1 minute read


Did you know that an Aniwaniwa is a Promise? And did you know The Paipera Tapu begins with a aniwaniwa and ends with an aniwaniwa? In the Book of Kenehi it says: “The Aniwaniwa of the Promise of Ihowā shines across the world.” And in the Book of Whakakitenga it says “The Emerald Aniwaniwa shines around the Throne of Ihowā in heaven.”

A very long time ago, when we read about the pūrākau of Noah after the water dried up, Noah build an altar and worshiped Ihowā, and Ihowā spoke to Noah and his sons. Ihowā promised that the earth and everything living on it would never again be destroyed by a flood.


We see Noah’s pūrākau as evidence of the grace and goodness of Ihowā who makes good promises. And Ihowā gave us something to remind us of that promise: An aniwaniwa!

An aniwaniwa is an arch of light with a wide range of colours. It is caused by drops of water falling through the air. Ihowā said every time we see an aniwaniwa it would remind us of His promise never to flood the whole world again and remind us of His aroha for us.

Reminds us that Ihowā created the earth and trees. Like the grass in spring, it represents the new life we have in Ihu Karaiti.

Kakariki - -

Represents the colour of water. Ihowā created the oceans & seas, this reminds us of the baptism that identifies us with Ihu Karaiti.



Is coming from death into life through Ihu Karaiti.

Karaka Kowhai -

Is for the perfect light of Ihowā, the ra so bright.

Did you know the colours have meaning?


Waiporoporo & Puru


Represents the blood Ihu Karaiti shed for us.

Is for Ihu Karaiti hours of sorrow, so we can gain the crown of life.

Once upon a time, a pig and a puppy lived on a farm. The pig was big, round and the leader of all the other farm folk, while Pup was small and gentle and only friends with the farmer. Pup, in his usual kind way, went to see Pig.

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