Twitter Traffic Mastery
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Table of Contents Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Getting Started ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Build a List ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Twitter Traffic ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1?
Twitter Traffic Mastery
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Twitter is an incredibly powerful social website- With millions of users who visit the site daily, it can3t be overlooked as part of a comprehensiFe online marGeting plan- Twitter is great for busy marGetersH because the format re8uires short, succinct posts that grab attention but don3t take a lot of time to create- These daysH people prefer to get their information as IuicGly and easily as possible- Twitter maGes it easy to reach these users efficientlyH without oFerloading them with information and maGing them tune you out- In this report, you3re going to learn how to use the massive power of Twitter to grow your business- I will show you exactly how to harness their massiFe database of users for your own personal gainH and how to sIueeKe eFery last drop out of your followers! So let3s get started!
Getting Started
The first thing you need to do is sign up for a Twitter account if you don3t already have one. This is incredibly easy- Must Fisit http:OOwww-twitter-com and click the @Sign up nowA button.
After you sign up, you3ll need to modify your profile. People won3t take you seriously if you don3t fill out your profile completely- Spammers tend to set up a Twitter account Pust to spam people, and they don3t fill out their profile fully. By completing yoursH you will set yourself apart and giFe yourself a little boost in credibility-
First of allH be sure to add your RSL to your bio- EFery user who Fisits your profile will see it! You might want to maGe this RSL lead to a sIueeKe page so you can capture users onto your optVin email list- This will let you build a resource outside of Twitter3s rules that you can marGet to any way you see fit- You will also want to add Geywords that are releFant to your industry- If you are marGeting in the golf nicheH you will want to put acneVrelated Geywords here- This will help users find you if they want to locate people who are also into golf- You can enter your Geywords separated by commas- You may also want to haFe an original bacGground image created for your profile- This might contain a picture of youH a picture of your productH and contact information- You might also want to include your RSL on the image-
Don3t forget to upload a photo of yourself or an avatar. This will help users notice and remember youH and it will also help
you stand out from other users-
Build a List
Building a list is one of the most Fital things you can do with Twitter- Any time you are marGeting on a web property you don3t own, you3re running the risk that your account could be deleted or the site could change its terms and nullify your campaign- When you build a listH you will be able to marGet to that list for many years to come. Best of all, you won3t have to worry
about breaking Twitter3s terms, even if they change the terms later- You can marGet to your own list any legal way you want! You will need an autoresponder account in order to manage your list effectiFely- A good autoresponder account is well worth the moneyH and you will be able to email your list IuicGly and easily- Both serFices are excellentH but I find Aweber to be slightly better in terms of deliFerability- Once you sign up for your autoresponder accountH you will need to add the code to your sIueeKe page- This form will allow users to enter their name and email address to Poin your mailing list- The two top proFiders are: http:OOwww-GetSesponse-com http:OOwww-Aweber-com
If you3ve never set up a s8ueeze page before, you can get some help at: http:OOwww-bigbangtemplates-com http:OOwww-pluginsIueeKepage-com A s8ueeze page is similar to a sales page, but it3s shorter and simpler- You need to maGe sure your sIueeKe page tells people why they should sign up to your list- You might giFe away an incentiFe liGe a free reportH a Fideo tutorialH or a free educational course that is deliFered daily to
their email- You can set your autoresponder up to deliFer the freebie automatically after they sign up- Must maGe sure the incentiFe you offer is releFant to your niche- A 1? page report on saFing money off the purchase of a car might be interesting, but it3s not going to appeal to golf traffic as much as a 1? page report on improFing your golf swing!
If you want to test different sIueeKe pages for effectiFenessH you can do so for free using Google3s Website optimizerI http:OOwww-google-comOwebsiteoptimiKer This tool is free to useH and it will let you split test different Fersions of your sIueeKe page to find out which one is most effectiFe- Once your sIueeKe page has been set up and is ready to
receive traffic, it3s time to start sending traffic to it!
Twitter Traffic
Yerhaps the easiest way to get traffic from Twitter is to set up a system that will automatically send messages to your new followers and direct them to your sIueeKe page- You can set up an account at a site liGe: http:OOwww-socialoomph-comOregister This site will allow you to automatically send a welcome message to all of your Twitter followers- You can welcome them to your list of followers and inFite them to sign up for your newsletter-
They automate eFerything for you!
First you will need to register for a free trial account- Once you have done this, you will need to click on @Add a Jew Scheduled Status KpdateA.
You will need to be sure to let Social Oomph sync with your Twitter account- You will need to giFe the system permission to access your Twitter account- NOTE: You can also manage multiple Twitter accounts from one Social Oomph account! NextH you need to enter your automated greeting:
These messages can be posted to your Twitter feed wheneFer you choose- Then you need to set up the direct message that will be sent to your followers when they follow you:
Choose @Schedule Jew DMA. Then you wil be able to enter an automated message that will thanG each user for Poining your networG and inFite them to Fisit your sIueeKe page- This will allow you to build a targeted list of followers that you can use for many years to promote products toH and it will be an inFaluable resource that will be well worth the time and effort it taGes to build it-