102 Dating Tips To Help You Find The Love Of Your ( value $99)
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Dating Tips for Women 1. Remember to keep your ears open more than your mouth. Your date is not one of your girlfriends, and he probably would enjoy a chance to talk about himself and his interests for a little while too. If he seems uninterested in sharing, it may just be that he’s quiet. Ask questions to get him talking about himself and what interests him. 2. Get dressed up. Nothing says “I’m not interested” quite as loudly as showing up for a date poorly dressed. You don’t have to be a fashion diva, but make a little extra effort to show your date that you took time with him in mind. Dress appropriately for the activity of the day and always be prepared for the unexpected. 3. Avoid talking about your past dates and ex-partners. Should the relationship progress past a few solitary dates, you might be in a place where it is ok to talk about these people, but in general you should steer clear of mentioning them as much as possible. If you do mention previous partners, you are risking giving your date the impression that he might never live up to your memories or that you are still hung up on an ex. 4. Do not be rude. This includes being rude to your date, the babysitter, your waiter and the woman behind the counter at the coffee shop. Use your best manners and be polite as much as possible. Remember that the goal is to make a good impression! And expect the same in return. Pay attention to how your date talks to you and to others and whether they treat others with respect. 5. Watch your language. While a man may be impressed at his new buddy’s ability to curse like a sailor, chances are that he does not want to hear the same from a lady friend. If you want to be respected, you need to act as though you deserve respect after all. 6. Don’t keep him waiting. Remember that old saying about being fashionably late? No? Good! It’s not nice to keep your date waiting and being late can demonstrate disrespect and disorganization. If you cannot avoid being late, be sure to call as soon as you realize that you will be running behind. 7. Avoid talking politics. While you may be passionate about your favorite political candidate, there is a good chance that a political discussion could ruin a perfectly fun evening. It is important to avoid arrogance on a date and although you may feel strongly about a specific issue or candidate there is no guarantee that you are right. So you are definitely better to avoid hot topics altogether. 8. Never cancel a date last minute, unless you are cancelling as a result of a family emergency. If you know that you need to cancel, it is important to give the other person plenty of notice so that they can reschedule the time. If you don’t, there is a Page 3 of 17 Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved. 102 Dating Tips to Help You Find the Love of Your Life
good chance that your date will not be understanding, ruining your chance of seeing them again in the future. 9. Make your date feel as though he is the only person in the room. Remember that a date is about two people getting to know one another. Therefore, you should focus all of your attention on your date. This will make the other person feel special and important. Also, make sure that you maintain eye contact with your date as much as possible throughout the evening to show attentiveness. 10. Be classy, but avoid extravagance. It is important to look classy on your dates, but to avoid being overly showy. Even if you have a pair of 2 carat diamond earrings you should not necessarily wear them on the first date. However, you should try to avoid wearing jeans unless you are going to an amusement park or a baseball game. Business casual attire is almost always appropriate for a first date, and it shows that you care about how you look and respect yourself. 11. Don’t worry so much about the future. There are some times when two people are simply not going to be attracted to one another. Even if you find your date to be completely unattractive, you should still show him the courtesy of making the evening enjoyable. Smile, be polite and have a good time. There’s no rule that you can’t just be friends. 12. Don’t’ lie. Honesty is always the best policy, and unless you want your date to find out some time in the future that you based the beginning of your relationship on a series of lies, it is far better to be honest from the beginning. After all, don’t you expect the same level of honesty from your date? 13. Make sure that your date feels comfortable. If you notice that your date is feeling uncomfortable for any reason, it’s a good time to either change the subject or possibly suggest moving to another activity or location. Ask yourself why your date might be uneasy and do whatever you can to make him feel more comfortable. 14. Be witty and cute! There’s nothing wrong with a few witty comments. It’s important to show your date that you can be both smart and attractive. Be sure to keep your conversation on topics that are not opinionated or aggressive and you are certain to charm anyone listening. 15. If you don’t like your date the first time, either resolve to give him a second shot or just be honest. It’s unfair and rude to leave the door open to future dates if you are simply uninterested. Don’t promise to call unless you intend to call. And don’t lead him on. Sometimes one person feels chemistry that the other person does not, and it is unfair to take advantage of the other person’s feelings. It is far better to just be honest. 16. Don’t date other people when you are in a relationship. If you do, be completely honest with the guy. Remember that you would expect that same level of honesty. It Page 4 of 17 Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved. 102 Dating Tips to Help You Find the Love of Your Life
is important for your date to realize that there may be nothing more than a single date as a result of your prior involvement. 17. Look great but not uninviting. Beautiful hair and light makeup go a long way no matter what you are wearing. Focus on looking your best at all times, but be natural and be yourself. Make sure that your clothes fit properly and if that shirt is wrinkled, iron it before you head out for the evening! 18. Keep dates brief. If you want to keep your men interested, you should keep your dates brief so that they have to call for another date if they want to spend more time with you. Open ended dates are okay as well, that way you have the opportunity to end the date when you are ready or to continue it for a longer time if you are both enjoying the evening. 19. Stay in shape. When you are on the dating scene, it is important to stay as healthy and fit as you possibly can. After all, although they may not plainly state it, your dates are going to be just as interested in your looks as they are in your brains. Don’t be obsessive, but pay attention to what you eat and get plenty of exercise. This way, you will be looking and feeling your best. 20. Don’t always say yes. Even if you are going to be sitting at home petting your cat on Friday night, a Thursday night dinner invitation may be too short of notice! Don’t say yes to every date, or at least not to the proposed time. This will help you to find out which men are interested for real and which are just bored and without plans for the following evening. 21. Never make assumptions. If you have a question for your date, it is important to simply ask the question. It is far better to have the real answer than to make assumptions, because should the relationship continue you may find yourself continuing to hold incorrect assumptions. 22. Avoid possessive men as much as possible. If you are on a date and the guy starts getting possessive, this is most likely a sign of insecurity. Give him a chance to change the behavior by pointing it out or just resolve that he’s not the right guy for you and move on. 23. Keep an eye on his shoes. The shoes that a man wears are a good indication of how well he takes care of himself. If he shows up in ragged shoes, unless you are going hiking, you should be on the lookout for other similar signs. Remember that everyone has a bad day now and again and don’t be too critical the first time his appearance is lacking. But, if he is constantly disheveled, you might want to think about what else in his life is not in order. 24. Be careful to never come across as completely available or desperate. Even if you haven’t had a date in months there is no reason to tell him that. Let him pursue you and show him that you’re worth chasing. Don’t say yes every time he calls and give
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