day out! So make this March the month you blow away the winter cobwebs and visit a local garden! By Jacob White On a warm and sunny spring day, a beautiful English country garden is a very special place to be and our enduring love affair with the classic English country garden shows no sign of relenting, it’s clear we just can’t get enough of stylish roses running amuck, amid bright towering lupins and a tangle of sweet peas! Hever Castle and Gardens Hever, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7NG www.hevercastle.co.uk

This is your chance to discover a magnificent, award-winning garden set in 125 acres of glorious castle grounds. Marvel at the Pompeiian Wall and classical statuary in the Italian Garden and admire the giant topiary chess set and inhale the fragrance of over 4,000 rose bushes in the classic English Rose Garden. Complete with spots to relax in, areas to stroll in and areas which offer all-round colour and enjoy wanders through historic sites including the Sunday Walk and Church Gill Walk that follow the course of a stream along cute, peaceful woodland or Anne Boleyn’s Walk, with spectacular trees more than 100 years-old. New additions at the garden include, Astor’s Garden Legacy, an interactive garden exhibition tracing the restoration and development period of the gardens from Tudor times to the present day. For a visit to the Hever Castle gardens, it is recommended that you allow at least 1.5 hours to explore them leisurely.

Wakehurst Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 6TN www.kew.org/wakehurst Wakehurst is a 16th century country house with a mainly 20th century garden, managed by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who also have a research facility there. Visitors are able to see the gardens, the historic house, and also visit the research centre whilst visiting the gardens. Surround yourself in the beauty of the area, enjoy afternoon tea or learn about the conservation work of Kew’s seed bank. With play areas for children and wildlife all around, there is something to keep the whole family entertained in this garden left to the nation in 1963. The gardens were largely created by Gerald Loder (later Lord Wakehurst) who bought the estate in 1903 and spent 33 years developing the gardens. He was succeeded by Sir Henry Price, under whose care the Loder plantings matured. This Mothering Sunday, Wakehurst is hosting a three course carvery meal at the estate’s mansion between 12.00pm and 4.00pm with prices starting at £12.50, for bookings call: 01444 894040.

London Temple Garden Tours

West Park Road, Newchapel, Surrey RH7 6NB | Phone: 01342 837 952 The gardens here at the Temple are some 28 acres excluding the buildings, and are traditional English country gardens with wonderful walks through the parkland. We have woodland walks on well maintained and wheelchair freindly paths. with Bluebells, Wood Anemones, not to mention the trees - Oaks, Atlantic Ceders, Lime Trees, and Yew Trees, the list goes on. We are happy to cater for local school groups, youth organisations, senior citizen organisations, W.I’s, horticultural/gardening clubs, religious groups and any individuals with an interest of the above. Find us on the web www.lds.org/placestovisit Follow the London Temple Visitor’s Centre on Facebook “The walk around the gardens was a revelation in itself, and to be able to do it on such a lovely day was just perfect. We all learnt so much” - Bletchingley Parish Church “Thank you once again for your hospitality, for lunch and for the opportunity to look around your beautiful gardens. The Trees are magnificent and the grounds are very well kept!”

- East Grinstead Horticultural Society

Open all year round

Tuesday - Friday from 9am - 7pm • Free Guided Tours • Free Entrance • Free Parking • Free Buffet Lunch For Groups of 10+ Reservations Necessary

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Book & bring this voucher to receive 25% off your food bill Terms - Booking is essential. If you do not book prior to arriving, you will not be able to use this voucher. Offer is valid Monday to Saturday against main menu items, not available on specials, seniors or lunch menu. Not valid on Sundays, Bank Holiday Mondays or Public Holidays. Minimum of 2 main meals to be purchased. Maximum 6 people Expires Friday 31st March 2017


Welcome to Travel Counsellors Chances are you have never heard of Travel Counsellors but within the travel industry they have earned the reputation of being the very best and most knowledgeable travel agents in the country.


ravel Counsellors is the world’s largest independent homebased travel company and it is still growing, winning the Amazon Growing Business of the Year Award in 2016. Not constraint to company targets or inflexible hours, Travel Counsellors, or TCs, can work with their customers to build bespoke travel itineraries and provide personal touches plus they have the full support of a head office team, a unique financial protection trust and a Customer Satisfaction score of 96%, one of the highest of any business in the UK. Focusing on our local area is Beverley Neal,who is based from her home in Earlswood. She tells us: “I always wanted to be a home worker and Travel Counsellors was the only company for me. I have complete independence meaning I can get to know my customers personally to create their perfect holiday experiences.” It is a model that works, founded in 1994, Travel Counsellors have gone from strength to strength earning multiple awards, but what is the key to the success?



“Large companies continue to spend time and money on call centres, retail and websites but I think they have missed the point of what people really need when booking a holiday. Good, honest advice and endto-end exceptional service. Our prices are incredibly competitive and the value to the customer is being treated as an individual. I rely on recommendations and referrals so every customer has to receive the very best attention and care” Beverley adds. Beverley’s previous career as a Destination Manager for Virgin Holidays and Hayes & Jarvis/ Thomson certainly gives her some expert insights. She says: “The role involved everything from selecting transfer companies, choosing hotels, designing tours and creating brochures, writing websites and supporting the sales teams.’ “Not only have I seen thousands of hotels and resorts around the world but I have an excellent list of contacts in the UK and overseas and great insider knowledge, perfect for helping me create the very best experiences and providing personal touches that make customers feel special.”

RH Uncovered



great reasons to use Travel Counsellors Personally Tailored To You: Your Travel Counsellor will take the time to get to know you and tailor your perfect holiday. Expert Advice: A unique network, sharing the destination knowledge and experience of more than 1,500 caring travel professionals. Your Money Is Safe: Every penny of your booking is completely protected by our unique financial protection trust. Multi Award Winning: Our Travel Counsellors are committed to finding you incredible holidays. Maybe that’s why our trophy cabinet is so jam-packed!

 01342 718348

Five minutes with Beverley Neal, your local Travel Counsellor

We met with Beverley Neal to talk travel inspirations and to learn more about her expertise that can help you create the perfect holiday. Hi Beverley, Tell us about yourself? My family have been in Surrey now for over 10 years, from Dorking to Reigate and now Earlswood. We live and breathe travel, we even got married in South Africa, and we’re now enjoying introducing our 3-year-old son to the travel bug. What are you most looking forward to in your new life as a Travel Counsellor? Oh so much, my work/life balance, spending more time with my little boy, meeting new people, especially in the local community and just the satisfaction that comes from helping my customers. Where are your areas of expertise? I have travelled far and wide over my career in travel and my specialism is long-haul, basically anything further than Europe. I adore Africa and Asia, they are complicated destinations where first-hand knowledge and advice is hard to come by so I am hoping to be in demand for this. I have also travelled to Florida, Dubai, the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean so have expertise here for family holidays as well as honeymoons and special occasions. What is your own travel inspiration? Wildlife and history. I am lucky enough to have been on hundreds of safaris, spotting tigers and the Big Five (the Lion, African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, and Rhinoceros) and we have even trekked with gorillas and cage dived with great whites so I like a bit of adventure and the beaches of Thailand, Malaysia and Bali never disappoint.

Where was our last trip and where to next? My last holiday was a full-on family holiday to Orlando – 9 of us! I have been quite a few times now and love the theme parks, the trip before that was Cambodia and Vietnam so as you can see we like to mix it up! Next stop, who knows? I have nothing planned which is giving me major itchy feet but I really want to get to the Maldives this year and hopefully back to South Africa. My bucket list gets longer every year!

If you would like to discuss your next dream trip and get some expert advice please call Beverley on 01737 888480, email beverley.neal@travelcounsellors. com or check out her website www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/beverley.neal

Next month Beverley writes about Wildlife Holidays

CHILDREN Hazards at Home:

Keeping Your Child Safe Home may be where the heart is, but it’s also where danger can lurk as each year more than two million children (aged 15 and under) need medical attention, after suffering from an accident in the home. By Shelley Welti


To prevent your child getting their hands on liquids they shouldn’t, remember to lock medicines and cleaning products in a cupboard, or better still; buy those in ‘child protected’ packaging.

hose most at risk are children aged 0-4 years, with falls and fires being the most likely dangers. To help keep your child safe, we’ve uncovered the top five hazards within your home, along with just how you can reduce the risk of your child being injured. Falls Falls are the most common non-fatal accidents that occur in the home, with 58,000 children injured each year. To limit the chances of your child slipping on a wet floor or taking a tumble down the stairs, be sure to clear up any spillages, have secure rugs/bath mats and hand rails on both the stairs and in the bath. If you have small children, stairgates at the top and bottom of the stairs can also prevent them exploring by themselves. Fire Did you know that the highest number of accidental child fatalities are due to domestic fires? Make sure your child is aware of the dangers and have an escape route planned and practiced, so everyone knows how to get out safely. Keep matches and lighters out of sight (and reach) of children and always extinguish candles and cigarettes fully.



Some plants can also be poisonous and irritate the skin, which is worth noting too! Choking Hazards The thought alone of a child choking is fear-inducing for parents. Minimise the risk of your child accidently swallowing objects like toys and hard food, by keeping small toys out of reach of young children and ensuring that foods such as nuts or hard sweets are eaten sensibly. Eating meals around the dinner table and showing your child how to chew properly can also reduce this super-scary risk. Poisoning More than 28,000 children receive medical attention from poisoning each year – many of these from medicines, household products and cosmetics found at home.

Sharp Objects We all know that children learn through discovery, however, with sharp objects throughout our homes, it can be difficult to keep these away from wandering hands. In the kitchen, make sure items such as knives, graters and peelers are kept in a suitable place, high enough that your child can’t reach. The garden also poses hazardous, as items such as rakes, saws and lawnmowers can be sharp, but attractive potential ‘toys’ for little hands. Never leave these items unattended and lock in sheds/garages when not in use.

Don’t forget to check your fire alarm regularly too!

RH Uncovered


 01342 718348

At Hookwood Memorial Village Hall Every Wednesday 3.45-4.30pm (Classes ÂŁ4.25 payable weekly) From 2 years upwards

Fun, confidence building classes for girls and aspiring Billy Elliots Opportunity to work towards exams and school shows Please call Laura Englert (IDTA)who will be delighted to tell you more


Spring Clean Like A Pro Spring is here! There might be the odd frost around but the sun is starting to break through and it is getting warmer by the day! It’s time to get spring cleaning and make your home look spotless! Once done, your home will be ready for the year ahead so get organised, get equipped, get involved and get cleaning! By Jacob White


o one looks forward to spring cleaning and if the thought completely overwhelms you then here are some tips to get your spring cleaning well and truly underway hassle-free, efficient and effective! Get organised! Don’t dive into your spring cleaning without a plan first! Sit down and make a plan of what you are going to clean and when, if you stick to this structure it will make the job a whole lot easier. What time you can commit is key to such a plan! Get equipped! Spring cleaning is so much easier when you have the equipment you need – working with one or two cloths just won’t do! Make sure you have a list of all the cleaning tasks you need to do and a list of all the cleaning products you have or might need. Get involved! When it comes to a household spring clean, you shouldn’t have to tackle it on your own. As the old saying goes, many hands make light work, and it’s true! Cleaning will take half the time if you can get your partner or children on board too! If you’re all mucking in and it’s a team effort make it fun! Put on music to sing together and make sure everyone enjoys a nice treat at the end of the spring clean – it’s an incentive to finish quicker and a nice reward after a hard day’s work tidying up!

Get cleaning! Work your way down – sounds simple but start at the top of your house and work your way down. You don’t have to do the entire house in one stint – rather, pace yourself. Start by tidying, then dust, clean and then tackle the vacuuming in that step-by-step order. Don’t forget the curtains! If curtains are not cleaned thoroughly at least once a year they will deteriorate. Some may require dry-cleaning whilst others can be washed at home – whatever you do just don’t forget to remove any attached curtain hooks. Deep clean the carpets – carpets should be deep cleaned at least twice a year to remove ingrained dirt, bugs and allergens. Use a good quality vacuum or steamer which can be hired at a reasonable price to bring back the freshness!

We would love to hear from you about your spring cleaning tips! If you have any spring cleaning tips that you’d like to share, post them to our Facebook page /rhuncovered or to our Twitter page @RHUncovered.



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Making The Most Of Your Container Garden Suitable for most plants, containers filled to the brim with seasonal or permanent plants can brighten up a corner of the garden and they are extremely versatile too! So whether you are looking for a charming welcome into your garden, giving your home added kerb appeal or you’re looking for handy home-grown herbs, we’ve got hints, tips and ideas for you to make the most of your container garden. By Jacob White When to plant Plants take a short time to settle into their containers – expect more growth from spring and summer-planted containers compared to those of autumn and winter. For permanent plants now is the hour! They are best planted in early spring as they will establish quickly. Summer-flowering plants should be planted in May when frosts have gone and for winter plants, go for a late summer or autumn planting. Which type of container? The container choices are vast, it’s important to think both style and substance. If you have a container that will need to be outside all year choose a frost-proof terracotta one, which will keep you in good stead when the temperatures drop. If you are looking at imitation-terracotta they can be useful for large plants due to their lightweight design and they can be moved indoors when a frost is forecast. Whatever the design, size does matter! Think about the root system when choosing one, small pots dry out quickly so plant small plants in large containers, and by doing so you will reduce the chore of constant watering. However, caution is needed for plants such as camellia or citrus with small root balls as excess compost can become waterlogged and result in root rot and ultimately plant death. Combating waterlogging and other draining problems is key to managing a container garden. Ensure adequate drainage by selecting the right size pot and the necessary number of drainage holes – if extra holes are needed drill where appropriate. Consider placing stones or broken terracotta at the bottom of your container and raising the container up on bricks to guard against waterlogging.



RH Uncovered

How to plant Place drainage material in the bottom of the container, such as broken up polystyrene, stones or broken terracotta. For a container 45cm (18in) deep, a 9cm (3½in) drainage layer is sufficient Fill the container with compost, leaving room to arrange the plants on the surface Remove the plants from their pots, tease out the roots gently and work more compost around the rootballs. Ensure that the top of the rootball is level with the surface of the compost Firm the compost around the plants, water well to settle and top up with compost if necessary. Make sure there is a gap of about 2.5cm (1in) between soil level and the top of the container. This will ensure there’s room for the water to soak in. Source: The Royal Horticultural Society How to maintain To maintain your container garden, check the compost moisture levels daily from April to September, watering if dry. As well as compost, feeding is important. The Royal Horticultural Society advises “Start feeding four to six weeks after planting, unless the compost contains a slow-release fertiliser. From April to September, use a general-purpose liquid feed, unless the compost contains a slowrelease fertiliser. Feeding is not needed in winter.” Make sure you deadhead regularly to encourage growth and where necessary re-pot in early spring. For permanent displays, re-potting is required at least every two to four years to prevent problems with drying out and waterlogging. Reduce watering during winter months and try to avoid compostfreeze by moving containers under cover or covering them in bubble-wrap or old bed sheets.


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I am now running my advert in 3 issues and they are working brilliantly! They keep me more than busy, in fact sometimes I don’t even like to look at my phone! Michael Barker started working with RH Uncovered when he started business 3 years ago - we asked him why he likes to work with us... “On starting my own business, my first port of call after getting a business plan together was to call Mantra Magazines, because I know they are well known in the area, they come through our door every month. I know the people that work there and that they have very nice friendly staff. I started advertising with RH Uncovered in January 2013. I started off with a sixteenth page ad, which was obviously not very big but it was enough to get me going. I now run my adverts in the RH10, RH19 and RH6 issues and they are working brilliantly. They keep me more than busy, in fact sometimes I don’t even like to look at my phone as there are loads of voicemails and messages! But obviously that it is good that they are keeping me more than occupied with work.

I would recommend Mantra Magazines to anyone who wants to get a business up and running or someone who’s got a good business who just wants help get their name in front of the public eye. I think it’s down to the advert itself. They put a lot of work into the layout of my advert. You always get sent a proof as well, so if there are little bits you want to change, like the font, the colours or maybe adding a picture in – they will always work on it and make changes until it is perfect. I get a phone call almost every month to check the content of my advert is OK and the team will always offer new suggestions.

I am now running my advert in the RH10, RH19 and RH6 issues and they are working brilliantly. For example in winter months certain aspects of my work change, so I get a call in September for to discuss what changes to make to my advert to refelct the changes in the type of work I will be looking for. The day the advert goes out I know straight away that the magazines are being delivered as my phone starts ringing – some days every 5 minutes! I personally have had days when I have received 10-15 leads. Mantra Magazines has been the key to my success from day one, which is why when they ring me up every year to ask if I want to renew – I say “of course – definitely!” I would recommend Mantra Magazines to anyone who wants to get a business up and running or someone who’s got a good business who just wants help get their name in front of the public eye. The staff are brilliant and all very helpful. It’s a no-brainer, I’d definitely recommend them.” Michael Barker, Copthorne Garden Services


Driverless Cars

Technology is rapidly changing the world around us and the area of motoring is no different – this month we look at a future with driverless cars and what this means. By Ben Morley


his month I was asked to give my thoughts on driverless cars and the impact that they will have on motoring. I could launch into an analysis of James Cameron’s Terminator films and how we are spiralling towards a world controlled by computers. However, I won’t, because we don’t have space and I am sure you, dear reader, don’t have the time to read my musings. The truth of the matter is that most modern cars now have the capability of driving themselves. The throttle is fly-by-wire, the steering is electric, the brakes are electronically assisted, there are sensors to tell you if you’re coming out of your lane on motorways, sensors tell you if you’re too close to the car in front and sensors to tell you if you are about to reverse into something; it’s all there, it just needs linking up. I think we are a few years off a way of doing it safely, however, it’s a sad inevitability that the increasing laziness of the human race, and our dependence on computers, dictates that it will happen at some point.

When it does happen, I expect there will be dedicated lanes on the road for ‘automatic’ vehicles to begin with. Whilst we will be able to programme computers to work out what other computers are doing we are some way off programming them to second guess humans. Then there is the whole electric car argument. Is this a viable future for the motor car? In my opinion, it isn’t. Where does electricity come from? Burning fossil fuels. How will we recycle the special batteries used in these cars? Erm, we’ll work that out when the time comes. The technology to replace petrol is already there, but until the petrol companies can earn some money from it, we won’t hear about it.

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Turning Japanese! Have you ever wondered why the Japanese diet keeps you looking young and feeling wonderful? Stars including Victoria Beckham and Madonna are avid followers of a Japanese diet rich in fish, soya, tea and vegetables – I spoke to nutritionist Cassandra Barns who reveals three foods which can help us live longer!


id you know Japanese people are more likely to reach 100 years-old than anyone else in the world? It’s widely accepted across the globe that the Japanese live longer and healthier lives than many other nationalities, researchers put their incredible longevity down in part thanks to their unique national diet. Nutritionist Cassandra Barns reveals five foods in the Japanese diet that could help us live longer: Fish Did you know? The Japanese eat between 80g to 100g of fish every day, while the British struggle to eat just one portion of oily fish a week. Cassandra, says: “Fish are of course a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, these fats are not only essential for heart health, but also for our brain and eyes.



By Jacob White Fish are rich in selenium, which is vital for our antioxidant defences and immune system and B vitamins that help to keep our brain chemistry in balance. We eat far less fish in the UK compared to Japan – it’s time we started upping our intake!” Matcha Tea Did you know? Tea is the most commonly drunk beverage in Japan Among the most well-known places for tea cultivation in Japan are Shizuoka, Kagoshima and Uji. Cassandra, says: “Matcha is a traditional powdered green tea made from the fresh leaf tips of the tea plant. Green tea – matcha in particular – is high in a specific type of flavanols called catechins.

RH Uncovered


These substances are thought to boost our body’s antioxidant defences, potentially helping to protect against degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and even cancers.” Fermented soya Did you know? Japan has one of the world’s largest selections of fermented foods such as natto (fermented soybeans), miso and soy sauce. Cassandra, says: “One of the ‘secrets’ of the health of Japanese women is thought to be their consumption of soya foods, thanks to the isoflavones they contain. Isoflavones act as phytoestrogens – plant substances that have a weak oestrogen-like effect in the body – so may be especially helpful for women after menopause, when natural oestrogen levels drop – a reason why we could live longer!

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I would say that about 90% - 95% of our business all comes directly from the Uncovered magazines! Good Wills and Estate Planning are local Estate Planning Practitioners and first advertised with us in 2009. We asked Shernaz why she first chose Uncovered magazines and what sets us apart from other local publications. “ Our business is quite transient, so we are constantly looking for new clients, which is why we need to advertise for new business on a regular basis. We chose the Uncovered magazines because they are a local publication and they are very established, the previous owner of our business would use them to advertise and recommended them to us. We advertise every month and we have done consistently since January 2009, which is really important for our presence and brand awareness.

We advertise every month and we have done consistently since January 2009, which is really important to maintain our presence and to raise our brand awareness. I think the main difference with advertising across the Uncovered magazines, is that they are filled with informative articles that are interesting to our target audience, so every month people pick them up and they will read them.

We would never drop our advertising in RH Uncovered magazines, we will carry on consistently doing it, because we see such a good return from running it.

I find the guys at Mantra are always really friendly and always eager to help out. If we ever want any tweaks to our adverts – they will always do them for us. If we have any issues or need any customer service there is always somebody there to speak to us on the phone or reply to an email.

We ask every single client that comes to us how they found us. The majority of the time they have either come directly from one of the Uncovered magazines or it has been a referral from an existing client - but then a majority of our referrals have then come from clients which have initially come from the Uncovered magazines - so I would say that about 90% - 95% of our business all comes directly from the Uncovered magazines.

We would never drop our advertising in RH Uncovered magazines, we will carry on consistently doing it, because we see such a good return from running it. We consider it great value when you work out the cost per thousand for the amount of magazines that are going out to people and delivered directly to their homes.

I find the guys at Mantra Magazines are always really friendly and eager to help out! I have no doubt in recommending advertising across the Uncovered magazines for any local business looking to expand or get new customers coming in.� Shernaz Motivala, Good Wills and Estate Planning

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Prom Planning Whether it’s your 11, 16 or 18-year-old getting excited for their end of term celebration, now is the time to start planning their perfect prom! In the past decade, proms have become really popular with UK school leavers of all ages, thanks to American TV programmes and fi lms. In fact, it’s reported that 85% of British schools now have proms. Stretch limos, glamourous gowns, and suave suits have made their way to our shores. If you don’t know where to start, here’s our definitive guide! By Shelley Welti Dreamy dresses According to GoCompare.com, the average cost of a prom in the South East costs £222; with most of this going on a dream dress. The same survey found that 84% of girls buy new dresses for the occasion. Whether she fancies a fishtail, a full length or cute 50’s style gown, it’s never too early to visit boutiques and specialist dressmakers to talk through her dress ideas and ensure she feels like the belle of the ball! Terrific transport Making an entrance in a limo, classic car or unusual vehicle (from ice cream vans to the A-Team van) is something so many children look forward to. Opt for classy and traditional or quirky and fun transport to pick up your child and take them to their magical night. Most prom-goers love arriving with their friends, so get a list together of those they’d like to travel with, talk to other parents and split the cost. Smart suits It’s not just the girls who love to don their finest attire; the boys enjoy having the opportunity to get suited and booted too. Whilst the average prom cost is almost half that of their female classmates at £113, 74% of teenage boys buy a new suit to wear. Head to suit stockists to get measured up and gain inspiration on styles and colours that will have him feeling suave and sophisticated! There’s also the option of hiring a suit to reduce costs. Little extras According to GoCompare, 45% of girls and 42% of boys have their hair professionally preened and perfected for their prom. 14% of girls also get their makeup applied by a professional and 19% get a spray tan, leaving them looking bronzed for their special evening. If you’re treating your prom-goer to treatments, talk to beauticians and hairdressers – many offer special prom packages, combining best-selling treatments at a lower rate.



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Caring For Tropical Fish

In recent years, the trend for keeping tropical fish as pets has grown. Perhaps thanks to characters such as Nemo and Dory in Disney’s Finding Nemo bringing beautiful and rarely seen fish to the big screen – and in turn pester power from the kids to add a fabulous fish to our homes. By Shelley Welti


s we all know, tropical fish aren’t as easy to care for as the humble goldfish – there’s plenty to consider to ensure that you have the optimum conditions to give your new pet a healthy home. Do your homework From clownfish and blue tangs like Nemo and Dory to colourful mollies and fancy guppies, there’s so many tropical fish to choose from. Do your homework to make sure that your new fishy friend is the right pet for you and your family - visit a seller and be sure to ask them questions. Set up their tank Once you’ve decided on your new family member, it’s time to buy the equipment and set it up correctly. Don’t be tempted (although it is very exciting!) to shorten the time suggested by professionals; it’s a must to keep your fish healthy and happy. Wash your tank (to make sure there are no nasty chemicals lurking) and then add your substrate.

The substrate is the material used on the bottom of the tank and it can affect the water’s chemistry, filtration and ultimately your fish’s well-being. Add plants and rocks to make the tank more homely. Again, these also require in-depth research for your chosen fishy family addition. Water wellness Fill your tank halfway with fresh water and add your chosen heater and filter, then fill your tank up. Let the tank rest for at least ten minutes, before adding a water conditioner. Leave this to settle for 15 minutes and add a bacteria supplement. This is where patience is needed; depending on your

preferred fish, you need to cycle your tank and add a source of ammonia (fish food or an ammonia solution work replicating fish waste and encouraging the bacteria to grow, so ‘natural’ colonies are already present for your fish). This can take a few weeks and lots of checking for levels of ammonia, nitrate and PH levels – just remember; it will be worth it when you provide your fish with a perfect home. Adding your fish Once your water is just right; it’s time to buy your fish and add them to the tank. Don’t just release them – let them adjust, by putting them in their bag for half an hour. Using a net remove your fish from the bag and set them free to explore their new home! Ongoing care As you will have experienced, getting the ammonia, PH and nitrate levels just right can be tricky. Keep monitoring those, along with your fish’s behaviour to keep them healthy and happy!

At Von Wolf Kennels we take pride in the quality of care we provide for all our visitors and look forward to seeing them again and again. Diets, medication and any special needs your Dog requires will be catered for. Dogs are exercised daily in our secure grass and concrete runs. We supply the beds, bedding, bowls and loads of toys. Our purpose built kennels have been established since 1987 and are licensed by Reigate & Banstead Council. All kennels have their own concrete runs allowing the dogs the choice of being inside or out. Opening times, Mon to Fri 10 am – 5 pm, Sat 10 am – 3 pm, Sun closed.

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INDEX Advertising Agency, Mad Ideas Advertising Agency, 11

Hardware Store, Smallfield Supplies, 27

Architect, J N A Architects Ltd, 30

Health and Wellbeing Centre, Centre for Health, 41

Ballet School, Just Ballet, 23

Heating Services, Storaheat, 31

Bathrooms, E & B Bathroom Studio, 48

Heating Specialist, Wallbank Contractors, 31

Beauty Clinic, Derma Spa Aesthetics, 45

Hypnotherapist, Becky Wells Ltd, 41

Building Services , R S Leighton, 30

Interiors Blinds, Interior Blinds UK Ltd, 26

Building Suppliers, Mitchells Building Centre, 28

Kennels, Vonwolf Kennels , 46

Care Home, Barchester Health Care, 2

Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms, KBB Designs , 3

Carpentry Services, JSM Carpentry , 29

Landscaping, P.L.A Landscaping, 33

Charity, Furni Store, 11

Landscaping, Branching Out Landscapes, 34

Community Support, Surrey Clubs for Young People, 10 Community Support, Surrey Clubs for Young People, 11 Conservatories , Icon Roofs Ltd, 33 Construction, C G Construction South East Ltd, 31 Curtains & Blind, Elizabeth Designs, 28 Dental Care, The Dental Care Centre, 41 Dental Practice, A & N Denture Clinic, 41 Document Storage & Shredding, S4B, 14 Double Glazing, Cloudy 2 Clear , 7 Double Glazing, As Good As New, 25 Electrician, Boss Electrical Services, 30 Equipment Hire, Facelift, 31 Estate Agents, HomeXperts, 5 Fencing, G & T Fencing, 33 Florist, Sweetpea Florist, 45 Foot Health Practitioner, Footcare Focus, 43 Foot Health Practitioner, Lynda Handyside, 43 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 31 Garage Refurbishment , VSF Ltd, 9

Lawncare and Garden Services, Lawn Tiger, 34 Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 31 National Trust Property, Wakehurst , 17 Oven Cleaning, Crystal Clean Ovens, 30 Pest Control, Pest Force (Crawley), 34 Plumbing, D and S Plumbing Services, 30 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing & Heating, 25 Property Maintenance, M P Property Maintenance Services, 31 Property Maintenance, Davies Property Maintenance, 30 Property Refurbishment & Construction, Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 26 Public House and Restaurant, Three Horseshoes Inn, 19 Public House and Restaurant, The Castle Outwood (Inn the Country Ltd), 18 religious group, London Temple Visitor Centre, 18 Restaurant, The Curry Bengal, 1 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, PCS Property Services, 25 Roofing, A & R Roofing, 27

Garage Services, VDS Performance, 36

Satellite/TV, Norsat, 28

Garage Services, Fergussons Auto Services, 37

Skip Hire, R B Mini Skips, 30

Garage Services, RH Autos, 38

Tiling Services, Steve Lewis Tiling Services, 30

Garage Services, Knox Motors, 38

Travel Agent, Travel Counsellors Reigate, 20

Garage Services, Auto Services Horley, 39

Tree Care, Connick Tree Care, 34

Garage Services, Brockham Motor Company, 39

Tree Care and Fencing, D R Newland Treecare & Fencing, 34

Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 30

Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 33

Garden Machinery Sales service, Horace Fuller Ltd, 33

Tree Surgeons, Floran Tree, 34

Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors,

Tyre Services, Guildford Tyre Company, 38

Copthorne Garden Services, 34 Gift Shop, Heyland & Whittle, 45

Will Writing Service, Good Wills, 43 Window Cleaning , Charlwood Window Cleaners, 31

Tel: 01293 783344 Tel: 01293 786201

W: www.ebbathroomstudio.co.uk E: sales@hchm.co.uk E & B Bathroom Studio (Horley) Ltd 71 – 77 Brighton Road, Horley, Surrey

E & B Bathroom Studio is an established large bathroom showroom showing a comprehensive range of modern and traditional bathrooms to suit all tastes.

We specialise in an extensive variety of formats and finishes. Our products stand out for their high- tech properties, innovative design, and unbeatable quality. Our company goal is to provide the best possible service to all our customers whether it is a complete installation or supply only. Installation includes: Building Work, Tiling, Plumbing, Electrics and full project management and all work is fully guaranteed and to the highest specifications. Experienced in–house designers with years of expertise in every stage in the creation of beautiful home interiors – from survey and design, to installation, are on hand to guide and support every one of their customers through the entire process. Using the latest Virtual Worlds design systems our designers are able to accurately design and give a preview of your new bathroom.

Boilers: We also have qualified gas engineers to service your boiler or update or replace your heating system.

Plumbing Services : We also undertake small plumbing work and projects.

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