Get Ahead Kids

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Vol. 1 • No. 4 • Jul/Aug 09

A n In te rv ie w w it h

Jackie French

Learning Innovations Special + Better Outcomes for Boys Toxic Playgrounds Touching Tales of School Bullying Increase your Family Wealth Peanut Allergy


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Jul/Aug 2009


This Month’s


Spotlight 6


Editorial Your Letters


Spotlight An Interview with Jackie French

An Interview with Jackie French

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2009 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.

Learning Innovations 5

Online Reading Program


Develop Great Essay Writing Skills


Better Outcomes for Boys


Flexible Learning


Australian Launch of Just BE You


Where does Reading Begin?


Web 2.00 Revitalises Research News


Touching Tales on School Bullying


Families are the Design Winners


St Philip’s Students Visit NASA


Green Issues Toxic Playgrounds


Business Increase your Family Wealth


Health Peanut Allergy


Activity Zone






Subscribe to Get Ahead Kids


Advertisers Index


Editorial One of my June highs was listening

After attending Susanne’s talk I

to an address given by renowned

went home and read I am Jack. This

Australian Author, Susanne Gervay

remarkable book needs to be read

at the Newcastle Regional Library.

by every family. I highly recommend this book be on the essential

Talking about her great book

reading list for every primary school

I am Jack, Susanne highlighted

to engage students in positive

that emotional engagement,

classroom discussions on bullying.

open family communication and commitment are essential for

Don’t miss the stage play I Am Jack

eliminating bullying.

that is coming to the Civic Theatre 2-4 September 2009.

She has personal experience in this because her son, James, was bullied

Maria Charlton

at school (see page 19).

Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766


It is very informative for busy mums.

Wow, thanks for the wonderful

R Delany

coverage! I was a bit stunned to see


myself on the front cover. I enjoyed the process, so thanks again, and all the best, John Marsden

I enjoyed ‘Technology & Child Development... From a Chiropractor’s Perspective’ as I was interested in current alternative

Please send letters and stories with your name and contact details to:

It certainly is a great way of educating parents further. It surely

options in terms of children and their development. The case study of Chris was also helpful in providing a

Get Ahead Kids

helps parents to understand better

Villa Franca, 2 Scott St

about the importance of planning

Newcastle NSW 2300

ahead for the better education

F: 02 4929 7827

of their children and for these

H Proudlock

very reasons I truly enjoyed the

Belmont North

practical view on the issues in the article.

magazine. ML Kincumber

A useful and informative magazine for parents with children of all ages. Nicely put together and great

Very informative and relevant articles on real subjects not the

S Howlett

usual advertorials.


Z Westley Cooks Hill


Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

looking format. Thanks.

Learning Innovations


Reading Program ABC Reading Eggs makes learning how to read rewarding and enjoyable! It reinforces children’s love of using computers and offers individual, one-on-one lessons. This reading program can be used as a standalone program or to support what children are learning at school. It features interactive animations, fun games, great songs and numerous rewards. Every lesson ends with a new book and a new critter to add to the student’s growing collection.

❑❑ Repetition of visual letter students learn

patience with students, who are free to proceed at their own pace. This reading program focuses on the core reading curriculum elements of phonics and sight words, using skills and strategies that are essential for ongoing reading success. ABC Reading Eggs has 80 lessons for 4-6 year olds who are learning to read. It uses well-researched learning material, great graphics and internet technology to teach students how to read.

❑❑ Allows recognition & practice of ❑❑ The cartoon characters, sounds & visual effects are entertaining ❑❑ The songs & jingles are great ❑❑ The student needs to get 7

completion, students are rewarded with Golden Eggs

Enquiries ABC Reading Eggs P: 02 8585 4020

correct responses to progress ❑❑ The lessons are of escalating difficulty to maintain interest ❑❑ Allows for word & picture matching ❑❑ Provides positive feedback for incorrect answers

Are you looking for quality education in a caring Christian environment? Limited places available for 2009

CALL 4979 8484

❑❑ Quizzes at the end of each map

Sound learning for each individual in an affordable, natural setting

help to recap reading skills ❑❑ Students get certificates when they have done great work at

literacy programs we have reviewed

the end of a level

Checklist of Reading Eggs Features

❑❑ Upon learning activity

letters by joining dot to dot

This is one of the best internet based to date!

of words & phonics

❑❑ Shows students how to write

uppercase & lowercase letters Best of all, computers do not lose

❑❑ The Letter Grid builds recognition

recognition & sounds help

❑❑ Students can leave incomplete lessons & come back to them ❑❑ Students are rewarded for lesson completion with the hatching of

shapes & words ❑❑ To fill the time gap in page loading students can play games ❑❑ Students can earn egg points that can be used to buy fun

a new cartoon creature ❑❑ Shows learning progress through graphs ❑❑ The vocabulary building activities


❑❑ Helps students recognise letter

A Year K – 12 Anglican School in the Diocese of Newcastle 256 MINMI ROAD, FLETCHER • PO BOX 294, WALLSEND 2287

ensure that students know the words used




An Interview with

Jackie French

What is your favourite Australian

education of kids?

destination and why?

How do you contribute to the

Mooching about the bush, studying

I’d like to give kids new universes to

wombats and other animals, and

Going for a walk to the gorge near


swimming in the creek whenever it

my house. The cliffs are so high

rains... it’s a bit hard to swim when

and the gorge so deep that when

it’s only a 3cm puddle.

you swim across the pools you feel

I’d like to give kids new ways to look at the history we thought we knew... but maybe got wrong. I’d like to give kids the tools to think

If you found you only had 6 weeks to live what would you do?

like you’re swimming through the clouds reflected in the water. There is no sense of time in the gorge. You

about the world, and how it could

Same as what I am doing now.

could be 10,000 years ago or 10,000

be different.

Watch the wombats and other

years in the future.

I’d like to give kids laughter, too. Where did you go to school? •

Camp Hill Primary

Somerville House

Brisbane State High

University of QLD

wildlife, write books, sit and talk and laugh with family and friends, walk up the mountain and watch the mist

Sitting in the caldera of Vesuvius, feeling the steam rise up between

What are your career highlights? I am on a high every time a new

I have a husband, 1 son, 2

What do you value most in life?

tailed wallabies. What was your first job? Washing dishes at the Mater Mother’s Hospital in Brisbane. I also learnt how to make great lamingtons and passionfruit sponge fingers.

Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09


eat a lot more chocolate though.

book works!

37 wombats, 6 lyrebirds and 5 black

What is your best overseas

float down the gullies. I’d probably

Please tell us about your family

stepdaughters, 4 step grandchildren,


What are your hobbies?

my toes and fingers and knowing the volcano was rumbling underneath me. What do your books offer readers? My many books offer journeys to

I value my family, friends (including

other universes, including past

the fur and feathered sort), the bush


and books. What is your most unforgettable personal experience? This was the birth of my son.

Spotlight Jackie French Biography Jackie French’s writing career spans 16 years, 38 wombats, 125 books, translated into 23 languages, 8 genres, 3,721 bush rats, the odd award (well, actually, they’re not that odd), 6 somewhat insane lyrebirds, appearance in ‘Burke’s

Her Diary of a Wombat has sold

Jackie and her husband Bryan live

more than 100,000 copies in

in the Araluen Valley, a deep valley

hardback in Australia in the past

on the edge of the Deua wilderness

two years. It is based on the saga

area. Araluen is situated about 27km

of Mothball, the wombat who still

south of Braidwood on the South

lives under her bedroom, and who

Coast of NSW.

has been described as the most valuable animal in the district!

She lives in a stone house Jackie and Bryan built that has a homemade

Backyard’ segments, radio shows,

Diary of a Wombat won most of the

waterwheel as well as solar panels to

newspaper and magazine columns,

kid’s choice awards, several awards

power their house (and computers).

theories of pest and weed ecology

in the USA, the 2002 Australian

and 27 shredded doormats.

Booksellers Association/Nielsen

These doormats are the victims of the wombats who require constant appeasement in the form of carrots, rolled oats and wombat nuts, which is one of the reasons for the prolific output - this pays the carrot bills. Jackie wrote her first children’s book Rainstones because she was desperate to earn $106.40 to register her car, while living in a shed with a wallaby called Fred, a black snake called Gladys and a wombat called Smudge. This book was described by the editor at HarperCollins as the messiest, worst spelt manuscript they’d ever received. The mess originated from Smudge the wombat, who left his droppings on the typewriter every night; the spelling was due to the fact Jackie is dyslexic. She recommends all beginning writers to misspell their first book with a wombat damaged

BookData of the Year, was 2003 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year, plus a few other awards and will be galloping across the rest of the world this year and next. Other awards include; an Aurealis Book Award (sci-fi) for Cafe

Jackie describes herself as a ‘wombat negotiator’ and has spent about three decades studying the wombats in her valley, as well as pest predator relationships and other aspects of the ecology around her- these have featured in her many books.

on Callisto and ACT Book of the Year

Her latest books include: Rocket

for In the Blood.

Your Child Into Reading (A book on

Jackie is one of the few writers to win both literary and children’s choice awards. Hitler’s Daughter won the 2000 CBCA Book of the Year for Younger Readers, the UK Wow! Award and has been listed as a “blue ribbon” book in the USA.

reading difficulties) To the Moon and Back (a history of Australia and the journey to the moon), Tom Appleby Convict boy, The Goat Who Sailed The World - the true story of the goat who sailed with Captain James Cook, Macbeth and Son, Pharaoh, A Rose for the ANZAC Boys, How

Jackie doesn’t see any real

High Can A Kangaroo Hop, The

difference between fiction and

Donkey Who Carried the Wounded,

gardening writing - both involve a

and the forthcoming Lessons for

close study of the interrelationships

a Werewolf Warrior, the first in the

of the world, then forming them into

hilarious School For Heroes series.

patterns that might become stories or theories of weed ecology!

typewriter - at least that way it stands out in the pile! The renowned ANZAC story of Simpson and his donkey was The Donkey Who Carried the Wounded Author: Jackie French Age guide: 7+ years Extent: 224 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780732288398 Release Date: April 2009 Price: AUD$14.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers P: 02 9952 5000

launched at the Australian War Memorial 8 April 2009. The courageous digger and his donkey became heroes at Gallipoli for transporting the wounded to safety. Simpson has gone down in the ANZAC legends but few people know the story of the donkey. A heroic tale told from the heart.


Learning Innovations

Develop Great

Essay Writing Skills

Whether you are a school, TAFE

4. Argumentative essay

or university student, you need to

For example “During recession

develop great essay writing skills.

it is prudent to have a deficit

Few are born with the creative

Federal budget”

leanings to be able to write topic relevant essays - this takes research, study, practice and more practice! Before you start an essay, ask

5. Narrative tale or story telling For example “My greatest career regrets” 6. Hypothesise & measure scientific

yourself what subject your essay is


on. The tone of your essay depends

For example “Cigarette smoking

on the topic for which you are

in movies encourages young

writing. It is no point writing in a

girls to take up smoking”

flowery style essay for business, law or accountancy essays.

By taking a critical look at the type of essay, you can determine the

What type of essay are you

area of focus, activities and the

expected to write?

writing style. For example, if you are

1. Compare & contrast For example “Compare the beauty of living in Newcastle with the Central Coast” 2. Describe what, why, how, when & where of a topic For example “Describe the advantages of living close to the beach” 3. Evaluate points of view, topics or events For example “Evaluate

asked to provide research data then you need to complete all your research prior to commencing the essay. The arguments you make need to be supported by evidence, research findings, studies, statistics or informed opinions. It is important to control the terseness and quality of the information. Stick to your essay plan and avoid rambling off the topic.

the success of the Federal

Many of you may find writing essays

Government one computer per

a time consuming and stressful

student initiative”

activity. However, it can be fulfilling and mind expanding once you know the basics.


Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Learning Innovations Checklist for Great Essay Writing ❑❑ Read the essay topic ❑❑ Start chipping at the essay task ❑❑ Write down the type of essay ❑❑ Do your research ❑❑ Write an essay plan ❑❑ Review your essay structure ❑❑ Write an attention grabbing introduction ❑❑ Provide clear arguments ❑❑ Give informed examples ❑❑ Back up your points with research ❑❑ Give your personal conclusions ❑❑ Edit your draft essay ❑❑ Add acknowledgements ❑❑ Edit again after a few days ❑❑ Edit a third time after a week ❑❑ Package & submit the essay

Technology Hints • Invest in a style writer e.g WhiteSmoke 2008 • Buy Plagiarism software & run your essay through it

More Information



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Learning Innovations

Better Outcomes for


Boys Education was a hot topic

Within the current Year 9 cohort, the

during the later part of the 1990’s yet

Humanities Faculty has opted for

in recent times has been ‘off the boil’.

a mixed ability ‘all boys’ class. The

This is not the case at Hunter Valley Grammar School (Ashtonfield) where programs are operating with the aim of improving academic outcomes for boys. There has been a great deal of research into gender specific classes over the years, and although this

class has just completed a semester of History. End of semester results, coupled with feedback from the boys themselves have highlighted how successful the initiative has been. There are several factors which are at the core to this success. They include; • Adopting changes to pedagogy

is not the place to write about the

that are specifically tailored to

findings of this research, it is widely

meeting the needs of boys, such

known that although the brains

as an activity based approach

of adolescent boys and girls may be physiologically similar, their development and ‘wiring’ can be poles apart.

• A teacher with an understanding of the needs of boys & how to build a relationship with them • Recognising the need for boys to

Hunter Valley Grammar School’s

have a sense of belonging to a

ability to tailor some classes to


become gender specific has resulted in immensely positive outcomes for

Each time gender groupings have

both boys and girls.

been implemented at Hunter Valley

Tips to Achieve Successful Outcomes for Boys ❑❑ Make the environment an activities based approach ❑❑ Have a range of optional activities, choice will spark interest ❑❑ Build a strong relationship between the teacher & the student ❑❑ Recognise the need for boys to feel part of a group or gang ❑❑ ‘Chunk’ tasks and activities ❑❑ Provide scaffolding of tasks ❑❑ Provide clear boundaries ❑❑ Use formative assessment & recognise success progressively ❑❑ Use male staff & male student mentors ❑❑ Give short precise messages avoid being too wordy ❑❑ Try to create games or

Grammar School, the students Within Hunter Valley Grammar School,

competitions as boys often thrive

and staff involved are surveyed to

class structure is an important focus.

on competition

evaluate and refine the program.

Supporting boys in the right learning environment has been identified as a means of providing boys with the opportunity to achieve their potential. Research within the school community was conducted and subsequent gender split groupings were implemented across a variety of KLA’s particularly in Years 8 and 9.

Some of the boys in this class say… “We are all boys and work together well.”


Enquiries Amanda King

“There are no distractions and you

Head of Business & Humanities

can relate to each other.”

Hunter Valley Grammar School

“My marks have improved.” “Being all boys, you can talk without feeling you look like an idiot.” “I really like being in the all boys’ class.”

10 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

❑❑ Encourage language

P: 02 4934 2444

Learning Innovations

Increase TEEN Self Esteem Improve family relationships Create friendships Increase confidence & self esteem Reduce fear & stress Develop skills for tests & exams

Age s 12-1 Years 6-9


H hool Weekend & Sc

C ay olid

s ourse 02 4982 1840


Learning Innovations

Flexible Learning Flexible learning is as powerful as

When you enroll in an online course,

classroom learning but you don’t

it gives you flexibility to complete

need to attend classes in person.

your lessons at a time, place and

If you choose flexible learning,

pace that best suits you.

you can usually access interactive

Similar to classroom learning there

lessons through DVDs, the Internet or

is a syllabus, assignments, learning

in paper form.

activities, exercises and assessment tasks that need to be completed. Online flexible courses may require you to physically attend an induction, tutorials and workshops. There are set times for accessing online courses to facilitate teacher and student interaction through chat rooms or online discussion boards. You can also communicate with teachers and other students by email.

TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute Recordkeeping TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute offers a single program of study by flexible learning, to provide you with Certificate IV qualifications in Recordkeeping. Taught by qualified industry specialists and practitioners, this program helps you to meet the professional requirements of records management within Australia. It spans over two years part-time via online distance education programs. When studying Recordkeeping, you are supported by course materials and study workshops. You are also provided with email and telephone support.

More Information Esther Aarons TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute P: 02 9217 3442

12 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Learning Innovations


Tocal Cotton e-Learning Part of the 2009 NSW e-Learning

Darren Bailey says “There is a high

Innovations Projects, this course

level of interest from the cotton

helps students develop an online

industry on the e-Learning products

skills audit system for cotton farmers

under development”.

and farm managers, with ongoing development of e-Learning systems

Darren Bailey

in skills and knowledge. It targets:

DPI Tocal College

supervisors & workers • Rural & remote communities • Rural youth • Indigenous communities

More Information

that respond to the identified gaps

• Cotton farm managers,


P: 02 4939 8833

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Learning Innovations

Australian Launch of

Just BE You Teenage girls often face a crisis in

After 7 years of running the Just BE

This training helps girls learn the

confidence, making them open to

You Workshops and the Just BE You

basics of presentation skills and

serious issues that can have lifelong

Club in Switzerland, Gillian has now

making the most of themselves in


brought these programs to Australia.

a comfortable and encouraging

Feeling confident and presenting

Overseas, these learning initiatives

a positive self-image isn’t an easy

were conducted not only in the

task for teenage girls who have the

public sector but were embraced

added pressure of looking good

by many reputable international

and wearing the ‘right clothes’ to be

schools like Le Rosey in Rolle and

Subjects covered include


Beau Soleil in Villars as a part of

communication, verbal and

their International Baccalaureate

non-verbal, body language, posture


and deportment, life skills, healthy

The community need for initiatives to improve confidence and a positive

environment. Each participant is made to feel special – away from the harsh criticism and adverse influences of peer group pressures.

eating and exercise, skincare,

body image has been reinforced by

Another part of Gillian’s programs

the launch of the Australian Federal

were taken on by the Swiss

Government’s new Body Advisory

Government in a ‘Back to Work’

Group to which Sarah Murdoch has

scheme and by five Hotel


Management Schools to enhance

Upon completion of the three

the employability of their graduates.

separate workshops, teenage girls

After 7 years of working with teenage girls in Switzerland, Gillian Lana knows that it’s not just an Australian issue!

Gillian explains:

then gain entry to the Just BE You Club that gives them the possibility

girls of all sizes and backgrounds! I

new found skills.

wanted to create something that would help teenage girls to ‘bloom’

do more than improve self-esteem

naturally and learn how to be

- it helps teenage girls to make a

comfortable in their own skin before

positive public statement.

making their mark on the world.

Gillian Lana, the Training Director of

My front office role in hiring and

Just BE You states;

training hospitality staff reinforced

They want to be recognised, to

presentation for the family.

to meet, develop and practice their

new learning program that aims to

affect teenage girls’ self-esteem.

techniques – all followed by a

“The Just BE You program is for

She has launched an innovative

“It isn’t only body image issues that

natural make-up and haircare

the importance of the acquisition of soft skills for teenage girls to succeed in life”.

The girls from the Club in Switzerland have participated in Fashion Shows and events with local shopping centres. Girls also create a different support group that helps to open up and widen their horizons. As the workshops and Club are firmly entrenched in Switzerland, Gillian would like to create a link between these and future Australian clubs

belong, be accepted and to feel

through video conferences and

confident enough to dare to be

possible exchange visits.


14 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Learning Innovations

The next workshops will start in

fantastic time! We have all made

images’. After this, Gillian embarked

Newcastle during the month of

such great friendships - we can all

on an 8 year career in the Hospitality


talk without feeling any pressures -

World of Switzerland as Owner/

it’s always a pleasure to meet up.

Manager of a successful Hotel

It’s also very down to earth and

Restaurant alongside her Swiss chef

natural and that makes us feel at

husband. She spent a further 2 years

ease and boosts our self esteem. I

with the luxury cosmetic brand of

want this club to go on forever – all

Yves Saint Laurent before launching

these moments are etched in my

the Just BE You programs.

Just BE You is an important initiative as it develops the ‘soft skills’ for teenage girls that are now gaining acclamation from universities, colleges and businesses.

Club Members Have Their Say

heart and I will never forget all that this Club has done for me! Thank you

“In the beginning I was very shy - so

a million times!’ says Camille 18yrs.

the Club has helped me open up.

More Information

Since I started, I feel much better in my skin - and also much more attractive with all the beauty tips we receive! The activities we do are

BE Inspired BE Yourself BE Happy!

always fun and even as the time goes by they seem to get better and better...! It has also allowed me to make new acquaintances - all of them fabulous! A huge thank you to the organisers - and I sincerely hope that the Club will last a long time a very long time!” says Melissa, 14 years. “I did the workshops and have been in the Just BE You Club right from the beginning - and it is a DREAM for me! I have gained so much selfconfidence thanks to all the diverse activities that we do - dance, gym, make-up, theatre, communication, photos, fashion shows! I have learnt so much through positive recognition and encouragement. It’s a dream club which makes you feel motivated and we just have a

About Gillian Lana Founder and Training Director Just BE You Club & Workshops Gillian’s diverse background is the main key to the success of the programs. She left her native England at the age of 18 years travelling for 10 years and negotiating the International Fashion Meccas of New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, Hamburg as a Fashion Model. She worked with reputable photographers, graphic designers, make-up artists, editors

Dare to BE You with the Just BE You Workshops & Clubs • Find natural beauty • Increase self-esteem • Present yourself with confidence • Enhance well-being • Prepare your future Girls from 13-18 Years Next Newcastle workshops start August. Limited Places.



Just You Enrol: Enquire:

and marketing companies to ‘sell


Learning Innovations

Where does

Reading Begin?

By Nicole van Wyk

How do we learn to read? Literacy

Because these teachers, parents

Students with poor visual memory

begins with speech. Speaking

and students are supported in

need first to focus on sight words

and listening helps children to

their journey, positive attitudes

such as ‘was’ before a common

understand sentence structure and

towards reading results. Open

word like ‘went’ which follows sound

build vocabulary.

communication between home


If we start with the sounds in words, children can take what they know of language and use this to help them read. Early childhood programs that focus on phonology (sounds) before phonics (letters) are getting great results. Research by Earnshaw & Seargeant (1995 – 2000), shows that if students can hear all the sounds in words, and they can understand how words are put together, they are more effective at decoding, reading and spelling.

and school, reporting classroom difficulties and finding a solution, enable students to succeed in their literacy lessons and individualising programs where necessary are all key elements.

Pre-school is the perfect time to concentrate on sounds! Sounds can be practised anywhere that speaking and listening occurs. Using songs, pictures, rhymes and themes are creative ways to think about

Literacy education theory went from

sounds. Children won’t even know

phonics to whole words and now

they are learning they will just have

uses a blend of the two theories. We

fun! Any speech, hearing and sight

need both. Our language is made

concerns should be identified and

up of 26 letters, but there are around

managed before children start

44 sounds. Learning letter sounds

school. This will minimise any effect

is not enough to acquire sound

on their literacy development.

reading skills! Students need to be comfortable with sounds like ‘air’

Phonics programs are taught in the first three years of schooling.

The government study ‘In Teachers’

and ‘or’ as well as the letters and

Hands’ concluded that innovative

sight words. There are words in our

teachers show how language

language where sounds cannot be

works and explain skills effectively.

blended. These sight words need to

They are also committed to

be learned through repetition and

educate parents, and help them

use. A differentiation needs to be

A mother of a struggling reader told

to support literacy development.

made between common words and

me her advice would be: Ask your

sight words.

child’s teacher lots of questions

Students learn how the letter is written, how to recognise it in words, the sound it represents and words that start with that sound.

and if necessary seek professional advice early. Speech pathologists, occupational therapists, child psychologists, educational psychologists, teachers and tutors are all great sources of information. Games are the best way to learn. Children can play around with sounds by making up silly words, matching things with the same first sound, writing rhyming poems and finding the odd sound out from a group of objects. Other activities

16 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Learning Innovations include creating their own alphabet

new confidence with reading. It is

charts, making a picture dictionary,

an exciting thing to watch.

writing sound stories and writing songs to put to music. If students are familiar with the sounds, they will pick up reading and writing more easily. We speak

Top Reading Tips

letter names ❑❑ Play games like ‘I Spy’ to develop first sound

attention to the sounds in words


put the sounds together. Reading becomes less foreign and scary! Programs at ‘I Can Read’ start from three years old with sound training. Programs are game based, fun and interesting. More importantly they work! I Can Read gets great results with many students reading before they start school. Struggling readers

child-led ❑❑ Introduce basic sight words at the same time as letters

❑❑ Introduce letter sounds before

words every day! Turning our gives students more confidence to

❑❑ Where possible make activities

❑❑ Play rhyming games to isolate sounds that are made up of multiple sounds

❑❑ Be creative as reading is not just about sitting down with a book ❑❑ Find material that the children enjoy & make it a positive experience ❑❑ Be patient & encouraging ❑❑ Provide enough support to avoid students becoming frustrated

❑❑ Break up words to hear the sounds ❑❑ Use pictures to represent sounds as well as letters ❑❑ Make learning fun, interactive &

Nicole van Wyk P: 02 4365 4428


catch up to their class and gain a

INFORMATION NIGHT 7pm in ‘Kindyland’ Tuesday 18th August 2009

Charlton Junior School Offers • Daily participation, with fully trained staff in the neurological ‘Learning Connections’ program • Exceptional & highly dedicated staff with a heart for pastoral care • Innovative & hands-on programs and resources • An effective home & school partnership • Engaging technology

Love, Integrity, Faith, Empowerment 2010 Kindergarten enrolments & entry assessments are being taken now. Charlton Christian College K-12 Non-Denominational Christian College Visit our new website at

43 Fassifern Rd, Fassifern NSW 2283 P: 02 4959 9111


Learning Innovations

WEB 2.00 Revitalises


In an explosive age of information,

Mrs Judy Anastopoulos, Head of

College ‘wiki’, which allows them to

where electronic research and

the Information Resource Centre St

compare websites and resources

touch button information are the

Phillip’s Christian College says:

and to share with each other in the

norm, it is becoming increasingly important to teach students how to research effectively. Teaching staff at the Information Resource Centre, St Philip’s Christian College, Waratah Campus have responded to the challenge of providing instruction in information literacy by working in a partnership with the classroom teachers through programs across the Key Learning Areas. Powerful partnerships are forged between class teachers and librarians as they plan and teach units of work which embrace information literacy skills. The collaborative partnership is given emphasis through a ‘Scope and Sequence of Information Literacy Skills’ structured and organised to meet each learning stage of the students.

“An engaging Library needs to

research process.

have an Information Literacy

Web 2.00 is a powerful tool for

Program which is both effective and

sharing information and connecting


with research in a revitalised way.

Someone needs to take responsibility for teaching kids how to research. We can all teach research but unless the skills are documented in a checklist and marked off then no-one really takes responsibility.” The Information Literacy Program assists students through the provision of a ‘pathfinders’, which is designed by the teacher - librarian and technical staff. ‘Pathfinders’ guide the students on their research journey. They direct students to credible websites, data bases and other electronic or printed resources

Publishing in a ‘blog’ completes the research process and provides great opportunities for students to provide comments about their research task. ‘Blogs’ revitalise the research process and take the students into a whole new dimension which is productive and fun! Partnerships in learning are essential and when the teacher librarian and classroom teacher collaborate in the teaching of information and literacy skills, then the students have everything to gain!

More Information

to help students with research tasks.

Annette Anastopoulos Teacher Librarian

Students can work at school and

St Philip’s Christian College

at home through ‘pathfinders’

Waratah Campus Newcastle

and then present their work in the P: 02 4960 6622

18 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09


Touching Tales on

School Bullying At the invitation of Newcastle Regional Library, acclaimed Author Susanne Gervay gave a series of addresses on bullying to about 600 school children, years 4-6 and some adult audiences from 23-24 June 2009.

As a mother of a son who was

It is also important to empower

bullied at school, and a specialist

leadership; kids to take initiative to

in child growth and development,

say don’t do that, come and join my

Susanne wrote I Am Jack. This book


is an emotional and whimsical journey as Jack moves from a victim of bullying to a victor. Susanne said: “Bullying is about power imbalance, it destroys the victim’s heart and

Bullying Checklist ❑❑ Starts when children are 9-10 years when adults are not there to intervene ❑❑ Victims are usually sensitive

About Susanne Gervay Susanne is second child of Hungarian immigrant parents. Born in Sydney, she attended the University of Sydney, married and became a teacher. She has two

❑❑ Victims are usually loners

children James and Tory, who

❑❑ Victims do not belong to a group

inspired many of her books. She

attends school late and hides in the

❑❑ Victims often fear for their life

holds a Master of Education and a


❑❑ Victims engage in avoidance

soul. The victim is frightened for his/her life. The victim is often sick,

Bullies want to feel good and they do not think of the victim’s feelings. The victims are often anonymous to them.

behaviours ❑❑ Victims do not feel they have a voice ❑❑ Bullying generates fear on bystanders

Boy victims are usually late developers, loners, sensitive and shunned by school groups. Bullying is very serious and if it isn’t resolved, both the victim and the bully can take the negative behaviours into adult life.

❑❑ Bullies are after power & feeling good ❑❑ If bullying is not resolved behaviours are taken to adult life ❑❑ Bullying intervention needs to be in primary school needed to change bullying

in primary school when teachers

❑❑ Kids need to be encouraged to

and parents have more power to

develop “hero” or leadership

change things.


total commitment of all parties are needed to eliminate bullying. Children can be engaged by stories and emotions, not by moralising.

As a divorced mother raising her two young children and a cancer survivor, she has pursued her two dreams - the creation of the Hughenden, a literary and arts hotel in Sydney and becoming an author. She is an acclaimed author of literature about children and young adult issues. Her books are not just stories - they are commitments to life’s truths.

❑❑ Emotional engagement is

Bullying interventions need to be

Emotional engagement and

Master of Arts.

❑❑ Teachers & parents need to encourage open communication on bullying ❑❑ Bullying takes away moments of happiness ❑❑ Bullying & teasing are not the same




s A380

FamilDieessign are the Winners


my Se

Australian International Design Awards 2009 Stephanie Watson, Program Director

BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Synergy

Oticon Dual Hearing Aid

of the Australian International Design

Designed By BabyBjörn AB

Designed By Oticon A/S

BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Synergy

Oticon Dual is a modern, high-tech

is designed to carry babies from

hearing device designed for people

newborn (3.5kg) to 12kg. The

with hearing impairment.

Awards 2009, said the Qantas A380 Economy Seat exceeded all judging criteria to win the prestigious award. The Australian International Design

breathable material and innovative

Awards, a division of Standards

design keeps baby and the wearer

Australia, recognises and rewards

cool while providing maximum

product design and innovation

carrying comfort.

excellence. Of the 73 finalists, nominees for the Australian International Design Award were: Qantas A380 Economy Seat Designed by Qantas Airways, Marc Newson Ltd, Recaro Aircraft Seating

Cochlear™ Hybrid™ System Designed By Cochlear The Cochlear™ Hybrid™ System seamlessly blends cochlear implants and hearing aids - for individuals with severe to profound high frequency

RØDE Blimp Microphone Windshield Designed By RØDE Microphones The RØDE Blimp is a protective windshield and shock-mounting accessory for directional shotgun microphones, which are particularly vulnerable to wind noise. Sports-Haler Asthma Puffer Designed By DelvTech International

Focuses on ergonomics and

hearing loss, who maintain their low

Sports-haler is the next generation

comfort, has borne a number of

frequency hearing.

asthma puffer; providing safer

new features including: • A single beam seat design that optimises living space • A seat base that moves in conjunction with the seat recline • Seat cushioning that has been custom designed to suit the seat • Innovative and unique netted ‘footnet’ leg support to optimise comfort

20 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Izona CookSurface Designed By Fisher & Paykel The CookSurface is a revolutionary design that has removed traditional, awkward gas hobs with an elegant, flush, easy clean design that fuses the best of gas and ceramic technology together.

portable and hygienic delivery of medications.

More Information



St Philip’s Students Visit NASA The world is the stage for St Philip’s

The combination of video

St Philip’s has been a leader in the

Christian College students! A new

conferencing and smartboard

adoption of new technologies for

initiative to consolidate this school’s

installation has facilitated multi-

over 10 years. It started a student

position has been the students’

campus interactive classes to be

laptop program back in 1999 and

virtual tour of NASA.

conducted at Newcastle and

was one of the first schools to use

Gosford campuses simultaneously.

Toshiba tablet PCs in 2005. Over 400

This virtual tour of Houston Space Centre USA integrated computer

Students can answer questions by

technology into the fabric of

writing on the smartboard and these

College life in a new and engaging

answers are visible at the other

way. The science and physics


students were involved in the two virtual excursions on 18 June and the 19 June 2009. These tours expanded the students’ frame of reference, stretched their imagination and enlarged their understanding of our cosmos.

Graeme Irwin, Executive Principal for the St Philip’s group of schools said;

part of their everyday schooling. Founded in 1982, the College is an independent, non-denominational Christian school that has over 2,500 students spread over five campuses in the Hunter, Port Stephens and

the leading edge integrating

Central Coast.

computers in education at the College. Our NASA virtual tour, new video conferencing and smartboard installations have taken the College

Phillip’s has been on the forefront

to a new level”.


the College’s wireless network as

“We have always tried to be at

As well as the NASA virtual tour, St in adopting other teaching

of its students now use laptops on

In addition to these achievements, St Phillips topped the MAP Marketing Private Schools Website Ratings 2009, with an average rating 4.83 out of a maximum 5.00. Visit

Enquiries Brian Rennie P: 02 4960 6600


Green Issues


Playgrounds Children spend many of their formative years in schools and childcare centres. Your child can be exposed to dangerous hazards in these environments.

Potential Hazards Contaminated Land Some schools or childcare centres may have been unknowingly built

Maintenance & Renovations

Art & Stationary Materials

Maintenance and renovations can

These materials are used to create

introduce hazardous and volatile

wonderful works of art, but some

chemicals into the indoor air from

pose a risk because they contain

sources such as paints, varnishes,

chemicals, which are hazardous,

stains, treated timbers, glues and

particularly to children. Glues,

sealants, particle board and

paints, felt tip pens, stains, dyes,


varnishes, photographic chemicals,

Pest Management

glazes, plastics and resins are some examples of materials that

on contaminated land. Previous

Pest management is important,

need to be examined for their

gasworks, petrol stations or industrial

but a lack of understanding

risks. Correction fluids can be very

factory sites may not have been

about pesticides has led to the

hazardous to children.

properly decontaminated and

excessive use of highly hazardous

may present risks to children. If the

and residual chemicals in schools

schools are located near a main

and childcare centres. Not only

Because schools use a large

road, this may increase the risks of

are the active ingredients in many

number of chemicals in science

exposure to petrol by-products such

pesticide formulations of concern

classes, there have been initiatives

as lead, benzene and particulates.

to children’s health, other so-called

to remove many older, highly

inert ingredients in the formulations

dangerous chemicals from schools.

can also be harmful.

Schools need to be thoroughly

Building Materials Many building and interior fitout materials emit toxic vapours from

Cleaning Products

Science Chemicals

audited as their chemical supplies may still contain banned chemicals.

insulating materials, plastics, paints,

Cleaning products are a source of

sealant and finishes, particle boards,

potentially hazardous chemicals

carpet, vinyl, foam furnishings

including antimicrobials, solvents,

An increasing number of children

and treated timbers. Vapours

fragrance, and surfactants. Cleaned

have sensitivities to synthetic

emitted from building materials can

surfaces can retain hazardous

fragrances and solvents commonly

significantly increase the levels of

residues and volatile ingredients may

found in a range of personal

indoor air pollution to which children

be released into the air contributing

care products including soaps,

are exposed. Lead contamination

to indoor air pollution.

shampoos, perfumes, deodorants,

Personal Care Products

is also of concern and can be

hair spray, or clothes detergent.

introduced from old painted

Consideration must also be given

surfaces and contaminated dusts in

to the use of some sunscreens and

roof cavities.

insect repellants which may contain hazardous chemicals.

22 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Green Issues

Food & Water

❑❑ Are school cleaners using

An overlooked area of chemical exposure is the food and water children take in. Food may have been grown using pesticides, antibiotics and fertilisers and their chemical residues can remain for a long time. Processed foods may contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colours, some of these have been shown to

environmentally friendly cleaning products? ❑❑ Are art & stationery supplies eco friendly & child safe? ❑❑ Have the science lab chemicals been audited? ❑❑ Are personal care products child safe? ❑❑ Is canteen food free of

dramatically affect the health and

dangerous pesticides &

wellbeing of children.



More Information

❑❑ Is the school or playground

The Toxic Playground: A Guide To

located on a contaminated site? ❑❑ Is the school located near a major highway? ❑❑ Are the interiors covered with lead based paints? ❑❑ Are roof cavities filled with contaminated materials? ❑❑ Are pest sprays free of hazardous

Reducing The Chemical Load In Schools & Childcare Centres Author: Jo Immig

Great Book Giveaway We have 10 Copies of The Toxic Playground (RRP $23.00 each) courtesy of The Total Environment Centre to giveaway!

Extent: 104 pages (Paperback)


ISBN: 0947360166

follow the giveaway link and fill

Price: AUD$23.00

in your details for your chance to

Publisher: Total Environment Centre


P: 02 9261 3437

* Limit one per school or family.


OLE If you see a hole, don’t think you’re a mole, walk in the opposite direction and report your detection.




Putting service and the needs of people first.



Increase Your

Family Wealth There are three ways to increase

You can increase family wealth by

your family wealth - increase

making better use of your money

income, spend less or make better

by wisely investing or by earning

use of your money.

a greater return from existing

The first lesson on wealth creation comes from Alice in Wonderland. Alice is lost and asks the Cheshire Cat for directions. The cat asks

real estate allow you to control and increase your wealth through rents and capital gains.

where she is going. Alice says she

Earning passive income is another

doesn’t know, and the cat replies,

way of wealth building. You can

“if you don’t know where you are

increase wealth by doing something

going, anyplace will do.”

once and generate ongoing

Sadly many people plan for their wealth creation in the same way! The key to wealth building is to track your progress by determining your current net worth (your assets minus liabilities). Once you know where you are then it becomes easier to go forward.

income streams - write a song, sell insurance, mortgage loans, licence a product or business. Wealth accumulation is a lifetime decision. Hence contributing as much as you can to your super fund over and above the 9% contributed by your employer, is a great strategy. This attracts government

A major factor in increasing family

contributions, tax benefits and

wealth is to increase your income

increases your retirement wealth.

above your unavoidable bills. This can be done by: •

$50, $100, $200 dollars each payday to a dedicated bank account adds

per hour - from $15.00 - $25.00

to savings and curbs your spending.

Increasing the number of hours

You may also like to consider an

you work - from 30 - 40 hours

eBay income to sell surplus products

Increasing the value of your by seeking a higher value

By transferring fixed amounts such as

Increasing the amount you get

contribution to your workplace

24 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

investments. Investments such as

or to sell products such as crafts, books, electronics, jewellery or accessories.

position - more responsibility &

To prune your spending you can


opt to budget or look through your

Generating passive income

bank statement and prioritise your

from interest, dividends, rents,

spending pattern. If you opt to

licenses, commissions or

budget make sure you budget for a

repetitive product sales


Business It isn’t what you spend but what



Pack QTY

Pall Mall








Review your addictions whether





these are smoking, drinking, or





process additions such golf, gym,

Super Kings

Rich Blue



and impulse shopping with the aim

Peter Jackson




of cutting down or eliminating them.


Sky Blue



For example the average price of a


Menthol Flip



packet of 20 cigarettes in Newcastle

Benson & Hedges




is about $9.58. By cutting out 20





cigarettes per day you save about

Peter Stuyvesant






you keep that adds to your family wealth.

$3,496.70 pa. Work out which expenses you can minimise or cut out. Avoid buying


Source: Foodworks Newcastle East, Friday June 19 2009.

magazines you never read, coffee you half drink and bring your work

For example which of the below can

Once you have chosen a

lunches from home.

you prune and how much would

compelling reason to increase

you save by doing it?

your family wealth, you need the

Learn how to avoid or minimise bank charges and ATM fees. The general rule is cut out what you don’t use. Focus spending in aspects of your life that truly enrich it.

Pruning Spending Checklist: ❑❑ Mobile Phones ❑❑ Paid Television

determination to succeed regardless of the challenges you encounter. If you have a lapse, don’t give up; get back to your wealth creation plan.

❑❑ Club Memberships

More Information

For example, if improved fitness is

❑❑ Magazine Subscriptions

one of your priorities you have the

❑❑ Smoking

option of buying a great pair of walking shoes, walking gear and a

❑❑ Alcohol

raincoat for about $350 or joining a

❑❑ Betting

gym for about $750 pa. The choice

❑❑ Eating Out

is yours, so get in tune with what

❑❑ Takeaway Food

you enjoy doing and your spending priorities. The most difficult part of spending is delaying gratification.

❑❑ Impulse Buying ❑❑ STD Telephone Calls ❑❑ Cleaning Services ❑❑ Dry Cleaning

This replaces mindless spending

❑❑ Lawn Maintenance

with purposeful spending. Teach

❑❑ Credit Card Spending

your children to delay gratification and practice this yourself with the ultimate aim of increasing your family wealth.




You need a compelling reason to become wealthy - a stronger reason than just making money. Your compelling reason may be; freedom to stay home to raise your kids, freedom to retire, freedom to travel, freedom to write a book,

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freedom to write a song or freedom to develop a software program.





Peanut allergy is a reaction which

In China, the major peanut

Although there are no definite

occurs soon after exposure to

producer, peanut allergy is less

answers for this, there are some

peanuts or peanut products due to

common as peanuts are boiled or


an allergy reaction against peanut

fried compared to Western countries

proteins. An allergic reaction occurs

where they are dry roasted.

when the immune system overreacts and releases chemicals into the blood. Peanut allergy is a reaction to the proteins but not the oil in the peanut. Some studies indicate that refined peanut oils may be safe, but cold pressed peanut oil needs to be avoided. The peanut is a bean vine plant that grows underground and is related to peas, lentils, soy beans

Signs of Peanut Allergy Signs of mild peanut allergies include:

• Peanuts are given to children too early in their development • Increased use of soy in formula & other processed food • Increase in the use of roasted peanuts in food

• Hives around the mouth

• Lowered immune systems

• Hives on other parts of the body

because we live in cleaner &

• A runny nose

healthier environments

• Tingling in your lips or tongue • Abdominal pain • Vomiting More severe allergic signs include:

and chickpeas. The proteins in peanuts are different to those in tree

• Coughing

nuts such as almonds, brazil nuts,

• Low blood pressure

cashews, hazelnut, macadamia

• Lowered immune function due to increased antibiotic use & vaccinations Type of Exposure for Peanut Allergies Type of Exposure






Skin Contact



• Wheezing




• Difficulty breathing




So children allergic to peanuts may

• Hoarseness of the voice

Skin & Eye Contact



not be allergic to ‘tree nuts’.

• Loss of consciousness

Eye Contact



In Australia peanut allergy is the

• Life-threatening anaphylaxis



nuts, pecans, pistachios or walnuts.

third most common food allergy in children, after milk and egg allergies. In the Middle East, sesame allergy is third, after milk and egg allergies as sesame seeds are more commonly used relative to peanuts.

Possible Reasons for the Increase in Peanut Allergies Studies show that there has been a sharp increase in peanut allergies over the last decade, particularly in children in the US, the UK and in Australia.

26 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09


© 2002 Velencia Soutter, Anne Swain & Robert Loblay

More Information Allergy Unit, RPA Hospital P: 02 9565 1464 F: 02 9519 8420

Health Checklist for Treating Peanut Allergies ❑❑ Keep children away from all peanut products ❑❑ Do not overindulge in peanut eating when breastfeeding ❑❑ Avoid kissing children after eating peanuts or peanut butter ❑❑ Avoid using cold pressed peanut oil in food preparation ❑❑ Avoid massaging children with peanut based preparations ❑❑ Carry safe food when travelling anywhere especially on planes ❑❑ Ask restaurants whether peanuts are added to food ❑❑ Diagnose peanut allergy by skin prick test or a blood test

New Botanical Drug Could Treat Peanut Allergies

being conducted at Mount Sinai

A new study found that a botanical

efficacy on multiple food allergies

drug could provide the key to new treatments for peanut allergies. Lead Author Xiu-Min Li, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Center for Chinese Herbal Therapy for Allergy and

to evaluate its safety and early including peanut, tree nut, fish and shellfish. Mount Sinai Newsroom New York 2009

Asthma at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and colleagues, found Food Allergy Herbal Formula (FAHF-2 ) produced more than 36 weeks protection following treatment against peanut-induced anaphylaxis in mice. FAHF-2 has received investigational new drug approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and currently human clinical trials are

❑❑ Use adrenaline injector for severe peanut allergies

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Reviews Our Junior Pick

Crime Time Author: Sue Bursztynski Introduction: Kerry Greenwood Illustrations: Louise Prout Crime Time - Australians Behaving Badly is a collection of famous Australian true murders and crimes. Spanning the years from 1600 to 2000s, the short profiles cover the adventures of murderous bushrangers, serial killers and

Skeleton Creek #1 Author: Patrick Carman Skeleton Creek is the story of Ryan and Sarah and their investigation into how their town became known as Skeleton Creek. The story is presented as Ryan’s handwritten journal, which he writes while recovering from a near fatal accident at a mining dredge just outside of town. Sarah, who is forbidden to see Ryan due to the accident, continues their

fraudsters to high-profile present day criminals such as the Moran Family

This well researched, easy to read

and Carl Williams.

book is recommended for those

Scattered through the book at the end of each short profile are ‘Did you know?’ boxes. These boxes provide some extra interesting trivia

fascinated by action and real crime allowing the reader to delve into some of Australia’s famous and not so famous dark historical offences.

such as the current Australian Prime

Age Guide: 11+ years

Minister, Kevin Rudd’s, criminal

Extent: 209 pages (Paperback)

ancestry. Although graphic depictions of violence have been avoided, this book is not highly recommended for younger readers.

ISBN: 978187642765 Price: AUD$16.95 Publisher: Ford Street Publishing P: 03 9481 1120

joint investigation through writing emails to Ryan and recording her findings on video. Readers can plunge deeper in to the thrilling mystery by visiting

Sarah’s Heavy Heart

Sarah’s website and using passwords

Author & Illustrator: Peter Carnavas

from the book to gain access to her video diaries, as she hunts down clues at the ghostly dredge.

Most pages of this poignant tale are dominated with Sarah’s huge red heart. The size of Sarah is relatively

This is one of those books that will

small compared with this large heart

not only leave you hanging and

that is weighing her down in every

wanting more, but will persuade you

aspect of her life, day and night.

to read it over again, just in case you missed any vital clues. Age Guide: 9+ years Extent: 186 pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781862917958 Price: AUD$16.99 Publisher: Scholastic Inc P: 02 4328 3555

32 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

One day she meets a light hearted boy and together they walk towards

Age Guide: 3-10 years


Extent: 32 pages (Hardback)

This is a touching story of being

Price: AUD$24.95

weighed down by heartbreak, and

Publisher: New Frontier Publishing

the inspiring finale when Sarah’s

P: 02 9453 1525

load is lightened upon meeting a


ISBN: 9781921042058



Leave Home Without It! By Cherie Faulder

Cherie came up with the idea after

All the work was done by Cherie

a conversation with her mother and

without any knowledge of the

discussions with one of her nieces

industry. Even now when a publisher

Leaving Home A Survival Guide

who needed advice.

has picked up the book, Cherie is

Authors: Cherie Faulder &

doing the majority of the work.

Cherie states:

A 20 year old who left home in

The next day she thought; “How many kids out there must be like her, always asking for help,

“If you believe in something so

calling home wanting to find out

passionately, then you will always be

this or that whether it be a money

determined to do the very best you

problem or down to cooking a


decent meal.”

So many people have said in these

Cherie approached Carol about her

tough times the Australian dream

idea not sure it was a good one.

is over, but two ordinary women

Carol said that it sounded fantastic and she was prepared to help her. So the process of research started then the writing, illustrations, printing, cover image, to the book binding. Publishers said it wasn’t their area or thing, they only accepted solicited manuscripts, and then literary agents said the same. They were even turned down by distributors.

Carol Graham

January 2009, found the following very useful: • Handy household hints • Checklists of items that you need when you leave home • Simple & easy to follow recipes • Cooking terms glossary

armed with nothing but a Year 10

• Personal case studies

high school education, a life time

• Chapter summaries

of experience, doing something

• Ideas on how to approach

extraordinary with their lives.” “Leaving Home, A Survival Guide” is now available at Big W, Kmart, Large

difficult personal issues such as when your housemate uses your personal items

Target Stores, Angus & Robertson,

This book is an essential reference

Dymocks & QBD book shops.

for anyone who wants to leave

More Information

home. With hints, rules and checklists included throughout, it’s easy to

M: 0408 643 700

understand and use.

Cherie’s mother, now 85, said the

book would have been wonderful to

Leaving Home covers the basics

have when she left home, it was too

you need to know from cleaning and hygiene, cooking and money

good not to have on the market so

matters right down to finding the

she loaned Cherie the money to do

perfect house and dealing with the

the first print run of 1,000 books.


This made Cherie more determined

Age Guide: General

to get onto National TV here and

Extent: 145 pages (Paperback)

in New Zealand, to a point when

ISBN: 9781741786415

they had Publishers offering them a

Price: AUD$19.99


Publisher: Five Mile Press Pty Limited M: 0408 643 700 Photo: Carol (left) and Cherie (right).



Get Ahead Kids

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Free To Be Me


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Just BE You 15

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Prime Possum

Next Issue Out Sept 2009 34 Get Ahead Kids Jul/Aug 09

Ride, paint, climb or juggle the school holidays away There are plenty of things to keep busy minds active during the July school holidays. Newcastle libraries, Blackbutt Reserve and L!vesites Kids have organised activities. For all the details visit the school holidays page on Council’s website L!vesites presents

Newcastle Region Library

L!vesites Kids

July animal fun

Newcastle Permanent/Blackbutt Reserve

Junior Rangers

L!vesites Kids have organised a jam-

Junior bush rangers will follow the bush

packed program of all day activities. Week

walking tracks and explore the reserve,

one of the holidays will be held in the

build shelters using branches and leaves

Hunter Street Mall. Become a rock star

and spot native animals.

with Rosie’s School of Rock, be a drama

Dates: 14,15,16 & 21,22,23 July

queen or king with Tantrum Theatre or be

Cost: $15. Starts 9.30am at Richley

crafty with Ken O’Regan.

Reserve (off Freyberg St). BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL ON 4904 3344

Week two activities will be at Honeysuckle and include movie making with Delmarco Arts, sports mania with ex-Knights player Justin Ryder or circus skills with Circus Avalon. Cost: $45 per child per day Times: 8.30am - 5.30pm including before and after session child minding. Activities run from 9.30am to 4.30pm. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL call 4929 1977 OR VISIT WWW.TICKETEK.COM.AU

Every day Newcastle region libraries will host animal themed activities. There are two hour Animal Art workshops at Wallsend, City and New Lambton libraries, a one hour Crocodile Encounters show at Adamstown, Wallsend, Beresfield and City libraries, JD’s World of Magic at Hamilton and New Lambton and a one hour balloon animals workshop at City and Wallsend libraries. Some activities are FREE, others have a small cost per child. BOOKINGS AND PREPAYMENT ESSENTIAL CALL 4974 5300

Promote your event

About 3,000 people visit Newcastle City Council’s online events calendar every month! That’s the difference between a few people at your event and 100s. Getting your event online is easy. Go to the events calendar on and add your event.

There will also be junior coaching clinics at

Westfest 2009 also has plenty of FREE

Beresfield Golf Course on Tuesday 21 and

activities organised for 12 to 15 year olds.

Thursday 23 July and discounted tunnel

Visit for the full

tours at Fort Scratchley.

school holiday program.

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