3 minute read

The Perfect Guide

by Howard Goold

I wonder if you have felt something similar to what I have if you have watched some of the Paralympics earlier this year.


What impressive performances many people, some with quite severe disabilities have achieved. Many achieving very notable successes in their chosen sports.

One of these sports was of particular interest to me -- the blind runners with sighted guides.

To watch these very fit athletes running distances from 100 metres to a marathon, and alongside and attached to, a seeing guide was remarkable and made me think of some lessons in life we can learn from them. 1. The guide is there because a strong relationship has been developed between him and the runner. 2. The guide was more than fit enough to cover the whole distance and not be a drag for the runner. 3. The guide was always there running in step with the runner and encouraging him, gently guiding him around corners, getting fluids, avoiding pitfalls, pointing out achievements and very conscious of the wellbeing of that runner. 4. The guide is connected to the runner at the wrist, but never takes the lead to drag or force the runner. 5. The guide crossed the finish line just behind the runner to allow the runner the sense of achievement. 6. The guide’s arm with the attachment to the runner doesn’t swing but was kept at a constant level of comfort for the runner. 7. The guide encouraged and shared the enjoyment of the runner in completing the race.

So, what caught my interest in this event? I saw a wonderful parallel of what God is doing for His people. We are like the runner who cannot see what is ahead, and God is like the Guide alongside us.

1. God knows our helplessness in regard to facing life’s journey and He wants to establish a strong relationship with us as our Life Guide. 2. God is far more than capable of lasting longer than we ever will and He will never be detrimental to our progress as we run the race with Him. 3. Whether our steps are small or large, whether we shuffle or stretch out, God will always be there to keep in step with us, as we run, encouraging us, keeping us informed with His Word, warning us of pitfalls while we are running within the limits of our connecting link. 4. God is not a driver. He is alongside and not trying to drag us through things we are struggling with. 5. When we finish “The Race”, He wants us to receive the “Well done, faithful servant”. 6. God knows us so well. He has that constancy, and faithfulness that will never change. His support will be our strength as lap follows lap in our race. 7. “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents”, and our Father will be there to celebrate with Heaven when our race is completed.

Let’s all keep running our race, at the speed which we can at any given moment, enjoying our relationship with our amazing all-knowing, all-seeing Guide.


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TAMARIKI A IHOWĀ Tamariki Me Te Taiohi Pukapuka MĀORI POSTAL AOTEAROA Issue 24, Whiringa-ā-nuku 2021 Children’s and Teens Magazine

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