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The Professional
Dear MAPGA Professional,
I am writing this letter after just returning from our Ireland Pro-Am with the Carolinas PGA. What a trip! If you have not traveled to Ireland (or anywhere in UK) for golf, you are missing out. Section Sponsor did a wonderful job with our trip. By the way, our MAPGA professionals (and their teams) defeated the Carolinas PGA pretty soundly.
We are literally in the heat of the summer. I’m sure you all have been incredibly busy. Some of you slow down in August when your members go away, but I know some don’t. So, keep up the good work! We are still on an incredible surge in golf, let’s keep riding that wave. I will also again add, these positive times are the occasions to ask for more help or more re$ources in your operations. If you need some help doing so, Greg Stenzel is a great resource for this type of thing. If not now, when?
I hope you are planning to attend your upcoming Chapter Meetings. Not only is it a great chance to play some golf and catch up with your peers, but this year is an election year. Our chapters will hold in-person elections for their Officers and Board. As the Section Fall meeting will be virtual (save November 20th on your calendars), the Section elections will be done electronically.