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Family need support for deaf boy!
By Esau Dlamini
The Machirori family from Bluegum View Section in Duduza (Ekurhuleni) seek assistance in finding a special school for their nine-year old son who was born deaf.
Accordingly to the mother of the child, Nyarai Machirori (38) the hearing ailment began when they discovered that the child could not speak.
“I was attending the local clinic when I was pregnant and gave birth when I was home in Mozambique but my husband is a South African. The child could not speak and could hardly hear when you talk to him. We did not take it serious at first and thought that maybe he was going to develop in time. The problem started when we wanted to enroll him to school because he does not have a birth certificate and a clinic card. Someone adviced us to go to the Social Workers at Emmaus Community Centre and they said the was nothing much to that they could do and refered us to the clinic in Dunnotar. It was then confirmed that the child has a hearing impediments” she explained to Mapepeza.
Nyarai says the child was transferred to Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital for further examination.
“He started attending at that hospital since May 2022 and they said we have to pay an amount of R400 per session before he doesn’t have legal documents. I was shocked because his father is a South African”
Machirori explains
Zolani Phillips (40), who is the father of the child also lamented that this has affected them because they are both unemployed.
“We are not working and have other children who are also depending on us. We cannot afford to pay the hospital fees including transport. I’m not happy with this situation because my child is not even receiving social grant and is getting delayed with his education.”
“We have been to home affairs several times and they me about blood proof and blood tests” he said.
Happy Sithole, Senior Attorney at Tswaranang Community Development, says that according to the national admission policy for public schools, a child can be admitted conditionally if they don’t have a birth to but parents must take steps to rectify the situation within three months.
“The Birth and Death Registration Act says that both parents must provide valid proof of identity to register the birth of the child but in this case they cannot because the mother does not have a South African ID. The father is a South African with a valid South African ID but he is also prevented from being able to register the child because they are not married,” he said.
Nyarai Machirori and Zolani Phillips are in desperate need of assistance for their nine-year old son who was born deaf.