Goat & Sheep Milk New Zealand - October 2021

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Age Concern and Farming Age Concern valued the opportunity to meet the farming community at Fieldays earlier this year. Our services are nationwide and we feel it is important that all know the services we provide. About Us Age Concern New Zealand is a charity. We rely on the generosity of Kiwis through donations and bequests and grants from trusts and foundations to support our vital work. We support people and their whanau in 40 communities across New Zealand. Each one providing services, information and advocacy in response to local needs. Often at very low or no cost! While each local Age Concern offers a service that is designed to meet the needs of people in the local area, there are several key services that are offered in most regions. Accredited Visiting Service (AVS) Age Concern has a nationwide visiting service. We match people who would like more company with volunteers who are happy to spend about an hour per week together enjoying conversation, shared interests and activities. Some local Age Concerns also run social groups that promote social connection with games mornings, singing groups or group visits to a range of gardens, exhibitions and cafes. Everyone is welcome to join in so make sure you call in and see what is on in your nearest Age Concern or find out how you can become a volunteer. Health Promotion It is important to us to support people to live their best later life. We run a wide range of programmes and information for wellbeing and good health. These include exercise programmes, nutrition and cooking classes, staying safe refresher courses for older drivers and so much more.

Change Attitudes - Become an Age Concern Dignity Champion We are all getting older and Age Concern New Zealand want a New Zealand that is a great place to age, where older kiwis are valued and respected. You can play a part by pledging to change attitudes as an Age Concern Dignity Champion. We all benefit in the long run! Age Concerns Everyone! Age Concern New Zealand believes everyone deserves a great future. We support older kiwis to have a healthy lifestyle, full of opportunities and protection from harm. But we can’t do it alone. Everyone needs to respect the rights of older people. So how can we make our own community or work place a great place for older people to live? It can start with really simple things. •

A first easy step is to make regular contact with your own older family members but also try to stop and say hello to older people in your neighbourhood, or workplace.

Getting together. Older people have a lot of knowledge and experience. Asking about their memories, or seeking advice is a way of acknowledging this, and showing respect.

Get involved in your community or by volunteering. Knowing who lives around us, and what is happening helps everyone, including older people, to feel safer and to be more connected.

Loneliness is a solvable problem; you could help by starting with a simple smile and hello when you meet someone in your neighbourhood. It could make the difference to someone’s day. Find out more at letsendloneliness.co.nz

Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Support Elder abuse is a serious and growing issue in New Zealand. Startling research from the referrals Age Concern receives, shows that more than three quarters of elder abuse occurs at the hands of older people’s own family. Age Concern’s Elder Abuse services received 2,500 referrals last year - That is ten referrals every working day. Commonly, several types of abuse occur together. It happens to men and women of every religious, cultural, ethnic and income group. However, much abuse goes unreported. If you suspect and an older person is not being treated well or want to report abuse, please call for free and confidential support. Elder abuse helpline 0800 EA IS NOT OK Freephone Age Concern 0800 65 2 105 Advocating for the rights of older people Advocacy is an important aspect of the Age Concern service. Sometimes it’s hard to ‘stand up for yourself’ and obtain services that you are entitled to. Age Concern helps you get the information you need and supports you through the process.

Sign up at www.ageconcern.org.nz You can also donate to Age Concern New Zealand to support the vital work we do to provide social connection groups, health promotion and elder abuse and neglect prevention services in New Zealand.

Goat & Sheep Milk NZ - Issue 3 | October 2021


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