How Can You Treat Hyperactivity Disorder? Treatment can help children with hyperactivity disorder. If the right plan is devised, it can help with inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity control in experts’ opinion. A successful treatment can help the child to start following rules, concentrate, and have good relationships with others.
Experts in neurologist treatment help to develop a plan as per the specific needs of the child. This plan includes medications or behavioural therapy, or both. Medications
As per a neuro doctor in Patna, the main medication used to treat hyperactivity disorders are stimulants and nonstimulants and in some cases antidepressants are also used. Stimulants have proven to be effective for a long time now among teens as they help the brain control impulses thereby bringing better control over behaviour and attention.
However, if the kid has another medical condition along with hyperactivity disorder, stimulants may not be the best medication. Hence, a neurologist doctor takes the entire medical history before prescribing any form of treatment. Nonstimulants work in different ways than stimulants and have not been tested for that long, but they can also help with concentration and impulse control. More often than not, experts prescribe these in controlled dosage along with stimulants for desired results. Antidepressants are the least preferred method to treat hyperactivity disorders but they can be helpful with inattention and impulsivity. Experts and neurologist in Patna Bihar, resort to this method only after the stimulants have failed and the child is suffering from additional problems such as depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.
Side Effects All forms of drugs have certain side effects and in this case also the onset of the treatment can show some side effects. However, experts at a neuro hospital have observed that these are mild and temporary. It is hence, advised to educate oneself with the help of the primary care giver on the possible effects of stopping a medicine, changing and starting a new one and most importantly when skipping a dose. Behavioral Therapy This type of therapy is generally helpful in conjunction with medication. It helps derive better results by using positive reinforcement for good behaviour and negative reinforcement for unwanted behaviours. A mental health professional from top hospital in Patna works with the patient and a guardian to set up a program intended to improve the child’s behaviours.
An expert from one of the best hospitals in Patna advises to first start behavioural therapy and then move to medication because in case of mild hyperactivity disorders, this form of therapy alone can be helpful. The experts mentioned above work at one of the best hospitals in Patna.