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ONE DAY a man who did not believe in God stood up before a crowd of people and said that there would not be a person in the audience who would not agree with him before he had finished his speech. He concluded with the following statement: --


“Now ladies and gentlemen, I am going to prove to you that there is no God. It will take just a minute to do it!” He took out his watch, held in in his left hand, shook his fist and said, “God, are You up there? If You are I hate You! You are not fair! You are mean! I hate you and will do so until I die. Now God, why don’t you kill me, and if You do not kill me this minute, all these people will know there is no God!”

What He had said and done was dramatic and to many it was convincing. Finally he said, “There is no God. If there is any person in this crowd who still believes there is a God, would he give us one reason for still thinking so?”

The man was as surprised as the audience when a younger man walked forward. “Sir, I certainly still believe there is a God, and I believe I can give these people a good reason why God did not kill you a moment ago.”

The atheist stood back. He clearly felt the young man was going to make a fool of himself and he, for one, was going to enjoy it. With a mock bow he said, “Go right ahead young man. You have the platform.”

“A few minutes ago as I was walking along nearby, a strange thing happened. A little boy, eight or nine years of age, stepped out in front of me. His clothes were ragged, he was filthy with dirt and his hair looked as if it had never been combed. He stepped right in front of me and he held out his hand to stop me. Then he said, ‘I hate guys like you with your fancy clothes and shiny boots. You are just a big phoney! How about a fight!”

“I told him I did not want to fight him, but instead I would like to be his friend. Perhaps I could get him something to eat, give him a clean-up and some new clothes. Ignoring my offer of friendship, the little fellow spat at me and called me a 16

lot of vile and filthy names. I tried to walk around him, but he jumped quickly in front of me, shaking his fists at me and daring me to fight.

“I did not fight him. With the palm of my hand I could have slapped him half way across the street, he was so small. But I would not have hit him for the world! My heart went out to him in pity. I would gladly have bought him some food, would have given him a bath and some clean clothes, but he would not let me. The friendlier I tried to me the worse he got. Finally, with a heavy heart I stepped around him and continued on down the street. For a block or so he followed me daring me to stop and fight, and calling me every foul name he could think of.

“Imagine my amazement when I came here and saw the entire incident acted out all over again! Back up the street a dirty little boy with an evil mind and wicked words ignored my offer to feed, clean and clothe him. He insisted on calling me evil names and dared me to fight him. Then I walked here to this place and find a pathetic little man shaking his fist in the face of God and defying God to kill him!

“He wants someone to tell him why God did not strike him dead. It was for the very same reason I did not strike that dirty little boy up the street who kept on daring me to fight. I felt sorry for the boy and wanted to help him. God feels sorry for this man and wants to help him. The little boy was dressed in rags and I wanted to get him some nice clean clothes. This man is dressed in the rags of his sin and selfrighteousness. He needs to be clothed in the righteousness that only the Lord Jesus can give.

“I can tell you why God did not strike him dead. It is because God loves even a man like this. The Bible says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). God has patiently waited for this man to turn from his sin and be saved. The Bible further says, ‘The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance’ (2 Peter 3:9).

“God could easily have killed that man while he held that watch in his hand, but He is still giving him the opportunity to be saved. If he continues to refuse the Lord Jesus Christ, then in due time he will die, and then he will have to face the punishment for his sin. The Bible also says, ‘Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment’ (Hebrews 9:27).”

When the young man had finished, the atheist was nowhere to be seen. He had made his way through the crowd and left.

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