D es igne rs an d m an ufac turer s o f E x t ru ders, Ham m er m i lls, Feed Pla nt s, & re l ated s pares an d accessor i es
Wh at we offe r... Quadro Alloys Trading Enterprise was established in 2007 with our
This dedicated and experienced team is able to provide specialised
premises located in the East Rand of Johannesburg. Specialising in
design to cater for your specific business needs with the highest
the manufacture and design of extruders, hammermills, feedplants
quality workmanship in the shortest turn around time possible with
and other related general fabrication and servicing the African and
guaranteed results and output projection.
international market. To ensure that our designs work at their optimal level Full on-site Our team of designers and engineers have a wealth of over 30 years
commissioning of feed plants is provided as well as ongoing
worth of experience in the manufacture and design of extruders,
maintenance, on-site support and the manufacture and supply of
hammermills, feedplants and other related general fabrication.
spares and accessories.
Ha m m e r M i lls All Hammer mills are custom-designed according to your operation and required specifications and will vary according to the raw material/product used. The construction of each mill is of the highest quality ensuring durability and strength to withstand general vibration. Hammer mills are available in a Plain and Blower Option. “Plain” the milled product passes through the mill and straight into a bag. “Blower” - The milled product passes through the mill and is moved via a blower into a cyclone where it is bagged off from a two-way bagging attachment. Typical hammer-mill designs operate at 2800RPM with various screen sizes available.
Typical Hammer-mill applications include the milling of: • Full Fat Soya - used in the food industry and cattle feed • Grains, e.g: Maize, wheat etc. • Starch - charcoal and foundries as well as the food industry. Hammer-mill screen sizes available: 0.75mm, 0.9mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.2mm, 5mm Our finest screen 0.75mm is able to produce a product of under 200 micron. A full range of spares and accessories are available, as well as on-site maintenance and support. Examples of Hammer-mills: • 7.5kw Hammer-mill • 37kw Hammer-mill • 22 KW Hammer-mill • 55kw Hammer-mill • 30kw Hammer-mill • 75kw Hammer-mill
E x t r u d er s
Temperature Soya
Fish Food
Dog Food
Temperatures used in the extrusion process of various products
Quadro Alloys specialises in the production of extruders used in the
Key Features of Quadro Alloys Extrusion units:
food production industry. Our extruders are custom-designed and
The general machine layout remains the same, however,
built according to your required specifications and operation.
the flights, heads and choke plates are adapted within the extruder for each of the different products extruded.
Examples of Extruders supplied by Quadro Alloys:
A pre-conditioner is added during the extrusion of dog and
• Full Fat Soya Extruders - used in animal feed
fish food.
and the food industry • Starch - Charcoal & foundries, food industry
Extusion units available in:
• Dog Food
• 22kw Extruders
• 55kw Extruders
• Fish Food
• 37kw Extruders
• 75kw Extruders
Plant ready for export.
Fe e d Pla nts
Fish Feed plant being erected.
Quadro Alloys are able to design and manufacture feed and milling plants according to your operation requirements and specification, including full electrical panels. Typical Applications: • Full Fat Soya
Quadro also offers full on-site support in the commissioning of all
• Grain
feed and milling plants as well as ongoing maintenance, on-site
• Dog Food
support and the manufacture and supply of spares and accessories.
• Fish Food
throughout Africa.
G e ne ra l Fabr i c ati on Our Fabrication Workshop is equipped with the machineary needed to process and manufacture any design according to specification in all materials including stainless steel and mild steel. For use in any field from engineering, food production, catering equipment, construction and design. Basic Workshop equipment:
General Fabrication specialising in stainless steel:
• Guillotine
Conditioners, Open Trough Augers, Pipe Augers,
• Bending brakes
Blenders & Coaters, Conveyers,
• Plate roller
Driers, Cyclones & Sifters
• Radial drills • Plasma cutters
We ensure the best quality, efficient service with a fast turnover
• Conventional lathes
time on product delivery.
Industrial & G e n e ra l Ha rd ware Sup ply General Hardware Padlocks Batteries Paint Brushes Brooms, Mops Spades, Shovels (Lasher) Yale, Viro, Tri-Circle locks Keys and Key Cutting Safety-ware & Equipment Hard Hats Safety Specs Ear Plugs Overall (Conti brand) Safety Boots Gum Boots Protective Gloves Harnesses Paint Spray Paints QD Enamels High Gloss Enamels PVA Matt / Sheen Primers Contractors PVA
Engineering Industrial & Hardware supplies Bosch Power Tools Ryobi Power Tools Metabo Power Tools Makita Power Tools Hitachi Power Tools Sparky Power Tools RIDGID Cutting Tools Cromwell Tools & Industrial Supplies MTS and Raco Range King Tony Professional Tools Harris Welding Equipment FEW Cutting Tools & Drills SOMTA Cutting Tools & Drills Gedore Hand Tools Afrox Welding Equipment Afile Files
Fasteners Nuts and Bolts (Full Range) Rivets (FTS) Raw Bolts Fischer Trufix
Electrical Equipment Crabtree Lumex Osram Phillips Lohuis
Piping Equipment Record Galvanized fittings Conex Fittings PVC Pipe & Fittings Copper Pipe
Cleaning Equipment Reinol Hand Cleaner Hand Cleaner (Glue Devil) A-Grade Rags General Purpose Cleaners, Degreasers, Disinfectants Hand Soap Deo Blocks
Cutting & Abrasives Waterpaper Floor rolls Emery paper Sanding discs Flap discs TC Burrs Mounted Points Flap Wheels Cutting Discs Grinding Discs
Turpentine Lacquer Thinners R300 Thinners Etch Thinners Paraffin Benzine Pool Acid Premix 40KG Concrete, Screeding, Plaster and Building Mix Gas (LPG, Forklift) Oxygen & Acetylene Porta pak Refill Paint remover
Adhesives Silicones Contact Adhesives Pratley Masking tapes Wood glue Duct Tape Insulation Tape & Buff Tape
Carbide tooling Iscar Mitsubishi Carbide Tooling SECO Sandvik Tooling
Raw Materials Acetone Methylated Spirits Linseed Oil Creosole / Carbalinium
Industrial Hosing and Tubing Hyco lubrication Lubricants Rocol (full range) Q10 Q20 Spanjaard Herschell
Co nt a c t u s... Please contact us in regards to any quotes you may need or queries you may have in regards to the design of your plant.
Quadro Alloys and Trading Enterprises
160 Wright Road, Nuffield, Springs, 1559,
+27 82 664 8682 - Quein Thanasaras (Director)
South Africa, 2000
+27 11 7342054 Fax: +27 11 7342085
info@quadroalloys.co.za • quadroalloys@gmail.com
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 90, Dunnottar, 1460
8 Leslie Road, Dunnottar, Nigel, South Africa, 2000
South Africa, 2000
Quadro Alloys and Trading Enterprises Tel: +27 11 7342054 Fax: +27 11 7342085 +27 82 664 8682 - Quein Thanasaras (Director) Email: info@quadroalloys.co.za • quadroalloys@gmail.com www.quadroalloys.co.za