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Recipe Food and Drink Ensalada de Noche Buena
Ensalada de Noche Buena | Christmas Eve Salad
Servings 35
In a big pot, cook the jamaica flowers with 4 liters (approx 4 2. 3.
quarts) of water and 1 1/2 - 2 cups of sugar. Ingredients 5. Cook over high heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. ✓ ✓ 2 medium beets 1 / 4 k i l o g r a m d r y j a m a i c a ( h i b i s c u s ) f l o w e r s 6. Bring to boil and then lower the heat and let it simmer for (slightly more than 1/2 lb) 10 minutes. ✓ 3 cups of sugar, divided 7. Allow both the beets and jamaica to cool down. ✓ 15 guavas 8. Keep them overnight in the fridge. ✓ 4 apples ✓ 45 tejocotes 9. The next morning, take the beets out of the water and chop ✓ 1 medium jícama them into small square pieces and put them in a big bowl. ✓ 4 oranges Reserve the juice. ✓ ✓ 4 mandarin oranges 4 limas (looks like a combo between a lemon and a lime, 10. Cut guavas in small pieces. Peel and cut in small pieces ap✓ 1 pound of shelled roasted (unsalted) peanuts 11. Peel oranges, mandarin oranges and limas, remove the
1. Make this salad one day in advance to allow all the flavors
but is different and the flavor ) ples, tejocotes and jícama. membrane and divide each wedge in half and add to the 12. Strain the beet juice over the fruit and then carefully strain to combine. the jamaica water over the top of the fruits as well.
Peel beets. Put them in a pot. Cover with water (approx 1.5 –13. Finally, add the peanuts (they should be peeled completely).
2 quarts) and add a cup of sugar. 14. Mix everything and let it rest for at least 8 hours before
Cook them over medium-high heat for approx. 30 minutes serving.
salad bowl.
or until they are soft
Source MamaLatina