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TAURANGA: Revenue Modelling Signals ĕČıĕƧëÑıť…ÑıñøİĕëHİŔÑëťŜ

5HYHQXHPRGHOOLQJXQGHUWDNHQE\7DXUDQJD&LW\&RXQFLOLQGLFDWHVWKDWWKHRQJRLQJH΍HFWVRIWKH&29Ζ' pandemic are likely to have a severe impact on revenue, and potentially on the council’s ability to carry-out vital infrastructure investment projects.


Mayor Tenby Powell said the modelling data shows that revenue for WKH\HDULVOLNHO\WREHEHWZHHQPLOOLRQDQGPLOOLRQ lower than originally budgeted in its draft annual plan. “The bestcase scenario is that a revenue reduction in that range would halve our capital works programme. The worst-case is that our ability to deliver any of the vitally important capital projects on our books would EHYLUWXDOO\QRQH[LVWHQWD΍HFWLQJRXUDELOLW\WRUHQHZRXUH[LVWLQJ infrastructure, let alone invest in much-needed growth.”

Ȋ7KHSDQGHPLFKDVKDGDQHQRUPRXVH΍HFWRQXVDVLWKDVRQFRPPXQLWLHV DURXQG$RWHDURDEXWWKHUHDUHVRPHVLJQLȴFDQWRSSRUWXQLWLHVRSHQWRXVWRR With Crown investment and support, there is a path that will help lift us out of recession and create the houses and jobs we will need to keep growing through the next decade and beyond.” Small and medium-size businesses will also be a particular focus and the council will be working with the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce and Priority One to develop and implement approaches which will support the sector’s recovery.

LOCKDOWN: Get Into A Routine

:HDUHQRZZHOOLQWRWKLV&RYLGORFNGRZQDQGVWD\LQJLQRXUEXEEOHLVEHFRPLQJWKHQHZQRUPDOIRUPRVWRIXV As our days are starting to cool down and soon our morning or evening walks will become less frequent we will inevitably stay inside our homes for even longer. Across the internet a vast number of reporters, journalists, bloggers and others are suggesting innovative, and some not so innovative, ideas to keep busy during these unusual times. Recently, a New Zealand psychologists suggests that we create a structure during this time and keep busy, because not only does it help you to organise time and what you’ll do, a structure acts like a container, so the anxiety you might feel from time to time doesn’t feel like it’s going to spill out and colour everything that you do. Structure also not only helps to occupy you, but also everyone in your household. +HVXJJHVWVVRPHLGHDV6FKHGXOH\RXUVHOIVRPHUHJXODU activities for each day of the week. Maybe Monday morning is a baking morning, Tuesday afternoons are for gaming and hanging out with your buddies online, Wednesday afternoons are for an online group exercise class, and Thursday and Sunday mornings are for catching up online with groups of friends or family online. And you maybe want to theme each of the weeks, as we go WKURXJKWKHP*HWXSDWD regular time. Make sure you dress for the GD\.HHSD structure; it really helps.

Waikato Museum Calls On Its Social Media Community To Create A Virtual Exhibition

Waikato Museum has launched a new social media initiative, calling on its online community to create a virtual exhibition by sharing photos of their favourite items on social media sites using the hashtag #mywaikatomuseum.

Waikato Museum Director Cherie Meecham says: “As a museum, we thought it would be a great idea to ask people to contribute to a virtual exhibition of their own under the hashtag mywaikatomuseum.

“We’re asking our community… if there was a ‘museum of you’, what would you choose to put RQWKHZDOOV"

“The choice could be an artwork or treasured family heirloom, but it could also be your favourite piece of mid-century china, an old and useful tool, or that favourite t-shirt that you never quite managed to throw out. We also suggest anyone posting to #mywaikatomuseum should add a few words to tell a story about it, and why it’s important to them.”

7KH0XVHXPȇVVRFLDOKLVWRU\FXUDWRU1DGLD*XVK says: “Once people start posting online we may also consider choosing some of the photographs and stories to create a ‘real’ exhibition in the future.

“Meanwhile, we hope to provide our community with opportunities to interact with us, and each other, online while our physical buildings are currently closed.”

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