Manuka Honey: Treating Skin Infections and Complications
Did you know that honey, especially manuka honey, can actually treat a variety of skin infections? Our knowledge regarding this sweet, sticky and yellowish liquid has only been limited to it being used as a natural sweetener and it being loved by a bear in a children's cartoon. Although doctors still resort to using synthetic drugs, this type of honey has been proven to treat a number of skin infections and complications. The most notable ones include the following: Boils or Furuncles One of the most common skin infections include boils, also called furuncles. This is basically the infection of the hair follicle, caused by a type of bacteria called Staphylocuccus aureus – the condition it causes is as painful as its name is hard to pronounce. This complication is characterized by swollen, red, bumpy and extremely painful pus-filled lumps on the skin. Albeit minor, boils are very painful if they get very large and are not drained. In the early stages of the infection, you'll notice that a lump and a wound on the skin won't seem to heal. Putting manuka honey on the afflicted area when it starts to form will inhibit bacterial growth and will prevent further swelling. Bear in mind that manuka honey, especially ones with a UMF of 20+, has strong antibacterial properties, due to it being high in methylglyoxal, a strong and natural antibiotic.
Acne – common during puberty Medically, acne is very minor, but psychologically, it can be very damaging. Basically, this skin disease is characterized by the collection of pimples, scaly red skin, blackheads, whiteheads and nodules. This can even induce permanent scarring on the face, which may cause extreme depression and even suicide, especially on teens and adolescents. Countering acne with manuka honey is highly recommended. Although raging hormones and genetics are the primary causes of acne, bacteria plays a part. By resorting to manuka honey based products, bacterial growth is inhibited while improving the skin's condition by stimulating healing. Also, this type of honey can ease inflammatory responses, thus reducing the amount of swelling caused by acne!
Fungal infections Aside from killing off bacteria, manuka honey and the products derived from it, can also kill off all sorts of fungi, especially ones that cause ringworm, jock itch, and even athlete's foot. Remember, like bacteria, fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, something that manuka honey can inhibit. Ringworm is a type of a fungal infection which is highly contagions and commonly found in athletes, especially those who don't take showers immediately after their activities. One of its classifications, jock itch, is found in the skin folds of the thighs, near the genital areas. Characterized by cracked, dark or red skin, this can be either extremely painful or itchy. Athletes foot is also known as the “ringworm of the foot� and having it rather disgusting and irritating. It is characterized by itchy and flaky skin, especially between the toes, and a pungent and awful smell emanating from it Manuka honey and manuka plant based products can effectively kill and make conditions difficult for the fungus causing the above mentioned complications to thrive. Overall, regardless of your skin condition, try to resort to manuka honey and its derived products to treat yourself. Not only are they effective, they are also low-risk and will bring instant relief. So, aside from being a tea, coffee and toast sweetener, you now know how honey can help you out if you've got a skin problem!