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Ihowā is not finished with you.

How ataahua are the words written by Ihāia:


“Nā ināianei, e Ihowā, ko koe tō mātou pāpā; ko mātou te paru, ko koe tō mātou kaipokepoke; he mahi hoki mātou katoa nā tōu ringa.”

Ihāia 64:8

“Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8

Ihowā didn’t just knit us together in our mother’s womb (Ngā Waiata 139:13) and then take his hand out of our lives. Ihowā is continually moulding and shaping us today, just like a potter at his wheel.

Psalms 139:13

When the clay is placed on the centre of the platform, the spinning force and the hands of the potter create the shape of the vessel. If the ball of clay is off centre, it will eventually form unevenly and collapse. Like the clay we need to be centered in Ihu Karaiti. He can shape us perfectly when we give him full control and stay centered on him.

One method used when centering the clay is to pull it towards the potter. Have you ever felt his hands drawing you towards him? Sometimes the process is messy as we stretch and shape but it leads to growth none-theless. He wants us to be close to Himself, fully centered and being shaped by Him.

Be encouraged to look at your circumstances differently, knowing Ihowā is with you.

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