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The story of the design evolution of Ahmedabad’s BRT system is still an ongoing one. As the system evolves, not only in Ahmedabad but in other Indian cities, people have many questions. Does this kind of system really work? Are our roads wide enough to accommodate BRTS? Is all the investment made by government really worthwhile? Planners and designers also grapple with crucial questions. Is it a good idea to segregate lanes in the centre than at the sides? Where should the bus stations be located? How do I deal with narrow roads?
Janmarg in Ahmedabad also explored many options before finalizing its design. It was flexible in changing design elements even during implementation stage. It was and still is seen as a long term infrastructure provision. Every element was discussed, debated, and experimented with before a final decision. Many of these experiments led to innovations and best practices.
Since its inauguration in 2009, Janmarg has been accepted as the first ‘complete’ BRTS in India. It has influenced planning and design choices in other cities in India and abroad. This book traces the design journey of Janmarg, the alternatives that were considered, the rationale underlying the choices made, the innovations it fostered and the lessons for the future—for Ahmedabad and for other cities. With more and more cities looking at BRT systems as mass transit options, Ahmedabad attempts to demonstrate what is possible in the existing paradigm of increased congestion, narrow streets and increasing focus on technical and engineering solutions to urban transport.
I. P. Gautam | H. M. Shivanand Swamy | Abhijit Lokre | Vijay Arya 14th May 2014