Goat and Sheep Milk New Zealand June 2022

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Cassey notes that, while both chicory and plantain are an asset in a pasture mix, if weed burdens are a particular problem on the property, it’s worth considering keeping them separate from each other, as combining them eliminates weed control options. She acknowledges some farmers prefer one over the other but says both species can form part of the mix as long as they’re managed effectively. Chicory excels through early summer to late autumn, while plantain has a more complete growth pattern, including more cool-season activity. In the Upper North Island, chicory is generally useful to lower the population of black beetles, particularly when following with ryegrass, as it helps in breaking the black beetle cycle.

Flexible finish When both the legume and herb crops start to come to an end, an ideal option is ryegrass. A tetraploid hybrid ryegrass, such as Mohaka with AR37 endophyte, offers high metabolisable energy alongside high palatability, which will aid in maximising milk production. Mohaka provides the ideal tool for undersowing into both herb and clover stands to prolong their productivity. Waikato trials have shown over the first eighteen months it gives an average yield that is 15% higher than a perennial. This bolsters the original crop when it’s running out. If pests are of concern, Mohaka AR37 can also assist in resistance to several common pasture pests and, in northern zones, it provides the greatest potential for persistence, while in other regions, Mohaka AR1 is a good option for both sheep and goats. Cassey says those looking for a perennial option should go for a diploid/tetraploid mix, suggesting the varieties One50 or Legion diploid perennial ryegrasses mixed with Halo, a tetraploid perennial, particularly for sheep operations as they offer persistence that a hybrid can’t, as well as more flexibility.

Udder Issues Limiting Production

Anne Ridler, School of Veterinary Science, Massey University

Over the past five years, researchers at Massey University have done a number of studies looking at ewe udder defects in meat-breed sheep. This has included investigating how common udder defects are, evaluating their impacts on lamb growth and survival, milk production and quality as well as identifying which bacteria were present. A lot of udder characteristics were assessed but the only ones that were found to affect lamb survival and growth rates were lumps within the udder tissue and generalized hardness (“mastitis”) of one or both udder halves. Studies on commercial meat-breed sheep farms showed that on average about 2.5% of ewes have these defects at weaning while another 2% or so developed these defects in the 4-6 weeks after weaning. In a two-year study in a large commercial meat-breed flock, it was found that lambs born to ewes with lumps or hardness in one or both udder halves were 3-5 times more likely to die compared with lambs born to ewes with normal udders. Lambs that survived grew around 25g/day more slowly. A milking study showed a substantial decrease in the daily milk output of udder halves with either lump/s or hardness. However, if only one udder half was affected then in many cases the other normal udder half had an increase in milk production (a compensatory increase) so overall milk production was similar to ewes with two normal udder halves. Milk from defective udder halves had no differences in fat, protein, lactose or total solids compared with milk from normal udder halves, but non-fat solids were reduced. Bacterial culture was undertaken from milk samples from a large number of normal and defective udder halves. Bacteria were more likely to be grown from defective udder halves but were also found in some normal udder halves. A large range of bacteria were found – the most common were coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS), Mannheimia haemolytica, Staph. aureus and Strep. uberis. These research projects were funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand, the C Alma Baker Trust and Massey University. A video, podcast and fact-sheet on assessing ewes’ udders can be found on the Beef + Lamb New Zealand website.

Our portfolio offers all the essential products needed for sheep and goat milking systems, with many varieties being market-leaders. These have been proven, not just in our regional trials, but on-farm as well. Goat & Sheep Milk NZ - Issue 7 | June 2022


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