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A Christmas Bible Study

Colossians 1:18: “. . . that in everything He (Christ) might have the supremacy”. Galatians 4:4: “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full right of sons”.


Another Christmas is almost upon us. But in the midst of it all, when the world has almost forgotten whose birthday we celebrate, may we give Him His rightful place in our lives and remember the significance of His first coming. Our sin has brought about bondage and corruption and our efforts are useless in rectifying the situation. But here we have the intervention of God’s wonderful love and grace. There are four short phrases in this verse that concern Christ’s sacrificial death – which is the only means of our salvation. 1. The appointed time or “the fullness of the time”. God has an eternal programme which is completely unalterable, and everything on His programme has been and will continue to be fulfilled exactly at the right time. The appointed time referred to here was the moment that completed the period of the Old Covenant. It was the time determined by God and foreshadowed by the Law and the prophets in the Old Testament, and when that exact time arrived, God acted in Divine grace. 2. “God sent His Son”. There could be no greater expression of God’s love and grace than this. God did not send an angel or even an archangel — He “sent His Son” (Romans 8:32, 1 John 4:14). No one else could accomplish the work of redemption and fully deal with our sin. Two important things are implied here: They are (1) the supreme cost of our redemption, and (2) the deity of Christ – the fact that He is God (John 1:1). 14

3. “Born of a woman”. Not only is the deity of Christ shown in this verse, but also His humanity (John 1:14, Philippians 2:7-8). He came from eternity into the realm of time and took upon Himself true manhood – sinless manhood. Only as such could He become our sin-bearer and pay the price of sin. 4. “Born under law”. Although He was the very personification of God’s holy standard (as revealed in the Law) He was born in subjection to the Law. This phrase has reference not only to His human birth, but also to His Jewish birth. He began His earthly existence in subjection, not only to the moral aspect of the Law, but also to its various ordinances. But, in Him, all the physical ordinances were to have their fulfillment and thus become redundant, giving way to the “new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20).

Verse 5: The Purpose:

“To redeem those under Law” — from its dominion, curse and condemnation — “that we might receive the full rights of sons”. God’s redemptive plan includes setting us free from the condemnation of His holy Law, the power of sin and Satan, and conferring on us the full rights and privileges of sonship in the family of God. Christ’s first coming necessitates His second coming – to bring us into the full benefit of all He has accomplished on our behalf. Not only should we give Him the first place at Christmas time, but throughout our lives (Romans 12:1-2). --Editor

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