Manzano Paw Print October 2012

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Manzano’s 2012 Homecoming David Court

Thinks You’ll Like

The Marriage Debate See Editorials on Page 7

Sean Cairns returns with tales from See Page 5 UNM

See Page 2

October 2012 Volume LIII Issue II

Manzano High School

Have No Fear, Tutoring Taty Amaro 2013 is Here!

Patrick Cox, the new guitar teacher at MHS teaches his fifth period Guitar Literature class. Photo courtesy of Heather Fisk

The Man, The Legend: Manzano says goodbye to a legacy and hello to a new era Heather Fisk 2013

For 34 years, David Ostrovitz, known to all as Mr. O., was the Guitar teacher at Manzano High School. However, when students came back to Manzano in the Fall of 2012 to begin the year, there was something quite different about the guitar program. Mr. O was no longer the teacher. In response to this news, some students were dismayed, others simply felt abandoned. Nevertheless, one thing was certain: everyone wanted to know what happened to Mr. O. The truth is, Mr. O was looking forward to another year of teaching, however, due to a turn of events, Mr. O had to retire in order to spend more time with his family. “Retirement is a major life change, and I know it will take time to adjust and find other ways of connecting with people. On a daily basis, I miss the interaction with the students and faculty,” Mr. O said. Last year, inside of the guitar room, there was a poster. The poster read, “The Man, The Legend”. Above these words was a hand drawn, student made, picture of Mr. O. To most, this poster perfectly illustrated Mr. O and his legacy. “He was more my friend than my teacher,” recalled Ryan McCurley, senior. “Mr. O was extremely laid-back, more of a go at your own pace kind of guy. If you were doing your best, or even trying, that was all that he expected of you,” commented Debra Nieto, senior. Most students who have had Mr. O over the years only have similar things to say about him. In essence, he was positive and encouraging, yet not demanding. “I’m sad that he had to leave, he’s a good teacher and I learned a lot from him. Mr. O connected with everyone in the class. He knew how to teach different individuals to learn,” said Arianne Bia, senior. “Whatever good I gave, I got ten times more in return,” said Mr. O. Although there is no one who will ever “fill the shoes” of Mr. O, there is one rising to the challenge: a Mr. Patrick Cox. As a Manzano graduate and student of Mr. O himself, Mr. Cox went on to UNM with a guitar scholarship. With a See Guitar on Page 4

There are many students at Manzano who struggle with their classes. Just as many students are unaware of the different kinds of free tutoring programs that are available to them at MHS. “Good listening skills, questioning skills to understand the student [in need of tutoring], and effective communication skills are needed in order to explain in simplest and clearest terms as possible,” said Rhonda McDaniels, an English teacher at MHS and the sponsor of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society is a club that offers tutoring Mondays and Tuesdays at lunch in room K113. The tutors for this program are the members of the National Honor Society. As a requirement for the club, six hours of in-school community service have to be completed, therefore, tutoring is a great opportunity for both the student and the tutor. These upperclassmen have excelled in their academics, and having already taken the courses that lowerclassmen are currently enrolled in, they are eligible to help students in need. Students attending tutoring will be matched up with a tutor whose strong point is in that subject the student needs help with. “It can be a study hall, too, and it’s an environment for them to enrich their learning,“ said Alex Gordon, MHS senior and co-president of the National Honor Society along with Will Martinez, also a senior. Free tutoring is also available in room D10, Mary Dolch’s room, on Mondays and Fridays at lunch. As part of a job mentorship program, the tutors, who are also students, do this for a school credit and at the same time receive pay. When walking into Ms. Dolch’s classroom, there is free pizza available along with a Spanishspeaking teacher for those who need bilingual help. Tutoring programs are really there to help anyone in need. A main reason why students whose first language is Spanish struggle in their classes is because the material being covered is that much more difficult for them to understand right off the bat. Attending tutoring classes really helps with earning passing grades. “I have helped students who had F’s in their classes and I got them to passing grades,” said Gordon, “they have come back to me and said ‘thank you’.” MESA (Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement) is another organization that offers free tutoring to students willing to put in the time and effort to improve their knowledge and grades. To get tutoring help from MESA, you must contact Eric Duran, a science teacher at MHS and sponsor of MESA, or talk to your teacher about what subject you will need help in and then they will be able to contact Mr. Duran for you. Mr. Duran will introduce you to your personal tutor, who will be a student at MHS, and then it will be up to you both to schedule a time and place for your session. These student tutors receive incentive points by doing this community service that many can benefit from. Many teachers at Manzano are available for tutoring help; all a student needs to do is ask any of their teachers for assistance. Jimmy Schwank is a mathematics teacher at MHS who is more than glad to help his students, even kids See Tutoring on Page 5



Critics’ Corner

October 2012

Dive Into The Dresden Files Skylar Griego 2014

HARRY DRESDEN — WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties or Other Entertainment At one point in life, you will find yourself in desperate need of a phone book. It’s inevitable, and completely mundane. But in this case, the Chicago phone book isn’t so mundane. What makes it so special? Well. How many ads have you seen for a professional wizard in your phone book? The Dresden Files depicts the first-person view of the fantastical life of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden-Harry Dresden for short. In his mid thirties, Harry is an orphaned wizard-much like a certain other wizard we know named Harry-that has lived a life of hardships. He was adopted by a tyrant when his father died at age six, and ended up killing someone with magic at the age of sixteen in self defense. He barely escaped execution for his crimes and has lived with the Doom of Damocles-a magic form of probation-ever since. A couple decades later, Harry has settled in Chicago, earned his license to be a private investigator, and opened a business doing just that. And much to the White Council’s-the government for wizards-annoyance, he openly practices his magic in his cases-which is why he tends to get the nut-jobs for clients. Lucky for him, he has Lieutenant Karrin Murphy of the Chicago Police Department Special Investigations Unit to hire him as a consultant so that he can pay last month’s rent. Harry’s stubbornly chivalrous personality, weakness for women, and fiercely protective instinct tends to get him into suicide-misson like situations that he somehow always manages to overcome-just barely. Calling himself a magical “thug,” Harry Dresden and friends are the only thing standing between humanity and the horrors of the Nevernever. Harry Dresden is a character readers can deeply connect with in a lot of ways. He sees the unfair cruelness of the world and is a raging cynic-and yet he chooses to protect it with his life. Life has beat him down time and time againwhich I’m sure many of us can relate to in one way or another. The deepest, most complex part about Harry is his dark side. He knows he’s powerful, and he knows that if he wanted to, he could bring the world to its knees at his feet, and his biggest fear is becoming the monster that would do just that. As we get deeper into the series we see the steps that Harry takes to keep himself humble and “fight the good fight.” The best part, in my opinion, is that it seems like everyone but Harry sees this. Jim Butcher’s specialty is wrenching the reader’s still-beating heart straight out of their chest and then stomping on it with all the emotional scenes written across the pages. With heartbreaking tragedies, confused relationships on the fence between friends and lovers, long lost family members and more sacrifices than one person should ever have to make, Harry’s life is a constant rollercoaster that will leave the reader emotionally drained and begging for more when reaching the last page of every book. But don’t get me wrong. Butcher always knows just where to place some hilarious comic relief that will have you in tears from laughing too hard rather than from emotional distress. Like the real world, Harry Dresden and his life are not in one state all the time. It’s an obstacle course full of turns, twists, and knee-slapping hilarity. As the reviewer, I feel I should caution you guys about the rating of the book. We’re all in High School (or teachers) here, so I think we’re mature enough to handle it, but there are some adult themes to this series. If you were in the kind of situations Dresden gets himself into, you’d probably have a mouth like his, too, though I noticed the cursing decreased as I got farther into the series. There’s also some sexual innuendo as well as mindless violence and some seriously disturbing crazy warlocks with a strong liking for sacrificial rituals. The incubi and succubi (known as the White Court vampires in the magic world) feed off of mortals’ life forces through physical interactions with their prey. Exploring every world mythology has laid out for us, Butcher’s world in Dresden’s eyes will take you far beyond anything your wildest dreams have led you before. The series currently has thirteen books out, plus an anthology. The fourteenth book, Cold Days, will be released November 27, 2012. I can’t wait to see what chaos Butcher unleashes on the world next.

Horror Top Five


Shaylee Moore 2014 Looking for something spooky to do this Halloween season? Here’s a list of some scary movies that would go great with popcorn and some of your little brother’s candy. The Crazies- A plane carrying toxic chemicals crash lands in a swamp near a small town in Iowa where the populous is infected with insanity. Things go wrong when some “friendly” neighbors start having a little too much fun with sharp objects. Nightmare on Elm Street - Several teens dreams are plagued with horrifying nightmares from a ghost from their past. Cabin Fever- A group of teens take a party trip to a cabin in the woods; their trip turns fatal when a flesh-eating bacterium starts chomping on the group. Insidious- A family is crippled when one day their son falls into a coma only to realize it was demonically induced. The family must discover how to save their son before they lose him forever. Drag Me to Hell - When young Christine declines a woman an extension on her mortgage, the woman goes bonkers and curses her. Christine then is haunted by a demon whose only intention is to kill. Christine goes a little bonkers herself in order to preserve her life.

Music David Thinks You’ll Like (if you’re into that sort of thing) David Jio 2013

Lupe Fiasco – Food & Liquor XXYYXX – XXYYXX II: The Great American Rap [Relief In Abstract Album Pt. 1 [Atlantic] Sept Records] March 2012 2012 There are certain artists that reek After the confusing but enjoyable semi-pop 2011 album Lasers from hip hop artist Lupe Fiasco, his new album stands as a follow up to his 2006 debut full-length, the original Food & Liquor. A return to the alternative and conscious hip-hop that propelled Lupe to popularity and cemented his fanbases in both the mainstream and the underground, Food & Liquor II sates the appetites of the more selective aficionados within his fanbase, those hip-hop heads that were altogether disappointed with Lasers after the 2007 opus The Cool. Although Food & Liquor II is not without the shiny production from his previous album, the nature of the music strays away from the dance beats of Lasers and sports huge drum beats churning under instrumentals that stand signature of the epic, sermonesque presentation of Lupe’s music. Touching on politics (“Around the Way”) and displaying his usual lyrical acrobatics (“Put ‘Em Up”), the album is a pleasing listen full of thought-provoking tracks that would not be out of place on either of his first two albums. Food & Liquor II possesses both the familiarity of an old favorite and the excitement of an innovative smash hit; from the trunk-bump of “ITAL (Roses)” to the controversial Pete Rock saxophone sampling on “Around The Way”, the album is a colourfully dark venture further down urban backalleys on rainy nights than the glitz and glamour of Lasers; an absolutely welcome return to form that Lupe fans have been waiting since 2007 for, and it delivers. For fans of early Lupe Fiasco, Tupac, PackFM, alternative hip-hop. Recommended tracks: “Around the Way”, “Strange Frution”, “Put ‘Em Up”

Muse – The 2nd Law [Warner] Sept 2012

James Bond style guitar lines, epic theatrics, soaring falsettos, progressive rock overtones, artsy cadenzas, and dubstep. Muse’s newest offering, The 2nd Law, somehow manages to combine all of these separate ideas into one coherent release that reeks of Muse ingenuity and manages to outdo their previous album, 2009’s The Resistance in terms of both variety and flamboyancy. The 2nd Law finds Muse at their creative apex; a platform they’ve been unwaveringly pumping forth constantly evolving maximalism that has become a Muse trademark; although ambition of this style can seem campy and overdone in other offerings in the same style, The 2nd Law manages to take on a wide variety of sounds and concepts and bind them together under vocalist Matt Bellamy’s boundless vocal range. There’s also “The 2nd Law: Unsustainable”; a straight dubstep track that appears towards the end of the album. The album perpetuates a movement in rock music that fell off the radar long ago; the keyboard odysseys of Yes, the catchy combination of prog and groove explored by Rush, the vocal prowess of Queen; this release is an example of Muse’s ability to retain their signature sound for over 10 years while still venturing off into perfectly executed indulgences in musical splendor. If euphoria can be considered a genre, Muse are leading the charge gracefully. For fans of Radiohead, Queen, Rush, Yes Recommended tracks: “Supremacy”, “Liquid State”, “The 2nd Law: Unsustainable”

of the contrived, imitation-based halfinspiration that plagues the underground of electronic music and leaves splatterings of sound that are less interesting to than they originally appear. 16-year-old Florida native Marcel Everett is not one of them. With the advent of the internet and its power to help music spread through social networks, music websites, YouTube, and blogs, the ability to discover incredibly specific and original music is easier than ever before, allowing innovation to seep through the cracks of the underground and enliven the musical palettes of those who dare to search. With this contextual atmosphere in mind, the self-titled full-length offering from Everett, known for his music made through the cryptic moniker XXYYXX, is a journey deep into a dark and moody side of electronic music that eschews the wizzbang 4 to the floor club thumping theatrics of modern dance music in favor of a semiminimal hip-hop influenced sound that drifts somewhere between dubstep, R&B, chillwave, and trap music, attracting such tags as “post-internet” and perfects a soothing array of beats that is described by Everett himself as “experimental bass music”. Combining the codeine haze of dirty south hip-hop with the astrologic beatcraft of semiambient “post-internet” contemporaries as Mister Lies and Tycho, the dark atmosphere of the album is as intoxicating as it is relaxing. The closest thing the album has to a “hit single” is the reggae-tinged “About You”, one of the more minimalist bits on the album and backed by a viral music video by director VASH in which attractive early20s women are depicted using old-school vinyl Technics turntables and smoking in crisp ultra-HD slow motion; a video that accurately represents the image that is cemented in the head of the listener; an album that is slow and sludgy, but with clear and honest intent. That honesty is refreshing in a world full of imitators, and every bit as enjoyable as it sounds. For fans of Mister Lies, SpaceGhostPurrp, Frank Ocean Recommended tracks: “About “TIED2U”, “DMT”

Grant, You”,

Critics’ Corner Warehouse Blitz

Zanedigo Alaniz 2015 Science fiction is a genre that has spread its grip across all platforms of entertainment, starting with books and flooding into Hollywood. Almost every other video game nowadays is either fantasy or sci-fi, and honestly, is that such a bad thing? Similar to film, television has been stuffed with all the futuristic technology and aliens your mind can handle, and then some. Dozens of conventions are flocked to yearly by fans of Star Wars and Trekkies alike (“nerds”, if you will), coming together in one very large fest of sometimes too-confident cosplayers and eager merchants selling “that sweet replica of Master Chief’s helmet” that they just need to spend 100 bucks on. Needless to say, sci-fi can get a tad redundant after a while (you know it’s true). Every now and then some realism needs to be thrown into the mix. “But, Zane, what ever could you be talking about?” Well, I’ll tell you, befuddled reader. I’m talking about a television show called Warehouse 13. Go go gadget extended synopsis: main characters Pete Lattimer (Eddie McLintock) and Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) are Secret Service Agents that are suddenly and mysteriously assigned to a super-secret conspiracy goldmine named Warehouse 13. In case the warehouse being located in the middle of nowhere wasn’t shady enough, the fact that the government has taken extreme precautions in keeping the place essentially nonexistent to even its own agents brings up a stirring question: what could be so valuable that it needs to be kept from the entire world?




October 2012 The answer is (dat data da!) magical artifacts that wield the power to crumble society as we know it. This is where that scifi thing comes in. Pete and Myka are tasked with finding any and all artifacts in the world that could be dangerous and containing them for collection within the warehouse; all the while making sure those things already contained don’t get loose and bring about the destruction of mankind. Under the employment of warehouse caretaker Artie Nielson (Saul Rubinek) and the all knowing and mysterious Mrs. Frederic (C.C.H. Pounder), Pete and Myka soon learn that magic (or some form of it) is very real. Each collection starts with a ping, or strange happenings caused by an artifact. The team investigates and eventually finds the artifact behind the event, usually after feeling the effects themselves. They then neutralize it with special bags or purple goo, depending on the size. Granted, there’s much more to the story than these collections that is just impossible to get into without spoiling anything, but with the show being in its fourth season, the story has had a crescendo that fans such as myself could practically lose control of their bladders over. The plot and the cast have both grown just as much as the collection of artifacts, and each character has their time to shine or their inner demons to face. Of late, this is more true than ever, with a plot twist that makes you question your observational skills as well as mental health. The band of chemistry formed between the characters seems to be changing and nearly snapping unpredictably,

and the writing delivers twists upon twists of twists. All of it is only half of the value for me; the antagonists introduced in each season being the fullfillment. The most secretive branch of the government is confronted with determined and resourceful enemies, each more sinister and angry than the last, trying to settle sometimes age-long disputes and grudges rather than wasting time twirling mustaches and petting fat cats. One can’t help but appreciate that the bad guy always has the means of which to crush our heroes from the inside out until their goals are met. Character development is all good and well, but one of my favorite aspects of the show is the very foundation of it - the magical artifacts that give this show purpose. Each one is connected to some historical figure, whether good or bad, who did something to create a unique power that resonates within whatever the artifact happens to be. Notable artifacts are Disney’s paint brush, which causes anything painted with it to “come alive” in cartoon form, or Gandhi’s dhoti, which creates a feeling of pure peace over whoever it is placed. Almost above all else, the coolest part about the aforementioned artifacts is that they are objects that could actually be plausible. That’s where realism and science fiction blend perfectly, and it’s one of the things that makes it great. If you think you’re too cool for steam punk lasers and M.C. Escher rooms, then I think you’re lame. Whether you want to admit it or not, deep down inside of you is a nerd that wakes up and says “boy,

that sure sounds cool” whenever you hear about something like that. While every artifact is definitely groovy, most of them have downsides. The most dangerous of these artifacts are kept within what is referred to as the Dark Vault. Artifacts such as Lewis Carroll’s looking glass, which allows people to interact with their reflection but also houses the spirit of Alice Liddell, are locked in said vault. Among other things, even dangerous people who know about the warehouse are kept within. When captured, the pesky rapscallions are put into a machine and then “bronzed” in a position most uncomfortable, I would imagine. Now, the show may not have space ships or pointy eared dudes, but that doesn’t make it any less deserving of the title of sci-fi than something like Stargate. You could even compare Warehouse 13 to the X-Files, which was even more realistic than the former. Whether you’re looking for an edge-of-your-seat intriguing story or something shiny that goes pew pew, Warehouse 13 takes the best elements of both universes and blends them masterfully. Plus, it’s got enough pop culture references to make everybody feel like they’re apart of a bunch of inside jokes that somehow transcended their personal lives into television. All in all, a fun ride.

Pitch Perfect: Not quite perfect, but worth a watch Kayla Vandever 2015

I think we’ve all seen one of the movies with dominating cheerleaders or dance groups, and, like those movies, Pitch Perfect has the same continuous champions and underdogs. In the opening scene, The Treblemakers, who happen to win the acapella finals every year, start the movie off with, “Don’t Stop the Music” by Rihanna in a chorus mash-up with their own choreographed dance. As the boy group is performing, The Bellas, an all girl group, have their own pep talk before they perform. What I loved about the first scene is the music they chose to sing. The boys deliver a perfect performance and I can see why they win the finals every year. But I do have to say, it’s very “cheesy”. If you were once a Backstreet Boys fan, then The Treblemakers will be your cup of tea. Beca (Anna Kendrick), a freshman in college at Barden University is “alternative” and not the typical Bella girl because of her interest in DJ-ing and dream of becoming a music producer. But, as she sings David Guetta’s “Titanium” in the shower, Beca is pressured into auditioning for a spot in The Bellas by Chloe (Brittany Snow). After singing her own song because she was a little late to audition, Beca is accepted into The Bellas. The audition in particular was one of my favorite scenes because of the song choice: “Cups (You’re Gonna Miss Me)” which is sung by a pop folk band called Lulu and the Lampshades. It’s music made with a beat coming from one cup. What isn’t cool about that? The Bellas formed for the new year composed of very different girls, from their personality to their style, such as Aubrey (Anna Camp), the leader of The Bellas and also a preppy, controlling young lady. Lilly (Hana Mae Lee), a whisperer with an odd background, Stacie (Alexis Knapp), an affectionate pretty girl, and of course, the highlight of the movie, Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), an overconfident girl who brightens the mood wherever she may be. In all honesty, Wilson puts the comedy in Pitch Perfect. As I sat and watched the movie, Fat Amy owns every scene she’s in. I can definitely conclude that this movie would not be the same without Wilson’s sense of humor and full confidence with herself. I give her major props and all my respect. She was perfect for the role and did fantastic! Kendrick finally had the chance to take a lead role and be the center of attention in the movie and I think she did a swell job. Though she can improve in her acting by becoming a little more involved in her character, I think she played Beca as well as any other actor could, especially because of her vocal talent. Kendrick acted well with Skylar Astin, who plays Jesse, a new member of The Treblemakers. Astin, a new actor to me, did an awesome job at playing the role of Jesse because of his charming, dorky personality. Pitch Perfect was Jason Moore’s first directed movie. After directing episodes of four different TV series, Moore definitely worked hard on this movie, which definitely showed. “It was a gift,” Jason Moore stated while talking about directing the cast he chose for the movie. With all the unique characters, I think the director portrayed them well enough for the audience to enjoy their personalities in a fun, entertaining way. “Choosing songs was tricky. There were always a lot of songs in it and we wanted to choose songs that were different genres so that people of all ages would enjoy them,” said Jason Moore, the director of Pitch Perfect on an interview by ClevverTV. This film is fueled on the music and the songs. Music is definitely my favorite part of a movie. So, watching Pitch Perfect, which is about singing, definitely had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know the songs that were chosen for this movie. The main scene that caught my attention and is definitely one of my favorite scenes is The Riff-Off, which is a battle between acapella groups. I absolutely loved the songs that were a part of this scene; from the 80s pop songs to “No Diggity” by Blackstreet. Is Pitch Perfect another teenage girl movie? In part, yes, but there’s a layer of a fun comedy that anybody will get a kick out of. This movie is perfect for those who want to enjoy a little laughter with some good music. I can’t help but love this movie. Though some scenes dragged on a little long, it’s nothing a little acapella singing can’t fix.

Battlefield 3: Armored Kill DLC

Slate Gunter 2016 I love Armored Kill except for the maps being too big for console. Aside from that, I love this expansion pack because it represents Battlefield and its singularity compared to other First Person Shooters like Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor and other supplementary games. But when I say that, I mean Battlefield and its producers are showing their true colors and giving us (Battlefield players) what we want and not what the producers want, which is carefully planned maps, vehicles, and the teamwork demand to win a game in Battlefield, because that’s what Battlefield has always been about and we, the community, want it to stay that way.

Video Games: News and Notes Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Halo 4 Webseries Debut Explore Borderlands 2 Kevin Pham 2015 Sleeping Dogs is a lot like Grand Theft Auto. If you’re looking for a game just like Grand Theft Auto, then Sleeping is for you. If you’re used to Grand Theft Auto, the controls for Sleeping Dogs won’t be so different. Also known as True Crime Hong Kong, the story of the game is very catchy and you will get hooked right away. I felt as though the game had a lot of fun bits and over 10 hours of game play. I would definitely recommend this game.

Phillip Fernandez 2013

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is no ordinary webseries; this is the only live action Halo movie. At first glance, it looks like a live action commercial, but this is a Machinima film with a few semi big name actors like Daniel Cudmore and Anna Popplewell. The reason Halo fans should check this out is due to the cinematography, set design, and because it focuses on the young Thomas Lansky, commander of the UNSC Infinity. A new episode will be added every Friday until the release of Halo 4 on Nevember 6th, 2012.

Daniel Hyde 2015 Borderlands 2 is a great purchase and I recommend buying this game over renting it. There are tons of content, replay ability, plus eventual DLC packs. Borderlands 2 is an example that games do not have to be depressingly serious to provide a great experience for hardcore gamers. It’s fun and goofy on the exterior, but at its core it’s a superb and totally unique game that shouldn’t be missed! Check out this game, it is an instant classic and full of endless fun.




October 2012

School News

Potter: A little cub in Obama vs. Romney: Decisions, Decisions Meadow Butler 2013 the pridelands Bella Sisneros 2016 Living the dream of many boys in high school, Jonathan Potter is the only freshman on the varsity football team this year at Manzano High School. “It’s not even the same game anymore, there’s a lot more work that you have to put in. You can’t just show up, you actually have to practice, the people are bigger, and the game pace is faster,” said Potter. Many would find it daunting to be the youngest player on a team, but not Potter; he takes it in stride. “He is a great young man, and has a great attitude and just wants to get out and play,” said Chad Adcox, head coach of the football team. Since an early age, sports have been important to Potter. He started playing baseball in third grade and played YAFL football for 5 years. “Sixth grade, that’s when sports started to become important to me,” explained Potter. Potter is known as the life of the party and is the jokester of the classroom. He is playfully just known as Potter around campus. But when it comes down to game time, he is all business. Players of any sport can attest to the mentality that a player has to develop. “I always get nervous before a game, just the fact that I could lose, all that goes through my head is don’t mess up,” said Potter. Being the only freshmen on a varsity team means not always getting the playing time that he desires. “The first game I played in was the homecoming game. It was different. Everything was faster, and the people were bigger. It was just intense,” said Potter. Getting ready for a game is a big part of his routine. He said, “I listen to my iPod to get ready for a game. You’ve just got to pick the right song sometimes.” The first out of town game against Mayfield in Las Cruces was described as rough to say the least for the player of a 6’2” frame. “The ride was long! The leg room was scarce and I didn’t bring a pillow for the ride back,” said Potter. “If I were to describe myself as a player it would not be accurate. But if I had to I would say that I am determined,” said Potter. Adcox describes Potter as “an eager young man with huge potential.” Being on a varsity team involves a commitment level that is greater than other teams. “The commitment level of varsity is completely different than freshman,” explained Adcox. Normally a player would get a day off of practice after a game, but being on both the JV and varsity teams means that Potter doesn’t get that luxury. Potter is always at practice, furthering his abilities that he brings to the teams. Setting priorities between school and sports is the most important thing. “School and grades always come first. There is no student athlete without student first,” said Adcox. Goals for the future are important to Potter. He said, “I want to become a four year letterman and start as a sophomore, and I also want to play baseball and basketball.”

Jonathan Potter tackles an opposing team member. Photo Courtesy of Bella Sisneros.

On the first Tuesday of November, voters will elect the president of the US. But how are Manzano seniors choosing who to vote for? President Barack Obama is running against Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts Governor. “I would vote for Obama because Romney doesn’t have the experience regarding being president, plus he’s against gay marriage. Obama should finish what he started,” said MHS senior, Kristi Fugatt. And that’s just what President Obama plans to do. Many issues that President Obama and Romney disagree on are issues like gay marriage, abortion, healthcare and immigration. President Obama believes that same sex partners should be able to get married and he voted against the Federal Marriage Act. This act defined marriage between a man and a woman.

“At a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” said President Obama in an interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts. Not only President Obama has made impressions on MHS seniors; Romney has as well. “I would have to choose Mitt Romney because I feel that Obama had his chance and it is too late for him to try again. Obama has been saying the same things for four years and hasn’t done jack,” said MHS senior, Brooke Sanders. Romney supports the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the Hyde Amendment which bars the use of federal funds for abortion, opposes amnesty because he believes that it ‘acts as a magnet encouraging illegal immigration’, and

stated that “ a judiciary that will strictly construe the constitution and refuse to legislate for the bench,” concerning the supreme court. ( Both of the candidates want to fix our economy and are hoping they get the chance to do so but some people believe that our economy can’t be reversed. “I don’t really think our economy is fixable. I do believe that if Romney wins he will help us keep the economy from getting any worse,” said Sanders. Many have also questioned if 18 year olds should be able to vote since the voting age was changed from 21. “Yes 18 year olds should vote! When I graduated from high school the voting age was 21, yet many of my classmates were drafted to fight in the Vietnam War without the right to vote,” said MHS teacher, Mary Butler. The election is on November 6th, 2012.

Epicenter of MHS: Bible study group takes form Kayla Vandever 2015

If you’re looking for something to do during lunch on Wednesdays, Epicenter is a place to be. “Epicenter is a place where people from all different backgrounds are able to enjoy each others presence and where we learn what it really means to be Christian,” said Cassandra Wilson, MHS student and the leader of Epicenter. Epicenter is a bible study that takes place in Mr. Rimer’s class, room K-210, every Wednesday during lunch. They usually have Chic-Fil-A available for all. Cassandra Wilson leads the bible study, along with Gabby Maes and Robert Flores. “Epicenter is an uplifting environment and we talk about Jesus by studying the bible, telling stories of real life experiences, people sharing their testimonies and watching spoken word videos,” said Wilson. This club has been a part of Manzano for 3 years and is run by MHS students. Epicenter is a 212 Onsite, which are Bible clubs in APS schools. Bob Holster, who is on staff at Copper Pointe Church, runs Onsite clubs. These clubs have risen in the past years and have grown tremendously. Epicenter is a club for anyone to be apart of whether you’re religious or not. “Everyone and anyone is welcomed to Epicenter, no matter your religious beliefs,” said Wilson. Students from all grades come to Epicenter to learn more about the Bible and Jesus. This club has a goal and they are determined to meet it: to bring as many people to Epicenter and help them find God. “I always have so much fun and I love the sermons the leaders preach,” said Angel Tapia, a sophomore at MHS. There’s a friendship that has formed within this group of people, not only the leaders but also the students who go. Just by sitting in the classroom every Wednesday there’s a passion that this club has to meet their goal. This is a club that wants to change lives. Epicenter plans to have many more activities to get to know one another, such as Name Icebreakers. They also plan to have picnics and fun gatherings to bring everyone who’s involved with Epicenter closer. “MHS students should go to Epicenter because being a part of Epicenter is like being the light in a dark room. Choose to be a part of something that will have a huge positive impact,” said Wilson. If you want to be a part of Epicenter it’s as simple as walking into room K-210 during lunch on Wednesdays.

Guitar Continued from Page 1 major in vocal performance, Mr. Cox proceeded to become a professional choral singer in the Chicago symphony choir, as well as the San Francisco opera and symphony choir. In recent years, Mr. Cox started the guitar program at St. Pius, then moved over to West Mesa and taught guitar, orchestra, and piano. Currently, Mr. Cox directs three choirs. His church choir, a Native American choir on the Sandia Reservation, and a Spanish choir in Algodones. He was informed by Mr. O himself of the job opening at Manzano. “What an opportunity. I knew this was a big program. I had trepidation, Mr. O was a pillar in the community, and the

coolest guy on the planet,” said Mr. Cox. For his first year, Mr. Cox teaches four different classes for Manzano: Music Appreciation, Beginning Guitar, Intermediate Guitar, and Advanced/Guitar Literature. “My number one goal is to teach everyone how to read music, and to continue the successful guitar program in the spirit of Mr. O. He definitely retired on top,” said Mr. Cox. With that, Manzano says goodbye to a legend and hello to a man determined to make a difference. In the words of Mr. O, “Making a small contribution as a way to giving thanks for all the gifts you have been given is the best way to live.”

School News Tutoring


October 2012

Dear Leona

Continued from Page 1 who are not in his class, with their math. Mr. Schwank’s classroom is located in E16 and students are welcomed to walk in before and after school, as well as in lunch, everyday of the week except Thursdays at lunch. “I feel I have a high standard in my class and to even things out I make myself available,” said Mr. Schwank. “Each student has their own way of showing their appreciation. I’m rewarded by seeing their grades and knowledge in the subject improve.” Fellow classmates can also be an option for oneon-one help. Nicole Ponce, a senior at MHS, has spent time with fellow senior, Chloe Nance, helping her with her Trigonometry assignments. “Throughout my years of high school, I have always been really good at math and I have always offered to help others because why go through high school not knowing when there is someone literally right there to help you,” said Ponce. Nance is appreciative for Ponce’s help. Who better than a friend to lend a hand? “Nicole’s the bomb, everyone should be like her,” said Nance. A different approach to tutoring help is the teacher hotline, which is available Monday through Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dial-ATeacher is a homework service where you can call 344-3571 and a teacher will be able to assist you and walk you step-by-step through your homework.

Admin. Photo Poll Annelise Mendez 2015

Is this what you’ve always wanted to do? “No, my parents both worked in education, I didn’t want anything to do with education but my husband told me to get a job in education, and I fell in love with it.”

Mrs. Carroll

What is your favorite thing about MHS? “The diversity of students; kids are great here.” Ms. Peters If you could change anything about MHS, what would you do? “I would like everyone to be a part of the community, and I want it really clean.”

Mr. Tuley What is your best memory of MHS? “Winning the 1976 State Championship in baseball.”

Mr. Carillo How long have you been working at MHS? “I have been coaching for ten years, and teaching for five years.”

Mr. Orell

PRINT Do you have a problem? Leona is here to help! E-mail your dilemma to manzanopawprint@ ATTN: Leona.


Dear Leona, You write with a lot of wisdom, which makes me think you’re an upperclassman. What advice would you give to your freshman self if you could go back in time? -Curious Freshman Dear Curious Freshman, Grow up! I know when I was a freshman I was 14 and very immature, but high school is not something to take for granted. I screwed off my freshman year and I regret it because it has made the rest of my high school years difficult. More difficult then it would have been if I did what was right, turn in ALL of your homework, do classwork, go to school everyday, but most importantly, ASK QUESTIONS! Freshman year, in Algebra 1, I was afraid to ask questions because I felt that my classmates and teacher would make fun of me because everyone else knew the material but me. Because I never asked for help, I failed and now I have to take summer school. You need to learn a certain set of skills to help you in college and it is hard to learn them if you don’t take high school seriously. Love, Leona

Adventures of a College Freshman Sean Cairns 2012 There comes a time about halfway through the summer after your senior year of high school when a terrifying notion hits you over the back of the head like a shovel. That notion is that you’re right on the cusp of going to college. College, previously that hazy thing in the distance that didn’t even seem real, let alone attainable, is now at your doorstep. More than that, it’s up to you to decide what your fate is going to be from this point on. As a college freshman, there are many things about college that are fundamentally different than high school, most of which can either hurt or benefit you depending on how you approach them. The biggest difference over high school is the sheer amount of freedom that you have. This isn’t to say that there aren’t required classes, but those required classes are determined by your major, and there are loopholes around even those. Basically, college students have carte blanche to decide what they do and don’t want to take. Admittedly, this is pretty awesome, but students should be way of running in circles. What I mean to say, if you take all fun classes one semester, and do the same the next semester, you’ll get credit hours, yes, but you’ll be beleaguered later on with all of your hard major courses at once. My advice is to take a balance of courses; take a few hard courses each semester, and take a few easy A courses. That way you can keep your sanity and get credit. Continuing with the idea of freedom, college is also different than high school in that you can pretty much do whatever you want, to a degree, including not going to class. In most cases your professors won’t take attendance, let alone even know who you are, especially in survey classes that can have upwards of 300 students. Now I know this seems awesome, but the problem is, going to lecture is important, not for any moral reasons, but because generally what the professor lectures about is going to be on the test, and if you’re not there, you’re going to be up a creek when exam time comes around. On this note, find someone in class to be your “class buddy” who you can get notes from if you miss a day and who can do the same for. Another big difference between high school and college is not only the work load, but how the work is done. Unlike high school where work was fairly consistent from teacher to teacher, in college, you may have a class with assignments due every day, or you may have a class with one test at the end of the semester that determines the entire grade. This means you have to be flexible, not only with studying but with thinking. Now that I’ve scared you, let me talk about some of the more positive transitions from high school to college. The biggest being the difference in the size of the student body. In my case, I went from

The University of New Mexico. Photo courtesy of Google. a student body of roughly 2,000, to a freshman class of 20,000. What this means is that, unlike in high school where you run into the same people over and over again, there is an enormous opportunity to make new friends and meet people. More importantly, this set of new people, changes about once a semester as it is so friendships are easy to come by, as are new ideas and new ways of thinking and doing things. Another positive thing about the college experience is that since students have the ability to choose their own schedules for the most part, generally everyone in a class you’re taking actually wants to be there, unlike in high school where you may love the class but two or three people hate it and act as party poopers for everyone who’s actually having a good time. There are more differences between high school and college, too many to discuss in one article, but I would like to close by providing some of what I have learned. The first thing that I learned in the transition from high school is that it’s not what you say, but what you do that’s important. I know that’s trite, but it’s true in college I think. What I mean is that all of the things that you did in high school don’t matter at all anymore, what matters is what you learned from them and what you can do with those skills. Your prof won’t care that you were the editor and chief of the newspaper, but he will care if you’re a good writer when you turn in your term paper.

On this note, the second thing I learned is that college is the big leveler. Instead of having the stratified social rings of high school, everyone is pretty much equal. No one cares who you hang out with, or how you dress, or what your major is, or what socioeconomic background you come from. What this really means is that the people who may have been too shy to really get into the public eye in high school have a chance to shine. The most important lesson I’ve learned about college though is that it really is what you make it. If you want it to be a miserable experience where you bite off more than you can chew, have no free time, but graduate early and are considered a genius by your peers, you can do that. If you just want to mess around for your first few semesters and have to clean up the mess later, you can do that too. Or you can take a road somewhere in the middle where you have as much fun as you work. My final piece of advice for all of the college bound students reading this is don’t lose sight of who you are and what you want to be. Sometimes when you work too hard, you lose sight of why you’re working in the first place and end up somewhere you don’t want to be when you graduate. Also, play as hard as you work. Keep your grades up and study hard, but have fun. College should be, for all intents and purposes, the best time of your life, so make it that way.




October 2012


Stop Animal Abuse

Support Girls’ Sports!

Jessica Lantz 2016

Nikole Bouma 2016

“The question is not, ‘can they reason?’ nor, ‘can they talk?’ but, ‘can they suffer?’ –Jeremy Bentham

Do you ever notice how high school football games can fill up the stadium within thirty minutes while girls’ sports are poorly attended? Women sports started to become popular and socially acceptable in the last part of the 20th century. The only Women’s sports I have found to be more popular or as popular as their Men’s couterparts are figure skating and tennis. Females began competing in the modern Olympics from 1900 to present day. Athletic events for men have been dated back to as early as 2250 B.C. which were made up of running, walking, jumping, and throwing. Men’s sports have become a multi-billion dollar industry in pro and college teams, especially football, basketball, and baseball. The reason I think this is happening is because men’s sports are so advertised, while women sports aren’t. The power of money speaks. I think the skill level of girls’/women’s sports has a lot to do with the popularity. Men are much taller and stronger and introduced to sports much earlier than women are. A lot of girls would rather not play sports while most boys were raised to play sports. Our society until recently provided more sports for boys than girls. With boys’ sports, more money is put into the sport and goes to their booster clubs, which most girl sports don’t have, or don’t have fan support. In my opinion most people want to watch boys compete than girls because of the intensity level. At a young age boys are trained to be strong and mask their pain. Girls on the other hand are raised to be proper and express their feelings. Since contact sports have been introduced to males for thousands of years, that could be one of the reasons why they are so popular: fans like to see who the dominant team or dominant person is. Our society didn’t push contact sports on women until maybe ten years ago (Women’s boxing). This could produce a low fan attendance for women. Several ways to boost attendance at the high school level are to have a booster club for every girl’s sports teams because the help brings in the fans and revenue. Also, everyone likes free stuff, so with the help of the booster they could offer free admission to students. By advertising and getting local businesses to support girls’ sports, the outcome could produce more student and fan attendance. Lastly, scheduling a men’s sport and a women’s sport on the same night is a huge disadvantage to the girls’ attendance record, so to boost attendance, schedule men’s and women’s on different nights. Girls’ sports might still be a long way from filling up the stands but with the help of the media, booster clubs, and administration, girls could achieve that fan base sooner.

According to the USDA, over 97% of all livestock is killed [and or] used for food. In 2008, 35,507,500 cattle, 9,075,261,00 chickens, and 116,558,900 pigs were killed. How many were abused, ‘enhanced,’ injected, and fed unnatural diets before being killed and eaten? Tyson is a huge meat producing company. After continuously denying inspections and interviews, they came ‘out of the hen house,’ stating that yes, before their chickens hatch, they inject various antibiotics to “enhance the size and taste” of the meat. But the packaging specifically says the meat is raised organically; without the ‘antibiotics.’ Chickens are one of the most abused farm animals. When chicks are un-wanted/un-needed, they’re bound and suffocated in plastic bags. Often times, after being beaten, the animals are left to decay, even if they’re sharing a pen with other animals. Some animals spend their whole lives living in feces, never seeing the sun, before being sent to the slaughterhouse. Now, if farmers won’t clean up and dispose of feces, would they care enough to remove a dead animal? Bull riding is one of the cruelest sports. People naturally assume bulls are aggressive, when really, it’s only when they’re in the ring that they get angry. Let’s be serious here though. Who would be happy to have a rope tied around their testicles? Sometimes the male cow gets Annelise Mendez 2015 Our country is filled with different people and artist includes, Frida Khalo, she’s a very recognized artist. a special treat: having their manhood ripped off, without People of the Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin could describe different cultures. This month is Hispanic Heritage painkillers. Sounds lovely, am I right? Not only do animals get abused, it’s shown that 70% of Month, celebrating the day that Latin American countries themselves as Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto animal abusers have record of committing other crimes: like Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Rican, or Cuban. According to a survey by Census in 2010 50.5 million people or 16% of the population are from Hispanic or Nicaragua got their independence. 13% of which being domestic violence. Hispanic Heritage Month is every year September 15 Latino origin. That number has increased since 2000 when it Now, I’m not saying to head over to and protest against McDonalds, because not every animal till October 15. Hispanic Heritage Month started out in was 13% of the population. One other Hispanic that have impacted us was Dennis you eat has been abused. Not all farmers treat their 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week, then later was expanded animals like a punching bag. But then again, you never to Hispanic Heritage Month. Hispanics have been around Chavez who was a U.S. Senator for 27 years. Chavez tried to for a long time and celebrate many things like Cinco de stop discrimination against workers based on race, religion, and know who has. ethnic background. He played a major role in the establishment It’s easy to use animals for testing, food, money, Mayo and Dia de Los Muertos (Day of The Dead). Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes the Hispanics of an agency to protect workers, known as the Fair Employment entertainment; everything. But have you even thought about the fact that pigs are more intelligent than even the who made a difference and stood out, the ones who were Practices Commission. Cesar Chavez also changed everyone. smartest of dogs? Yet what are we using them for? Food. used to show that they could make a difference and show He was a Union Leader and was Mexican American he came Everything they’ve been enhanced with, every the world what they have to offer. It also recognizes the from a family of poor migrant workers. In 1962 he started a group to change the horrible conditions people were living in. unnatural, inhumane antibiotic they’ve been given, is day they gained their independence. There have been so many Hispanics in the world who have There are many famous Hispanic actors like Eva now being digested by us. Longoria, George Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Andy Garcia, changed everything. You see people from the Hispanic origin Not only are they being abused, but now, so are we. Sofia Vergara, and Desi Arnaz. They are all very famous everywhere you go. This is their month, their month to be actors and comedians, who everyone knows! One famous recognized. Zoe Alam 2015 “If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.” –Pema Chodron

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Unfair Accusations

We have all done it; and we have all had it done to us. Judging, or being judged for that matter, is an influential part of our society today. People have become so unaware of how the numerous judgments they make harm the community and distance individuals from one another. Whether appearance, interests, actions, occupation, or friends, people will criticize others based on minor details. People’s judgmental remarks define who they want you to be, and results in a change in the way people treat you. How many times have you heard remarks such as “All cheerleaders are this” or “All band students are that”? People base their opinions on unfair stereotypes on rumors that, in reality, are a majority of the time not true. However, the solution to this problem is not clearly evident. Telling people what they can and cannot do is not enough. It’s up to each individual, and that individual alone to realize what they have been doing and understand why their accusations are not credible. Like many, I’ve judged. I’ve judged people I don’t even know—and it’s absolutely wrong. However, is it perhaps just human nature that we judge one another? No, I don’t think so. Sometimes judging is the result of something on a deeper level, such as our own insecurities. Your impressions of a person are possibly altered because you wouldn’t accept that person’s behaviors or characteristics in your own self. You automatically assume to know everything, or a majority of who that person is. You don’t live in that person’s shoes, so why act like it? Likewise, you may judge people because you have the same characteristic or behavior yourself but aren’t aware of it, so you classify that person’s behavior as being “out there”. Another possibility is that you are envious, so you find something wrong with those who have what you want and end up falsely accusing them. People may say that judging is okay by stating that they are entitled to their own opinions. Yes, you are entitled to your opinions, but they should do no harm. The fact is that opinions can hurt and may not be 100% accurate! People should never assume something unless it’s proven a fact. Again, telling people isn’t enough; it’s up to each individual to acknowledge their judgmental outlooks. “Some people say ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover!’ Well I say not to judge at all. People can say anything they want, but for me, cover doesn’t matter.” –Toba Beta


Legalize Same-Sex Marriage?:

controversial issue

Cerridwen Stucky 2015 When our forefathers wrote the constitution, they wrote ‘all men are created equal.’ So my huge question is: Why is this obviously sane statement that laid the foundations of this country blatantly ignored? Why is there even still debate about some people not having the same (equal) rights as others? The DOMA, (Defense of Marriage Act) started in 1996 and prevented government from recognizing same-sex marriage. Luckily, this was repelled against and it has now been legalized in 7 states and Washington, D.C. (8 states in January). 11 countries have legalized gay marriage: the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Argentina, Iceland, and Portugal, as well as in some parts of Brazil and Mexico. These people must have a better sense of equality than the U.S. Although these legalizations are a large step for the LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Community, it is still unacceptable that not all 50 states at least have completely equal rights. I see absolutely no reason why gay marriage should not be allowed. None. But I have a few reasons other people give, and tell why they are not valid. Religion, Logic, and Values will all be discussed. The most obvious and (in my opinion) silly reason is, of course, religion. I can give you many reasons why this should not matter. First off, even if you are a Christian who is against it because the Bible tells you so, why should that be turned into a legal issue? Isn’t another foundation of America the separation of church and state? No law should be based off anything any religion says. Some will argue that this is a religious issue. That doesn’t mean it should dip in to any sort of government or politics. Now let’s talk about what the Bible actually says. True, Leviticus says homosexual acts are a sin demandable by hell, but here are some things that Leviticus says are just as damnable: Mixing fabrics, eating fat, letting your hair/clothes become unkempt, eating shellfish, and about 70 other things, many of which I’m sure everyone has done. Then there’s the plain logic of it. Claiming

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October 2012


Cerridwen and Heather offer differing views on a

someone’s marriage is against your religion is like being angry with someone for eating a doughnut when you’re on a diet. Another widely spread excuse that politicians seem to favor is that it somehow lessens the integrity of marriage or that it is threatening to heterosexual marriages. Isn’t the point of marriage sharing a bond with the person you love? What happens in a gay marriage that is not that? Yet all the time people marry for worse reasons or get divorced mere hours after the ceremony. I can’t think of a situation where a hetero marriage would be threatened by a gay one. I never even understood how that would ever be an issue. Actually, when Massachusetts was the first state in America to legalize the act in 2004, divorce rate went down 21%. In 2008, the state had the lowest divorce rate in the country. I see no loss of integrity there. This is not just about marriage; this is about equal rights for everyone, which is long overdue. I have a hard time comprehending people who don’t want equal rights for everyone. Do you want your grandkids to think of you the way you think of racist grandparents? Because that’s honestly what’s going to happen if you if you discriminate. If and when same-sex marriage is legal there would be a lot more adoption, which would give plenty of kids a stable home and a good environment to live in. No studies have ever proven that people who grow up with gay parents have been any sort of unstable because of their upbringing. In fact, the opposite has been noticed, that children of same-sex couples were in honors and doing better in school. The solution to this stupid and inane joke of justice if fairly simple: legalize and recognize gay marriage. Honestly, what would happen if gay marriage was legalized? Gay people would get married, more children would have safe and happy homes, children of same-sex couples would learn about homosexuality sooner so they wouldn’t be so hateful about it, and because of that, discrimination against the LGBT community would (hopefully) decrease a lot. There would be no WWIII, zombies wouldn’t take over, and God will not die. More people who love each other would be able to get married, and I see no problem with that.

Heather Fisk 2013 Gay marriage is one of, or the most controversial topic in the United States today. It is one of those topics that when mentioned, people immediately get worked up, and ready to defend their belief. Often times, when a person feels very strongly about something, they develop a case of tunnel vision; hardening their heart and becoming aggressive to those who oppose their idea of what is right. Keep an open mind, for the following is my opinion and what I believe. Just as parents have rules to raise their children, I believe God utilizes the same concept. Following the rules of God will lead to blessings and growth.The reason I am confident in making such a bold statement is by having the relationship with God and seeing everything first hand in my own life. There is a calm sense in knowing why you’re here and where you’re going. Now what does this have to do with gay marriage? I believe that it violates one of God’s rules. First mentioned in Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, and Deuteronomy 23:17-18, it condemns the unnatural behavior. Some claim that the teachings of the Old Testament are outdated and no longer need to be followed. This would be a valid statement except for the fact that this rule is restated in Romans 1:26-27, Galatians 3: 26-28,1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, and 1 Timothy 1: 8-11. All in the New Testament. I agree there does need to be a separation of church and state. However, all of our fundamental laws are based off of the Bible. Do not steal, do not murder, etc. Therefore, it is accepted that we used the Bible as a template for societal behaviors. I’m not arguing that homosexuality is a crime. The most grievous error believers in particular make is judging those who have made wrong decisions. They are people as well, who only need to be steered in the right direction. “We are wrong to reject the person because he or she is practicing a lifestyle that we consider unbiblical. In other ways so are we,” said Dr. Jim Denison in his article, Homosexuality: a biblical overview. Secondly, the sentence, “ All men are created equal” was not created for everyone to do whatever the heck they want, that would be anarchy, it was meant for each individual to take personal responsibility by having the freedom to make choices based on virtue, honor, and integrity in order to uphold a stable society. Some that oppose gay marriage say that if gay marriage is allowed, it will be destroying the integrity of marriage. This is true. Those in support of gay marriage retort that it is already being destroyed by people who get married and then divorced within a matter of days. This is also true. The main point is that marriage should be a valuable thing between a man and a woman. “But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband”. 1 Corinthians 7:2 If you want to know, ask, and be prepared to receive. It’ll make sense once you get there. **EDITOR’S NOTE: The Paw Print understands that this is a controversial issue, and neither of these editorials reflect the official views of the Paw Print or Manzano High School. It is important for students to be educated about all sides of a controversial argument. Thank you for your understanding. On a similar note, if anyone has any ideas for editorial pro/con debates, you can e-mail the Paw Print at, or talk to Mr. Kraus in K-212. --Paw Print Staff

It’s Not All Senseless Violence Hayne Arismendi 2014

Violent video games are seen as a social threat by many people (especially parents), but people need to understand that they are only games. The idea that video games promote violent behavior in players started after they became available in the 1970’s, especially after the release of “Death Race” in 1976. This was because graphics made it seem like innocent civilians were being massacred with a car. It’s said that video games improve vision, hand-eye coordination, driving a car, improve a person’s attention span, and with juggling more than one task at a time. Dr. Christopher Ferguson studied the use of violent games and he noted that violent crime has dropped dramatically after violent video games became popular. The study

goes on to say that violent video games are associated with improved sight, not to mention the fact that shy kids (or adults) tend to feel in control by playing these games. “I had been doing research on violent behavior more generally and had come across some statements suggesting that media violence effects were certain or as strong as smoking on lung cancer. I decided to investigate and found that not to be the case,” said Ferguson in an interview on Social Psychology network. Video games put a label on people that play them, especially if that person happens to be a teenager. Imagine this: A teen is walking down the street wearing baggy clothes and holding Black Ops 2. The fact that they are holding

that game makes them appear more violent, according to society. “The best thing we can do is continue to refer people to the increasing studies and data that violent video games are not harmful as well as youth violence data which has declined by 2/3 during the video game era,” said Ferguson. Parents often complain that anything that is wrong with their child often leads back to video games, but it’s a parent’s responsibility to control what games their child plays. If it’s not suitable for a child, don’t buy it for them. That, or set the parental controls on the system; they are there for a reason. Since everyone is so convinced that video games create violence, kids tend to say that they’re reasons for acting the way they do is because of violent video games, but that is usually never the case.

I believe that violent crimes have dropped because players get an experience to see what it’s like through a game. It’s a stress reliever and it makes the player experience real life things without going out there and committing a crime. I had a friend who played games all day everyday. When it was time for him to get a car, he said that he knew a lot about cars and how they worked because of the game Need for Speed. Now that we all know the truth about video games, we need to spread the word. We’ve all been raised with the idea of video games are a bad influence, but that’s not true. Next time you see an adult criticizing a game for making teenagers bad people, tell them what video games are about, and remember, games have a rating for a reason.




Students and Staff

October 2012


Jay Maharath (Senior)

Current GPA? 4.5 What is your motivation in school? It’s just to go to college and get a good job. Dream career? In diplomacy or accounting. If you had your own high school, what would you name it and what would be the mascot? Fighting Diaws High School and a lion.


Jason Opell (Senior)-Golf

How long have you been playing this sport? This is my 4th year playing. What have you achieved from playing this sport? I’ve learned how to throw temper tantrums very well. Where does your drive for this sport come from? My dad got me to play and he got it from his dad. If you could create a dream team in any sport, who would be in it and what sport would it be? It would be a golf team with Tiger Woods, Rory Mcilroy, Phil Mickelson, and Bubba Watson.

Akeylah Corbett (Senior)

Cassie Brennand (Senior)- Volleyball

Current GPA? 4.0 What is your motivation in school? To do well, to succeed, to use this as a foundation to build on in life and get a good career from this. Dream Career? Psychologist. If you had your own high school, what would you name it and what would be the mascot? Abbey High School, after my sister, and a Bumblebee or Ryne High School, after my brother, and a Rhino.

How long have you been playing this sport? I have been playing since sixth grade. What have you achieved from playing this sport? I have gained the ability to have a strong mental game when things are not going great. Where does your drive from this sport come from? My drive comes from my teammates, we push each other to be our best and nothing less. If you could create a dream team in any sport, who would be in it and what sport would it be? I would have a volleyball team of course! And I would keep the girls that are on my team because we are such a strong team this year and I love them all! Plus I would add Misty May and Keri Walsh because they are the bomb.


Andrew Houser (Social Studies)

What is your favorite part of teaching? The students and how they relate history to current times. What was your favorite class in High School? U.S. History and World History. What are you looking forward to during your first year at MHS? I’m looking forward to helping out the Manzano community in general. Dream vacation? My dream vacation would be to go to the White House and meet important legislators.

Brigette Black (Science)

What is your favorite part of teaching? Playing with stuff, and I like watching students play with things as well, like labs. What was your favorite class in High School? Physics What are you looking forward to during your first year at MHS? Looking forward to seeing everyone moving on, watching kids succeed. Dream vacation? Sleeping and pizza at home.

Clogan’s Monthly Musing: Masks Cloie Logan 2013 He was driving a red Ford Focus. I came to a stoplight next to him on University and Central, when some sudden movement caught my eye. He was dancing like you couldn’t believe, goofy and full of passion, and he didn’t care. It made my day, and he didn’t even know. I have heard a theory that it is possible to fall in love with anyone if you see them in their truths, in their most vulnerable moments-when they are staring out the bus window and smile at a dog on the sidewalk, trying to hide a burnt tongue after the first over-enthusiastic swig of fresh coffee, biting their lip when concentrating. I think it’s because they’re also at their most humane. All masks are off. It’s something true. Imagine, however, if all people removed their masks so easily. We would all be equals. No one would be alone. Judgments and stereotypes wouldn’t matter. People could care freely and not be afraid to tell. Smiling as a way of saying, “I care.” But why don’t we? Because we’re afraid. Humans can be just as cruel as they can be nice. It’s scary. We don’t want to get hurt over and over. Some people live for drama, for some sort of reaction, and we can’t initially say which ones. As individuals we are more than capable of inflicting such pain, and we have taken the brunt of it as well. We have learned to expect the worst

from people. Is this a safe bet? I don’t know. I’ve been taken advantage of for being nice too many times. Is it still even wise for me to trust anybody at all? Part of me really doesn’t think so. But do I still trust people? Absolutely. Because I know I’d be much worse off if I didn’t. All we really want is a little recognition. People complain that they can’t find anyone, whether they mean a friend or something more. “Oh, I couldn’t get so-and-so because of this or that reason,” they say. However, if you simply try being nice to people, being happy around people, it’s attractive. Caring goes a long way. Have faith in it. These things hurt. People can be malicious and awful. What is it that they say? “Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” And for once, a cliché might hold some truth.

Contact Information

Advisor: Matt Kraus Editor-In-Chief: Cloie Logan Junior Editor-in-Chief: Victoria Blythe Copy Editors, Lead Writers: Heather Fisk, Meadow Butler, Taty Amaro Layout Design: Cloie Logan School News Editor/Lead Writer: Heather Fisk Critic’s Corner Editor: David Jio Junior Editors: Annelise Mendez, Skylar Griego, Kayla Vandever,

Phone: 559-5904 E-mail: manzanopawprint@

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