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IF FASHION The independent style magazine

Produced by Manuela Durán (c-art class), 2017



Be Fashion. “I don´t do fashion, I am fashion” Coco Chanel

IS A CRIME we plead gui lty.

FASHION DEVOTEES THE POWER OF STYLE We dressed to communicate, not verbally. But somehow telling the world who we are by what we wear. People say that fashion is a banality, something that concerns only those who are interested in frivolities; but really only those who know its history and great influence in the world, understand the power of clothing. No matter if we are interested in fashion or not, the reality is that we must cover our body; and although there are those who would say that they put the first thing they found, only with that choice they are telling their beliefs to the universe. The clothes we wear, influenced the perception that someone has of us, as the way we perceived ourselves.

So, what are you telling the world about you?

We dressed to communicate, not verbally. But somehow telling the world who we are by what we wear. People say that fashion is a banality, something that concerns only those who are interested in frivolities; but really only those who know its history and great influence in the world, understand the power of clothing. No matter if we are interested in fashion or not, the reality is that we must cover our body; and although there are those who would say that they put the first thing they found, only with that choice they are telling their beliefs to the universe. The clothes we wear, influenced the perception that someone has of us, as the way we perceived ourselves.



“All women have an intimate relationship with our hair. We consider it, our weapon of seduction, our feminine power, and why not, the best accessory that we can wear.”

We care about it, we indulged ourselves and we are in constant search for products that removed us a lot of problems that sometimes occur. It may be a thin hair, a drop problem, many processes as tinctures and abuses of iron or dryer, and even having dry hair can take away our dream. But I tell you, that for all women who are like us, obsessed with their hair, there is a specific solution for each of their problems.

For me, my hair is a part of my style. Is an obsession of all women to have a healthy, shiny and nourished hair. We spent hours at the hairdresser, and we spent even more at the shampoos shelf in the supermarket, to find the product that best meets our needs and can give us the hair we have always dreamed of. Our hair is part of our look. Trends in hairstyles varied just as clothing trends!

"Life is short, make each hair flip fabulous." Anonymous

Tips for a shiny and healthy hair:

We all want our hair to look just as healthy as our body!

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Use essential oils to nourish your hair. It is not enough using shampoo and conditioner to have a beautiful hair; you must find the right products for your hair type. At the end of each shower, rinse your hair with cold water; this makes your cuticles seal up and you will contribute to your hair an incredible shine. Use natural free shampoo salt. If you have dyed hair, this product will make the color lasts. If you have dry hair, it will moisturize it and if you've done some treatment to smooth, it will achieve to Apply a protective heat product on your hair before using an iron or dryer. This helps to protect it from heat abuse. Eat well. Your hair also gets all the nutrients you eat, so a balanced diet and plenty of water will be reflected in your hair. Cut it regularly if you want your hair to grow healthy. Seek to cut at least the ends every 3 months.



The identity is directly related to the style.

By choosing what we will take every morning, we are somehow giving color and shape to our personality; but we must maintain versatility and diversity to not introduce our style into a uniform. The way others can identify us, is through shades of our identity that are reected in the clothes we wear and how we combine them. Meaning, we are making a constant conversation with our essence.

FASHION IS INSTANT LANGUAGE Our dress should be a reflection of how we feel day by day, it is an imaginary diary where every look can talk about a different feeling, but always have a fixed feature of our identity. Therefore we must never stay with certain types of garments. We can make our identifiable style through colors or silhouettes, or any part that always we take; but we must always be innovating. For many of us, clothing becomes an art. It is a complex activity, in which we get an attitude. You can find inspiration in the most fortuitous, make a plan, put together an outfit, and tell a story through as you walk your way around. As some say that, eyes are the mirror of the soul, I think the way we dress is also a reflection of this, and although many can costume themselves; only those who really have a style entrenched and consistent with who they are, reflect their inside on what they wear. For me, people are wrong, fashion is anything but banal. If viewed from a frivolous point of view, it's obvious that we will find its most superficial and simple part, in which we talk about trends and colors without going beyond. But when we look way ahead of the obvious, is when we discovered it's reality. The way fashion is communication, revolution, innovation, and a lifestyle; a guide to learn about others and understand who we really are.

IT'S THE PERFECT DAY FOR... “Each day is a page in our fashion story." Many times we sat down, waiting for the perfect moment to arrive. We hope it was year-end to write our dreams on paper and burn what we want to leave behind. Sometimes we wait for the end of the week to start the diet, or count the days for the month to be over and start exercising. We often wait for others to fulďŹ ll their dreams so we could then achieve ours, or pray to god to give us the perfect boyfriend and then to be happy. But life is about living the day, to enjoy the present, and say I love you in the instant. To get you into dance classes today, to stop thinking in the diet that will start and commit yourself that they are not diets, just own love. We must stop torturing us by thinking we hate the gym and rather seek a group of "running" that will motivate us more. We must stop thinking about the holidays to arrive and make every day a special day. That is why we need to do every day what we want, to make every day the perfect day to be happy, to dream, to dare, to feel unique, to spoil. Every day is worth it and we better make our own decisions, not follow others. Today is the perfect day for everything you want to do. To make aside your everyday routine and pursue your true interests! We want every day to be the "Ideal Day" and achieve maximum enjoyment!

Women love to feel good both inside and out. So just make every day, the perfect day.

PRODUCTIVE STYLE "If i'm going to be a mess, I may as well be a hot mess."

What is to be productive? Is it to meet our goals? Therefore, and to relate the subject of fashIs it to do the most we can in the shortest ion productivity, we could say that to have a possible time? productive style is necessary to know us and Is it to fulfill the tasks that puts us life? know that we like, what we dislike, with what For me, being productive means to make we identify and what not, and understand the most of the time we have to accomthat when we always make a purchase or plish things in the best way. Do what we choose something to wear, we should love and do it with love.But speaking of choose the best for our personality. fashion, we could say that a productive That is why I always say that style is perstyle is the one in which we feel always sonality, and fashion is simply market good. It is to know ourselves so much supply. I have learned that good style is that when choosing anything that has also equivalent to good communicato do with our lifestyle, we will tion. Our style must reflect 100% make the choice that makes our essence, if not, we will be us feel better. sending a wrong message to the world of ourselves.

“ If we send a bad message of who we are, we are not being productive with our visual communication.”

Tips for a Productive Style:

What it is in our wardrobe should identify us 100%. So it is necessary to perform a cleaning closet at least 1 time a year, to avoid the risk of having something that do not identifies us and that we get to dress with simply because it exists and we haven’t use it for days. Who has not passed through this? We can even donate the clothes we no longer use and make someone happy. Write on a sheet of paper, our personality and how we define it. For example: I am cheerful, friendly, outgoing, I love to call for attention etc. With these adjectives and description find that many of our items are related to the description of our personality, some as basic insurance will not, but in general we could find clothes that relate to the adjectives we choose. Just as we should not approach the refrigerator when we are bored, neither should we to a store. I know, this goes against the theory of "shopping therapy" That you buy is therapeutic is a myth and is the worst mistake because we sometimes end up buying things that do not go with us. We can create multiple outfits with different clothes in a day. One Sunday we can get all the closet and create looks and take pictures, so we know what to dress with in those days we have lack of imagination. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS we must leave our home happy with what we choose. If not the world would feel our discomfort.

How do you make your style productive?

And when I say productive is that it must produce in us happiness, welfare, and safety and should show others the right message of whom we are.

#GIRLPOWER "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can coquer the world" Women have the power to turn everything we believe into reality. Women have the power to support each other, to share the pains, to laugh together, to cry, and to form bonds of friendship so strong, that they do not dissolve over the years. Women share the dream of creating, of surrendering without thinking, of giving everything for the whole. Women have the power to infect the entire world with our ability to transform. Our main goal is always to achieve what we propose. Women are the guardians of the world, peacemakers, and life-givers. We are beings of light, that come to demonstrate to other human beings, that there are many ways to fulďŹ ll dreams, to love, to turn darkness into light, and to improve reality. We are the ones who manage to make our imperfections our greatest virtues, our insecurities our allies, and our fears, the engine to become wonderful women!

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