All About Credit Union Cards The page below is a small discussion upon the credit unions, credit cards available from the credit unions, their features, and some more details . About Credit Unions Owned by their own members, the credit unions are basically the nonprofit financial cooperatives from where you can get reasonable Turn-Key Credit Union Card Processing rates and fees. In short, from these cooperatives, you can enjoy lower upfront rates, lower fees along with less or almost no risk of any unfair practices. Credit Unions Are For Everyone? No, we cannot say that the credit unions are beneficial for every person, but yes, they are helpful for many people out there. For instance, for rewards card holders, rebates of major bank card issuers make a better option that the credit union-issued credit card. On the other hand, the people, who are already enjoying high interest rates from credit union cards can never get such brilliant offers from any banks. In short, we can say that these options vary from person to person. Pros and Cons of Credit Union Cards
Pros We all know that the credit union cards offer lower fees and interest rates, but besides that, they also provide lower APRs on new purchases. 1. They offer lower penalty rates as compared to the bank cards. 2. They don’t charge any balance transfer fee. 3. They offer protection from all the instant negative changes, we mean, that the credit union card holders are less likely to experience any instant or immediate wild changes to their accounts.
Cons: 1. Applying for a credit union card is not easy. Only the credit union members can avail the facilities of these credit cards and if you think that you can just join the credit unions, then, it is not an easy game again because credit unions are defined by their own field of membership. 2. The credit union cards have very less options for the people with bad credit. 3. Most of the credit unions have limited hours of operation and thus, customers are generally troubled by their short customer service windows. If you are looking for a credit union card processing company, you should search the internet first. There are many such renowned companies operating online with their own websites to offer people hassle free knowledge and services like MAP (Member Access Pacific), a superior Credit Union card management company that has been providing a leading credit union card processing.