Benjura Era , Banjurous People , Iceman Hajoon and Angelos

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The Scientific Philosophy of New Universal Invention through Primary and Secondary Laws. Main Theory Objective/Main Theme: Overcoming the Anthropocene through time, distance, raw material and space constraint binoculars Theories Underpinning Proposed Laws Proposed: Die mega-theories of new universal invention Brief Outline of Theories The Theory of Primary and Secondary Laws The Theory of Ruling and Developing of earth surface features Die Multipurpose Hyperbola Theory Additional Theories The Theory of Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light Carrying forces. Time Counteraction Theory Human Brain Evolution Brief Introduction: This book presents a Scientific Philosophy of Universal Laws for New Universal Invention. This book present three(3) theories which are developed by an observer participant who observed how the current universal laws shape and direct overall operation of current and possibly future universe. (See: three theories indicated above) Those three theories are developed out of laws that are found operating in the current universe. The research did not jump to discuss the new universal laws for new universal invention but it began by looking at various theories and laws that are found directing the operation of the current universe. In this scientific abstract the word current universe refers to all features of universe known to man including the visible and invisible current universal features. The theory mainly used universal laws and theories having discovered by Dmitri Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, Moses Gomberg and Boyle. Subsequent to and from understanding of these basic current universal theories(laws) key succeeding sub-theories(sub-laws) are used to underpin current universal invention arguments:- as a matter of human brain modelling other than something carried by

naturally evolved forces. The scientific stages of current universal evolution as told by scientist of our past and present life time revealed the current universe as a living organism .That truth is told began to be told through the dry compound case studies involving complex interaction between human being, his scientific laws relating to human brain understanding of the surrounding environment including the earth universal feature(s) where man lives. That case scenario was fully conceptualised with the use of current existing universal laws and also through discovery knowledge, however, several theories who write from scientific discourses concentrate on geological time scale and thereby fit it to scientific processes of evolution for current universe which is something observed by looking at how earth surface features are integrated to those scientific laws and theories that illustrate the operation of current universe more directly. That is why this research utilised geological time scale theories documented scientifically to discuss current universal evolution processes in the scientific stages of current universal beginning that are often referenced from periodic phases of evolution from Precambrian to Quaternary. The objective of this scientific philosophical research is to overcome the Anthropocene whose solution and constraints are linked to understanding of how human brain is interacted to time, distance, and (raw) material and space constraints. Anthropocene periodic processes reveals the general trend of overall increased human induced processes (e.g. socio-economic activities or emission case scenarios) that counteract the capacity of the current universe to carry the living to continue to flourish to yield balanced interaction between man and his surrounding environment. This process presents unplanned dynamism to nature and current universe at large but these anthropogenic activities cannot cease to carry on because they are carried to sustain living on earth. Human induced activities yield negative outcome on the current universe and that is observed with respect to general trend of destruction of ozone layer, the case is evident from scientific lesson studied to trace and explain the cause of global warming . More directly all global warming cases are scientifically traced from human industrial activities that are primarily carried in the earth surface. For the first time in history, this scientific scholarly article wrote to question the sense given to meaning of placing too much blame on human induced activities such as those carried across various industrial sectors. This scientific philosophy diagnosed that our scientific documents are written from user directive query that teach and limit human beings to turn eye on the fact that such chemical emissions are primarily made

available on earth. The research is so much worried of what terminated a bridge to which human vision must go across so as to unlock the fate of living on earth. The laws directing the current universal features such as earth has clearly defined laws and those laws continue to operate constantly to remain unchanged despite serious disasters that take place day in and out while life was altered. Then this paper questioned why do human pretend to look inward to our non-mistaken human induced, scientific activities as if life could be terminated just to serve energy, which is an impractical decision that could not be carried even just for one or seven days. This scientific thesis point out that human slightly missed a vision of key solutions to current universal problems when they look at energy as means to which living is sustained and forget to also define it as a byproduct of force to which the current universe is founded. But that truth is clearly recognized by scientists who carry experiments aimed at defining energy as a motion. But the fact in question is crashed out when solutions to problems caused by how human activities carried on earth yield negative impact to average carrying capacity of the universe to maintain quality of life. When scientist crash that point, they hope to return back to user friendly solutions, leaving the simplest phenomenal truth of problem underpinned by the word force which is tamed into a specific law outlined in their scientific theory used to depict cause of a dilemma. This reveal that modern scientific experiments are conducted as task carried with an objective to obtain solutions as set in the guidelines of how the predetermined law interacts with parameters (apparatus) used to illustrate or explore anonymous or known scientific fact in research. That further ensures that scientist entirely rely on the predetermined law no matter which condition they stand for. Unfortunately when conditions changes laws remain constant which confer the modern science expert to a golden rule of relying on result earned from scientific description of data information earned from observation concerning how law used as an experimental control parameter as defined to the original law reveal about the anonymous scientific problem under research focus ? But today chains are broken, because we are exposing laws to be human brain product that could be changed through setting the main goal and visions of scientific query to man rather than to scientific law and theory as a dry compound. This scientific philosophy came to teach us how human being has entered into a new era which teaches him to treat himself as part and parcel of scientific parameter / apparatus that he is using to define other apparatus. If so, one can respond to ‘what was lost’ when man uses science to define problems that affect the current universal capacity to continue to operate constantly with evolution of living. The research took us from current universal dynamics

that has led to poverty upheavals that compel human and living entity to get subjected to extinction with little and no hope to replace them over a period of time. Scientist lost his definition of what force is. He knew exactly that force is weight multiplied by distance which is correct (F=W*D). He knew other forces that exist in form of energy that can be converted by human brain to determine their use. After having successfully manipulated scientific laws using every generosity of human brain capacity to reason what relationship he has to surrounding forces he turned away from questioning the meaning attached to force origin and or their modeling and choose to continue to enjoy their scientific implication in the current universe. Several generations followed after him and go ahead to discover some more laws that would also oblige to continue advancement of cognitive science that shall enhance man’s ability to manipulate the surrounding environment to his own ends. That truly illustrate that man intellectual capacity is unlimited. But there is no specific point that scientist used to highlight and or explain how did law benefitted or responded over how it was used to his brain. This is a very bad move, how can one forget to question the gradients of the taste of a cake that he consumes day in and out. That is said to be extremely poor scientific scholarship across the history of current universal evolution. What caused scientist to forget to question the weight, amount of power and origin of forces within their marvelous muscular operation reveled through how they shape to direct the overall universal operation? Scientist made mistake when they undertake scientific decisions that enabled them to by-pass the role of their brain during the scientific discovery under which they research, hence scientific laws across universal evolution theorist is just a user friendly tool for determining unforeseen past, present and future conditions and not a tool for understanding continued and sustained evolution. Human have denied themselves as scientifically evolved universal specimen and choose to remain to be law expert who possess knowledge over how their operation is integrated to surrounding .If the scientific laws are carried parallel to subject of query, they are pushed aside to be overlooked by biologist, environmentalist, geologists and or anatomist who will then help them to determine how the scientific query is survived in the mist (and not through) of operation of scientific law operation. It is something similar to a n act of bringing a cat into your room knowing that it task is to chase after rats , yet forget to feed it to make sure that it remain healthy. But in this case it is even much worse because the law consume no food, it just available for use whenever one needs to use it. But an unplanned disaster happen when one choose to completely rely on it for decision making over the long run as it simple exposes itself to be absolutely independent of *human decision. There is a distinctive fragmented relationship between operation of scientific laws and human living. Human rely

to laws for decision making however laws are neither affected nor are they interested in how human being ascribe their use. A response that one get from imposing an expression from law is describe with respect to the use of domesticated law, meaning it law having been designed by scientific knowledge of someone else. (e.g. Isaac Newton) This is an amazing discovery , how can one communicate to something that does not respond directly to his vision yet it offers best solutions to expressions having been paused from realizing basic rules and principles mediating to human living and the surrounding universal forces. That case needed a very careful moral obligation mediating to explain what caused law to continue to remain constant in the mist of serious dilemmas that terminate living. Why does scientist not learn from his scientific evidence carried out to reveal an outcome that carrying capacity is tormented, does he not notice the slight separate discrimination between forces carried by laws and those carried by living. The solution to these problems could be confronted from integrating case studies of scientific laws to human brain case studies. For many years ago these two factors remained separated, as scientific laws are taken as a task which initiated that query, yet the law did never at any time came to human brain to name and or teach him to study itself. This is a serious issues, it requires careful investigation that shall go to conduct an in-depth study which shall redress dilemmas that have been caused by lack of human brain integration to scientific laws carried by human to mediate upon informed decision making. Fortunately, human brain is physically and practically engaged with processes taking place during the conduction of every scientific experiment. That research was therefore, doable right from beginning and that is why we are carrying it even to this date, so as to overcome human limitations to understanding evolution processes within his current universe led by decisions taken from his understanding of how laws mediate to shape and direct the current universal operation. For past many years, scientist have been residing on a belief that scientific and technical laws work very well in hands of critical scholar who passed lessons at university where professional person would make their implication to endure forever, but this condition is possible only from learning and doing point of view. What about the fact that laws are discovered after human being has shortly been there , does that not exposes us as careless specimen who pursue living earned by law that are getting manipulate to serve the will of man with no user conscious given to update their potential to hold living over time. Actually global warming issues are just downside symptoms, conversely the solutions adopted to heal their scientific outcome is yet another downside solutions taken to mitigate those downside symptoms which are defined as main leading factors reducing the current universe capacity to hold on to the universal living forever . If we are serious about

overcoming dilemmas caused by Anthropocene we would question relationship that forces are ‘held’ (to have or acquire or collect) to the brain and the current universal environment. This case does not require an external teacher to the current universe and or holy ghost of some kind who shall come and impart lessons on how do we perceive relationship between our human brain , the surrounding body and the current universe at large. It is a matter that requires one to acquire skills used for scientific reasoning of how his brain perceives the forces available in the current universe. It also require recognition of truth that brain is not always there, but it is primarily made available to those who will meet living challenges paused by treats , pains and pressure directed to body and therefore brain develops due to its exposition to the surrounding environment and current universe at large. It will be very wise to realize how scientist obliges to scientific theories and scientific laws when they are taking informed decisions. In this scientific philosophical discourse the word oblige merely refers to legal or constraint that one need to keep before the specific scientific law is carried ahead. The obligations are older than laws as they reflect the how human brain interact to basic rules and principles influencing an informed decision that will not compromise human living due to scientific experiment carried to advance living. Therefore laws are a reflection of what constraints needed to be applied as a scientific measurement that prevent foreseen and unforeseen circumstance that will disturb the smooth operation of the current universal laws. The previous sentence compels one to agree that laws and obligations are more or less similar however obligations are hidden to laws having invented. It is even far worse to observe what obligation reserved within or outside of law mediating to operation of an object if one is not physically present during the practical experiment of development of a specific law. Hence law simple come as suicide bomb that appear to be powerful coat to smooth operation of all universal features as if all sub-theories invented out of it discovery would never affected as long as one realize their scientific definitions relating to sub-laws having ascribed for and by its scientific user-friendly status . But it is much of a surprise to argue that until one integrates the role that brain played during the invention of law, no one clearly has a view of extent to which that specific law should remain constant. That is why laws need to be revised, upgraded and get fully integrated to man understanding of how they are developed, But slight difference is marked as it will be studied but with an intension to discover the role of human brain in law invention, change and alteration. It could have sounded very much nonacademic to say that scientist forget their memory when studying laws, however it sound better to say that they forget to mention the role of their human brain from cradle to grave of law discovery. In this research, scientific discourse must begin by illustrating why and how did

human brain left when a man was doing such as heavy task. This case will use example of football game as an example of how do the role of human brain interplay to ideal scientific feature modeling so as to see how laws used to describe scientific query are integrated to human brain , before they are being used. But the major objective is to show a reader that people tend to explain scientific methods used in invention of specific law and forget to explain the role of their mind during the practical experiment. If the role of mind has to be explained , that is often achieved by sociologist , biologist and anatomist who are often get employed to document part of scientific precaution that must be taken to prevent unforeseen circumstances mainly during the conduction of research . However the role of human brain is far more by-passed (ignored) as the scientist employed as an expert in that specific field of query, is using his knowledge to explain another person and not the scientific process itself. The fact is that it is scientist who is in a process of undertaking a specific scientific query that must describe what his brain role is as he set apparatus, define condition and adopt a particular principle. Unfortunately, that is often left in hands of a theory that substitute human brain, which has been a major bridge for failure of human being to realize what is his role in the sphere of human brain interaction to surrounding environment and the current universe at large. Consequently, one is left with no confidence that science could be a solution to current dilemmas of loss of the capacity of the current universe to hold the overall living on earth due to trend of increased and concentration of human induced activities. Then what is a problem: Theory of Human Brain Congruent Status and His Body: The key problem is absence of human brain role explanation of human being who undertakes a specific scientific experiment. His presence status makes him to think that he can read his mind from theory and laws having been documented by him. That work very well to maintain the continued user friendly scientific decisions taken to enhance laws for manipulating science to benefit human ends. But it does not help the process of evolution to continue to take place. From evolution perspective, the laws are studied as dry compound, whereas if one explained his brain role, a vision of what human brain attaches to the surrounding forces could be red by the following generations. But there is something more than his inability to explain his theory for continued evolution, and that is the fact that his presence is conferred by theories and laws which are substituting him. Then the next generations are looking at the universe through his theories

and not through himself which is very bad thing. The next generations arrive very late to decision when they watch at world through someone, rather they need to watch at him first and foremost, even before they watch at the world. It becomes scientifically faster to argue with and for a solution paused by specific scientific condition if one is looking at it behaviors from how human brain offers to its response. (Hint: look at how easily it was for scientist who followed after Alfred Wegner to reason what were forces involved during the initiation of continued continental drifting: Continental Drift Theory) The chains are broken, as the truth is revealed that scientist failed to give their direct visions about the science laws having been discovered due to their presence during an experience which is unavoidable. (Theory of Human Brain Congruent Status and His Body) Their (scientist’s) ‘unavoidable presence position’ made them to think that theory could work successful to explain how sub-theories and or sub-laws developed subsequent to mother theory

are further advanced . But through bypassing their human brain role as active

behaving observer participants, the relationship between brain, body and surrounding environment is not linked to meaning attached to emergence of law having been discovered; consequently the next generation forgets the purpose for earning living earned from scientific understanding of how laws operate to direct the current universe. Similar problems relating to this case is traceable from two triangles geometrically drawn to share one side so that a student proves their congruent status. In a triangle where two triangles are lay down to share common boundary student often fail to observe the presence of third factor conferring the conversation for similarity due to the fact that they are lying on one boundary that overshadow the mark of common sides. Similarly foremost old scientist failed to integrate documentation concerning the role of their brain to scientific theories they developed as the presence of their mind setting is conferred by their laws used to substitute what they are thinking. The readers then derive universal laws directly from how universe operate and forget about the meaning attached to human brain role to surrounding universal forces , hence that leave scientific objects painted as powerful , which is to create a white painted elephant. That is why the next generations also follow to lead by similar example in citing specific law as guideline to further advancement of how science is then used to enhance quality of human survival to user friendly ends. In doing so the students are detached from understanding of meaning attached to human brain behavior during invention of laws, and consequently our current evolved universe is left stagnant, whereas this scientific discourse states clearly that evolution has no end. Therefore the living

that human are taking are subjected to have no profit in their matrimony to the laws due to discrimination that their brain embraced right from the beginning. The brain is trained to accept it minority status over universal laws, until human specimen oblige to laws that confer their mid role to be subservient to living on earth. By this scientific discourse we are not indicating that we are moving to heaven, which is something crazy so to speak of in this scientific philosophy. This scientific philosophy is written from built environment discourse and it does not aim at diluting relationship between pro scientist and pro Christian. In the built environment Christian are found ignorant as they only believe that their mind could not go any further than being capable to do that what their master could achieve. Their speech is drawing attention to scientist who is looking at current universal evolution then and now. This Christian dogma left them sounds very rhetorical as they are also guide themselves superior over nature and perfection. But this research is so critical of superior status of a human with limited action taken to advance human brain understanding of encoring such dominance to survival strategy over the long run. Christian and or scientist , everyone were suffering the same at the last days where food was scarce and energy a supply chain approached end line for equitable share of limited resources available. Therefore it was not just scientist’s sole problem that they remained unresolved, irresolute and impaired towards understanding scientific processes that should follow towards unlocking the current universal laws and use them as means to accelerate the second round evolution on which current universal features such as sun moon and earth are also duplicated to be seen somewhere else where people would be found living. From understanding how these process will unfold, key problem is placed to understanding of time constraints as listed above. However, these need to be studied carefully from geological time scale on which complex scientific processes from Precambrian to Quaternary periods showing evidence of dynamism that have been taking place from cradle to grave of current universal evolution to the end. Careful study of these time scale could offer clues on how did an observer participant arrives to solution presented on how laws are applied to time counteraction processes and thereby depict their constraints in the current evolution even before one go to understand the

use of say

multipurpose hyperbola, which is then used to prevent approaching genocide. By the way multipurpose hyperbola is one of mega-theories used to discuss the second round universal invention processes. The word second round universal evolution /-invention is confusing to those who may have happened to skip many sections that are talking about events that took place before the mega-theories for new universal evolution is discussed. I this case reading

memorandum provided at the end of this paper do nothing more than teaching one to know implications of time constraint as linked to geological time scale. However, more complex implications of mega theory of new universal evolution linking relationship between human brain, body, the surrounding environment and current universe at large remain hidden. Key to understand those scientific factors are gained from this key discussion showing human brain congruency abstract related to hardship associated with location of a brain in a body to which it describes it relationship to the surrounding forces. One should always be reminded of the brain capacity to determine its relationship to the surrounding through observation of forces acting to direct the universal operation, however key to that understanding is lack of scientific philosophy which shall go further to refine scientific version of meaning attached to acting forces, which are then termed as laws. Therefore the laws having been discovered by scientist are useful as they are half tangible to user preference. The greatest dilemma is lack of due attention given to drive for emergence of such laws. But knowing general rules and principles that one must had have undergone through before certain law importance is realized is crucial to recall meaning attached to the user preference law. The current universal laws are said to be developed and used from user preference as their use failed to fast-track the process of current universal evolution. In this case one could look at operation of space rocket and or behavior of roller-coaster, and mention what constant law of motion applied from there. Hence there is no direct argument to be drawn to form part of how the law helps to unlock the processes of current universal evolution to move ahead. From previous basic rules, laws derived from mother theory / mother law has been serving as main pillar of control to change situation of current universe (trends of loss of hope over living at all:- hint economic cliffs, global warming , biodiversity loss etc.) But if one is not aware of role of human brain during the up and down swings, slightly the argument of human brain relationship is lost when he document down what basic rules and basic laws are evident from the game. The name of game, its laws and even acts does not supply directly relating to scientific information of human brain relationship to the surrounding environment. Once again action of a roller coaster rider is linked to presence of brain on his body which must explain what its role is played during the changes of motions. This thing is unavoidable, as brain cannot speak on behalf of itself, yet complex relationship between itself, the body and surrounding environment is established. Therefore the human brain congruency case study cannot be followed with a common knowledge earned from pure applied science under control of certain specific law. It needs one to draw himself out of his brain and revise its actions, record its logical connection to the universe and explain in details what main demanding

implications of brain during the initial stage of a game are. That means that one understand the game from its rules and also from brain logical connectivity, - in and out of system to which the game operates. That information help the next generations to question conditions outside and inside the game from someone brain’s rules. That enables one to deal with external factor directly to human brain response rather than indirectly through responding laws. That allows one to overcome isolation between universal laws and human living. This offers confidence over how laws are integrated to one’s body even before they are found operating outside of the body. The brain quickly absorbs parallel relationship presented by un-avoidable human brain congruent status presented presence of brain within a body to which it must describe. The problem is that when it begins to describe laws having attained from basic rules and regulations mediating upon how game is survived, brain forget to express its role and concentrate on basic rule. The extreme danger for such action is the fact that if one removes brain, game can come to an end, despite of the fact whether laws directing the operation of a game are still present. That is because if one in the millions of rules is broken, serious catastrophe could take place. Since the caution highlighted above is impossible to avoid, if one is not aware of it: then it is wise to say science and philosophy must remain separate so that those who study after someone’s theory remain to be observer participant in carrying a constructive scientific philosophy of cognitive science for human brain relationship to the surrounding environment and the universe at large. However scientist need to acknowledge that slight difference exist between scientific philosophy and science as the former is capable of grouping all critical points together to form a compose mental theoretical stance that unlocks key hindrances to continued universal evolution processes within the scientific universe where abundant forces are available to carry the universal forces to move ahead. Therefore, degree of intelligence grow as one moves from science to philosophy due to knowledge given to recognition of present status of human brain (congruent perspective) which alert one to take caution to meaning attached to brain activity during discovery of a certain theory. Therefore the evidences that are pointing to the fact that laws acting to direct and shape the current universal operation are primarily external to an object are not the fluke result. This scientific argument required to be investigated thoroughly by the concerned scientist; however their absent status left a dilemma for us to start afresh from their basic knowledge of understanding of their brain/ to start from clues given what was their brain role during discovery of the laws

in used as mother law (primary and secondary laws used for making an informed decision). Please notice that the following paragraph is written in italics that are there to encourage a leader to read further to interrogate the scientific philosophical laws presented. These laws are a premise heralding what the overall scientific philosophical discourse sought to view over the aspect of the proposed universe , which is a real scientific phenomenal that is taking place ever since the observer participant sought to write about. In brief words, this scientific philosophy is not a science fiction; however it writes about scientific laws questioning the possibility of overcoming the Antropocene through the use of understanding of universal laws and relationship that human brain has to body, surrounding environment and the current universe at large, full stop. As indicated above, there are a total of three (3) mega-theories of new universal law and new universal invention. These includes i) The Theory of Primary and Secondary Laws ii) Theory of Ruling and Developing of earth surface features and iii) Die Multipurpose Hyperbola Theory. These theories are derived from understanding of the truth that each and every universal feature has laws attached onto it, those laws are there to direct and shape how the objects should operate. It is impossible to make use of newly developed theories to see how the laws direct and shape the current universal operation without having primarily exposed to general scientific laws that are having discovered by ancient scientist to describe their function they are doing in the current universe. That is why this scientific philosophy breaks out by using the mega-theory of all primary and all secondary laws which is built in the understanding of Isaac Newton law of force of gravity. In proceeding, this mega-theory of primary and secondary laws argue that all object have got laws attached into their bodies to direct how they should operates. Objects have no power but laws are powerful. Then a reader will follow an argument until he gets to understand how the scientific theory arrives to the theory of Ruling and Developing of the earth surface features. The theory of ruling and developing of the earth surface features presents the need to project the earth surface features using scientific laws together with algebraic and geometric expressions. That is where laws are exposed to follow after how human brain understanding of laws is found taking decisions aimed at preventing risk and potential disasters associated with ill utilisation of laws. This law shall use geological time scale to illustrate how the scientific experiment carried to bring about construction and or inventions of the proposed universe are dealt through understanding of laws. In that case time constraint and time counteraction are discovered and their scientific implementation measures are e implemented. We would

not like to introduce the meaning attached to mega-theory of new universal law for new universal invention a t this level because, our assumption is that some people may discredit it for having so underlying scientific background. Lastly the reader is going to be exposed to The Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory. That is where the processes of collision between Christ and Angelos are described in terms of how they link to the need to develop the multipurpose hyperbola ( or parabola) where universal law found acting to directing and shaping the universal operation are integrated to human body who is used as responding scientific apparatus. That person remains to be an observer participant to scientific expressions aimed at protecting the universal features through the body to which primary and secondary laws acting to direct the universal operation. The human brain of a person responsible for overseeing processes taking place within the multipurpose hyperbola is responsible for taking an observer participant role. The major aim for multipurpose hyperbola is to span the distance, time, space and material constraint gap. That is where it will be stressed clearly how does time counteraction processes are overcome through the use of multipurpose hyperbola. But before one is exposed to these three mega-theories, it will be quintessential to understand the real phenomenal scientific link between human brain and body, surrounding environment and the current universe at large. It is important that scientific logic is questioned along the way, while a reader is assessing how the universal laws are used with responding scientific apparatus to whom the expression aimed at ruling and developing the current universal features to bring about the proposed universal features (new universe other than mother earth) is taking place. Hence the use of new universal laws as scientific method to which the proposed universe is developed is said to reduce amount of time taken to bring about the evolution of the proposed universe, which means that the use of the mega-theory of universal to invent new universe to which man can live will take less time to complete the evolution compared to the one that the current universe took until human life could be introduced. One must not forget to recall meaning attached to first time and second time evolution while reading these scientific philosophical laws of overcoming Antropocene. These readings are linked directly to time counteraction and time constraint measures. In addition to that the role of human brain during the development of scientific law need to be noted as it presents serious threats to so called unavoidably human brain congruent status to its body. Hence the unavoidably congruent status of human brain to his body simple tell us of lack of ability for human being to discuss the brain role during the development of a scientific theory . Scientist tends to substitute their brain role by their theories named after their names and by pass the role that their active brain played. Lastly the inverse relationship between da,rk and

light carrying energy forces is introduced and it is found very much relevant to how the current universal features are distributed across various locations in relation to what they meaning they attach to human brain. The careful reading of scientific laws ( universal laws) to which the mega-theory for new invention is built gives confidence that the second round universal evolution where one could see new universe with all features similar to the ones observed on the current universe such as sun, earth, moon, stars and living organism will be found. Then one is released to study what does multipurpose hyperbola entails, noteworthy is the fact that methods and complex cycles presented by observer participant means absolutely nothing if he forget to mention the role of his brain during the development of that theory. One is not studying multipurpose hyperbola as user preference scientific tool to have scientific responding result earned from expressions paused in the scientific apparatus who is human being with sound functioning brain, however laws are introduced to understanding of how a body is integrated to primary laws that are found integrated to acting to direct and shape current universal law to which current living is earned by human beings and other living entities. Therefore the section on which summary / memorandum of the whole scientific discourse is offered must serve as a guideline to profound insights of what does it takes to develop a theory of overcoming the Anthropocene, which is an unplanned stage taking place due to complex nature dynamism and human induced activities taking place on earth. Once again one is reminded that processes taking place on earth has no external poison which must traumatize one as to be scary of science and technology use as means for gaining access to means of resources , then which is said to have accelerated global warming. The fact is that all energy forms are primarily retrieved on earth surface , then a wise person could come and ask why does earth emits gases that are a much dangerous so as to deny balanced living on earth . Or why dynamism taking place yield negative outcomes that counteract continued living on earth? The solutions have emerged to describe the general trend of increased population to be linked to excessive use of resources and thereby compromise the overall capacity of the current universe to hold life to be lived continuously without disturbance. However this scientific philosophy adds that time has always been counteracting the living due to contrasting relationship between first time and second time evolution processes. Then the first time evolution processes marks the period at which evolution was taking place with presence of abundant forces which are not in use due to absence of human brain. But the second time evolution is said to have marked the paradigm shift because the brain grow from

understanding of human brain relationship to the body and the surrounding universe. Then the desires that human brain have, must be merited to measures taken to avoid disaster associated with poor interpretation of laws, even before the decision of designing and modeling of the current universe is taking place . That case is evident when one look at relative far distances location of the sun from earth apart. Central to that matter, is question concerning why does earth not made to emit its own light instead of relying on far distanced energy source such as sun. The solution is derived directly from understanding how human brain must function. The brain must be kept in cooler area. The earth is not absolutely cold and that is evident with respect to presence of various energy sources which are convertible to heat energy. That means that heat energy sources on the earth surface must be scientifically retrieved which further ensures that amount of heat energy directed to human body is limited. Once again if human voluntarily draw him closer to light, serious precautions need to be taken into consideration so as to protect him from fire and therefore human brain is found developing strategy of surviving dangers associated with fire. Once again it is a role of how a brain has interacted to the surrounding body and environment to measure the amount of optimal heat temperature that could avoid the damages associated with extremely high energy source in form of fire to human living ranging from brain damage, skin cancer and premature eye damage. In other hand fire is required to support living even before science and technology intervene to reduce human-animal power usage risk of carrying too much task on their bare hands (hint: primitive class wagon carriage systems). Gradually more laws are getting implemented to science and math to maintain smooth operation of laws used to upgrade the structures found in the built environment. In most industrialized cities animal power is retired to be replaced by science and technology energy forms. If one must disobey the successful use of technology to uplift the standard of living in our environment, the world might return back in primitive era where methods utilized to sustain living were making the world to operate dysfunctional. That is why new rules are not known to the brain and they do run parallel to common known laws used for making informed decision for surviving living within the commonly owned built environment, full stop. One must think of how are roads shared as millions of cars need to operate on commonly owned roads simultaneously. Indeed the rules attach meaning to laws having been formed to attest how vehicle user should comply with environmental rules for human pedestrian safety. Similarly human being could also be tamed to be a scientific apparatus that respond to common rules of surviving universe in this commonly owned universe as long as the laws acting to direct and shape the current universal operation are integrated to human brain. Then it is human brain’s responsibility to

realize the relationship it has to the surrounding environment. But will car ever happen to drive it, not even by visions of a witch. If so then our assertion that human brain begin to realize its relationship to a body, the surrounding environment and current universe at large, therefore human goals and visions of current universal modeling came to exist first to his mind, even before the move to invent current universal laws (primary and secondary laws) that shall direct how an object should operate. These are pure indicatives that laws are much younger than human brain, because the presence of brain is reflecting from capacity of congruent prehistoric human evolution to/who emanate from complex process involving how his body interacts to surrounding universe until basic rules and principles are known from pressure and painful experience relating to how life is survived. Therefore laws are a product of how an individual interpreted his interaction to his surrounding environment; conversely laws can be shaped, directed and if possible manipulated. If one is entering into a process of manipulating law, results are seen from an object to which vision of how scientist thinks are depicted. Therefore one can accurately determine human brain vision from looking at an object as the congruent status of the mind interprets the scientific desires of brain. Therefore forces are converted to laws, whenever the human brain carries the vision of inventing or modeling something. But there is one thing that one needs to highlight, forces are always there, they have no direct purpose of living but it is human brain that initiates desires for human living. These visions cannot work miraculously to bring about invention of


universe within for say seven days. The plan has to follow from how the brain interprets the understanding of relationship that exists across human brain, the body, surrounding environment to the universal forces at large. Therefore the act of inventing a universe attaches various obligatory measures taken to prevent laws from counteracting one another, which might result in catastrophe. If basic rules mediating how forces interacted to the body right from the beginning, laws would not exist at all. In as much laws are carrying enormous task , human brain are also critically engaged with basic rules that maintain the smooth operation of the forces carried across different current universal features. That is why human brain remains to be foremost old legend in the task of universal invention. Therefore, the so called time counteraction which gives rise to various constraints that refuses for an instant invention of universe to which human living on earth could also be extended are just little wonders. If the law is fully integrated to human brain who touches the earth surface to which human brain directed living is directed ( of location) a vision of manipulating laws through the use of human being as scientific apparatus would work very successful to bring about invention of another universe on top of current existing universe. That simple meant that one may end up

having two universes to which human life could be extended. (The universe in question is real phenomenal universe; on which current universal features such as earth, sun, moon and or simpler things like trees and animals must also be seen; therefore this scientific philosophy does not refer to those fictions of heaven and earth) Once again, this real phenomenal scientific philosophical discourse does not relate to a story of heaven and earth , but these are simple and more conspicuous scientific facts getting derived directly from how human found inhabiting earth develops critical reasoning strategies for surviving living in the past , present and future universe. That is why human brain needs extra attention, following the development of law mediating upon operation of the current universe. This motivation serve to help one to see how the logic of primary and secondary laws that direct and shape the overall universal operation are used to the responding scientific parameter to which a multipurpose hyperbola must be developed to rule and develop the earth surface features so that new universe to which human being may leave is invented. The law is proving itself to be subservient to human brain by adapting to visions of creating new universe through the use of human being on earth as an apparatus to which the expression is paused to develop those projected geometric figures which are getting projected so that hyperbola end up having cones on which other operation aimed at ruling the earth surface features may follow. Those complex scientific implications involve calculation of the area, volume, circumference and radius. After having red this abstract concerning information reflecting human brain positioning when making a decision one would be ready to go ahead and learn what does multipurpose hyperbola entails. The time constraint limitations need to be fully grasped and that does not take an individual skills and or ability to do complex scientific calculations , however it required an ability to sense( of study) that information relating to relationship between human brain , the body and surrounding environment is leaking during the process of explaining how self-developed theory operates . Therefore the philosophy span a scientific gap for lack of basic explanation given to meaning attached by complex interpretation of how human brain is interacted to the body , surrounding environment and the current universe at large. By ignoring the role of brain during development of a specific theory, human livings on current universe are found adding no profit to universal evolution processes. The act of a scientist for bypassing mentioning the role of his mind during development of his complex theory is unavoidable situation and it is caused by human brain congruency status to his body: which is described as presence of brain within human body to which it must describe how he develops theory?

Human brain often fail to express its role during development of a specific law invention de do human who drive that brain overcome that situation due to the fact that two parameters are taking one fitting position at once. The situation in question is unavoidable, as the body operates on the brain which it thinks it belongs to itself, whereas the congruent status of presence and existence of brain is linked to how human defines relationship to his body, the surrounding environment and the current universe at large. Human are found expressing their role play during the discovery of a specific law by using their theory to substitute what they are thinking. That is how the role that the brain plays during the invention of a specific scientific theory (law) is officially omitted. That truly reflect that the brain remain silent unless a stimulus is injected to it, and a mark that is left after stimuli injection serves human to interpret what meaning attached to the body. Therefore the brain is subject of repetitive stimuli circulating to and from body system until certain meaning is attached to the body. In order to survive that situation, scientific philosophy is developed to further express cognitive science rules that mediate upon living. Successful imagination for such basic rules brings, one in a position to substitute role of human brain during development of a theory. That enables one to be able to return a human brain missed from prehistoric scientist man, which involves violation of privacy. But bibliography denoting where is brain positioning is in the mist of complex laws that help one to understand the presence of laws that mediate and shape how the current universe should operate help one to reflect relationship that human brain has to body , surrounding environment and the current universe at large. That would expose how laws are invented, therefore the source of power. Actually that explanation is covered above, where one noted how normal person attain status of developing human brain that will realize relationship to the surrounding universe which is a product of basic rules and regulations of how his brain interacted to his body, surrounding environment and the current universe at large .Successful returning of bibliography breaks the chains that are locking the processes of human evolution and current universe to go ahead/ unfold to human brain with all capabilities due to its incurrent congruent status . Understanding of such laws enables one to carry the enormous task ahead, mas long as primary and secondary laws are successfully integrated to his body and brain. The enormous task was not difficult but it was an ability to integrate law to human brain, his body and surrounding environment and current universe at large which have been a hindrance. Then the long standing time counteraction hindrances are overcome only if the observer participant begins to understand relationship human brain has to his body, surrounding universe and current universe at large. Once that process is

accomplished then it follows that problems incurred to the current universe are reflection of how laws interacted to forces and time constraint before the current universe is completed. Then one must be able to understand what implications for time counteraction are. The time counteraction processes needs to be explained from various constraints which are evident when one look at phase periods across various geological time scale. The geological time in question are the one concerning marking the current universal evolution processes from Precambrian to Quaternary stage epoch? Once that is accomplished one may return back and ask what the role of an observer participant was during the development of his theories The observer participant was introduced as someone who lost hope and enthusiasm over living due to continued trends for current universal carrying capacity to hold overall living needs for life to flourish on earth. He mentioned to cite things like global warming and loss of biodiversity as unavoidably challenges to human living on earth. Then it was explained how various social network at university interacted with his various material used to depict a picture of what shapes decision making at individual level. In moving ahead the observer participant is exposed as someone who has been hurt emotionally due to overhearing of professional scientific approach used to depict a picture of hope to sustain continued living on earth. He then discovers how he cull live a pro-American citizen living after having motivated by those delegates who came to give motivation among South African youth the smooth living that lead one to earn fruitful living inn future. He got those training at Howard College, University of Natal during the Copenhagen conference that took place during the year 2010. In other hand he is primarily exposed to high Afrikaans poems written about impacts of drought to people’s lives which are also linked to global warming (those Afrikaans training sessions never left him the same, and each and every day his brain picked something new) That is where an observer participant simple thought he could be able to create a new universe because he saw complexity over how he has lived his life. Thereafter Dr Ngcobo who is student dean came to encourage him to write a peace of story over how he overcomes his academic challenges until a degree is completed. Then he is situated as someone full of knowledge about how a biography is written from a knowledge he earned after having done philosophy and sociology of social interaction. Then we are hearing good news from his noscientific briefing of his life situated to his family, the university and the current universe at large. The history of a young man written from the hypothesis of the second coming

consisted of complex stories which often lacked chronology of pro-historical scientific styles of writing a proper university academic story . Thereafter a dream of writing philosophy about new world came to exist after having learnt by painful experience that he was cloned out of flower. In other hand a very same boy was shocked by electricity having not touched any electricity carrying conductor. However that followed after he has been bitten by a snake. In other hand a boy never paid attention of why his hairs were three ideational in appearance, yet he had from number of people congratulating him over his 3-Dimentional outlook hairs saying that they are beautiful. But today it is known from painful experience that the three (3) dimensional hairs appear as message carries after a boy has been bitten by a snake. In addition to that he has also grown an external brain on the eye on the right hand side (not on the hand but the position of the eye, which means not the one on the left hand side positioning). Noteworthy was the fact also his eyes were very shiny so that everything he sees appear more or less at three dimensional when eyes are relaxed. Today it is known that three dimensional eye visions enable one to see far distance located features coming close to his face. That is evident with how modern technology made used of 3-D glasses to watch television where features are getting crowded all over a room as if one is looking at real phenomenal objects live from the current earth surface universe.


But the very same non-scientific information has been advanced scientifically and academically to relate to real phenomenal behavior of scientific object in real world. That is where series of stories developed from knowing the fact that there is presence of primary law which direct and shape how the current universe should operate. This scientific philosophical discourse briefly outline some of these facts during the presentation , however one cannot not be able understand meaning attached to their explanation if he does not carry an objective of being capable to link relationship between human brain , surrounding environment and the current universe at large when documenting scientific report. If the next generations were to help an observer participant to understand clearly what he meant by human brain relationship they would start by directing questions of possibility for human brain to invent laws used in the modeling and operation of the current universe ? Then the observer participant needs to avoid being straight to the point as that would leave them with dry science explanation. The observer participant must begin by outlining what his brain is thinking during the emergence of the processes leading to invention of the mega-theory of new universal evolution. That is why the scientific philosophy cites the critical thinking and lifestyles of an observer

participant first and foremost before scientific thinking system (which is a law and or a theory he develops). In this case a brain role is doubled with the one looking at mega-theory for universal evolution while other looks at brain transformation and experiences took place due to how the observer participant explain how his brain was like during the scientific experience taking place through to his life sharing common brain with his body.(hint congruent case study) The act of explaining scientific theory and laws developed by someone and integrate it to human brain action and transformation due to understanding for those experiences is called human brain congruent reversion. That is because we are reversing the scientific history to look back at what could have been human brain capabilities that enabled him to unlock the key of living inclined by recognition of due diligent auditing of law that direct and shape the overall universal operation. That does not only help one to realize the complex relationship that the brain of human has to the surrounding environment , however it also help one to take informed decision when using science as tool to sustain living through for say navigation (hint pilots) and or depicting unforeseen conditions (e.g. earth quacks). The observer participant is refusing from losing or retrieving most important data information explaining what has been his brain role during the scientific experiment taking place used to invent a new theory. Successful integration of a theory / laws to human brain would allow one to read from information chronologically arranged on which clear distinction is marked between human brain role and understanding of emerging law and understanding of a theory as a supply side / demand to which basic rules are coded to abbreviate key guidelines of its implication in the current universe at large. (Recall: geological scale timeline: from Precambrian to Quaternary) Benefits of human brain congruent reversion: This is an act of explaining what one brain’s role during development of a theory: this is often described as an unavoidable process which result from lack of brain ability to explain it role during the development of a theory. When one uses drawing and scientific citations depicting exact precautions and measurement for how theory should operate , he thinks he has finished depicting how the law / theory is going to be used to help one to take informed decisions mediated by laws directing the smooth operation of the universe. Unfortunately his brain role is bypassed by his theory named after himself to explain the role of a law in mediating the smooth operation on the universe. The situation is unavoidable due to common access of

human brain to his body to which brain presents himself as key decision maker and law observer. The law further retrieve useful data information (codification of words) concerning the role of a brain by making the scientific law having developed to be accurate and more correct so that other external nonscientific explanation of essence for evolution of specific law are overshadowed to dim lights of mother law. In that sense the mother law becomes mother of invention, whereas time counteraction processes that will emerge later to expose it to be a product of a brain. Therefore the scientist who studies geography of geological time scale presenting different period epoch of dynamisms of evolution did very much as their laws are used to confess weakness of law in the presence of time ahead of evolution. (The word time ahead of something: implies that time has already began to tick even before something is created, therefore if G is time ahead of D then G is older than G). Likewise time ahead of evolution is older than time after evolution (hint: first time vs. second time evolution). The time ahead of evolution counteract current universal evolution processes that must maintain continued human living on earth and that exposes the current universal invention to be a human brain model that need human intervention to oversee what alternative scientific strategies to address the time counteraction process. Indicators of time counteraction processes are global warming due to human induced industrial activities on earth, biodiversity extinction beginning with dinosaur extinction and later on animal, plant and even average capacity of the overall current universe to carry human living on earth. This argument is also supported by gradual decreasing amount of energy generating resources to which human sustainability depends. That is where one needs to recall the periodic epoch of current universal evolution as outlines from geological scale beginning with Precambrian periodic epoch to Quaternary stages. Central to citation for this geological time scale period, is need to expose relative slow progress of evolution processes (time taken: billions of years) until human living is introduced on earth. That exposes earth as a slow responding model to the scientific laws expressed to bring about current universal invention to human living will is contained. Knowing that truth help one to realize that there is a serious predicament that current human being could not overcome invention of another universe, and that is observed over how old scientific models were used to invent current to which human living in introduced took a lot of time to develop until it was ready to hold human living and other living entities. For that reason laws need to be adjusted to meet the basic living needs such as invention of new planets within a shorter period of time and not billions of years. Fortunately the scientist of

our ancient time has already traced the presence of laws, however the human brain congruency status to the body to which it must describe a brain denied him an opportunity to fully absorb the relationship human brain has to the body, the surrounding environment and current universe at large. In other hand the time is busy exposing that there is parallel living system between human life and laws used to operate and direct the current universal operation. That is when one notices fragmentation of current universal features such as earth surface taking place with no damage to how laws operates , while (opposing view) dynamism taking place in the earth surface due to human induced activity and dynamism to nature reduce the earth carrying capacity to hold life on earth. Cases of extinction were used to substantiate that matter as indicated earlier (see: Continental Drift Theory and biogeographic distribution of nature). Then the question was paused at to why does the processes of extinction not began by sweeping off the current universal laws which are found directing and shaping the current universal operation even before the dynamism of nature and human induced industrial activities is taking place to alter and reduce human, animal and plant capacity due to landscape transformation. Why does law remain intact? Then it is argued that the process of extinction (Athropocene) follows no sound scientific logic, it is just unplanned processes. That is where earth is described as monster which has no direct relationship to what happen to living entities found inhabiting it. Then it was mentioned that the manner to which human being interact with the current universe until the basic rule and regulations mediating how one survive living over time truly reflect how the current universal laws are primarily formed. Then it is mentioned that laws are a product of how one’s brain understand the surrounding body, the surrounding environment and the current universe at large. From that converse one could develop a mental compose converse to argue that laws are reflection of human brain interaction to the body, surrounding environment and current universe at large. Therefore the presence of brain within human and other living entity marks a paradigm shift in the universal evolution forces. The act of time to counteract human living and entity before it counteract laws truly reflects that time is older than the laws and also human brain. In other hand first time (time ahead of evolution) is exposing the current universe to be a model human brain which needs to be revitalized over time because it is not a part of primary evolution processes. That is what one called first time , which is a period at which abundant energy source available were not used due to absence of proper human brain with understanding of it relationship to surrounding environments . The second time evolution

marks period to which human brain could (have) evolve (d) powerful by the virtue of being capable of realizing the relationship it has to the surrounding environment and universe at large. That further confess that in reality no one truly can simple realize his relationship to the surrounding environment , coincidental presence of a brain to his body used to describe himself as himself defines him in relation to where he come from. That simple meant that human brain evolved with universe and it does not come outside. The very same process that brought man on earth strike his mind until today ‌ therefore we have overcome discrimination as human being shall realize that he is part and parcel of evolution. Therefore there is no predicament that must escape to reign above human brain. Knowing that truth offers confirmation of how the mega-theories of new universal evolution are used to bring about invention of new universe. The brain is an essence of current universal evolution which are a product of second time evolution that depict the planned evolution that is made possible through grouping of various unused forces to model and shape how the current available universe to which man lives should look like (the grouping of those forces with a caution taken to maintain and or protect continued human living is what gave birth to primary and secondary laws). Therefore the current universe at large is a part and parcel of human brain to which all laws acting to direct the universal operation are primarily designed. That is why it is relatively easier to make use of human being who lives on earth, where human with sound working brain is prepared for scientific expression to take place within the multipurpose hyperbola which offers projection of geometric figures that determine shape of proposed universe to which human life will be introduced. The laws will be forced to get integrated to a body of a living human being so that all primary and secondary laws that are used to direct and shape the universal operation are power in form of law which shall then be used to express those complex universal laws are dissolved into one single body. The successful integration of universal laws operating to direct the overall current universe onto one single body convert a body into a responding scientific parameter . That is because scientific apparatus in form of human being is capable of responding from scientific expressions paused to hyperbolic expressions paused to bring about a model of how the proposed universe should look like. The main aim is to recycle laws used to bring about invention of the current universe. These processes under discussion do not take place over a night, however they require one to pay attention to careful study of geological time scale and primary and secondary laws that act to direct current universal living centered to human brain on earth. Therefore the time is exposing the current universe as a faked form of universal evolution that was formed out of man’s architect that shall always be counteracted by time

which share not duty responsibility to continued sustained living. That is why one needs to be conscious of time when he has to survive continued living on earth, full stop. This vision is funny, but because a young man did not forget his brain role: it was impossible to let that happen after having realized what bran congruency cliffs presented by various scientific theories for some time ago. He mentioned that while he was attending presentation with Herald Wit and Ndwankulu Ntshishonga who are lectures at university of Natal, where they happened to highlight that if current universal consumption system continue to accelerate, future human would require more than five planets to survive living. These were lectures offered to view at global warming and energy foot prints. That what differentiate pure science discourse from scientific philosophy as the later tends to focus on human brain relationship to the theory under discussion. Therefore science becomes a solution to human living rather than treat. But when one experience serious dilemmas associates with general trends of population increase and dynamism of universal laws that alter energy sources operating upon nature, science and technology brings man on highest level of understanding the relationship brain has to body and surrounding environment. However, discovering that truth turns to be extremely difficult to scientist (human brain) left alone with a controlled focused mother theory / mother law, because he uses his brain which presents serious congruent relationship due to attachment of a brain within a body that it must describe. If the brain is trying to describe what role did it took during discovery many large data information depicting relationship between human being and the surrounding environment is by passed as the man who invent theory / law tend to use methods and scientific underpinning facts to substitute the of his brain . Consequently the next generations end up focusing on someone’s theory that describe scientific relationship to surrounding world and not on the human brain itself. The law is then sustained as mother of invention but a very dangerous approach that express it as focal point of power is adopted, that shall confirm it to be use from user preference which does not add to continued universal evolution. Then the next generations grow with notion that either object or law has power. In other hand Christian accept their minority status over biblical scriptures and accept that they are made out of an image of God. After having accepted that, they go for wrong belief that supplies irrelevant scientific information that their universe was created within a period of seven days. There is no need to start and question what time fraction could seven days looked like from that Christian dogma and the best option is to look at science and couple its ideas to scientific philosophical ideas of time counteraction and multipurpose hyperbola.

The miracles of Jesus further confirm their status especially when he dies and rise again. Then they hope that their marvelous God has almighty power over perfection of life so as to determine and serve every vision independent of human interaction. But they painted a wrong picture which is impractical from how one understand development of laws from daily relationship induced by how human brain interact to his body , surrounding environment and the current universe at large. Whereas their brain are carried to university to adopt more lesson about science and technology dynamism and grow, they forget that human brain attain more and more knowledge over time. Like every child upraising task , human brain growth earnings are with beginning and that what keeps the current universal force continue to maintain life with human brain task involved in upholding the current universal law to hold on to living even though the time continue to counteract human living, fauna and flora on earth. It could sound very much barbaric if human brain has not been trained to learn to remain as responding scientific parameter with ability to give response from expressions paused in the multipurpose hyperbola. How far should human capability to reckon, determine and practice have gone in the mist of these serious economic cliffs experiences felt by people worldwide? One could have begun to reason that there is no sound vision which merited human living to earth right from the beginning. But because human has brain with amazing capability to use science to depict how human brain is integrated to surrounding environment and current universe at large, we have overcome time counteraction as a plan of maintaining living to continue to flourish on the current and future proposed universe to which man can live. That is when the earth surface features are ruled and developed through the use of geometric features that must be projected scientifically to human as scientific apparatus used to bring about development of proposed universal evolution. However one needs to understand how these processes interact to time counteraction and constraints (time, space, material and distance). The scientific and technical predicaments that were highlighted from geological time scale need to appear in each and every mega-theory of new universal invention. That will further ensures that fossil evidence of how, when and how the process of proposed universe is evident to the current existing universe. Theory developments are often linked to vision and self-desires as mentioned earlier. However problems and troubles worrying the individual dreamer remain are clearly known from how the vision is going to be useful. Therefore it would be very much worthy to mention pre-existing predicaments that procrastinated the plan

for invention of the current and future universe until several theories and laws linked to multipurpose hyperbola are presented. Therefore the laws having been developed from scientific theories must have a reversible congruent status to how they apply to solution proposed for second round universal evolution. Just in case one does not arrive to those key readings this section is going to mention those valuable reversible corresponding parameters. These corresponding apparatus attaches meaning to how multipurpose hyperbola is developed. One cannot be found engaged with a process of explaining how the multipurpose hyperbola works scientifically to bring about development of new universal laws and or new universe. The law depicting multipurpose hyperbola must appear from cradle to grave of how human brain interacts to body and surrounding environment. The theory is there to assist us to understand how a scientific theory applies to the real world; however the principal goal is to expose the role that human brain takes during the development of each and every specific law, and therefore human brain relationship to the universe at large. This scientific philosophical discourse is very sensitive to relative slow progress for second round universal evolution as time continue to counteract human living and nature . To be straight to the point laws are developed from knowing basic rules and principles of how human brain interacted to body, environment and current universe at large. It could sound otherwise strange to continue to enjoy human living whose relationship is depicted by accurate scientific laws to his brain (of origin) and forget to draw approaches towards overcoming the situation on front of his desk (human brain memory). Then the complex constraints of how human could survive human living on earth are all attached to laws. Indeed it was mentioned that relative far distance location of the sun from earth reflect meaning attached to basic rule depicting relationship human brain has to surrounding environment . This is something which has been done for many years ago, however the generations who followed after these theoretical explanations failed completely to make use of them, to draw conclusions of how the second round evolution should take place, just because laws developed from those theories did not relate the role of human brain to action revealed by a behavior of each and every law. Psychologically the process itself could have left one’s mind drained as this is resource and time consumptive process. However, the relative time procrastinated from learning the human brain role process is inversely proportional to time taken to bring about the invention of second round evolution/ proposed universe. That is because grouping all primary and secondary laws that act to direct and shape the current universal evolution are used to expose time counteraction and

constraints of evolution that are then addressed through the use of new universal law of new universal evolution which is centered to understanding f relationship that human brain has to the body, environment and the current universe at large. We found the brain absorbing all laws having been forcefully dissolved to convert a body into a scientific apparatus with ability to respond from equations algebraically paused to project how the proposed universe should look like .The process in question is scientifically termed as ruling and developing of earth surface features. The extensive practical processes involved during the depiction of the new universal law is exactly what reduce time taken to bring about development of second round universal invention, therefore the mega-theory of new universal evolution has scientific logic to current and future universal evolution processes and that what has overcome ( to reduce) about time counteraction processes that run parallel to understanding of scientific laws mediating to current and possibly future universal evolution. Once again one must relate to geological time scale, time counteraction processes that relate the first and second time evolution process where the paradigm shift of human brain evolution is evident to surrounding forces and various constraints that relate human induced activities that drain the capacity of the current universe to sustain living entity on earth. (Hint: time, distance, space and material etc.) Therefore, the laws developed out of understanding the mega-theory of new universal invention did excellent scientific work of grouping various laws that explain laws acting to direct and shape the current universal operation integrated to human brain. Therefore on need to deal with human brain which is a center of origin for the current universal laws. The challenges having successfully understood from practical operation of human brain are then integrated to how the brain understands the laws that act to direct and shape the universal operation. If one take a move to integrated the laws into human body he known exactly that all parameters used to invent the current universe are automatically adjusted to the vision of inventing the proposed universe for as long as human brain in integrated to current universe which emerge out of basic rule and regulations depicting the picture of how universal laws enforce us to oblige to their scientific operation. Therefore the more practical and time wasting the process, the more effective it is used for expressing the desired scientific visions of producing instant outcomes for proposed universe to which human life could be celebrated (within a shorter period of time). In this scientific discourse solutions have been reached because the observer participant who invents mega theories of new universal evolution set down and question the role that his brain play during the scientific evolution of each and every law/ theory. The process is extremely

difficult as one cannot separate himself from the self so as to give meaning attached to the self. However this professional operation, worked very successfully as next generations will realize the role that human brain has to the scientifically evolving universal experience earned from understanding existing theories and laws that direct and shape the current universal operation (e.g. Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Boyle and Moses Gomberg, Continental Drift Theory and Alfred Wegener and Miller and Urey primordial soup Hypothesis).

Indeed despite realizing the fact that human brain is damaged in the mist of

extremely high heat temperature, one should also think of need of photosynthesis which is carried by plants to maintain task of balancing human gas respiration, photosynthesis and other basic living needs. Food that one takes is primarily produced due to presence of solar energy radiant directing light to leaf and the relative presence of those stomata pores to which transpiration is availed allow for gas production processes to take place. (There is more that biologist can add to this specific topic, to be specific to what meaning attached to human brain relationship to the surrounding environment. This scientific discourse will by-pass this topic with an intention of making the reader to stay focus on the main body construction to what mega-theory of new universal invention to human brain entails.

Those biological factors are major implications, however if they are not integrated to understanding of multipurpose hyperbola, one cannot fully understand the direction to which

this scientific philosophical discourse is heading. The biological section could have outlined flower living sessions where one could look at its production processes. That could be merited to understanding of relationship that human brain has to scientific question around why a process of diet intake entertained life. Thereafter one could draw a scientific logic of possibility of cloning human life through flower of English Queen Elizabeth the second until a powerful man that will become active so as to be used to construct another universe is born, to appear as observer participant to how the primary and secondary laws are integrated to human brain that is used to scientific expressions paused in the multipurpose hyperbola. However, few implications are done with respect to understanding of how the hair shaft used to transmit message from outside to nerve fiber and eventually to brain. That is where role of solar radiation waves are detected due to exposal of human hairs to the sunlight to hairs.

Then the hair shaft goes deeper to lymph and blood vessels section. That is where one get arteries and veins which carry blood to and from human brain organs located close to nerve fiber. Then the pains that invade the surface skin of a head through hair shaft will eventually get transmitted to an eye where newly developed brain is located (hint: eye is used as data system spanning gap to a missing folder: GIS has influence to this term). Despite that the pain will also reach the place where a normal brain of a human being is located via arteries and veins which carry blood to and from the body organs. That is how universal law and power is forcefully integrated to human body even before a process of using human brain as responding scientific apparatus begins. The scientific perspective of material required as one of constraining factor is fulfilled as soon as a young man is given birth out of a person who

inherited living in the current mother earth where parent rock material is used to invent human being who is found locate on earth surface. (Does that not depict a scientific logic to human brain?). How can electricity carry energy from source to components if components are not coal or water that is used to generate electricity? Indeed that clearly advances the understanding of a scientific logic as a product earned from understanding of how human brain integrates the understanding of body, surrounding environment and current universe at large. If so, then precautions must also be there to depict how human being will survive established relationship to the surrounding environment, however that correlate to the law which is used to invent and depict how the electricity component operates. In that case one may think of Ohm’s law and many other laws that are applied directly to these theories relating to role that human brain must take during the development of a specific law. This clearly expose human brain capacity to utilize non-used surrounding forces to invent objects that will operates on laws having been primarily discovered through the complex processes of human brain understanding of what relationship they have to the surrounding environment and the current universe at large . This is a pure indicative that process of law invention is primarily practiced until a brain gain an ability to reason and thereafter begin to have a vision. The vision cannot just be carried as long as one needs , however , the scientific vision require that one uses his brain to priorities the precautions that are retrieved by brain understanding of what basic rules and regulations evident during the primary stage of understanding the forces that operate behind the newly invented law. Therefore there is nothing that could have prevented human brain from get to integrate and get to be integrated to forces and therefore law that direct and shape how the proposed universe should be mapped out of the forces that direct and shape the operation of the current universe. Once again the process is very much practical, however the brain capability of grouping them altogether enable the process of second round evolution to be reduced compared to the first round evolution which is traced scientifically to have taken billions of years, to complete evolving until human living and other living entities are introduced on earth. That is how the scientific logic drawn to depict the fact that dark forces and light energy carrying forces cannot occupy same positions. More intense implications are the ones concerning the fact that light energy source and dark energy source could not occupy one space. Therefore serious rules are applied during the construction / invention of law that is going to be used to direct how the proposed universe should operate even before the process of modeling the universe begins. Therefore, the

strategic location of each and every current universal feature attaches meaning to human brain that is in a living human being who is found inhabiting the earth surface. Other major implications are the ones associated with time counteraction processes evident across geological time scale having depicted scientifically. Then it is clearly realized that one cannot rule and develop proposed universal features if he does not consider the potential dangers that may be caused by laws that are found operating to direct how universe should operate. The distance need to be kept across different universes and that refers to distance across proposed universe and current universe presided by human being who earn living in the earth surface /where human lives. Person who is used as scientific apparatus must have primarily earned living on earth which guarantees that after laws are primarily integrated to his body they remain to respond in the expressions paused to project objects for proposed universe that must remain similar to the ones in the earth surface features and the current universe features at large. That processes is taking place during and after a development of multipurpose hyperbola where an observer participant remain to be a living person who shall respond to expressions paused to respond from how proposed universal features getting projected are ruled and developed. (Material perspective). That is where distance, time, material and space constraint must be critically discussed. For example the proposed universal features such as earth moon and stars cannot be successfully ruled at individual level as the one who is engaged in the scientific processes for projecting the proposed universal features need to maintain safety and security caution out of understanding of the primary and secondary laws that exist in the current universal features. Indeed the act of releasing results on top of the already existing ones could cause serious catastrophe as forces across two different universes would clash .That is why distance come to expose how the master of universal law invention oblige to basic scientific rules and regulations integrated to understanding of cognitive science for how human brain develop laws that are then used to direct and shape the overall operation of the current universe. In moving ahead and mention the collision processes that took place between a head of an observer participant to a head of Christ who happen to inherit a living on earth truly expose the fact that distance across two planet could remain separated during the scientific ruling and developing of the current and proposed universe. In addition to that, the act of assimilating an observer participant to a cow with sharp horns in which he run to strike the head of Christ with horns truly indicate that hyperbola developed to bring about scientific ruling and developing of current universal features entirely rely to human life with sound working brain

, however the act of using human being while those who has earned living on earth exposes that the overall need for earning life on earth is to carry the processes of universal evolution to go ahead. Therefore in the awake of our economic cliffs, loss of current universal capacity to hold human and living entity to prosper over time and poverty directed to living … we are now breaking the chain… out of a vision that hold scientific laws which have been used as means to manipulate surrounding environment to human gain…as they are also going to be used to extend capacity of current universe to hold life for extended period of time and also produce additional universe to add from current available universe such that one day one will see more than two solar energy systems giving lights to their own different worlds. That relies on man’s brain capacity to relate its body to the surrounding environment and universal force at large. Therefore, we are looking tat current universe capacity to hold life over human brain and not to current universe itself. This is a paradigm shift in the understanding of law that is acting to direct and shape the current universal operation. Time needs to be overcome, old system on which object could take billions of years to be as earth to which man, animal and plant life is lived should be replaced with modern system. In replacing the system, we are not implying that human living in future universe will not be similar to the current universe living evident with respect to person who is found on earth. However that means that approximate time that is going to be taken to invent, design and apply current universal laws to the apparatus used to invent the proposed universe would produce instant results that would also reduce time taken until the proposed universe is ready to carry human life. This is a time friction side view (aspect) of new universal laws used to direct the invention of the proposed universe The modern system is understood by people who realize that all universal features have laws attached to act to direct their operation. Laws are also integrated to a body as body found inhabiting earth has characteristics of rock parent material. That enables laws to be integrated to single body with sound functioning brain. The three theories are fully discussed within this book; however the lack of understanding of how the unavoidably human brain congruency status overcomes the data gap information which was shielded from brain due to its simultaneous location to the body that must be used to describe what it thinking. That is why there is inverse relationship between human brain congruency status perspective and current universal laws. The universal laws are straight to the point and they are magnified from expression used for any scientific model. The scientific

philosophical laws meander (procrastinate) before they arrive to the truth. The scientific laws are extensive and their use wastes a lot of time and resources. The scientific philosophical laws are grouped together in one single body; they do not appear at fragmented bases. The scientific philosophical laws are supported by the use of retrieved software data systems that has extended capability to integrate data from various components. The scientific laws lack grouping, each law operate on itself and they tend to be manual. Once the Scientific philosophical laws got to be clearly realized they are codified/integrated to other laws and make overcome time counteraction processes that are evident with how distance, space and material constraints that are presented .Scientific laws are real and they could be judged from real phenomenal objects as seen by naked eyes. Scientific Philosophical laws are partially visible but they can be reflected from real phenomenal object as they are seen by naked eyes It is relatively easy to believe theories drawn from scientific theory but premise they carry do not offer an opportunity to extend real phenomenal evolution processes to the next generation , hence their use reveal human brain ideas that retrieve human brain relationship to his body , environment and surrounding environment . Scientific philosophical theories are difficult to believe and that is caused by data gap leaking from simultaneous congruence status of presence of brain within a body that is used to describe a theory/ law and by there bypass the role of a brain. The scientific theory offers a greater chance for next generations to gain access to information concerning the continued evolution processes. Scientists are observer participants with clear vision as set by control of mother law. Scientific philosophical laws have complex vision as set by insider and outsiders but still law remain to be main controller as the human brain which has evolved to understand relationship it has to its body , environment and current universe is capable of integrating primary and primary laws all together. There is higher risk in undertaking scientific law as human brain does not clearly realize it retrieved role to the overall forces and laws operating to direct the current universal operation. There are no ( zero percent ) risk in undertaking scientific philosophical laws as the human brain clearly realize it relationship to the body and surrounding environment from retrieved data information depicting what role the brain has to overall forces and laws operating to direct the current universal operation. That truth is overcome through recognizing the relationship drawn from understanding of unavoidable human congruent status to his brain

caused by relative simultaneous location of a brain to human body that is used to describe laws and forget to describe the role that brain take during the discovery of a law. When the scientific theory fails several people are left with an injury and it could be extinguished over a long period of time but risk of scientific experiment could be linked to amount of potential energy( chemical and or weight) an object possess . When the scientific philosophical law fails people are left with no injury, however if an observer participant who is supposed to interpret and participate during the development of experiment falls before estimated time of experimental complementation , catastrophe due to failed attempt may result . The injury in question is the one which is presented by time counteraction and presence of human brain within a brain on which user must define the role of a brain. Risk accumulated from human brain failure to overcome unavoidable human brain congruent status due to its simultaneous location to a body that express itself through its use, yet at the same time it (the brain) must be viewed how it responded from certain stimulus. Therefore, the level of risk range from high to total collapse of current universe as time counteracts everything. In this case there are coincidental failure and system failures. If a young boy was not primarily groomed at university to learn theories led to his awareness of human brain relationship to surrounding universe, he would fail to realize what is expected of him even before the development of multipurpose hyperbola commences. If the brain of young man failed to complete expressions expressed during the projection of hyperbolic cones the process would also stand still. These are pure scientific system failures. Lastly if the engine of the young boy located at back and or an eye gets destroyed system would also be affected. That is because the engine is there to boost the life of a boy to go forward while those 33 year periods estimated by an observer participant for one single proposed universe to complete evolution are scientific demands which are linked to time and they are not having met until a young man reaches that estimated living in year 2017. In other hand the eye represents the missing data folder which is tracing what happen on the real phenomenal surface of earth to present how the overall universal law is to be manipulated so as to rule and develop the current universal features to be displayed far off the current positioning of the earth. That is where time, distance, space and material constraint apply. In other words, in using human being as scientific apparatus to which methods settled to human brain to project the universal features such as earth, sun and moon, ‌ a vacuum space need to be prepared so

that one does not release scientific outcomes on top of the already existing universal features and thereby cause huge catastrophe due to clashing of forces. One cannot measure how much important it is to remember the importance of presence of primary and secondary laws to which the multipurpose hyperbola is supported. Constructive integration scientific laws and Christian Dogma to scientific philosophical laws However by losing focus to true genuine scientific respond over perfection to nature on earth, their hope is dead. That is because they have no clue that the human brain material is part and product of universal evolution. They are not aware that Christ took a body of human being who wear earth like material directly by getting given birth by a woman who shares historical origin to parent rock material parameters as it is believed that human is a product of rock. Then one could turn to geological time scale to see if it was possible that human being could have been created out of a rock directly. That also help to give scientific testimony that Christ needed to be born of earth surface material so that future generations who will witness to understand the visions carried to bring about invention of new universe realize how primary laws and secondary laws are integrated to human living on earth. It might not be a surprise to found out if Christian are not aware of these scientific philosophical laws as they do not share ideas of how the current scientific law operating to direct and shape the overall universal operation works. Even scientist who initiated this useful idea missed the relationship of human brain to the body, surrounding environment and the current universe at large because of unavoidably human brain congruent status of its presence within human body that must be used to describe laws and the role of the brain at the same time. The problem is that brain is commonly shared and that process in coincidental, which is why it is unavoidable. But the very same coincidence bring about discrimination of nature and surrounding universe as it makes human being to forget about thinking ahead of time of living and focus on human ends. In the awake of current universal capacity to hold living over time, he then thinks he can rely on science for solutions to evident Anthropocene predicaments. However, that is very much impossible, because the primary stage of current universal evolution is invested in human brain, which retrieves how it thinks critically and take a theory or laws used to depict how human body operates in the mist of the presence of surrounding universal forces to substitute human brain behaviors within the universal evolution sphere. Therefore in as much as human brain is smart in predicting complex relationship the body, environment and surrounding universe, it could be tamed to understand primary and secondary laws from which the very same current universe was invented and that is a n extended process which

require investigation of human brain . But this is a systematic scientific process that follows from understanding of successive link from how laws (especially primary and secondary law) are linked across geological time scale and then to theories presented by scientist who discovered current universal laws. In this case we are not looking at dynamisms of nature and living that give rise to resource scarcity s it is something covered scientifically, however this is to look at the failures of laws towards sustaining living , which are then exposed to lead their own separate path from how man on earth lives. In other hand, briefly mentioned were two contrasting parties, Christian and scientist, where it was concluded that no one was far better to other as they both remain resolute to their short immediate ill-defined solutions to problems of increasing failure of current universal capacity to hold overall system to sustain living. For example, technology relied on predetermined laws that would not escape from theory used to define how law should operate. The history was far better than science as it was followed by editors who analyzed knowledge concerning implication of certain law. Hence they traced time line zone and match it perfectly to meaning attached to geological time epoch. However, they were not scientist and they were not earning observer participant status similar to the one of scientist who defines theories that are used. Even if they could have been scientist: the human brain congruent status which explain relative failure of human being to describe the role of his brain activity relating to presence of his brain during experiment crashes and retrieve the role of human brain and relationship he has to the surrounding environment, but one need to emphasize that it is something unavoidably. In this case no one is to blame, as the overall retrieval stance of brain role is linked to its congruency status that defines all characters within itself before they are interpreted to people. But because scientific evidence is traceable if one conduct scientific audits at another person scientific visions it is capable to reveal how an original scientific thought relating to feelings over the science converse that is found in his theory / law which confer status of his behavior and also by status of his scientifically proven result as they are evident from the use of his mother law / mother theory. (Hint: the use of Isaac Newton’s law in the modern scientific world). That scientific truth on its own reveals existence of two universes in one single universe divided by time and laws equal to person brain capacity to realize the relationship it has to the body, the surrounding environment and the current universe at large.

This truly reflect that human being learn something new from day to day until capacity of mind set in thinking and planning of things advances. Therefore the coincidental status of presence of brain within the body subscribe to the visions and views he is supposed to explain to next generations who would diverted the theory/ law under which the current universal functioning works such that future generations (scientist) seek knowledge from existing theory and also to not to his brain view . In doing so role of his brain omitted twill never oppress the vies and visions of what relationship does brain has to laws used during the interaction of scientific experiments with laws depicting outcomes based on the apparatus in his hands. That simple meant that solution to problems of evolution has always been retrieved to man’s brain because it has capability to question, study and then reason about situation in question. The fact that laws are domesticated as they are termed by names having been given after people who discover and or advance them truly confess to the need to carry this scientific philosophical discourse to go ahead. However that does not changes the fact that laws have always been there, even before one discover them. Therefore the human brain is much more smarter than scientifically reflected laws currently used to shape informed decision of human living on earth because it has been capable of servicing living surrounded by anonymous forces until those daily routine to on which man is observed interacting to his surrounding environment until basic rules are known to be used relate to what relationship human brain has to the surrounding environment is domesticated to be used as common world universal law. Once that status of recognition is known, laws are discovered and they are thus named. That is where trouble begins , the law is mastered to a document and it depict relationship between human living and surrounding universe but it does not explain what the role of human brain during the practical experiences carried to advance the understanding of emerging law. Then one could comment that laws do not just develop but they reflect the observer participant obligatory status on which he remain to learn from pain, pressures and amusement that surrounding forces yield to his professional experience. Then, as soon as a desire to invent a certain model inflicts his mind, he would realize how laws are integrated to his body. Scientist did all of these steps, but they forget one thing ‌to explain the role of their brain during the process of discovery, documentation and manipulation of laws. Today the chains are broken as one could realize that human brain plays a crucial role during development of laws. Therefore one cannot deny the fact that his brain is older that universal laws , the fact that the body which act as a model to which his brain is situated came after

universal invention , does not crash the point that models are scientifically reflected from laws . Therefore our human brain congruency status to the body cannot serve to shield the role of brain in inventing the laws that are used to maintain the smooth operation of universe. Similarly, the brain of human found living on earth is inherited from someone else and they are not inherited directly from current universe which is known as earth. If so then , one could conclude that current universal dilemmas cannot escape human brain , for his critical thinking and or reason to how he realize scientific issues are also integrated to the master who is superseding human brain operation. That means that living presents both smooth fortunes due to presence of human with instant maturing brain whereas current universe took billions and billions of years to evolve. Conversely laws are integrated to human body so as to fast track the process of second round universal evolution to work faster. This process is going to be infinitive as each 33 year round would represents the evolution of new universe , under one condition , if the observer participant who is used as responding scientific apparatus successfully completes living until first round is finished in year 2017. Human being is a parent rock material and that enable scientific readings to pick up directly from his mastered brain. In as much as it was difficult to understand the theory of universal evolution, it is as much difficult to understand how possible it is that laws are used to invent yet another universe. There is only one way of avoiding it and it is to remain an observer participant during the development, implementation and also to operation of each and every specific law. During scientific processes that one observes, their interpretation must be related to what was role of a brain during the carrying of those processes. Actually a brain is a great deal, even to the current universe as the current universal law could eventually counteract living due to time ahead of living (time before brain evolution) which counteracts everything that emerged after second time evolution (time at which human brain has evolved to realize relationship it has to its body, the surrounding environmental and universe at large). That truth is rarely shared across two counterparts including science fictionist and scientist. Therefore it is non-challenged truth that knowledge is power, which is why philosophy differs with distinction from how other subject view definition of power. By their points and degrees of understanding there is nothing wrong. But the fact is that human brain congruent status of its location to its body retrieves many relationships that it has to the surrounding environment. That is why science and philosophy remained separated from more than billions of years. But through the grouping of fragmented laws across various scientific discourses

and get them integrated to philosophical understanding of things, today one could stand up erect and announce that a second round universal evolution processes are to take place. That is why chains of second round evolution are broken today, it is due to an ability of an observer participant to whom this scientific philosophy is written who documented down a tract record of scientific implication of primary and secondary laws that direct and shapes the operation of the universe. That is where one would earn chapters asserted to describe the meaning attached to development of external brain that developed in brain on the eye on the right hand side. Secondly the observer participant will also be exposed trying to explain the role of collision between head of Christ and himself. That is where one would see true integration of theory to human brain and the surrounding environment. For example, that article cited the meaning attached to development of multipurpose hyperbola, which is not different from what Isaac Newton could have done. However in moving ahead and describe how the power , message and laws are integrated to human body presented an explicit description of role of human brain and thereby enhance the understanding of the relationship between brain , body , surrounding environment and the current universe at large. Hence the future generations who would read scientific philosophy after this discourse would realize clearly what relationship of human brain, body, surrounding environment and current universe at large is. That will enable them to understand: The overall objective of this scientific philosophical discourse which is to expose the following aspect of human brain and the surrounding environment: 1) Why human brain is source of power 2) Why laws are integrated to human body 3) What sort of human being Is responding scientific apparatus 4) Why does time counteract their living 5) What precautions need to be taken to prevent unforeseen scientific dilemmas induced by time counteraction 6) What do time, distance, space and material constraint imply? 7) How to overcome Anthropocene which shall be always evident to the current and future universe.

8) Difference between first time evolution and second time evolution 9) And the need for undertaking science and Christian bible as means to question real phenomenal problems to universal issues which are discriminatory said to operate beyond human brain imagination ( which is a wrong said argument : as proven ) 10) The need to realize the presence of primary and secondary laws acting to direct and shape the current and future universal operation 11) Then the need to understand the mega-theories for new universal invention which expresses how processes of second round universal evolution are taking place to continue to infinite , until many universe to which human life is sustained are created. 12) Therefore the need to learn more about a) Mega-theory of all primary and all secondary law b) The theory of Ruling and Developing c) Die Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory d) Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light carrying forces e) The coincidental congruent status of human brain action of mind setting (most evident to scientist (e.g. Isaac Newton vs. Continental Drift Theorists) Specific law is developed from mind setting in addition to how one understands its use through scientific documentation of law concerning what is observed during real phenomenal experiment of the state of law when one read, use and or advance it for further scientific use. That is a very valuable property of law to remain *constant from time to time irrespective of the time counteraction processes affecting living side by side. After these experiments, it became clear that the laws are commonly accessed from scientific documentation developed by the ones who witness to undertake a scientific research query, questioning the presence of specific law, although slight argument for their basic foundation lies in the presence of their forces. The forces are foremost old to the laws as the human brain itself is developing from its ability to interact to the surrounding environment to which forces coincidentally and strategically develop, during that process basic rules and regulations are developed and that what gives brain ability to reason what specific force used for and what benefit it has to continued sustained living. Hence that is what brought about paradigm shift that is described

with respect to the first and second time evolutioon which are reflected to be defined as stage period to which brain would develop actively to mark official human evolution with sound working brain that realize the relationship it has to its body, the surrounding environment relationship and universe at large. The visions are younger that human brain , therefore whatever that one sees in his naked eyes is a product of human brain vision architect integrated to laws and laws are earned from basic rules and regulations following after how he interact to the surrounding environment . That is what allows human brain to be capable of taking ( to select) most profitable forces to its continued living , it is because the primary stage of invention of laws is earned from practical experience that is reflected through pressure and painful experiences giving complaint to the body to which brain evolution process must take place. The robust system of human brain evolution getting reflected in this scientific philosophy truly relate that laws attached in current universe reflect meaning attached to human brain . Human brain is therefore forced to oblige to each and every law found attached to any object (visible or invisible object) across the limit of the universe at large. If so then law that operates inside the object could also be manipulated to meet the desire and will of the outsider. In this case one can cite the fact that helicopter (as a flying object/man made universal feature) is nothing but a parent rock material which is flied through the use of scientific laws. If a pilot is asked to respond from what keep the jet spinning in the air, he respond by saying that it is the force in the beginning. That simple means that, if one disconnects the force from laws, the whole system collapse. But the basic rules and routine activities carried to maintain human activities further clarify that point: as one often see basic rules and regulations attached to scientifically modeled object to depict and define the caution over its use. In writing cautions the scientist are not aware that they are subscribing to the process of obliging to basic rules and regulations that define relationship that exist between human brain and surrounding forces through the use of a law. Conversely extinction of living entity due to human interaction to the surrounding environment truly reflect to the need to subscribe to relationship that exist between human brain and universal law that are developed out of understanding relationship the body has to surrounding environment. That means that human brain is the only organ that has ability to respond from scientific challenges offered by the surrounding universe because the nature of understanding of explanation of how various forces are integrated to laws to which human are forced oblige to apply their use whenever they make decisions, depicts how the human use of laws to mediates (and correlate) to scientific challenges the current universal present returns comprehensible scientific responds that serve as an indicator to which man draw precautions

that correlate to situational analysis of scientific logic that the brain of human has to the current universe as it is reflected by fragmented study of application of scientific law on the earth surface. One may think of strategic location of the sun far distance to earth as if it is the only source of light, however this is an idea that is contrasted by the fact that the earth has energy sources to which high temperature could be raised but it is retrieved as a scientific measure take to protect human living which does not require high temperature to come to close contacts of human body and most important human body organs including brain, eyes and skin tissues that must remain cooler. Do people not get tuberculosis and (skin) cancer from smoking and or getting exposed to sunlight over a period of time? That truly exposes laws to be not detached from human decision making, however key to understanding of laws is need to study scientific history that relate the presence of law to basic rules and regulations that merited living to human brain and law under consumption of living in the current universe (under use). But another person may come to ask what merited living to the current universe if living is counteracted by time. That is where the role of human brain becomes very quintessential because the formation of laws defining how the current universal operates are a product of how human interacted to body , surrounding environment and the universal forces at large. But the laws work very much poor when a person who undertake experiment uses theory which substitute outside of understanding of characteristics of human brain that develop that particular law. Therefore the theories are relevant, however the role of human brain need to be explained to enable future generations to critically engage with meaning attached to living. Indeed the cause was not a trouble; however it was an unavoidable status of presence of a brain that is retrieved to ideas that will appear to be used after ideas of science theorists to explain the specific law. Today we would realize dangers associated with unavoidably congruent status of the human brain is caused by relative simultaneous location a brain to its body and that appear to shield the brain original thoughts to be overshadowed by theoretical explanations of how the laws is used as a tool for taking informed decision of protecting human body from complex relationship the brain has to the surrounding universe at large. Therefore the presence of human brain is initiated by understanding of forces found acting to direct the overall operation of the current universe including earth as one of current universal features in the millions of them. The laws are reflecting the obligation status of human brain in handling life on earth that is directed by the laws that act to direct and shape the current universal operation.

In this the case, one could question, why the human brain became the first apparatus on human that is used to depict and take scientific decisions to protect human being from challenges offered by surrounding forces, even before the laws are domesticated to work successfully to protect and predict the dynamism evident to human living as observed from looking at experiences from people who earn life in the current universe, especially in the earth surface where real phenomenal critical thinking brain of human being is exposed. This is a time when human brain has grown to upper level of advancement to realize relationship it has to the surrounding environment and current universe at large. It is something that has been known over and above what this research could mention, however, slight difference exists by degree of approach and query as this scientific discourse aimed at discovering scientific (philosophical) laws that connect meaning attached to human brain while he is earning living directed by forces that integrate himself to surrounding forces even before he got to domesticate the laws that are currently known to be responsible for their action of ‘acting to direct the overall universal operation’ as it is revealed by current universal features such as earth, sun and even fauna and flora .What drove the need to tame and or domesticate universal laws as to understand their implication in the universe right from the beginning. Is that not directed by coincidental vision of human brain with the body which see stimulus and learn to question, but *who respond from question paused over the external or internal stimulus. One must not forget that implications of laws are primarily carried for advancing science that helped man to overcome overutilization of man physical power to be replaced by scientific apparatus with multitasking ability. In other hand the laws are emerging to explain scientific problems and precaution measures that one must take before serious disasters carried by immoral universe take place and that is how serious devastating weather forecast(example) are managed to reduce their destruction. Hence that is how the indications and precautions giving predetermined solutions to current living are earned. In as much as we master laws , we fully acknowledge that they are older than our bodies , and therefore the converse follows that ‘laws that are found utilized by man as a product of human brain interaction to a body and surrounding universe (pluralism) are an invented from grouping of various forces available in the universe. Forces primarily get to be identified by human brain as a scientific devise that is used to determine when, where and how they are formed, however we clearly realize from human brain experience that laws are a product of human brain interaction to a body and the surrounding universe, therefore it follows that laws are by product of forces grouped together

through how the human brain understands ( to interpret) complex relationship that emerged during the primary stages of interaction between human brain and surrounding universal forces. Therefore laws are a byproduct of human brain understanding of universal forces and therefore laws are not origin to themselves. That is why laws do not happen to counteract human living directly than the time seems to reveal through and over nature dynamism that result to extinction , poverty directed to limit human resources that help to sustain his continued living. Thus laws refuse to counteracting living as they are possessed by human brain but forces through which laws are made counteract human living because they are trying to indicate that they are by product of previously fragmented universal forces which are grouped by human brain’ scientific effort that developed a desire to make a new universe. In doing so the forces are trying to reveal that they can be fragmented to go back to their state of origin, which is partially possible. The rock as a byproduct of those fragmented forces will never turn back and melt down so that it disappears completely. That dream of an illusion is dangerous because human are not aware of time constraint under which the current universe is subjected to operate. In as much they define science laws, they forget completely to define their brain role within the use of science. Consequently, they suppress the relationship that the brain has to the surrounding universe. That is why they end up carrying living in a universe that is evolving from human brain understanding of universal forces, yet they add nothing to be profit or gain towards continued evolution processes. The science that is used is serving means and ends to human gain and not the paradigm shift that came to define human evolution as smart creature to others that understand relationship it has to the surrounding universe very well. This simple exposes laws as a more controllable factor of living than time (that counteracts living). Living is counteracted by time because life is slightly detached from forces which are found acting to direct and mediate how the current universe operates. If real individual scientist earning living on earth was not found busy trying to construct laws to which man can live, one could not have successfully controlled the current universe from getting out of control of hands for human who experience living challenges on earth as a central current universal feature. But because emergence of laws seem to follow after how a person from a current universe explain it, possibilities are that living through (within) currently evolved universe can be carried much further than one could have ever imagined, as human brain exposes the thinking capacity of a man to be older than the laws despite of the fact that the current universal forces are older than his body.

It is clear that what degree of comparison subject human being to remain ever an everlasting jack of all trades than the appearance of physically built structure of earth which is something similar to other surrounding universal features that one observes from looking and or magnifying them. Therefore converse comparing the degree of brain capacity and auditing of laws directing operation of objects according to human brain goes as follows: The older the physical structure the younger the brain capacity, and the younger the physical structure the older the brain capacity operating and directing its operation This theory only applies to scientific philosophical auditing with a vision of considering time counteraction, processes evident with respect to co-existence of human life in the mist of material, and space and distance constraints. That simple means that all living entity that earn short term living are carrying high level of intelligent mind that is capable of carrying auditing process for manipulating laws to benefit their gain, their level of intellectual capacity depend on their ability to discover relationship they have to the surrounding environment. The decisions taken to navigate and or shape the living within a specific environment attaches meaning to laws and basic roles followed by how the specific living specimen. The living entities with human brain intelligence living tend to have ability to revitalize quickly, adapt to environmental changes and dynamism and rarely size and shape construction of environment in relation to surrounding universal features. That is where trouble begins, the human brain has ability to manipulate the laws to benefit living however it has no ability to shape and size the physical environment to which living is earned. The ability of shaping environment is beyond brain capacity and or his control. If the brain is capable of manipulating the laws to benefit human gain while failing to shape and or size the surrounding environment for continued sustained gain, how is he going to survive over the long run as time counteraction processes are approaching harshly? That is where one begins to realize that current human living is inherited, from someone’s ideas. Fortunately the characteristics of human brain’s ability to manipulate the surrounding forces to invent laws that are used to manipulate the surrounding environment for human gain have been exposed. Therefore it is clear that the human brain congruent status that cast a shadow over solutions to current universal dilemmas is overcome through scientific philosophy of new universal invention. The brain in human being on earth is a form of internal but external organ that is capable of communicating to various body parts to interpret real phenomenal universe. The eye serves the visions to be

interpreted by human brain. Injuries, pressures and challenges felt in the skin are all directed to a body that has a close relationship to human brain. Human body in a human brain with lack of ability to think on behalf of itself is more vulnerably. If the brain does not function to work properly, human body to which a brain is carried remain dirty, injured and more unprotected. A brain is a center for medication, therefore no matter how severe an injury is; it is a responsibility for a brain to provide solution over time. It is not a mistake that human body get dirt, diseases and external shock over time. Those are indications that serve him to remain clean. However, rough unplanned and self-demeaning factors do come to insult life sometimes. For example a kid may inherit poor genetic mutation from her mother and be born with incomplete body parts. Or one may die from earth quick, tsunami and poison which is unplanned. Then the brain must adopt specific principles to survive over those unplanned dilemmas over time. That is why there are specific doctors, therapist and scientist deployed in specific sector to which individual go for treatment. In other hand geologist may predict areas liable for earth quick over scientific experiment earned from how they understood application of their study. The fact that all people have brain organs does not explain that all people have sound functioning human brain. One begins to have sound functioning human brain as soon as he respects relationship he has to the surrounding environment. That is why there are various laws that human are forced to oblige to so as to maintain the continued balanced living across human and surrounding living aliens. Over and above human have abused the environment, but that is not primary cause of the failure for universal capacity to hold living forever. Currently the world is shocked over the loss of one of the big five animal called rhino in South Africa. These were just few illustrations over how human brain capacity to shape and direct his living within the current universe. Then understanding of unavoidably congruent status of human brain must have an ability to derive scientific meaning attached to time counteraction processes against nature. It should be able determine factors leading to adoption of laws used to handle overall human living on earth. That enables us to realize that human brain is a driver over scientific laws that direct and shape the overall universal operation. Human brain shields an ability to explain what forces are behind laws that are currently used to survive limited ability to live on earth. Therefore through these careful studies, laws have been exposed to be far younger that human brain. Hence the new laws that are getting introduced to be mega-theories of new universal evolution are true reflection of human brain capability to overcome any situation beyond the control of law. Therefore one must celebrate the emergence of responding

scientific apparatus within human brain on earth that has ability to direct visions to the universal forces, which is exactly what enabled an observer participant to drive current universal processes of counteraction ahead of time to be reduced and thereby bring about invention of new universe in addition of the current existing universe. This idea is not a joke and it is taking place continuously/ infinitely. Reasoning Motion Before an object moves, brain must develop a desire to move object. The relative location of a specific object attaches meaning to human brain desires. The action of moving, sizing and shaping of object is scientific outcome of human brain scientific expressions. The size, shape and weight of an object do not count to carrying capacity of human brain because the laws having been created carry weight on behalf of him. In real sense the weight does not exist to human brain but his weight is constructed by human body to which brain is located. A body takes and assimilates to laws that are acting to direct universal feature to which they are located (of contained) at specific time. If the body is placed against the earth surface, it is subjected to influence of force of gravity. (Hint: Isaac Newton) That is why human often get subjected to be thrown forward when the car moving with a high speed suddenly pulls break. Laws remain silent, however their action depict them as extremely rough. Therefore scientific laws need a careful approach so as to survive their roughness. Cross interaction with auditing of laws help one to realize how to survive living over time counteraction forces. Time is a form of law that demands supervision over certain displaced action. Time becomes something as soon as human brain invent an idea , however an idea attaches scientific meaning to complex relationship involved during stages of interaction between human brain , his body and surrounding universe. Laws are subjected to control the whole universe. Laws serve their scientific task; with a clear goal and vision. But not even a single law speaks of its goal and or vision except that human brain who inherits living must question meaning attached to scientific laws. Series of tales are written to explain meaning attached to how physical structures operates , but only scientific laws dates us to the truth of how real phenomenal universe operates. Therefore all forces operating to direct and shape the current universe are invented with understanding of scientific knowledge. The scientific use of knowledge of human brain is unlimited, and weight does not exist in human brain, many scientific ideas developed out of connecting the logic of human brain understanding of the surrounding universe could emerge with more than amazing ideas on top of the new universal evolution law proposed by this scientific philosophical thesis. The ideas of emerging of second round

universal evolution are just little benefits of what human brain can do to benefit process of continued human living. The true ability of human brain to remain intelligent over other objects displaced across the universe is an ability to move across different spheres and account challenges to which scientific laws application is highly required. In this current universe, application of scientific philosophical laws remains to be very limited. Even those who study philosophy have a very limited room to earn employment. That is because scientific philosophy study science that group various real phenomenal issues to which living issues are cross intersecting. The function of scientific philosophy is to integrate those issues to understanding of philosophy. To some people, this might look crazy and sometimes worthless. In drafting questionnaires directing an inquiry to university students of what field of study they would prefer between science and scientific study of philosophy, the following responses were evident. Most university students prefer science stream degrees because they are at high demand. With philosophy there is less opportunity that one would get a job as this study field rarely applies to commercial business led world. The fact is that scientific philosophy deals with broader issues that appear to exclude a candidate from employment level. In science and technology industry there is large division of labor required due to the fact that scientific laws are required to directing human brain understanding of surrounding universe. That correlates to the fact that scientific laws increases as human brain knowledge of understanding of surrounding forces increases. Indeed the task of studying science as means to which scientific demands of human being increases due to benefits accrued from learning scientific experiences . That is why the science and technology tend to have diversity of sectors including mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical –engineering etc. In contrast experts in scientific philosophy remain to be professionals who oversee at how the overall system operates. It is very rare that one hear of an expert in scientific philosophy getting employed to take part in engineering sector, consequently there are limited chances that issues requiring implication of scientific philosophical law serving guidelines of how human brain understands knowledge earned from participating during scientific experiments involving himself and apparatus used to generate knowledge of scientific relationship. This relates to meaning attached to how human brain understands environment while laws used to shape and direct the relationship between scientific law and environment is established. The understanding of science law generated by earliest scientist appeared to add few knowledge to continued evolution processes except that they are designed to user preference / at human

ends. It is more recently that human have adopted environmental laws expressing human relationship to environment and the current universe at large. It is something that appear to respond from environmental degradation which embrace the idea that most dominant mode of emergence of scientific law still remain to be directed consumption and consequences thereafter. This clearly subject one to accept that forging a road towards designing scientific philosophical laws that shall serve a human brain understanding with ability to conceive surrounding universal laws as part and parcel of their evolution has been extremely impossible. Sometimes, in the whole country it impossible that human brain could be utilized in scientific philosophical manner that the current scientific law approaches follows. A deepest problem for cause of such action is the fact that law carries no weight to indicate pain. Then if something conveys no pain it becomes pointless to begin to patronize over how it works. Having said that God created it all should also have additive impact as next generations excludes them from playing a role in partaking more in-depth focus study of the scientific philosophical laws. The bible seems to demean their role and define their status to be subservient to laws that are there because of human brain. In other hand science and philosophy cannot be studied together as science is studied to carry on living on the status confirmed by acquiring a degree required by perspective companies. In doing that the revolution is already dead, even before one could speak of unavoidable congruent status of human brain to its body, surrounding environment and current universe at large. However, the newly designed scientific philosophical laws to human brain understanding of surrounding environment are also far are also known in through a wakeup call of scientific documentation on emerging environmental issues caused by human induced industrial activities and climate change. Since then companies are emerging to employ environmentalist within their sectors to ensure the proper application of environmental policies but that appear to be driven by a need to survive liability associated with reckless uses of environment. But this teach us that the scientist who wrote to leave a signal on issues concerning environmental changes in question did very much job as the next generations follow to learn something from story line informing them of trends over human induced industrial activities. Left alone, the observer participant could have never arrived to a point where he would break a record to mention that carrying capacity of scientific solution adopted for sustaining the continued living on earth has come to an end. Indeed it is beyond capacity of a brain in a normal human being to do actions oriented by thinking above the limit of a concept that surrounded and fenced one’s brain from escaping to advance the real phenomenal scientific knowledge of a scientific

meaning attached to theories and laws documented in the scientific book. It is good to read a book, however it is beneficial to study human mind who writes about the book. Economically these cases appear to be linked to growth of wealth and globalization of trade that is said to have enforced nations to open trade and thereby fuel excessive utilization of means of production. But if those processes never took place our economy would not be balanced as we would experience hardship of monoculture life. Cross inter-boarding truly indicates that human brain can move far distanced things even before objects are moved. The fact is that the non-skeptical universal laws used to navigate across the boarders remained constant time after time and that contributed to process of accelerative rate of human interaction across boarders because as laws did not deny their moving action, movement action quickly adapt to scientific laws which allow him to chase far distance dreams with a user preference tool in his hands. The laws acting to direct and shape current universal operation have no boundaries to how should human live. Different colors of people are an indicative of diversity which is yet another scientific philosophical challenge to uncover. However, in this scientific philosophy it would be worthless to query that knowledge as the study is directed at describing characteristics of human brain with marvelous qualities that match a data that is more than trillions of years, used to invent a universe. Indeed the query is directed at uncovering what necessitated and enabled the diffusion of laws to be integrated into a human body so that he is turned to remain an observer participant with ability to respond from scientific expressions paused to bring about geometrical and algebraic processes aimed at ruling and developing earth surface features that are projected into a space before they are adjusted to scientific goals and visions carried to bring about invention of ne universe. Then issues concerning how opening market tightens competition so that people are found competing over the limited means of production are latest outcomes, however serious problems could have been seen right from the beginning of poverty. This scientific philosophical law differs with distinction from previous scientific laws as they tend to focus on scientific solution limited to capacity of human understanding of scientific laws. This scientific philosophical laws marks a paradigm shift of human understanding of law as it disobey unavoidably congruent status of human brain that is defined as simultaneous location of a brain within a body that must use to define what stimulus brings to a body, yet at the same time the human in that body must define what he think a brain role effect has (transformation) to newly established scientific relationship. (Hint: human brain, body,

surrounding environment and the current universe at large). The brain has no ability to speak, just like laws cannot speak: however something spoken of how laws are getting used to human ends is derived from human knowledge which defines laws as energy power and excludes human brain that is critically engaged to learn to reason the relationship it has to the surrounding environment. Having exposed these scientific truths it becomes clear that the very same laws operating to direct even superstructures that are wrongly defined to operate beyond human brain control could be controlled. In trying to control the process of laws to achieve overall human benefit scientist focused in business environment. That is where they exposed that the overall process( of utilizing laws to human ends) is benefiting business environment which maintain balance between supply and demand of people who end up having unlimited choice to consume. The necessity for philosophy found it room when one explain paradigm shift of market control of goods , and that is when an undermined crazy man come to speak of capitalism as if it does not follow after scientific logic followed by human brain to understand surrounding universe until trade is unlocked. In the long run one awake from economic cliffs presented by capitalism dilemmas due to increased human needs. (Hint: Karl Marx, Aristotle and Dependency Theories) That reflects the need to adjust market operation which often enforces market to demolish currency standard so as to push companies to cut off a number of workers. In a scientific world, human being with sound functioning brain allow for an economic resolution to determine directions that will led to economic solution which is going to have both detrimental and beneficial effect to human found living on earth and the human resources are at center of debate. It is even luckier if economic resolution is reached from adjusting the multinational macroeconomic policies but to some extent nations may go to fight. That is when they use nuclear weapons and bring about catastrophe that further demolishes the very limited economy. Divisions start to emerge as one is forced to take socialist or capitalist side. All these commotions are true indicative that a cake is not big enough to support everyone , if so what should scientific philosophers with all level of qualifications not to stand up and discuss solution because they are in a better position that allow them to draw themselves out of crowd and look at constant operation of laws. But the bottom line is that scientific world is carrying heavier task than carrying human living on earth. It carries a task of refusing time counteraction which is ahead of time to its evolution which is defined as first time at which human brain was absent. That time alas reflect back to subject everything to come to an end. It exposes universe as human brain architect. Human must take the issues of failure of the

current universe capacity to carry living ahead of time seriously. Our presidents are preaching economics until their tie becomes wet but forces on the ground fail completely to get fully integrated to their visions. But left alone, economic operation in hands of market can never operate to meet most needy human outside of hands of government who shape and direct their operation. Each and every new law introduced to intervene to a certain problem presents a certain leakage over the long run. But here is a scientific philosophy of human brain mechanical engineering with all promising solution to human wealth. It is time for professional academics to stand up and help African leader with a vision of a new world to carry the heavy task ahead. It is difficult to understand the previous sentences if one persists excluding scientific philosophy with an act of integrating brain as part and parcel of evolution. But it is an unquestionable fact that scientific philosophy has ability to group all scientific laws found acting to direct the universal operation and explain them at human brain level. Then the future generation who are looking to explain problems found in the evident in the current and future universe look at human brain and scientific logic at human brain level. This problem is overcome as soon as one is made aware of unavoidably human brain congruent status that seek to overshadow the role of human brain during the discovery of specific law and subject brain role ideas to be substituted by a name of theory or law which describe what happen during experimental event of discovery that theory or law. The role of a brain is by passed, which is something difficult to notice ‌hence that was denoted to a famous mathematical question in geometry on which students are often questioned to compare for congruent status of two triangles which are sharing one common side. Likewise, human body share common brain that is born with it and thereafter use it to describe itself and thereby forget the role of the brain. But if one intentionally and carefully reverse what s/he feels /thinks / conceive during the certain action carried until a law is discovered, he may have successfully traced what meaning attached to a relationship to human brain and specific law. The grouping of laws to understanding of human brain allow for complex chains to emerge as unlocking understanding of real phenomenal current universal evolution break the truth retrieved by unavoidable human brain congruent status and that is when human being begin to understand that its capacity to think , live and make decision is unlimited. That is why human living that follows after explanation of brain evolution is much smarter than the, previous generations and surrounding forces in terms of potential to utilize the surrounding universe as a tool to sustain living, which is something very rare to be done by

other living entity. This is evident with respect to an observer participant who remained under pressure and pains exalting themselves over his body. The observer participant is subjected to learn from pressure of abnormal behaviors of his body until scientific logic of meaning attached to pains is determined. In doing this the observer participant is dissecting his brain into two, so that the story of the self is told from what he is observing and also from what he think the brain attain from certain stimulus. That is evident when one looks at how an observer participant got shocking by electricity carrying components having not touched electricity carrying conductor. The case is carefully examined from existing theories until truth is revealed that something gone wrong from a time he was bitten by snake. Then you will read the whole story until you arrive at point where you observe how power is diffused to body so that human being with sound working remain to be responding scientific parameter. Question to ponder. Do one not die from hanging on cold mountains if they do not have electricity heater devices , but what hanged human living there if the environment that seem to appear as a master does not appear to take decision to serve a desperate person dying from coldness. Even the energy used for generating electricity is made available after scientific search carried by the knowledge of his mind is made successful and that exposes human brain’s ability to hide or retrieve dangerous energy forms. If then it follows that there are also complex laws mediating between different displacements of each and every specific law found attached to current universal feature. That is why the law depicting inverse relationship between light carrying energy forces and dark carrying energy forces is going to be introduced. That is where it will be mentioned why dark and light do not occupy the same space. It will be illustrated how come one found closer to light fail to see darkness yet someone found far and away from light where darkness persist sees the lightness clearly. That is an inverse relationship between two displaced scientific objects because darkness is primarily available in place where light is absent, but as soon as light switches on the darkness is not seen to the eyes of an observant closer to light. In fact people in the darkness are the ones who are not supposed to see light because it does not exist in their surroundings, yet the converse offer different response by making it more shine as observed across two discriminant relationship. Therefore it follows that darkness and lightness cannot occupy same positions and serious scientific measures needs to be taken avoid the coincidence of the two.

That will further look at strategic location of heat sources such as sun which appear far away from current earth universal feature. The converse will go to mention why presence of high energy light sources which are far dangerous to human being were left to remain retrieved on earth with a sun getting so much distanced to earth on which it must serve to provide light and energy used to survive living through for say photosynthesis. That is where it is explained that human brain is dark and cold and it does not require high heat level. But one could have seen that the inverse relationship is in the brain, even before it is found through the aid of scientific study aimed at describing relationship between human body, the surrounding environment and the current universe at large. That is a missing part of each and every scientific experiment, to explain direct relationship of human brain during the sessions undertaken to define laws and theories that offer solution to relationship between him and the surrounding universe. Young babies are born without fully grown up brains, consequently they have less ability to explain the complex relationship between their body and surrounding environment. The degrees of earning risk due to lack of knowledge of relationship between oneself, the brain and surrounding environment is high to kids because they have less capacity to reason for such argumentative information. No matter how far may this debate go, it must conclude that human being with sound functioning human brain serve to confer for a status that living is much older than the laws which are there to direct and shape the current universal operation? This is exposed by kid who is more vulnerable to her parent due to the fact that degrees of laws unto a kid are far less utilized for protection comparatively. But where were laws hidden before man evolved. The laws were always there, however they were available in form of forces that are not having utilized by human brain which has understanding if their usefulness in carrying the continued living desires forward. But why or how possible that human brain came after forces which are said to have always been there ready for being used to make laws? That is where this scientific philosophy will illustrate that laws are a product of how human brain interacted to the surrounding universal forces. Therefore the processes of interaction between human brain and the surrounding body as well as the universal environment is what gave meaning to development of laws. Laws carry scientific meaning attached to how to maintain continued living. The current universal shape and or feature are not primarily found located to be in a place where it appears to always been there, nor has it always been present to be there at all.

This scientific discourse will discuss how the basic principles carried to maintain continued living are then turned to laws to which scientist must oblige so as to maintain living with the surrounding universe. Therefore in as much one desire to do something , the surrounding universal forces need to be fully recognized so as to meet their implications in shaping the laws that will then get used to model the invention of universe to which life is sustained/ carried. One may skip the following illustration where applicable depending to his level of understanding of this scientific philosophical abstract. If the team is playing on a ground having constructed by year 2013 it does not change it status of being older whether it is in the presence or absence of niche player and or niche managers who man arched an idea of football team. However the laws operating in the football could not be re-tamed to suit the desire of modern player’s kicking and puffing styles to control of the football rules in hands of a referee, as such‌ that could destroy the idea of what football game is. Therefore it is a person who changes styles and not the football game itself. However, in an ever leveled field or playing ground, a smart player could question the trends of loss of support around the field until he realize that his team has given birth to its emerging teams that counteract original view of pro-niche team styles. That competition is continued until a habit of buying, scrapping and or redeploying different or similar strategic player is met. But what remains less constant is that football game itself, as it is sustained through laws and not directly through players. That is why players often forced to undergo a training session not only to keep them fit but also to give them professional code of conduct that will enable them to realize the laws and penalties associated with lack of discipline to respect football laws. Sometimes law turns very much bad to players with all level of discipline because a team itself cannot be sustained without competition. Likewise living is simple as a game which is initiated by human brains with an intension to entertain his living. But laws are always there to shape and direct the smooth operation of the game. The game is not played when there is no ground; therefore primary decision of living might have been the ground to which kick-off should begin. Likewise, once the goal of evolution of current universe that is accomplished by introduction of human is finished, human being

with sound functioning brain is getting released.

However that desire does not simple goes according to the will and or desire of empty minded human being but it must be associated with clear recognition of implications of what

scientific relationship exists between human brain, surrounding environment and the universe at large. If one you decide to stop from playing a game, then it does not truly reflect that the game has come to an end as there are many people who come to practice playing a game. If the player is not interested with a ground then he move to another however conditions of the ground used are more or less similar and they fully meet the standard of each and every individual football game. Then it becomes very clear that laws have been integrated not to the ground but to human brain that plan and design the erection of that specific ground. If the football sport ground has disappeared today we would have asked what happened to an expert who designed football ground while he was designing laws defining the game. Then we would realize that a game designer entered into a process of playing a football and even implemented their laws while forgetting the role that his mind was playing during the course of decision making. Therefore it is such an immense task to undertake a query aimed at discovering the role of (scientist) human brain in interacting with the surrounding environment and the universe until laws were founded while forgetting to define what role his brain played as it remained to his common understanding of what is done and also what is documented as law. Just like it is too much difficult to depict common sides in two triangles siding together to sharing one common line when dealing with congruency or similarity. But this research has successfully carried that task through studying human brain interaction to surrounding environment and current universal forces to which laws are found. This research adopted a case study of universal laws carried by scientist who drafted laws experienced in the current universal plan, as mentioned earlier. (e.g.: Isaac Newtons Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg and Byle’s Laws and Alfred Wegner) This research made use of several theories that shall help one to understand how processes carried in the geological time that are then used to depict a picture of current universal dynamism used to define time counteraction processes that reveal negative relationship between time and current universal operation. The critical study directed at understanding the time counteraction as process that fails to get integrated into laws that ‘human make and

then utilizes’ to understand how second time evolution factors such as material, distance and space -constraints defines the real phenomenal current universal operation , alteration , evolution and deformation. Central to this research is a need to describe how an observer participant arrived to a solution presenting mega theories for new universal invention. This scientific philosophical discourse argues that human brain has relationship to body and surrounding environment. The current universal laws operating to direct the current universal operation are fully integrated to human brain functioning, however the complexity of how laws are developed and get used as means to which current living is sustained in the universe goes further than an act of understanding scientific laws as a dry scientific compound for informed decision making . Then the aim of this scientific philosophical thesis is to present a study of current universal laws found operating to shape and direct the current universe with an intention of uncovering complex human relationship to the surrounding environment. The study is carried by the caution taken from understanding of how current existing laws are used to make informed decisions in current universe. In looking at current universal dynamism leading to loss of biogeography and loss of basic human sustaining resources over time, this philosophical discourse reached consensus that human are leaving in two worlds yet residing in one world (not the heaven and earth but this look at earth alone as the organism indoctrinated to hold living of human being alone ). The first world is one on which human lead by utilizing means of living available to sustain his life. The other world (second world) is one mediated by presence of laws in the current universe (e.g. force of gravity).Then laws are exposed from how human interact with surrounding environment. This scientific philosophy will expose current universal laws to be immoral to cover up human living needs over a period of time. However from understanding the stages of geological time scale for evolution, it appeared that living is becoming less sustained, and then the central question is paused as to why is current universal capacity to sustain living decrease over time. That is basic scientific information which is often supported by theorist used to explain the current dynamism on biogeographic distribution of nature and processes shaping the current universal specimen location and cases of extinction. This research was not aiming to repeat the scientific literature, however that information could serve as basic foundation underlining the fossil evidence that relationship of human brain to the surrounding environment and the universe at large go beyond understanding of laws and the surrounding environment.

This research proposes that current universal features such as earth, stars, air molecules and sun have laws attached to them. The laws are there to serve the smooth operation of the current universe to which man reside. Then in looking the laws cases study this scientific philosophy is critical of where, why and how did laws get invented. This scientific philosophical discourse has discovered that laws are external to an object (current universal features e.g. earth’s force of gravity). The scientific reviewers must get reading marker to ensure that the do not end up saying that this scientific thesis argues that it has discovered laws , as they were discovered for long period of time. What could have been use of proceeding with this scientific research if it is written base on the scientific discovery of someone else’s job? But careful reading skills will allow a reader to understand that this scientific philosophical discourse was carried through the use of existing scientific theories and laws to advance the understanding of current universal laws operating to direct the universal operation. Then it is simpler to realize that the following theories were developed out of the existing theories to understand complex factors mediating between time, raw material, distance and space constraints to and from the current universal evolution. This promises not to study laws as dry scientific compound; however it centers human brain, his body and surrounding environment, which is something rare to be discussed by birds. That simple meant that human being begins to be a proper human being as soon as he realizes relationship (more specifically his relationship) to his brain, body and the surrounding environment. This scientific philosophical thesis will then adopt current existing universal laws to advance the understanding of laws found acting to direct the current universe to which human living is sustained. Motivation of Study: It has been mentioned above that the current trends of current universal capacity to hold human living is reduced due to complex dynamisms that alter the living characteristics which were as much progressive from the beginning. This thesis is critical of an ability of current universe to get renovated to maintain continued sustained living on earth in the mist of contrasting living possibilities and the current evolutional factors observed from and across different sages in geological time. Time is found counteracting living when one considers the gradual loss of means to which leaving is sustained. This case is more sensitive to possibilities for the current existing universe to hold living, if it has started to deny resources

to meet basic human living needs such as food even before one go further to mention other demanded resources such as fuel energy and biodiversity. This research exposes that time counteract living on earth while laws continue to operate constantly in shaping and directing the current universal operation. That is how one must have arrived to a point that people are living in two universes in one universe. That is evident with respect to negative effect observed upon situation of non-sustained living experiences to our environment that result from global warming action affecting human living while leaving universal law un affected from how forces interact to each other until so called Pangaea breaks apart and that case is evident in scientific processes that is defined with respect to continental drift theory .That leaves a question of how forces interact to each other until so called Pangaea breaks apart are not affecting the universal law to be crippled or get affected to stop from operating normally is human living is crippled just by small alteration due to universal dynamism . Hence that exposes that laws carry no weight even though they are directing and shaping the current universal operation at large. From that critical stance, a genius mystery of chicken and egg was where a matter of a chicken girl could not go any further beyond understanding of origin is going to be overcome. But with a sound functioning human brain of human being on earth who termed (or even domesticated) unknown laws to be called by their names, one is capable of taking this research further through grouping of all current laws found operating in the universe and called them secondary laws. They are called secondary laws because they are human brain child whose point of origin remains unknown. It this scientific philosophical discourse slight difference is made between primary and secondary laws. The primary laws are all forms of laws found operating on the current universe by scientific understanding developed by human to explain relationship of brain interaction to surrounding universe (hint: Isaac Newton and Boyle’s Laws of Pressure , Volume and Time). Primary law refers to forces that were present in the beginning until human brain discovers them. This discourse asserts that discovery and invention of primary laws cannot take a different path from how human discover laws. People who are found in the current universe discover law through making an understanding of how human brain understands their interaction to body and the surrounding universe. If so, then even the original laws (primary laws) are a reflection and a product of how human brain evolved and interact to basic principles and rules for surviving living. Human living is meaningful as it marks the paradigm shift against the backdrop of first time or phase period at which possibilities were that human being may evolve as a wonderful thing with brain which

shall grow to understand relationship to it, the body and the surrounding universe at large . If so then latest version could be used to define human living as a product of how brain interact with it immediate body , the surrounding universe and forces available in the universe . Human being is not external to evolution as forces through which the primary laws are developed are part and parcel of basic rule mediating how he maintain continued living within the environment to which he is also evolved. That is why the time is valued in this scientific abstract as one need to consider time at which universal forces were already evolved before the presence of master who shall then determine how they mediate upon his continued living until laws were born. That simple means that time is much older that the human brain evolution, no matter if it does not realize to configure out what reasonably processes took place on itself. But time is a good independent factor to which one can rely so as to reveal/determine factors behind the current dilemmas of dramatically reduced universal capacity to maintain continued living of human on earth surface. Then there is a second time phase period that marked evolution of

human with respect to development of sound

functioning brain that interacted with the surrounding environment through practical experiences that enabled the brain to gain ability to reckon determine and reason. Therefore laws are external to current universal objects as they are known through how human being has domesticated their implications in the universe. The laws and or forces never write to document and or came to talk to human being of a scientific phenomenal abstract of how they operate. It is a human being who has always remained to be an observer participant to determine and explain how laws shape and direct the current universal operation(hint: Isaac Newton’s and Boyle’s laws). However, normal human brain must have stage of evolution with the universe and that take place in the current universe where a human with the simple human body architect appear to reflecting forces of his man architect and relationship carried to integrate the current universal forces to which a man is expected to oblige to scientifically defined law so as to live continuously until death come. The current universal living is as simple as a cup of tea and source tray prepared for one to enjoy those refreshments. That is why second time marks a period to which brain co-exist with the forces until human being evolved to reason over the relationship to his brain, the body and universal environment.

As soon as he realized that relationship he would have successfully

manipulated science to realize why first time is superseded by the second time evolutionary processes. First time refers to periodic time phase of evolution to which universal forces were available with no sound brain present to manipulate them for desired living. From second

time point of view sound functioning human brain begin to be recognized as the one for human brain as soon as one realize the relationship he has to the surrounding environment and current surrounding universal forces at large. In a sense the current universe exposes itself to be younger than human brain through letting the time counteracting forces (e.g. extinction) to overthrow living carried in it. Law is subscribing to an idea given to carry, just like you can possess a cellphone with or without airtime yet it cannot miscall you with no any external scientific expert intervention having directly or indirectly involved in setting and controlling for that random procedure. This thesis is written to reason scientific meaning attached to living counteracted by time and it does no Holy Ghosts of some kind. It is quite impossible that some kind of human brain is always there and that could be a very poor scientific philosophical scholarship. There is nothing that has always been there. The forces that existed before human brain are in passive form as there is no person who has fully developed a brain with ability to develop scientific laws from basic rules earned from experience of how one survives living. Desires of current universal creation are reflection of human brain desire; however there are less chances of miracle and or hands of tons in development of universe so that it becomes a seven days process of evolution. This research began by highlighting these few things so as to make clear argumentative scientific logic from theories that have been developed to present solutions to current universe dilemmas for loss of current universe capacity to hold living more specifically on the earth surface where human are found. In this scientific philosophy argument there is no hard and fast rule that shall need readers to realize specific difference between primary law and secondary law; however acknowledgement of slight difference between the two terms (first time and second time) developed out of realizing laws improves understanding of mega-theory of universal law. This scientific research only emerged just to find solutions to current dilemmas of continued trends of losing capacity to live over time due to dynamism incurred to current universal evolution. However, it is also discovered that serious damages could have taken should a careful study of (law and time dynamism) laws found acting to direct and shape operation of the current universe never carried to these extreme rules. The study is carried through current existing universal laws with an intension to advance understanding of outcome based scientific research carried from laws discovered by ancient scientist in our normal world. Successful study of those laws helps one to determine how time counteracts human brain and current universal evolution. That left a caution that serious scientific measures need to be taken so as to ensure that time ahead of current universal invention

(modeling) is prevented from counteracting the current universal living. There are strong scientific proofs derived from normal world universal object operation serving to reveal that if time is not being prevented from counteracting the current universe, it may eventually counteract laws and eventually lead to serious destruction of the orderly functioning universe. Since careful study revealed that universal evolution is product of human brain interaction to surrounding environment, therefore even laws cannot help to sustain for themselves over a period of time in the mist of first time that present time as a factor that counteract continued living of the current universe (time counteraction). An act of distancing oneself to processes and subject carried to define meaning carried by the mega- theory of all primary and secondary law invention could leave one seriously injured by an unplanned approaching dead line of human living induced by time counteracting processes. The time is trying to show that it is too much older than the idea of human brain and the fact that it counteracts living clearly exposes current existing universe as a model design of human brain. But before solutions were presented a point was paused concerning how possible it is that human being with sound working brain could define laws that direct and shape current existing universal operation, and then all of a sudden the same laws fail completely to handle human living needs on earth. The science logic of understanding of current existing universal laws revealed them as powerful through how they remained constant in carrying task of shaping the operation and integration of overall universal operation. That is widely shared scientific belief is however it is not absolutely true. This scientific discourse has discovered that laws acting to redirect the current existing universe are external to them . The laws are not powerful but they are carrying power due to the fact that they were converted as forces to be used for carrying task of driving the system to which living is earned from current universe. Therefore power source is human brain which initiates the process of how laws should operate. Since the forces cannot help to set up for themselves so that laws are developed , unless there is presence of brain , then it follows that laws are developed from brain understanding of basic rules of what is relationship that allow human brain to survive within its body, surrounding environment and universe at large. That means that universal laws are product of basic rules earned from experience of interaction with surrounding universe. That understanding should remain a very powerful property to be used in decision making whether concerning the desires of extending human living to the current exiting universe .Therefore the primary and secondary laws in question are developed through systematic understanding of principles and basic rules that one must oblige to so as to be able to carry scientific desires ahead. A failure

to comply with one in millions of laws could bring serious damage to the whole system within a short period of time (perhaps even just a minute could have been very much greater than anonymous mickey mouse of misinterpreting the laws). That is why current universal laws need to be understood by human being with sound functioning brain and also a person who earn living on the universe which is driven by understanding of scientific laws. That scientific statement brought this research at highest level professional understanding of how the real phenomenal universe that came to be counteracted by time could be interpreted from human brain understanding of primary and secondary laws so as to determine solutions to current universal dilemmas. Indeed solutions were eventually met and they are going to be discussed with respect to three key theories having been discovered in this scientific philosophical abstract. From that the research will then proceed to explain what are time constraints, material, space and distance constraints for current and future universal invention. Three main theoretical solutions are presented in explaining scientific problems behind overcoming Anthropocene: a) Mega-theory of all primary and all secondary law b) The ruling and Developing Theory c) Die Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory As soon as one come to realize each and every constraint, it is very much possible for him to understand how the processes for second round universal evolution processes are expected to take place. The processes of proposed universal invention are going to be explained with the use of mega theories of new universal evolution. Those theories did not just get imposed but they are developed from understanding of current laws that act to direct the operation of the current universe. This study will benefits with invention of new universal laws used to define how the processes of proposed universal invention are going to take place with respect to the use of knowledge sustained through understanding of relationship that is evident

from basic

scientific rules that is often used to depict the relationship between human brain, its body and surrounding environment. In this research, knowing the fact there is a *presence of universal forces to which universal laws are primarily developed is a golden rule. The scientific

knowledge sustained from past and present through effort of current universal scholars and laws or theories they developed are used directly to estimate how far the current universal evolution process are below and ahead of estimated time that human living found on earth could be lived . However through understanding for basic rules through which the current universal laws were domesticated is quintessential scientific element used to re-defining unconditional and conditional threats to human living. This research will go ahead to present new universal laws that are re-defined from current existing universal laws to express how the second round universal evolution is taking place. The second round universal evolution does not refer to current exiting universe , however it refers to scientific processes

of yet

another universal invention that is going to take place to unfold from understanding of basic rules and principles adopted in shaping and directing how the current existing universe where human living is sustained (were formed). The observer participant who undertook this research documented this scientific research with a vision of imparting knowledge to current and future universe that will witness the presence of more than one universe to which living will be sustained as a product of human brain’s ability to integrate to the surrounding body and the universal forces at large. The solutions that are going to be presented to this scientific discourse are not just scientific fiction but they are a real phenomenal resolution depicting a picture of how successfully the current universe has been used together with scientific laws to rule and develop the earth surface features to which the true human brain is found interacting to the body and surrounding environment where practical experience of push and pull factors for adopting the secondary and primary laws to bring about integration of universal forces to human brain is carried out with an intention of inventing the new universe. That process is carried through the use of the very same human brain with an intention of inventing new universe where human living specimen similar to ones found inhabiting the current universe called earth are displayed /created. This research has achieved the status of being capable of revealing how basic rules used by human for carrying their daily activities in informing wise decision making are then adopted to be used as powerful laws mediating relationship of human brain, body and the surrounding universe. From such experience one would come to understand how primary laws and secondary laws integrated to human body turns him into a powerful and active engine that will have capacity to respond from scientific expressions that respond to well integrated laws that were also used to invent current universe and thereby help to recycle scientific parameters of human brain with power and intellectual capacity. The

successful integration of laws to human body with sound functioning brain transformed him to remain as an active scientific tool that understand the human living needs to the goals and visions for maintaining continued human life that must be carried to a real world in the naked eyes of man . Then it will be illustrated that laws are not powerful than human brain which/who is a master of perfection over living due to his ability to use his brain to reason the meaning attached to his presence to his body and surrounding environment.

Key objectives and outcomes of this scientific philosophy In these scientific research readers are expected to have arrived to a point where they understand how the human brain and his body are turned into a scientific apparatus that give responding scientific results from geometric expressions expressed within the multipurpose hyperbola. That is where one needs to pay attention on how the English Queen flower influenced development of powerful man to whom the primary and secondary laws are forced to be integrated so as to convert him into a human being with more sound functioning brain that shall be used to prepare for development of proposed multipurpose hyperbola. The multipurpose hyperbolic theory will appear as powerful concept to which processes carried all the way to invention of new universe in addition to current existing that will be invented through the use of multipurpose hyperbola. The scientific stages that took place all the way from cradle to grave of scientific apparatus used to bring about formation of multipurpose hyperbola are going to be illustrated with use of carried with geometric and algebraic expressions. In this way, the use of multipurpose hyperbola is going to allow for instant results aimed at producing proposed universal features similar to current available earth to which human could live. But that law cannot be understood if one has no clear picture of what coherence relationship exist across three main theories that are going to be used to present solutions to current dilemmas of loss of human living in the current universe as a result of time counteraction. Therefore time constraints are going to be discussed within respect to each and every mega theory of new universal invention. But there is a clearer outline that begin after history of the evolution of this scientific philosophical discourse which will further illustrate how time , distance , space and material constraints came to interplay with primary and secondary laws to which new universal invention processes and solutions are *invested. In reading this scientific philosophical abstract cautions need to be

taken from differentiating between first and second time evolution as outlined above. That will help a reader to grasp concepts used to outline what time counteraction is. In the overall focus of reading this scientific philosophical discourse it must be born in mind that one is dealing with question of overcoming the Anthropocene which refers to the general trend of overall increased human activities and processes including socio-economic activities and emissions that produce negative outcome to capacity of current universe to continue to flourish living forever. As such Antropocene presents unplanned evolution stage that is largely experienced by living organism who resides in the earth surface. That process seems to illustrate that the balanced interaction across various universal sphere is lost due to dynamism that sought to alter the current forces operating to living. That is where one would pick up what second time and first time evolution. The main aim is to expose the fact that time counteract organic living due to relative paradigm shift that is taking place during human brain evolution era in contrast to stage to which forces were available without human involved in directing how they are going to be used. Brief Outline of Individual Theoretical Discourse: This theoretical discourse presents a case study of scientific philosophy of new universal invention that is going to take place through the use of primary and secondary laws. The primary and secondary laws are found operating to direct the operation of the current universe. Those laws are reflected with respect to numerous scientific laws which define the current universal laws acting upon the universe. This case study adopted Isaac Newton’s law of forces that act to direct the smooth operation of universal motion. That served a point of departure to outline the fact that every universal feature (object) has law attached on it. That law help to direct the smooth operation of the current universe at large. The adoption of various current universal theories help us to realise that there is presence of primary and secondary laws acting to direct the operation of the universe. The Theory of Primary and Secondary laws developed further where it is going to be used to explain distinction between primary law and secondary law, first time and second time and distance and raw material counteractions. The primary law resides on the scientific belief that laws (secondary laws) are primarily external to an object (the universal features). Power cannot be defined from an object structural and physical outlook but power could be defined from law perspective. This law situate human brain is source of power, as it derives the definition of law from an ability of a brain to realise the relationship between itself and the surrounding environment. This law

also assert that, human brain has not been always there, but it earns recognition as soon as he realise the relationship he has to the surrounding environment. That law seek to impose a meaning that laws were developed, however the non-use forces were already there time ahead before human brain evolution. The human brain develops after there has been interaction between human and the surrounding environmental forces which are then used to determine the continued living relationship. The laws are developed out of the obligatory relationship that exists during time at which human learnt basic rules and cautions of surviving living in the surrounding environment. That is said to advance brain development. That theory asserts that universal evolution is a plan and vision of human brain that developed out of how he maintained continued living with the surrounding forces. The knowledge earned out of practice enabled human brain to develop an ability to reckon, determine and reason before decision is taken. Therefore the physical outlook of the current universal object reflects the relationship that human brain must have with surrounding environment. The development of human brain marks the second time evolution, because there could have been a time a before his living on which forces evolved. This scientific discourse is critical of current universal trends for continued loss of biodiversity and global warming. This scientific philosophical discourse has seen that there are continued time counteraction processes that resist the continued living on the current universe. This scientific discourse responds by saying that the current trends for loss of current universe capacity to sustain living on earth reveal that human living is independent of laws that direct the operation of the current universe. The word current universe is holistic as it refers to all universal features including the visible and invisible ones. For example, earth, stars, sun and trees are termed as visible universal features while air molecule and gases are termed as invisible universal features. This research make use of several scientific theories to illustrate how laws maintain the smooth operation of the current universe through the use of universal laws (e.g.: Boyle's Law; Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg and Isaac Newton’s Laws) The scientific discourse is further developed to present solutions to current human induced problems of loss of the current universe capacity to maintain continued living on earth. The adoption of primary and secondary law case scenario this scientific discourse was capable of realising that human are experiencing problem of acquiring continued sustained living on earth because they are living on two universe in one. There is a universe that is directed by the presence of laws which act constantly to direct the smooth interaction between living and

universe, where universal laws continue to ensure that current universal law continue to maintain the universal law to direct and shape the operation of the whole universe. The second one is the one on which human, flora and fauna found them situated in the earth surface where they have to strive to survive living over time. That point blamed time for being directly responsible for counteraction living. The scientific discourse moved ahead where it discusses why does time counteract living yet it does not counteract laws that work to direct the universal operation. That is where it would be revealed that time counteract human brain which is younger than the forces which existed time ago before human brain evolved. In a sense the time is trying to show us that there is a paradigm shift between first and second time evolution processes. The second time processes is mediated by the presence of brain which grew visions that are carried through realising the obligational rules that exist between human and his surrounding environment. This scientific philosophical discourse argues that the act of time counteraction are far more less than the time could also begin to counteract laws which are used to shape and direct the current universal operation. That simple indicate that human with sound working brain need to critically engage with current universal laws so as to determine solutions that need to be taken so as to reduce time counteraction processes as soon as possible. If human being with a sound brain does not take initiative to reduce time counteraction processes tomorrow could be a darker day forever and ever. This theoretical discourse proceeded ahead on which it adopted universal laws to determine solutions to time that counteract continued living on earth. That is where it would be explained that time is exposing that human brain is responsible for universal law creation , therefore universal law does not sustain itself. Even though mediating upon controlling time from counteraction universal living is impossible, however it is possible to control laws as long as they are a product of human brain which evolved through realising the relationship of human and the surrounding universe. After looking at promulgated time at which processes of current universal evolution took to develop and evolve until human, fauna and flora living was introduced this scientific thesis

saw that current universe took complex path towards

maturation. This research makes use of geological time scale materials to look at possibilities of human brain to survive living over period of time. Then it pointed out that prior to human evolution the universe could not accommodate human living because the earth surface could not have developed gases and weather environmental factors conducive for human living. That information is enriched with wide range of information available concerning the

evolution processes from Precambrian to Quaternary stage. (See/browse online articles). That is where it was much more clearer that time has serious implications upon processes that hindering the procession of living processes to move ahead. The point in question marked a turnaround moment in history, because one could realise that time is independent factor to living. Human living is shaped and directed by laws which reflect the visions of a master. However no matter how much does time counteract the master, it does not prevent the scientist from continuing to use laws to maintain continued leaving. However if the human brain is not conscious of time hidden implication upon living on earth, serious catastrophe could take place. That point simple indicate that serious measures need to be taken before time counteraction processes overcome the ability of human mind to revitalise the laws and universe to which man’s living must be earned. The solution was earned directly through realising the meaning attached to primary and secondary laws. The laws are not entirely permanent, yet they continue to shape and direct the constant operation of the current universe. The laws must be fully integrated to human being with a sound working brain. Firstly human being is born on earth where he earns a living. That human being has far deep relationship to his surrounding environment as he is part and parcel of parent rock material which operates on laws. That makes him to be capable of developing responding scientific measures most of which make him to comply to surrounding environment. For example he realise not to touchÊ hot fire and bare electricity carrying conductor. That relationship does not only reveal that human being has relationship to surrounding environment but it also exposes the fact that laws used to create universe are termed so as to define the living desires of man. Likewise, laws could be fully diffused into a single body of human being while he is living on earth. That makes him a scientific apparatus to which expressions aimed at observing the current universal operation status proceed. But because human brain is generally smart, ruling and developing of the current universal features could be made possible through the use of scientific expressions carried to project the earth surface features using geometric figures. That is a process where, scientific expressions are paused to yield instant results aimed at bringing about creation of new universe. It is quiet impossible for the process to be carried by someone while he is standing on earth surface. That is because the result earned from geometric science expressions could release proposed geometric features on top of the already existing current universal features. Those current universal features have got laws attached to mediate their smooth operation. The newly released geometric features on top of the already existing ones could cause serious

clash and possible destroy the current existing universe. This law is developed with an attention of understanding whether the very same human brain living on earth could be used in a process of recycling the primary and secondary laws so as to bring about invention of another universe. We have found that it is always possible only and only if the process if carried by the use of laws which were used to invent the very same current universe. Our science abstract is very sensitive to precautions that need to be taken prior to the ruling and development of the earth surface features. Therefore, the Theory of Ruling and Developing which states that current universal features can be projected by the use of human with a sound brain to develop proposed universe has its major limitations on top of time. That is why that theory was advanced so as to accommodate time, distance (space) and raw material constraints within itself. The Theory of Ruling and Developing of the current universe was then advanced to be able to establish limitations of scientific human apparatus as means through which laws are used to create proposed universe, other than just an existing universe. The Theory of Ruling and Developing argues that one cannot rule and develop from current universe where earth surface features are found if he does not touches the two universes side by side. That theory saw that there is a need for using the primary and secondary laws in ruling and developing of the earth surface features with respect of human being who is used as a scientific apparatus, however distance (space) offer serious limitations as projected results would clash to existing current universal features. That is why the theory would eventually develop to argue that one cannot develop across two universes including the current existing universe and the proposed universe if he has no direct contact to either of the two universes. That is why human being with sound brain is going to be subjected to grow on earth as a scientific parameter to which laws are integrated / diffused so as to prepare him to yield responding scientific responds used during the projection of the earth surface features. This theory captures the first coming of Christ as a serious measure adopted by the master to prepare for a scientific apparatus to be used for ruling and developing of earth surface features. It saw that there are scientific limitations for using a person who is not earning a living on earth surface getting used for a development of responding scientific parameters. Therefore another scientific parameter must be developed. However, there is a lack of consensus to rule and develop the earth surface features out of person with no understanding of his relationship to surrounding environment. That means that the person to be used for such process need to remain as an observer participant. That is where this scientific discourse captures the real phenomenal scientific

processes of ruling and developing of earth surface features. That is where the observer participant is found using the Theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola in explaining processes involved during the ruling and developing of the earth surface features. The Multipurpose Hyperbola argues that scientific apparatus is used during the ruling and developing of earth surface feature. There are prophase stages of development of multipurpose hyperbola, where a man assimilate to a body of a cow and collide to head of Christ. That process is followed by development of parabola, then the hyperbola and conic section. After that process series of lines that appear as directrix and generatrix complete the process of completion of conic projection sessions. That is where one will gain farther explanation of what nippe cones are and why are they going to split apart. The processes in question are what gave rise to multipurpose hyperbolic theory that is said to explain the use of ruling and developing laws in bringing about the responding scientific figures that used for development of new universe. Brielfy, nippa develop as two lines that dissect curvature of conic section to join hyperbolic curve in the apex. That is followed by development of desires of contour interval like lines which link to straight lines that join the cone-curve into a complete curve. Once that process is nippa curves snap apart with the upper curve ascend up and the lower curve left to the observer participant. That simple reveal that scientific expressions are going to be used to rule and develop earth surface features to the ascended nippa cone, however, the ground truth must be forged from the scientific apparatus. That means that all processes rely on living human being. The successful ruling and developing of earth surface features through the use of scientific apparatus would guarantee the instant result of proposed universal features getting released on the empty vacuum that is kept far distance from earth. That could have reduced potential catastrophe to be caused by a clash of forces across different geometric figures. The newly designed objects are expected to have active forces because the primary and secondary law is said to be diffused even before human with sound working brain is used / ready for performing processes of proposed universal invention that take place in the multipurpose hyperbola. If one found it difficult to understand this theory along the way, be advised to read from conclusion (memorandum) that is attached at the end of this scientific philosophical abstract. Questions serving to guide reader with effort to understand objective / main theme of this scientific discourse (which is to overcome Antropocene) would also be provided there. In this abstract the reader is expected to understand meaning attached by laws, their ability to carry given task and time counteraction. The readers must also grasp what is meant by first and second time universal evolution. It is believed that understanding of the three main important factors will lead one to realize how does time, space, distance and

material constraints came to interplay with solutions adopted. All of these questions are given attention in the conclusive memorandum section.

History of Development of Mega Theory of New Universal Invention This is a scientific philosophical abstract on which three (3) ‘mega-theories for new universal creation’ is defined with respect to observer participant critical analysis of how the current universal laws operate upon the real phenomenal objects to which human living is sustained. This theory is developed by a university student through looking at various scientific theories developed by ancient time scientist in explaining the various laws and behaviours mediating upon the current universal operation. This theoretical discourse makes use of universal laws having developed by Isaac Newton such as the ones concerning the force of interaction between objects. That young man is so critical of theoretical fallacy for primary origin of universal laws including their main purpose. As he grew up he is exposed to a living environment which offers critical environmental lessons concerning universal evolution. At university a young man is exposed to wide range of information concerning the dynamics of the status quo universal life, where he found himself ashamed of the need for sustaining human life on which processes shaping man evolution and human resource consumption seem to fail to accommodate the overall living human needs. The theory for earth evolution is coupled to biogeographic process for distribution of various species across the universe so that further advancement to understanding of serious predicament seeping beneath advanced laws and current solutions offered as means to overcome current problems of poverty, resource scarcity, global warming and climate change and current universal ‘deformation’ at large. Having groomed by various professional academic university philosophers and scientist including senior environmental management lectures, technical scientist within geographic informative system (GIS) and economists within economic history, development studies and community development, a young man to whom this philosophy is foretold grew exaggerated philosophical mind that made him aware of the fact that the current available life is not origin to itself but there are complex chains of critical factors underlying human evolution that work out to develop the primary laws and secondary laws to which the current universe was designed and or modelled. The young man assert that there are possibilities that second round universal evolution should take place , however that could begin as soon as man understand the relative between human brain and the surrounding environment. That man attested that the universal living together with all natural resources including flora and

flora cannot help human life to ‘live and let leave’ if it has no sound human brain with characteristics of foremost original human brain who evolved first to everything. He highlighted that human life need to be understood from primary law perspective so as to understand the source of power. From that, he added that physical outlook of an object does not merely convey a message that it is powerful but power could be understood from law development perspective. That is why this book is going to give theoretical approaches used to discover how the primary laws are used to design universal laws to which the current universe operates. However, it is clearly realised that the solution is to share resources equitable, which is a wide shared multinational vision. A young man arrived at a stage where he realised that, living on earth has started to offer complex challenges upon human living due to relative increased population and complex chains of pattern of use of resources. Therefore a young man saw a very prestige opportunity to use university resource available as means of conducting a research to which he question the necessity of living on earth , whereas expletives to which life is sustained are disappearing. The main question was the one concerning why/how human come to adopt lives which are having no scientific presupposition to support and give them power to attain living over dynamic forces to be evident in future due to general and man-made changes on earth. The drive for carrying that query is initiated by a black Nigerian woman who took a visit in South Africa during the Copenhagen Summit of year 2010. That woman was interviewed by a journalist on what views and emotions she reserves on climate change. From her professional approach, a young man drew a conclusion that the united nations are converging to South Africa to resolve issues around irreversible environmental problems caused by nature dynamism and changes on real life experience which are initiated by forces operating within and around the earth surface. He drew conclusion that the current universe to which living is sustained has no dust bin or room for renovation and that impose stress upon human living as the current universe serve as the only place to which life can be sustained. He end up carrying two contrasting views with the one question whether the earth has no senses or feelings to patronise with continued poverty and environmental damages limiting the continued human living. The second one was the one concerning whether human invasion on earth was a mistake, if not why does such an immoral irreversible situation of loss of biodiversity and universal depletion takes place. The question that rose out of two previous queries was the one concerning if human life and universe were meant to be married right from the evolution. Thereafter the question was paused as to what married human life to such

an immoral earth. The central focus was to gain solutions from poverty and environmental problems induced by global warming; however further to that, the major central focus was to explore solution on how the current living is carried to future generations. That question was derived from knowing the fact that current living on the current universe owes something from the past, present and future generations. However, it make no sense to point out that current human living / current living can owe something to future generations , because it has not been seen nor do those living entities realise of the debt skewed upon their lives due to presence of their previous generations. But the main concern is to realise that life offers no chance to live and die, but those who leave (to die) extend their living to their offspring, therefore central to previous sentences is unavoidable demand for continued living. But because human living on earth is sustained through the limited resources , people concerned with living on earth must develop professional manners that will enforce them to abide themselves with rules and doctrines that will maintain the continued smooth living which ensures that the current resources available to support human life is also made available to future generations. (Brundtland Commission: 1987). These are clear solutions from scientific recognition of continued environmental predicament, however it is not always the main point that current patterns of human resource consumption are disastrous to our environment, there are numerous cases which have took place right from flora and fauna evolution until this day on which science is used to derive the exact time which /when (?) our universe began to lose its fauna and flora. In that case on may recall of dinosaur extinction which has been followed by series of similar cases where flora and fauna biodiversity is getting extinct/disappear completely in the universe. Whatever caused the death of the dinosaurs also caused the death of about 70% of all of the species on the Earth .Why is it not a time serial scenery case that the earth which is the foremost old to life begin to extinct even before flora and fauna biodiversity get disappear. This question critically exposes strength and weakness of human, animal and plant life over physical universal life which known as universal planets. So how did such immoral living is earned is achieved right from the beginning if human brain cannot rise above its monstrous forces. Our living is a lie if the forces surrounding us overcome the man’s intellectual capacity but if man’s brain intellectual capacity to think goes further than an act of circulating around the sun our lives is far more capable. This theory is going to achieve this status of being capable to prove that our live are far more capable and they go far more that a task of primary and secondary law because human has brain which has been capable to realise that he is surrounded by the universal forces that control the functioning of the environment and universe at large. Then it became clear that time counteracts living

elements more than the physical elements to which universal human resource needs are found. Biodiversity extinction is just the beginning of all potential trouble that might happen and not the end because by not realising the primary law operation upon more in-depth serious problems of life time extinction are always possible. Those are the ones which relate to the fact that the physical objects are powerless no matter how big or small they look except that the source of power is in human’ brain . Therefore more than what extinction can do, the total end of universal operation could also happen to take place and result in genocide. That simple revealed that laws are partially constant and negative outcome to the continued sustained living revealed through dynamism over the interaction of universal force that mediate the smooth operation of the universe at large were just pure indicative that an object is not a real complete universal power supporter on itself. As such one could conclude that human being have been so serious about their living concerns with respect to their universal surrounding which offers no chance to escape universe without scientific understanding of human living components attached on earth surface. That is why astronomers grew intelligent mind that made them to realise that life off the earth surface offer no chance to survive if complex universal forces of life are not realised in human brain who serve as main controller for decision taken upon navigating across various points of the universe. Take for example the universal law of molecule interaction that allow lighter air molecules to sit on top of heavier air molecules, that laws has been working all the way back to the gas evolution until it is discovered by man. One may even imagine potential human disaster that might have taken place if man does not fully realise the relationship between his weight and the ground. Thus an enormous dream of a pilot flying off to space needs to be modelled scientifically even before he set off to the moon. But if wonders of man coming from the moon tell us that no human life exist outside, would you have not worried of why do you see the moon or meaning attached to its presence. Indeed that is good characters of a professional intellectual human brain which is always looking to grow forward and unfold hidden knowledge upon forces operating to mediate operation of the universe at large. That is when one begins to realise that specific location of various universal features such as the moon, sun and earth across various spatial distribution attach a certain meaning to human living even before they attach meaning to relationship among the universal objects. But why was it a case that as soon as human induced industrial activities carried to maintain human living through burning of retrieved fossil fuels followed by the depletion of ozone layer. Or is it a mistake that human adopted science which enables them to make use of retrieved energy sources and result emit pollution gases due to interaction of ozone layer to those gases produced from

earth surface. But if those human activities across industrial areas are not taking place, human living would be difficult because non-scientific systems carried to sustain human living oppressed human power whereas science and technology makes life easier. Then it became very clear that it not human an industrial force that counteracts our living but it is time and that counteracts universal to the universal evolution due to complex processes which are derived to sustain human living. That complex processes can happen coincidentally and strategically, meaning they could be carried by the natural dynamism of complex interaction between natural universal forces and also through and over interaction of man to the universe. Therefore the global warming became an obvious method to which man can observe gradual loss of life supporting universal systems, however changes and dynamics carried all the way to environmental changes and biodiversity loss are time constraint factors which need to be examined from primary and secondary law perspective. Therefore the evidences that are pointing to the fact that the primary and secondary laws need to be questioned across different angles so as to discover the fact about where are process of evolution trapped human evolution history are not the fluke results. That is a very heavy task which requires a person with sound human brain whose memory has to develop capability to link the past and present universal patterns of how universe has evolved, changed and transformed, and thereby draw a compose mentis argument of how such universal dynamism will affect the future living systems under the current and or possible future living universe. Similar case studies have been done with respect to continental drift theory, earth evolution theory and nature of universal forces on which scientist look at cases of ozone depletion, rise of surface temperature, gradual loss of massive ice glacier and loss of biodiversity and complex forces mediating relationship across various features found in the universe. (See: Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Alfred Wegener and IPCC) Those are obvious cases on which man can observe things by drawing arguments from scientific sources and thereby respond by signalling a call for urgent short immediate basic solutions to which universal problems concerning things like climate change, loss of biodiversity and energy are prioritised within the discussion aimed at exploring resolution to the current failures of universal forces to sustain continued human, flora and fauna living on earth surface. However, in resolving those problems, the central focus is lost along the way, because the laws have been discovered to be responsible for mediating and redirecting the operation of universal forces are left out of solution discussions. If the laws are happened to be used they are just utilised as second hand information which shall prove the interaction of forces until a certain negative effect stimulus results, yet the central focus of how the laws have participated in an in-depth form to bring

about disaster is omitted. Why do researchers do that, the response is very simple, they are afraid of undertaking queries that removes a big stone to act as marvellous powerful somebody who has been created by a marvellous man called God. In doing so they enter into an immoral relationship with nature whereby they found themselves waiting for miraculous somebody to respond over their dilemmas, but if these are scientific dilemmas why do they begin by questioning the science possibilities across various angles and thereby refer their crisis to their master. That is serious slow mental utility within the universe at large, which came to exclude man from taking part from processes of universal and human life evolution having unfolded within a master who extended living upon human being on earth with a hope that he is ploughing a seed that shall proceed to extend universal evolution after having made aware of forces surrounding the universe to which he is living. But from knowing that fact, one could realise that it is not just a matter so called reckless human consumption that brings human, flora and fauna lives to extinction but the quiet convincing problem is the one which concerns the matter of time which counteracts the overall universal evolution. Then the fact is drawn from careful consideration of universal force operation that ‘laws operating upon the universe are external to the universal features’. The universal features in question are the ones which serve as objects to which human life is sustained such as Earth. The universe at large is composed of many other features including stars, the sun, moon, Venus and earth etc. The visual pupil may as grasp this theory very well with respect to online spatial map illustration. Those central solutions discussed with respect to global warming and climate change problems are just a downside mitigate measures which will only heal the symptoms.

It is the primary laws that are used to bring about the invention and designing of the universal features to which life is sustained. Therefore, the feature became something as soon as the laws were getting ready to be used to bring about invention of the universal objects. Therefore it is the master’s mind who invented laws ‘which’ must be questioned if the solutions concerning problems that the designed and modelled universal structure is giving. It might be wise to think of a question such as the one querying how do human living on earth reaches the unknown/master because he is said to set on high where human vision is said to be limited, yet some people do not reside on an idea if such master exists at all. Approach Adopted:

Take a previous critical stance (connection to a master of laws invention) as a matter of fact that you do also realise the universal law operating to direct universe with respect to ancient scientist effort who undertook research which led to uncovering of the presence of these very same forces which act as universal laws. As a matter of fact no one of us physically and spiritually touches or sees Isaac Newton and Dmitri Mendeleev, yet their laws still works so much perfect to influence our scientific decision. But one needs to ask a cautious question ‘whether the laws having been discovered began to operates through and or within the *time at which they were discovered by man on earth’. The answer to that question is a very big capital letter NO. Therefore, we can question the brain of the master, needles to see or observe him because we are in the process of evolution which offer us enough chance to observe the real life and universal phenomenal dynamism while we are earning living on earth, a place where universal forces acting to direct the universal operation influences us side by side and time after time. Therefore the current available scientific forces and laws having discovered by man are hiding smart solutions towards uncovering the secretes behind the relationship between human brain and the (his) surrounding universe. Just like the laws could not help to set up right from the beginning, the truthful converse follows that they cannot also work out to help the current human being under the current universe so that the universal evolution processes are carried forward. Therefore it is human with sound brain that shall need to oblige to the current universal operation so as to unlock the processes of universal evolution to go ahead. By this one could clearly understand that the evolution began with the master of laws, however the process itself has no end, and it shall continue to take place on and on. If we are defying the smart vision of questioning the master’s laws and pretend to be super holy joyous specimen yet at the same time persisting to earn our living sustained through realising the cautions of surviving life from scientific knowledge derived from scientists who mastered plans depicting the science implications of hidden forces which have been there for much pronounced period of time, then we are not living according to the current universal evolution procedure that follow after man inventive planning rather than miraculous planning(hint: primary law(s) ,secondary law(s) and their master(s)). The miraculous converse is not always true but the time which offers little chance for gaining permanent access to basic immediate living needs, in the current universe in which there has been increased population (problems), and on which people are competing for limited resources available simple exposed the universal modelling as an anathema of human brain model that counts back from its modelling. Therefore the careful study questioning the real meaning that time and universal creation offer to human living will enable us to unlock the

secrecy bill behind slow progress of universal evolution with continued anti living dilemmas that subject our living to come to an end. Therefore the main objective of this study is to uncover the truth behind evolution of primary laws and secondary laws which direct the operation of the current universe to which human life is sustained so as to determine the limitations of human brain visions towards carrying the evolution processes ahead. In doing that this this research adopted the scientific theoretical discourses having been discovered by scientist who lived in the current universe and thereby earn that prestige of being capable of observing the complex universal forces which shape and direct the universal operation. From their expert scientific knowledge we are developing the philosophy which aim at yielding response from how the human brain interacts to the surrounding universe and thereby revealing the hideous relationships deeply engraved between human brain , the laws acting to redirect the current universal operation and their master(s). This research uses an observer participant approach in which we look at human brain interaction with his surrounding environment on which forces acting to redirect universe also influence human decision making while he is earning a sound living on earth. The ancient scientific theories are going to be developed out of the already existing scientific theory so as to depict path and proper procedures that need to be followed by man living on earth if a goal of unlocking the processes of universal evolution to continue to take place. Therefore the research shall make use of the primary laws and secondary laws in explaining how the human brain is integrated to the universal evolution and surrounding environment where he resides.

Our natural

environmental present complex dynamism which shaped the very same human resource evolution used to carry the continued survival of human, flora and fauna. Therefore, if we are serious about exploring solutions from current living dilemmas carried through the current universe that has has failed to maintain balance of equitable sharing of resource to living specimen available in the universe at large, with continued alteration of environment and loss of diversity within the universe where there used to be enormous supply of living specimen on earth, we should be looking at what has been changed over time. That means that we are questioning the meaning that the universal evolution processes attached to time and livingness. Therefore, time is going to be treated as the most important factor as it limits everything to come to an end; however the laws are going to earn a priority of attention from being used as model guideline which questions the real phenomenal drive for existence of living and universal evolution at large. The readers are advised not to lose focus on what time and universal evolution entails upon our living, but importantly readers

are highly advised to stick to laws as they are used as main objective for cause of current living getting married to current universe to which man and other living entity reside. It shall be remembered that the use of word master of invention refer to human brain with imagination capability which is said to have offered a dream of universal evolution to come true. The laws cannot help to set off from themselves right from the beginning, just like Dmitri Mendeleev and Isaac Newton were not told by the universe if there is presence of universal laws that have discovered. That is why this scientific philosophical discourse it written from observer participant point of view. Therefore a human brain that is going to be discussed is the one with capability to realise the relationship between body, mind and the surrounding environment (universe) at large. Once again the universal objects is a modelled design of the human brain’s master because as soon as it is finished it began to be utilised and getting torn up just like a bunch of new suit having been purchased from the shop. Let us adopt a very wise principles which gives recognition to the fact that universal features are not powerful to themselves but it is the laws which has power because it directs how the universal features shall operates . Then this will enable us to move ahead from adopting the laws which assert that law acting to direct the universal features is external to the universal features. What scientist has observes is just secondary laws. The secondary laws which are found operating on the objects are primarily invented by its master, and that does not mean that we knew how the master looks like. Instead we are carrying the research to discover how the master of invention thinks. In realising the human brain characteristics of the master we are capable of deriving the processes behind his mind set up and enhance our vision on what heralds the possibly continued processes of evolution which shall possible give birth to another life supporting universe. That is why this scientific philosophical thesis covers the well-ordered human brain characteristics of the master who invent laws with respect to the current universal laws. In undertaking this theoretical discourse we end up being critical scholars who realise the relationship between human brain and surrounding environment. But most importantly the critical events underlined within the primary laws used to invent the current universe could yield unravelling clues to give us an impression of what is source of hindrances heralding the processes of universal evolution to take place as possible as it began from the first round on which the very same current universe was invented. Once again this research is written by an anti –genocide scholar who realise the potential disasters carried by the act of relying on an object as a major power source, yet denying law which is a power source. It gives recognition to the fact that law acting upon an object is external but the most things to realise about that is that time counteracts the any model having invented at a

SOPECIFIC TIME. That means that universal features needs to be revitalised over time so as to avoid counteraction. Disasters do not just happen; they are the chain of series of critical events on which there are unravelling clues which offer one enough time to study and discover what could be scientific intervention relationship that interplay with law to bring about smooth operation of those particular features. From that scientific philosophical experiment, truth of what could have happened with or without human brain intervention to overcome dynamic forces observed through the current universal operation is going to be extracted significantly. Man and His Environment A young man has always been questioning whether it was wrong that people use whatever system in place to gain access to resources available in current earth universe where man’s life is sustained. That followed after having joined the 2010 Copenhagen Climate and Eskom Energy Conflicts group presentation on which there were senior professionals including Patrick Bond. From series of lectures carried on global warming and climate change, a young boy further absorbed the meaning attached on issues around the need to revitalise the current existing resources to which current human on earth lives. He noted that solutions presented during climate change and global warming presentations touched political, technical and scientific issues. From that he released a statement that there is a certain optimal level of order that needs to be maintained between the environment as surface areas with open sky green house to which life is sustained to average activity carried to sustain daily activities and needs for sustaining continued human living on earth. The mutual interaction between environment and human resource consumption needs is planned, and therefore it remains to be unavoidable relationship. The main problem is loss of environmental capacity to absorb and integrate living systems within its universe. But due to gradual evolution of complex patterns of human resource consumption pattern most of which rely on non-renewable resources while the universal evolution offer no time to immediate revival of such life components, it has been clear that current living within the universe to which man’s life is located has approach the era of non-balanced socio-economic, non-balanced ecosystem and non-balanced environmental interactions. The progress of life is stagnant, because it has become a unilateral business to which life knows one characteristics of living, yet series of complex universal entities were surrounded life from the beginning. Therefore we make use of laws to understand what have we missed some time ago, deep down the era of evolution with no human present on earth. Our laws shall never let us down, because they are still

operating the shape how the very same devastating current universe operates. As much sooth as it works, it can also be explored across different angles so as to determine what are brain characteristics of the master who made or invent laws to which the universe operates. By that we are not questioning the existence of the laws at an empty space but we are looking at laws from the master of invention with respect to science laws having been discovered and not just by biblical tales. Towards Writing a Research Report (Characters who influenced these writings) Two White Americans came in South Africa during the Copenhagen Summit of year 2010 and a young boy got training which aimed at giving lessons aimed at teaching how to write a story of ‘the-self’ relating to the individual and his surrounding environment to young people. This story aimed at allowing children to develop a chronological link between how the nature shaped one to survive the current and past living through utilising their mind to make appropriate decisions. That meeting was aimed at encouraging and motivating the South African young people to grow with prosperous dreams and visions despite of the challenges and oppressions offered by the surrounding environment. The scope used to teach during that session was adopted from US presidential Obama Campaign statement which was used in his book concerning how he earns the success living with his fellow multiracial American citizens. Their major aim was to show young people that success is always possible despite of what colour and race one got ascribed in modern American citizens. However they also stressed that the decisions taken at individual level are the ones which shape and direct how one survive his life over time. From that session it was clear that decisions that one takes today are backed up by the alternative goals and visions as set by his mind. The environment was not excluded as it also constitute of people such as friends , family members and mates( e.g. school mates) who might also have influence upon which decisions are taken to someone’s lives. The session reached a conclusion in which it was declared that future is determined by the present and the past. From that class session a young was revived to learn the American virtues of good personality which remind him of what has shaped his presence until he has earned an opportunity to be at university , where he is pursuing a degree,. He tried to imagine all dilemmas that were taking place upon his lives and also to his friend’s lives. He was capable of observing that his life has been much more complex than the ones of a natural human being. Then question whether he can still grow as a normal person with proAmerican first class life capabilities while he is coming from poor social background on which there are limited economically upwell citizens . But because he was overloaded with

all theoretical information he learned to make critical decisions within those few seconds. But the American session left a boy very much different from what he used to be, because he would realise that no matter what socio-economic and historical distortions impact upon his life , he would make a dream of being an ordinary person who lives like a rich pro-white American citizen dream possible. The meeting took place at Howard College during the Copen Hagen Summit weeks. From that something amazing happen to take place and it will follow after a White girl asked everyone in a room to draft what one thinks could have shaped his life up to the moment of his presence. Furthermore the kids were asked to draft and predict what they think was the cause for such actions. They were asked to also predict what their future lives heralds. The young man followed all steps having been requested, but eventually he just pointed out that he can make a brand new planet other than mother earth. The whole room went was busted by laughing. Later on a young boy polished that matter by saying that he was joking because all people came from Africa and a dream under discussion was the one to own Africa at large. But from the very same joke, no one was aware that the young man is a chosen scientific parameter to be used to make proposed universe to which man can reside. But when will this dream be discovered? A dream is discovered as soon as Doctor Ngcobo, a former deputy Dean of Students at University of Natal-Howard College asked a young man to write a peace of story concerning life predicaments and challenges he encountered during his undergraduate level. A dean concerned was in charge of issues for student academic progress and social wellbeing to and from university. A dean used to be an advisor to previous challenges facing the young boy; most problems concerned his weak health status and some other life challenges. A dean was very much responsible to student’s lives; he is the one who used to refer a student to Dr Libby Collins who is working at student motivational centre. Catherine Burns is also a former university of Natal lecture. Sometimes he could spend three hours’, training a young man to remain calm. But also he could train him to realise the South African history of biblical acquisition and Christian diffusion in Africa. In most cases he could tell him that bible only arrived with English people who would like to introduce their own civilization on top of traditional African cultures. But all of that conservation helps a young man to realise that there was a man called Christ, who is going to appear in the theory here and there. However Catherine Burns was not a Christian Preacher, however she was just teaching story around the essence of Christianity in Africa, which often drove a young funny due to her relative reluctance to pay any attention to what level of importance the biblical teaching has

upon human life. Then further stories concerning existence of God were explored in 12 Apostle Churches and SCF. Moe or fewer motivations were brought there, however that could not serve to convince theories used in this book that proposed universe is coming. In other hand professor marks, professor Khan and Neophytos are lectures who have trained a young boy to realise how the social interactions help to shape and define people relationship across different communities. Thereafter a young boy started to write a book called the hypothesis of the second coming. That is where various non-scientific pieces of fragmented information concerning how he has led his life. But out of that very rough book the mega theory of new universal creation was born. But out of those very same fragmented nonscientific writings, the properly understood scientific theories backing up the mega theories of new universal evolution were born. This research is based on three theories having been developed to explain how the new universe following after the creation of the current existing universe with earth where man lives will happen to take place. This theoretical discourse is built on three main theories inter alia a) Mega-Theory of primary and secondary laws, b) Theory of Ruling and Developing of the earth surface features and c) The Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory. Which Mega- Theories are we talking about? There are three (3) main mega-theories for new universal evolution: Including a) Mega-Theory of primary and secondary laws. b) Theory of Ruling and Developing of the earth surface features and c) The Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory. The first one argues that the universal laws acting to direct the operation of current available universe are external to objects to which they are observed through the aid of scientist. This theory asserts that it is the primary laws that are used to bring about the invention of the current universe. Therefore the current universal laws are external to it as they have been developed and designed through the primary laws. This theory reveals that superstructures have no power on themselves. It argues that power cannot be observed based on the superstructural and physical outlook of an object but power needs to be understood from primary law perspective on which one is concerned about their origin and primary motive behind their invention. This theory offered a broad critical pedagogy on which serious underlying factors

for human evolution are coupled to psychology of organised human built mind whose central hinge for earning living prestige is rooted to an ability of his brain to realise the relationship between him and the surrounding environment. That theory concludes that the law acting to redirect the operation and smooth interaction across different objects are not permanent and they need to be revitalised over time. This theory argue that it is very quint essential to realise how the laws are developed so as to realise the systematic procedures involved in their evolution , their transformation and recycling. This theory argue that human life is at centre of life because it is the only living specimen that has brain capability for realizing the need to communicate to discuss accelerative biodiversity loss dilemmas carried through to how they are losing life that is supported by the very same biodiversity. This research depart towards the nest theory by arguing that man , need to draw himself closer to the master who created all laws so as to attain the prestige advantage to be capable of founding solutions to survive living on earth on which universal forces are not permanent. Therefore this theory sought to interact human life to his surrounding environment scientifically so as to found solutions to current catastrophe’s facing human life. This theory argues that the current universe cannot face the overall human need and there is a need for additional planet to which the life must be sustained. This theory will then proceed to introduce solutions to current universal predicaments with respect to metaphysical discourse which develop with gradual evolution of scientifically trained human being who possess powerful brains which have capacity to communicate to the external forces to which all primary laws were invented. It shall look at how the plan of inventing new universe is going to be accomplished. It looks at body and mind of the master who invent the primary law. It looks at how he thinks, behaves and earns power over time. Thereafter it gives a report concerning how the master is going to make use of the scientific parameters he develops to create new universe to which life can be sustained. This theory will also offer challenges and critical thinking of the master under which the plan for new universal creation is initiated. The readers are advised read further so as to be able to understand how does the mega-theory of new universal creation evolves until three main theories are born out of it . Then the Ruling and Developing theory is the one which deals with critical mind set of the master specifically. That is the one which describe the master as a person with a powerful brain capability which can be used to invent and design the laws which are used to bring about the universal creation even before the human life is introduced on earth. Therefore that theory seems to offer a clue that the master has an understanding of various forces and laws that need to be recognised so as to maintain smooth operation between man and universe to which he is living. Therefore that theory argues that everything

is positioned at point exactly where it has to yield optimal living support to a living human. Therefore the strategic location for various universal features such as earth, moon and sun were not just options but they were created and located based on recognition of the primary laws which develop out of recognition of how the master himself developed the understanding of principles which mediate his interaction and the surrounding environment. This theory then exposes that the strategic location of objects across various spatial distribution attach meaning behind the brain characteristics of the master and therefore the man on earth must learn current available laws so as to derive *logic of understanding how the master thinks. The prehistoric information concerning the earth evolution, right from Precambrian era to human evolution was then explored across different angles. The search reached a consensus that human life has evolved, however complex scientific chains have been used to prepare for a universal planet to which human life could be accommodated. From understanding that, we came to see that such process took a very lot of time. That is where human living is subjected to more stress over the hope of continued living on the current universe to which resource available do not cover overall living needs. But it is even worse to realise from scientific theories that the very same universe took profound time to develop even before human life is introduced. Therefore central to our challenge is the question concerning how long human living on earth should sustain his life while the current universe has started to fail to support the overall needs of people, if the universe took billions of years. We are looking at human’s brain which understand scientific processes of universal evolution to full extent , yet it offers no possible solution to poverty and environmental problems induced from resource consumption patterns evident with general increased human resource needs due to expanded populations. Thereafter the research criticise the brain with all thinking capability yet he fails to absorb more theoretical construct towards understanding solutions for continued universal distortion induced by human living yet it is a clear plan that he remains to be a master to understand perfection far more better when compared to other living entities such as birds and or trees. But later on, the mega-theory of primary and secondary laws evolution is introduced to argue that based on understanding the fact that universal features have no power to themselves, we can make use of laws to bring about the creation of another universe. But central problem upon that vision is the fact that, man on earth has no such level of power to use primary and secondary law so as to yield another planet. But a young boy became very fortunate, after

having born out of a flower of English Queen that flew off the jet aeroplane which carried couples having married. Those couples decided to flew over South African mountains and that is where we expose the critical thinking system of the master, who made use of the exotic flower to raise a young boy to whom the primary and secondary laws acting upon the universe are forcefully integrated. The young boy grew in Sogidi Reserve, South Africa and that is where the story relating to him and the surrounding environment make us to pick us marks and records based on encores of peculiar life patterns having taken place through to him. The boy has become a solution towards our ancient fragmented universal forces. In reading ahead the book offer interesting case concerning how the boy developed one more extra brain in the eye on the right hand side. The careful reading of this story will enable the reader to understand how the mega-theory of primary and secondary laws, the theory of ruling and developing of the earth surface features and multipurpose hyperbolic theory are interconnected one another. Briefly the ruling and developing theory assert that one (including yourself) cannot rule and develop the earth surface with an intention of creating a new universe if he has no direct contact to universal features mainly those found on earth across different universes. This theory seem to offer an understanding that the current available universe to which mother earth is used to locate human life was developed out of primary laws which direct how the universe shall operate. However, it looks at an ability of any human to create the planet through ruling and developing principles which are offered by algebraic and quadratic formula expressions. This theory is critical of an ability to use these parameters outside of understanding of primary laws as they attach basic scientific implications to human life and the surrounding environment (the universe at large). But through the understanding of secondary laws such as the ones offered by Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg and Alfred Wegener this thesis is reaching higher elevated status and confidence that primary laws and secondary laws could be used as means to invent another universe other than the mother earth. These laws clearly expose the existing relationship between objects. From knowing how this theories mediate to maintain the smooth universal operation offer us a firm respond that the primary laws are firmly integrated to surrounding environment and the universe at large , for the primary aim of evolution is to survive living including human living and fauna and flora living. Most exciting thing is the emergence of advanced technical scientific discourses such as GIS and Modelling IT which clearly exposes the human body interaction to his surroundings. Hence human location on earth can be

trapped through his body ability to respond to GPS. The major focal point was that body is parent rock material product and that is why it is capable of yielding response to the remote sensing devices. In other hand the young is excited because he has a firm human being can stand as responding scientific apparatus to whom all primary and secondary laws are diffused so that power for inventing another universe is recycled. Therefore creating human being with sound brain is the very best move because he is on earth where his feet touches the ground the corresponding laws through which the universe was made could be read directly through him. However the master is face with time, distance and material constrain. That is where the ruling and developing theory is applied, to say that no one can rule and develop across two universes including the earth surface and proposed universe having no direct contact to either of the two planets. That is why a responding scientific parameter who is young boy is developed. But distance, time and raw material measures are taken as push and pull factors for creation of the responding scientific apparatus in form of human being with a sound brain. For time constraint perspective, the unknown realise that he cannot be able to come up with more instant responding results aimed at yielding life supporting universe if he uses his old outdated models and he made a young boy to whom all forms of primary laws and secondary laws are diffused so as to recycle power to be integrated to new model design which is going to yield more instant results. For distance constraint perspective, we are considering the fact that there are already existing forces having discovered by Isaac Newton to all other scientific laws mediating the smooth operation of the universe. Then our argument is that the technical scientific procedure of ruling and developing the earth surface features must avoid potential catastrophe which might result to clash of universal planets due to ruling and developing the earth surface features on top of the already existing laws. Hence the laws could disturb the smooth operation of the already existing universal features such as earth, moon and stars and thereby crash it completely. The theory of ruling and developing is a solution because it offers a chance for development of responding scientific apparatus in form of human with sound brain with proper understanding of primary laws and secondary laws surrounding his environment. That is said to have moved him to argue that ‘one cannot rule and develop from across two earth surface features, if he has no direct contact across two universe foot by foot’. But from realising the existing law and distance constraint a measure is taking to keep distance apart through introduction of scientific parameters with human brain capability to which real

phenomenal surface features are riled and developed. That enables the distance across two universes including the current universe and proposed universe to remain apart. That further ensures that when the result earned out algebraic expressions imposed in multipurpose hyperbola having developed out of the responding scientific apparatus are getting displaced on an empty vacuum space where there is no already existing universal features which shall clash to the newly developed and ruled universal features. Therefore the distance constraint needs to be understood with respect to interaction of laws, the space, distance and material. From material constraint perspective, the human being used through to ruling and developing of earth surface feature need to offer more instant results from expressions aimed at releasing the new universal features such as sun , moon , earth and stars. He is made from earth because human being who resides on earth is a parent material body of rock. That is easily integrated to his body which is primarily transformed through forceful diffusion of primary and secondary laws. That process offers a very complex biological, scientific and technical interaction across human body the brain and the universe at large. For example, is born as an Anglo Black Chinese with three (3) dimensional hair outlooks. The hairs are said to have an ability to detect sun rays and diffuse power to the surface skin. But because the hair shaft goes deeper to blood and lymph vessels, possibilities are that power, message and laws are diffused to the blood until they reach brain. That is because the hair pupillary is located very close to nerve fiber which ensured that forces diffused outside the environment are transmitted through the skin through pain until they reach brain power centres with the aid of blood arteries and veins which carries blood to and from the main body organs. This case is going to be discussed with respect to proper drawings in the next sections. Once all these processes have taken place, a multipurpose hyperbola which has capability to be used to express technical scientific solutions aimed at yielding geometrical features to of a new universe are produced. The multipurpose hyperbola is going to work very fast so as to yield more instant results. But it is quiet important to realise that the young boy is expected to play an observer participant role during the development of the multipurpose hyperbola. That simple means that he needs to be a highly qualified technician and engineer from real life phenomenal even before he qualifies to be a scientific parameter used to pause scientific expressions aimed at yielding instant results aimed at yielding proposed universe within a shorter period of time. That is why that section began by outlining how the scientific processes used in engineering and science works in general. The very same rules applicable to real world like science structures, operates directly to the ruling and developing of

multipurpose hyperbola. We wish you an everlasting enjoyment in reading this book, hopping that you have arrived to future before time. The use of ruling and developing theory in Science and Engineering Reading Guidelines: The true real phenomenal scientific law which guides us in this philosophical abstract is the fact that a developable surface is a surface that can be (locally) unrolled onto a flat plane without tearing or stretching it. If a developable surface lies in three-dimensional Euclidean space, and is complete, then it is necessarily ruled, but the converse is not always true. For instance, the cylinder and cone are developable, but the general hyperboloid of one sheet is not. More generally, any developable surface in three dimensions is part of a complete ruled surface, and so any surface feature itself must be *locally ruled. There are developable surfaces embedded in four dimensions which are however not ruled. (Hilbert & CohnVossen: 1952, pp. 341–342) The paragraph above lay down a conversation that one cannot rule and develop the earth surface features if he has no direct contact to the surface so as to forge the drawing and design of plans of how the proposed feature is to look like even before the primary and secondary laws acting to direct how the object should look like in terms of its built structure and desired operation as ascribed by the necessity of creating the universe are introduced. Similarly the multipurpose hyperbola does not take a different part for ruling having adopted by ancient mathematical laws of our universal life time. In science and engineering mathematical operations uses algebraic expressions together with geometry where developing and ruling of earth surface features are expressed. Earth surface features are originally defined as projective surfaces in projective space containing a straight line through any given point. This immediately implies that there is a projective line on the surface through any given point, and this condition is now often used as the definition of a ruled surface. Ruled surfaces are defined to be abstract projective surfaces satisfying this condition that there is a projective line though any point. Therefore ruling and developing theory presented above was not just a nice dream that one can work up over a night and wish for an instant universal creation to come , but it entails a sequence of chronological analysis for various push and pull factors having led to development of primary and secondary laws on which unraveling clues are given based on the scientific understanding of how real

phenomenal law mediating to the operation of structures and physical objects that appear before the eyes of ancient scientist on earth . Therefore, knowing the scientific truth is said to offer us more precise fossil evidence pertaining to what could have happened to those final second towards the evolution of proposed universe to be invented through the use of multipurpose hyperbola which allows for strategic development of a scientific apparatus in form of human being with sound brain capability which has more instant outcomes from any expression paused within the hyperbolic equation paused. The intention is to rule and develop the earth surface features so that they outcomes are displayed in new vacuum areas where the proposed universal features such as earth, moon, stars and sun are getting displayed. This is a need a time serving strategy. After having red this philosophical discourse you gain confidence to go out in the world and tell people that the new era of universal evolution has come with respect to an evolution of human like species with understanding of the modern technology and science changes that could be coupled with primary and secondary laws so as to maintain continued living. In order to be as much as close to grasp an understanding of what multipurpose hyperbola theory entails, one must first grasp an understanding of the mega-theory of primary and secondary law and Theory of Ruling and Developing. The theory of ruling and developing could be easily confused with multipurpose hyperbola. That is because the ruling and developing of earth surface features takes place within the multipurpose hyperbola, whereas the theory of ruling and developing is not merely defined with respect to the ruling and developing of the earth surface feature. Instead the Theory of Ruling and Developing of the earth surface features is defined with respect problems which influenced choices for user-preference methods for scientific parameters to be adopted in the second round universal invention which is said to take place after the current universal evolution. That is why the Ruling and Developing theory presented raw material, time and distance as scientific measurements that needed to be considered even before the move towards adopting the multipurpose hyperbola is introduced. So the theory of ruling and developing must begin by explaining that one must not be able to rule across two different universes like the current universe where earth exist and proposed universe if he has no direct contact to between either of the two universes . One must clearly realize the distance, space, time and material hindrances as explained earlier. If one does not begin these sections by understanding objectives of the mega theoretical discourse with respect to hindrances presented by time, raw material and distance and (space), he may forget that he will ever understand the real phenomenal ruling and developing of current universe. Therefore the scientist and philosophers are called with an immediate effect to critically read these

theoretical discourses. However, there is no tight distinction between Theory of Ruling and Developing of earth surface features to Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory because the ruling and developing laws heralds the approach of the multipurpose hyperbola. As long as student understand the time , resource , distance ( space) and raw material constraints and integrate that the working system of laws , he might successfully arrive sound judgmental line which shows the necessity for development of multipurpose hyperbola. Once again it must be born in mind that collision need to take place for parabola that eventually give rise to other complex geometric features which take place where observer participant to whom expressions for manipulating the multipurpose hyperbola is taking place.

THE FORMAL BEGINNING: If you did maths with higher grade at high school you will be reminded of a parabola. In mapping a parabola we use a general technique for graphing quadratics which is the same as for graphing linear equations.

You should have forgotten about those curvy parabolas which appeared as drawing illustration about parabola vertex, however knowing the correct equation for that drawing such as correct graph of y = x2 could remind you how to draw smooth curving line passing through plotted points. (Such graphs are as shown below: where y = x2 )

One should have been exposed to various kinds of Graphing Quadratic Functions most of which involves complex abstraction of graphing techniques that required proper understanding of how this function works (Graphing Quadratic Functions). But above was just a much simpler and general parabola whose formula tend to follow from y = ax2. However, not all parabolas are the same; even the one above has its own varying characteristics. Coefficient is a leading determinant whether a graph is skinny upside down or skinny right side up. (Refer to the shown graphs below). The first graph has positive co-efficient, therefore it has to look up i.e.: positive quadratic y = x2


The second graph has a positive co-efficient therefore it has to look up (i.e.: negative quadratic y = –x2

Even those who do civil engineering at university level, knows exactly that that spotting how your graph should look like with respect to its co-efficient is crucial important because in y = ax2 and where a is negative (-a) , you can come up with plot points that make your graph to look like the quadratic which is right-side-up. Hence that how engineers make a follow up study when happened to make ill calculations. Other more Advanced, Graphing Quadratic Functions involves general form of a quadratic whose equation is expressed as "y = ax2 + bx + c". Once again you are reminded that coefficient "a" indicates how "fat" or how "skinny" the parabola will be. For | a | > 1 (such as a = 3 or a = –4), the parabola will be "skinny", because it grows more quickly (three times as fast or four times as fast, respectively, in the case of our sample values of a). For | a | < 1 (such as a = 1/3 or a = –1/4), the parabola will be "fat", because it grows more slowly (one-third as fast or one-fourth as fast, respectively, in the examples). Also, if a is negative, then the parabola is upside-down Advantages of Parabola: There is nothing so much important as vertex in parabola. Reading the co-ordinate points from or for the vertex in form of quadratic can be helpful. If the vertex is not expressed, in any quadratic formula it is essential to complete the square. For example in a quadratic

("y=ax2+bx+c".) co-efficient (a) in a vertex form could also be expressed as y = a(x – h) 2 + k"

The vertex formula is derived from the completing-the-square process, just as is the Quadratic Formula. In each case, memorization is probably simpler than completing the square.) For example, in given quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c, the vertex (h, k) is found by computing h = – b

/2a, and then evaluating y at h to find k.

Hint: ("y=ax2+bx+c".) and y = a(x – h) 2 + k". This is related to k = (4ac – b2) / 4a, which is expressed in a Quadratic Formula. Therefore, for a given quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c, the vertex (h, k) is found by computing h = –b/2a, and then evaluating y at h to find k. Examples: For example in a graph of the parabola of y = 3x2 + x – 2, to find the vertex, we look at the coefficients a, b, and c. The formula for the vertex gives us:

h = –b/2a = – (1)/2(3) = –1/6 Hence one can determine k by evaluating y at h =

Therefore k = 3(

–1 /6:

–1 2 –1 /6 ) + ( /6 ) – 2

3 = /36 – 1/6 – 2 1 2 24 = /12 – /12 – /12


–25 /12

1 –25 Therefore vertex is at the vertex is at (– /6, /12): one need to realise that vertex refers to x and y turning point of a parabola. If one is interested in seeing how a graph moves, he may use additional points across the table below and plot them against the graph turning points as shown below.

If the graph is plotted properly, no matter which points are taken, it can look more or less the same as the one drawn below. Please note that this graph is looking up, which simple implies that it has a positive co-efficient.

This thesis is moving ahead to talk about hyperbola and not parabola. Therefore it is very crucial to note consistently how parabola parameters operate.

Considerations: 1) Axis of symmetry: If you look at a parabola, you'll notice that you could draw a vertical line right up through the middle which would split the parabola into two mirrored halves. This vertical line, right through the vertex, is called the axis of symmetry. If you're asked for the axis, write down the line "x = h", where h is just the

x-coordinate of the vertex. So in the example above, then the axis would be the vertical line x = h = –1/6. 2) In a graph of, y = 3x2 + x – 2 it is important to label axis of symmetry and vertex. NB: y-intercept, I set x equal to zero and solve as follows: y = 3x2 + x – 2 = 3(0)2 + (0) – 2 = 0 + 0 – 2 = –2 Therefore y= -2 Similarly we can found x-intercept by setting y equal to zero, and solve as follows y = 3x2 + x – 2 0=3x2 + x – 2 0 = (3x – 2) (x + 1) 3x-2=0 or x+1 = 0

x = 2/3 or x = – 1 Therefore x-intercepts are hen the x-intercepts are at the points (–1, 0) and (2/3, 0). Another way of defining axis of symmetry is as follows:


The axis of symmetry is halfway between the two x-intercepts at (–1, 0) and at (2/3 0); using this, I can confirm the answer from the previous page :( hint how we calculated vertex) (–1 + 2/3) / 2 = (–1/3) / 2 = –1/6 The complete answer is a listing of the vertex, the axis of symmetry, and all three intercepts, along with a nice neat graph.

The vertex is at (–1/6,


/12), the axis of symmetry is the line x = –1/6, and the intercepts are at

(0, –2), (–1, 0), and (2/3, 0).

Die Hyperbola:

Do you realise that horns of cow are also parabolic in shape (perhaps that could be the central focus of this maths towards the end of this chapter) A plane curve is having two branches, formed by the intersection of a plane with both halves of a right circular cone at an angle parallel to the axis of the cone. This is not totally different from how parabola looks like but because parabola is a single plane drawing forming curve, one can add that hyperbola is the locus of points for which the difference of the distances from two given points is a constant. We have noticed that parabola had single plan vertex which could be termed as turning point vertex. But for hyperbola we have a conic section formed by a plane that cuts both bases of a cone; it consists of two branches asymptotic to two intersecting fixed lines and has two foci. According to hyperbola standard equation: x2/a2 - y2/b2 = 1 where 2a is the distance between the two intersections with the x-axis and b = a√ (e2 - 1), where e is the eccentricity. Therefore one can add that hyperbola can be seen when a plane curve is having two separate parts or branches. In between those two plane curves, one can form two cones such that points toward one another are intersected by a plane that is parallel to the axes of the cones. For example, on a hyperbola of equation, x2 - y2 = 1 :a plane curve having two separate parts or branches, formed when two cones that point toward one another are intersected by a plane that is parallel to the axes of the cones, as shown below . (That could be something more or less similar to the drawing below.)

Can one point out where should conic section stand from above drawing, using the applied knowledge acquired from explaining hyperbola. Using geometry a curve can be generated by intersecting the plane and circular cone (which means that one can draw a smooth circle to connect two parallel hyperbolic sections which are looking to opposite sides, yet having fixed and constant points apart. (Hint: asymptote and asymmetry). That meant that the conic section at which hyperbolic cone intersect circle remains almost perpendicular to hyperbola. In addition to that it has to remain more or less similar to target of any circle which touches the circular section only once, no matter how far would the distance seem to circulate surround the point of contact. NB the cone (circle like shape) formed between two curves which are equidistant apart or which forms in-between spaces apart of hyperbola represents the head of Christ and hyperbolic curves apart represents horns of a cow. (The drawing illustrating conic section in between two curves of hyperbolic section are shown below: treat the drawing as one single hyperbolic cone)

Labelling a Parabola: From above ‘conic section of hyperbola’, one can have reached a sense that hyperbola is set of two parabolas that are looking to opposite direction. That means that hyperbola is (a set

of ) open curve , which means that it can be continuous to infinite , as long as you continue plotting points against its original formula. But because curves are equidistant apart, one can be more than one hundred per cent (100+) by saying; hyperbola is a set of parabola which consists of two disconnected curves. Those two disconnected curves are called arms or branches. But you should also refer to then as pair of horns/ horns (or hyperbolic horns). The points on the two branches that are closest to each other are called the vertices. Vertices are points exactly where one can see the intersection of the points where the curve and its cone touches each other once (hint the target of the circle). Therefore these are points where one can take measurements for the radius of a smallest curvature that connect two equidistant apart hyperbolic segments. (Hint: asymptote) A radius is a distance from the center of a circle to the circumference. In this case, it might be critically difficult to point where exactly the circumference of the circle is, because we are dealing with a hyperbola. However, the drawing below makes it simple, as one can deduce that transverse axis or major axis, which is line segment connecting the vertices, is corresponding to the major diameter of an ellipse. (In that case from –a to a). Note that the center of circle could be at point C. Now could you give a refined version of what asymptote is?) .

In mathematics, an ellipse is a curve on a plane surrounding two focal points such that a straight line drawn from one of the focal points to any point on the curve and then back to the

other focal point has the same length for every point on the curve. (hint: word foci is plural form of focal point). As such, it is a generalization of a circle which is a special type of an ellipse that has both focal points at the same location. In a perfect circle, one should have related this to a diameter which is equal to two (2) radii).The shape of an ellipse (how 'elongated' it is) is represented by its eccentricity , which for an ellipse can be any number from 0 (the limiting case of a circle) to arbitrarily close to but less than 1.

From the above explanation, one can deduce that ellipses are the closed type of conic section: and conic section refers to a ‘plane round like curve’ that results from the intersection of a cone by a plane.( plane is a curve of hyperbola) (See that figure to the previous drawings) Ellipses have many similarities with the other two forms of conic sections: the parabolas* and the hyperbolas**, both of which are open and unbounded. (Do also think about horns of a normal cow) Analytically, an ellipse can also be defined as the set of points such that the ratio of the distance of each point on the curve from a given point (called a focus or focal point) to the distance from that same point on the curve to a given line (called the directrix) is a constant, called the eccentricity of the ellipse. That simple means that each and every point maintain

equidistance to each other such that true parallel line could be drawn between each and every individual set of ‘focal point’ and even to the plane curve co-ordinate points provided that one is reading across two curves of the same co-ordinates. Ellipses are common in physics, astronomy and engineering. For example, the orbits of planets are ellipses with the Sun at one of the focal points. The same is true for moons orbiting planets and all other systems having two astronomical bodies. The shape of planets and stars are often well described by ellipsoids. Ellipses also arise as images of a circle under parallel projection and the bounded cases of perspective projection, which are simply intersections of the projective cone with the plane of projection. It is also the simplest Lissajous figure, formed when the horizontal and vertical motions are sinusoids with the same frequency. A similar effect leads to elliptical polarization of light in optics. In mathematics, a conic section (or just conic) is a curve obtained as the intersection of a cone (more precisely, a right circular conical surface) with a plane. In analytic geometry, a conic may be defined as a plane algebraic curve of degree 2. There are a number of other geometric definitions possible. One of the most useful, in that it involves only the plane, is that a conic consists of those points whose distances to some point, called a focus, and some line, called a directrix, are in a fixed ratio, called the eccentricity.

It has been simpler and clearer that the major focus has been put on the importance of using analytic geometry together with algebraic expressions for all forms of hyperbolic curves. Central to this is conic section which is obtained from an intersection of a cone curve obtained with a plane. In this case a plane refers to horn or hyperbolic curve(s). One need to keep in mind that the precise spot light for intersection is the one where there is a right circular conical surface. (As shown below)

In geometry, a (general) conical surface is the unbounded surface formed by the union of all the straight lines that pass through a fixed point — the apex or vertex — and any point of some fixed space curve — the directrix — that does not contain the apex. Each of those lines is called a generatrix of the surface. Every conic surface is ruled and developable. In general, a conical surface consists of two congruent unbounded halves joined by the apex. Each half is called a nappe, and is the union of all the rays that start at the apex and pass through a point of some fixed space curve. (In some cases, however, the two nappes may intersect, or even coincide** with the full surface.) Sometimes the term "conical surface" is used to mean just one nappe. If the directrix is a circle C, and the apex is located on the circle's axis (the line that contains the center of C and is perpendicular to its plane), one obtains the right circular conical surface. This special case is often called a cone, because it is one of the two distinct surfaces that bound the geometric solid of that name. This geometric object can also be described as the set of all points swept by a line that intercepts the axis and rotates around it; or the union

of all lines that intersect the axis at a fixed point and at a fixed angle . The aperture of the cone is the angle


More generally, when the directrix C is an ellipse, or any conic section, and the apex is an arbitrary point not on the plane of C , one obtains a conical quadric, which is a special case of a quadric surface.

Before we rule on this matter let us define the few of the following words. 1) Generatrix: A geometric element that generates a geometric figure, especially a straight line that generates a surface by moving in a specified fashion. Also called generator. Mathematically it is a point, line, or plane that is moved in a specific way to produce a geometric figure. 2) Directrix: A fixed line used in describing a curve or surface. Worth noting is the fact that conical surface consists of two congruent unbounded halves joined by the apex. Each half is called a nappe, and is the union of all the rays

that start at the apex and pass through a point of some fixed space curve. (In some cases, however, the two nappes may intersect, or even coincide** Nappe: refer to that portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. Thus, some hyperboloids have one nappe, and some have two. Some dictionaries have poor definition of nappe which simple refers to them as a sheet, or branch of a surface. But for this purpose of study nappe refers to one of the two pieces of a double cone (i.e., two cones placed apex to apex). See the picture below.

Therefore we can now summarise the definite objectives hereby presented by a theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola: At his 29th years old, Angelos assimilated to a cow’s body and run to full limit. His body collided to a head of Christ. A horn was stuck to a head for a period of time, while graphic points for a parabola were being processed. Very soon a Hyperbolic Curves are formed. Then they transformed into curved cones with one looking upside while another was looking down. Later on one half of upper cone snapped away against lower nape. Then the upper cone escaped very smooth up the sky. It was a very painful experience which involves Angelos

previous knowledge of how quadratic formula operates. But the unknown allowed him to fill in the empty spaces just for three columns; thereafter the formula automatically jumped the points to the hyperbolic curve(s).


All the straight lines that pass through a fixed point forms what we call – the unbounded surface (conical surface). That need to have passed from fixed point called apex or vertex. But some points that do not contain apex or turning point or vertex, as long as they still fall under one curve – then they are called directrix. That is why dictionaries define directrix: as a fixed line used in describing a curve or surface. In a geometric surface feature, it might be very difficult to point out if there is any directrix. However, most features appear as a whole structure that has been formed / modeled through generatrix system. Today you will realise that it is a set of just two lines which originated as hyperbolic drawing aiming at designing

smooth lines between those( two) directrix. Hence the directrix might have originated from nappe, which is one of the two pieces of a double cone (i.e., two cones placed apex to apex). (See the picture above). Then you should know that Generatrix refers to a geometric element that generates a geometric figure, especially a (set of) straight line that generates a surface by moving in a specified fashion. Hint: this may be call generator. Mathematically it is a point, line, or plane that is moved in a specific way to produce a geometric figure One of greatest scientific engineering achievement from hyperbolic stance is the fact that every conic surface is ruled and developable . Using the hyperbolic geometric figures one can rule the surface features. The fact is that the straight line lie on surface (S).From above you should only just recall plan and or curved surface as any geometric cylinder or cone shaped feature. A plane refers to a flat, two-dimensional surface feature. According to the the setting of Euclidean geometry, a plane is the two dimensional analogue of a point (zerodimensions), a line (one-dimension) and a solid (three-dimensions). Planes can arise as subspaces of some higher dimensional space, as with the walls of a room, or they may enjoy an independent existence in their own right. When working exclusively in two-dimensional Euclidean space, the definite article is used, so, the plane refers to the whole space.

The most familiar examples are the plane and the curved surface of a cylinder or cone. Other examples are a conical surface with elliptical directrix, the right conoid, the helicoid, and the tangent developable of a smooth curve in space. A ruled surface* can always be described (at least locally) as the set of points swept by a moving straight line. For example, a cone is formed by keeping one point of a line fixed whilst moving another point along a circle. A surface is doubly ruled if through every one of its points there are two distinct lines that lie on the surface. The hyperbolic paraboloid and the hyperboloid of one sheet are doubly ruled surfaces. The plane is the only surface which contains at least three distinct lines through each of its points. The properties being ruled or doubly ruled are preserved by projective maps, and therefore are concepts of projective geometry. In algebraic geometry, ruled surfaces are sometimes considered to be surfaces in affine or projective space over a field, but they are also sometimes considered as abstract algebraic surfaces without an embedding into affine or projective space, in which case "straight line" is understood to mean an affine or projective line. The word affine is related to mapping of surface point from parallel line to parallel line as discussed earlier with respect to cone curve vertex points across two cone sections.

Parametric equation (Data Source: Krishnavedala, 2011) In mathematics, a parametric equation of a curve is a representation of this curve through equations expressing the coordinates of the points of the curve as functions of a variable called a parameter. For example,

is a parametric equation for the unit circle, where t is the parameter. A common example occurs in kinematics, where the trajectory of a point is usually represented by a parametric equation with the time as parameter. The notion of parametric equation has been generalized to surfaces and manifolds of higher dimension, with a number of parameters, which is equal to the dimension of the manifold (dimension one and one parameter for curves, dimension two and two parameters for surfaces, etc.).

the simplest equation for a parabola is : and this can be symmetrized by using a free parameter t, and setting

As for Circles; A more sophisticated example might be the following. Consider the unit circle which is described by the ordinary (Cartesian) equation

This equation can be parametrized as well, giving

Similarly every conic surface is developable Developable surface:

A) Developable surface

B) Ruled surfaces

A) A developable surface is a surface that can be (locally) unrolled onto a flat plane without tearing or stretching it. If a developable surface lies in three-dimensional Euclidean space, and is complete, then it is necessarily ruled, but the converse is not always true. For instance, the cylinder and cone are developable, but the general hyperboloid of one sheet is not. More generally, any developable surface in three dimensions is part of a complete ruled surface, and so any surface feature itself must be locally ruled. There are developable surfaces embedded in four dimensions which are however not ruled. (Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen : 1952, pp. 341–342)

The "moving line" view means that a ruled surface has a parametric representation of the form

where surface, and

is the generic point on the surface,

is point that traces a curve lying on the

is a unit-length vector that traces a curve on the unit sphere. Thus, for

example, if one uses

One obtains a ruled surface that contains the MĂśbius strip. Alternatively, a ruled surface can be parametrized as intersecting curves lying on the surface. In particular, when

, where and


are two non-

move with constant

speed along two skew lines, the surface is a hyperbolic paraboloid, or a piece of an hyperboloid of one sheet. B) Ruled surfaces in algebraic geometry: In algebraic geometry, ruled surfaces were originally defined as projective surfaces in projective space containing a straight line through any given point. This immediately implies that there is a projective line on the surface through any given point, and this condition is now often used as the definition of a ruled surface: ruled surfaces are defined to be abstract projective surfaces satisfying this condition that there is a projective line though any point.

This is equivalent to saying that they are birational to the product of a curve and a projective line. Sometimes a ruled surface is defined to be one satisfying the stronger condition that it has a fibration over a curve with fibers that are projective lines. This excludes the projective plane, which has a projective line though every point but cannot be written as such a fibration. Ruled surfaces appear in the Enriques classification of projective complex surfaces, because every algebraic surface of Kodaira dimension −∞ is a ruled surface (or a projective plane, if one uses the restrictive definition of ruled surface). Every minimal projective ruled surface other than the projective plane is the projective bundle of a 2-dimensional vector bundle over some curve. The ruled surfaces with base curve of genus 0 are the Hirzebruch surfaces. Examples of Ruled Surface in Architecture:

(On the right hand side: where your page begins) Doubly ruled water tower with toroidal tank (Poland) (On the left hand side: where your page ends) Didcot power station cooling tower (UK) Data Source: ( Angelos’s Ruled and Developable Surface Theory: Die Multipurpose Hyperbola Theory

In any hyperbola there are two intersections, one with each nappe of the cone but hyperbola itself is not created by intersecting plane parallel to the edge of the cone. The fact that plane very well appear to be parallel to the axis of the *cone does not imply that curves of the curve ( horns ) touches each other vertex to vertex or edge to edge. Instead the two intersections are

just braches of open circular section of each parabolic curve with correlated points with distinct equal points across parallel sides equidistant apart. That is why each curve cone section of hyperbola is called nappe; in that case nappe refers to branches / horns of hyperbola. Never until Angelos explained these theory, life would had have been as much crazy in explaining what sort of power that will bring about parting of oceans and rising of mountains through the second coming. The role of red bull (cow) with sharp horns:

A cow with sharp horns assimilated into Angelo’s body so that it runs through the head of Christ. That required powerful speed. The ground is levelled, so that Angelos does not hear or feel any painful experience. Eventually Angelos found himself stuck to the head of Christ.

Minutes later, a hyperbolic cone appeared as a parabola. It was extremely difficult to break away from that tension, until the curvature of parabola is fully drawn. After that, conic section with two distinct nappes appeared in the sky. Using hyperbola we can break the critical events underlying the cause of such crucial collision which is taking place between cow and Christ. The first question is why a head of Christ is used in such as painful collision which lasted almost four hours (this event is taking place in August of year 2013 at Reservoir Height University of Natal Student’s Residence Apartment). Scientific Analysis of die Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory for Objectification/Assimilation of New World Creation through Christ and Angelos and the cow by unknown (God). Firstly, Jesus Christ has been on earth, some number of years ago (approximately 2000 years ago). Those who witnessed his presence argued that he died and rose again. But noteworthy is the fact that when he before he died his Jewish people gave him a brutal hiding that left him with scars all over his body. His head is covered by thorns but his blood spilt on the soil. The scientists need to pay attention from the fact that when he died earth trembles due to earthquake. Angelos argued that that was caused by the fact that scientific message was being transferred through the universe including rocks, sun and stars. In other words the unknown was trying to compress the whole universal law of creation into one single body so that all laws are not just known by himself but also automatically assimilated to powerful earth like living creature that is in form of him. Left alone, God may create another universe, but that could last trillions and trillions of years. But by compressing power to one of his human parameter, the laws are automatically manipulated using the original data. In this case we are treating the head of Christ as a parameter for integrating all known and unknown universal laws under which the universe operates. (Hint force of gravity by Isaac Newton)

From that one may create a theory which asserts that makers and inventors of primary laws are not as much powerful so as to overcome time frame ahead of their secondary objects and conditions having created by themselves if they do not compress the primary laws to one body more or less similar to the primary model of creation. But doing all this things lies in their ability to realize what processes and methodologies are involved or have they used to create the universe. Therefore the secondary objects do not respond to their own creatures so as to repeat or duplicate the process of creation if laws are not compressed into a body similar to a material at which they are made, despite whether they are created by that body. Therefore from material perspective, the unknown must remain faithful to himself that he has no instant power to manipulate his laws that could work miraculously to yield another life supporting universe without a prior intervention plan of technical scientific study for the behaviour of secondary universal laws in and out of his power contact zone (proposed universe site and earth). That simple means that a far distant between proposed universal site (An empty/vacuum space to which proposes universe features are going to be displayed from

ruling and developing of Multipurpose Hyperbola) and current living universe known as earth needs to be bridged/ integrated into one singular form of body so as to yield responsive scientific parameters/ instrument/ tool / apparatus to be used to manipulate the primary and secondary laws acting upon the current universe so as to give birth to another universe other than mother earth. This looks very much complex until one is getting exposed to a development of Multipurpose Hyperbola. Therefore everyone is advised to direct his study of Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory and Mega theory of New World Evolution so as to grasp an in-depth understanding of what proposed universal evolution through and by technical scientific measures as set by the master/ unknown entails. In total there are four theories having developed by a young boy but for the course of current and new universal creation discourse, this book will only discuss three of them. The three main important theories are called mega-theory of new universal evolution. a) The mega theory of all primary laws and all secondary laws This theory is critical of various laws found operating upon the universe at large. It argues that all current universal objects have laws on which they are given to operate. It assert that all universal laws found or get discovered through an object are external to it. The laws are having invented by the master/ unknown who set how the universal objects should operate through the use of laws. Therefore that theory asserts that the current known laws are secondary laws. The primary laws need to realise from master’s level because he is the one who invented them. This theory is critical of continuous loss of biodiversity and universal dynamics which offer no hope for continued human living on earth. Therefore this theory asserts that the object or universal features have no power on themselves. Power cannot be conceived in terms of structural and physical outlook of an object or its powerful motion but it must be perceived through the master. Therefore there is need to discover how the master behaves and thinks so as to survive the current extinction taking place, where non-renewable resources which evolved over millions of years ago leave our lives with no hope to replenish them, yet they serve as our main resources to which our lives are sustained. The theory asserts that life (flora and flora) is at centre of evolution. Human being with proper sound judgemental brain need to use his brain to connect o external forces through the master and derive the primary laws that could help to avoid continuous rise of monstrous forces directed at exterminating life. The theory then direct us to a young boy namely Angelos who has studied at Howard College. That boy has lived a very complex life from his birth. Today he has discovered that he has two brains. That boy has been used by the master to make a plan of

integrating the primary laws and secondary laws mediating upon the current universal operation. That boy is a professional intellectual having led his academy to Masters Level in South African University (University of Natal: Howard College). That is where he met various philosophers, environmentalists and technical scientist. The subject courses offered at university concerning the universal dynamics and resource scarcity have never left his mind the same. However the very same young boy has discovered marvellous visions carried by his life through painful experiences that have been taking place in his life in and out of university. Therefore the young boy is used to give professional experience of how the proposed universe is going to be created. A young boy is caught using the current science documents to derive his theory and that is what has qualified his thesis to be considered as valid for universal evolution. The young boy argued that the universal forces acting to direct the operations of universe at large are not permanent and they need to be revitalised over time. He argued that the unknown /master has all capabilities to bring about the creation of new universe using human with brain characteristics similar to himself. He mentioned that human being on earth must qualify to be used at apparatus through which the master could pause his scientific parameters directed at creating universe because they possess brain similar to the master’s brain. He defined brain as an ability to feel that you are surrounded by something. He asserts that body is just a skateboard to which brain is as centre of life is sustained. From that he mentioned that knowledge invested through critical thinking is the source of power. He mentioned that power is in form of laws, and therefore realise where do primary laws to which the current universe operates could be key to unlock how the life evolution is carried. He mentioned that the master is in apposition to create yet another universe; however time, resources and distance critically limit him from doing that. He mentioned that the master could only achieved the status of creating new universe if he can get to dissolve / integrate all primary laws and secondary laws to human being with all sound brain characteristics similar to the one he has. The point is that laws are more important than the earth can go around the sun. The young boy concluded that people who are chosen to be as a responding parameter need to be placed on earth so that they respond very well to the expressions expressed scientifically so as to pick up all necessary details to be integrated to laws that are used to create universe. The young boy highlighted that the unknown has a problem of failing to create a planet within a short period of time due to relative outdated methods used from the pervious round of evolution on which the current universe to which human being with sound

brain lives. The unknown has found solution that will allow him to be able to bring about the creation of the new universe to which life can be sustained, other than this mother earth, but central to his problem is time, distance and raw material hindrances. However, through it all the master has clearly defined his hindrances and take technical scientific measured to avoid repetitive of old outdated methods used to create current universe by taking a man and make him to be a technical scientific apparatus to be used to integrate the primary and secondary laws which were used to invent the universe right from the beginning. But before he explained how master will achieve that the young boy jumped to explain for us what has been a hindrance for him to fail to use himself to develop as many as planet to which human life could be sustained. He explained that problem with respect to Ruling and Developing theory. That theory Cleary purifies how time, distance and raw-material (secondary rawmaterial) are becoming a central problem towards achieving the creation of brand new life sustaining universe. Thereafter the unknown introduce the Multipurpose Hyperbola which is said to be used to achieve the status of being able to create a new universe/ bearing new life supporting universe. One cannot fully grasp what is meant by theory of multipurpose hyperbola if he has never been exposed to the theory of ruling and developing as ascribe below. Ruling and Developing Theory: That theory Cleary purifies how time, distance and raw-material (secondary raw-material) are becoming a central problem towards achieving the creation of brand new life sustaining universe. Thereafter the unknown introduce the Multipurpose Hyperbola which is said to be used to achieve the status of being able to create a new universe/ bearing new life supporting universe. One cannot fully grasp what is meant by theory of multipurpose hyperbola if he has never been exposed to the theory of ruling and developing as ascribe below. Briefly the ruling and developing theory is going to argue that one cannot rule and develop across two different universes versus the current existing universe and the proposed new universe, if he has no direct contact to both two universes apart foot by foot. That theory implies that the unknown need to be on earth yet at the same time he is in proposed universal site. That is quiet impossible from real science logically derivative structural point of view. The same fact overwhelmed the ability of the master to create new universe through the use of the primary laws and secondary laws used within the scientific parameter which is going to be used to express desired universal equations. This theory argues that the unknown need to create a person to whom the primary laws and secondary laws are diffused. From material

perspective, this theory is supported by the fact that person is a parent rock material because he was made after the earth has fully evolved. That means that human being having born on earth is much more privilege to yield responding results to whatever equation paused by the master. The major aim is to impose expressions which are going to be set within a multipurpose hyperbola that is used to yield instant result of universal features such as earth, sun and moon. The theory further clarify that the master cannot successfully rule and develop the earth surface features on himself because he need to touchĂŠ both universes foot by foot. This is process which demands the living scientific parameter to be located across different distance scales simultaneously. But this theory found the distance becoming a major limiting factor because the ruling and developing theory imply that the master must stand on the earth surface , where there are already present universal features such as earth moon, stars and sun . Therefore if the master uses the principles of ruling and developing by himself, severe disaster could be caused as very heavy planet will be ruled and developed on top of the already existing one. That could result in catastrophe due to collision of different universal features such as earth, stars, moon and sun not only due to competition of the space but also because clashing forces. Therefore the master need to be as much as far and away from the current existing universe and locate himself in the empty / vacuum space to avoid collision and devastation to be caused by potential emergence of universal features such as moon and stars on top of the already existing ones. Therefore remember that distance and material limit the unknown from ruling and developing the earth surface on himself outside of reliance to the responding scientific apparatus which is in form of a person. Therefore a person who represents scientific apparatus need to remain as the observer participant to all processes take place within the multipurpose hyperbola which is used to rule and develop new universe . Take note that the multipurpose hyperbola on itself cannot be used if person to whom the primary and secondary laws are fully dissolved through allowing of forceful integration of forces to his body. Hence the strategies that have been used by the unknown to harness power to a young boy are going to be mentioned. The point of raw material and distance has been covered, but can you predict how does time limit us using your common sense and widely quoted theories of universal evolution. It is very much simple; the current universe took a very long time until it is ready to be used to sustain human being. The history of earth evolution gives a very detailed chronological analysis of events which are said to have taken place before human evolution was achieved. For example, the process of earth is dated across Precambrian era which describes the large span of time in Earth's history before the current Phanerozoic Eon, and is a Supereon divided into several eons of the geologic time scale. It

spans from the formation of Earth about 4600 Ma (million years ago) to the beginning of the Cambrian Period, about 541.0 ¹ 1.0 Ma, when macroscopic hard-shelled animals first appeared in abundance. The Precambrian is so named because it precedes the Cambrian, the first period of the Phanerozoic Eon, which is named after Cambria, the classical name for Wales, where rocks from this age were first studied. The Precambrian accounts for 88% of geologic time. The main important thing is to realize that time ago there has been complex processes which took place before human evolution takes place. That point simple tells us that it has been much time wasting and resources to use old model for creating universe , for that we are trying to reveal that the master has noticed that and prepare for an alternative model for invention of universe to which human life is going to be lived . Therefore time is a major influence towards the selection of a young boy to be as responding scientific apparatus that will be used within the multipurpose hyperbola on which scientific expressions are expressed to yield INSTANT RESULTS of universal features such as earth, stars, sun and moon to which a real human such as earth like person could live. This is not a fiction but it a solution which is proposed by the observer participant who knew exactly how the multipurpose hyperbola is developed. When the multipurpose hyperbola is working successfully the proposed universal features are released at proposed vacuum area, where the distance separation between the current universal forces and proposed universal forces is maintained. b) The Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory / Theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola / Theory of Multipurpose Parabola / Parabola or hyperbola theory This theory argues that the new universe, other than the current existing mother earth could be created through the use of multipurpose hyperbola on which technical scientific parameters with all responding capabilities to the expressions imposed in the equation. This theory speaks from point of observer participant’s experience that have developed as an active scientific parameter to be used to create life supporting universe. That task is an ancient era, as it grew with respect to self-imagination and a vision of master to re-invent universe to which man can reside and earn a living. The theory sought to illustrate that the master has always been trying to resolve the plan of accommodating more species as possible on earth. However that plan needed a scientific intervention strategy to which a master must be capable of realising that time, raw material and distance have to serve as major hindrance towards creation of new universe. This research is situated between three main characters including Christ, Angelos and a cow with sharp horns. Over many years ago, the master sent

Christ to be born in form of human being through the use of earth like material so that he is prepared to be used in future discourses for universal creation carried through a multipurpose hyperbola. The unknown knew the distance implications, raw material and time hindrances to full extent. He known that he cannot come to earth on himself to practice the ruling and developing processes carried on the multipurpose hyperbola because the procedure is going to yield instant results which might possible destroy the current universe. Therefore he set yet another responding scientific parameter who is that young boy called Angelos. A young boy is prepared for 26 years before he is ready to be used as responding scientific parameter during the multipurpose hyperbolic procedures aimed at creating new universe. That dream is achieved , in 2013 when a young boy get to assimilate to a red bull with sharp horns and run to full limit so as to collide with a head of Christ . As soon as collision took place, the horn is adjusted smoothly so as to yield a perfect parabola. The young boy gain advantage of being an observer participant during the development of multipurpose hyperbola. He has been at various academic institutions where he was exposed to algebraic expressions which are often coupled with quadratic expression formula. That is why a young boy was capable of responding to complete the expressions paused so as to yield parabola, hyperbola and then the multipurpose hyperbola. The scientific action carried by the boy involved a very painful experience and it lasted for many hours. A young boy witnessed to see a parabola getting formed. He also noticed parabola getting transformed into a hyperbola with two curves with one looking up and another looking down. There after a conic surface was drawn to intersect the main turning points of the hyperbolic curve. In other words it intersected the hyperbolic curve from the main turning point. Then two lines were introduced to intersect the circle twice and hold tight to antenna of hyperbola. That is followed by development of contour line intervals trying to cover up a conic section projection into a cone. Thereafter more nappe is introduced to arrange the cones. Very soon the cones joined by nappe snapped apart, so that the main two sections of hyperbolic curve cones are separated. This satisfied the use of multipurpose hyperbola to be manipulated at two by one (2*1). Since two different cones at have snapped apart , the other eventually reaches the master where he shall uses it to rule and develop the earth surface features , however whatever expression imposed to the upper nappe will be reflected to the lower nipper . This further clarify that the upper nappe left alone cannot rule and develop the earth surface feature because their responding scientific parameters are primarily forged down the universal line where there are real apparatus with sound human brain having prepared to carry procedures taking place in the multipurpose hyperbola. That is why collision between Christ and a young boy was necessary, for it

allowed for strategic development of parabola, the hyperbola and then the conic section which will be dissected by two lines that sought to offer development of nippe with upper and lower conic sections. That guarantees that many tiny circles with radius, areas and circumference are developed left and right of the hyperbola. Therefore if one is to give a rĂŠsumĂŠ of what necessary procedures and phases for development of a multipurpose hyperbola the following evidences need to be acquired. a) Preoperational stage: a person is prepared to adopt the universal material body and also acquire a brain system which is similar to the ones of the master. b) All forms of primary laws and secondary laws are forcefully dissolved within a person who is takes as a scientific apparatus that will offer responding scientific results to the expression imposed once the multipurpose hyperbola is developed c) The need to realise time, distance and raw material constraints and safety measure so as to avoid clash of laws during the ruling of the earth surface features. d) A person who is taken as a responding scientific apparatus must be fully aware of the existence of primary laws and secondary laws so that he remain to play an observer participant role during the preparation of ruling and developing of the earth surface features through the use of multipurpose hyperbola. In addition to that a person need to observe the following marks , existence of external brain in his eye , the three dimensional hair outlook and three dimensional eye vision. Rarely but applicable a person must not have undergone through sex. Lastly a person needs to question his existence with respect to the surrounding. As soon as one realise the relationship his brain has to the surrounding then he is a proper human who can take wise decisions over time. e) Collision is necessary where a person on the earth surface assimilate to the body of a cow with sharp horns that eventually run to full limit so as to crash with a head of Christ. The horn goes deeper inside the head of Christ; thereafter the parabola; hyperbola and conic section could develop. The main important thing is geometric features that are ruled in the surface and that is accomplished through the use of generatrix and directrix. The above introductory section gave explanations of generatrix , which pinpointed that it is an element that generates geometric figure. There are straight lines that are used to generate surface features by moving in a

specified fashion. That simple refers to the setting of algebraic expression and various mathematical expressions to yield a desired shape. Hence the nappe , which is portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. That what yield fully ruled and developed hyperboloids to have one or two nappe. Once that has happened, conic sections with radius, volume, area and circumference could be integrated to primary and secondary laws for universal creation so that they get displayed to their specific proposed site. But that cannot take place on earth because there are existing physical structures with laws attached on them. Therefore the double ruling need to take place after the conic surface features having developed through the use of multipurpose hyperbola must be ruled and developed away from the earth surface so as to avoid potential catastrophe due to collision and repulsive forces across different universes. That is why distance was a very major scientific measure taken before the ruling and developing of surface features took place. This is a lovely phenomenal story from the living central figure of universal creation. The true real phenomenal scientific law which guides us in this philosophical abstract is the fact that a developable surface is a surface that can be (locally) unrolled onto a flat plane without tearing or stretching it. If a developable surface lies in three-dimensional Euclidean space, and is complete, then it is necessarily ruled, but the converse is not always true. For instance, the cylinder and cone are developable, but the general hyperboloid of one sheet is not. More generally, any developable surface in three dimensions is part of a complete ruled surface, and so any surface feature itself must be *locally ruled. There are developable surfaces embedded in four dimensions which are however not ruled. (Hilbert & CohnVossen : 1952, pp. 341–342) The paragraph above lay down a conversation that one cannot rule and develop the earth surface features if he has no direct contact to the surface so as to forge the drawing and design of plans of how the proposed feature is to look like even before the primary and secondary laws acting to direct how the object should look like in terms of its built structure and desired operation as ascribed by the necessity of creating the universe. Similarly the multipurpose hyperbola does not take a different part for ruling having adopted by ancient mathematical laws of our universal life time used in algebraic geometry of developed and ruled surfaces where earth surface features originally defined as projective surfaces in projective space containing a straight line through any given point. This immediately implies

that there is a projective line on the surface through any given point, and this condition is now often used as the definition of a ruled surface: ruled surfaces are defined to be abstract projective surfaces satisfying this condition that there is a projective line though any point. Therefore ruling and developing theory presented above was not just a nice dream that one can work up over a night and wish for a dream of instant universal creation to come , but it entails a sequence of chronological analysis for various push and pull factors having led to development of primary and secondary laws on which unraveling clues are given based on the scientific understanding of how real phenomenal law mediating to the operation of structures and physical objects that appear before the eyes of ancient scientist man on earth , therefore , knowing that truth is said to offer us a more precise fossil evidence pertaining to what could have happened to those final second to new universal creation. So what should we expect from the multipurpose hyperbola. The multipurpose hyperbolic theory presents solution towards problems presented by time, raw material and distance. But one may get zero (0) from explaining what multipurpose hyperbola argues with respect to three main parameters having been highlighted. That question requires critical thinker who shall pinpoint that the current universe was created through primary laws which were invented to shape the designing and direction of how the current planet should operate. Once that is known, the scholar is required to realise that all laws are external to the object that they operate. Knowing that will make one to realise that objects have no power and therefore power could not be judged with respect to structural and physical outlook of an object. After that a scholar is ready to ask wherefrom do laws descends (the model maker of law and or power source). Then two theories previously are offering response with respect to mega-theory of all primary laws and all secondary laws acting to redirect the operation of the universe. The law simple explain that the laws are invented by the master who realise their operation. This section omitted the section concerning the existence of master and utilise the already existing theory as method of querying how the maker of laws thinks. That is why this thesis simple refers to the founder of all laws to which the universe is created as master/unknown. The master is said to have powerful brain which is capable of being used for self-imagination and vision. But that brain has not always been there, therefore the unknown himself has evolved. If you are interested in looking at theory of how the master/ unknown with powerful brain evolved, be advised to refer to section on brain evolution far below. That section is placed towards the end because we just assume that everyone realise that human are critical thinkers and they have that ability to make decisions

based on the rules and regulations that made over their life time experience . Hence those daily routine could be coupled with how the unknown evolve and thereby conclude that all laws he invented comply to his life time experiences right from the very beginning of an era at which he realised that he is something surrounded. If so then, unknown owns laws that are developed out of life time experienced earned out of complying to the basic life time routine and rules having been selected based on practice, observation and lastly imagination, since one can simple imagine is he has never been offered time to evolve . Then the practice offers one experience of being able to remark, reckon, determine, calculate and decide. Eventually, that is said to be able to offer one enough time to realise between beneficial and nonbeneficial factors needed by his body and brain. The brain is playing crucial to help select beneficial factors needed by life but doing that task is not voluntary and or optional but it is carried through complying with having evolved through an active body which marked the beginning of evolution till the brain is developed. Therefore a brain is said to be a product of repetitive stimuli that is released by nucleus. The nucleus receives stimuli directly from stimulus region which is located very much close membranous body with capability. The membranous body has neat pattern of darkness layers on which there are clearly marked boundary separating the darkness levels with respect to their level of darkness. Hence the darkness is the source of evolution because it is already there right from the beginning. Therefore the focus will now look at point of origin of the master from darkness forces. The thesis kick-started by highlighting darkness has never been the same and it keeps on changing. The darkness accumulated together so that more darkness remains at centre and less darkness layers remain outside. Therefore, one may argue that there was inner darkest layer, an immediate outside less darker areas and outer most less pronounced dark layer. But the body is spread on one darkness sheath which to which darkness is spread. That is where we are going to showcase how the brain evolved. But briefly, the continuous accumulation of darkness at centre eventually leads to compression of darkness forces at centre. Therefore the membrane is coincidentally moved outside. Moving a=outside means that it can counteracts to marks having coincidentally marked by neat arrangement of darkness layer. When the body passes through the mark and initiate a stimulus, then stimuli.. But when the pressure is released, a body layer with stimuli returns back at centre carried stimuli and the centre would not be the same. Over time nucleus is developed due to the fact that the body remains active, even before the presence of stimuli. It is active because it has that neat pattern on which there is continuous accumulation of darkness. If there are forces to disturb the continuous accumulation process, it would remain impossible for a brain to develop. The brain does not

develop as soon as nucleus is formed. However due to pressue at centre the membranous body shall always reminded to be deformed with the control body system getting shovelled outside. That is when we get a stimuli circulating from nucleus to stimuli region and then back again. The active body does not require repetitive stimuli and it returns by throwing out that stimuli. Is doing so, the active brain is created. Therefore a brain is a product of stimuli that circulated from nucleus to stimulus region until repetitive stimuli is created. Brain is a product of discharged repetitive impulse. The brain would not develop into a human being as soon as possible. But there are numerous other repetitive stimuli that need to be produced. Once that is achieved, various brains are scattered in the very same body of origin, which cause them to compete for space. But the elder brain compete other brains so as to subjects them to operate under its operation. From the earliest stage brains must collide one another, rub one another so that pain is generated. Eventually the elder brain must learn strategies to survive competition. This point leads us to say that first human being might have been monster because he has to survive the toughest competition among other evolving brain segments. But the painful experience together with principles used to select and eliminate other accompanying brain groups will make the elder brain to develop survival strategies. However, the brain must begin to be human being as soon as it is capable of seeing that it is surrounded. Then it uses principle of selection and elimination to take factors that favour it sustenance. Therefore human being who evolved first and foremost has no one brain but he has many brains. That is said to make his brain to work fast, think fast and take more informed decisions. The elder brain swallowed other brains so as to remain the ruler. But the brain development entails the ability to comply to the habits and daily routine adopted so as to survive the life right from the beginning. The final count from that is to argue that life has to follow laws which guide what prehistoric procedures that help to bring about the evolution of the prehistoric human being with powerful brain that became capable of realising that it was surrounded by forces spread surround its body. A body that is wise so as to realise how to assimilate to its surrounding body and even shift while not losing its source of identity. If that body was plausible right, from the beginning what could have limited the goals and visions for continued evolution processes to continue to take place as from today? Indeed here is the Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory of proposed universal evolution to take place within and under control of a young boy having carried by the unknown.

Additional Ones:

c) Theory of Light and Dark Forces Mediating upon the Universe. There is inverse relationship getting revealed by interaction forces mediating between darkness and lightness forces. Those forces have come to define that darkness cannot occupy spaces occupied by lightness and vice versa. Therefore the energy carried and sustained by either of the two forces needs to be separated. That theory implies that brain of human being is part and parcel of darkness which escaped darkness due to attractive forces of lightness( see brain evolution session). It looks at how light should have evolved, it asserts that light evolved from an action of the brain’s ability to group all forces that carried light. Following that it asserts that light was achieved through recognition of how darkness and lightness interact to one another. Therefore the law concludes that darkness and lightness remained separated from the beginning, which means that it carried repulsive energy forces. For that reason all light energy forms are located according to how their law were conceived by the one who invented laws mediating how the dark brain forces that carried less light forces could be scattered so as to sustain the living of human being beginning by the master himself. The question critically questioned the location of sun away from earth and thereby suggest that the law of separation for dark and light forces was highly acknowledged by the master such that he realised that in areas where human being whose brain evolve from darkness does not require extremely high light energy forces, therefore he placed the light aside of the planet so that amount of heat reaching the human brain is reduced. This theory assert that light energy sources which are found close to man’s brain must be retrieved even before he come to be placed on the universe , which correlate to historical evidence which are pointing to the fact that human life is much ,ore recent that the overall processes carried all the way through to the evolution of human being. Therefore this theory is much more evident. This theory is critical of the proposed universal evolution, which has no sun, yet other universal features such as the one present in the current universe including moon, earth surface and stars are present. Using the law of dark and light separation this thesis argued that the sun is absent because the proposed universal features are still engulfed by light energy within them, which means that their atomic molecules are still hot, and therefore the sun cannot be released until they develop to retrieve heat energy (light energy) within them and thereby prevent to clash with the sun’s powerful light. In other hand it was argued that there are sequence and series that need to be followed so as to maintain smooth operation of proposed universe such as to prevent earth quick due to unbalanced forces caused by inequitable distribution of stars around the universe. Therefore the scientific measures need to

be taken to delay the process. This theory could be further proved with respect to how old or young the sun from the moon, stars and then the earth. The solution is to realise the material to which earth is made, following then one need to allow for an external body to be as much similar to the world like material. Therefore arrival of Christ would require him to be given birth in form of earth like living human being whose primary born model make has undergone through a process of rock , soil and then clay. Therefore one is more than (100+) by arguing that the unknown has already identified strength and weaknesses of the current universe for maintaining life , even before he takes a step ahead for sending another body parameter to die and send or forge a signal to universe and most importantly rise from death and go to heaven. When that has happened, the known is left with a hope that the power having compressed into one single body will allow himself to be able to re-use same laws to model other similar form of universe for sustaining life. But that is quiet impossible if the unknown is on earth, and also if he is in heaven despite whether he has died and rise again. That simple meant that Christ needs to be twice as much as he is a single person. That is very much impossible. That is why he made a plane to attach a holy spirit, the very same massager carrier

that can read from Christ in heaven. That simple

means that there is no difference between Christ and Angelos, except that they are different person across different universes. Then the bull is becoming a centre for law and power assimilation. Beyond the scope of Christ’s Holy Spirit: Die Multipurpose Hyperbola How much of truth and concrete evidence one may construct for convincing the future generations that planets at which they will inherit were not just powers of scientific natural forces. The following is not bible preaching scripture citations: Scientific Facts: The Holy Spirit needs to diffuse through Angelos so that he becomes a complete Angel with power abilities as Christ: however Holy Spirit can read to and from the Unknown (God). Fortunately, we only realise that diffusion involves the movement of molecules from more concentrated centres to less concentrated centres. That condition tells us that neither a boy nor a cow has ever been in heaven before, where Christ dwelt from. That tells us that Christ

and a red bull together with a boy are having a blow by blow with the unknown at centre trying to maintain power transmission to either balanced or further extended. At least we realise that Christ has been on earth to forge a signal that will allow all universal power to be red through him, but that will be fully recognised to the observant who is termed the unknown. This Hyperbolic Theory for Objectification/Assimilation of New World through Christ and Angelos and the cow by unknown truly reflect the critical stance for the need for balance for power transmission between earth and heaven or between Angelos and Christ. This will help the unknown to be able to read process and then compress power between Christ and Angelos and bring all universal law for primary creation to be recycled. But why did that recycle process became as much essential? Having primary and secondary data in your hands allows you to compare and contrast the parameters in your hands. It also enhances your vision. Vision is power and ability to think before applied knowledge is made. Indeed things keep on changing, but without a track record reading what has happened and how will that situation effect the universe at large, will leave the hope for life existence death. Thus the unknown will have achieved a marvellous vision for allowing Christ to be assimilated to all earth like universal laws he invented. Knowing that Christ need to be in form of the both raw and processed material left him in great depression because he did not realise how to make him into two places at once. But driving him with Holy Spirit would have given a nice hope, because leaving it at centre of the world would be diffused to other creatures with unknown like behaviours to inherit. Once that is done a red bull with great sharp horns (otherwise known as arms and or curves from math perspective) would run so fast as to hit the head of Christ so as to bridge only law transmission but also knowledge gap between the unknown and Angelos. That is very evident with respect to the grey, green to blue eyes of the boy namely Angelos which has developed right on top of his eye and got changed into a brain later on. We may not confess on intangible details such as the one concerning him seeing God zooming him in such that he could see himself closer to him. But as professionals, we may fully acknowledge the fact that hyperbola has made the power transmission possible with respect to the fact that a plane curve is having two branches, formed by the intersection of a plane with both halves of a right circular cone at an angle parallel to the axis of the cone. This is not totally different from how parabola looks like but because parabola is a single plane drawing forming curve, one can add that hyperbola is the

locus of points for which the difference of the distances from two given points is a constant. We have noticed that parabola had single plan vertex which could be termed as turning point vertex. But for hyperbola we have a conic section formed by a plane that cuts both bases of a cone; it consists of two branches asymptotic to two intersecting fixed lines and has two foci. The above paragraph carries a powerful message that hyperbola can be snapped apart so that we are left with two conic halved intersection apart called nappe. These are branches, however the branches are also known as horns or curves. That has proven Die Hyperbolic Theory for Objectification/Assimilation of New World through Christ and Angelos and the cow. This theory state that the unknown parameters from the single body across different universes needs to be merited and compressed in one single body on which all primary laws , primary conditions and primary objects are invented so as to manipulate all secondary laws , secondary conditions and secondary laws to jump into an instant time for their re-duplication ( this sentence is not written wrongly , but it needs one to read properly complex technical scientific processes taking place during the Multipurpose Hyperbola). But one does not need to worry because all of those processes are summarised at the end of this session: see the summary of three (3) theories of Angelos. This theory can be much more relevant even with respect to how modern scientist has overcome geographic separation by introducing space disc and sensors which have led to subsequent development of complex technical systems such as TVs, Radios, Mobile phone and Global Position Systems. Hence Angelos is not alone in performing that marvellous task, as we had have received the news that he was cloned through flowers of Elizabeth the Second. He said he had co-ordinate points in which pulls him against the ground, stars and even the moon. All these are fossil evidences. But what about the fact that he was shocked by electricity having not touched the conductor through which the electricity is travelling.

It is up to each and every critical scholar to enhance his professional academic understanding of the theory above, with respect to Die Multipurpose of Hyperbola. For example, in any hyperbola there are foci, which are two point vertices, equidistant apart. Then by drawing the line segment between the foci one may end up having something called transverse axis. That is exactly where centre of the hyperbola lies on the transverse axis at a distance 'a' from either vertex as shown below.

From above quadratic relationship having created by hyperbolic curves several calculations may be created. For example one could have noted a rectangle having formed by vertical lines that intersect each vertex and the asymptotes. Noteworthy are lines that run horizontally from these intersections from one asymptote to the other. The following diagram clearly illustrate the labelled distance from origin to these vertical lines as a. The distance from origin to the horizontal lines of the rectangle is labelled as b. But because these points are not representing a point of axis somewhere between the halfway of the middle point of symmetrical lines to the axis, we have ended up saying distance a) and b) are called x-radius and y radius. That is due to the fact that in a one complete hyperbolic graph one could

meditate to draw a cone which joins the two curves from two curves, equidistant apart. (See the drawing below)

From above, drawings several calculations could follow, for example one may think of calculating the distance from the origin to either focal point. We need to keep in mind that there are asymptotes, which are linbes that intersect each centre of the hyperbola, but also note that x radius and y- radius can be rotated. Asymptotes are simple straight lines, therefore

their equation is given by y = mx +c. The quadratic formula of hyperbola does not limit us, but several other calculations may rise which could involve calculating area of square, rectangle, conic surface etc. Consider










This is a translated hyperbola with h = 3 and k = -2. The centre of this hyperbola is at (h,k) = (3, -2). a2 = 16, so a = 4 b2 = 36, so b = 6 From this one can plot a rectangle where there is centre (3, -2) as shown below:-

The x term has the plus sign so this hyperbola opens along the X axis. So the vertices will be on the dotted red line (y = -2). Substituting in this value for y and solving for x we have:

The foci are shown, recall how a, b and c are related:

The foci are relative to the centre, not the origin. 3 + 7.2 and 3 - 7.2 are the x values. Implications of the Die Multipurpose Hyperbola:

From today on, we should not just look at a dry compound hyperbola, instead we should look each and every single branch as part of horn, whose pole had north origin and focus as shown above. Note that these are points with distinguishable angles and radius points as noted earlier.

From all previous chapters, we know clearly realise that here are many methods for solving a system of second-degree equations in two variables. In most of those sections we have concentrated on the algebraic approach using substitution and/or elimination from hyperbolic quadratic formula. But one can further entice this matter with respect to the intersection of 3x2 + y2 = 15 and x2 - y2 = 1. For these equations one obtains an ellipse and the second is a hyperbola. The solution is to add the two equations to get:

4x2 = 16 x2 = 4 x = 2 or x = -2 Now replace these answers in one of the above equations to find the y values. 4 - y2 = 1 -y2 = -3 y2 = 3 y = 1.7 or y = -1.7 The intersection points are (2, 1.7), (2, -1.7), (-2, 1.7), (-2, -1.7), The intersection of x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + 4y2 = 13 are at y = 2 or y = -2 and we obtain that from Subtract these two equations to get: 3y2 = 12 y2 = 4 y = 2 or y = -2 However, when one puts these into one of the original equations using the first one, he may found out that: - x2 + 4 = 1, x2 = -3 which has no possible solution. But that implies that our two graphs do not cross intersect. But if so the graphs should look as follows:


open curve

to closed section

Implications: of Die Multipurpose Hyperbola: The above mathematical operation can change the world forever. For example, we are now revealing ‘the way unknown used to compress power into (two parameters) and then manipulate the system to create new universes’. The hyperbola became important to bridge power between Christ and Angelos. The bull played a complementary role, for bringing collision between Christ and Angelos. Then the unknown separated two role players (technical scientific parameters), with him serving as an observer and experimental controller. In order to drive those ‘law responding parameter’ to reach where he (the unknown) is, he has to split cone curves of parabola/hyperbola into two distinct nappe. Once that status is reached, several functions could be reached. For example,

in year 2013, Angelos is at

Reservoir Heights (Asoka). He was used to fill in the petrol tank which was as far above the moon. That simple means that the curve has gone with all responding parameters, not just for creating the new universe as to fill in the missing cave, but also to be able to fill petrol tank

that drives the universe at large. But before that happen, Angelos himself had already experienced hardship. The first one is to give birth to a very long snake through his mouth. He laid it next to Umhlanga trees. Therefore those trees are utilizable for making petrol. (Usually these herbaceous trees are known as invasive alien species at Reservoir Hills). But six months later, he was smelling petrol in his mouth, yet he never drank it or touchĂŠ it. But later on, he found himself holding his hands as a former karate member. He was in a process of preventing at very huge tank from descending down, yet at the same time his hand were flowing water like substance into the tank. If his hands are facing away to his face, the tank descended down. But if his hands are facing towards his face, the tank moved up/ ascended up. That sincerely karate like processes lasted for approximately 15 seconds, yet a tank with a size of the moon was filled to extent that earth was starting to vibrate due to increase of a weight of petrol inside the tank with Angelos standing against the earth balancing the heaviest tank not to fall down. The amount of petrol filled inside the tank with a size of a moon could guarantee that the current universe can still go around the sun for the next two million years. Eventually, an Angel (of heaven) appeared to the sky and to take that tank with one arm using the very same karate performances and pulled it up smoothly until it disappeared completely, very far off the star horizon. After that a missive sound of people clapping hands was heard across the whole universe and Angelos suggested that those were trillions who were there watching the unknown using a responding technical scientific parameters to produce petrol that is used in an engine system that drives the whole universe. Then Angelos realised that, in reality there is nothing that could move without petrol. The fact is that, as long as Angelos lives, there are two much more marvellous things which are to be done by the unknown through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola that is also used for Objectification and Assimilation of objects. It could not be much of a surprise to find out if responding technical scientific parameters such as Christ who came from heaven would not realise what is a primary goal and objective for sending them on earth. The technical scientific processes of Multipurpose Hyperbola are manipulated through them to respond to continued maintenance of life supporting universal systems. That point alone has a very sensitive scientific implication to Christians , as it illustrate that Christ was not there during the time at which the unknown with powerful brain which ( who) is capable of inventing all laws to which all forms of primary laws under which old universe were made to operate were invented. Indeed a model is defined with respect to his inventor , just like most of us only realize force of gravity through to and

by Isaac Newton and many other forms of scientific laws to which old universe operates. These laws may remain to be known and or unknown to man. If Mr Ford invent a car , not all other Ford model are going to be invented the same way but instead similar methods are adopted to be used to improve the car model . If a car moves with petrol it relies on that energy fuel to move. However it might sound very strange if the car owner wake up tomorrow and fill water or diesel as energy fuel to move that car. A car with properly designed piped engine system certified to use petrol fuel as means of energy boost would not be moved by diesel. For the previous example we are trying to illustrate that the responding technical scientific parameters to which the unknown is preparing to rule and develop surface features are used as a proper scientific plan. In other words they have corresponding laws and corresponding brain functioning system attachments which responds whenever the unknown conducts an experiment. Once again the scientific parameters are forced to remain to be observer participant during the Multipurpose Hyperbola and that means that the unknown does not just take any parameter with brain system of human being. (Scientific parameter refers to a person to whom the unknown harness power and all forms of primary laws to be used to rule and develop surface features with an intention of bringing about instant responding parameters yielding the creation of brand new life supporting planet / universe. The rule is that the unknown cannot develop and or rule the earth surface features if he is not touching them by his foot. In other hand he cannot be able to develop new life supporting universe within a shortest period of time possible if he use the old out-dated systems that relied on things like atomic molecules and earth ovum are formed to expand until the bigger size planet is formed.

Radiometric dating has determined the age of the oldest rock to be between 3.96 to 3.8 billion years. Earth must be at least as old as the oldest rocks in the crust. Early in the formation, of Earth, the planet was molten, and numerous elements and minerals were throughout the magma. Over time, the minerals became concentrated in specific zones and earth became layered. As the magma reached the surface and cooled, landmasses began to form. When the earth formed, iron and nickel, which are dense elements, concentrated in its core. Minerals with low densities tend to crystallize from magma at cooler temperatures than denser mineral do. Therefore, near the surface of Earth, where it is cooler, the rocks are generally composed of high proportion of less dense minerals. For example, granite is common in earth’s surface. Granite is mainly composed of feldspar, quarts and mica, which are minerals with low densities.

Earth is about 4.6 billion years old and that fossil evidence indicates that life existence on Earth is about 3.5 billion years and that fossil evidence indicates that life existence on earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Thus, life must have begun during Earth’s first 1.1 billion years. Earth probably could not have supported life until about 3.9 billion years ago because meteorites were constantly striking its surface. If life did begin during this time of meteorite bombardment, it is unlikely that it could have survived for long. This places the origin of life between somewhere between 3.9 and 3.5 billion years ago. There are several experimental evidences which support these theories. For example during the half of the twentieth century, scientist hypothesized that the early atmosphere contained carbon dioxide, nitrogen water vapour,

methane and ammonia, but no free oxygen. (But

what do animals and plants use as means of respiration: how long do they have to wait until the process of evolution begin and complete if the unknown is to use the very same out-dated methods for creating life sustaining planets). They also theorised that numerous storms produced lighting and that the surface of the earth was relatively warm. Molecular Biologist in the 1920s also suggested that an atmosphere containing abundant ammonia and methane but lacking free oxygen would be an ideal setting for the ‘primordial soup’ in which life could have began. A young graduate student named Stanley Miller, who was working with a graduate advisor, Nobel prize-winning Harold Urey in 1953 was aware of the hypothesis. (Refer to Miller and Urey primordial soup Hypothesis) But briefly these guys set up apparatus that contained a chamber filled with hydrogen, methane, and ammonia to stimulate early atmosphere. There was an atmospheric chamber connected to the lower chamber to that was designed to catch up any particle that condensed in the atmospheric chamber. The main objective is not to record what took place during Miller and Urey experiment. But the definite goal is to trace the fossil evidence that life is a complex interconnected chain whose major evolutionary processes emerged to yield the wonderful world that has capability to support living organisms of all kinds. Central to argument is a demonstration which reveals that the process of life evolution took very long time to be achieved. What ever method that the unknown used to bring about life, he could have witnessed the extremely slow progress towards achieving instant results. For example, further experiments 13 of 20 amino acids known to occur in living things could be formed using experimental set-ups similar to the Miller-Urey methods. Further

experiments demonstrated that heat, cyanide and certain clay minerals could cause amino acids to join together in chains like proteins. But biologists do realise that proteins provide structure for tissues and organs, and are important agents in cell metabolism, thus, the discovery that amino acids could be formed in this way was amazing. In our case study: the bottom line or specific implications of ideas having borrowed from Miller and Urey theory is the conclusion concerning the fact that ‘life first formed , however the basic building blocks of life were most likely present on Earth during Archean. One may enhance the understanding of these theories with respect to Hydrothermal Vents and the Beginning of life, Proterozoic Life and Ediacara Fossils. (Data Source: Chapter 22 of Book: The Precambrian Earth: Earth Science Online) The unknown cannot rule and develop earth surface features on himself without relying on the technical scientific parameters such as cow , Angelos and Christ because they are product material, of earth and therefore they can respond easily whenever algebraic expression is paused to them. However there are other two strict rules for developing new universe across two different universes. The first one is the one concerning the space limit. The second one is time and characteristics of responding material. The Archean is one of the four principal eons of Earth history. When the Archean began, the Earth's heat flow was nearly three times as high as it is today, and it was still twice the current level at the transition from the Archean to the Proterozoic (2,500 Million years ago). The extra heat was the result of a mix of remnant heat from planetary accretion, heat from the formation of the Earth's core, and heat produced by radioactive elements. Most surviving Archean rocks are metamorphic or igneous. Volcanic activity was considerably higher than today, with numerous lava eruptions, including unusual types such as komatiite. Granitic rocks predominate throughout the crystalline remnants of the surviving Archean crust. Examples include great melt sheets and voluminous plutonic masses of granite, diorite, layered intrusions, anorthosites and monzonites known as sanukitoids. Therefore the unknown has to decided new systems for dealing with time constraining factors of creation in undertaking the second round processes of universal creation. (but what are time constraints and where do they originate?) Simple and straight forward, the earth evolution processes from Precambrian era did not offered any short immediate time to yield

life supporting resources but the process itself took billions of years. But here is a multipurpose hyperbolic theory which knows solutions to time and space limitations towards universal creation side by side, full stop.

Space limit:The unknown cannot rule and develop the earth surface features ( to use the primary laws together with old universe to create new universe) if he set himself literally and physically on earth because two planets having ruled and developed through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola cannot sit together and that could result in a heavy disaster. In this case one may think of a situation on which a new planet is created on top of the existing one, therefore in a proper scientific universe, distance need to be maintained so as to prevent crash and collision of supercontinents. That means that the unknown need to adopt the principles of double ruling : in which he prevent a distance away from the current universal forces and locate himself in a vacuum space where the proposed universe is to be displayed through the ruling and developing of earth surface features with respect to parameters earned from the Multipurpose Hyperbola. Therefore the strategy for creating human being with the unknown like corresponding parameters such as brain could enable him to be in two places at once because the technical scientific parameters he uses to express shape, form and standard times for newly developed universe operation would respond to him directly through expressing desired technical operations within the Multipurpose Hyperbola.

Remember that earth

surface features having ruled or developed were not ruled through physical construction or through their state form but they were ruled and developed through technical scientific designing which took place in a piece of paper with the technical scientific expert involved in designing of how the ruled and developed feature should look like. Therefore that which is ruled have certain technical scientific expression attached to themselves other than the task they are ascribed to carry on. No matter how the task is done, the scientific laws of an expert expressing the model design, goal and vision remain hidden unless someone undertake a study for finding out what could have been the main vision for their construction. It could have been such an amazing world to be born in a world on which there are experienced technical scientists including physicians, anatomist and biologist who would just enjoy residing under the universe on which they do not realise what could have initiated the sunrise and or sunset. But fortunately our technical experts such as Dmitri Mendeleev, Isaac Newton

and Moses Gomberg did kick-started critical point by introducing how laws on which all forms of secondary objects are built influence them. Today we are taking that argument very far with respect to strengths obtained from knowing that all objects are subordinated to operate according to the will of the laws imposed upon them. The object left alone is not powerful but it the law that directs and dictates its universal operation which make it to respond through movement or through its physical outlook. In the very same level of surprise biogeographic analysis shoot off to tell us that changes are taking place and that entailed several theories most which reveal gradual loss of biodiversity and climate change. These are pure indicative that if modern academics do not carry the earth evolution subject forward something could have been lost forever. But because life has been modernizing , with respect to evolution of technology and science experts who are trying the modus operandi for dating the phenomenal construction and driving force of change that has led to current limitation for life diversity , we have ended up having critical philosophical scholars such as Angelos. The very same men could have not survived without understanding of biogeographic theory implication owed and or developed from various scholars including Alfred Wagner’s view of Continental Drift and Fauna and Flora Distribution (Timothy Wiggill and Dr. Pillay UKZN:2007-2013). The aid of GIS itself is becoming very crucial because it relate the spatial distribution of features to physical world and thereby date the scientific solutions for depicting what could have brought their alterations through time (Dr. Njoya Howard College 2007-2013)Therefore if we are different mentally mental compose specimen from other surrounding objects we could use these fragmented pieces of fossil evidence to start to draw a conclusion that the current lives are not absolutely permanent . If so, then what is a step forward? The answer is simple; these things are demanding so called supernatural power intervention, which is beyond the man sculptor capability. But believing if someone can invent another universe could sound extremely crazy. But based on the learning by doing and observation towards dynamic scientific changes over and above human life (universe at large) one could have learnt a very crucial example from three theories getting presented by Angelos). The time for change has come. Change is always inevitably, and when it comes it intrigues as a revolution. But fortunately each and every individual academy clearly realise from various philosophical stance that there is nothing more important than an idea whose time has come. Time Capacity and Characteristics of Responding Material:-

That means that the unknown/master needs to create someone who shall represent himself with all powers and brain capabilities which shall respond and or interact to primary laws. Once that person is fully developed, the unknown can start to seek an empty space to which the proposed new universe is going to be displayed. The ruling and developing of earth surface features could allow the unknown to set up all necessary laws that are used to create old universe and thereby assimilate to the new proposed planet on a vacuum space where proposed universal features (objects) such as earth moon and stars are to be displayed.


he takes a parameter which has been prepared for several years to carry that specific task on (see brain structures of Angelos). They said it a man with dark-grey spots spread across the membranous sheath to develop into a new external brain. Indeed that is very evident with respect to what is observed from one of responding technical scientific parameter namely Angelos. This is a boy who developed those dark grey sports which are spread as a membranous sheath on the eye on the right hand side. Secondly in the back of his back there is an engine which switches on whenever a boy failed to wake up (death prevention). That engine was classified as a Suzu car engine and the strategies utilised by the unknown to assimilate the car engine into human body is going to be illustrated later. Thirdly a boy has co-ordinate point in his forehead which pulls against the moon, earth and stars. His body is very powerful, that not even by a mistake could prone disasters such as earth tremor, and tsunami and powerful wind could threaten his life. It is made to repel automatically against all those forces. The primary reason for all of this technical measures is to ensure that he lives until he get 26 years old , a period at which the Multipurpose Hyperbola will have been fully developed . The major restriction that is said to have driven the unknown to invent the powerful technical scientific parameter on earth is one rooted on a very powerful law or theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola. The theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola argues ‘that one cannot develop and rule across two universes ( between old universe and newly proposed universe areas) if he has no direct contact to the surface area to which all forms of primary laws are found interacting or directing how the universal systems and object should operate’. The law proposed that all forms of laws under which the object operates are external to it. The laws are primarily invented by the unknown who set up how they should work to support the working system of the whole universe. But the universe itself cannot be ruled and or developed directly outside of an introduction of the technical scientific parameter which shall respond to all desired wills of the unknown because they are not having the features of the central brain of the unknown

who invented all forms of laws that drives the universal operation. That theory is also called a mega-theory for universal development and operation because it exposes that superstructures are having no power on themselves but that are having modelled scientifically by the unknown who mastered their physical outlook even before they came to appear to man (eyes). Therefore the objects are powerless but it the master who invented scientific laws under which they operate who is powerful. Likewise the objects cannot be used directly to respond to technical scientific parameters aimed at bringing about the creation of new universe because they are just non-living objects with no brain characteristics of the unknown. Then human beings who reside on earth could be used to manipulate the current existing universal system so as to develop new life supporting universe or planet system. That scientific procedure could work very successfully if the unknown is capable of inventing a human being with a brain which is connected to his main system that drives the current universal operation. That is very evident with respect to one of responding scientific parameter namely Angelos who has developed an external brain in his eye on the right hand side. This brain serves as ‘connect to folder’, which shall be used by the unknown/master to insert and manipulate all forms of primary laws under which the current universe operates. People who have done GIS could nearly understand what connect to folder is with respect to missing data operation that is set to integrate the arch GIS map data to the one obtained from outside sources. Indeed they could go and mention things like integrating current co-ordinate point maps system to the new one through the use of map Projection. But if they are as much that clever, what could have prevented the master of all creation to use the very same geographic informative system operational measures as means through which the responding scientific parameters are integrated to the primary laws used to invent the current old universe . In this mega – theory of developing and ruling we are arguing that power needs to be harnessed through the developing scientific parameter on earth. That is very evident with an injection of a young boy through the use of a snake which left his body very much vulnerable to universal forces (ultra-violet sunrays). For example a young boy who was injected through the space snake experienced extensive pains when he sits in the sunshine because waves interacted with his three dimensional (3D) weak hairs to redirect universal power to diffuse into his skin surface. Later on the pains were felt through the veins and blood carrying arteries which are connected directly to main brain systems and also to/ through arteries and veins that carry blood to and from the brain centres and also to main central nervous systems. The action of harnessing power is twofold; the first one coincidentally forges primary and secondary laws acting to an object and reinforces them to be integrated to one single main

scientific parameter body. The second one forcefully forges and diffuses the message through those hairs, then blood arteries and veins to be redirected to external brain on the eye, central nervous systems where the engine is located and also to the normal brain of human being. As soon as that happened a young boy was ready to be used as a responding technical scientific parameter proposed to be used to rule and develop surface features and universal operation which takes place in the Multipurpose Hyperbola. Everything rely on the presence and livingness of Angelos as a powerful brain body with all forms of primary laws and – secondary laws having forcefully harnessed and or diffused to him. That is where three main theories of Angelos are rooted (but we kind of sense that Holy Spirit that Christ brought on earth serves as a solvent through which universal forces could be diffused to human body). However, scientifically that point could be highly contested by scientist who only realise solvent re-actions

as water (H2O) substances. And therefore those people would point out

that it is the work of blood to diffuse message to the main brain centres and not Holy Spirit. In other hand, blood and stone which are main visible part of man-made skin (hint unknown) left alone does no human but it the breath of the human being that sustains the wall who is a man. Therefore this debate needs to be left outside with an immediate effect when carrying discussion through and around Multipurpose Hyperbola discourses. The Summary of Three (3) Theories of Modern Universal Creation: Ruling and Developing Theory: 1) One cannot rule and or develop across two universes without having him sitting directly across those two universes. The unknown needs a strategic system that shall allow him to be able to touch current (new) universe and old universe foot by foot. The solution is to create scientifically responding parameters which with characteristics of his entire ‘model make’ such as brain. In other hand the model needs to have characteristics of surface universe features so as to enable scientific formulae to pick up during the Multipurpose Hyperbola technical scientific expressions. We made use of Dmitri Mendeleev to illustrate how successfully human body are interacting with earth crust, mane made features such as internet decoders. We have also mentioned that a boy was shocked by electricity having not touched the exposed current carrying conductor directly. Eventually we mentioned that new universe was successfully created by year 2013 within a period of six (6) months. We concluded that the Multipurpose Hyperbola works very successfully if the responding surface secondary object with brain remains to be an observer participant.

Die Theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola: 2) The second theory is Multipurpose Hyperbola which argues that one (the unknown) can easily manipulate time through Multipurpose Hyperbola on which all scientific parameters are prepared to respond through the earth surface living objects (i.e. Angelos and a cow). Through the Multipurpose Hyperbola surface features are ruled and developed to yield instant results (to overcome time as a major concern) aimed at yielding new life supporting universe(s) on which man can reside other than the current mother earth. That theory simple means that laws are used together with technical scientific parameters to design new universes in which the unknown could use a Multipurpose Hyperbola to extract an empty vacuum space on which proposed universe is going to be displayed. This theory has major time constraint implications as it has discovered from bio-geographic point of view that current universe took billions of years to develop. If the unknown could utilise the very old methods directly to invent other universe he could waste time and nations could proceed to starve with the hope for continued sustained life getting lost. Indeed this is a mega-theory for modern universal evolution in which there are unknown man-like creatures who understand science and technology very well. These creatures are created to tolerate pain which compress power to diffuse in their body so that primary laws and secondary laws are integrated into their body to yield responding technical scientific result expressed in or after the -development of Multipurpose Hyperbola. (Hint: - horns of a cow, Christ head and Angelos) Mega-theory for Primary Laws and Secondary Laws (Acting upon Objects and Universe at Large): 3) The third theory of Angelos is the one which argues that all universal features, seen and or unseen have laws under which they operate. The power, strengths and or super-structural outlook of an object does not mean that an object has got power. The master/unknown is most powerful because he had an ability to imagine and invent the laws on which objects are operating. The power of a master is invested in his brain which he used to invent laws on which the universe operates. Therefore the power of unknown is not power in terms of his shape , size and or physical outlook but it is power in form of an ability to make technical scientific decision to which universe was invented. We made use of Isaac Newton and Dmitri Mendeleev to illustrate that objects have secondary laws under which they operate. Hence the overall smooth operation for the whole universe has diversity of secondary laws interacting to

each other so as to yield balanced functioning of the universe at large. This theory inserts that life is a central motive for universal creation and every law and object that one observed (to see or discover), is there because there is an eager and desire to maintain continued living. But because the primary laws are having designed by the unknown, universal life is not completely permanent. It needs to be regulated and maintained through time. If there are no plans to revitalise universal life inherited, future lives could be tormented permanently. The central argument is that life is centred in the universe on which technical scientific dynamics are taking place to limit the so called everlasting living of human on earth. Whereas the populations have increased with resource scarcity and their absolute unavailability considering the short immediate non-renewable resource needs to which human living rely. The science taught us of processes involved behind their manufactures and thereby offered a firm

philosophical conviction that there is no turning back, resources available cannot be

used to feed everyone, therefore the process for unequal growth and hunger is forever. But through it all we are breaking a record using the very same philosophical convicting technical scientific phenomenal truth to which conclusive argument is built. The paradigm shift is taking place through gradual power transfer of nature through human being with powerful external brain which has installed all forms of primary laws and secondary laws to be used to develop a completely new universe. The modern evolution is taking place with respect to realise that time has become a limiting factor to continued sustained living. The unknown is at centre of a debate as the observer who imposes primary laws to the responding scientifically and technically chosen parameters in form of human being. This theory also seek to assert that evolution processes can never come to an end , as long as the continued living still rely on universal objects which keep on changing through time. Therefore time is an immoral limiting factor. If one is serious about overcoming time as a limiting factor he has to manipulate laws acting upon objects to yield instant result in re-creating and revitalising the universe. Unfortunately one cannot rule and or develop across two universes if he has no direct contact to the earth surface and also to the new universe foot by foot. The solution is to create a person with unknown like human features such as the powerful brain. If power and laws are successfully harnessed and compressed to the universe like object through the use of human with unknown like behaviours and characteristics of model make the unknown could successfully manipulate the primary laws to bring about another new universe. Saying that one cannot rule across two universe if he does not touchĂŠ them simultaneously ( foot by foot ) is overcome through the introduction of that powerful human being with unknown like model make such as external brain on the eye. There is another limiting factor for the

unknown not to physically touchĂŠ the earth on him, such as space and distance. The unknown cannot attempt to stand on the old universe by himself because he cannot successfully rule the earth surface features and universe at which there are already occupied spaces. Hence that could bring about heavy disaster, instead the unknown need to be in a place where there is vacuum space on which proposed universe is to be extracted , mapped and then get proposed universal features such as moon , earth , stars displayed. The crash could be avoided, but if the technical science expert undertakes this experiment on earth serious crashes between earth features and universal features could take place. We must not forget to mention that this theory is built out of the already existing theories and laws having derived from Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Alfred Wegener and Moses Gomberg, Seiji Ogawa. Most importantly, the unknown as a science expert who carry the conduction of an experiment remained the observant who shapes and overlooks the operation of parameters that have been prepared for many years to carry that task. The unknown as an expert, clearly realise the strengths and weakness of the each of the two main parameters and just in case either parameter crashed or failed to respond during experiment session he could have been able to take protective measures to avoid disaster such as the one concerning the falling down of massive tank on top of stars or force of attraction between old universe and proposed universe that is said to be finished by year 2013. The scientific parameter on earth needs to also remain as an active participant observer because there is no magic that the unknown could use to carry scientific procedures for developing and ruling the surface features if the surface technical scientific parameter expected to respond during experiment session does not realize operation measures paused to it. As such, one could learn from an example of relationship between a car owner and his car. He has a car which moves with a petrol , however it could sound very strange if he could wake up one day and attempt to fill diesel in that car whose engine was constructed to use petrol gap. If the engine is not designed to accept that fuel system it will not function with it. Likewise the unknown had a smooth plan to start by setting the engine at back of Angelos. Secondly, he inserted a brain in his eye on the rights hand side. Thirdly he injected his body using a space snake; thereafter the universal power was forcefully diffused in his head, chest, and forehead and all over the body. His sharp pointed Anglo Black Chinese hairs with three dimensional outlooks played a very crucial role because waves that entered through hairs eventually pained the surface skin of the head. The eyes grew very red; some believed they were almost destroyed. But it is also believed that such process allowed a blood to flow from head surface skin to different main

brain centres to diffuse external power in form of law and message. This is not absolutely abstractive clarification more especially to those who have been exposed to GIS. They could have been exposed to GIS technical systems for spatial integration in which data across various systems are pulled together so as to explore changes for geographic spatial features over time. This often demands the acknowledgement of data source, map type and data form used to capture and store that data (digital or analog). Once these systems are clearly recognised to a technical expert, it becomes very possible to make use of other technical systems used with GIS such as Indrisi Andes, Arc-Catalog and Arc-toolbox to process the spatial analyst for information based on a data having undergone integration under a current existing system. Central to the argument is the fact that unknown owns power station used to invent primary laws on which current universe operates. As a matter of fact, laws can also be assimilated to human being with unknown like characteristics such as brain. Therefore the act of inserting an external brain to Angelos would enable the unknown to integrate primary laws to a responding scientific body who is on earth. That person is touching the earth surface with his bare foots and the message could pick up day in and day out. However not only earth surface message is required, therefore the eye is also exposed to atmosphere where it can harness power directly through earning sunlight. But also certain level of laws could not diffuse in an eye, so there are those sharp pointed silky hairs which are said to be like the ones found on the Anglo Black Chinese guys. Their exposal to atmosphere allowed power to diffuse through hair skin surface and allow pains to transmit message to all brain centres. The hair shaft goes deeper into papilla hair which is connected directly to blood and lymph vessels. But the most interesting thing is the fact that blood and lymph vessels are linked to nerve fiber with a direct link to arteries and vessels. But the arteries carry blood to main important body organs such as eye, central nervous systems and brain. If the arteries to which nerve fiber is attached sensed pains, blood serve as message carrier to carry an impulse or pain to main organs such as eye, brain and central nervous system. Generally each and every organ has its strategy to externalise, adapt or kill the pain. But if the pain goes severely the outcomes often result to headaches and blood disturbances that result to one getting his eye turning red. But in a very same devastating disturbance message that is forcefully diffused through blood arteries across various blood and nerve main streams, message and power in form of law was successfully integrated into a body of a young man. Therefore today we shall realise that a young boy ended up having two brains inter alia main brain centre which is present to everyone and the

external brain found located on the eye on the right hand side. Laws are power potential however they cannot speak to themselves just like any document remain closed or opened when no one reads them ‌, but it make no sense to say they are not powerful after all we truly realise that they are the ones which are used to invent and then drive the universal operation. But it is wise to say they are powerful only and only if one realise that they do not exist to themselves. Just like one could argue that physical super-structures built as objects are not powerful and or smart as they seem to operate but it the master who invent laws who is powerful. However even if master is powerful , he is not that powerful in terms of physical outlook but the power he has is due to his brain. But the brain does not always remain tensed so that power does not get lost but the brain has ability to make decisions on how the system having invented is manipulated through the use of laws operating and directing the operation of powerful engine and structures to act as drivers for real structures. Therefore if we are deriving our logical thinking to the applied scientific case above, we could say that the forces having been discovered are not permanent and they do need to be revitalised. If not even a single person reaches that level of thinking tomorrow could be a dark day forever. Having said this words , proper philosophers could then conclude that universal evolution processes have not yet come to an end , it a process that has a long way to go , the way that is having no beginning , but whose currently known beginning is with the unknown and possible no end till the end defeat philosopher himself. This case is evident with numerous scientific visions that began as soon as pain was over, like appearance of water aquarium ball with an image of mother Earth. That simple meant that the process of formation of new universe has started to be initiated by the unknown, however, what was visible was just what is in the screen of a monitor that is used by the unknown That point further illustrate the unknown is a scientist who forgot to log off while the main brain connected directly through the brain on the eye on the right hand side of Angelos. But the brain is active. Even if he did not forget to shut the system down, one could argue that he was in a process of designing and integrating the current existing universal system such as poles to the proposed new universe .We could remember that Angelos is defined as one of responding technical scientific parameter to be used during the Multipurpose Hyperbola. Multipurpose Hyperbola has capability to be used to extract the vacuum space on which the proposed universal stars, sun, moon and other life supporting planet features are going to be positioned and then displayed. At the same time the Multipurpose Hyperbola is used directly to rule and develop the earth surface features and all other forms of universal features that are

required to fulfil the technical scientific needs for creation of proposed/ new planets etc. But because Angelos did maths at high school and then again at University of Natal – Howard College, possibilities are that he remained an active observer participant during all processes that were demanded during the ruling and developing of Multipurpose Hyperbola. But the literature review on this maters confirmed that the boy took a very long time to see that he could act as a responding technical scientific parameter as he only discovered that during the time at which he was turning 26 years old. But if not, one could ask why did he deserted all his girlfriends and or published the very same information we are reading. It was very much late, it a time at which he could have compromised one of important modus operandi to which multipurpose hyperbola is built‌, not to do sex and or get married (a pure applied sacrificial law that other previous technical scientific parameters including Christ had been following). But let leave that matter as it will deviate from scientific factors to biological factors) The process of creating a new universe has already began by year 2013 and it is semi-finished within a period of one month (August 2013). How come could the unknown not to wait until Angelos reach a place where proposed new universe and planet is to be constructed? From Die Multipurpose Parabola/Hyperbola point of view, as soon as the nappe split apart, then the power with all responding technical scientific parameters, having been compressed firstly to Christ and then Angelos in form of a law has to be observed to the unknown, which imply that the unknown is in a position to own technical system that monitors how laws are responding (therefore the unknown owns a working station). That implies that the long-time refused responding forces and laws across different planets has been overcome, hence time has been overcome. With all capability that the unknown has, under no any circumstances may he could have been/ could he have been able to create life sustaining planets within one month. That is why we are talking of time-reduction in the evolution of modern planets as a matter of involvement of multipurpose hyperbola on which responding technical scientific parameters are directly and indirectly involved in remaining as observer participant who shall respond to each and every scientific expression paused to express the desired outcome aimed at inventing maintaining continued life supporting universal planet that often appeared to the eyes on the unknown who set every parameters to yield result on the vacuum space where proposed universal planet is to be sized and displayed . The main common sensual use of such hyperbola is to yield instant results in which the unknown does no longer require to wait for billions of years in order to create a life supporting planet. Therefore the use of

Multipurpose Hyperbola has help to prevent time loss during the Precambrian era until new life was formed. How possible might this have happened: Feminism Complexities of Reproduction: The unknown came out with an ancient plan to send Christ to attain his laws on earth; primary source of power is retained or recycled. Secondly by creating Angelos ( otherwise known as Maphumulo Mthokozisi Ntokozo) , there was a potential to bridge power and laws on earth to yield responding technical scientific response, and therefore the one in position to set the Multipurpose Hyperbola could express any desired law to respond instantly. The Multipurpose Hyperbola is formed through assimilation of a red bull with sharp horns into Angelos’s body. The red bull is fully cloned after having eaten grass on the field on which there are flowers that are used to clone everyone. Likewise, a young boy is also cloned through the use of a flower. The primary aim for cloning people through flower is not clear, except that one can argue that it a key stone species. But most important thing is the fact that a flower is exotic in Africa and it came from England. The flower yields offspring which are very much similar to Queen Elizabeth the Second. That simple means that the flower has also been cloned through the English Queen even before it is used to clone other people. African rural areas are completely dry, rainy seasons are present but only in summer. But the year 1994 presented serious devastating floods. It a powerful Demoniac rain which watered down building structures. The heavy rain help the flower to grow and prosper until a baby who is cloned out of it becomes fully mature (0-21 years old). The flower in question flew off the jet aeroplane that carried two couples having married recently at that particular time of a year and they were flying over African mountains of Sogidi Reserves. Sogidi Reserves is located at centre of Maphumulo Region. Pietermaritzburg, Durban, Grey town and Wartburg and Tongaat fall under Maphumulo region. These areas shall always remain remarkably in history as most of them used to have active Airports such as former Louise Botha International Airport in Durban, Gretown Airport, Pietermaritzburg Airport and Wartburg Airport. These areas offer a place where jet aeroplane could land. But that became a mixed blessing to the unknown as he saw an opportunity to influence pilots to fly over Sogidi Reserve where there are many Shange and Nyuswa Queens. Thus jet crash took place there (time and approximate date remained unknown).Today is a philosophical discourse which foretells us of the unknown’s ability to create planets through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola. But the fact is

that a complex socio-environmental and biogeographic force of interaction interplayed together even before Angelos is born. The rural women namely Bhekisephi Bachazile Shange Maphumulo used to work by Ngcobo fields. Ngcobo fields are located at point where the crash took place. As that woman was growing up English Queen Flowers were very much prevalent in the field. Women heart her through bottles, thorns and even hoe tool while working in the gardens. At that primitive era, there are no toilet papers or professional nurses to cue sores. The solution is to take any soft leaf plant and wipe the blood. In doing that, the women was not aware that she was cloning herself to remain to have potential to become pregnant to give birth to potentially powerful Anglo –Black Chinese with powerful visions. Similarly, after the Anglo-Black Chinese is born he could follow after live stocks and eventually reach Ngcobo gardens where English Queen Flowers through which he was cloned are located. In the gardens young boys formed a triple six line and dance a Zulu dance song. A man called Mjaji Makhanya led by a guitar so that their dance lasted for many months. Right on top of a flower the young boy is dancing until he also get a sore. The field is full of thorns, bottles and hard twigs. The solution is to use soft leafy plants to wipe a blood. But in doing so, a young boy is not aware that he is double cloning himself. The English Queen flower through which her mother was cloned is also used to clone him. There are funny things when one look at a boy. The boy has green eyes and she has dark silk Chinese hairs while here face remained gold white in colour. In other hand her parents are Zulu and they are not sharing any biological relationship with English people, historically or biologically. The central focus was how black women and men couples have possibly given birth to an Anglo-Black Chinese if s/he has never physically met to either Chinese or English man before (through hereditary and or genetically line of ancestry or family descendent line). The fact is that a flower itself is cloned to remain as a man, and therefore, regardless of its inability to get involved during the physically and romantically sexual reproduction process taking place between heterosexual or coincidentalunisexual sex-mates, it was possible to make women to become pregnant of a human being (the very same way that opposite sex mate could use to acquire kids). There are very much possible ways that rural women could get cloned through the use of English Queen. The primitive rural housing has grass thatched roofs which refers to a hut of a room. The women uses sickle to fetch mature dry grass in winter. When they are hungry they eat food having prepared and packed in their dishes. Opportunities are that the women are using a grass as tooth pick and thereby clone them. In other hand the grass is very sharp and

if it exposes blood to the skin, flower is directly used to remedy sore. Beside all of that in rural areas, pregnant women have a tendency of eating soil, more especially when they are pregnant. They also enjoy taking clayey soil and lime which is used to paint their traditional housing. However, the very same clay and lime silt is a rock parent material critically used to vaccinate Zulu people. Vaccination serves as a bottomless bin to reduce skin dirt on young kid’s skin. The unknown is very much interested in a young man who is vaccinated because in a process of vaccination black people use clay which is a rock parent material to which human life is primarily formed. This can enhance an ability of a person to yield responding technical scientific results used in the Multipurpose Hyperbola. This case study offers a very powerful chemical point of contrast. Usually we tend to think that less diluted water is clearer than diluted water. But if a person has never been vaccinated he remains dirty such that in a remote sensing procedure aimed at utilizing a data through Multipurpose Hyperbola he does not yield clear result from any expression. The fact is that , the sexual reproduction on which male and female used to achieve the status of giving a baby is not much more pronounced than the soil to which the skin and skeletal body of human being was made. Scientifically speaking, person’s body could be detected through the use of GIS and Global Positioning System which used Earth’s gravitational force to date and locate where exactly is a person standing. Miller and Urey once said that ‘life first formed, however the basic building blocks of life were most likely present on Earth during Archean’. Hence the main idea was that life is a parent rock material and it has been there for a very long time, even before an era the existence of human life. Therefore human life has been articulated to come out of those parent rock materials. This truth truly correlates to anthropological study which seeks to assert that human being could have come from African rock. Because out of the very same African clay, human being is shooting into a most powerful specimen with capabilities to yield desired technical scientific which can respond to Multipurpose Hyperbola? This is not to deny that human being is primarily made of clay but to large extent biblical versions have deviated to the science logic at which things are setting up. Indeed the unknown* saw no motive to revel those things to human being at time at which food and resources were abundant. In addition to that we are required to treat clay man made species as model x and y or female and male. Once model is finished consider the fact that one cannot do one and the very same processes in making a human being, instead there are technical scientific parameters as set within an expression which offers one to use a duplicated method to the

data source of model and then display outputs in a desired area (deep underground, above the ground and or short immediate distance from the ground). Remember that x and y is not treated as person rather they are treated as specimen objects similar to other plants. It is quite sure that when displaying things you are in a position to realise what key stone species and or environmental factors that will favour the progressive growth of that seed. Therefore this thesis treat human being as seeds which were possible to get dispersed and or get ploughed using the primary model x and y or male and female having invented by the unknown. Indeed this theory truly proves itself when x and y across different continents meets sexually give birth to a kid, yet they have remained in so much geographically remote areas. The fact is that there is something common that gave rise to x and y right from the beginning and it is not just a work of an egg giving birth to a chicken, because a wise person can come and ask where chicken could have come from. Therefore we remain resolute that even a flower is a key stone with all biogeographic capabilities that has brought the whole universal forces together such that a black women married to a black man could now give birth to an Anglo –Black Chinese regardless of sex –cross intersection across English People and Black people in that specific Maphumulo Family Ancestry. Once again, our case study highlights the bottom line or specific implications of ideas having borrowed from Miller and Urey theory which concludes from the fact that ‘life first formed, however the basic building blocks of life were most likely present on Earth during Archean’. One may enhance the understanding of these theories with respect to Hydrothermal Vents and the Beginning of life, Proterozoic Life and Ediacara Fossils. (Data Source: Chapter 22 of Book: The Precambrian Earth: Earth Science Online)

Based on the fossil evidence and common laws having derived above one can deduce that the master who is scientifically termed as unknown has already been capable of bridging the power between Christ and Angelos and future generations. The unknown has been doing this until the time on which the evaluation and or conduction an experiment to see if different forms of universe which are capable supporting universal life over and above what the current universal planet offers with respect to scientific technical expressions paused in a Multipurpose Hyperbola has come . The Multipurpose Hyperbola is highly entrusted to yield instant results because power has been fully harnessed through different parameters having undergone through earth like man made material composition on which all forms of primary

laws are diffused through their body. Therefore regardless of what the body parameters are, in terms of their outlook the fact remain s that they can offer responding technical scientific solutions to desired expressions performed in the Multipurpose Hyperbola. Therefore medel make-up (raw material) of the body parameter and forces having diffused to the body parameter serve as main important ‘DNA’ which traces the material composition of an objects and integrates it to primary laws and secondary laws which are prepared to be use with Multipurpose Hyperbola in the process of inventing the new life supporting universe other than mother earth. That is the very same logic which enables the unknown to earn instant result. Central to the argument is the fact that the old system which was used to formulate the current existing universe is outdated. This is a new generations which understands science and technology very well. In as much they understand science and technology very well they are having trained to offer responding scientific technical responds during the scientifically expressed equations within/ in the Multipurpose Hyperbola. The responding body is termed as observer participant because beside their replying scientific capability they can also observe to see what sort of scientific expressions paused in the Multipurpose Hyperbola while act as active participants in filing the missing sum during the completion of the balancing of equation. That is why this thesis mentioned that master/ unknown is more powerful because he can set up complex Multipurpose Hyperbolic Procedures which results in outcomes for instant result carried out to yield new universe with different sun, different earth and different stars expected to carry human life as the current mother Earth does. Power does not refer to the plain physical power observed through how one looks, but it refers to the master’s ability to assimilate law he created himself from two different universes in form of laws getting compressed in those main important body parameters. In doing this the unknown uses the primary knowledge he had used when he invented the universal laws, therefore he is capable of overcoming time constraint to current objects. Therefore one may conclude that knowledge is an ability of master’s (unknown’s) brain to make decisions based on what his imagination and desire to maintain continued living and not just an empty hegemony. Indeed that is the work of the unknown, who set its all forms of primary laws on which the whole universal creation operates. Hence that could truly correlate to Angelos’s theory of evolution which seek to assert that ‘vision does not begin with one having eyes, but primary life and primary vision began to the unknown to whom the processes of accumulation of darkness into layers to form a membranous body on which brain could have developed until knowledge to manipulate how primary laws, primary

conditions and universal objects operates were fully invented , articulated and then developed ( refer to the brain development sessions)

Now we can summarise what could have happened to give birth to new universe other than mother earth in a very smooth way:An Anglo- Black Chinese with all capabilities of responding technical scientific outcomes to the expressions of the unknown expressed through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola has been developing traditionally and culturally, scientifically and technically and sociologically through interaction of universal forces with human life at large. The traditional phase development involved the active participation of her mother working in the field and or going to fetch grass that is used to construct grass thatched roofs. The young boy got older and she could follow cows. During day times he could remain as an active participant in double cloning himself once again through dancing a Zulu dance on top of the flowers. He grew up stronger and magnitude of power and knowledge carried through English Queen Flower is unknown, even the Queens are not aware of that flower but they were just carrying their own routine daily activities as usual. It is a secret of the unknown that has been worked for past many years until this day. But shortly after he got 8 to 10 years, a young boy dark grey spots which appeared in his external skin on an eye on the right hand side. It is spread in a membranous sheath which seeks to overlap on front of the eye pupil and white skin part of an eye. Over years it has been moved to far right position so that the eye could see clearly. Over time a boy is feeling pain, which followed after having played an online computer game called solitaire. But very soon a boy is strike by a snake which sought to inject him with an injection having deliberately mixed by the unknown. An injection exposed how weak the Anglo-Black Chinese hairs are. To large extent the case study on eye, brain and central nervous systems has been covered in this thesis. In his early 24 years old, a boy is strike by a snake. The snake carried an injection which is used to weaken his body scientifically so that universal powers in form of primary and secondary laws is diffused through his body. The process is taking place coincidentally as well as strategically. However, the unknown was also aware that the external brain needs to be integrated to the whole body system of the boy and also to the universal laws. But through the aid of an injection, powerful sun rays are detected through hairs. The surface skin of the head felt pain during the sun shine and feeling pain is very important as it allow for the process of directing message impulse across various

brain centres, central nervous systems in the back where the engine is located and also in whole bod. The paper argued that the surface skin of the head where those three dimensional (3-D) hair outlook hairs are located, allow for pain and message transmission through hair shaft which goes deep into blood and lymph vessels where arteries and veins are located. Down the hair shaft is a nerve fiber which is connected to papilla of hair blood and vessels. But the blood is used to supply oxygen and nutrients to the main body organs. Strategically and coincidentally the message is diffused and transmitted through the blood to the main body organs such as brain centres (most importantly the external brain on the eye of the right hand side of the boy).The eyes of the boy turned extremely red and some argued that they were nearly destroyed. In addition to that something extremely peculiar took place, like the expansion of sperm in the entire head. Eventually, the tiny hole got opened in the throat and the sperm was discharged there. Once these pains were through, eyes return to the normal conditions and body start to operate normally. But it does not matter how much calm the body system of a boy might be, through the transformations and body alterations that took place in his body, his entire life and or the universe at large shall never be the same. This point serve to confirm that unto single person the power and law were forcefully diffused so that his body is used to return responding technical scientific parameters to be used together with a Multipurpose Hyperbola which shall be used to rule and develop the earth surface features so as to yield desired outcomes aimed at yielding INSTANT result for life supporting universe, other than the current earth. That simple means that we are going to have many earths and not just single mother earth.

Then this thesis opened with theories which are written on a high tide on which someone could not have surfed due to lack of boats and or skills to swim. If we were serious about demonstrating those mega-theories for new world creation we could have started by explaining the complex life patterns of life experiences having took place right from the universal creation to the birth of the young boy and then to the Multipurpose Hyperbola. That is what we have achieved above. Mega-theory for Primary Laws and Secondary Laws:It is therefore quintessential to realise that every object has got laws acting to direct how it operates. All laws are external to an object to which they operate. The laws that objects

possess are not entirely permanent and that means that they belong to the master who have invented them and get the goals and visions of how they drive the operation of an object set up. Therefore, all forms of secondary laws operating an object need to be recognised from primary law perspective which shall help to offer solutions to how the universal creation must be sustained for a longer period of time. Once that truth is known it is easier to realise that superstructures have no power on to them and it is the master who has power to use his brain and imagination level of critical thinking to invent laws under which the universal objects to which life is sustained operates. Therefore is we are serious about getting solutions to the current universal poverty issues that cannot be solved at human level of thinking we need to draw ourselves closer to the unknown and or discover how the unknown designed the primary laws from the beginning. That is when various fossil evidence from various scientist have been used to supply information supporting the fact that the major drive for being on earth is to sustain life , hence life is at centre of everything. That simple means that the objects have no goal and vision towards realising what they are doing except that they are just superstructures with laws attached to operate upon them. But the major concern is the high level of destruction of biodiversity and loss of hope over continued living on earth, a place where living species (fauna and or flora) are found. In considering the time that the earth took to grow and or develop until fauna and flora species not to exclude human being came to emerged, we are reaching a conclusion that there is no any kind of a logic or miracle that can be used to bring about revitalisation of the current universe so as to yield the enormous amount of the resources that used to be found from the earliest period of human evolution. Therefore we cross interacted these critical patterns of biogeographic changes to the theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola. But before that we exposed from chronological analysis of earth evolution processes that the unknown is not interested in using the outdated systems to create universe. Those systems are time wasting as earth evolution process take billions of years until human life is introduced later. The unknown is a critical science expert who realise all primary laws to which current universe was made. Therefore, if it is not superstructures that have power and power is unto the master who invented all forms of laws, he has to begin to come up with modern system which is going to allow the use of human being as one of living specimen to whom the central focus for life invention is directed. But because objects are having created even time ahead after human life is invented by the unknown, possibilities are that human being can have those qualities of responding technical scientific parameters which are used to complete

the expressions aimed at bringing about creation of new life supporting universe other than mother earth. Therefore the outdated methods were dumped as they are wasting time while there is a short immediate demand to create life supporting universal planet so that life does not lost in the current universe where resources are very scarce. But the unknown was faced with a serious problem, as he cannot be able to develop and rule across two different universes if he has no direct contact to the earth surface to which human life on universe is sustained. Human being on earth is entrusted to yield scientific responses corresponding to the desired laws used to create the current universe because he is part and parcel for parent rock material of the earth itself. But the very same rock material operates under the external laws which are designed by the unknown therefore that gave the unknown an advantageous position to rely on creating the human being to be placed on earth on which there are all forms of secondary laws having created from primary laws. In order to make that that human being offers clear responding parameter he has to be given extra power and that come through the forceful diffusion of primary laws and secondary laws to his body as explained earlier. Once that body scientific parameter to which (which of whom) power is fully diffused through him, all forms of primary laws used to invent the universe are integrated to his body. That person becomes are responding technical scientific parameter to be used with a model which is used to create new universe. In this case we are offering the Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory to explain how the new universe, other than the current existing earth is created through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola. The Multipurpose Hyperbola grows out of the recognition that the one ( the unknown) cannot rule and develop the earth surface features if he has no direct contact to two universes including the earth surface features ( current universe) and the proposed universe. In this case we are having the distance and presence as major constraint. For the unknown to be in two places at once he needs to create person to stand as responding scientific parameter which shall be used to pick up formulas used or expressed within the Multipurpose Hyperbola so as to yield instant results aimed at creating life supporting universe other than the current earth planet. The second constraint is time, even if the unknown may like to just focus on the vacuum area where he might possible develop a new planet he is no longer willing to use his outdated models which were used to create the current universe. The solution is to introduce a Multipurpose Hyperbola to which surface features are ruled and developed through the use of responding scientific parameter having prepared for many years to yield instant result from the expression paused by the unknown. The distance is a major constraint also because the

unknown cannot rule and develop the surface features standing on earth because the instant results must yield universal features such as earth, moon and stars which could result in major disaster due to ruling and developing new universal features on top of the already existing universe. Therefore distance, time, material and space are major limiting factors that are said to have pushed the unknown to develop the new universe. In other words the unknown need to stand far off the current universe and begin to use to rule and develop surface features through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola so as to yield instant result with potential to prepare and display new universe on the empty vacuum space, where there are no stars to crash against the new universe, full stop. Therefore in as much as impossible it is to rule and develop the earth surface features with no direct contact across different universes, it is possible to do so through the use of responding technical scientific responding parameters namely Angelos, Christ and Red Bull with sharp horns. The Christian religious history seems to gives evidence that Christ did happen to be born on earth through her mother. This research is much more concerned with the fact that Christ is born through a person who lives on earth and that simple means that he can also have capability to yield responding scientific parameters to the expression paused by the unknown. But the question paused in the one concerning why did the unknown not established the Multipurpose Hyperbola right from that time and use it to construct universe. The fact is that Christ is a human being with no horns. But does Angelos has horns and what the point of putting horns at front of the debate. Angelos has no horns and even if he might happen to have horns he could not have successfully used as an object to which Multipurpose Hyperbola is taking place. The key underlying mystery to this issue is that a young boy need to assimilate to a body of a cow with sharp horns so that he run as fast as possible and collide with the head of Christ. That means that there are two main role players, Christ and Angelos who are having very clear scientific parameters required to complete expression imposed by the Multipurpose Hyperbola. But why is the Multipurpose Hyperbola so much of a concern. The fact is that once two main role players collided the horns of a cow will go deeper into Christ’s head which was prepared more than 2000 years ago to yield a parabola during collision. Therefore the limiting factor for the unknown not to use Christ alone as the responding feature through which responding scientific expressions are harvested is the need for collision. But central to that statement, is the question asking whether there are no any human like specimen across ad by the side of the unknown to be used for such demanding collusive action to yield scientific parameter desired for universal creation. The answer is

simple and straight forward, the unknown / master cannot rule and develop from earth surface features if he has no direct contact to both universes. Mother Earth is the only universe that can be used to sustain life; other planet forms cannot be attested in this case because those are things which often entail Holy Ghost living entities. Beside that our science demands us to realise that the ruled and developed features are more practical and more theoretical carried routinely over the current universal object to which primary laws are harvested directly through the use of human being while he earns livingness and presence status on earth. That simple means that if that person has gone, the most important features are not responding to the science expression. Therefore the technical scientific parameters used to respond directly to the expressions expressed by the unknown in the multipurpose hyperbola must first and foremost be used while the person earns a living, because our planet serves and respond to the living while he is living a pure life. But leaving earth means disconnecting oneself from distancing oneself against laws which act to redirect how the universe operates. But there is a Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory which has been developed to bridge the gap between missing laws operating upon the universe. The solution is to enforce the body to adopt it and thereby be used by the unknown to recycle power and laws used to invent the universe, right from the beginning. Likewise, it is not so much long ago that you should be sitting on your coffee table while watching a television, before a first man landed into the space. If our level of intellectual minds enables us to do so, what could have stopped the unknown who designed and shaped the very same laws under which the current universe operates to grow together with us? Are we human or animals, why should we behave as birds which realise no dram over their tomorrow but continue to live their lives as if tomorrow might not have been a dark day forever and ever. This is the time when the primary universal forces used by the master to create the current universe to get recycled and reformulate the new universe other than the mother Earth so that life does not cease to exist. This is a multipurpose Hyperbola which ensures that all life is perfected and rejuvenated. Indeed, grater is that draw himself closer to the unknown for he has to earn the source of knowledge which most scientist term as power. This is not a power in form, of the physical outlook but it the power in form of the law which is invented by the unknown with respect to his brain which has an ability to imagine and manifest his vision. This is indeed a holy business. Therefore one can go back to summarise what happened during the development of Multipurpose Hyperbola a very simpler way.

Once a young man collided to a head of Christ, and a parabola curve began to form. But this was not just an easy process, the young boy was required to play an observer participant role in which he is required to fill in the parabola expression desired, and that involves certain level of realising how algebraic formula works. Fortunately, a young man did maths with higher grade and the classroom mathematics standard 8-10 textbook offer advanced session which deals with parabola, hyperbola and other quadratic formula. The points are filled through the completion of the quadratic formula expressing where should x and y values meet. A young boy was required to complete at least three consecutive points and the remaining next series automatically jumped to the equation. Once the corresponding values were filled smooth line joined the points so that half a curve was developed and later on another curve appeared so that the graph looks like a parabola. Then the series of complex adjustment took place in which a square like object was used to shift and rotate the parabola to look up , such that turning point was seen clearly. Moments later another curve developed to face down, so that the graph image was turned from parabola to hyperbola. A hyperbola appeared in a vertical transverse axis form, as shown in figure d) below.

Figure a)


Figure c)

Figure d) A plane curve is having two branches, formed by the intersection of a plane with both halves of a right circular cone at an angle parallel to the axis of the cone. This is not totally different from how parabola looks like but because parabola is a single plane drawing forming curve, one can add that hyperbola is the locus of points for which the difference of the distances from two given points is a constant. We have noticed that parabola had single plan vertex which could be termed as turning point vertex. But for hyperbola we have a conic section

formed by a plane that cuts both bases of a cone; it consists of two branches asymptotic to two intersecting fixed lines and has two foci. Once a plane curve having two separate parts or branches, formed when two cones that point toward one another are intersected by a plane that is parallel to the axes of the cones is complete, the cone (circle like shape) formed between two curves which are equidistant apart .|The cone get formed in-between the section where hyperbola maintains spaces apart of hyperbola. The cone represents the head of Christ and hyperbolic curves apart represent horns of a cow. (The drawing below illustrates the conic section left in-between two curves of hyperbolic section: treat the drawing as one single hyperbolic cone)

From the introduction, the relationship that exists between plane and curve of a hyperbola was explained to large extent. We are now concluding that a plane curve is having two branches, formed by the intersection of a plane with both halves of a right circular cone at an angle parallel to the axis of the cone. Using geometry a curve can be generated by intersecting the plane and circular cone (which means that one can draw a smooth circle to connect two parallel hyperbolic sections which are looking to opposite sides, yet having fixed and constant points apart. (Hint: asymptote and asymmetry). That meant that the conic section at which hyperbolic cone intersect circle remains almost perpendicular to hyperbola. In addition to that it has to remain more or less similar to target of any circle which touches the circular section only once, no matter how far would the distance seem to circulate

surround the point of contact. Mathematical study of earth surface features and their mapping offers an advanced system which offer a broader picture depicting the complex relationship between those various angles found inside the centre of the circle to the tangent of the circle such that one end up having so called opposite angles of the square or triangular shaped object drawn inside the circle that touches boundary of a circle equal to the angle outside of the circle across the tangent boundary. Or what about the fact that geometry can also be used together with Cartesian plans which involves sin , cosine and cosec functions which are used to calculate the missing values ranging from diameter of a circle to complementary angles and or length covered by inner distances which is often enhanced within the hypotenuse( hint theory of Pythagoras) . Likewise the Multipurpose Hyperbola developed in a very strategic mathematical fashion where complex algebraic expression are expressed to depict how should parameters for setting up new universe should stand , even before they are displayed in the empty vacuum . But when exactly will the unknown who set up all scientific expressions that takes place in the Multipurpose Hyperbola begin to imply them in the proposed physical world. From the above explanation, one can deduce the ellipses which are the closed type of conic section: and conic section resulting from the intersection of a cone by a plane.( plane is a curve of hyperbola) needs to be fully developed. Ellipses have many similarities with the other two forms of conic sections: the parabolas* and the hyperbolas**, both of which are open and unbounded. (Do also think about horns of a normal cow). After the completion of an ellipse, two straight lines that look like asymptotes join the two hyperbolic curves so that that the nappe is developed. Once the nappe is developed series of contour like interval circular sections develop to close the nappe until a plane algebraic curve of degree 1 , 2 and 3 as shown below develops.

Nappe: refer to that portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. Thus, some hyperboloids have one nappe, and some have two. Some dictionaries have poor definition of nappe which simple refers to them as a sheet, or branch of a surface. But for this purpose of study nappe refers to one of the two pieces of a double cone (i.e., two cones placed apex to apex). See the picture below.

As soon as that plane algebraic curve similar to the ones above is fully developed the nappe began to snap apart, so that one nappe cone section is left with a young boy and another nappe escaped smoothly and ascend up the sky. That is how we are reaching a conclusion that Die Multipurpose Hyperbola is used to rule and develop the earth surface features so as to use

the scientific technical parameters with capability to respond in the expression aimed at bringing about the creation of the new universe. Die Multipurpose Hyperbola in question is going to yield instant results but that could begin as soon as the two nappes are snapped apart. This clarifies that Multipurpose Hyperbola user is capable of manipulating the system only and only if the hyperbola has been fully developed. When the fully developed multipurpose hyperbola escaped, another one is left and that proves that the unknown completely rely on the earth surface features so as to rule and develop the universe through the use of multipurpose hyperbola. This ensures that whatever that is done through the escaping multipurpose hyperbola get to be linked to the surface multipurpose hyperbola in reality. The reality is that it is responding technical scientific parameters that need to be developed, and therefore the ruling and developing of the surface features are taking place through the young boy to whom the pieces of the broke hyperbola are to be developed and ruled.

The process of ruling and developing are taking place coincidentally and strategically. Coincidentally the responding scientific parameter is used through the ruling and developing

of the earth surface features, to some extent that he is not expected to observe and or respond to the processes taking place. The coincidence case could take place only after the multipurpose hyperbola has been snapped apart. However strategic use of the Multipurpose Hyperbola demands the presence of the responding parameter to participate directly in completing the expressions of the parabola, hyperbola and the collision part. In both systematic operations involved in the formation and continuous use of the Multipurpose Hyperbola livingness and or presence of life is compulsory. The significant difference is that in the post –Multipurpose Hyperbola stage an observer participant is no longer required to participate directly but it his life which is important for it has scientific and technical parameters which respond clear to the expressions of the Multipurpose Hyperbola. In the preMultipurpose Hyperbola stages an observer participant is demanded to participate in completion of all technical scientific expressions expressed during the formation of the Multipurpose Hyperbola. From the statement above one can conclude that life is central technical scientific parameter / instrument used to carry this task , however , postMultipurpose hyperbolic reveals that there are many things that could be done out of the Multipurpose Hyperbola other than just the invention of the marvellous universe. The main important message is that most processes that are taking place in the post-Multipurpose Hyperbola do not demand the supervision of the observer participant and therefore the participant does not realise what else is being done with respect to the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola except the creation of new universe. He is just speaking of the new universe just because his visions have seen stars spreading across an area where there is no sun. He has also seen the new planet earth but he is worried as to when will the sun get to be present. Another worry is the fact that he has seen the presence of waters yet the planet still remains dark. The central question is the once concerning time and critical instance of the Multipurpose Hyperbola. However the final stage for use of Multipurpose Hyperbola is year 2017. Perhaps the observer participant could have observed more and more processes taking place through the use of post-Multipurpose Hyperbola phase*(of ruling and developing for universal features). One can use the three mega-theories of new universal evolution to examine these cases across different angles. At a moment we are laying down an assumption that sun is only there is there is day and night demand coupled with need for energy to support the living spaces that rely on photosynthesis processes which yield food, oxygen and ecosystem balance. From that critical stance, one can argue that the planet is in the process of formation and life has not yet been accomplished. This case demands the understanding of quantity surveying in which one need to realise that the universe is supported by complex

pattern of universal laws and features where each and every laws need to be integrated properly so as to avoid traffic and collision. If so then, the methods themselves are presenting a certain level of delay, just like you cannot use Google network while charting via vodacom4me and also email while writing your essay. In this case we are looking at the fact that stars need to offer a balance to the newly created universe but they cannot be spread simultaneously, there has to be a certain level of releasing them. The balance is checked via a working station remote sensing system on which everything is monitored. There are formulae that complement and also reject to development stages of the universe to say whether it is ready to be rotated. If so then creating a sun is not a problem but the main problem is the maintenance of smooth spread of universal objects so as to prevent earthquakes, eclipse and moon tides that are evident in the old universe. But central problem is one concerning why has water been released even before the presence of the sun? There is no evidence that seek to leap underneath and or above the meaning attached to the presence of water in a planet there has no sun at all. Except that one could argue that planet is extremely hot and water is there to cool it down as soon as possible so that when the sun is released geological process interplay quickly to maintain the formation of soil , nutrient and oxygen to which leaving rely. That is thus far how the central figure of unknown god (CFG) has observed the processes of new universal creation. One must note that the thesis opened an introduction on a very harsh and haphazard manner in which they just speak of a bull and a young boy colliding to the head of Christ. That resulted in the formation of parabola not because of the shape of the horns of the red bull but it is because of a plan for the master to release a Multipurpose Hyperbola. The red bull and young boy are earth surface features and they are part and parcel of rock parent material and therefore they offered clear responding technical scientific parameters to the Multipurpose Hyperbola expression. If one fails to understand the mega- theory of universal creation, underpinned by fossil evidences earned across universal scientist such as Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Alfred Wegener, Moses Gomberg, and Seiji Ogawa he might need to revisit the various books explaining in details the development and implementation of these theories in the u universe. For example: Therefore the mega-theory kick off with recognition of various laws that are acting upon the universe , until it is discovered that they are all external and they are having created by the unknown with powerful brain capabilities to imagine and design the invention of primary law. In total there are three mega theories namely Mega-theory for Primary Laws and Secondary

Laws, Ruling and Developing Theory and Die Theory of Multipurpose Hyperbola. One must therefore keep in mind that these theories are not having developed outside of reliance of the ancient knowledge having imposed by the previous scientist. Therefore in as much as their implications are clearly recognised between how they influence the operation of the universal forces, they are now getting used to understand their source and thereby derived to determine solutions towards current universal dynamics which often result is resource scarcity and biodiversity loss predicaments.

The Ruling and Developing of Earth Surface Features: We have resolved that mathematically , a conic section (or just conic) is a curve obtained as the intersection of a cone (more precisely, a right circular conical surface) with a plane. In analytic geometry, a conic may be defined as a plane algebraic curve . The most powerful point is the fact that conic section points intersect with a plane on which a conic consists of those points whose distances to some point, called a focus, and some line called a directrix and they are in are in a fixed ratio, called the eccentricity. The major focus has been put on the importance of using analytic geometry together with algebraic expressions for all forms of hyperbolic curves. Central to this is conic section which is obtained from an intersection of a cone curve obtained with a plane. That is where we were are advised not to forget the plane horn of a bull as hyperbolic curve(s) are earned after collision head to head collision. The geometric elements developed and or ruled through the hyperbolas and parabolas do not just develop from the empty space but their points are earned through points, line and or plane having developed mathematically. The lines are then drawn to generate a geometric figure; it might be a straight line that generates surface by getting moved in a specific fashion. If the line is moved their corresponding expression are changed. Mathematically, the point, line, or plane that is moved in a specific way to produce a geometric figure is called generatrix. If one wants to describe the curve or surface he may use directrix. Therefore a directrix is a fixed line used in describing a curve or surface and not a generatrix. In geometry, a (general) conical surface is the unbounded surface formed by the union of all the straight lines that pass through a fixed point — the apex or vertex — and any point of some fixed space curve — the directrix — that does not contain the apex. Each of those lines is called a generatrix of the surface.

Therefore, every conic surface is ruled and developable. For example in a conical surface that consists of two congruent unbounded halves joined by the apex ruling and developing could be initiated by nappe having two lines. Nappe: refer to that portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. Thus, some hyperboloids have one nappe, and some have two. Some dictionaries have poor definition of nappe which simple refers to them as a sheet, or branch of a surface. But for this purpose of study nappe refers to one of the two pieces of a double cone (i.e., two cones placed apex to apex). In the elevated conic section of that kind, each half is called a nappe, and is formed by the union of all the rays that start at the apex and pass through a point of some fixed space curve. (In some cases, however, the two nappes may intersect, or even coincide** with the full surface.) Sometimes the term "conical surface" is used to mean just one nappe. Sub-conclusion It is possible to rule and develop surface features through the use of multipurpose hyperbola where the most familiar geometric features such the plane and the curved could be used to yield cylinders or cones. Other examples are a conical surface with elliptical directrix, the right conoid, the helicoid, and the tangent developable of a smooth curve in space. A ruled surface* can always be described (at least locally) as the set of points swept by a moving straight line. For example, a cone is formed by keeping one point of a line fixed whilst moving another point along a circle. A surface is doubly ruled if through every one of its points there are two distinct lines that lie on the surface (hint:nappes ). The hyperbolic paraboloid and the hyperboloid of one sheet are doubly ruled surfaces. The plane is the only surface which contains at least three distinct lines through each of its points. The properties being ruled or doubly ruled are preserved by projective maps, and therefore are concepts of projective geometry. In algebraic geometry, ruled surfaces are sometimes considered to be surfaces in affine or projective space over a field, but they are also sometimes considered as abstract algebraic surfaces without an embedding into affine or projective space, in which case "straight line" is understood to mean an affine or projective line. The word affine is related to mapping of surface point from parallel line to parallel line as discussed earlier with respect to cone curve vertex points across two cone sections.

The paragraph above illustrate that every object is primarily ruled in the surface as a plane drawing having derived from expression paused by its invention. It is not just a rule and or developed object by its own. It is compulsory that all ruled and or double ruled properties are preserved by projective map. But most importantly the session for ruling must be done locally (of the surface) so as to trace and forge all necessary scientific model methods. So engineers may even testify how the modeling and integration prepared during the ruling and developing of earth surface features. That stamen is supported by Ludvig EmgĂĽrd, a M.Sc student at Delft University of Technology who sought to examine 3DIM that is designed to constitute a base model for 3D environments, including geometric features from different domains without including semantics and attributes that are specific for a certain domain. The 3DIM (3D Integrated Model) is an information model which intends to integrate geographic features on the earth surface as well as above and below the earth surface into a common semantic-geometric model. He commented that the model is meant to be application independent. He noted proposed that two database implementation alternatives limited to include the geometry types point, curve, surface and solid are defined. It is clear the essence for that research was a relative lack of software aimed at integrated the information on the ground where most surface feature needed to be considered when one undertake a certain decision of how a specific issue under that area s tackled with response to science approach. Therefore a young man is undertaking a very huge dream in which he is looking at inventing a programme that shall be used to define the universal features within the proposed software so as to allow for strategic use of map based data software to manipulate the existing data through the use of that programme. Indeed his paper describes data preparation, testing of the data loading process and retrieval of data of the two alternative implementations in an Oracle Spatial 11g beta database using FME data processing software and GO Publisher from Snowflake Software. In other hand one can take a partition by just looking at the meaning attached from considering how database implementation alternatives limited to include the geometry types point, curve, surface and solid are defined. The fact is that universal features (more especially earth surface features) needs to be clearly recognised prior to the integration of various programme software used with advanced abbreviated GIS software with capability to retrieve the data. In the very same process scientist is capable of manipulating the system to model the software system that retrieves meaning attached to either features or feature model description relating to the real ground features. The main message is that surface features are ruled and developed from the ground truth and not just in an abstract science model, however central to the scientific expression development is the human being with

brain capabilities to set up how the system is going to operates. It is the time that each and every individual scholar must understand clearly what does the mega-theory for new universal creation entails. But the phenomenal story concerning the head to head collision between Christ and a young boy did not primarily explained how is then Multipurpose Hyperbola going to be developed and or what level of GIS capabilities that are developed to rule and develop the current universe so as to yield the new universe. The fact is that normal human being can imitate and to rule and develop through the use of software, however his results could never at any time result to creation of new universe. That is because they are not having same level of power, brain capability and knowledge that the master has. That simple means that human being can be capable of being used to rule over the construction of the new universe only and only if they are primarily prepared to have brain capability and body building structures desired by the unknown. Therefore yet the theory is learnt across different angles, if one is not having scientifically and technically prepared to be a parameter with responding parameters he could never be used together with systematic model expressions used in the multipurpose hyperbola . The fact is that he is an un-desired participant with no profound experience of who the unknown is and how he thinks. Therefore the young boy is a central figure of the power having earned directly from the unknown. If we are realistic about analysing the chronological thinking of the unknown, we can achieve that by looking exactly how the young boy has been groomed. It can sound otherwise nonsensical if the young boy can come and define himself as the unknown, while preserving the idea that the unknown is the one who set up parameters. The point is that the unknown is a different human being with his own skeletal structure and one does not need to see his brain so as to realise him. It is the literature that defines him with respect to his brain and not just that the young boy saw the brain. The young boy is trying to help people to understand what certain level of critical thinking have enabled him to make use of multipurpose hyperbola and other mega theories to achieve the status of being used to create new universe. The argument is that current theories having been laid by ancient scientist who happened to become critical thinkers while earning their livingness on earth was near yet so much far close to what would have drove the processes for earth evolution. They placed central focus upon science while the science itself can never at any time set-up for itself to yield the vision ought to be discovered or discovered at such a large scale. It is indeed to say that science emerged as a central driving force to the eyes of the science scholars who observe how universal forces operates , however the most powerful

source of evolution is with the master / unknown who invented the laws used to drive and mediate how the proposed universe should operate. Therefore one should clearly realise that the life that is earned currently is not absolutely permanent and it needs to be revitalised over time. If not even a single person come to realise that truth, then current and future generations are living a dead life because anything can happen any time as the time counteracts the secondary evolution directly through downgrading the universal structure. If not, so why should we get worried over resource scarcity and ever expanding populations in our city. Are those resources renewable? This life is a hit and run on which the hitting object does not realise the main drivers objective for raising the speed to non-stop speed yet the running earns living out of crashing the one beneath. It a crucial complex life chains for revolving around the sun to turn day and night, yet source for fuel driving the engine that sustaining the action is unknown. Or what about the action of a lion eating a prey, does a victim not deserve a living. Nothing is forever; you all got what happened with dinosaur extinction. If every resource foundation to which our lives rely is getting extinct yet the science clearly and perfectly illustrate that some of resource took millions to be formed, and then what the next hope is, provided that the level of man’s capability is limited to solutions. Reason is lack of material and vision to earth like human specimen. Therefore we need to pay a tributary attention to the unknown because a plan of inventing new universe will allow a strategic renewal of life on which there will be citizens who shall enjoy economic growth on areas where resources boost it to grow with leaps and bounce. Therefore this story did not have begun by development of conic sections or Multipurpose Hyperbola. But is absolutely truth that there is a long way to go, once the conic section having developed inside the hyperbola completes. Such as the next section followed after the passage of two straight lines that look like asymptotes drawn to join the two hyperbolic curves so that that the nappe is developed through the series of contour interval that go around the curve. Once the nappe is developed series of contour like interval circular sections develop to close the nappe until a plane algebraic curve of degree 1, 2 and 3 as shown previously. From the above explanation, one can deduce that ellipses are the closed type of conic section: and conic section refers to a ‘plane round like

curve’ that results from the

intersection of a cone by a plane.( plane is a curve of hyperbola) (See that figure to the previous drawings) Ellipses have many similarities with the other two forms of conic

sections: the parabolas* and the hyperbolas**, both of which are open and unbounded. (Do also think about horns of a normal cow) Once the Napes are clearly marked, they can be ruled and developed and even snapped apart. That is how most shapes for future universes have been prepared, half a cone (nappe) needs to be ruled and developed, thereafter it can be snapped apart and leave( ascend up the sky) to be used to develop all desired planet forms. Since this is a Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory, other important laws that are needed to be integrated to main power sources presented above, would also be forced to comply to operate according to the main system. For example, the laws could be trained to extract or duplicate vacuum space where proposed moon, sun and stars are going to be positioned so as to stand around a new life supporting universe. They can also be trained to adapt to time and unforeseen conditions such as average share between day and night on separate planet. The process is much more technical and scientific other than spiritual. Ironically none spiritually body cannot be able to be used to perform such immense task. In addition to that, a body whose engine has never been serviced for past 29 years could not be used to perform an immense task. In order to be used as a parameters for doing an immense task that a multipurpose hyperbola has done, which is to possess a potential to be used to create a brand new life supporting planet, a body must undergo series of biological, scientific and technical preparations which are prepared so as to strengthen the quality of engine that is used to boost a body through which all brain visionary measures taking place in a multipurpose hyperbola are performed. This thesis shall resume the meaning carried by technical scientific parameter with respect to an eye on the right hand side of Angelos which grew a brain which is used as a data processing and also a three dimensional display device. Those who did GIS and biology would be placed on good advantage to learn and understand how Angelos’s eye on the left hand sides is used for energy compression. But this thesis has avoided speaking of abstract science as it shall distract this thesis to become even more complex philosophical discourse and therefore it cannot get to be clearly understood by those who are reading for interpreting how the Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory for new world creation has developed (NB in a multipurpose hyperbola, all forms of primary laws are fully integrated and or fully recycled).

Furthermore it (Multipurpose

Hyperbola) can also be trained to multiply planets, because you can develop series of planets if you have successfully manipulated the Multipurpose Hyperbola/Parabola through the use of those three responding technical, scientific parameters as mentioned earlier. (Christ, Angelos and cow with sharp horns). It is not compulsory that all planets go around the sun for

a total of 24 hours per one whole day equal to(=) day light and (+) night time which share twelve (12 ) hours according to the earth revolution theory . But the future earth like objects will adapt to similar time if one realise the time for old universe such as mother Earth, where all secondary laws were enacted. The time is important because knowing it may allow one to adjust speed to match desired time share of hours getting shared between (one) day and night. Now that you realise that laws, do not operate automatically but it is as a work of the unknown who is not only just conscious but also who is self-skilled, vigilant and observant to his primary laws or primary objects and or primary conditions mastered in his brain, - you should be worried why he has failed to multiply planets on himself and chose to depend on Angelos, Christ and a Red Bull. In real sense, not even a single person can overcome time, if it began on its own purposeless will, but it is a system of the brain for the unknown who start to control time to act according to his will. Time on itself is ‘too much infinite old’ to anything, and that includes unknown*. Time before the unknown fully developed brain could not be counted by him or anything else, but time after unknown existed (after the complete stage of brain formation) could be counted by him. But because we are the secondary objects displaced on earth, it might sound otherwise strange if we can calculate age of the unknown, however we are capable of calculating other secondary objects ages with respect to technical scientific aid such as space satellite or with aid of remote sensing. Indeed scientist have been able to predict time at which the Gondwana land took to break apart so that we end up having fragmented continents as if the universe has never been a single continent. But the main aim is not to teach the theory of continental drift as the reader would be confused what does a Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory for new world creation entails. The bottom line is the fact that life is a dependent factor of time, because it offers that pace to do whatever according to how one set it (time). However time limits everything to come to an end because it beginning does not count what one has done, but it counts time to time. But with no desire to comply with time, life is meaningless, which means that tomorrow might be a dark day forever and ever. But why has darkness come, or where the source of an everlasting lights could have (had) gone. The fact is that most important systems of life components are hidden, and the sun, moon and off earth stones that are visible to man’s eye are just secondary object, having their own given secondary laws as well as secondary conditions. There are engines, having retrieved by the ‘unknown’ to maintain the system functioning time to time so that life which is having created goes on and on. But without fire burning fuel component or without water and engine itself, no object can move. The truth has been reached; the surface features are now ruled and developed between two or

three responding parameters because the original data is with the unknown who studies changes of the whole current and future universal creation and operation. A man (unknown) is very stressful of time, he knows that he has no direct ambience to cross night over a day and then control it (time) to function on and on. Therefore, sending Christ on earth is one of scientific measurement used to allow for magnitude of power to be compressed into one single body as a parameter through which all forms of powerful primary laws are diffused so that power is harnessed in one single body, thereafter one could talk of first parameter. Once that is done half an idea of a cone is ready to be developed and or ruled into any desired feature. But because ‘one cannot rule* between two universes in which he has no direct contact to either of the two universes foot by foot’, then solution is to introduce the second parameters with unknown like behaviours and model structures to undergo ‘same process of power compression which involves diffusion of power in one single body, that often involves a painfully biological experience taking place into to a single body parameter, so that all forms of powerful primary laws are fully integrated or recycled within a secondary object with all technical and scientific responding parameter capabilities .(in this case: Angelos). (Hint: these parameters need to be used during a development of multipurpose hyperbola with cone sections that are dispersed up and down or high and low or inside the old universe and outside the old universe). Indeed that is role of two responding parameters versus Christ and Angelos. A Red Bull is a cow and it is used to play a complementary role because it is used as a fastest running creator with sharp horns which shall not hesitate to target a head of Christ). Once that has happened, algebraic expression in which a quadratic formula for drawing first part of hyperbola with semi-circular curve appearance starts to take place. Following that, parallel curve jumps to its position. Thereafter, two curves on the opposite direction are created, then which is called hyperbola. From that a cone is developed through allowing of several contour intervals like sections running around the hyperbolic curves. Once that is done curve is turned into certain geographic circular object with two equal cones, with one looking up and another one looking down. Once that has happened , a neat nappe is developed and it can be ruled in every single way and in that case one may think of cosine and sine rules which are used to construct geometric features with perfect measurement for cone , square , circles or triangle and the other like objects. The unknown is at centre of how technical scientific laws are developed, transferred and then manipulated or re-cycled. Once that stage is reached, the upper cone is disconnected from the lower cone and ascends up the sky. It is going to be used by the unknown who masters all forms of primary laws in his brain. The lower cone is left with Angelos and he is required to live a pure human life (not to die)

until the task of manipulating the multipurpose hyperbola which is to create a new life supporting planet is finished. Remember, from multipurpose hyperbola perspective, one cannot rule or develop any object that fulfil the desires for life supporting planet maintenances if he has no direct contact with two separate universes on which all forms of primary laws are fragmented .Take it other way round , if one has never aimed at using a multipurpose hyperbola on which two or three responding technical scientific parameters are ruled and developed , he can never successfully omit (to reduce) time taken to carry at task of creating life sustaining universes instantly. Instead, he may keep on wasting time, following a dream of creating universe(s) using his out-dated physical models that are time consumptive and resource wasteful instead of using smart technical scientific multipurpose hyperbola which allows for one to manipulate system across two different universes and possibly extract proposed developmental vacuum area where proposed universal creation is to take place. In order words, one needs a strategic system to be able to touchĂŠ old universe(s) and new proposed universe foot by foot while at the same time he constrained to be as much far off the two universes to be positioned in a place where he could be able to adjust primary laws used for creation of old universes to be integrated to in the proposed (reserved planet), where every newly compressed power and or recycled laws are said to begin to be implemented once again. Besides that, it is such a heavy disaster to place unknown next to old mother earth if he has to carry such a heavy engineering task of creating life sustaining universes, because the instant responding multipurpose hyperbola might turn disastrous and release a new planet on a fully *occupied space to overweigh and crash the very same existing planet. Therefore, there are serious technical scientific measures that need to be considered even before a plan of undertaking the multipurpose hyperbola as a means through which new universe must be created is adopted . Firstly, that needs one with potential for being capable of realizing where the vacuum space is found, how far it is from other planets, will it not affect them, how much degree Celsius needs to be adjusted to meet demands for life , where should north pole or south pole stands etc.?

That means that whatever is done to

upper cone, is also done to lower cone and that is a definite rule for manipulating all forms of primary laws to act instantly to the technical scientific desires of the unknown. You can name as trillions of reasons for creating these parameters, but the major reason is to overcome *time because nothing can exist forever if there is no immediate service to revitalise it. The second but primary reason could be life existence having been created to rely on secondary objects, secondary conditions and or secondary laws. But ironically these laws are not entirely permanent because time constrains them to live below date at which they are created

by the unknown and, therefore, realising all forms of primary laws is critically important as it could help not only to set up new universe but also to line himself with rules and doctrines for living a life that is desired/ directed by laws having created by the ‘unknown,’ that have developed right from the beginning of a period at which there was no *planet at all. That simple means that the unknown has seen that he is too much late to create life sustaining planet using the original parameters engraved to all forms of his primary laws than he can serve the current environmental challenges. In order words the current existing planet took more that billions of years to come to exist. It begun by something which is about the size of an air molecule which then expanded until it is as bigger as the one known as mother Earth. But knowing that truth, which can also be proven scientifically, could help us to take issues covered by multipurpose hyperbolic theory discourse very seriously. Therefore, from technical science point of view that is derived from Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory, living a life through and or as a specific parameter created by an unknown is a process which required to be explored, discovered and then get understood. If it is not understood, no matter how much the unknown is willing to use a responding parameter, he could never be able to use it to manipulate a data successfully. That simple means that Angelos as one of responding parameter has always remained as an observant and a participant to how creation of those new life supporting universe are going to be created , other than the old mother earth.( therefore simplest question could be paused such as the one concerning who an author of this this philosophical thesis is?) The last sentence spelt as ‘other than the old mother earth’, underlined previously, emphasises that: mother earth is a secondary object that cannot respond directly to the desired technical scientific will of the unknown with an intension of creating new universe outside of reliance of multipurpose hyperbola (those two (three) technical scientific parameters with an instant responding advantage to any algebraic ruling or development) to which all forms of laws and powers are successfully installed/harnessed and therefore a demand for those instantly responding parameters is due to the race of time limit that refuses to act according to multipurpose hyperbolic procedure for allowing the unknown to rule and develop over scientific expressions aimed at adjusting new life sustaining planets into an vacuum/empty space on which new proposed planet must be situated. Creating more life supporting planets could take too much extended period outside of reliance from those two technical scientific parameters with capability to respond from multipurpose hyperbolic mathematical operations as highlighted earlier. However, a secondary object parameter namely Angelos is different from other secondary objects due to the fact that he has human characteristics with an eye on which an additional new brain

( connect to folder or metadata) situated on the one on the right hand side. In addition to that there is an engine on his back which has been serviced for past 29 years to perform an immense task for creating life sustaining universe that is now carried through the use of a Multipurpose Hyperbola. However, the secondary objects are still complying with all other forms of primary laws having created by the unknown due to the fact that, for more than trillions of years ago, they have been prepared to operate according to the desired will on the unknown which is to maintain the continued operation processes of the universal system. (hint: force of gravity and Newton’s Law). The central argument is the one concerning time, and what we are saying is that: - ‘there is no magic that the unknown can re-use to re-create other life supporting planets within this short period of time at which environmental degradation and resource shortages are starting to affect sustained living for human life on earth other than relying on the Multipurpose Hyperbola evident with respect to those three (3) technical scientific parameters with capability to respond from all forms of primary laws used to adjust and displace new planets to the proposed vacuum space. However, it is not to stress a definite point for Multipurpose Hyperbola that the unknown could not be able to do some more planets independent of three responding parameters, but contrary to that is an absolutely true statement pointing out that the unknown could take trillions of years to do so if he does not rely on those three scientifically and technically parameters with responding capability to multipurpose hyperbola on which instant outcomes are returned for every mathematical operation having developed or ruled by the unknown. That point should serve as definite bottom-line statement concerning meaning for time friction and demand for displacement of scientific parameters across two universes. This point is environmental sensitive, because it hides many complex factors concerning changes and transformations that have been taking place on the environment to which people’s lives are raised. One may look that from/across different directions/perspectives as are issues concerning gradual extinction of animal and plant life forms and or from resource pressure induced by increased population and climate change perpetuated by human industrial activities. Mostly in developed countries, problems of over urbanization were noticed and adoption of compact city theory was embraced as means to discourage environmental degradation and traffic volumes leading to city centres. But also excessive concentration of people on city centres could have left marginalised sections on remote township areas as much depressed socio-economically city periphery. The compact city became favourable as it

advocates for decentralization of resources to be utilised in newly developed compact city pattern in which resources are shared equally to all. Once that is done technical scientific measures are fully utilized to yield equitable distribution of resources, however population still expand exponentially. That made us to understand that our life patterns have grown beyond the capacity for our surrounding resources to support our lives. Therefore it would be such a great embarrassment to have university intellectuals having undergone a serious scientific transformation with no love and passion to present the advantages for adopting a multipurpose hyperbola. If our minds are not disturbed we could not waste our time contradicting on a multipurpose hyperbola whose work has been done but we should prepare ourselves to discuss what kind of cities must be developed for the future universe. Do we prefer skyscrapers that save space or do we like segregated communities that have brought the old universe a trouble? Continued: That statement is giving recognition to historical patterns for energy development, its utilization and possibility for it revitalization through TIME (hint: renewable and nonrenewable resources). Knowing complex academic explanations supporting the literature review offered previously could lead us to conclude that the unknown could have successfully made new life supporting planets independent of instantly responding scientific and technical parameters, however time frame for sustaining life on the old universe could have been disturbed, as the absence of Multipurpose Hyperbola would compromise time taken to create and revitalise life sustaining planet. Therefore, another definite job brought by multipurpose hyperbola is to span gap for period of billions to trillion of years which is an approximate time estimation for formation of one single planet. Therefore, one could speak of a necessary technical scientific measures getting developed through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola as the best energy renewal strategy ever, that suit needs for sustaining resources through which life is sustained such as petrol, water and other energy systems that are considered to be ruled and developed scientifically. That (Multipurpose Hyperbola) also applies to creation of brand new universal systems such as the sun, moon and other planet forms. In other words, besides creating new life supporting planets, Multipurpose Hyperbola is also used to revitalise the existence of very system to which life supporting planets relies. (See karate section practices for petrol later) However, without a hyperbolic intervention strategy, human life survival could have been compromised because non-human secondary objects do not act instantly independent of a living parameter having developed through the use of their own material

such as soil and consequently such material does not links to universal laws used during the initial stages of creation. The fact is that laws are external to an object and…, the power and force that objects reveals are not entirely permanent to it but they are having scientifically and technically implemented by the master who invented laws through which an object operates, right from the beginning since the brain was formed. Therefore, instead of getting worried about the physical importance and outlook of an object, we should be worried about what certain level of power and or brain capabilities that gave rise to the building of that particular object or structure. Therefore, the Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory is holistic as it presents life experiences which are observed from a parameter who responds from all primary laws instantly, which means that within a month a completely new life supporting universe could be created through the Multipurpose Hyperbola. How possible it is for this to take place

, could remain a very durable technical scientific property owed from

understanding how all forms of primary laws are transferred to all forms of secondary laws even before they are getting re-cycled to Christ and Angelos or by means of Multipurpose Hyperbola( hint: development of a brain of the ‘unknown’). Indeed that section has been covered with respect to a Hypothesis of the Second Coming, which shows us how the brain of the known developed to enable him to have power. Thereafter it was mentioned that old universe such as earth has been developed to operate according to the will of primary laws. Therefore the laws that one observe from old universe are just secondary laws as they reveal the desired will for unknown. In that case we have mentioned force of gravity and many more other laws which describe the behaviours of universe like secondary objects such as those which are developed by Isaac Newton and Dmitri Mendeleev. Thereafter it was discovered that human skin is a part of parent rock material and for that it was revealed that man’s body has insulators or body resistor systems that are used to prevent electricity shock. And then the thesis defined the surrounding atmosphere as an immediate outside space for air sink. But because Angelos’s body has been transformed through the biting of a snake, development of an engine at the back of his body and formation of those dark-grey/green spots which eventually developed into a completely new brain that acts as a missing folder/connect to folder of a missing data to be utilised by the unknown in a process of compressing all forms of ‘primary laws’ into the responding technical scientific parameter namely Angelos and that was done so as to transfer and recycled power which shall be to manipulate the system to maintain continued life sustenance through creation of new world etc. In addition to that we have mentioned that a boy had an engine of a Suzu car on his back of his body with many starters, such that we‘ve mentioned that just in case life failed before system is fully

integrated to intended responding technical scientific parameter(s) having imposed directly by the unknown, a dream of an instant creation of those new universe would have dead and an alternative option would have to transfer an idea of multipurpose hyperbola to be developed through the use of another parameter (person) with more or less similar technical scientific structures that secondary object such as Angelos carried. (E.g. human with formation of dark grey /green spots on his eyes, engine on the back of his body, Anglo Black Chinese Characteristics of person but with vaccinations since a person is created from clayey soil and therefore the rock parent material etc.). But most importantly, it must be a person with professional academic manners who shall be capable of observing life changes taking place through him and through the surrounding atmosphere at large. Indeed this discourse is written from observer participant perspective. The previous sentence is the one on which gives the confidence for validating the Hyperbolic Theory of New World to be accepted because it is

supported by wide range of literature on how the creation has been

transformed . Even a young kid with ten (10) years old clearly realise stresses incurred from climate change and or inequitable distribution of resources due to exponential population growth. Indeed if we do not come with sound technical engineers who shall seek to imagine the emergence and transformation for human life on earth in this way, our lives of the future generations are totally dead. Here is a Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory with all fossil evidence from a young man with all critical thinking capability to which the universe need to adopt so as to live a continued everlasting life promised across different universes. This theory is indeed built from a philosophy of Angelos from a book with a topic ‘Die Hypothesis of the Second Coming: Personal Issues of World Issue’, which only started as a tale. But the fact is that this book is neither a technical scientific fiction nor it is a tale, it is built on the true scientific philosophy which has led us to a phenomenal Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory envisioned for creation of new life supporting universes within a period of six months, since Angelos has reached his 29 years old. Indeed the system shaping how the engine of a responding scientific parameter could operate has been serviced and creating a new planet is nothing but results mimicking the power of the master getting harnessed to those two or rather three responding parameters, thereafter the laws are getting manipulated to yield desired outcome and not just a magic. Thereafter, this research was capable of using those theories to capture the complex problem concerning how come one of technical scientific parameters of Multipurpose Hyperbola namely Angelos

got shocked by electricity having not touch any electricity carrying

conductor such as copper or aluminium directly from the point where current carrying conductor charges are connected. Briefly review the paragraph underneath and see how this research has achieved to map out the fossil evidence for cause of electric shock incident under critically retrieved scientific explanations for validating incidence. Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electrical circuits. Resistors are ubiquitous (omnipresent) in electric equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as *nickel-chrome). Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits. They say that resistors with higher power ratings are physically larger and may require heat sinks. In a high-voltage circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working voltage of the resistor. The overall need for heat-sink is to reduce amount of heat flow surrounding an engine, and thus bring about the overall decrease in amount of temperature in a conductor. heat sink is a passive component that cools a device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air. Heat sinks are used to cool electronic components such as high-power semi-conductor devices, and opto-electronic devices such as higher-power lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs) Fourier's law of heat conduction, simplified to a one-dimensional form in the xdirection, shows that when there is a temperature gradient in a body, heat will be transferred from the higher temperature region to the lower temperature region. The rate at which heat is transferred by conduction,

, is proportional to the product of the temperature gradient and

the cross-sectional area through which heat is transferred.

Consider a heat sink in a duct, where air flows through the duct, as shown in Figure 2. It is assumed that the heat sink base is higher in temperature than the air. Applying the conservation of energy, for steady-state conditions, and Newton’s law of cooling to the temperature nodes shown in Figure 2 gives the following set of equations.




There is a great deal of scientific measures that have been taken on behalf of maintaining order from how the overall operation of engine system, electric circuits etc. effects /affects the resistor across/in the whole component. From that, one can deduce that the more the energy applied the more cooling system is required. Therefore the size of a conductor may indicate how much of current energy it carried. However that does not change the fact that the resistor need to be always present in a body at which energy travels. As a matter of fact one shall assume that every electrified/energy body has resistor within its conductor. These points justifies the need of heat-sink to a system of each and every engine (which generates heat).But another main issue is the one concerning how heat-sink is spread across resistance. Something that cause misunderstanding is the one concerning the fact that thermal energy is created because it needs to be transferred from one area to another. But scientist

state that: thermal energy is transferred from a small area to a larger area in a substance with finite thermal conductivity (meaning substance that needs more power supply). The heat travels from the heat source location and causes a large temperature gradient between the heat source and the edges of the heat sink. That is very anonymous truth, because the place where heat is in need has got no power supply , while points where electricity is not in need( where it is generated) have got more power supply for external components such as large area of system circuits. But why is this is an anonymous truth? It is an anonymous truth because power cannot be created; rather it can be converted from one source to another. Therefore the question may also be viewed across all angles as to how the spreading resistence affects heat-sink with reference to its heat source (energy source). The spreading resistance phenomenon is shown by how the heat travels from the heat source location and causes a large temperature gradient between the heat source and the edges of the heat sink. This means that some fins are at a lower temperature than if the heat source were uniform across the base of the heat sink. This non-uniformity increases the heat sink's effective thermal resistance. But in reality that brings up to new preview of how destination to which heat is travelled needs electricity. It simple reveals that energy must reach destination with moderate level of amount required energy for boosting the effective operation of a machine. Therefore one does not connect energy right from the source directly. There has to be a bridge between energy source, conductor and heat sink. To decrease the spreading resistance in the base of a heat sink: 

Increase the base thickness


Choose a different material with better thermal conductivity


Use a vapor chamber or heat pipe in the heat sink base

An objective to conduct that particular sub-section of research was to find out why did a boy got shocked by electricity having not touched any of electricity components directly throuh those electricity carrying conductors such as nickel-chrome. A heat sink is designed to increase the surface area in contact with the cooling medium surrounding it, such as the air. Approach air velocity, choice of material, fin (or other protrusion) design and surface treatment are some of the factors which affect the thermal performance of a heat sink. Heat sinks are used to cool computer central processing units or

graphics processors. Heat sink attachment methods and thermal interface materials also affect the eventual die *temperature of the *integrated circuit. Thermal adhesive or thermal grease fills the air gap between the heat sink and device to improve its *thermal performance. Theoretical, experimental and numerical methods can be used to determine a heat sink's thermal performance.

Heat Dissipation Scheme used by Scientist: central question, what was the motive behind?

It is therefore very clear that the overall need for heat-sink is to reduce amount of heat flow surrounding an engine, and thus bring about the overall decrease in amount of temperature in a conductor. The overall process under discussion will influence the resistor to function properly under its normal user defined resistence. In order words, in electronic systems, a *heat sink is a passive component that cools a device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air. Heat sinks are used to cool electronic components such as high-power semi-conductor devices, and opto-electronic devices such as higher-power lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Heat sinks are heat exchangers such as those used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, or the radiator in an automobile. Then Angelos added that the amount of work that is done by a whole system on a body itself will drain power source such that there is a friction , power generation and power transfer that has to expose the ability of a conductor to resist those different conditions while an engine is doing it specific task. Therefore the primary aim of the creation of the heat-sink is not about cooling the body of the whole system but it is motivated by an assumption that resistor will fail to maintain flow of energy across different body system ( of say circuit) under high temperature. Therefore engineers will need to realize that it is also friction , power and and amount of task that the

engine is designed to do which effect amount of resitance required by it to be able to prevent overheating of a resistor. Fourier's law of heat conduction (by Joseph Fourier) Intro: The transport property of thermal conductivity has been introduced as a phenomenological law by Joseph Fourier in 1822 . Its molecular origins were later discovered with Boltzmann’s and Maxwell’s works on the kinetic theory of gases . In metallic solids, the thermal conduction is mainly determined by the transport of electrons and thus related to the electric conductivity according to the Wiedemann-Franz law, as explained by Drude in 1900. In contrast, the thermal conductivity of nonmetallic solids results from the mutual scattering of sound waves due to the anharmonicities of the interatomic forces, as shown by Peierls in 1929 . In all these systems, the microscopic mechanism of thermal conduction is the scattering of the energy carriers, which induces local thermalization in a single-stage process, and subsequent uniformization of temperature . (Gaspar, P. and Gilbert, T.: 2008)

Fourier's law of heat conduction, simplified to a one-dimensional form in the x-direction, shows that when there is a temperature gradient in a body, heat will be transferred from the higher temperature region to the lower temperature region. The rate at which heat is transferred by conduction,

, is proportional to the product of the temperature gradient and

the cross-sectional area through which heat is transferred. Conclusions on the necessity for air sink and resistors within or in relation to electric carrying conductors 

When the air flow through the heat sink decreases, this results in an increase in the average air temperature. This in turn increases the heat sink base temperature. And additionally, the thermal resistance of the heat sink will also increase. The net result is a higher heat sink base temperature. o

The increase in heat sink thermal resistance with decrease in flow rate will be shown in later in this article.

The inlet air temperature relates strongly with the heat sink base temperature. For example, if there is recirculation of air in a product, the inlet air temperature is not the ambient air temperature. The inlet air temperature of the heat sink is therefore higher, which also results in a higher heat sink base temperature.

If there is no air flow around the heat sink, energy cannot be transferred.

A heat sink is not a device with the "magical ability to absorb heat like a sponge and send it off to a parallel universe".

Natural convection requires free flow of air over the heat sink. If fins are not aligned vertically, or if pins are too close together to allow sufficient air flow between them, the efficiency of the heat sink will decline. But all of that are downside symptoms when it comes to describe what might have broken down a resistor in a whole component, if the whole system takes a resistor to be broken. To decrease the spreading resistance in the base of a heat sink, one can just: 

Increase the base thickness

Choose a different material with better thermal conductivity

Use a vapor chamber or heat pipe in the heat sink base.

These three (3) points further insist that there has to be a strong resistor in a body in order for the whole system to resist turbulent electricity flow. Thermal resistance: For semiconductor devices used in a variety of consumer and industrial electronics, the idea of thermal resistance simplifies the selection of heat sinks. The heat flow between the semiconductor die and ambient air is modeled as a series of resistances to heat flow; there is a resistance from the die to the device case, from the case to the heat sink, and from the heat sink to the ambient. The sum of these resistances is the total thermal resistance from the die to the ambient. Thermal resistance is defined as temperature rise per unit of power, analogous to electrical resistance, and is expressed in units of degrees Celsius per watt (°C/W). If the device dissipation in watts is known, and the total thermal resistance is calculated, the temperature rise of the die over ambient can be calculated.

The idea of thermal resistance of a semiconductor heat sink is an approximation. It does not take into account non-uniform distribution of heat over a device or heat sink. It only models a system in thermal equilibrium, and does not take into account the change in temperatures with time. Nor does it reflect the non-linearity of radiation and convection with respect to temperature rise. However, manufacturers tabulate typical values of thermal resistance for heat sinks and semiconductor devices, which allows selection of commercially manufactured heat sinks to be simplified. Commercial extruded aluminium heat sinks have a thermal resistance (heat sink to ambient air) ranging from 0.4 °C/W for a large sink meant for TO3 devices, up to as high as 85 °C/W for a clip-on heat sink for a TO92 small plastic case. The famous, popular, historic and notable 2N3055 power transistor in a TO3 case has an internal thermal resistance from junction to case of 1.52 °C/W. The contact between the device case and heat sink may have a thermal resistance of between 0.5 up to 1.7 °C/W, depending on the case size, and use of grease or insulating mica washer. Material: The most common heat sink materials are aluminium alloys. Aluminium alloy 1050A has one of the higher thermal conductivity values at 229 W/m•K but is mechanically soft. Aluminium alloys 6061 and 6063 are commonly used, with thermal conductivity values of 166 and 201 W/m•K, respectively. The values depend on the temper of the alloy. Copper has around twice the conductivity of aluminium and faster thermal absorption, but is three times as dense and, depending on the market, around four to six times more expensive than aluminium. Aluminium can be extruded, but copper cannot. Copper heat sinks are machined and skived. Another method of manufacture is to solder the fins into the heat sink base. Diamond is another heat sink material and its thermal conductivity of 2000 W/m•K exceeds copper five-fold. In contrast to metals, where heat is conducted by delocalized electrons, lattice vibrations are responsible for diamond's very high thermal conductivity. For thermal management applications, the outstanding thermal conductivity and diffusivity of diamond is an essential. Nowadays synthetic diamond is used as submounts for high-power integrated circuits and laser diodes.

Composite materials can be used. Examples are a copper-tungsten pseudoalloy, AlSiC (silicon carbide in aluminium matrix), Dymalloy (diamond in copper-silver alloy matrix), and E-Material (beryllium oxide in beryllium matrix). Such materials are often used as substrates for chips, as their thermal expansion coefficient can be matched to ceramics and semiconductors. Fin efficiency: Fin efficiency is one of the parameters which make a higher thermal conductivity material important. A fin of a heat sink may be considered to be a flat plate with heat flowing in one end and being dissipated into the surrounding fluid as it travels to the other. As heat flows through the fin, the combination of the thermal resistance of the heat sink impeding the flow and the heat lost due to convection, the temperature of the fin and, therefore, the heat transfer to the fluid, will decrease from the base to the end of the fin. Fin efficiency is defined as the actual heat transferred by the fin, divided by the heat transfer where the fin used to be isothermal (hypothetically the fin having infinite thermal conductivity). Equations 6 and 7 are applicable for straight fins.




Where: 

hf is the convection coefficient of the fin o

Air: 10 to 100 W/(m2K)


Water: 500 to 10,000 W/(m2K)

k is the thermal conductivity of the fin material o

Aluminium: 120 to 240 W/(m·K)

Lf is the fin height (m)


tf is the fin thickness (m)

Fin efficiency is increased by decreasing the fin aspect ratio (making them thicker or shorter), or by using more conductive material (copper instead of aluminium, for example).

From above it has been clearly shown that there is a great deal of scientific measures that have been taken on behalf of maintaining order from how the overall operation of engine system, electric circuits etc. effects /affects the resistor across/in the whole component. From that, one can deduce that the more the energy applied the more cooling system is required. Therefore the size of a conductor may indicate how much of current energy it carried. However that does not change the fact that the resistor need to be always present in a body at which energy travels. As a matter of fact one shall assume that every electrified/energy body has resistor within its conductor. All these points justify the need of heat-sink to a system of each and every engine (which generates heat).But another main issue is the one concerning how heat-sink is spread across resistance. Something that cause misunderstanding is the one concerning the fact that thermal energy is created because it needs to be transferred from one area to another. But scientist state that: thermal energy is transferred from a small area to a larger area in a substance with finite thermal conductivity (meaning substance that needs more power supply). The heat travels from the heat source location and causes a large temperature gradient between the heat source and the edges of the heat sink. That is very anonymous truth, because the place where heat is in need has got no power supply , while points where electricity is not in need( where it is generated) have got more power supply for external components such as large area of system circuits. But why is this is an anonymous truth? It is an anonymous truth because power cannot be created; rather it can be converted from one source to another. Conclusive Recommendations Therefore the question may also be viewed across all angles as to how the spreading resistence affects heat-sink with reference to its heat source (energy source). The spreading resistance phenomenon is shown by how the heat travels from the heat source location and causes a large temperature gradient between the heat source and the edges of the heat sink. This means that some fins are at a lower temperature than if the heat source were

uniform across the base of the heat sink. This non-uniformity increases the heat sink's effective thermal resistance. But in reality that brings up to new preview of how destination to which heat is travelled needs electricity. It simple reveals that energy must reach destination with moderate level of amount required energy for boosting the effective operation of a machine. Therefore one does not connect energy right from the source directly. There has to be a bridge between energy source, conductor and heat sink. Then one could ask if the end justify means, or do means justify the ends. The means to acquire energy are devastating, but not all energy is getting used, some will be air-sink as to maintain that order. To decrease the spreading resistance in the base of a heat sink: 

Increase the base thickness


Choose a different material with better thermal conductivity


Use a vapor chamber or heat pipe in the heat sink base

The conventional flow of electricity in a current is from positive churches to negative churches. In order words it flows from positive potentials (+) to negative potentials (-). The

electric charge itself is defined as a charge per unit passing through cross section of a conductor (as indicated above). The average current is calculated by the formula I =Q/T. I stand for current, Q stands for the charge and t if for time.

The Whole current (I)

The Resistance

They said that heat flow from analogy with higher heat to the one with lower heat. Similarly, current flows from higher positive charge potential to lower negative charge potential. From above we are learning that electricity flows in the conductor (a conductor is an instrument to which the electricity flows). Most conductors are in form of steel and iron. However we need not to turn a blind eye from the fact that iron and steel wires are parent materials of certain atoms. Do you remember a periodic table of elements?

The above is the Periodic Table of Elements: NB a Periodic Table is a tabular display of chemical elements organised on basis of the atomic numbers, electron configuration and chemical properties The Ohm’s law states that resistance is the difficulty applied by a conductor to the current flowing through it.

(Steal, iron or other atomic (as in periodic table) form of wire =

conductor*) Therefore, resistence level depends on the kind of material (steal, iron) through which electricity is flowing. Could you state other conditions that may impose variations in resistence other than the ones mentioned above? Well others are concerning: a) Types of the material or electrical resistivity of the material. It is shown with Greek letter Ď . Resistance of the material is linearly proportional to electrical resistivity. b)

Length of the material (l). Resistance is linearly proportional to the length of the conductor.

c) Cross sectional are of the conductor. Resistance is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area. d) Temperature. Temperature shows different effects with respect to the type of material. Let us concentrate on how a resistor works by means of the drawings having been provided.

The* law gives the relation between voltage, current and resistance. According to Ohm, current in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. We can summarize this explanation with following formula; (***Do you still remember something about Law, Objects and Conditions) How much do you think they could apply in the above picture. System changes linearly as shown in the following graph:

Example: Potential difference vs. Current graph of a conductor is given below, Find the behavior of resistance in intervals I, II and III.

Ohm’s law states that V=I.R (as in the above diagram) Explanations: 

In the first interval, since the potential difference and current are linearly increases then resistance of the system becomes constant.


In the second interval, potential difference is constant however, current increases. This can be possible by decreasing in the amount of resistance.


In the third interval, current is constant, however, potential difference increases. This can be possible by increasing in the amount of resistance.

What are implications of this in our lifetime? What sort of meaning could one develop from the event having taken place at T-Willy? Solutions: The resistor is there to serve a specific task such as monitor the amount of charge that is flowing within a conductor. In the Interval one (i), the current and potential increased linearly, but the resistence of the conductor remained constant. In the interval ii current is constant but potential interval increased. That could have caused increase in resistance of a conductor. Why does the resistance increased: well that is because it wants to make the potential increase. (What is potential anyway?)

In the interval three (iii) the potential

increases by current remained constant. But the resistance of conductor increased to make potential increased. Here is the summary: We use ohm's law to find relation between V, I and R. Interval I: Since potential and current increase linearly, resistance of the conductor becomes constant. Interval II: In this interval, potential is constant but current increases. Thus, resistance of the conductor must decrease to make potential constant. Interval III: In this interval potential increases but current is constant. Thus, resistance of the conductor must increase to make potential increase. Let us look at the following calculation’s having been developed by Angelos and seek explanation behind his mystery. (Could you give calculation of a) resistence of circuit given below a) and b) current passing through the circuit?).

#a) Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit given below. *b) Find current passing through the circuit. Solutions: #a) since resistance are connected in parallel between points A and B; then one could transform the drawing to appear as follows:

1/Req=1/4+1/4 Therefore Req=2Ί Equivalent resistance between points C and B

Req=4+2=6Ί *b) V=I.R 36=I.6 I=6Amperes 3. a) Find equivalent resistance between the points X and Y in the drawing below :

The solution is to redraw the circuit and make it simple: as follows:

Req=7+ (2.2)/ (2+2) (resistance in lower branch) Req=8立 Equivalent resistance between points X and Y; Req= (8.8)/ (8+8) =4立 Why are we doing these sums anyway?? b) If the current passing from 7立 resistor is I 1, and current passing from 8立 resistor is I 2, find I1/I2.

Hint these are charges under which the calculations originated:

Solution to b) Since resistances are in parallel, their potentials are equal. Using ohm's law; V1=I1.R1 (lower branch) V=I1.8 V2=I2.R2 (upper branch) V=I2.8 I1/I2=1 For electricity component it is not a mistake that they should have their own resistor. (What are functions of resistor, without resistor how could components function? How does resistor affects human body, from knowing that could one then conclude what resistor brings upon any circuit body. Resistors are common *elements of electrical networks and electrical circuits. Resistors are ubiquitous (omnipresent) in electric equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as *nickel-chrome). Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.

They say that resistors with higher power ratings are physically larger and may require heat sinks. In a high-voltage circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working voltage of the resistor. That could further illustrated below:

Circuit when switch is opened;

4. If we close switch shown in the picture given below, find the changes in the brightness of the bulbs. What do you think electricity current flows into? NB it flows to electricity bulbs so that it supplies the energy that will make the light to shine. So what do you think the lightness of the bulb, current and potential will vary if you switch on or off?

Circuit when switch is closed: and Potential of B is equal to potential of D Potentials of the bulbs become; VA=V VB=VC=V/3 VD=2V/3

Thus; there is no change in the brightness of the bulb A, brightness of B decreases, and D increases. 5. Find the efficiency of the motor in the circuit given below.

Current passing through circuit is; I= (ε1+ε2-ε')/Req I= (40+60-70)/ (7+2+2+4) I=2 Amperes Efficiency=ε'/ (ε'+I.r') =70/ (70+2.2) Efficiency=35/37

Conclusive Outcomes: Resistence of Current Charges in the Circuit of any electricity component: It is therefore very clear that the overall need for heat-sink is to reduce amount of heat flow surrounding an engine, and thus bring about the overall decrease in amount of temperature in

a conductor. The overall process under discussion will influence the resistor to function properly under its normal user defined resistence. In order words, in electronic systems, a *heat sink is a passive component that cools a device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air. Heat sinks are used to cool electronic components such as high-power semi-conductor devices, and opto-electronic devices such as higher-power lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Heat sinks are heat exchangers such as those used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, or the radiator in an automobile. Then Angelos added that the amount of work that is done by a whole system on a body itself will drain power source such that there is a friction , power generation and power transfer that has to expose the ability of a conductor to resist those different conditions while an engine is doing it specific task. Therefore the primary aim of the creation of the heat-sink is not about cooling the body of the whole system but it is motivated by an assumption that resistor will fail to maintain flow of energy across different body system ( of say circuit) under high temperature. Therefore engineers will need to realize that it is also friction , power and and amount of task that the engine is designed to do which effect amount of resitance required by it to be able to prevent overheating of a resistor. Approches adopted to give explainations for disconected electricity shock incidence One may thing of how electricity travels. Then ohm’s law was adopted to explain complexity behind how electrcity carrying component operates. It was revealed that resistor is spread all over the conductor. That is where one observed that there is something important about the presence of resistor in any system where electricity flows. Hence there has to be an even flow of electricity. Electricity energy moves from smaller to larger sources. That creates gradients between source and air sink. However electricity moves in a conductor, which means that things that have no direct contact with electricity conducted devices do not get harm from electricity (except in danger associated with thunder lightning etc.) But the Friday on which Angelos was strike by lightning was not a cloudy day, nor was it thunderous. But where did such as huge shock came from. The careful analysis of how electricity moves across system components (such as engines of computers) etc. travels could help use to develop an understanding what could have happened to those minites and seconds close to electric shocking incident. Then it was mentioned that air-sink was important to reduce such an uneven energy flow to affect the conductor not to undergo through overheat. If so, then one can conclude that, all electric (ity) energy carrying systems need that system within their

*conductor. That is because uniformity has to be maintained and therefore a cosntant flow of energy has to be supplied on careful mathematically known bases. Therefore if no there are known mathematically laws across the object are present; there will be chaos or disruption. Then the model maker of an electricity energy operating machine will have to revisit his mathematically inventions just to investigate what has brought such negative change. When he investigates there are known and unknown parameters. However, if his electric carrying model has been made through clearly recognised laws, he does not always need to redesign a new one (law) so as to observe what could have gone wrong. But that is where things get even more complicated. Because all what he does is to get a data from the existing data that was designed by someone else. However he does not know where source of original data is. Therefore what he is doing is to mitigate the down symptoms of what was, has or will be a problem. But it does not go like that with Angelos of Sogidi Reserve, South Africa. He chose to spend two (2) years investigating the issues related to resistance flow of electricity in a conductor, body temperature in relation to function of air-sink and energy sources. The truth was made naked with respect to how pressure gradient is created. Using the pressure gradient theory the truth was revealed; where it was discovered that it (pressure gradient) was caused by how the heat travels from the heat source location and causes a large temperature gradient between the heat source and the edges of the heat sink.

That further

ensured Angelos that there has to be large amount of power supply from sources, while the energy amount needed is not going directly to the destination. Then most people simple believe that it has to be lost in heat-sink. The truth was revealed with respect to microscoping colling proecess. Then the real truth goes as follows: Microprocessor cooling Heat dissipation is an unavoidable by-product of electronic devices and circuits. In general, the temperature of the device or component will depend on the thermal resistance from the component to the environment, and the heat dissipated by the component. To ensure that the component temperature does not overheat, a thermal engineer seeks to find an efficient heat transfer path from the device to the environment. The heat transfer path may be from the component to a printed circuit board (PCB), to a heat sink, to air flow provided by a fan, but

in all instances, eventually to the *environment( just an immediate outside space to a system or object.) Two additional design factors also influence the thermal/mechanical performance of the thermal design: 1. The method by which the heat sink is mounted on a component or processor. This will be discussed under the section attachment methods. 2. For each interface between two objects in contact with each other, there will be a temperature *drop across the interface. For such composite systems, the temperature drop across the interface may be appreciable. This temperature change may be attributed to what is known as the thermal contact resistance. Thermal interface materials (TIM) decrease the thermal contact resistance.

But an environment is already occupied by people. In T-Willy Angelos was inside the room, after it was 100% closed, with no single window opened. It is very possible that his TV released heat while he closed the door. But just because he has happened to be bitten by a snake his body became even weaker to resist things such as internet disc, electricity shock (electrified air molecules) and even small cables. Actually, all air (water) molecules carries electrified gas particle, no matter if it is a cloud or even water(s) whithin a glass of drinking water. What does that tells us about human being and his surrounding atmosephere? Is it that human being has got relationship with materials that are used to make resistors? For specific reason above, Angelos sought to study how atoms that are used to make electricity are made. What influence their behavior etc.? It was mentioned that the most common heat sink materials are made of aluminium and that simple means that it has a higher thermal resitence (an ability to hold on as resistor during heat energy flow to it as a conductor of electrified body. On that case one can think of electric components such as circuit board where bulbs are connected from electricity charges via a conductor. And therefore a conductor is a means by which electricity is transported; however it has to have a resistor within it. The amount of resistance present in a conductor depends on level of amount of power that it has to carry. Therefore the size , shape and material made of conductor may have been influenced by factors that may affect amount of power supply flow needed to be carried from the source to the heat sink and then to the large space where power has to be needed. Therefore the resistor

itself has ability to store energy in form of heat. But that does not mean that all energy within a conductor is transported to the destination. The conductor is exposed to the air. The air also helps the conductor to cool down. But can a conductor get hot , all of a sudden , with no direct energy input involved such as the one that is passed from the energy source to the heat sink and then to the light bulb. That cannot happen; therefore energy that is getting cooled has a meaning attached by heating and cooling of a conductor whenever energy passes by a conductor. If, so what sort of a magic that allows the conductors to tolerate the passage of energy while they deny destruction of material. Indeed something was mentioned about external environment, which drew attention to scientific scholars that air could be a form of heat sink. Left alone, conductors could not maintain heat sink. But do all conductors across electricity components need air sinks. If not, how do they function to shield heat? Or is the heat so much low to them such that there is no need for it to be cooled down. Resistors are common *elements of electrical networks and electrical circuits. Resistors are ubiquitous (omnipresent) in electric equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as *nickel-chrome). Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits. They say that resistors with higher power ratings are physically larger and may require heat sinks. In a high-voltage circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working voltage of the resistor. From the scientific environmental point of view having observed above and from scientific reality which nature seeks to present, one could question something about what overt and covert relationship does the energy carrying conductor reveals through the examination of characteristics of a resistor’ of the verey same conductor that carrea energy. This was done with respect to what are conductor characteristics such as their size, shape, their weight, amount of energy they need to carry, and their relationship to their surrounding immediate air surrounding at large.In that case, external environment such as air condition are examined with respect to respect to other objects and laws acting upon them at random or formal setting. But these points go beyond an energy getting transferred from one terminal point to another. If so, then one could look at resistors under a query of its original raw material as the primary component to which an object is made up. Or what source of a magic that allows heat conditions to cool their temperature down in the surrounding environment such as air.

What sort of a logic that could allow such a smooth , rough operation to operate within a various components such as the ones mentioned above , or why do environment continues to hold on to such laws despite of continuous expansion of techno-scientific innovations within it body. Parameters for Guiding Research Query: In order to acquire responds based on the questions having been asked above one shall need to look at nickel-chrome and aluminium as key form of electricity conductible materials or as preferable heat sinking materials. Nickel-Chrome: Nickel Chrome is known as stainless steel. Therefore heavy industries prefer using it for bridging construction etc. However nickel in form of nickel planting solution which is mostly preferred for industrial application because it is resistance to corrosion. Usually it is a nickel in form of copper nickel –chromium (mainly used for planting) or nickel-chromium which has excellent corrosive resistance. The user preference is due to the fact that it is made up of materials for improving corrosive resistance. Nickel is also used in electrical products and automobile products such as a car. Let us try and discuss the complexity behind resistance using nickel-chrome element. This shall be discussed with response to a documentary of Hiroshi Yokoi, Odarwa, Japan (2003) Key Reading: Hiroshi Yokoi and Odarwa, (2003) ‘Nickel Planting Solution Nickel Chromium Electroplating Method and Nickel Chromium Planting Film ’, Japan, pp. (01-10) The properties of a nickel on a periodic table of all elements: But what is a periodic table of elements? A periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic numbers, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties . Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number.( look at periodic table of elements) The rows of the table are called periods; the columns of the s-, d-, and p-blocks are are called groups, with some of these having trivial names such as the halogens or the noble gases. Since it incorporates periodic (recurring) trends, the periodic table can be used to derive relationships between the properties of the elements and predict the properties of new, yet to be discovered

or synthesized, elements. As a result it provides a useful framework for analyzing chemical behavior, and is widely used in chemistry and other sciences. The first widely known periodic table was planned, designed and published by Dmitri Mendeleev. Dmitri Mendeleev is generally credited with the publication in 1869. He developed his table to illustrate periodic trends in the properties of the then-known elements. Mendeleev also predicted some properties of then-unknown elements that would be expected to fill gaps in this table. Most of his predictions were proved correct when the elements in question were subsequently discovered. Mendeleev's periodic table has since been expanded and refined with the discovery or synthesis of further new elements and the development of new theoretical models to explain *chemical behavior. Hence all elements from atomic numbers 1 (hydrogen) to 118 (ununoctium) have been discovered or synthesized. Of these, all up to and including californium exist naturally; the rest have only been synthesised in laboratories. Production of elements beyond ununoctium is being pursued, with the question of how the periodic table may need to be modified to accommodate any such additions being a matter of ongoing debate. Numerous synthetic radionuclides of naturally occurring elements have also been produced in laboratories. Likewise, Angelos made use of Dmitri Mendeleev periodic table of elements to explain the complexity behind his situation. By the way he focuses on nickel chrome because it was the mainly used for making the conductors, resistors and other main important metallic materials.

On the left hand side: is an appearance of a nickel. On the right hand side is a picture of Dmitri Mendeleev, a man who came up with a plan of mapping a periodic table.

Above is an example of how a Periodic Table of Elements looks like: Chemistry of Angelos: The Nickel Chrome. Nickel is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Ni. Ni has got atomic number equivalent to 28. The following are general properties of Nickel. General Properties of Nickel:

Name, symbol, number

nickel, Ni, 28


/ˈnɪkəl/ NIK-əl

Element category

transition metal

Group, period, block

10, 4, d

Standard atomic weight


Electron configuration







Chemical Properties of nickel :

Atomic number


Atomic mass

58.71 g.mol -1

Electronegativity according to Pauling



8.9 at 20°C

Melting point

1453 °C

Boiling point

2913 °C

Vanderwaals radius

0.124 nm

Ionic radius

0.069 nm (+2) ; 0.06 nm (+3)



Electronic shell

[ Ar ] 3d8 4s2

Energy of first ionisation

735 kJ.mol -1

Energy of second ionisation

1753 kJ.mol -1

Energy of third ionisation

3387 kJ.mol -1

Standard potential

- 0.25 V



Discovered by

Alex Constedt 1751

Nickel Nickel is silvery-white, hard, malleable, and ductile metal. It is of the iron group and it takes on a high polish. It is a fairly good conductor of *heat and *electricity. In its familiar compounds nickel is bivalent, although it assumes other valences. It also forms a number of complex compounds. Most nickel compounds are blue or green. Nickel dissolves slowly in dilute acids but, like iron, becomes passive when treated with nitric acid. Finely divided nickel adsorbs hydrogen. Vapor pressure: P (Pa)





10 k

100 k

at T (K)







Atomic properties:

Oxidation states

4[1], 3, 2, 1[2], -1 (mildly basic oxide)


1.91 (Pauling scale)

Electronegativity Ionization energies

1st: 737.1 kJ·mol−1


2nd: 1753.0 kJ·mol−1 3rd: 3395 kJ·mol−1

Covalent radius

124±4 pm

Van der Waals radius

163 pm


Crystal structure

face-centered cubic

Magnetic ordering ferromagnetic


Electrical resistivity

(20 °C) 69.3 nΩ·m

Thermal conductivity

90.9 W·m−1·K−1

Thermal expansion

(25 °C) 13.4 µm·m−1·K−1

Speed of sound

(thin rod) (r.t.) 4900 m·s−1

Young's modulus

200 GPa

Bulk modulus

180 GPa

Poisson ratio


Mohs hardness


Vickers hardness

638 MPa

Brinell hardness

700 MPa

CAS registry number


Most stable isotopes:





DE (MeV)









Ni is stable


Ni is stable

30 with





76000 y






Ni is stable






Ni is stable

32 with


Ni is stable

32 with


Ni is stable

32 with








Ni is stable

Ni is stable

33 with






30 with




30 with

Ni is stable

neutrons 59


Ni is stable

Ni is stable

33 with


Ni is stable

33 with






62Ni is stable with 34

62Ni is stable with 34

62Ni is stable with 34

62Ni is stable with 34







100.1 y






64Ni is stable with 36

64Ni is stable with 36

64Ni is stable with 36

64Ni is stable with 36





Nickel compounds: Nickel (0): Tetracarbonylnickel (Ni (CO) 4), discovered by Ludwig Mond, is a volatile, highly toxic liquid at room temperature. On heating, the complex decomposes back to nickel and carbon monoxide: Ni (CO) 4

Ni + 4 CO

This behaviour (a chemical formula ‘reaction’ above) is exploited in the Mond process for purifying nickel, as described above. The related nickel (0) complex bis (cyclooctadiene) nickel (0) is a useful catalyst in organonickel chemistry due to the easily displaced cod ligands. Nickel (I): Nickel (I) compounds and complexes are rare. The dark red diamagnetic K4 [Ni2(CN) 6] is a representative example of Ni (I). It is prepared by reduction of K 2[Ni2(CN) 6] using sodium amalgam. This compound is unstable and liberates *H2 gas from water. Nickel (II): Nickel (II) forms compounds with all common anions, i.e. the sulfide, sulfate, and carbonate, hydroxide, carboxylates, and halides. Nickel (II) sulfate is produced in large quantities by dissolving nickel metal or oxides in sulfuric acid. It exists as both a hexa- and heptahydrates. [22]

This compound is useful for *electroplating nickel.

The four halogens form nickel compounds, all of which adopt octahedral geometries. Nickel (II) chloride is most common, and its behavior is illustrative of the other halides. Nickel (II) chloride is produced by dissolving nickel residues in hydrochloric acid. The dichloride is usually encountered as the green hexahydrate, but it can be dehydrated to give the yellow anhydrous NiCl2. Some tetracoordinate nickel (II) complexes form both tetrahedral and square planar geometries. The tetrahedral complexes are paramagnetic and the square planar complexes are diamagnetic. This equilibrium as well as the formation of octahedral complexes contrasts with the behavior of the divalent complexes of the heavier *group 10 metals, palladium (II) and platinum (II), which tend to adopt only square-planar complexes. [19]

Nickelocene is known; it has an electron count of 20, making it relatively unstable.

Color of various Ni (II) complexes in aqueous solution:

From left to right, each and every small tube has the equation of the following chemical formula: [Ni (NH3)6]2+, [Ni (en) 3]2+, [NiCl4]2-, [Ni (H2O) 6]2+ NB That indicates the chemical formula of each test tube from left hand side to the right hand side.

The official beginning:

The use of nickel is ancient, and can be traced back as far as 3500 BC. Bronzes from what is now Syria had contained up to 2% nickel. There are Chinese manuscripts suggesting that "white copper" (cupronickel, known as baitong) was used there between 1700 and 1400 BC. In modern German, Kupfernickel or Kupfer-Nickel designates the alloy cupronickel. After its discovery, the only source for nickel was the rare Kupfernickel, but, from 1824 on, the nickel was obtained as by-product of cobalt blue production. The first large-scale producer of nickel was Norway, which exploited nickel-rich pyrrhotite from 1848 on. The introduction of nickel in steel production in 1889 increased the demand for nickel. The nickel deposits of New Caledonia which were discovered in 1865, provided most of the world's supply between 1875 and 1915. The discovery of the large deposits in the Sudbury Basin, Canada in 1883, in Norilsk-Talnakh, Russia in 1920, and in the Merensky Reef, South Africa in 1924 made

large-scale production of nickel possible. Nickel has been a component of coins since the mid-19th century. In the United States, the term "nickel" or "nick" was originally applied to the copper-nickel Flying Eagle cent, which replaced copper with 12% nickel 1857–58, then the Indian Head cent of the same alloy from 1859–1864. Coins of nearly pure nickel were first used in 1881 in Switzerland, and more notably 99.9% nickel five-cent coins were struck in Canada (the world's largest nickel producer at the time) during non-war years from 1922– 1981, and their metal content made these coins *magnetic. During the wartime period 1942– 45, more or all nickel was removed from Canadian and U.S. coins, due to nickel's war-critical use in armor. Canada switched alloys again to plated steel during the Korean War, but was forced to stop making pure nickel "nickels" in 1981, reserving the pure 99.9% nickel alloy after 1968 only to its higher-value coins. In 2011, Russia was the largest producer of nickel with about one-fifth world share closely followed by Canada, Australia, and Indonesia and Philippines, as reported by the US Geological Survey. A nickel deposit in western Turkey had been exploited, with this location being especially convenient for European smelters, steelmakers, and factories. Extraction and Purification of a Nickel: Nickel is recovered through extractive metallurgy. Nickel is extracted from its ores by conventional roasting and reduction processes that yield a metal of greater than 75% purity. In many stainless steel applications, 75% pure nickel can be used without further purification, depending on the composition of the impurities. Most sulfide ores have traditionally been processed using pyrometallurgical techniques to produce a matte for further refining. Benefication is any process which removes the gangue minerals from ore to produce a higher grade product (concentrate), and a waste stream (tailings). Some benefication processes are: 1) Froth flotation 2) Gravity separation Froth flotation: is a process for selectively separating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic. This is used in several processing industries. Historically this was first used in the mining industry.

Above is a diagram of a cylindrical froth flotation cell with camera and light used in image analysis of the froth surface.

Picture A :( on the left hand side) shows Froth flotation cells to concentrate copper and nickel sulfide minerals, Falconbridge, Ontario.

Picture B :( on the right hand side) shows Froth flotation to separate plastics, Argonne National Laboratory. Explanation: Froth flotation is a process for separating minerals from gangue by taking advantage of differences in their hydrophobicity. Hydrophobicity differences between valuable minerals and waste gangue are increased through the use of surfactants and wetting agents. The selective separation of the minerals makes processing complex (that is, mixed) ores economically feasible. The flotation process is used for the separation of a large range of sulfides, carbonates and oxides prior to further refinement. Phosphates and coal are also upgraded (purified) by flotation technology. The flotation process is also widely used in industrial waste water treatment plants, where it removes fats, oil, grease and suspended solids from waste water. These units are called Dissolved air flotation (DAF) units. In particular, dissolved air flotation units are used in removing oil from the wastewater effluents of oil refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and similar industrial facilities. Froth flotation is one of the processes used to recover recycled paper. In the paper industry this step is called deinking or just flotation. The target is to release and remove the hydrophobic contaminants from the recycled paper. The contaminants are mostly printing ink and stickies. Normally the setup is a two stage system with 3, 4 or 5 flotation cells in series. Gravity separation: Gravity separation is an industrial method of separating two components, either a suspension, or dry granular mixture where separating the components with gravity is sufficiently practical: i.e. the components of the mixture have different specific weight. All of the gravitational methods are common in the sense that they all use gravity as the dominant force. Gravity separation is used in a wide variety of industries, and can be most simply differentiated by the characteristics of the mixture to be separated - principally that of 'wet' i.e. - a suspension versus 'dry' -a mixture of granular product. Often other methods are applied to make the separation faster and more efficient, such as flocculation, coagulation and suction. The most notable advantages of the gravitational methods are their cost effectiveness and in some cases excellent reduction. Gravity separation is an attractive unit operation as it generally has low capital and operating costs, uses few of any chemicals that might cause

environmental concerns and the recent development of new equipment enhances the range of separations possible. Flocculation, in the field of chemistry, is a process wherein colloids come out of suspension in the form of floc or flakes by the addition of a clarifying agent. The action differs from precipitation in that, prior to flocculation, colloids are merely suspended in a liquid and not actually dissolved in a solution. In the flocculated system, there is no formation of a cake, since all the flocs are in the suspension. Gangue: In mining, gangue is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit. The separation of mineral from gangue is known as mineral processing, mineral dressing or ore dressing and it is a necessary and often significant aspect of mining. It can be a complicated process, depending on the nature of the minerals involved. For any particular ore deposit, and at any particular point in time, the concentration of the wanted mineral(s) in the gangue material will determine whether it is commercially viable to mine that deposit. The ease with which the ore can be separated also plays an important part. Early mining ventures, with their relatively unsophisticated methods, often could not achieve a high degree of separation, so significant quantities of minerals found their way into the tailings dumps of mines. As the value of a mineral increases, or when new and cheaper means of processing the ore are introduced it has often become worthwhile to rework such old dumps to retrieve the minerals they still contain. Minerals that were once thought of as gangue, and were dumped as tailings, may later find a commercial use. When this happens the old dumps are often reworked to extract the wanted mineral. For example, in copper mines in the 19th century the mineral arsenopyrite was dumped until arsenic became popular as an insecticide later in the century.

Picture A :( left hand side) shows Crystals of cassiterite, a commercially valuable mineral, in a matrix of quartz, the gangue Picture B (on the right hand side) shows Thermite reaction proceeding for a railway welding. Shortly after this, the liquid iron flows into the mould around the rail gap (could you figure out what is relationship between the two pictures – chemistry is the solution)

Pyro-metallurgy: Pyro-metallurgy involves *high *temperature processes where chemical reactions take place among *gases, *solids, and *molten materials. Solids containing valuable metals are reacted to form intermediate compounds for further processing or converted into their elemental or metallic state. Pyro-metallurgical processes that involve gases and solids are typified by calcining and roasting operations. Processes that produce molten products are collectively referred to as smelting operations. The energy required to sustain the high temperature pyrometallurgical processes may come entirely from the exothermic nature of the chemical reactions taking place, usually oxidation reactions. Often, however, energy must be added to the process by combustion of fuel or, in the case of some smelting processes, by the direct application of electrical energy. Below is an Ellingham diagram: An Ellingham diagram is a graph showing the temperature dependence of the stability for compounds. This analysis is usually used to evaluate the ease of reduction of metal oxides

and sulphides. These diagrams were first constructed by Harold Ellingham in 1944. In metallurgy, the Ellingham diagram is used to predict the equilibrium temperature between a metal, its oxide and oxygen, and by extension, reactions of a *metal with sulphur, nitrogen, and other non-metals. The diagrams are useful in predicting the conditions under which a metal ore will be *reduced to the metal. The analysis is thermodynamic in nature and ignores reaction kinetics. Thus, processes that are predicted to be favourable by the Ellingham diagram can still be slow. Ellingham Diagrams are a useful way of analysing the possible reactions, and so predicting their outcome.

The question remaining is the one concerning whether solid state materials have always been what they are. Then was earth founded or formed by man. Lastly is Nickel the only source of steel materials? (Just for fun –sound science vs. junk science) Use of Ellingham diagrams: The main application of Ellingham diagrams is in the extractive metallurgy industry, where it helps to select the best reducing agent for various ores in the extraction process. It also helps to guide the purification of metals, especially the removal of tramp elements. The direct reduction process for making iron rests firmly on the guidance of Ellingham diagrams, which show that hydrogen can alone reduce iron oxides to the metal. Reducing agent for hematite: In iron ore smelting, hematite reduces at the top of the furnace, where temperature is in the range 600 - 700 °C. The Ellingham diagram indicates that in this range carbon monoxide will act as a reducing agent since the process. 2 CO + O2 → 2 CO2. What is subject to a less negative free energy change than the process? 2 C + O2 → 2 CO. Thus, in the blast furnace haematite is reduced by CO even in the presence of carbon. The overall equation for this carbothermic reaction is: 2 Fe2O3 + 3 C → 4 Fe + 3 CO2. Reducing agent for chromic oxide-carbon cannot be used At high temperature the Ellingham curve for the reaction 2C(s) + O 2 (g) --> 2 CO (g) slopes down and falls below the curves for all the metals. Hence, carbon can normally act as a reducing agent for all metal oxides at very high temperatures. But chromium formed at these temperatures react with carbon to form its carbide which gives undesirable properties to chromium metal obtained. Hence, for high temperature reduction of chromic oxide, carbon cannot be used. Alumino thermic process:

The Ellingham curve for aluminium lies below the curves of most metals such chromium, iron, etc. This fact indicates that aluminium can be used as the reducing agent for oxides of all these metals. This result is illustrated as below: The free energies of formation of chromium oxide and aluminium oxide per mole of oxygen consumed are -540kJ and -827kJ respectively. The processes are:





So Aluminum oxide is more stable than chromium oxide. Equation (2) - Equation (1) gives

Since Gibb's free energy is negative, aluminium acts as the reducing agent. In pyro-metallurgy, Al is used as a reducing agent in the alumino-thermic process or thermite process to extract Cr and Mn by *reduction of their oxides References: (very useful in this case study)

1. Ellingham, H. J. T. (1944), J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (London) 63: 125. 2. Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth–Heinemann. ISBN 0080379419. Extraction and Purification of a Nickel: (continued). From above, it has been made clearly that nickel is the mostly preferably element across different industrial chemical use. The fact that it can be made a metal is what makes it most required. This element has been used by different nations for making money (more especially cent coins). One of its advantages over other element is the one concerning its resistance to corrosion. The heat is the most important aid when it comes to chemical reaction. It looks like nickel as an element cannot just be used as it gets extracted. However it has to undergo various re-action processes for purifying it from other non-useful elements. That simple means that nickel is primarily obtained as a mineral before it is converted into any form of commercially valuable element. But the question could be asked: how does nickel get purified? When one purifies element nickel, then there has to be something to come out as waste .However we do not need to turn a blind eye from the fact that what is waste and or what is clean are to sides of the same coin. Therefore wise scientist will speak of waste by-products of nickel. If so, then one can conclude that there is no dumping in reality but everything that has been used must seek its own steps for recycling. Following then it was mentioned that: nickel is extracted from its ores by conventional roasting and reduction processes that yield a metal of greater than 75% purity. In mining, gangue is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit. The separation of mineral from gangue is known as mineral processing. That is why wise there has to be extensive heat to aid to reaction processes which will aid the forceful removal of those useless materials surrounding the mineral that has been excavated. However, in real sense there is no waste, but that which is referred to as waste is subject to such description in relation to the needs of the mineral excavator. Hence the wasteful material has ability to recycle or conglomerate into yet another useful mineral. However there is no guarantee of each and every excavation getting recycled on its own, as there are recyclable and non-renewable minerals. Hence that sentence left alone, leaves a threat and stress to the current trends of energy loss versus the future needs for

all populations at large. If life is so much relying on these mineral resources, how should life continue undisturbed in the mist of their scarcity? Or was it a stupid idea that human being learnt viable form of life to utilise in-animate power as to relax his muscles. If there are no means to focus around these matters on earth, then one can conclude that all human are mad on earth. How can one use a boats material on which he is on it while floating in water, without any possible means to repair. Therefore life can be more complex than one can think of taking in oxygen or taking out carbon dioxide. It is more complex than one can simple think of why does the earth moves around the sun. But before one deals with those extrascience related matters let us dig more to found out what is the real meaning for separation of those different mineral concentration . Extractive metallurgy is the study of the processes used in the separation and concentration (benefication) of raw materials. The field is an applied science, covering all aspects of the physical and chemical processes used to produce mineral-containing and metallic materials, sometimes for direct use as a finished product, but more often in a form that requires further physical processing which is generally the subject of physical metallurgy, ceramics, and other disciplines within the broad field of materials science. The field of extractive metallurgy encompasses many specialty sub-disciplines, each concerned with various physical and chemical processes that are steps in an overall process of producing a particular material. These specialties are generically grouped into the categories of mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, pyro-metallurgy, and electrometallurgy. The distinctions among these groups of sub-disciplines within extractive metallurgy are far from clear, and many commercially important metallurgical processes involve considerable overlap. Usually these processes are taking place at mining industrial sectors. Nickel is recovered through extractive metallurgy (the process that is described above). Concentration have got strong element bonded together such that it is impossible to separate them without the use of some chemical reaction processes such as conventional roasting and reduction processes. This simple tells us that most mineral products such as steel have had been in some form of either rock like material which has chemical contents that constitute what it makes it valuable for certain commercial use. There is no place on earth on which one can get pure mineral such as gold or nickel as much clear as it looks like in its commercial by-product such as a ring or steel stadium bar. That is why the various physical and chemical processes that are involved in the conversion of raw material mineral to commercially

valuable item is much more important that the by product that one sees with his naked eyes at the end of the day. By that one is learning that all items on which certain commercially valuable minerals are enrolled as material made are an imagination of a certain man’s thought. Then even a stone is an element with chemicals. That simple means that it has never been there, no matter how big or how small it is. It is all a work of a certain human being, just like a stone knows no reason for going around neither the sun nor the moon has any knowledge of its presence. Life is perfection, it is never nor mistake. If so man could learn to fear not the biggest structures and learn to question their meaning behind their construction, even though it remained insane to do so according to Christian religion. That is why Angelos has developed chemistry philosophy so as to avoid disturbing The Way of Lord. If so, then it shall be worthy to use earth like primary material structure such as the nickel to excavate an understanding behind the mystery of man’s living and his surrounding *environment. But that is not to turn a blind eye from the fact that the aim is to discover why *nickel chrome and *aluminium alloy has higher electricity conductivity. That was done as to discover if there is any relationship concerning an impact assessment where on which Angelos is getting shocked by electricity and the surrounding electricity carrying elements, having not touchÊ any electricity carrying conductor with or without exposed surface material directly or either way. This thesis examined that in terms of their mineral make. Before these material came to be form as secondary materials of nickel chrome etc, they have undergone conventional roasting and reduction processes. A collective process is called extractive metallurgy, the processes used in the separation and concentration (benefication) of raw materials. Some benefication processes are: 1)

Froth flotation


Gravity separation (as mentioned above).

The Froth flotation deals with separating the mineral elements that cannot get mixed with water (hydrophobic) to those which can be mixed with water (hydrophilic).In this case, air, gases and other chemical mixtures such as oil are involved either as separating or mixing agents. Hence reduction processes are also clearly illustrated even with use of diagram. Heat, air and gases are most vulnerable form of life components. Actually no elements can exist

without heat involved; therefore heat is a form of life. Hence it is a form of energy. It is very wise to figure out if earth was found and it was full of water. Water and air are cooling agents. The earth was not found full of water, rather in it final period of chemical bonding, breaking and arrangement it was very hot, such that life could not inhabit. That means that it has to be cooled down even before the ant is made to inhabit earth. The gravitational floating is yet another industrial method of separating two components, either a suspension, or dry granular mixture where separating the components with gravity is sufficiently practical. By the way gravitation means of the ground, something that has weight. Everything that matters has weight or mass. Air on earth has a mass; therefore the earth surrounding the earth atmosphere, in the ground or under the ground does matter. Solid material such as rock minerals does also matter. Everything that matter only matters because it surrounds the materials that are responding to certain laws and certain conditions as attached on it. Therefore, in real sense, what matters are laws and not simple stone like material on which earth is made? But it does not matter how old it is, as long as it surrounding the material on which laws are attached it shall never cease to matter. Therefore air has a weight; the solid materials have got their own known chemical elements as well as their own density numbers etc. For example the periodic table of element shows us that a nickel has got the following chemical properties.

Atomic number


Atomic mass

58.71 g.mol -1

Electronegativity according to Pauling



8.9 at 20°C

Melting point

1453 °C

Boiling point

2913 °C

Nickel is silvery-white, hard, malleable, and ductile metal. It is of the iron group and it takes on a high polish. It is a fairly good conductor of *heat and *electricity. In its familiar compounds, nickel is bivalent, although it assumes other valences. It also forms a number of complex compounds. Most nickel compounds are blue or green. Nickel dissolves slowly in dilute acids but, like iron, becomes passive when treated with nitric acid. Finely divided nickel adsorbs hydrogen. For now it looks like material that required high intense heat during their conversion to commercial mineral have tendency to resist fire, corrosion etc. But this has indirect relation in terms of number of years it can take to recovery from its primary raw material at all. It is amazing to found out that heat is a form of life on earth. Heat is begged by gases and all solid materials. That means that minerals that were once thought of as gangue (waste, useless), and were dumped as tailings, may later find a commercial use. Pyro-metallurgy involves *high *temperature processes where chemical reactions take place among *gases, *solids, and *molten materials. Solids containing valuable metals are reacted to form intermediate compounds for further processing or converted into their elemental or metallic state. An Ellingham diagram is a graph showing the temperature dependence of the stability for compounds. This analysis is usually used to evaluate the ease of reduction of metal oxides and sulphides. In iron ore smelting, hematite reduces at the top of the furnace, where temperature is in the range 600 - 700 °C. The Ellingham diagram indicates that in this range carbon monoxide will (act as a) reducing agent since the process: 2 CO + O2 → 2 CO2. It is conspicuous that all reactions yield different products from what they were at their own original solution / chemical bonding. That simple implies that a certain effect from break down of a chemical bond disturbs the neat bonding so that the remaining mineral bonding is never the same as it raw mineral resource / primary chemical mixture. That implies that our energy are in a constant motion for being either loss or conversion. At the end of the day certain mineral will suffer from extinction, however life carries two bombs, fire, solid and air versus the surrounding laws. If the laws fail to make like grasp to even one of components, million costs could be incurred so as to replenish other life losses. Therefore things like global warming are a moral issues, other than one can call it junk science. One day, Herald Wit and Ndwankulu Tshishonga of South Africa –Howard College argued that if the world can continue to consume according to modern consumption, then the future generations will

need more than five planets in order to survive. That is non-challenged truth, considering the level of poverty, unemployment and wars having been created by loss of energy. Angelos argued that there is nothing one can do to prevent the world from consuming the way it does probably because the overall meaning attached behind massive material accumulation is not just wealth surplus creation; however it is about pressure to acquire and save more for the sustenance of the present and future generations. However the mode operating for economy does yields the ends which do not justifies the means. The means are totally destructive and the ends are irreversible. But if we reverse the ends (mining) do we mean that mine workers are better off without food, or where should they get money from. Is there any magic that can retire human use of fire, energy etc. so as to sustain his life? These are questions which could not be understood outside of knowing meaning attached to laws, objects and conditions. People simple take their lives for granted. The nations have developed such that they rely on each other for economy sustenance. There are core and peripheries. The richer are oppressing the poor. While one could blame politics and or macroeconomic policies, there are still hidden factors. The reality is that there should be no any need for us to get together under one planet where there is one sun so as to live except TIME. Time is the most important factors in our lives. Perhaps one could have asked himself why some people designated their lives in universities away from their comfortable zones, where their fathers and mothers are having durable cars and millions of dollars. The fact is that there is nothing attached to their economy in real sense. They are moving away from their comfortable zones just because they want to have knowledge. Knowledge is power and consciousness of mind needs to realise where it powers lies. Therefore those who have used their own power to full extend found themselves on such comfortable zones, except those who are stilling, killing or mad. Therefore the actual power lies among the intellectuals, the critical thinkers and the ones who have self-imagination. In reality power that can be observed are never nor in existence by itself but they are an imagination of one who did his own imaginations for them. But how far has he gone that he has thought of coming back to you so as to make you feel that love and exceptional wisdom that he has. The fact is that time is very smart. If he knew the difficulty and complexity behind the primary creation, inaction of laws and grouping of all different systems then he has to make one model same as you are. The truth is that:-

The more likely the model is made to possess brain characteristics same as human brain, the more likely it is to be used for duplication. But why should people live their own stupid life and even cry for the love , affection for those whose real lives has lost in the name of rescuing their own lives whilst they are sitting on an empty minded boat . Well if life has to be as much rock- rolling around the sun, with people continuing to praise their own God and forget to serve those who are standing on front of him as his agent then they are no way different to the rolling stones that goes surround the sun. The saying is perfectly strong and it cannot be altered to say that: rolling stone gathers no moss. Indeed the matter does not cease to go around the point which is the fact to say that power does not exist but it his brain that made use of different practices until it gained power. If one disagrees with that then let him press his helicopter and move from ground to the moon and come back again. Let him say whether he has ability to just fly over the moon with no help of artificially generated energy used to the machine that is used to fly him. Or else does he not know if he needed to realise the relationship between laws, conditions and objects surrounding in relation to time and the operation of his machine in order to arrive in the moon. Is he feeling happy of moving up and down whereas his power is never permanent? If so will he not start to think that his journey was just the one for pleasure and or for creating money that will serve his flesh related needs? But what could please his life forever. Indeed that is to realise how his future generation will survive current and future unpredictable life conditions beyond imagination. Then he has to turn back to his world and think of what enabled him to rich that higher level of knowledge inspection. If it something beyond what the other surrounding living and non-living component cannot do then he has to question what has prevented them to reach that higher life style while he has done even more than it is required . Then he has to say that why can’t he be capable of doing the very same as it has been done. Then he has to realise that all along there has been time guiding him of how to operate his life. He can do more than he has did , but because he missed what event has took place while time has passed by he has missed many things . That is where most true heroes and true genius lies, it their own ability to imagine past, present and future. Then they have to know that their past has a beginning to unfold, yet it has no end. The end will be determined by the time. Therefore the joys that one has had have might not compromise the will for his Master, for the master is conscious of time. Otherwise there will be no need for us to speak, greet or even shake hands to each other if time does not cost us to do so. These were most intelligent words from The Central Figure of God. Therefore everything surrounding human

being was primarily taught to serve the life existence , by that we do not simple refers to human life existence as if human being were more better to other life components , however , this refers to all forms of life . Indeed the flower did help to be an agent to transmit certain knowledge from England; a flower was a human being itself.( perhaps we should have learnt serious lessons from so-called Biogeography and Nature Distribution) Over many years even before Angelos is born flower has been holding knowledge to be delivered to right person at right time. Today is a beautiful Angel speaking as if he has superior amount of knowledge over all other livings on earth? But what about soil as means of life to which water and minerals are used to feed a flower. Or what do you think about the presence of air and rain surrounding that flower? Is that all individual man’s task or it overall nature based understanding of laws having attached on it to respond right in time and to the right person. Who can guarantees what life holds for future if the unknown can creep through plants and deliver such a wonderful task!! Indeed no one can fight the ware to survive future lives if he does not draw himself closer to the unknown. The key solution is to his need to start to look at his surrounding waters, stars on top of his head and even his skin. There are as many things that man cannot submit to but when it comes to submitting to the unknown, it remain compulsory not only just to accept but also to question the status quo of a marvellous living life with scientifically driven life , where all conditions informing the past , present and future are correctly predictable. But the scriptures still remains unshaken as to not to fight the fool but fight the cause of foolishness which could be something concerning psychological model made up behind his memory. The main force of how many people are going to view this scientific explanation will depend on what their environment has shaped them to understand who they are in relation to nature. To other people this psychological phenomenal is just a crumb of madness. That simple means that, to some people a matter of man and creation do not go beyond his status or how others have defined him. In this universe there shall be no stone which will remain unshaken. A universe is not a hiding and sicking place to the Master.

Chromium vs. Aluminium: Aluminium can be used as the reducing agent for oxides of all these metals. The free energies of formation of chromium oxide per mole of oxygen consumed are -540kJ


But Aluminium oxide processes are:

(2) The free energies of formation of aluminum oxide per mole of oxygen consumed are -827kJ

The change between two oxides will be given by

(Minus -)

= (equals to)

(-827kJ)- (-540kJ) = (-827kJ) + 540J= -287

Therefore, according to Equation (2) - Equation (1) gives (we removed the tiny numbers at the end of equation because it will be confused with those numbers which are within the chemical compounds).

I.e. difference between: (1) and (2), which are chemical exchange between (2)-(1) which is often expressed as delta sign (triangle meaning change between (1) and (2).

(1) and


From the above equation one can conclude that Aluminium oxide is more stable than chromium oxide. This fact indicates that aluminium can be used as the reducing agent for oxides of all these metals. This result is illustrated as above. But why do reduction processes happen to take place in real sense? Or how will they help us on account of Angelos getting shocked by electricity? In Ellingham diagram, a graph showing the temperature dependence of the stability for compounds, it was seen that there are conditions which influence the other metals such as metal ore to be converted to metal. The high temperature is involved to aid the reaction to take place. Then when one undertake an analysis of what necessitated the ease of reduction of metal oxides and sulphides he make use of these diagrams having been constructed by Harold Ellingham in 1944. In metallurgy, the Ellingham diagram is used to predict the equilibrium temperature between a metal, its oxide and oxygen, and by extension, reactions of a *metal with sulphur, nitrogen, and other non-metals. The diagrams are useful in predicting the conditions under which a metal ore will be *reduced to the metal. The analysis is thermodynamic in nature and ignores reaction kinetics. The truth is that the room was occupied by oxygen under close space, as doors were closed. The electricity was present in a conductor. The TV was semi-closed. But because a body also has its resistors it happens to fail to resist electricity under powerful electricity surrounding the vacuum space. In other words, Angelos is closer to the unknown and his chemical make-up is much stronger. However, after he has been bitten by snake his chemical bonds became weaker. The resistance is always active in a body, as to prevent any kind of electrical shock. But under circumstances where body bonds have been weaken, body resistors also become weaker. It then begins to shake against it surrounding environment such as air, stones, and decoders and even off universe stones such as stars and moons. Stars have certain relationship with earth, no matter how far are they from the earth. Another thing is magnetic field of earth; it is very sensitive to skin and skeletal structure of a person who has weak chemical bonds. That is why sometimes Angelos failed to

maintain his head to equilibrium. The head keep on shaking from left to right, without him involved in doing that motion. It was a caused by presence of earth’s magnetic polar axis as they pull against the magnet in the forehead. Origin of the Magnetic Field:Magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges. For example, the magnetic field of a bar magnet results from the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet. The origin of the Earth's magnetic field is not completely understood, but is thought to be associated with electrical currents produced by the coupling of convective effects and rotation in the spinning liquid metallic outer core of iron and nickel. This mechanism is termed the dynamo effect. Rocks that are formed from the molten state contain indicators of the magnetic field at the time of their solidification. The study of such "magnetic fossils" indicates that the Earth's magnetic field reverses itself every million years or so (the north and south magnetic poles switch). This is but one detail of the magnetic field that is not well understood. A similar incidence which indicates that a person has got charged body has been taking place through a scientifically responding parameter such namely and he took a very long time to recognise it. In 2009 he set off to watch football at Kwa-Deda Community ground, Galilee Mountain. In that area there is a huge cell phone network posts with many decoders. His body has been always getting pulled by these poles. The huge electricity components which are steel like structure of a box along the power lines were also very sensitive when he is either closer or away from them. His body parts such as legs, chests and forehead are mostly active to gravitational pull especially when he is standing next to a pine tree. The chest, nose legs and forehead are most sensitive parts. But even if these things are not sensitive his whole body has a tendency of getting pulled by electrified components, stones and even moon. But during those days on which he was strike by a snake he even got pain from standing next to laptop with internet. His hairs caused even more pains, so he decided to remove them out. The back of his head (neck part) need her to stay out of electricity components. At University of Natal Durban it was a big trouble for that young man to stay. There are decoders, satellite discs and even powerful electricity. He spent the whole year crying deep inside for pains he received from electricity shocks over his head. But why did the pain chose to appease down after he has cut off his hairs, because hairs does not feel pains anymore?

That also indicated that chemical in

steel aluminium, nickel chrome etc. is also part of stone. However, after he has been bitten by snake he has lost his chemical bonds. However, the body resistance is also active even though man did not touched electricity.

Angelos is classified as a human being who is born with characteristics of Anglo Black Chinese. Point of Departure: Therefore, if we are searching what went wrong on his hair we must discover how are Black Chinese hair are like in terms of their biological modelling and also in terms of their arrangement to human body. However, there is a need to also discover the function of hairs. But why did hairs also get shocked because they are rather painless elements The following paragraph is briefing us why did a section on hairs is studied : the main intention is to start by draw attention to readers that hairs became painful more especially when a boy stands next to internet devices . Those hairs were also very painful if they are exposed to the sky as far remote stars were interacting with a head. This is to then discover what meaning attached from pain directed at those three dimensional hairs. The hairs have been beautiful, perfect and most attractive to other people. The young kids could not stop to watch that three dimensional (3-D) hair outlook. But all of a sudden they have brought trouble, they are no longer required. They stink as a bee on top of the head surface skin tissue layers and the pain goes deeper into head skeletal muscle until eyes become red. From the beginning Angelos would put a towel over his head, and his friend will ask him if he has adopted Jewish kind of life. He will agree just to ignore their ignorance but deep inside himself he knew that there was something in the space, on earth and all over the atmosphere that was making his head so painful when his hairs were exposed to the atmosphere. It was untreatable pain, one could have taken a rope and hang himself out. The nurses never discovered what was wrong. The hospital doctors made series of scanning of brain and even forehead but they suggested he has a stress. They suggest he must get enough sleep times and let the blood to relax. Angelos took tablets which were prescribed by a doctor for stress and ease of getting asleep. Once he did so he got to sleep by three (3) o-clocks the previous day until he woke up by two (2) o-clocks the following day. Those tablets were totally dangerous, he was better off without their medication. But Doctor Muddaly also suggested that he has to reduce the dosage (amount of chemical concentration on the medication such as tablets) so that it can function according to amount of power and energy that Angelos has. The tablet caused Angelos to be even more tired but he could sleep. However the eyes battle to open up whenever he took them. Even if his friends visit him they will ask if they had done something wrong for visiting him because he paid no attention to them and he could only just go to sleep. He would advise them to watch television. First of all it was not an easy thing to simple point out that you have been bitten by a space snake if you have not seen any king of snake such as that. It was also impossible to tell your friends that you are ill if you have no

generally known disease to be identified, you remain venerably. However, death was something very far from taking place to a young man, but pains were very much more frequent. The Howard College Malherbe Library is modern building structure which is highly elevated off the ground. It has grassy plastic windows which enables one to see all over the city of Durban. Angelos has been always enjoying to just sitting in the 4th flour and study until he gets tired. When he is tired he would close his books and watch all over the city. It is a habit for all students who use Malherbe Library as their place of study. But all of a sudden a library became an enemy. On top of the library are much tiny steel like disc with round oval shape for decoding the internet. These discs were scrapping his hairs, needles to go outside, he would tell you that he was sitting underneath the decoder. Even when there is a huge jet aeroplane passing up the building, he would also feel it over his skin, it was absolutely painful. But the open / transparent glassy windows mad it even more badly. In Durban are various tiny decoders. Some of these decoders are used for things like DSTV, Radios and for Communication Network. Given the sensitivity of all these objects, Angelos would retrieve his head in-between the shelves. Actually a young man was supposed to break away from his surrounding environment for those moment on which his whole body became active for the surrounding electrified objects , decoders etc. But unfortunately it was exam times, he had to convince his troubles, and pass exams. And Angelos prevailed, thereafter December holidays arrived and he got to go back home having passed all his exams. He rose above his troubles and tribulations. He knew no fear. He rose above all pain that no normal human being can stand before them. However he was no any time mad. His brother asked him to come to celebrate that he has passed in Durban. He thought that Durban has got wide range of internet distribution, so it was going to bite, but he was no longer willing to remove his hairs. He was interested in founding out what made his hairs to be as painful and as they were. By watching Angelo’s hair you could not tell that he has undergone through deepest pain ever felt by a normal human being in his life. Those hairs were beautiful and young people would like to even touch them, however as soon as the snake gave bit no one could come close to him. There was no any visible motion involved to be seen coming directly to either touchÊ or strike on top of those to bring about pain in those three dimensional hair , they could still look like natural hairs , yet heavy task for transferring all forms of laws through atmospheric surrounding forces were taking place. Touching those hairs would not cause anyone to get shocked or feel as Angelos felt. The matter was absolutely intangible to those who are not technical scientific parameter getting prepared for harnessing power , even professional doctors who scanned the brain only recommended that a young man had stress and he should take tablets( Dr Muddaly : King Edward Hospital , South Africa, Durban) . That is why we are concluding to say that it is the chemical make-up of a man which made him to experience exceptional pains he got inter-alia battling to stand underneath DSTV decoders, getting shocked by electricity having not expose to electricity carrying conductor directly, remotely sensed by pass by

clouds and or pass by aircrafts, getting his forehead pulled by the force of gravity and or experience sharp pulling force standing next to pine trees) Indeed a man was cloned by the flower from England. Her mother was also cloned. But that is not complete compose mental response to be use in answering why did hair felt pain? If not, then why did they felt pain? An Action of Using Hairs as Means to Diffuse Waves into Responding Scientific Parameter: The following is a key response to question paused above:

Hairs are a filamentous biomaterial that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas where glorious skin is visible, deep skin part is covered by follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. This thesis is interested with hairs and it shall focus on hair growth, hair types and care. In this case it is made clearly that hairs are important biomaterial primarily composed of *protein, notably keratin. In many human societies, women predominantly grow the hair on their head long while men cut theirs short.

The word "hair" often refers to two distinct structures: A) The part beneath the skin called the hair follicle or when pulled from the skin, called the bulb. This organ is located in the dermis and maintains stem cells which not only re-grow the hair after it falls out, but also are recruited to regrow skin after a wound. B) The shaft, which is the hard filamentous part that extends above the skin surface. A cross section of the hair shaft may be divided roughly into three zones. Each strand of hair is made up of the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The innermost region, the medulla, is not always present and is an open, *unstructured region. The highly structural and

organized cortex, or middle layer of the hair, is the primary source of mechanical strength and*water uptake. The following drawing is aiming at showing the hair shaft in relation to what are main organs or body parts surrounding the single hair tread. (*Hair Shaft)

The cortex contains melanin. Production of melanin is stimulated by DNA damage induced by UVB-radiation, and it leads to a delayed development of a tan. This melanogenesis-based tan takes more time to develop, but it is long-lasting.

The photochemical properties of melanin make it an excellent photoprotectant. This is because it efficiently absorbs harmful UV-radiation (ultraviolet) and transforms the energy into harmless heat. Internal conversion is a transition from a higher to a lower electronic state in a molecule or atom. It is sometimes called "radiationless de-excitation", because no photons are emitted. It differs from intersystem crossing in that, while both are radiationless methods of deexcitation, the molecular spin state for internal conversion remains the same, whereas it changes for intersystem crossing. The energy of the electronically excited state is given off to vibrational modes of the molecule or phonons. The excitation energy is transformed into heat. A classic example of this process is the quinine sulfate fluorescence, which can be quenched by the use of various halide salts. What happens is that the excited molecule can de-excite by increasing the thermal energy of the surrounding solvated ions. That is when one can turn back and look at the inner, middle and outermost hair parts (usually hair shaft). Then it is said that Immediate References: M. Bixon and J. Jortner (1968) (J. Chem. Phys., 48 (2) 715-726)). Several natural molecules perform a very fast internal conversion. This ability to transform the excitation energy of photon into heat can be a crucial property for *photoprotection by molecules such as *melanin. Fast internal conversion reduces the excited state lifetime, and thereby prevents *bimolecular reactions (oxidative stress and free radicals). Nucleic acids (precisely the single, free nucleotides, not those bound in a DNA/RNA strand) has an extremely short lifetime due to a fast internal conversion. Melanin is also a molecule with extremely fast *internal conversion. This makes it a particularly good photoprotective substance. Both Melanin and DNA have internal conversion rates that are many orders of magnitude faster than any man-made molecule. In applications that make use of bimolecular electron transfer the internal conversion is undesirable. For example, it is advantageous to have a long lived excited state in Grätzel cells (Dye-sensitized solar cells). Bimolecular electron transfer always produces a reactive chemical species, free radicals.

References: Meredith, Riesz P. and Jennifer (2004). "Radiative Relaxation Quantum Yields for Synthetic Eumelanin". Photochem. Photobiol. 79 (2): 211–216 Conclusion: Hairs are defined as filamentous, biomaterial that grows from follicles which is found in the dermis. The word "hair" often refers to two distinct structures: namely hair follicle and shaft. Hair shaft may be divided roughly into three zones namely medulla, cortex, and cuticle.Saying Shaft, which is the hard filamentous part that extends above the skin surface means that some of its parts are exposed to the external atmosphere and therefore to all other atmospheric conditions. The innermost region, the medulla, is not always present and is an open, *unstructured region. The highly structural and organized cortex, or middle layer of the hair, is the primary source of mechanical strength and*water uptake. A)

The part beneath

the skin called the hair follicle or when pulled from the skin, called the bulb. This organ is located in the dermis and maintains stem cells which not only re-grow the hair after it falls out, but also are recruited to regrow skin after a wound. From above explanation one can conclude that the shaft and hair follicle do more or less same task which is to maintain the continuous process of hair growth, energy conversion and skin refreshment. In order words the outermost hair organ parts are closely linked to their own middle and innermost hair organ parts. If one organ is disturbed there has to be a negative outcome from the overall system as a whole. Conclusion: The drawing of hair shaft seems to illustrate that the outermost hair tread(s) are exposed to the atmosphere. That simple means that it can acquire cooling when it is cold, and also it can acquire heat when there is sunlight and or get subjected to other external atmospheric weather conditions. The cross section of hair shaft and the main important organs to which the actual base of hair is uprooted seem to illustrate that an hair shaft goes deeper to skin to epidermis , dermis and then to hypodermis (subcutis). The pupilla of hair is directly attached to blood and lymph vessels. These are made out of arteries and veins. Arteries are known for being oxygen blood carrier tunnels. Veins carry deoxygenated blood. This relationship I largely known when one exposes the heart of human being and its schematic diagram for blood circulation around the human body. However that kind of relationship does work the same even to other body organ such as an eye and or brain (that

has been largely discussed see heart sections on this book). Just next to blood and lymph vessels is nerve fiber.

Data Source: An axon (also known as a nerve fiber) is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that typically conducts *electrical impulses *away from the *neuron's cell body. In certain sensory neurons (pseudo-unipolar), such as those for touch and warmth, the ***electrical impulse travels along an axon (fiber) from the periphery (surrounding environment) to the cell body, and from the *cell body to the spinal cord along another branch of the same axon. Axon *dysfunction causes many inherited and acquired *neurological disorders which can affect both the peripheral and central neurons. An axon is one of two types of protoplasmic protrusions that extrude from the cell body of a neuron, the other type being dendrites. Axons are distinguished from dendrites by several features, including shape (dendrites often taper while axons usually maintain a constant radius), length (dendrites are restricted to a small region around the cell body while axons can be much longer), and function (dendrites usually receive signals while axons usually transmit them). All of these rules have exceptions, however. Some types of neurons have no axon and transmit signals from their dendrites. No neuron ever has more than one axon; however in invertebrates such as insects or leeches the axon

sometimes consists of several regions that function more or less independently of each other. Most axons branch, in some cases very profusely. *Axons make contact with other cells—usually other neurons but sometimes muscle or gland cells—at junctions called synapses. At a synapse, the ***membrane of the axon closely adjoins the *membrane of the target cell, and special molecular structures serve to ***transmit electrical or electrochemical signals across the gap. Some synaptic junctions appear partway along an axon as it extends—these are called en passant ("in passing") synapses. Other synapses appear as terminals at the ends of axonal branches. A single axon, with all its branches taken together, can innervate multiple parts of the brain and generate thousands of synaptic terminals. The truth has been revealed, the hairs do feel pain, and however, pains have been retrieved due to presence of sebaceous glands and melanin (see drawing below).

All of the sebaceous glands in humans have been demonstrated to show similarity in structure and secrete sebum by a holocrine process. Sebum excreted by the sebaceous gland is primarily composed of try-glycerides, wax esters, and squalene. Wax esters, like squalene, are unique to sebum and not produced anywhere else in the body. Sebum also contains 45% water-insoluble fatty acids known to have broad antimicrobial activity. Additionally, sebaceous gland secretion provides Vitamin E to the upper layers of facial skin. Sebaceous lipids contribute to maintaining the integrity of the skin barrier, and express pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Recent research suggests that sebum may represent a delivery system for antioxidants, antimicrobial lipids, pheromones, and hydration of stratum corneum. During the last gestation trimester, it is known that sebaceous glands produce vernix caseosa which protects the embryonic skin from amniotic water. Sebaceous secretions

in conjunction with apocrine glands also play an important thermoregulatory role. In hot conditions, the secretions emulsify and foment formation of and prevent the loss of sweat drops from the skin. In colder conditions, sebum repels rain from skin and hair. Increased facial surface sebum secretion is also associated with the development of acne. The conclusion is that, there was too much information which came from the surrounding living entities such as the sun, moon, air and other systems which might not have been discovered. This information invades skin and gets to be converted into the body; usually information is converted through bare skin via body stimulations that linked themselves with medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The hairs are acting as antenna such as the one you saw getting used in television (TV), internet decoders etc. The fact that hairs are attached to nerve fiber right where there is lymph and blood vessels are true indicatives that hairs could be used to sense information and send it to blood streams and sensors which will eventually enable to the brain to interpret new information that is entering the brain network. As from today no one shall ever challenge the statement which asserts that brain is source of power, more than the laws, objects and conditions may be as much willing to operate according to how they will. We shall therefore regret to inform the universe that it is absolutely true that the snake which stroke Angelos was not a normal snake from the universe but it came from the space. Physically the snake bitten him but he could never see it no he could get pain almost immediately. However that snake was putting an injection just like any of you could be injected by a Doctor in clinic provided he is ill. That is an injection which will make a baby to assimilate with the whole creation; it will lead him to be a genius. Therefore the snake was not just a snake but it was a message carrier having been sent to heal the universe. This suggests that all creation take orders from the unknown as long as he has set his desired will. Key Solutions: Towards the Creation of Multipurpose Hyperbola: When one is injected with a certain injection, the blood becomes a medium to which medicine travels. Hence that brings about certain specific stimulus in the body as ascribed by a doctor. (therefore blood is a message carrier) Likewise, Angelos has become every creation that is above water, stars, air and even the greatest heat of the sun as soon as snake bit him because it carried an injection which shall dilute his blood to allow forceful invasion of ancient primary and secondary laws to be compressed in his body. Scientifically this is a preoperational session which will allow Angelos to be turned into responding parameter through which most technical scientific operations that will take place in the multipurpose

hyperbola are performed. Whether the responding scientific parameter is or not aware of those changes, he would be forced to remain as an observer participant and therefore a subject to interpretation of what sort of technical scientific requirements and processes demanded on him so as to be used as one of instrument for processing and fast tracking the Multipurpose Hyperbola with an intention to yield instant results aimed at creating completely new life sustaining universe on which all processes are clearly remarked by his brain purposefully and co-incidentally. Therefore one could argue that the purpose for injecting him through snake was to make him to adapt to all chemical formulae of life creation, and that is what exactly is going to enable the unknown to re-double the creation as soon as the Multipurpose Hyperbola that is going to enable him to rule and develop any desired feature using those scientifically responding parameter is successfully constructed. Those words sounds very crazy but remember that those primary laws used to bring about objects and conditions which are either observed or seen by naked eyes are there as a result of a power from the brain of the master, who is scientifically termed as the unknown.., for the purpose of this continuous research discourse. Thus all pains which were imposed by external environment to the bare skin of a baby’s head will eventually reaches the brain cells. However the eyes were also painful simple because they have *external brain, a brain which acts as an external ‘connect to folder’. Therefore matters do not only need to be recognised inside but also those who set files outside need to monitor what was going on, full stop. The neurons axom get subjected to either defend or adapt to the new conditions. But whether adaptation was successful or failed, there has to be those ill health related outcomes such as pains that the hairs were transmitting to outermost skin part of Angelos. This also proves that human being is made out of atoms or he is atom component. The cortex contains melanin. Production of melanin is stimulated by DNA damage induced by UVB-radiation, and it leads to a delayed development of a tan. This melanogenesis-based takes more time to develop, but it is long-lasting. The photochemical properties of melanin make it an excellent photoprotectant. This is because it efficiently absorbs harmful UV-radiation (ultraviolet) and transforms the energy into harmless heat. Hint: Each strand of hair is made up of the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The innermost region, the medulla, is not always present and is an open, *unstructured region. The highly structural and organized cortex, or middle layer of the hair, is the primary source of mechanical strength and*water uptake.

Indeed the GIS could be very quintessential to express these biological, physical and chemical aspects of remote sensing process which are taking place in each and every person who resides under the planet earth and share a living to the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore the point that has been stated that Angelos happened to be shocked by electricity having not touched it has a serious application to the overall universal creation. But should teachers from School Sociology and Social Science at Howard College never teach him about sociology of social imagination, would he be capable of discovering all of these issues. Or will the future planets ever been planned at all. That is a warning people must top to take things for granted. The truth is that a young boy developed professional manners from learning the theory of sociology of social imagination and social interaction to gain skills used to interpret what changes are taking place in his surrounding environment (this part will be covered later). What if a young boy decided to ignore all of these marvellous scientific related matters taking place as a plan of the unknown? Will that indicates that he is careless or he is lacking social imagination and or professional manners. But is it how Howard College top Honours and Masters Students are taught, to look at problems related to social issues and left them undiscovered. If the current generations do not break away from such retrieved life chains then that shall help to carry the process of unknown to unfold and multiply those gifts of the Holy Spirit evident with respect to technical procedures took place in Multipurpose Hyperbola, then who is supposed to take care of the current problems which are facing the universal living entity at large. Well it was painful from the beginning but it has ended with great news at the end. But those who are smart might conclude that those pains were transmitting message to the brain of a baby so that it can be able to develop that kinematic force within his body for unlocking the retrieved data information that came or developed through an injection by a snake which came from the space. The blood itself shows to be a sharpest message carrier because it turned eyes red as soon as a boy is getting an injection which is a strategic strategy for allowing a diffusion of power in form of primary law into a secondary object to be used as a technical parameter with ability to respond during manipulation of data in a Multipurpose Hyperbola. Indeed this point is supported by various literature reviews including the ones concerning development of functional magnetic resonance imaging which is GIS Model having developed by Seiji Ogawa. Modern Hospital Doctors including Physicians use fMRI to assess how risky brain surgery or similar invasive treatment is for a patient and to learn how a normal, diseased or injured brain is functioning. They map the brain with fMRI to

identify regions linked to critical functions such as speaking, moving, sensing, or planning. This is useful to plan for surgery and radiation therapy of the brain. Clinicians also use fMRI to anatomically map the brain and detect the effects of tumors, stroke, head and brain injury, or diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) is an MRI procedure that measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow. This is a type of specialized brain and body scan used to map neural activity in the brain or spinal cord of humans or animals by imaging the change in blood flow (hemodynamic response) related to energy use by brain cells. Since the early 1990s, fMRI has come to dominate brain mapping research because it does not require people to undergo *shots, *surgery, or to *ingest substances, or be exposed to radiation. This is used to measure change in magnetization between oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood as its basic measure. This measure is frequently corrupted by noise from various sources and hence statistical procedures are used to extract the underlying signal. The resulting brain activation can be presented graphically by colorcoding the strength of activation across the brain or the specific region studied. The technique can localize activity to within millimetres but, using standard techniques, no better than within a window of a few seconds. BOLD contrast depends on blood flow, which is both slowly changing and subject to noisy influences. Other biomarkers now looked at to provide better contrast include temperature,

acidity/alkalinity (pH), calcium-sensitive agents, neuronal magnetic field, and the Lorentz effect. Temperature contrast depends on changes in brain temperature from its activity. The initial burning of glucose raises the temperature, and the subsequent inflow of fresh, cold blood lowers it. These changes alter the magnetic properties of tissue. Since the internal contrast is too difficult to measure, external agents such thulium compounds are used to enhance the effect. Contrast based on pH depends on changes in the acid/alkaline balance of brain cells when they go active. This too often uses an external agent. Calcium-sensitive agents make MRI more sensitive to calcium concentrations, with calcium ions often being the messengers for cellular signalling pathways in active neurons. Neuronal magnetic field contrast measures the magnetic and electric changes from neuronal firing directly. Lorentzeffect imaging tries to measure the physical displacement of active neurons carrying an electric current within the strong static field. Some experiments have shown the neural correlates of peoples' brand preferences. Samuel M. McClure used fMRI to show the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and midbrain were more active when people knowingly drank Coca Cola as opposed to when they drank unlabelled Coke. Other studies have shown the brain activity that characterizes men's preference for sports cars, and even differences between Democrats and Republicans in their reaction to campaign commercials with images of the 9/11 attacks. Neuromarketing companies have seized on these studies as a better tool to poll user preferences than the conventional survey technique. One such company was BrightHouse, now shut down. Another is Oxford, UK, based Neurosense, which advises clients how they could potentially use fMRI as part of their marketing business activity. A third is Sales Brain in California.

This has to be the highest point of this episode, because one can see clearly that blood and arteries are very important when it comes to connecting the brain, heart and eye organs. These three organs ‘speak’ to each other and they are well connected. It is even more reflected from Seiji Ogawa’s diagram of an eye illustrating that an eye has got those regions where arteries meet cons, rods and other main important parts of an eye organ. Hint an optic disc has got a very important relationship with optic nerve. Actually this optic disc serves as a point where the axoms of retinal points of retinal ganglion cells come together. Actually the rods or cones are not as much as sensitive to respond to the light stimulus. But it is an optic disk, which gives true sense of ‘light response’ that ‘picks up’ only because the optic disc is

bridging the gap where optic nerve forms/begins axoms and point where the axons of *retinal ganglion cells come together. Then we have asked what was, is or will be so special about retinal arteries? The retinal arteries carried rich nutritious blood (also oxygenated blood that has to travel to an eye). That simple means that an eye needs rich-blood supply at each and every time. To body organs blood gives true sense of life and that is probably because all food , waters and nutrition that human being takes in has no any other way to rich to our main body organs except that they need to be digested . When food is digested saliva get to mix with nutritious information of food. Then it diffuses to the body in form of a liquid water (hint:- nutritious blood, oxygenated blood, rich blood ). In doing this a body has lot of cells which also help to break down some more complex digestives systems so that they are ready to be converted to a blood that will be required by body organs. This matter is not complex as one may have thought. The process begins right in a mouth as one crashes food using just his ‘choppers’, tongue and food is getting mixed with saliva then swallowed. Hemoglobin is also playing a crucial role, which is to carries oxygen from the respiratory organs (lungs or gills) to the rest of the body (i.e. the tissues) where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients to provide energy to power the functions of the organism, and collects the resultant carbon dioxide to bring it back to the respiratory organs to be dispensed from the organism. There are as many other numerous tasks that haemoglobin has to do but for this purpose, it shall be safe to group/ approach our conclusion. An eye of a baby is developing right outside. It is conspicuous that human eye focus onto the light sensitive area called retina membrane. A brain does not develop anywhere, but for it to develop there has to be a membrane. The cornea is a transparent structure found in the very front of the eye that helps to focus incoming light. Behind the cornea is a coloured ring-shaped membrane called the iris? The iris has an adjustable circular opening called the pupil, which can expand or contract depending on the amount of light entering the eye. A clear fluid called the aqueous humor fills the space between the cornea and the iris. The retina is the innermost of three tissue layers that make up the eye. The middle layer between the retina and sclera is called the choroid. The choroid contains blood vessels that supply the retina with nutrients and oxygen and removes its waste products. Rods are good for monochrome vision in poor light, while cones are used for colour and for the detection of *fine detail. Cones are packed into a part of the retina directly behind the retina called the fovea. Approaches used to determine if arteries and veins can send message directly to the eye brain system:-

The Right Hand Side of the Heart: Angelos used GIS so that he uses different body parts such as heart, eye and brain to be displayed in a map. After that he categorised each system to acquire it colour category. At the end of the day he had different layers such as heart, brain and eye. Using diagram models he applied various mathematical, scientific and biological conditions that need to be met for normal functioning of various important body parts. At the end of the day he had ‘maps’ which appears as diagrams on the display view to show various body parts. The colours were very useful to differentiate various body parts. When he checked the box, a layer was getting displayed. That process allowed him to manipulate process and analyse various body parts for human being. In addition to that he also had attribute table information in which there were fields that carry information based on each and every of the body part. In an attribute table were clearly recognised factors against and for body parts such as distance between body parts in centimetres etc. In an attribute table were options where one can select by attribute and then get access to query builder. That offered various mathematical options such as +, -, <, > etc. For each and every query there were results and out of those results new relationship based on various body parts would be interpreted. Angelos also introduced remote sensing which works with INDRISI ANDES software. That software was going to be used to determine the relationship between man and his surrounding environment such as air, sun, moon, soils and rocks and many more of the objects, conditions and laws attacked to them. Similarly the objects such as sun, moon and soil and vegetation were added in a map. Air was treated as a condition and it was classified into its different forms such as warm, cold and mild etc. In addition to that some areas that fall within KwaNdlovu, South Africa were introduced in a map so that they are made overlay. Angelos was still young when he completed his documentary (he was only 27). The following are findings based on his use of GIS, Science and Biology to discover relationship between various body parts functioning and development of those dark-grey spots which were a complete separate brain part in his eye on the right hand side. Background of a problem: Careful study of anatomy and natural science shows us that sun does not move, however, it is the earth that moves around the sun. Therefore, the earth is a biggest object which has North, South, East and Southern Hemispheres sharing one sun. Therefore if the sun is in either position of hemisphere other side remains dark. In Mother Earth people called that a night or

day. A night is a period of darkness and day is a period in which light from the sun is present. Even though sun is the source of energy, it does not remain the same as that man-made skinlike attachment on human body that he uses to see features during the time at which it is shining. However man has got his permanent eyes which are used to see. There are complex environmental interactions between how the two (secondary) objects namely sun and eye are used to bring about vision. A skin-deep cross intersection (of an eye) shows us that human being has got what we may eye and blood veins and arteries in which blood that carry oxygenated and deoxygenated blood flows. A circulatory system is an organ that passes nutrients such ( as amino acids , electrolytes and lymph etc. ) , gases , hormones, blood cells , etc. There are beliefs that ‘blood cells’ moves to and from the heart which is regarded as the main engine of human being. Therefore the function of a heart is to pump the blood so that it gets distributed all over the body. But it is not just a dry empty born function that blood gets distributed all over the body. But it is a function of distributing all forms of life-maintaining requirements such as nutrients, oxygen, water etc. (Hint function of heart). However, the role of heart is twofold. Heart maintains smooth distribution of blood across various body organs such as eye and brain. The blood reaches those organs via arteries and leaves via veins. Therefore this thesis look at function of arteries and veins with respect to how they function to carry blood to and from the brain and eye centres where oxygenated blood is highly required. The major aim is to discover if blood arteries and veins could be used to carry and transfer message across brain, eye and other important part of the body central nervous systems. This thesis kick started by looking at a heart which of a normal human being which has got distinguishable right and left hand side biological characteristics. We shall remind ourselves briefly that normal human beings rely from oxygen, water and food to survive. However, energy is source of power. Sun is regarded as source of energy. Photosynthesis is most dominant way by which plants convert energy sources from the sun and make it edible even to animals and plants. Therefore if there is no sun, no life on earth. Similarly is there is no air, no life. Water and food are also important means to maintain continued life continuance.

Main Theme/Objection: To discover relationship between various body parts such as heart and blood organs and new brain which has been formed in an eye on the left hand side of Angelos.

Heart of human being is located in his left hand side. Please look at the picture below and look at label –Heart. Notice that the carotid arteries are as a main junction to which brain and an eye receive blood. Look at how arteries are spread all over the body, and that is due to the fact that they need to transport oxygen rich blood and nutrition all over the body. Notice that blood traves in upside down letter S-shape around the heart. That is because it starts from RA to RV and then to LA and LV before it is transported all over the body.

(Hint: you will recall this by undefined (S-shape) which is used mathematically to express query with no possible solution e.g.: when you divide 2 by 0, there is no possible solution and therefore that is termed as an error (i.e.: 2/0= error, denoted as S –Shaped) The diagram simple indicates that there is a lot of blood preparation activity that is taking place on the left hand side.

The diagram above shows a heart of a normal human being which is located in his left hand side. The heart is so small; they say it is equivalent to man’s hand size. Before we proceed it would be wise to highlight the main important parts in the diagram above maily those which help the heart that pumps the blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system. The heart has four chambers: The right atrium (RA) receives blood from the *veins and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle (RV) receives blood from the *right atrium and pumps it to the lungs, where it is loaded with *oxygen. The left atrium (LA) receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the *left ventricle. The left ventricle (LV) the strongest chamber) pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. The left ventricle’s vigorous contractions create our blood pressure.

One can conclude that in a heart blood travels in a horizontal (upside down 8 shape) from RV to LA and then from LA to LV. LV is the path where the oxygen rich blood begin to flow ( and get prepared to be supplied ) to all parts of the body. The following are important questions to be considered in undertaking this research thesis Does rich blood that reaches an eye came from left ventricle, if so which path did it used to travel. How does blood enters Right Ventricle. (RV) How does blood leave the Left Ventricle (LV?) Objectives of research: That question is paused to fulfil the demands of a query whether blood that reaches an eye via arteries and leaves via veins could also be used to carry or diffuse or even develop a message.

There are many ways by which an eye could be interpreted and there are various functions that are involved to maintain each specific function of an eye. However it is very wise to be straight to the point in this case study so as to make the reader to get interested in what were results based on the objective of conducting that dissection of human eye and his body parts such as heart , skull and brain using GIS together with biology , science, maths and geographical parameters. Please note that there are some philosophical and psychological parameters which will appear to aid explanation eventually. But readers need not to take this as easy as they might imagine how psychology, sociology or psychology works because a reader may end up reading just for fun and miss complex mathematical operation which will be useful to explain what sort of relationship from mathematical analysis resulted to various specific outcomes. Without wasting anytime, Angelos opened his arch-GIS map and INDRISI Map in which he stored various important data with layer shape files (Layer.shp) of various human body parts such as brain, heart, nervous system etc. He loaded all necessary layer shape files which he has collected and manipulated. He started by focusing on an eye layer. Therefore he checked the eye layer dialog box so that it was displayed on a screen view (layout view). The first question that should guide Angelos is the one concerning how the eye does receives oxygen and blood and or nutrients? Secondly he to set up a query to discover whether there is any relationship between the nervous system of an eye and heart (systems). He was more or less determined to discover*discriminant /distinguishable distinctive relationship of how does blood travel from heart to an eye. Water became very important factor on account of how does an eye receives oxygen. It was already known that there were possibilities for an eye to receive oxygen via outside path because it is also exposed to the air. However there are possibilities that an eye does also receives oxygen from within inside because it is also connected to various blood organs some of which carries oxygenated blood. However the purpose of this study needs to focus on the internal factors. From the beginning Angelos noticed that an eye is an organ in human body. But if you read from various books concerning what the purpose of the heart is, the following explanation is dominant. : ‘It is argued that the purpose of heart is to pump fresh-blood to the organs and tissues of human body that needs the oxygen and nutrients it carries’.

Then Angelos kept in mind that there is a new brain in his eye on the right hand side. Then he goes back to heart dialog box. He checked that box so that various heart parts are displayed against the eye parts. The colours were so much clear and they were associated with their labels which could help Angelos to explain that complexity behind development of a new complete brain in his eye. Where there were difficulties he also relied on graphs that must be drawn via an option on an attribute table. Angelos divided heart into (A) The Right Hand Side of The Heart and (B) Left Hand Side of The Heart. (Please pay more attention). Then the new sub-layers were created as A and B. He started to check dialog box of A – The Right Hand Side of Heart. The right hand side, of the heart receives de-oxygenated blood (impure blood) from body tissues from the upper- and lower-body via the Superior Vena Cover, respectively (from both lower and upper side of the right hand side) into the right atrium. This de-oxygenated blood passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. This blood is then pumped under high pressure from right ventricle to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. However, the oxygen-rich blood leaves the right hand side heart via arterial path. In the Right Hand Side of Heart, rich-oxygen blood arterial takes two paths:-as there is the one that allows the blood to leave to the upper body and the one that allows oxygen rich blood to go to the lower body parts. Is there any case that connects the location of oxygen rich blood to leave to upper body parts via those arteries relative to the location of an eye on the right hand side of Angelos? That is why this study needed GIS in addition to biology , so as to make sure that distance location of organs relationship are discovered. The first thing to mention is that the heart itself is located in the left hand side, that case is mostly applicable to men mainly male. Johnny Letchmiah, one lectures at University of KwaZulu Natal confessed that heart is located on the left hand side as he thinks that the heart beats can be felt on the left hand side.

We shall remind ourselves of the major objective of this sub-discipline for blood flow within main important body circulatory blood organs:

Main Theme/Objection: To discover relationship between various body parts such as heart and blood organs and new brain which has been formed in an eye on the left hand side of Angelos, who is treated as one of scientifically responding parameters in a multipurpose hyperbola enabling an instant response for data manipulation. This discourse is then driven by a need to discover how did it became possible for the unknown to manipulate and process data using those scientific responding parameters and achieve an elevated status for creating new life sustaining universes within a short period of time , whereas making just one single planet could take billions and billions of years. The major aim is to enable course pack readers to be capable grasping the fact that all laws acting upon an individual body are external to that body. In this thesis research often refers to body as object or responding parameter. The eye is treated as an object. Therefore an object is a substance to which laws directing or used for its operation are having imposed by someone. Left alone an object has no power but the introduction of law makes it to appear as if it is powerful. Therefore the physical outlook of an object is very much negligible in this research as we are focussing on primary laws and also to secondary laws. Sometimes the word primary law is collective as it refers to all primary laws having used to bring about visible and invisible secondary objects. Similarly when we speak of secondary law, the word is a collective known as it refers to all other secondary laws, conditions and objects acting upon an object. This research made use of Isaac Newton’s

gravitational force and Dmitri Mendeleev law to illustrate how secondary laws imposed in a body operates. There are many more other theories and laws having been used as secondary laws, however, this was just to highlight few of them. The conclusive recommendations upon that were the one concerning the fact that laws are not primarily present in an object but they are having designed by the unknown who set up how they should operate. This could be very well understood with response to the development of brain of the unknown to Angelos. The retina is regarded as central part of the central nervous system. That is because retina is a light sensitive tissue. This tissue is lining the inner surface of an eye. The retina is very useful when it comes to creation of an image of visual world. Have you ever bothered at yourself on a question concerning why do you see. It because an eye has got optics which create an image and it is on the retina. But in real sense no one can see any feature without an aid of a camera. A normal camera can capture images, store images and if possible process images. But left alone, an eye has no responsibility for doing this entire enormous task. That forces us to agree on one assumption that an eye must have exceptional relationship with a brain. But because as soon as one sees an object, then he begins to think about it one could question the permanent status of eye as primary source of vision. Consider a person who get to see a ‘cliff’, firstly he get to identify it and if possible realise it usefulness, danger and or it characteristics. However, it is not that one needs to realise each and every feature that are in his eyes. However it is important to realise features surrounding one-self. For example knowing that there is a cliff draws one to an attention that he needs to grip his foot tight to the ground and or avoid walking around those dangerous spots , otherwise he will fall down to be injured. But before one begin to see a cliff, a brain if far and away from knowing if you are to fall down from a cliff. But the presence of an eye and the visibility of a cliff dates a danger associated with high altitude. The body has laws which also interact for and against it positioning and thereby reinforce the smooth body operation and interaction with earth forces such as gravitational force. Therefore it makes a sense to say that an eye has got that exceptional relationship with a brain. Ultimately retina from an eye initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that ultimately trigger nerve impulses. That means that there is a time needed for someone to observe if a cliff is present. Secondly that message is sent to the brain so that an intermediate random interpretation is getting interpreted by the brain. If so one is capable of taking wise decision based on what an eye has sent to the brain and not based on what he sees. That simple means that a body is just as skateboard that one get to ride over it , yet it does not

realize the paths and objectives based on what are purposes for it presence. Why do people do sex, does their body organs tell them that they need sex. The answer is big capital letter no (NO). It is a brain that has profound information based on what are life needs for continued sustenance over time. If the organs need sex for themselves, everyone could wake up over a night and search sex just for pressure and not because he felt he needs to sleep with another person. If someone rapes, he rapes because he failed to control his brain and not his sexual desires. The psychologist do not need to look at sexual organs if they are to heal those with voracious vacation sexual desires but they might need to focus more on what has gone wrong in their brains . That simple means that everything that we take in our eye or in our mouth has got certain effect upon our brain. For that reason it is not just drugs and or alcohol which can lead to rap, stealing or killing. It is about how our eyes, consumptions etc. are socialized to our brain. It is also about how our brain interprets the overall companion in relation to its surrounding environment. That leads us to say that a brain is a complete human being no matter if one has no leg, no arm or no liver. However a brain can happen to miss some of needy information from missing some of body parts. If so, one can conclude that a brain is dependent of its surrounding environment, including one’s body itself. The level at which a brain becomes conscious of it surrounding environment depend on the manner at which it interacts with it surrounding, including body of oneself. One gets a risk today, and then if it is bad he has to choose reputation tomorrow. The environment under which one is raised has help him to learn the ‘know –how’ of getting to interact with his surrounding environment, including his body environment. If is a frequent habit to wake up and wash one’s face for every morning, then one has established a message with his brain which says that wash face every morning . Similarly everyone’s eye has close connection with his brain; however time and level of interpretation will yield different output from person to person. Therefore people’s brain will never be the same, because they have seen different, walked different, learned different and socialized differently. But what sort of a magnet that one need to communicate his brain to one common human need such that he needs water , oxygen and eye in order to see. Why do more complex variations get too much limited when it comes to matters which touches our souls and continued life existence. The first assumption is that we all have common origin of one main brain power. We are brain power from one certain point of origin and not by

ourselves. If so then it could be argued that it is not according to our will that we live these lives, they have been borrowed. If so then what we see is what is created by the one powerful brain power body. The objects have no brains but they reveal some exceptional sense of communicating with each other with respect to laws having implemented to them, when and how are those laws developed is a question of interest. In addition to that they have laws attached to themselves. (From Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory perspective, it was clearly illustrated that laws are derived from the brain) For example when the sun shines one see brighter but when the sun disappears it becomes darker even to one’s eyes. But the darkness and brightness are two side of the same coin whose point of origin is sun which offers no further explanation to complexities of who brought such smooth scientific operation for that universe at large. Three in one, day and night, sun and eye and brain. It is onto everyone’s objection that earth and sun are two biggest objects (organisms) among the ones which have been mentioned above. But because they have no power to set off for themselves, it is subjective to agree that brain and then the eye are biggest elements. That simple means that, those who cannot think cannot see, because what they see is not what they saw. This inverse relation is so much complex than one can just admit. Seeing is not thinking but thinking is *seeing. Therefore the moment one begins to think is a moment at which one can see. Can you blame a child for playing with a biting poisonous snake in a garden after she has caught danger? No, because he has no sense over dangers associated with getting bitten by a snake. But once he is bitten the message is sent to the brain and the eye co-ordinate to see what kind of an organism that is such a risk to human life. After that there is nothing one can say other than saying: once bitten twice shy. One unfortunate experience avoids reputation. But if a brain does not understand all life risk, then there will be no need for it to be located in the body. That is because it an organism which is there as an additional element which count weight over your body and yet it does not help you to develop skills, manner and auto-respond tricks to avoid or deal with environmental life risks. Living a life is a life risk from different angles Where does firm power holds needs to holds: Physical Outlooks or Brain Structure? Derivative Measurements: Three in one, day and night, sun and eye and brain. It is onto everyone’s objection that earth and sun are two biggest objects (organisms) among the ones which have been mentioned above. But because they have no power to set off for themselves, it is subjective to agree that

brain and then the eye are biggest elements. That simple means that, those who cannot think cannot see, because what they see is not what they saw. This inverse relation is so much complex than one can just admit. Seeing is not thinking but thinking is *seeing. Therefore the moment one begins to think is a moment at which one can see. Can you blame a child for playing with a biting poisonous snake in a garden after she has caught danger? No, because he has no sense over dangers associated with getting bitten by a snake. But once he is bitten the message is sent to the brain and the eye co-ordinate to see what kind of an organism that is such a risk to human life. After that there is nothing one can say other than saying: once bitten twice shy. One unfortunate experience avoids reputation. But if a brain does not understand all life risk, then there will be no need for it to be located in the body. That is because it an organism which is there as an additional element which count weight over your body and yet it does not help you to develop skills, manner and auto-respond tricks to avoid or deal with environmental life risks. Living a life is a life risk from different angles. You are getting born today, tomorrow you are at town. In the city there are more life risks other than one could have thought of cars, thieves and or highest buildings. But there is sweetest life that is waiting for your own participation as long as you are willing to take part. You have a choice to join night clubs and drink for your lifetime. Earth-quacks are very frequent and there are no chances for surviving such risks under those highest buildings. Then who could you blame for such foolishness. Could you not begin to realize that seeing does not mean that you realize least the brain has come to think on behalf of yourself? That becomes very clear that a brain is a form of unique human being in a body. People without brains are dead, no matter if they still live, hear and or walk. People must stand up on behalf of protecting their brains from being damaged. It is one’s individual task to follow paths and routes that will yield more security to avoid any kind of life risk in his lifetime. It has become very clear that there is an exceptional relationship between a brain and (an) eye(s). It has also been revealed that those who cannot think cannot see. However, that is an inverse relationship to what it is supposed to be: and that is because an eye is an external organ on human being, so much bold and beautiful to see, but it does not think for itself for say run way from a cliff. An eye depends on the brain to connect to meaning attached to certain vision. If so, it will be very justifiable to mention that Angelos needed to have a brain in his eye. That is because there are many life-risks some of which could be interpreted by brain while he is able to see or think what he saw or hear. Normal people of Mother Earth hear from people who can be seen or touched. Even if one cannot see, he can still imagine

seeing because he has a potential to see, as long as he is surrounded by those who can see. In his environment he construct meaning attached to what is seen, heard by those who are active by brain and by their eyes. But it still remain as a matter of fact that even those who can see and or think are never know any exceptional better to those who cannot see if seeing does not imply human like ways of thinking. Therefore seeing does not originate from an eye but it originates from the brain. Therefore a brain is a penetrative sort of organ that could reach everywhere it wishes, no matter if one desires or not. The brain has got power, laws and large unlimited storage capacity. However, the capacity to grasp or delete information relies on level at which information availability is supplied to the brain (no matter how does it is getting supplied). Therefore even with the brain that man possesses he can still move mountains, create mountains and destroy mountains. That is why objects, conditions and laws are no longer bigger over a brain. Philosophically a brain is at top of the food chain. Therefore the big are not be mighty but one needs to be aware of the little ones. Our argument is that: once the brain fully develops the one is capably of having power inform of an ability to make a decision, therefore it law and knowledge that is power and rather not body construction or its physical outlook. People must stop to make false assumptions but they need to derive things from theories. That means that we have to construct a Hypothesis. Men of this universe reside on the idea that energy cannot be created or destroyed but: point to ponder) This simple suggests that reason there is a need to forget about everything that is so much big as Mother Earth, Sun and or Air Stone (Stars). He needs to focus on small brain which has developed in the right hand side of one of the main responding scientific parameters used to rule and develop new planets during the manipulation processes taking place in the Multipurpose Hyperbola. Once again this thesis want to emphasise that brain has developed on the eye on the eye on his right hand side and not in the hand. Therefore saying why this brain has developed on his the right hand would not make a sense, please consider that point when studying this section.

It is resolved that retina initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that ultimately trigger nerve impulses. These are sent to various visual centres of the brain through the fibres of the optic nerve. The retina and the optic nerve originate as outgrowths of the developing brain, so the retina is considered part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is actually brain tissue. The retina is a layered structure with several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The only neurons that are directly sensitive to light are the photoreceptor cells. These are mainly of two types: the rods and cones. Rods function mainly in dim light and provide black-and-white vision, while cones support daytime vision and the perception of color. A third, much rarer type of photoreceptor, the photosensitive ganglion cell, is important for reflexive responses to bright daylight. Neural signals from the rods and cones undergo processing by other neurons of the retina. The output takes the form of action potentials in retinal ganglion cells whose axons form the optic nerve. Several important features of visual perception can be traced to the retinal encoding and processing of light. From the above extract it has become very clear that there is no any eye to brain linking organ that is so much important such as *retina. Therefore the retina, brain and heart could be questioned for subject of what has brought development of a new brain on the right hand side, right outside of an eye.

The diagram above shows an adult human retina. It covers 72 of spheres and 22 mm in diameter). The retina can carry many layers together, inter alia rods, cones and nerve layers in the retina. The entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. We may never sought to mention all integrative processes involved in and out of retina so as to maintain brain link between brain and retina :as are rods , cons and nerve layer to do its specific function on behalf of the retina. For example, a chemical change in the rods and cones send a signal back to the nerves. The signal goes first to the bipolar and horizontal cells (yellow layer), then to the amacrine cells and ganglion cells (purple layer), then to the optic nerve fibres. Therefore the eye is as important as amount of details that one is capable of capturing, storing, processing or manipulating on the system (brain). The readings are revealing that the blood reaches retina via arteries.

The above drawing is a retinal scan (OCT scan of a retina at 800nm with an axial resolution of 3Âľm) However there are two ways by which blood is supplied to retina.

The optic disc or optic nerve head is the location where ganglion cell axons exit the eye to form the optic nerve. There are no light sensitive rods or cones to respond to a light stimulus at this point. This causes a break in the visual field called "the blind spot" or the "physiological blind spot". The optic disc represents the beginning of the optic nerve (second cranial nerve) and is the point where the axons of retinal ganglion cells come together. The optic disc is also the entry point for the major blood vessels that supply the retina. The optic nerve head in a normal human eye carries from 1 to 1.2 million neurons from the eye towards the brain. Briefly, the slide above reveals that optic disc has got a very important relationship with optic nerve. Actually this optic disc serves as a point where the axoms of retinal points of retinal ganglion cells come together. The presence of these is very important for formation of optic nerve. Actually the rods or cones are not as much as sensitive to respond to the light stimulus at this point above. But because there is an optic disk, true sense of light response picks up because the optic disc is bridging the gap where optic nerve forms/begins axoms and point where the axons of retinal ganglion cells come together. One could have asked what could have happened if axons and ganglion never met with optic nerve (or what could happen if one switches the optic-disc off). Another person could have asked what could have happen if optic nerve comes to meet retinal and ganglion cells. (Answers: An image is produced by the patterned excitation (condition resulting from stimulation of an individual, organ, tissue, or cell/to alter or change something to bring about certain task) of the cones and rods in the

retina. The excitation is processed by the neuronal system and various parts of the brain working in parallel to form a representation of the external environment in the brain.)

The optic disc is also the entry point for the major blood vessels that supply the retina. The optic nerve head in a normal human eye carries from 1 to 1.2 million neurons from the eye towards the brain.

Inside the eye: The eye is responsible for receiving visual images, and it is wrapped in three layers of tissue [graphic]. The innermost layer, the retina, is responsible for sensing color and sending information to the brain. The retina contains light receptors known as cones and rods. These receptors receive light, convert it to chemical energy, and activate the nerves that send messages to the brain. The rods are in charge of perceiving *size, brightness and shape of images, whereas color vision and fine details are the responsibility of the cones. Therefore, it has been made obvious that the brain is located in an eye simple because it has to connect itself to an existing folder which is inside. In order words, the one who set it out needed to utilize information based on what was happening inside and outside. However it is very crazy to manipulate a data when there is a missing data. (Hint: GIS data processing analyst tools can use both analogue data and digital data) Therefore most information is stored in a brain, which is like a hard drive, with all necessary software for data processing

etc. Philosophically, one can argue that the external and internal data cannot be grouped without an aid of brain which is there to bridge the gap between two separate systems. It sounds very crazy; however, it cannot be challenged as one has seen a development of a New Brain of Angelos just outside of his eye on right hand side of his eye. However, missing data can tell us something more about how things are made in real sense. In real sense things are well known and they are well made. However they get tormented due to natural disturbances. However once their own compound is known it is never no easy to destroy them completely. Yes, one can get an injury which may lead to his death or total destruction of a brain. However a brain organ can be treated as a secondary organ, because the main brain cell to which all of brain organs were made is safe. Therefore, it is a matter of fact that even if every kind of human being can come to an end, to him: that will not mean an end to life. The life itself has its own beginning to a founder of the whole system. It is a deep truth to the founder of the system that even what he said was found was never nor found but it has to be designed by him. No matter how he looks like, he has never seen before he thinks, and he has never been visible before he has brain. Therefore his brain is his primary stage above any form of formation. An eye is just an object, the very same way one use it could be the very same way that he uses it. But an eye is modelled, just like an earth and or moon was modelled. That is much of a surprise , because today we are learning that the bigger are not mighty and the little ones are much more powerful .Therefore the brain chose to develop in an eye because it was seeking to connect folder to an existing data which is stored in the brain of a baby . However an internal brain for Angelos is far more inferior to the one who inserted it in his eye. A man who inserted it is studying social problems affecting the world. He wants to know what has changed upon human life. After that he has to take a data and connect it to his original data in order to see what has changed and also what could be used to rectify those errors. In him there is absolutely nothing, impossible, since he has no beginning and no end. Again power seems to be of less relevant according to how he make things except that it his brain which is much more powerful according to what he has decided. His laws cannot be broken because they are far from being touched by someone (outsider –insider).

in the which is Jesus Christ but not only just as he can die and rise again , it a power for the whole universal creation which was never there no more before God created it , it is independent power of the blood which shares Holy Spirit which Christ brought on earth . Even if all people may chose to cast Jesus, Angelos shall never loose a focus in a blood that spilled on earth surface for it carries a huge meaning for what was to take place following his visions and non-believable expectations of his outcomes, full stop. But why are hair organ sensitive? (The question has been answered above) Photoprotection is a group of mechanisms that nature has developed to minimize the damage that the human body suffers when exposed to UV radiation. This damage mostly occurs in the skin, but the rest of the body can be affected by the oxidative stress caused by UV light. Photoprotection of the *human skin is achieved by extremely *efficient internal conversion of DNA, proteins and melanin. Internal conversion is a photochemical process that converts the energy of the UV photon into small, harmless amounts of *heat. If the energy of the UV photon were not transformed into heat, then it would lead to the generation of *free radicals or other *harmful reactive chemical species (e.g. singlet oxygen, or hydroxyl radical). In DNA this photoprotective mechanism evolved four billion years ago at the dawn of life. The purpose of this extremely efficient photoprotective mechanism is to prevent direct DNA damage and indirect DNA damage. The ultrafast internal conversion of DNA reduces the excited state lifetime of DNA to only a few femtoseconds (10−15s)—this way the excited DNA has not enough time to react with other molecules. For melanin this mechanism has developed later in the course of evolution. Melanin is such an efficient photoprotective substance that it dissipates more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation as heat. This means that less than 0.1% of the excited melanin molecules will undergo harmful chemical reactions or produce* free radicals. Radical (chemistry): Radicals (often referred to as free radicals) are atoms, molecules, or ions with unpaired *electrons or an open shell configuration. Free radicals may have *positive, *negative, or

*zero charge. With some exceptions, these unpaired electrons cause radicals to be highly chemically reactive. Free radicals play an important role in combustion, atmospheric chemistry, polymerization, plasma chemistry, biochemistry, and many other chemical processes. In living *organisms, superoxide and nitric oxide and their reaction products regulate many processes, such as control of vascular tone and thus *blood pressure. They also play a key role in the intermediary metabolism of various biological compounds. Such radicals can even be messengers in a process dubbed redox signalling. A radical may be trapped within a *solvent cage or be otherwise bound.

The above is a picture of Moses Gomberg (1866-1947), the founder of radical chemistry:

The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the case of hydrogen-1, which is the only stable nuclide with no neutrons). The electrons of an atom are bound to the nucleus by the electromagnetic force. Likewise, a group of atoms can remain bound to each other by chemical bonds based on the same force, forming a molecule. An atom containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically neutral; otherwise it is positively or negatively

charged and is known as an ion. An atom is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus: the number of protons determines the chemical element, and the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element. Problem with people they will simple think of nucleus within Angelos and not outside the box. Indeed human being does have positive and negative churches in their own bodies such as those in skull body building. However, a single body atom has to have relationship with other body part atoms. That is why the nucleus on one single body has to behave with respect to different atomic contents to others. Imagine a pure gold ring. Divide it in half and give one of the halves away. Keep dividing and dividing and dividing. Soon you will have a piece so small you will not be able to see it without a microscope. It may be very, very small, but it is still a piece of gold. If you could keep dividing it into smaller and smaller pieces, you would finally get to the smallest piece of gold possible. It is called an atom. If you divided it into smaller pieces, it would no longer be gold. Everything around us is made of atoms. Scientists so far have found only 115 different kinds of atoms. Everything you see is made of different combinations of these atoms. Human being is part and product of atom because he was also made of clay and possible other chemical mixtures which are known to the Master. The fact that Angelos’s hair got pain for getting exposed to decoders such as TV and internet antennae left us with fossil evidence that everything was designed and formed by certain human being before it was formed. Theory of Brain Development: The brain is the initial source of power. Brain did not simple developed but before it exists, there was a period of darkness which lasted for unknown number of years. Before then one can assume that the power that existed was meaningless, because it was power in the darkness and darkness was an empty space. Nothing ‘existed’ in the darkness; no stars, no water and no other form of human being not even the unknown/master himself. In this thesis the word unknown refer to a first man to evolve with brain to develop power capability for inventing laws and universal objects on which human life is sustained. Everything was bounded in the darkness and the distance it covers was unlimited. (The word everything refers to nothing at that moment except darkness). Darkness is permanent and it could remain for many years, even up to these days of our lives. Central to this abstract is what could have

entailed the formation of brain? Human being is human being only if he has a brain, the one and only thing that enable one to have vision and level of critical thinking as well as selfimagination. Within a darkness sheath, were layers and layers, waiting to be transformed’? The first thing that one must outline is that there has never been a skeleton which look like human being before the formation of a brain. No eyes existed. No planet will also have been created. Darkness was there because it is the primary stage of evolution, despite how and where evolution is going to take place. This point offers a meaning that evolution is something that is always possible, and the possibility in question is the one with no will or desire left alone until the brain develops. That means that formation could remain to be stagnant forever and ever, unless the brain develops. The development of a brain is not a desire but it a painful experience. Therefore the brain in question does not exist before all processes behind its formation trigger for pressure and then pain. Therefore the brain is going to be a centre for pressure and pain relief and or medication. Mind you we have not pointed out how did the brain developed yet, we are just laying sceptical objectives to post development phases of a brain. In order to track a record of how a brain develops we are required to look at habits of a normal human behaviours and then shift back to explore if there is any logic that lends processes for development of brain behind the mythical error. In this discourse, the word ‘unknown’ does not refer to darkness but it refers to a person with a potential to develop through continuous evolution processes taking place within the darkness. Then what was behind the brain? If you close your eyes there is nothing that appears other than darkness. In this abstract, it is our philosophical value that we remain resolute to be transparent and independent to explore the fallacy of evolution of life behind the darkness until the brain of the unknown is formed to give darkness body layers a meaning for a complete human being with capability thinking and remarking processes behind his formation. Therefore no stone shall remain unturned in this abstract. Christian believes that God has always been there. That belief frustrates scientist, because in real sense there is nothing that can simple take place without prior conditions, cycles and transformations to take place to initiate processes that interplay together until the real phenomenal outcome who is the brain which is subject to meaningful human evolution develops. It might have confused Angelos to think of how he is going to grow a confidence that the unknown who redirect all primary laws and power to his body is capable making him powerful technical scientific parameter who shall respond to any expression aimed at yielding those instant results and thereby create new universes if he has

never evolve before the presence of the current universe at all. What is it that will enable to grow as much as powerful independent decision maker and universal controller so much so as to invent such powerful universe in terms of its physical outlook and task that it carries on earth? How far could Angelos’s abstract have grown in terms of earning professional academic recognition to himself and the current universe at large if he has no audacity to borrow the fact from ancient scientist behaviour followed in explaining the complex cycles involved in the current universal evolution and operation. The answer is simple, he could have been a stupid researcher who does not follow a theoretical approach on which every clue giving explanation of how current universe operates are clearly documented. Consequently the brain system and unknown who is said to have initiated all processes for evolution under his discussion would be just a bunch of his reckless unsophisticated selfimaginations with no underlying propaganda to which modus operandi for status quo phenomenal laws on which universe that evolved over billion years ago, and not within seven days operates. Therefore the nations that he thinks would have been lost through relying on science solutions for deriving and explaining complex laws mediating the operation of the current universe would have been far more better lost in hands of real phenomenal theories which continues to shape and direct the smooth operation of the universe other than a fallacy of the unknown mythical dilemma that have no underlying foundation to the existing theories. Hence the theory for universal creation having invented with respect to such approach could never at any time be given a room within university sphere. But because a young boy followed a very smooth approach in which he began by looking at ancient time critical science scholars who are documenting a tract record of how the current universe operates, he can have a nice room within the professional university sphere. Indeed the young boy is captured saying that every object has got law mediating how it should operate. His approach was very much holistic, for example he argued that all forms of universal forces and laws acting upon objects are external to an object. He mentioned that the primary laws are directing how objects should operate; therefore the laws that are observed within an object are secondary laws. In that case Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg and Alfred Wegner were widely quoted to illustrate how and what secondary laws help to bring about smooth operation of an object. He made distinction between primary objects and secondary objects in which the earth was termed as primary object and satellite disk was termed as secondary object. As quick as possible he mentioned that laws directing how an object operates are external to an object. Then he mentioned that it is quite difficult that a man can make use of the laws mediate the current universal operation if he does not realise

their source of power. He treated everything as object. It became clear that if one is serious about dynamics that yield negative results towards continued sustained living on earth, he has to question the existence of universal laws and their source(s).

That is where the mega-

theory of primary laws came to argue that the current laws acting upon the universe at large are external to the universe and they are not absolutely permanent. The current universe needs to be revitalised over time. Time is the critical limiting feature because it tends to counter-act to the newly invented superstructure including universal features such as mother Earth. Then the conclusion was reached that power does not simple refer to how a thing appear to act and or behave in terms of its physical outlook but power is invested to the laws, mainly primary laws. However the primary laws cannot help to set off for themselves, therefore there has to be someone responsibly for invention, designing and implementation of the laws. Therefore laws themselves are power agents and not source of power and that case is applicable both to the primary law and secondary law. Therefore it became very clear that one could not successfully realise the truth and mystery behind the origin of universal laws just by looking at the current laws acing upon objects. However he could have been completely lost in the desert, if he does not realise the presence and operation of the current universal laws. Therefore knowing the current universal laws was the first and the foremost step taken towards understanding the presence of the unknown who is said to have invented all primary laws to which objects operates. But central to the question is the one concerning where the unknown originates and what he uses to invent universal laws. Our response appeared very biased because we hijacked the point of origin and jumped to mention that it is the brain is the central power source. However, this abstract is covering up where the source of unknowns origin is, how did the brain developed and what level of self-imagination and vision he earned to be able to make laws on which the current universe was invented.

Those who did very much only discovered the presence of force of gravity that earth like objects possess. Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Alfred Wegener, Moses Gomberg, Seiji Ogawa are among the other millions of intelligent scientist, so to mention. All scientists are dealing with issues in the secondary body, and they argue that they do not believe in things that could not be proven scientifically. Angelos do not seek answers to/ from so-called ‘breaking down’ of atoms and or molecules. The true reality lies in the darkness. Angelos does not like to ‘cause traffic’ within the science sphere. So he encouraged lectures to teach students the scientific explanation of creation. The two can be merited, however people with

well compose mentis will realise that philosophy is there to critically analyse the wellordered minds of society and not to de-shape or de-advance it. Indeed it is not to say that philosophers are poetic or makers of fairy tale. If so then the future of nature with no ability to speak or take care of itself such as birds are in critical dangerous hands. The darkness itself was a ‘body’ forming layers in the empty space. It is spread across the unlimited space. The darkness has not always been the same: it kept on transforming itself. Transformations were happening because the darkness has to maintain alignment. The darkness kept on aligning into a neat pattern such that membranous sheath of darkness is developed. Everything was bounded in the darkness and the distance it covers was unlimited. The darkness membrane is made out of inner core, immediate short layer to the core and the outermost layer. If the darkness was always the same it could remain the same for a number of years and even forever. But because darkness got transformed through alignment of different layers, transformation was inevitably and the central layer is where central membranous core is located. It is the transformation of darkness into other forms of darkness that could have influenced the development for next stages leading to the development of a brain. So one can argue that ‘within a darkness sheath, were layers and layers, waiting to be transformed’. Then the shadows of darkness were having no power to speak or walk. But it is the whole system that was getting transformed. When the whole system is transformed, new effect is ‘seen’. Since there were no ears, eyes and brain therefore that was just continued process of the transformation of darkness with distinct periods / distinct cycles on which are laying marks on the body. That is why we are saying that the body would be able to observe marks of all cycles over time, but only if and after the brain has developed. (It is not a responsibility of a body that mark is laid on the body where darkness is accumulated but it is something that is happening due to complex cycles of darkness accumulation into one single body on which the membranous sheath to which the darkness is accumulating is spread to align and form a pattern. In that neat pattern there is central core area where there extensive darkness, the outer immediate area and outermost layer. More darkness concentration of darkness is at centre and that is where the membrane remains very much active. But question remain to be answered is, what kind of body that was? It was body in the darkness having formed through grouping of darkness layers that forms interact to form the various cycles within a single body layer itself. That period could not be observed by the means of eye vision because there was no skeleton with eyes that could see, but the mark could remain for trillions and trillions of years. But how do you mark if you have no hands, no pen and no

memory. This question is very sensitive to Christian, but we cannot leave it unresolved. The mark having left in a single body are taking place with the transformation of cycles and not because there is someone involved in marking them. The process is taking place with no one’s desire directed at yielding certain outcome. It is just the beginning with no one involved in shaping and directing at how the layers should align and or operate. The accumulation itself could continue on and on forever as long as the brain has never been formed, no significant change could take place. But How did brain (fully) developed. The processes of darkness accumulation are taking place in one single body where darkness covers the empty space to large extent. The single body does not earn the status for being called a body or membranous sheath until the darkness layers align to group themselves to form a neat alliance of layers on which the most dense layers of darkness are at centre and less darker at the outer intermediate area and weakly dark layers at in the outermost layers. That neat alliance is what we called membranous sheath of darkness layer or membranous sheath of a single body. Therefore the processes of formation of patterns of darkness layer out of different darkness layers got aligned to form a membranous body (membrane). Then the membrane (or body) could have further developed because of cycles that were taking place. That simple means that the darkness layers did not remained the same, it kept on getting transformed. The membrane could not have developed, if the alignment of different layers of darkness did not take place. Therefore the darkness is the source of origin; it has always been present; however it has never been the same. The level of darkness that you will see tomorrow is totally different from the one you saw yesterday and also to the one you will in the day after tomorrow. The body is going to be active, because the alignment processes taking place in the membranous sheath where the inner, outer immediate and outermost body layers are connected through active process on which darkness is arranged according to their level of darkness. The active process initiated by the ability of the body to align which means that there was that pattern which remained undisturbed yet most darkness layers kept on continuing to accumulate in the neat pattern of single membranous core. If there was a certain disturbance right from the beginning , the body would not have been able to reach the status for being active because there are no like terms getting grouped together , whether through attractiveness or through time. But the process of accumulation of darkness could not remain

the same forever , as darkness continue to pile itself into one single body and body continue to earn more marks upon each and every distinctive alignment. But certain level of darkness intensity could cause pressure to the central core. The pressure offers certain stimulus to the membrane. The membrane has no recognition of the pressure under which it is sub-ducted. Therefore no matter how many times the pressure is forcing itself to a central core membrane the membrane could not help to respond in doing any action. But its presence offers a condition for brain development. The first condition is presence of membrane with actively developing layers. The previous word ‘with’ is totally different from other words that work as ‘with’ getting used in sentences (such as those used as conjunctives or helping verbs). Our special word ‘With’ refers to the continuous process for brain formation with no intervention from outside stimulus ,and that embrace the idea of life getting started due to the presence of membrane within the darkness to be developed and not designed or conditioned) But if layers are not active then brain cannot develop. Then because the dark layers kept on accumulating to the body of the sheath of darkness, membrane was formed, so we ended up having a behaving membrane. A behaving membrane marked the paradigm shift towards development of brain, but the brain could not have been developed at that time (hint: towards). It is a behaving membrane because it is getting pressurised by the forceful invasion of darkness layers accumulation on the neat pattern layer of darkness with inner layer having more intense dark level and outer layers having less intense dark levels( hence that what formed a membrane). Therefore a membrane is not an outside stimulus but it is developing within the pattern of darkness layer having accumulated. The membranous body is the overall process of accumulation and neat alignment of layers across different darkness intensity. The membrane is going to behave / to remain active because of absence of disturbance while the neat pattern of dark membranous layer formed out of darkness accumulation resulting in series of marks coincidentally marked such that the distinction across layer membranes could be felt but only and only if the brain has start to develop. But because the membrane is behaving it is said to shift positions coincidentally and not as a plan of man. The action of shifting positions is done so as to offer a relief to pressure, it is happening coincidentally and no external person who came to help and or define when and how the central membrane body should shift. Moving towards outside within the single membranous body spread across all distinctive pattern levels means that the pressure felt in the central core is reduced. However the very same process allows the active membrane to pick up marks having left across distinctive

darkness layer level. By that reason we end up having two membranous bodies within one single body. The first one is the one formed during the neat pattern of accumulation on which darkness is accumulated to form inner, outer immediate and outermost layer. The second layer grows out of the already existing membrane, but it result from the shifting of central membrane to the outer immediate and outermost layers so as to release pressure. But because there are marks having left over time, they are getting picked up by the shifting membrane over and over again, until certain stimulus is developed. If that process takes place over and over again stimuli is created. A stimulus is a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction (in an organ or tissue). In this case organ or tissue is represented by a membranous sheath formed out of darkness. The need to shift is initiated at centre therefore the stimuli’s best location will be at centre , even though marks that are re-picked across different layers during the shifting action aimed at releasing pressure are found along the way moving from inside to outside. Over time , the stimulus will develop into a nucleus that make the body to be transformed into double membranous body in one body that double sense its mark locations , their directions and behaviours. Therefore the nucleus is the central and most important parts of the body on which all movements and groupings are formed due to shifting activity initiated by cycles of darkness accumulation and growth taking place at centre. Remember that the need to release pressure was unplanned but it took place due to the presence of behaving membrane, getting located at centre due to continuous accumulation of darkness layers to arrange darkness level to be more intense at centre and less pronounced outside. The presence of the newly developed nucleus within a membranous body which has started to partially realise groupings and movements offered a privilege to the development of a brain. A brain will be capable of co-ordinating the smooth operation of a nucleus. Therefore the brain is second part of a nucleus that emerged due to necessity for the next cycle following the development of nucleus. The brain is the last phase of development taking place due to darkness accumulation; the next stages would be desired developments. That clearly exposed that , the first person might have more than one brain because the process of brain development followed after creation of stimulus which resulted to the creation numerous stimuli and then the nucleus. The nucleus partially linked to all groupings and movements even through it does not realise of why such movements and groupings took place. Therefore it was earlier that the body should be able to reckon, revise and or track a record to be interpreted by the mind of the brain, under the stage at which nucleus development has resulted or completed. Therefore the nucleus is not a brain but it is a central core section marking the phase which took place post to stimuli development. Therefore

nucleus is a central stimuli collection device where increasing level of nucleated stimuli is reserved. It is impossible that the nucleus is going to be reserved for ever if it is not in use, therefore in the following stage nucleus has to be transformed into a brain. Even though nucleus is not a brain, it is a part of a brain substructure compact cluster of active accumulations spread across the central layer of membranous sheath where more concentrated darkness is found. Primarily the nucleus receives more information but eventually feedback is redirected through linking channels leading back to stimuli regions (where earn marks are found). The stimuli region cannot allow feed back for elongated period of time so it has to be forcefully redirected back to a nucleus. Unfortunately nucleus cannot shift because it is part and parcel of central membrane, but the stimuli is allowed to move. But because the membranous body is responding, a nucleus pick up repetitive cycles brought through stimuli channel link as a result of ‘in and out movements’ and therefore stimuli that carries earned marks is circulating from the stimuli region to the nucleus and then back again. . Once that happen the repetitive cycles (repetitive stimuli information) are created, then the nucleus has to undergo transformation. The nucleus will allow for release for a brain, as if it is allowing the already existing nucleus to discharge repetitive stimuli information circulating between nucleus and stimuli region. The brain development result from lack of proper consensus getting reached across circulation of stimuli contents to and from the nucleus. So the action of brain development is due to full cycle having reached directly through circulation of stimuli information from stimuli regions where earn marks are traced and nucleus where stimuli information is directed. The repetitive information has to be avoided through time, and therefore the new partition is the act of releasing brain carrying repeated impulses. If the new brain is released, another cycle will start again, because darkness accumulation processes within one single body would not have been stopped, unless there is a disturbance. The continuous cycles of repetition of stimuli information taking place across linking channels from stimuli region to nucleus channel guarantees that new brain development getting released would always take place.

Once again the new stimuli

information will be sent to a nucleus and then back to the stimuli region which consist repetitive stimuli information and impulse. Because of that, full cycle would have been reach and therefore the second brain is also released to avoid repetitive stimuli info within nucleus. The older brain is the second brain and the newer brain is the once created recently. Noteworthy is the fact that each and every brain has got repetitive cycles of stimuli getting released by the nucleus. Over time more brain could have been created such that they could compete for space. Competition would be very good because it would expose the average

capacity of each brain to fight to survive among other brains. The brains have to interact to another through collision and also rubbed one another and thereby expose hidden forces within their membranous body. As soon as collisions and rehabilitation process began pains level increased and also amusement level could be developed. That could have been the truly development of human brain which has an ability to sense something amusing. The next round is to select the most amusing processes and leave out those effects which have negative side effects. By doing that active brain part is established within a body. The brain will select attractive body layers to side with its brain system, while the inactive body layer is eliminated. The successful elimination of inactive and or semi-active body parts within membranous layers would allow the new body to establish its new territory through and by brainstorming of previous and post accumulation processes and earned along the earn marks through movement/shifting actions . The brains could have had certain level of parasitism, commensalism and or mutualism among one another. The foremost old brain could been able to avoid losing competition; however it could have not been able to escape mutualism due to the fact that the chain linking the sequence and series of the brain evolution is interconnected by single membranous body to which all repetitive forces are produced due to interaction between stimulus region and nucleus. A single brain is then assimilated to one single human body which has been developing time ago. The body is assimilating because it is part and parcel of what formed the membranous body to which all important brain forming fragments are parts. (e.g. Stimulus, stimuli, nucleus and dark membranous sheath) . The brain has everything in one and that is how the single body having assimilated though the brain will be capable of

feeling difference of darkness layers moving from inner to outer immediate to

outermost region. The brain is fully overwhelmed with darkness however there are parameters of lightness within the brain because darkness has never bee the same. But darkness is most important to the primary formation and that is why it seems to dominate brain make up system. It must be clearly recognised, further brain development is achieved by the one single person to whom all active brains have been grouped and thereby allow the smooth assimilation of a body to its mother who is membranous sheath made out of pattern of darkness layers arranged in a smooth pattern for some time ago. The word brain disappears and we have human being who is going to be capable of thinking, revising, reckoning, documenting and most importantly practice and try. They say try makes perfect and that human being in question need to try as far as possible to keep a record of things that bring amusement to his

main body system. His brain remains to be centre for medication. But because there is nucleus and stimulus within the very same body repetitive cycles having practices would never cease to flow to new brains. That means that every new impulse having forged and repeated or marked increase or duplicate the level of knowledge, so do the size and number of brains continue to increase. It is up to the unknown/ master to

break away temporally

from the strange ever increased size of a brain or stay until new things are learnt. Therefore the brain development process could have taken more than trillions of years, which is advantageous for brain size increase and knowledge growth. The ability to interpret things a grew out of brain habit of revising action sand counteractions taking place in the body. Further more the actions tried and retried allow the master to select and eliminate non reactive parts of evolution. While that is happening, an ability to realise, count, observe, reckon, record and store information was improving. Over time things for maintaining master’s amusements were clearly known. From that desires and visions for enhancing level of amusements would grow. But they could not been reached if the master did not practice interacted to his body further more after he has felt amusements. Amusements are best heard by body however, it is the brain which stimulates amusements. Therefore no one can be born with certain amusements if it is not the function of a brain to initiate and carry out amusement processes further. Therefore, it is a desire to enhance the level of amusement that influenced the master to further advance the laws and principles primarily known to his routine practices. Therefore laws din not set up for themselves but the laws are invented so as to carry on the desires of the master having developed over how he interacted with his brain perceives the interaction and accompany to his surrounding body. Therefore the master must have an ability to realise that body is just a surrounding environment which needs a human being with powerful brain to detect the useful forces towards maintaining amusement for his living. Therefore living is becoming a central goal for driving life further so much like to create a universe to which human being with all masters like characteristics could live. Therefore in creating the primary laws to which the universe should operate, the unknown has to be very cautious about various relationships mediating between his brain and his surrounding body. What ever positioning and movement revealed by the human being who earns life on earth has a significant meaning attached to primary laws used to create a universe. Before we proceed, hear is the brief summary:

But because the development and accumulation process are taking place in a behaving body, it is possible that over time more brains are getting released by a single nucleus and not more than two nucleuses. However the brain having released from nucleus is due to repetitive stimuli information in form of earn marks circulating from stimulus region to nucleus region, this is said to have happened again and again. The repetitive stimuli must be released and that gave birth to brain. We said that the full cycle where earn mark circulation returns is reached and it is no longer in need to the body. When that repetitive stimulus earn mark is released to form a new brain, a room is left for another cycle to take place and therefore another brain is also going to be released, so the brain having released previously becomes older to the one getting released for the second cycle. This process happens until many cycles henceforth are taking place, therefore many brains are produced. It remains unknown as to how many cycles took place to yield many brains. But why do we end up having one human and not many human, right from the beginning? Over time brains are competing for the space, such that they collide, rub one another and even maintain relationship to one another. From that action pain level is increased, however amusement is also established. We said that it is brain development that gives true sense to meaning of what a human being is. Human being has ability to sense, feel and realise that he is surrounded by something around his body. Finally the amusement influences the human being evolving out of brain collision to feel senses such as pain and amusement and that further influence him to select favourable parts for benefit of his body that are desired by brain. Good amusement is chosen by a brain, based on the chronological arrangement and analysis of how it interacted with the surrounding body and outcome it yield for short and long term basis. Therefore amusement is art, but if it is not carried through the brain it end up as idiotic amusement, the dead art with no benefit and or credible outcomes. Therefore the amusement in question is the one that needs to be felt and get carried by the brain with ability to select good amusement, which is art with positive benefit to body reconstruction on which development which has no positive benefit to a body is eliminated. But the fact that there has to be selection procedure , clearly indicates that possibilities are that there are things that counteracts the art of creation , therefore the art need to be serviced so as to prevent counteracting forces. If so then, a first brain is older than the hence forthcoming brain at any time of that specific era because it has an ability to group other brains to form one powerful brain which is capable of selecting active parameters and eliminate useless in-active parameters. Therefore other new brains are subjected to rules and regulations having forged and integrated to be used to direct the operation of a body on routine basis. The older the brain the more intelligent it is, because it has more ability to do

what the newer brain cannot do, the older brain has better ability to think , re-group and reorganise what the meaning attached through shifting of membranous body and all previous processes which took place. Therefore the body assimilate to the surrounding body through selection of the most beneficial body parts while the less beneficial parts are eliminated and if possible get prevented. Therefore brain development is an art. Take note: Process of repetitive stimuli circulating from stimuli region to nucleus is what gave birth to a human brain. Therefore the new brain is gigantic monster because it swallowed all visions through organizing movements, practising and recalling what has been happening. The older brain became what one could term a human being, because it shows levels of critical thinking. Therefore no matter how the newer brain dictates the other brains within it body, it remains a matter of fact that there is only one single human being who became possible to emerge to be powerful. Without him other parameters are dead, yet reactive and shifting. The light was much more possible to make right from the beginning even before the earth come to be invented. Because the shifting action of the central body from inside to outside , could feel the distinction of the intensity of darkness moving from inner to outer immediate and outermost membranous sheath. But there is more feeling of being oppressed once the brain has developed, yet darkness intensity is the source of body building to which all previous phases are having developed. Therefore the newer / latest brain became independent from the previous processes brought about its creation. Just like modern power stations are independent from their model makers and or people who invented them. However the brain must reside near and by its power source so as to maintain its continued growth and accumulation supporters alive. Therefore the latest brain do not realise all previous processes that brought its emergence yet the processes involved in supporting its existence do not realise the powerful brain human being. That is why the person is called masters who manipulate the previous cycles and systems to earn his permanent existence. Therefore is the master is smart he has to lock and shield the supporting movements and or groupings to which his primary existence is earned. Let us now fully agree that the stage of brain development is completed at that specific era, however the brain could not stop from learning and therefore the brain continue to grow continuously. The next focus is how did the light exist?

Light is created as soon as the powerful individual realise that he is surrounded by the membranous body and marks, the presence of the stimulus , the stimuli and the other brains and then his powerful brain that is earned through grouping all other brains all together. The unknown is earning the status of the self, due to an ability to recognise that he is surrounded an therefore an action of thinking and of moving out is directed by the need to break away from the surrounding chains of the broken pieces of the membranous body. But later on it is learnt that not all membranous body parts are pressurizing, therefore when the brain has fully developed some body parts are selected to form part of body and the brain determines which of those parts are going to amuse itself. The amusement is an art carried to maintain continued growth. The brain growth is carried through an ability to recall, reckon, practice and interpret. Over time brain becomes more permanent because of laws and or routine based operation measures getting recognised within a brain to mediate how living within a body is maintained. But because the master’s brain is permanent, it can move a very long distance leaving the dark concentrated centres and that enables the master to observe that there is attractive level of darkness that do not oppress vision. The light itself has never been there but it is possible to move towards light once one observed that the layers are not the same in terms of dark intensity across different level. The response to what should be the source of light‌ is given by presence/concentration of darkness forces behind and within the powerful brain. Moving out meant intensity of darkness is reduced, but coming back meant dark intensity is increased. Then the unknown must feel that outer most layer less dark than the inner layer, and that offer a sense that there is darker and lighter regions. But his brain is concentrated by darkness however there are those features of less dark regions because the whole body to which brain has developed is part and parcel of both extremely dark and less dark membranous layers. In addition to that it is very much possible that darkest and less dark features are found in the brain because of repetitive cycles which developed due to the in and out movement of the stimuli information from earn marked regions to the nucleus , where there are profound differences between less dark and extremely dark. But because more darkness is at centre, moving out meant the master felt and possible observed that away from the central membranous regions it becomes lighter. But because his brain is concentrated with darkness, the less dark regions of light are attractive to him. Having observed that, forces of attraction that exist between darkness and lightness are realised. Once the forces are realised they are going to be further developed. For that reason, the body could realise that there is collision of forces for darkness across different membranes levels, as pattern arrangement for layers of darkness intensity are tight towards the centre and less tight towards the outermost

layer. If the master is smart enough, he could try and read from the marks to discover what distinction brought about smooth arrangement of patterns of darkness layers and collision that contrast darkness when one is moving in and out. There is an inverse relation to how darkness processes present themselves, the darkness level is reduced if he moves out, where level of darkness level is reduced but if once moves inside where darkness levels are concentrated there is increased darkness intensity. the one with brain used to be in the darkest centre and his brain is dominated by darkness, What brings about the reduced concentration of darkness intensity/ concentration as one move out if there is no light outside. In addition to that the brain itself is dominantly black, yet few features of lightness could be found due to the fact that the stimulus, stimuli and nucleus within the body happened to move outside and even pick up marks having left to distinctive pattern boundary some time ago. Therefore the brain need to recall, record, tabulate and observe the contrast intensity using the marks in the membranous body. This could allow the unknown to discover that his brain is dark; however features of lightness are present within his brain. Lightness is attractive to his brain because his brain it is less light compared to the lightness from outside membrane. But the brain formation is a grouping which is formed due to dark intensity layers transformations and cycles taking place at centre where intense accumulations of darkness processes are taking place. But because membrane is continuous, the mixing of dark and light membranes is inevitable during the *shifting era. Once that shifting process is accomplished through the development of stimuli, followed by the stimuli and then brain, it becomes clear that the less dark intensity that is felt when one move outside is caused by varying forces that exist across different level of darkness and such forces could not be mixed( less dark and dark forces). The patterns of different darkness layers that formed membrane remained in a continuousseparate, neat membranous body on which there is no disturbance to destroy the process of accumulation, which is why such pattern remained for long period of time. Therefore the unknown knew clearly that in other to extinguish darkness he has to stimulate lightness forces. Therefore the following law is not a fake: In places where light dominate, the darkness is reduced and vice versa. The dark and light reveal inverse relation because ‘darkness takes positions where there are no lights and lightness occupies positions where there is no darkness’. Even today, if the light is shining, one observes the presence of less darkness near the light and more darkness away from the light. However, the one away from the light, standing in the darkness could easily pinpoint if there is presence of light away from him. That clearly

shows that there is an inverse relation to how the light come to be experienced because away from the light there no light but the light remains very much visible to the darkness, yet closer to the light is the dominance of light and darkness is absent there. Why the real estate for light evolution did not begin with darkness extinguishing the light as darkness has always been there. Therefore darkness takes positions where there are no lights and lightness occupies positions where there is no darkness. That means that it is extremely difficult to observe and or discover light if you are in the lighter position. Therefore the features in the lighter position do not have an idea of where does the light come from. Therefore the darkness can never occupy a position which is occupied by the light and likewise darkness can never occupy positions occupied by darkness. Therefore the master’s brain had more darkness even through lightness is presence within his body. Things with no active light can emit light because the potential to yield light is hidden upon the laws and forces used to create light right from the beginning. At some point where darkness is going to be required, active light need to be converted and stored in form of energy so that the users are not burned by the light. That is why sun is far from earth , do you known why , it is because it has active light and active light cannot stay with earth because earth must remain darkly if it has to serve the desired needs to maintain human life. Fire is required, however laws and forces developed defining livingness from primary laws point of view cannot allow active light as it is (super intensive) to stay closer to ( darkness) and therefore solution is to make light and darkness as much as possible separate ,however the amount of light available must remain distance far and or get hidden to other light energy potential which are not going to clash to human brain. Therefore in any human brain light has certain level of restriction. Think of eye damage due to extensive exposal of an eye directly to ultra-violet sun-rays. But also do imagine how far the sun is from earth. Do also couple these ideas with the fact that heat energy sources are still available on earth yet they remain to be stored from various technical scientific systems which needs recognition to complex laws so as to break down their chemical compound and yield energy. Therefore the amount of light / heat / energy that the universe has is primarily measured so that the law for separating light and darkness mediating between livings is not broken. Most of you could have been exposed to chemistry and or biology which on which D’mtri Mendeleev are used to illustrate how metallurgy processes aimed at breaking down chemical compound to which most useful resources are locked. This is fossil evidence that there is light / energy and power potential within the universe however it is purposefully and strategically limited by the master who realise their potential danger that they may yield to human life whose brain is a product of darkness. Therefore, forget about the relative far

location of sun and or hidden energy sources and concentrate more on the brain as the primary source of livingness having earned through the darkness. Therefore , how the current universe look and or behave like is a mimic of conglomeration of various laws which demand the master to establish plans that will comply to their state at which they are invented and modelled . The brain is at centre because it has knowledge of what needed to be eliminated and selected. Therefore the laws are realised based on the evolution of brain and growth which must comply with the state of living required by a body of human being. The body created stimulus that is sent to nucleus until repetitive stimuli information is created which gave rise to a brain. Therefore a brain assimilates to the surrounding body with respect to its capability to select beneficial processes and eliminate useless ones. That simple illustrate that there are possibilities that life is counteracted ( but counteraction began as soon as brain develops and it as a result that repetitive impulse do not need to be reused as much as it has been evicted through nucleus which gave rise to a brain), therefore laws are not just as a result of brain capability to think but it is also as a result of brain’s capability to invent and design integrated laws which allow for human living to be sustained over a long period of time. Therefore the brain is a centre for medication. If we are serious about extinguishing the large universal predicaments we have to focus on the brain. Because the brain developed realise that it is surrounded by a body which needed to be studied across different angles. Therefore life is an art and universal laws invented to direct the operation of earth are outcomes of intensive study carried to found out relationship between brain and its surrounding body. Therefore the body that we are talking about is not a body with skeleton and or eyes. But it is a body which has all critical thinking abilities. The unknown is said to have been able to then design what sort of model he is going to be used as his body, even before he make human body. Therefore the body that unknown is designing is second body because, the membranous body is already there as it surrounded everything to which the brain formation would eventually take place. If the unknown is truthful he is the beginning of life because he earned a privilege through his brain which enabled him to realise that he is surrounded. Actually the issues of how people are going to earn living on earth were very much far-gone even before the processes for earth evolution takes place. In other words every broken pieces of life are carefully designed and planned to automatically adopt the human life who is going to be introduced on earth. But the fact that the current universe is starting to fail to accommodate human life truly indicates that laws are external and they need to be revitalised over time. That is why it became easier to make use of the Multipurpose Hyperbola together with responding technical scientific parameters which respond to

expressions paused by to yield instant results aimed at creating the n proposed universe. The earth surface features are ruled and developed the current universe through the use of Multipurpose Hyperbola so that they yield instant result for creating new universe on which people could live. We shall be reminded of the three mega theories of new universal creation having explained earlier. Briefly the first one argues that the master cannot rule and develop across two universes if he has no direct contact to the two universe surface area foot by foot. Then the master/ unknown create the young boy namely Angelos to have all his characteristics such as brain. It was mentioned that a boy had two brains which sound extremely ridiculous, however it is evident with respect to study of brain development theory offered above that the master had too many brains during the development stage, those brains resulted from repetitive stimuli circulation from stimuli region to nucleus which gave rise to brain. But because the process was repetitive the brains were multiplied until they compete for space. The elder brain is smarter that the newer brains, therefore even though they have relationship to one another, the newer brains are subjected to operate under routine operation of the elder brain. Therefore there is only one master who set up all processes for life invention because other brains are grouped into one brain so that it remains to be a monster. The time has come for the master to show the universe that the laws operating and directing the universe are external. He is the one who invented the primary laws. That is yet another mega-theory having developed in this thesis. That law is supported by the presence of Isaac Newton’s Laws, Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg and many more other technical science experts who observed secondary theories mediating upon operation of the universe. Kit was illustrated that the young boy remained to be a responding scientific parameter to be used during the creation of the universal planet. The boy is capable of responding because he is the parent rock material of earth and also model make of the master with brain. Therefore the primary laws and secondary laws could be forcefully integrated into a single body of the young boy because he represents the master who invented the universe. This point further proves that the laws are capable of being recycled to be re-used to create universe because they are primarily having invented by the master who realise how they intervene to bring about operation of the current universe. The question was paused as to why does the master / unknown not to set off for him and rule or develop from earth surface features so as to bring about the creation of new universe other than the current mother Earth as he did right from the beginning. Or why does he not just create another universe and choose to rely on a young boy in bringing about the creation of another universe. The response was offered in which we

mentioned that the unknown has seen that the methods used to create the current universe are outdated and they have to be adjusted and get integrated to the proposed Multipurpose Hyperbola. The fact is that there was no miracle to set off and bringing about the instant creation of current universe from the beginning so that the light simple appears and current universe just emerge. But universe is an art carried by knowing the acknowledgment of human needs and that is a function of a brain. The brain is capable of selecting the beneficial processes towards its further development while eliminating or suspending non-beneficial processes towards its progressive development. The brain realised that it is systems surrounded by the membranous sheath of darkness to which primary source of its existence is earned. Therefore it uses brain to define what process amuses the body and what defy the body’s progressive development and growth. We have even mentioned that human being is human being just because he has brain which is capable of thinking, reckoning, practicing, observing, trying and reasoning. That is why the brain develops further in terms of level of intelligence. But while that is happening the principles used to sustaining the living within the surrounding body on the routine basis are clearly realised, and that how laws are developed. The brain is then termed to have capacity to remember and also serve information. Should the unknown happen to forget, there is a brain server which can offer clues to how a particular thing is done and therefore the laws need to be reserved right from the brain before they are documented down and get reserved in the physically made library and system. Therefore if the unknown is a wise intellectual he must have developed systems and library to which information is saved even before the universe is created. That simple means that the current universe which has billions of years might be even quest younger than the amount of years which their invention and designing plan lasted. Therefore the unknown/ master is a critical scholar who learn from n both from his experience and from the post-current universal creation experiences. But there are clues seeping underneath to make us conclude that the plan for proposed universe could have developed centuries ago ‌ and those clues a presented by the fact that a person namely Christ happened to die and rise again ‌, yet a young boy is also pointing out that he has assimilated to a cow (red bull) which has sharp horns so that he runs to full extent so as to collide to the head of Christ. He mentioned that once that happened, the parabola developed, followed by hyperbola and then a development of nippe which snapped apart so that another one escaped smoothly up the sky. Central question is why a young boy could mention that he collided with a head of Christ instead of the body of Christ. That simple meant that a head of Christ is duplicated so as to be used as responding scientific parameter that shall yield instant responding parameter in the multipurpose

hyperbola. Therefore one could ask what the real function of multipurpose hyperbola is. The multipurpose hyperbola develops after responding scientific parameters that must yield instant results to expressions of the masters aimed at bringing about creation of the new universe other than mother earth are fully prepared to carry on such task. That means that for past many years the unknown has been busy preparing the young boy and Christ to be powerful responding scientific tools which shall respond to his desires for creating extra more universes. Indeed the young boy had two brains, with exceptional one located in the eye on the right hand side. We did mention something about painful injection of a boy through a snake. We did also mention that once the boy was bitten by a snake, his body lost ability to protect itself from surrounding environmental forces. For example, he had those three dimensional hair outlooks (3D) which him to look like an Anglo Black Chinese. The young boy was also cloned through the English Queen Flower which is exotic in Africa. That flower flew off during the jet aeroplane crash which took place in South Africa, Maphumulo District Region called Sogidi Reserve. Sogidi Reserve area is found is South Africa and it is approximately (29°18'33.50"S and 30°53'19.50"E) in terms of geographic location.

There is as much other evidence supporting that the master has been preparing the life of a boy, but a reader may go back in above sections and to explore other reasons. This summary will mention the main important scientific facts only. The ultra-violet sun rays are forcefully diffused through the skin surface of a young boy. The hair shaft goes deeper to blood lymph and vessels. Next to blood lymph and vessels is sever fiber which is connected directly to hair shaft end and blood carrying arteries. That further ensured that forceful invasion of rays forge and carries the message to the main brain centres. Indeed the eye receives nutritious blood through arteries which carries blood. The young boy testified that his external brain was very painful soon after he was strike by a snake. That pain ensured that message carried though blood arteries is dissolved in the body. Hence that could allow the strategic and coincidental integration of primary and secondary laws within one single body of a young boy which acts as a responding scientific parameter. When the boy was assimilating to a cow and collides to head of Christ, it was already planned that the Multipurpose Hyperbola would result. The multipurpose hyperbola develop to have capability to offer active/ responding scientific parameters which are used to yield instant results from the expressions paused by the master in the multipurpose hyperbola. The main aim is to create another life supporting universe other than the current mother Earth universe. Then it was mentioned that one cannot rule and develop across two universes, if he has no direct contact to the earth surface to which human life with characteristics of the master and material make up of earth is located. Unfortunately the unknown cannot also rule and develop for himself because time, material and distance limit himself. By the way time is constraint as the unknown can no longer rely on the primitive model used to invent the current universe because it relied on practical methods which take a very long period to respond. That statement did not just get asserted , however a young boy make use of scientific theories which look at various dynamics and alteration processes which have been taking place prior to evolution of human species on earth and the universal evolution processes such as the ones which are discussed Precambrian. For example a young boy was noticed quoting from

various theories most of which talk about issues initiated by geological and biogeographic processes. A young make use of those theories to discover that Earth is about 4.6 billion years old and that fossil evidence indicates that life existence on Earth is about 3.5 billion years and that fossil evidence indicates that life existence on earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Thus, life must have begun during Earth’s first 1.1 billion years. Earth probably could not have supported life until about 3.9 billion years ago because meteorites were constantly striking its surface. If life did begin during this time of meteorite bombardment, it is unlikely that it could have survived for long. This places the origin of life between somewhere between 3.9 and 3.5 billion years ago. The young boy was capable of concluding that if the unknown is to uses the very same outdated methods for creating proposed life sustaining planets he could have probably wasted time, while the current planet has shown signs for failing to sustaining the overall number of populations available within the old Earth. He also borrowed ideas from the 1920s Molecular Biologist also suggested that an atmosphere containing abundant ammonia and methane but lacking free oxygen would be an ideal setting for the ‘primordial soup’ in which life could have begun. That idea was further sustained by young graduate student named Stanley Miller, who was working with a graduate advisor, Nobel prize-winning Harold Urey in 1953. (Refer to Miller and Urey primordial soup Hypothesis) These Urey and Miller theory began by hypothesising that numerous storms produced lighting such that the surface of the earth was relatively warm. That was derived from 1920s Molecular Biologist who also suggested that an atmosphere containing abundant ammonia and methane but lacking free oxygen would be an ideal setting for the ‘primordial soup’ in which life could have begun. Actually there are several experimental evidences which support these theories. For example during the half of the twentieth century, scientist hypothesized that the early atmosphere contained carbon dioxide, nitrogen water vapour,

methane and ammonia, but no free

oxygen. Central to this argument is the consideration of time. Consider what animals and plants use as means of respiration: and account that to how long do they have to wait until the process of evolution begin and complete if the unknown/master is to use the very same outdated methods used to create the current life sustaining planets. The argument reached conclusion that the current planet is very much that one can say it was created within seven

(7) days. This thesis reached could have never reached any sensible consensus towards the meaning attached to and from the development of multipurpose hyperbola if it never lends knowledge from ancient scientific ideas of current universe universal creation, operation and origin which exposes the planet took a very prolonged period of time to complete its scientific evolution processes until human life is introduced on earth.

Indeed, radiometric dating has determined the age of the oldest rock to be between 3.96 to 3.8 billion years. Earth must be at least as old as the oldest rocks in the crust. Early in the formation, of Earth, the planet was molten, and numerous elements and minerals were throughout the magma. Over time, the minerals became concentrated in specific zones and earth became layered. As the magma reached the surface and cooled, landmasses began to form. When the earth formed, iron and nickel, which are dense elements, concentrated in its

core. Minerals with low densities tend to crystallize from magma at cooler temperatures than denser mineral do. Therefore, near the surface of Earth, where it is cooler, the rocks are generally composed of high proportion of less dense minerals. For example, granite is common in earth’s surface. Granite is mainly composed of feldspar, quarts and mica, which are minerals with low densities. Therefore it is a naked truth that Earth is about 4.6 billion years old and that fossil evidence indicates that life existence on Earth is about 3.5 billion years and therefore the fossil evidences indicating that life existence on earth about 3.5 billion years ago are not a fluke results. Thus, the conclusion that life must have begun during Earth’s first 1.1 billion years is acceptable so as to yield conclusive evidence that human life plans are already integrated from the primary laws even before the earth was invented. That is why; Earth could not have supported life until about 3.9 billion years ago because meteorites were constantly striking its surface. If life did begin during this time of meteorite bombardment, it is unlikely that it could have survived for long. This places the origin of life between somewhere between 3.9 and 3.5 billion years ago. Indeed Miller and Urey theory presents the factual conclusive argument concerning the fact that ‘life first formed, however the basic building blocks of life were most likely present on Earth during Archean. (One may enhance the understanding of these theories with respect to Hydrothermal Vents and the Beginning of life, Proterozoic Life and Ediacara Fossils. (Data Source: Chapter 22 of Book: The Precambrian Earth: Earth Science Online) That further clarify that the master who invented laws operating upon an object knew how laws are going to be use mediate sooth operation between the body of human being, the surrounding environment and the brain which is the central part of human being. The above section was carried through the implication for other geologic and or biogeographic theories. For example, the of continental drift theory having developed by Alfred Wegner further developed to be used to expose the biogeographic distribution of species across different. It also exposes that there is trend of continued extinction of flora and flora due to continued relationship between animals and plants. In this thesis there are sections on which names of university lectures are referenced directly to substitute theorist. That further illustrate that the young man was a normal human being who is also very cautious of how the environment shape him, therefore part of this theoretical discourse is also based on his sociological imagination. To large extent we have substantiated that time has

always been a greatest limiting factor towards the desire or vision of the master to create life supporting universe. The unknown took a very crucial decision many years ago to use human being his human characteristics such as brain. The systems and models having used to create the current planet are outdated and they are also time wastage. The unknown needs to adopt the principle of law integration and assimilation through the use of a young boy as a responding parameter. However we have mentioned that the unknown cannot rule across two universes if he has no direct contact to both the proposed universe and current old universe foot by foot. The major worry is need to create responding parameter with instant results earned out of expression paused in the multipurpose hyperbola. But another limiting factor is distance and law. The laws came to means that dark and light must remain separate. By that reason the unknown cannot successfully rule and develop the earth surface features of current universe to which life is sustained if he does not take the issue of distance and space into consideration. The current universe is fully engulfed by universal features such as earth, moon, stars and secondary laws mediating how the overall current planet operates. If the unknown come to rule by himself, there is a potential of huge disaster caused by instant results such as moon, earth and or stars. The problem is that the unknown is ruling and developing on top of the already existing planet. That could cause serious clash between forces operating within an objects. Therefore the master / unknown/ ruler needs to keep a distance out and away nearby current old universe when ruling. He needs to be located in an empty /vacuum space which is not occupied by any present current universal feature. As soon as he rule and develop using the multipurpose hyperbola through which the desired scientific parameters are expressed through primary laws and secondary laws having been fully integrated in a young boy , there is a potential that the results are going to be displayed on the empty space. That strategic system of keeping the proposed universe space location away from the reality enables the smooth separation of outcomes from ruled and developed surface features of the old universe. That could significantly prevent crash, chaos and disturbance of the laws acting upon old universe.

Therefore the master cannot occupy the positions on which there is darkness because dark is dominant in his brain and body model make up. Hence it does not attract himself, but he is more attracted to light. Therefore the light needs to be attracted, through the grouping of various laws which will enable the eviction of darkness. But it can sound somehow very nonsensical to state that once the light is attracted, there is presence of UNIVERSE on which there is earth, the sun, water and stars. The light enhances the vision of the master and it does not create universe, such lucky is a huge joke. Therefore as soon as light is created, one cannot expect to see earth, stars and or water and moon. Those things are not there at all, but the laws mediating how common laws such as the one concerning inverse relationship between darkness and lightness The fact is that everything sill be invented and designed by the unknown over time. The major desire of creating planet is to allow for human life to take place. Therefore the laws that are used to design universe are much older than the universe, for the universal plan is carried by the master who invent laws with a vision to create universal objects to which life is lived. One could have asked why does not earth emit light on itself, and instead rely on the sun which yield light that is used by earth like living creatures. The fact is that the universal planet sustains the living that is created by the unknown whose brain is dominated by darkness that does not need to stay that is attracted from light but which cannot sit together with light. Hence the body tissues of human being cannot function well during the light intensity, therefore the light needs to be displaced as much far from the human body. Therefore the livingness itself follows complex laws which are entitled to life right from the evolution, therefore the master/ unknown who have created this laws clearly realise each and every law by heart. That is why it is possible for him to use yet a responding technical scientific parameter which shall be capable of giving instant outcomes from expressions aimed at using the primary laws and secondary laws within the Multipurpose Hyperbola to create life sustaining universe, other than mother Earth. That what gave the master /unknown an ability to invent light, he knew the darkness to its full limit and he discovered from learning experience that light is part and parcel of brain, yet it cannot light up the brain. The brain (darkness) can therefore not sit with the light and that means that it has to emit light so that darkness is left. Light is better more attractive to the brain when it is at further distance and repelling to closer distance , and therefore the collision was always inevitably to take place between the brain and light only and only if light is within the darkness. Therefore powerful light is better developed to be placed further to the brain and if it can stand together with brain (human being) it needs to be reduced and or

retrieved. The reduction of light energy will help to reduce collision between brain (darkness) and lightness and therefore the fact that dark and light do not sit together is a law. You could have wondered why the earth not emits its own light so that the sun does not continue to exist. Today you should know clearly that the earth has no goal for living except that it was created out of the master’s goals and visions for creating a place on which human being will live with a dark brain which does not require extreme high light energy. From the beginning of earth the light could be used to heating of molecules, the scientific preparations must be underway to make sure that light is retrieved so as to prevent brain damage. The use of word light is holistic as it refers to all forms of energy sources which have potential to increase temperature levels above optimal living standards of normal human being on earth. Therefore the sun is serving a complementary role to provide light energy that drive life on earth, yet the earth itself has light energy retrieved to it.

The Most Important Timelines After new universal invention Sequence and Series

A period of 33 years is-set to be a full cycle new universal evolution and it counts only and only if a young boy could leave until that day arrives: That boy was born on 13/04/1984, therefore the first full cycle for proposed universal evolution is

On the 13th /04/2017: That is Year of Complete Universal Evolution? ( hint: 2017-1984=33)

Following consecutive years of Complete Evolution are taking place for every 33 years, cycle. That because the process for universal evolution will never cease to take place , under one condition , if and only if a young boy can complete one full cycle which ends by 2017. Bases on that statement one can argue that it is not just one universe that is going to be invented but series pattern of universes are expected to follow. Therefore based on one revolution completion, the scientist may argue that the newly developed which rely on multipurpose hyperbola as choice for user preference method follows the sequence and series. Therefore from knowing that truth , the consecutive universal times

of evolution are

expected to take place as follows: From 2017 The following Year of Complete Universal Evolution

is given by April 13 of

2017 +33=2050= April 13 of 2050. In more simpler way ( 2017 (0) + x = 33 X =33-year 2017 X=2050-2017= 33 Therefore 13th /04/ 2050 is marked From 2050, The following Year of Complete Universal Evolution

is given by April 13 of

2050+33 = April 13 of 2083. In more simpler way ( 2050 (0) + x = 33 X =33-year 2050 X=2083-2050= 33

Fromm these fact , we realise that counting from /13/04/1984 we get 0:33: 66: 99 through consecutive time line given by year 1984 (0): 2017(33): 2050(66): 2083(99) respectively. The difference is 33 for every consecutive year. This day might as well get celebrated. Question: which year is 18th universal evolution series followed: and how many years would an observer participant turned to? T1 =0, T2=33, T3= 66 Difference: = T3-T2 =T2-T1= 33‌, .. Therefore from T1 to T7 33 is added = 1984(0) +2017(33) +2050(66) +2083(99) +2116(132)+ 2049(165) +(2082(198) Hint: with constant term 33 added (+) to an individual year (year + 7 th term). The answer is 198 years. How to calculate years behind if one obtained that participant is 198 years through realising that first term is o and last term is 198 provided those three first terms from o to 99. ( just a challenge) (These are sequence and series leading to evolution of new universe for every 33 year round )


Die Memorandum This research embarked on scientific philosophical discourse aimed at uncovering further relationship between human brain and the current universal laws which act to direct and shape the operation of the current universe. This book is written from scientific philosophical discourse perspective which traces the main reason behind the universal law evolution and their operation from man-made-ancient scientific knowledge perspective. Indeed this philosophical discourse made use of science knowledge gained from science experts such as Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev, Moses Gomberg, Alfred Wegener and many more others. The main aim was not to repeat scientific discovery which have already covered by their scientific writings(of a record/ literature review), however the main aim is to advance the understanding of universal laws acting to direct the operation of the current universe at large so that we uncover complex relationship that human brain has to the surrounding environment. It could have sounded otherwise strange to undertake the scientific philosophical query with no proper sound science theory use which predates the valid point of presence for laws (primary laws and secondary laws) to which further theories having been developed are rooted. The scientific understanding of basic theories discovered by ancient scientist of our current universal time elating to state of real phenomenal current scientific universal laws is quintessential as it helps us to kick start our argument based on the critical stance of the existing knowledge. This research does no holy ghost of some kind by using the word unknown or master but the main aim is to enrich the understanding of human brain’s capability for handling and or mastering matters concerning nature dynamism offered by universal evolution. This scientific philosophy has successfully responded from question concerning whether the laws having been discovered began to operates through and or within the *time at which they were discovered by man on earth’. The laws are discovered by man living on earth and they have started to operate for long time ago, even before human evolution processes take place, therefore laws are older than the universe itself. We cannot deny the marvellous task that the scientist have done to discover the presence of laws which help us to understand what directs the universal operation, however these laws need to be questioned further so as to uncover what hidden relationship exist between man and his surrounding environment. This case study made use of human brain and surrounding universal features such as earth to illustrate the hidden relationships. The research has overcome a very serious predicament that used to stand on front of human being which refuses to make him realise that he is the part and parcel of universal evolution process whose

brain is at centre of creation (more specifically law invention). Therefore the source of law invention is a product of how human brain understands processes behind the actions (of interaction) carried to maintain the task of continued living. This is said to be carried from professional experience of interaction between him and surrounding environment. Therefore the manner to which the current human being understand processes mediating between brain , body and surrounding universe directly exposes the real phenomenal point of origin of laws currently used by human in making informed scientific decisions. This is said to have begun as daily routine activity of carrying out certain habit for keeping living moving ahead, until certain meaning is developed concerning the proper way of handling a certain challenge. Challenges appeared as complex chains of pains and oppressions upon human body which offer stimuli to a brain which then respond to medicate the body sickness. Therefore it became clear that if the brain is totally sterilised from pain , potential to observe death could be extinguished, that could means that the human brain has no professional stimulus which awaken the body organs which (to) transmit message to the main brain centres concerning the complaint from outside. Therefore, it follows that if a human brain is sounding perfectly, human brain stimulus need to be set to reach it major brain centres so that the message is diffused until certain meaning is developed regarding the relationship getting established across the brain and its surrounding body. Therefore a body must remain minor to its brain, since a body evolvement entails the overall processes leading to accumulative processes of evolution, yet it has no ability to observe accumulative effect ahead of its propagated evolved stimuli. (yet it is very much old to the brain itself i.e.: how old a baby’s body from a mature baby’s body with ability to understand relationship to the surrounding environment comparatively) Therefore a brain is privileged for being in a body because once it is used to living habit , then it responds by manipulating the surrounding body to act according to what suit the overall continued living system. Therefore living life, wherever, demands obligation measure which does not simple come as a dream or entirely self-desired wish but it follows after a painful experience that the evolving human brain gained from an experience of being surrounded by its body. If a body does not realise the relationship between its brain and its surrounding environment, this should be a applicable meaning everywhere, that the body is potential to live a sound human like life would be impossible. Therefore human living is said to begin in front of real phenomenal universal laws which are known through their scientific implication upon shaping and directing the universal operation to which man resides. That is why this scientific thesis argue that a human brain and laws develops after complex interaction between a body and the surrounding environment which is a painful experience

which took unplanned direction on which observer participant with potential to develop as human being learned simple basic rules over a micro scale until a meaning is attached to develop the sense of the self and surrounding environment. Indeed if the body will not have developed a brain on itself, however a brain having been released must be ready for use only and only if the smooth interaction between the body and the newly released brain remained active under pressure and pain directed by accumulative processes. Therefore the brain must learn experience from being subjected under pressure and trials offered by non- stop evolutionary forces that remained to be not understood until a human brain develops with an ability to realise the relationship between itself and the surrounding environment. Therefore it follows from this converse that human beings are not complete human being if they do not realise the relationship between their brain and the surrounding environment. The fact is that life on one human brain evolved, however the overall current universal features, laws and conditions seen and unseen are part and parcel of living system to which the very same human evolution might have evolved. That simple means that evolution is always possible to take place , however the act of human disobedience in realising the complex science nature of laws and human brain mediating upon continued evolution disqualifies human from gaining access to take role in carrying the evolutionary processes even furthermore. Needles to be present on front of master of universal laws invention, this scientific thesis offered a useful insight which indicated that primary laws and secondary laws are the main source of power. That is said to be a push and pull factors for an observer participant who reside on earth to study further so as to explore how laws develop and what are main factors pushing towards development of laws. That thesis compels the observer participant to take a human brain master’s role with capability to invent laws mediating upon the operation of the universe. That is why this research end up developing three theories aimed at depicting a picture-squo of what masters mind are like when it comes to designing and planning for universal creation. If the converse of role of substitution mentioned above does not apply, could one argue that the scientific laws having been discovered by scientist such as Isaac Newton’s disappeared with their death? Then if it is not a case from the above question , what could have avoided a smooth operation of the current universal science minded man-made features if decisions are taken by a popular law demand in hands of perfect scientist having learnt all current universal law implications from university until he got employed as an expert.

In total, there are four theories having been discovered by an observer participant, however the three main theories that are recommended for this scientific discourses are the ones concerning the second round universal evolution which are centred at understanding the presence of primary and secondary laws acting to direct the universal operation. Three of those foremost important theories encompass a) Mega-Theory of primary and secondary laws. b) Theory of Ruling and Developing of the earth surface features and c) The Multipurpose Hyperbolic theory. In overall, these are called the mega theories of new universal creation or invention. The first one, which is the Mega-Theory of primary and secondary laws, grew from scientific recognition that the current universe operate under the control of current exiting laws which have been discovered by scientist who reside on earth. However, that research took a very sharp argument from the beginning which mentioned that laws are primarily external to an object to which they are found acting. That simple implied that objects have no power by themselves but the power they seem to reveal is due to the presence of laws having attached to them. Therefore the current universe at large operates under universal law whose point of origin is from master with sound human brain that has ability to imagine visions and apply knowledge to the desired will of maintaining their continued smooth operation with a goal to serve (human) living. That simple meant that human living is at centre of origin of law(s) and for that partition; the laws cannot help to set up the presence of universe on themselves (from subject point of view) except that it would be the task of foremost old human being with a sound brain capability to select, suspend and or remove components which evolved with livingness that are beneficial to those which are not beneficial to a body. Therefore human being starts to be a proper human being as soon as he clearly understands the relationship that his brain and body has to the surrounding environment to which he was formed. Therefore an action of human evolution taking place within the system which is part and parcel of who/what he is practiced and modelled by himself until brain is fully developed to realise precautions of surviving the surrounding environment. The act of inventing law is too much late than he could fail to develop sense of being capable of developing human brain with capability to realise the surrounding environment. That is because the use of brain in inventing the universal laws is demanding to the scientist mind and it is not something that can take place over a night but it demands a careful study to what basic rules and routine that enabled the evolving man to survive time ago in the mist of pressure and pains offered by the surrounding environment in his body. Therefore the laws in question are not entirely a matter of a desire and self will, however they are demand certain level obligation when one set off to create them. In this research that was

illustrated with respect to an inverse relationship that exists between darkness and lightness. The darkness does not occupy spaces that are taken by lightness and vice versa. That converse is very real to the current universe where light disappears in the presence of darkness. However, that converse go very much deeper as it explains the fact that location of universal features across various spatial distributions reveals a certain meaning to laws that demand human brain obligation to the nature of force used to mediate upon universal operation. It reveals that a brain is a product of darkness where weak forces dominated more than light energy forces. Therefore is the unknown invent laws upon which human is going to live he realised straight to the point that more intense energy light is not required closer to human brain . If the light energy forces must remain very much close, then there has to be a strategic system to retrieve them to be made available in other forms which are nondetrimental to human brain. This is a fact which also gets reflected with respect to relative far distant location of the sun from earth. Therefore the task that is revealed by universal features such as the act of earth of going around the sun is a result of user preference system having been modelled by the one who invented laws mediating upon how the universe shall operate if it has to sustain living of human being with brain characteristics similar to himself. But because we were not there when the master began to invent those laws, nor we fully realise the current nature of universal laws having been discovered by scientist, we would have made an extremely stupid mistake by not using the current available laws to uncover the thinking systems of the master. (the unknown). Therefore this scientific philosophy enforced the observer participant to adopt the universal laws having been uncovered by scientist of our life time. That is how it reaches a conclusion that the current universal laws acting to direct the current universe where human reside are external to an objects. That simple means that they are not primarily found in an object or the object is not primarily present. At time at which the object started to be present, were the laws having invented to be get ready to be used to shape the current universal invention in terms of its shape,

operation and spatial

distribution. Therefore the law shaping and directing the universal operation is fully integrated to the universal features such that if one system is peeled off the whole universe could go into commotion. Shaping the operation of universal laws and or objects implies that there is integration among the universal features. The use of word current universe is holistic term, as it refers to all universal features including visible and invisible objects such as air molecule and or earth etc. Our argument firmly stand to a point that it is law that maintain the smooth operation of universal features and not objects by themselves. Therefore objects have no power by themselves , it is law which has power but if power is invented by

the master who initiated plan of universe based on his life experience , the laws could be used as means to depict how the master’s mind are like. In the status of realising master’s mind it is possible to make use of current universal laws together with primary laws to unlock the processes of evolution. If the processes of evolution are not taking place our universe is in greater danger because even the current universal laws mediating the operation of current universe to which human reside are not permanent despite the fact that they remain constant. Therefore the main vision behind an observer participant’s mind in undertaking that scientific philosophical abstract was to span the gap ahead of time at which man must continue to earn living on earth. Therefore the main aim was to come up with possible with solutions to our monstrous universe that present suicide bomb by living life on itself with no proper understanding of real phenomenal understanding of relationship between human brain, his body and the surrounding environment .That knowledge is very critical as it is required to be applied and cross-examined to the primary and secondary laws that act to direct the current universal operation. Therefore one may argue that this research is written from anti genocide perspective. Analysis All scientific achievements of this research are acquired from understanding of how the three (3) main mega theories of new universal invention take place. From three (3) theories one gained an insight that the primary laws and secondary laws have not stop to act to direct the smooth operation of the current universe. However, that scientific thesis move ahead and discover the critical thinking of the master using the current existing laws. For example, the fact that all universal laws acting to direct and shape how universe should operate are external to the universe offered an observer participant a firm confidence to move ahead and explore the critical scientist mind who invented laws. In undertaking that query it was very quintessential to realise the current universal dynamics which refuse for constant long term smooth living on earth yet the universal laws continue to remain unchanged. That pushes the adoption of study of primary laws and secondary laws acting upon the universe to carry on. Therefore the primary and secondary law are studied based on the obligatory value and not on the voluntary bases be need oriented. Therefore, from an observer participant perspective, the main question engulfed the mind of an observer participant was the one concerning ‘why and how (of possibility) the universal evolvement processes were capable of yielding such a huge universe to which human, animal and plant living was accommodated followed by immoral living extinction which have been taking place until the current universe is known as

a place which is counteracting the continued living’. A point has been reached on which it was mentioned that the universe counteracts living directly and indirectly through the complex interaction of universal evolution forces more specifically when one looks at relationship between man and his surrounding environment on which he derives energy retrieved from the earth so as to survive living. That is where we say scientist who studied global warming and lay down argument that it is a human induced problem that requires them to revisit their methods of resource acquisition were partially blind to meaning attached by primary and secondary laws acting upon the current universe. But this thesis moved ahead to suspend that idea with an immediate effect of acknowledging that there are strengths and weakness owed to the capacity of the current universe to accommodate living needs. The current universe has been described as the monstrous organism with ability to accommodate human needs under scientific controlled conditions which predate what past, present and future heralds based on the human living experience and his surrounding environment which influences and shapes his living needs. But if the current dynamism over the current universal life are not integrated to the scientific laws our future generations living are in critical danger as current pattern of living are extended to human brain with no capability to realise the negative and positive trends of living that are deeply rooted to interaction of current universal laws and human brain and surrounding environment. The current scientific solutions goes very much short distance when they are not coupled with understanding of scientific philosophy which seek to explain how the complex laws directing and shaping the universal operation must be integrated to the human brain as a centre for medication. Through the very same scientific philosophical abstract, the observer participant moved ahead and discovers the critical minds of the master with respect to recognition of the fact that ‘the current laws acting to direct the current universal operation are external to the objects’. Therefore that served the minds of the observer participant to understand that object on themselves are not possessing power. The source of power could be attained from knowing the laws. Therefore we made use of human brain and his surrounding environment to explain the limitations and strengths of human to carry the evolution processes ahead of time which limits the living to come to an end. Time is demanding us to take precautions on in order to be able to level and substitute principles to which primary and secondary laws were used to design and shape the current universal operation. That is where we discovered that central problem, lies on human being who reside on earth, which began as soon as he pictures the size and shape of the universe as the father of invention. That is said to have

limited his vision and capabilities to (the use of science) use science in explaining the complex problems of why universal evolutions processes are counteracting the living instead of taking a constant path in carrying a living ahead as the action that primary and secondary laws seem to reveal. It became clear that the physical objects have no ability to yield any solution to current universal dilemmas except the human brain which is centred on earth where living is earned. That simple meant that a certain scientific strategy must be invented to allow for integration of primary and secondary laws to human brain so as to carry the universal evolution processes ahead of time that counteracts living. Therefore it is living itself which offers a chance to use science to unlock the forces of evolution and not just surrounding universal features on themselves. Therefore if human brain may be trained to realise its relationship with the surrounding environment greater and greater scientific evolutions may be discovered by man. It became very clear that human living on earth is a greatest plan of a human being with characteristics of brain and thinking capabilities similar to human brain for a person on earth. That simple meant that the beginning of the scientific universal evolution is with human being on earth and therefore the very same human must use his brain to analyse the complex relationship his body possesses, the surrounding environment and the universe at large. That is why a body is sometimes referred to as an object, because we want to mark a distinction between an active body and semi-active body and non-reactive body. That point helped us very much in realising the human brain potential reliabilities while he is on earth. For example the pre-conditions for one to be used as a responding scientific parameter within a multipurpose hyperbola is the presence of human brain with masters characteristics. From knowing that truth, critical scholar was born as an intelligent observer participant who sought to express why the current universal force counteracts living. He argued that the current universal forces directing the current universal operation counteracts the living because they rely on the current universal features which appear physical superstructures that operates under external laws having attached to it. It is not the current universe’s desired will to emerge and serve the human living needs but it is a task that has been ascribed by the master whose brain role and develop before them. Therefore the current universal features such as earth, sun, waters, flora and flora are living under a well-defined law that enforced law to maintain their co-existence. The laws are not absolutely permanent to an object and they need to be revived over time. Time is a crucial limiting factors to the universal factors to which man’s life is sustained because and the current universal features are subjected to law which marked the time of living of human after the laws are fully prepared to bring about smooth operation of universe. That means that

universe is like a suit that you buy from shop and wear it. Similarly the universe having made out of man’s effort cannot remain forever young as it get tormented due to various complex processes that took place due to continuous fixed laws which mediate how the universal features should operates . In that case one may recall Robert Boyle law of Pressure versus Volume of a Gas at Constant Temperature. Further understanding of laws mediating the smooth operation of universe is then illustrated by the fact that air molecules are grouped according to their weight. Likewise it is not a mistake that less heavier molecules ascend to the sky where they condense to form a rain (hint: evapotranspiration and climate conditions). But most importantly, the so called human induced industrial activities which are said to be an anathema to those who study environmental management to extreme rules are not real definite cause of trouble. The deepest trouble is time and universal dynamism which is defined by interaction of human brain, the surrounding environment and the universe at large. The universe has limited garbage collection rooms when we look at the environmental issues most of which are evident with respect to global warming. However such loss of carrying capacity does not takes place over night and the far more important than worse case to consider is the fact that even the product at which the so called fossil fuels result from are made of the very same current universe component in the earth surface. We might continue to take serious perceptional measures to protect the negative impact upon our surrounding environment however it should be born in mind that time and current universal modeling which owe its existence to laws and human brain mastered to scientific understanding of how were laws used to invent the current universe can never exist to demand solutions to human brain with an ability to imagine visions and apply science knowledge to them. Therefore, we can question the brain of the master, needles to see or observe him because we are in the process of evolution which offer us enough chance to observe the real life and universal phenomenal dynamism while we are earning living on earth, a place where universal forces acting to direct the universal operation influences us side by side and time after time. Therefore the current available scientific forces and laws having discovered by man are hiding smart solutions towards uncovering the secretes behind the relationship between human brain and the (his) surrounding universe. Just like the laws could not help to set up right from the beginning, the truthful converse follows that they cannot also work out to help the current human being under the current universe so that the universal evolution processes are carried forward, if that human being fail to enhance understanding of universal law with respect to their origin, their implications and dynamism they offer upon the human

living under the current universe. Therefore it is human with sound brain that shall need to oblige to the current universal operation so as to *unlock the processes of universal evolution to go ahead. By this one could clearly understand that the evolution began with the master of laws, however the process itself has no end, and it shall continue to take place on and on. If we are defying the smart vision of questioning the master’s laws and pretend to be super holy joyous specimen yet at the same time persisting to earn our living sustained through realising the cautions of surviving life from scientific knowledge derived

from scientists who

mastered plans depicting the science implications of hidden forces which have been there for much pronounced period of time, then we are not living according to the current universal evolution procedure that follow after

man inventive planning rather than

miraculous planning(hint: primary law(s) ,secondary law(s) and their master(s)). The miraculous converse is not always true, but the time which offers little chance for gaining permanent access to basic immediate living needs, in the current universe in which there has been increased population (problems), and on which people are competing for limited resources available: - simple exposed the universal modelling as an architect of human brain model that counts back from (its) time of complete model. Therefore the careful study questioning the real meaning of what time and current universal invention does offer to human living will ‘enable us to unlock the secrecy bill behind slow progress of universal evolution with continued anti living dilemmas that subject our living to come to an end’. Therefore the main objective of this study was to uncover the truth behind evolution of primary laws and secondary laws which direct the operation of the current universe to which human life is sustained so as to determine the limitations of human brain visions towards carrying the evolution processes ahead. In doing that this this research adopted the scientific theoretical discourses having been discovered by scientist who lived in the current universe and thereby earn that prestige of being capable of observing the complex universal forces which shape and direct the universal operation. From their scientific knowledge proficiency we are developing the philosophy which aims at yielding response from how the human brain interacts to the surrounding universe and thereby revealing the hideous relationships deeply engraved between human brain, the surrounding environment and the universe at large. It was very quintessential not to lose focus upon the laws acting to redirect the current universal operation and their master(s). This research used an observer participant approach in which we look at human brain interaction with his surrounding environment on which forces acting to redirect universe also influence human decision making while he is earning a sound living

on earth. The ancient scientific theories are going to be developed out of the already existing scientific theory so as to depict path and proper procedures that need to be followed by man living on earth if a goal of unlocking the processes of universal evolution to continue to take place. Therefore the research achieved the status of uncovering that the primary laws and secondary laws which explains how the human brain is integrated to the universal evolution and surrounding environment where he resides. Our natural environmental present complex dynamism which shaped the very same human resource evolution used to carry the continued living of human survival, flora and fauna. The action of undertaking the query directed at further advancement of understanding of complex relationship between human brain and the surrounding environment is carried through the use of the current existing laws so as to develop logic behind the complex relationships mediated through the use of the current universal laws. Therefore an observer participant used a judgemental sampling in which he used bot quantitative and qualitative information to back up his knowledge of how the nature is understood to scientific premises to be developed. In this scientific abstract the purposive method of data collection was followed through the use of ancient scientific knowledge having been developed by those who happened to inherit living in the current universe. That ensured that the current theories are developed from the underlying cornerstone of human brain who had a prior experience to how the scientific world is getting transformed through the current universal laws. Indeed there are accidental cases on which one get an observer participant interacting with his university institutional material such as geographic informative system material gained from attending lectures and also through teaching at university. Thereafter people who are interviewed were selected based on their understanding of specific case required in the fulfilment of leaking details. Achievements: Preliminary Scientific Philosophical Outcomes: The research was carried based on the scientific guidelines of primary and secondary law operating upon the universe. The scientific philosophical abstract develop from an understanding of the fact that every universal feature has got a law acting to direct and shape how it is going to operates. That law further argue that laws are primarily external to an object, therefore universal objects have no power on themselves, but it is the master who invented laws who have power. That research firmly argued that power cannot be judge based on the objects physical appearance but it could be observed from law perspective. However the research was limited by the truth that laws cannot serve to set up and operate for themselves right from the beginning. That became clear that laws are having formulated by

human being with a brain which has capability to imagine visions .However visions are not always there but they are part and parcel of his scientific imagination. In carrying the invention of scientific imagination human needed to clearly realise the relationship between brain and the surrounding environment which form part of his body to which he is evolving. Time ago there was a period on which the individual has to interact with his surrounding environment strategically and coincidentally until brain is fully developed. Therefore human brain is a product of how the interaction of human and his surrounding environment. Over time, following from complex interaction the body earns experience to interpret various meanings attached by the surrounding environment to it presence. The presence of a human brain within an environment does not make him superior over other living because he is part and parcel of the evolution. However the brain with capacity to think and reckon as a proper human might slightly distinguish between human brain and the other surrounding environment. That meant that human must acquire that status of developing desire to leave delighted life. However that dream does not come as a miracle on which light can come up to be followed by the presence of universe on which there are waters so that the universe is getting blessed with its various species where human shall live and dominant all over other living component. But it a desire that grew from careful study of surrounding forces. In designing and planning of how the universe shall look like the careful studied laws need to be applied to the current universal mapping. Therefore the current universe itself is a model of understanding of primary laws developed out of human brain understanding of how to survive living right from the beginning. People under the current universe are situated on earth on which they found themselves trapped behind the current universal dynamism on which a hope of attaining living is lost due to general trend for loss of resource and biodiversity to which living is sustained. In trying to mediate through the situation of accelerated loss of human resources they appoint scientific laws and thereby conclude that human induced activities

are presenting a serious challenge towards continued living

sustainability. There is nothing wrong towards their suggestion; however they seem to forget that even the living on itself has been transformed through the introduction of science and technology which is said to have advanced the method for gaining access to available resources. Time ago their forefather lived very much hard life because they had no technical scientific skills that might have enabled them to stop from abusing human power through performing hard labour which might be replaced through the development of science and technology. However their main concern is placed on the accumulative pollution and biodiversity loss which result which is said to be a direct impact of human induced industrial

activity. This scientific philosophical thesis found a very much opened data gap in the current situation of loss of biodiversity and current universal failure to accommodate the current living. It was noted that the trend of loss of our biodiversity and failure of current universe to accommodate the overall universal living is something new. From the beginning life was smooth, where people have opened access to available resources in their environment. The trend of loss of current universe capacity to accommodate living seem to expose the universe as a living organism having been invented to carry human living but failing to carry that task over time due to living dynamism taking place . In that case one could think of general trend of increase of population and merry that idea to the bulk of energy use required facing increased demands for scientific demand. That is said to have a direct proportional to amount of concentration of fossil fuel emission directed at atmosphere. However if one simple concentrate on concentration evident with the scientific robust indication he may end up forget to question the status quo of living within the environment which is subjected to operate under the laws which carry the task of living. Therefore this scientific research achieved the status of realising that time has got a very serious role to play in continued sustained living under the current universe, it is time that subject everything to come to an end. Left alone universal living components have got ability grow , unfold and reach their own maturity levels , however due to complex relationship taking place between living and surrounding environment , patterns of needs grow over time . The time counteracts the current universal living to come to an end because it offers a very little chance for basic immediate living needs. Therefore reason why we were looking at laws having been used to invent the current universe is to uncover what has time offered to the current universe from the previous universal era. The move to adopt time constrain as a guideline to this study allowed us to merit this scientific thesis to universal laws which to which the current universe operates. Therefore in questioning the current universal laws status of origin and function of mediating upon the operation of the universe, we must be aware that time constraint was critically questioned along the way. In questioning the time as major constraint, it became clear that current universal features are modelled from primary laws which were attached to be as secondary laws acting to direct the universal operation. Knowing the previous facts compelled one to undertake a careful study of primary y laws and secondary laws not only just to explore complex relationship between human brain and the surrounding environment but also to uncover hidden relationship that time attaches to universal features.

Scientific Philosophical Discoveries It was discovered that all laws acting to direct the operation of the current universe are external to universal features. The scientific evidence is drawn from various theories which offered an explanation of dynamics that have taken place from the current universal evolution to the present era. We did not to act otherwise strange by drawing argument from supernatural forces of time before the universe exist as if this is not scientific philosophical thesis which is written from the current exiting science knowledge which underpin the need to carry the research with an intension further advance the understanding of complex primary and secondary laws acting to direct the current universal operation. That is why the first theory was called the mega theory of universal evolution. That theory asserted that the current universe operates under external laws which have been attached to it, if we are to be straight to the point. Therefore the current universe is subjected to operate under as given law which act to maintain forces of the universe to remain constant. The constant conversation refers to an ability of the current universal features to maintain their continued task despite of the presence of predictable and predictable disturbances that happen to take place between universal features. In that case one may think of ability for the universe to remain under constant emotion of revolving around the sun despite of the fact that the earth has been transformed from Pangaea to current fragmented universe. Through all those transformation and dynamism the universal laws still hold the universe to maintain the constant operation over time. This is further merited to relative failure of human, flora and fauna living entity to maintain its continued living over time despite of the presence of similar universal law which shapes and redirects the current universal operation. The central question was the one concerning ‘what failed the living entity to merit primary and secondary laws that direct the smooth operation of the current universe at large from avoiding the overall trend of loss of biodiversity and energy to which real living is sustained. That point simple exposed that universal laws existed with human living on earth however their operation is independent of the actions and goals of living that are set by human being., That simple meant that human being are living on two universe in one, with the one mediated by the presence of current universal laws and the other carried by human living and the other organisms who carry actions directed at sustaining their lives and experience trend of failing to sustaining living over time. The scientific processes of earth evolution carried since the Precambrian era were critically assessed in which it was argued that the current universal evolution took a very long time even before human living is introduced on earth. That exposed the current universal

features as skateboards that have always been prepared to accommodate the future living. Not only just time constraints but also living requirements such as gases were also merited in the discussion which exposed the fact that living could not have been introduced on earth before scientific law were integrated to needs of living were integrated to current universal evolution. The fact that laws are created by master does not deny the fact that the current universe is evolved scientifically however, it still remain unchanged that laws are a product of how human brain interacted with the surrounding body as its surrounding environment and that idea applies across all different stages of universal evolution despite whether the process remain hidden or known in the second hands of man. Strictly speaking , potential was that the laws were present right from the beginning , however they are in form of universal body which are not utilizable until human brain evolve with continued accumulative processes to but pressure and pain that will enforce and or subject the repetitive stimuli until the brain is developed. Therefore the processes leading to development of human brain are ahead of time to human being, but the current universe is far below of time to human brain because their architect are critical thinking systems of how the foremost old human with sound brain perceived to convert universal forces into laws that could be used to further the advancement of evolution of human being. However, even if the foremost old human has that sound brain, it does not mean that he has always been there. He earns his human status from successive processes earned from how his body interact with the surrounding environment. The routine activities carried through brain are the ones which are said to have trained brain to develop a mutual understanding to its surrounding body. Therefore human with sound brain is not coming outside as an exceptional powerful someone but he his part and parcel of his surrounding body on which universal forces are primarily understood through interaction until brain learn to reckon , recall , practice and observe. Once that happen the ability to make decision develop and that is what give human brain an ability to make laws. Therefore human being has power not if form of physical outlook and appearance but it is power in terms of an ability to develop skills to use science and laws in making decisions. This cradle to grave information could boost our understanding of mutual interaction between our brain, our body and our surrounding environment. This teaches us that we are heralding the processes of universal evolution which rely on man to make a go ahead for the brain is the final stage of evolution to which one get a man critically engaged with his surrounding material in shaping and designing the laws to be used to be used with scientific apparatus earned from surrounding universal body at large for enhancement of universal evolution. In other hand this scientific thesis describes human brain as a centre to living because it has that capability

to discover it relationship with the surrounding environment and the universe at large. In doing so the human brain is capable of developing an ability to realise the routine system operation of current universal laws mediating upon how human being survive living over time. It is body responsibility to sense the negative and positive impacts of the surrounding environment and thereby offer the stimulus to the brain. The brain develops an understanding of relationship of carrying scientific implications of maintaining smooth relationship between its body and the surrounding universe. However it must sound very insane is one can just have a brain with no body , therefore the body , brain and the surrounding environment evolved altogether. That simple means that the surrounding environment is part and parcel of who we are. In other hand it might sound very much crazy if one could entrust the environment to which he earns living to think and or come up with solutions on account of giving solutions to problems they are experiencing. Therefore the surrounding environment is chasing evolution ahead of time, yet it is brain that must response to adjust the meanings attach to pressures and pains that the living reveals. It is quiet impossible for a body to chase the time ahead with evolution if brain to which laws are invented does not develop meaning that shall help it to understand what has happened from the past . However, the presence of laws, time and human brain could help human being to understand what precautions that one needs to take so as to survive the induced negative stimulus. Therefore the negative impacts having observed from the current universe with respect to global warming are as good as central nervous systems of human body to which problems that attack human health status are discovered. That is because they are exposing the largest living body of as substance that feels pain and get left with mark to be red by human with sound brain and take precautionary measures from linking mark stimulus to pain and pressure they yield to human living. That information studied from a mark through stimulus that is sent directly or indirectly to a body serves to indicate several other hidden factors to which man can take a lesson so as to deal with problem in the upstream level. For many years people who studies global warming appointed human induced industrial activities as foremost central problem that needs to be dealt at upstream front solution. Today we have discovered that, human induced activities are driven from resources earned from retrieved energy sources of the very same universe. What should have enabled the living on earth as a ship that carries it average package when it was going to drop it off over time? That sound very unusual if that is not a work of titanic or leakage underneath. Then it is discovered that the universe operate on laws which are independent of what human do to live on earth. There has been a trend of loss to overall bulk resources available which influences the excessive reliance of fossil fuel use. That trend

drains the average capacity of the surrounding environment to absorb and diffuse the level of pollution. But pollution itself and or trend of increased use of technology and science as methods for resource consumption are not final end to the means of living. It is the living itself that has become final end to the means of extracting resources. The means are not ends to themselves but it the way that the user preference is carried on that make the means to look like ends. That back and forth statement requires careful law intervention, which shall indicates that dynamism on the universe exposes the current universal features to be substances that operate under a given law. Is so then they are just objects, which are getting counteracted by time. Therefore the central focus must be directed at studying laws and get them integrated to scientific decisions making and also to time so as to uncover how does time and laws counteract one another. Part of that job has been carried by our diligent scientist in from time ago, therefore our role is to just group the like terms together and come up with solutions. The successful study of the law and time interaction is then used to describe why do we seem to have two universes at one where there is time acting to counteract the universal living to continue while human living experience dilemmas due to loss of biodiversity and emergence of complex environmental problems due to resource consumption pattern carried through science and technology use. Once that status is achieved it is every easy to find solutions concerning how the primary and secondary laws are integrated so as to sustain the continued human living on earth and also to enhance the processes of universal evolution to continue to take place. That is exactly what this scientific philosophy discourse has covered and that is managed through the use of already existing scientific laws, which then appeared as primary and secondary laws acting to direct and shape the universal operation. That is why these are called mega-theory of universal evolution because it groups scientific knowledge having developed by various science theorists and thereby describe the problem in question until it arrives to solution. Even though the theory naming might appear ironically to the aim of scientific philosophical discourse, the new universal solution itself carries a truthful meaning that proposed universe is coming and it modelling and formation shall follow from draft and proposal strategies underlined by these mega-theories. Therefore this is not just a tale but it is a serious study which is going to be evident even before year 2018. Consider the statement that argued marks are left hidden from complex processes of human, fauna and flora interaction to the current universal forces at large. Central to that statement was a wise question enquiring whether global warming was not part and product of gaseous accumulation made of material which are primarily found on earth. As a matter of fact the global warming is not an end to living but it is current universe

itself that carry laws which are independent of human living activities carried on earth surface . Therefore the living seems to look very much immoral when one examines it from primary and secondary law point of view. As a matter of fact the greatest injection should be directed at integrating the abstractive body of laws, even before we inject the living. Similarly, people are found developing abstract scientific models on which they are trying to illustrate the cause of certain negative impact upon largest universal body, where they discover complex interaction of ozone gaseous layer to earth surface emissions. But they end up pointing fingers on one another just to lay externalise a blame to each other until they forget the central focal point for the essence of living that is distracted by dynamism. Therefore solutions are centred in realising how does laws mediates ahead of living alterations and maintain the continued separate relationship between living and laws , yet laws are used to maintain continued sustained living. That gap is said tom open the intrusion of overall trend of loss of biodiversity and non-rejuvenated universal system. The laws mediate and survive living ahead of human, flora and fauna living on earth because they are older than current universal surface leaving. They are having designed from time ago even before the current universe is modelled. Therefore the current universe began to operate after the laws are fully recognised in terms of how it is going to be used in maintaining smooth operation of universe. The time gap attaches meaning because physical object began to be something after laws are attached to them. That something is not origin to itself but it develops after current universal development. But that might not be a definite reason of why time counteracts living. The definite solution is the one concerning human brain structure and strategies attached to it so as to survive living over and over again. The relative small size of human body enables it to move across all directions, consume more and realise more energy survival strategy than the surrounding universe could realise. Then human brain is part and parcel of the surrounding universe, however it is very much more powerful than the surrounding environment because it has ability to make decisions. Therefore the time counteracts human living because his body is just a material supporting the brain as centre of living to which scientific beginning of law is said to have begun. In a process the law is trying to reveal that it is made out of forces which have always been there , yet it is human who made use of forces to design laws mediating upon how the human living environment should look like . Therefore the universal time act to expose the fact that laws are constant under controller who set them and life is losing because it is sustained through material which is under control of laws. That simple means that living is contested by time because it began some different kind of force which is smart from other forces that remained semi-active for many years ago. That

is why human living under current universe needs to be controlled over time. If we are not conscious of time, tomorrow might be a dark day forever.

Over time due to integration of

current universal laws mediating to carry the smooth operation of the universe and human living. If they are to catch that point they would be able to acknowledge the fact that the current universal body capacity has started to fail to accommodate the overall living needs due to trend of increased living needs (more especially human needs) which stimulate the patterns resource consumption through the use of science and technology to appear as if they are the primary cause of loss of biodiversity and unbalanced trade between current universal forces and living. Once again the time at which most of resources are produced seem to have taken millions to billions of years, yet they are getting finished. Therefore the subject to an illusion is time which offers no chance to acquire basic immediate human living needs over period of time. In trying to explain the characteristics of human brain who masters primary laws and secondary laws which minister upon the smooth interaction of laws acting to direct the current universal operation three theories were generated. These are Mega-theory of all Primary and all Secondary laws, the Theory of Ruling and Developing and the Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory. Mega-theory of all primary and all secondary laws: This one has been explained with respect to the presence of laws which are found mediating to direct smooth relationship among universal features. This theory has serious implication in science and technology where current universal decisions are taken based on the understanding of how the foremost old science expert depicts their use. This theory drew a conclusion that current universal features have no power on themselves. Power cannot be explained according to how the object looks like or from its physical outlook, but power could be explain from primary and secondary law objective. That pushed us to seek to explain the human brain characteristics of the master with respect to primary and secondary laws. This theory has serious implications upon our current universe as it expose the current universal features to be simple objects that operates under law which is independent of what human living dynamics signal to the surrounding environment. That simple tells us that the human living is carried under the immoral law which does not understand living needs yet its (law) interaction with current universal features help to mediate operation of the current universal features such as earth to which living is earned with respect to utilization of life

scientific skills derived from laws to gain access to resources found. One could argue that human being are living in two universes at once, with the one living directed by independent laws and the other living mediated by occupation of human living including fauna and flora . The universal environment is chasing evolution ahead of time; however it is human brain that must be expected to carry the task of taking the precaution before the current universal changes are worse. Therefore time has serious implication as it offer little chance for living to acquire life sustaining systems on earth due to overall trend of limited living supports resulting to overall increased interaction across various forces of living. The time need to be adjusted to match the desired outcome of living. That is why the scientific philosophical abstract lay down the statement that human brain is subjected in trouble because it is subjected not only to inherit but also to live a living which is initiated through a smart move of brain for realising the complex interaction between itself and the surrounding environment until laws which were then manipulated to invent the current universe are discovered. Therefore the time is counteracting the living because it has evolved from brain, but over time it is very much possible that the time will also counteracts the very same laws that are used to drive the operation of universe. In doing so the time is counteracting the master who is also a product of smart brain. That simple reflect that human brain evolution is a shift which is carried by critical human engagement with the surrounding forces and it is not the surrounding forces which are directly responsible for the current universal formation. The brain need to learn something from each and every negative stimulus that takes place around it body. Likewise if the master is a true scientist, then it follows that he has to come up with a plan to solutions of time counteraction (hence time constraints). Therefore this scientific discourse exposes that human being on earth is subjected to learn all complex hidden scientific forces hidden by primary, secondary law and time .Therefore time constraint must appear to be central considerations during studies carried to understand the relative slow progress of universal evolution. One cannot do that task if he does not realise how time factors has been influencing current universe from scientific understanding of role that the laws are playing as the universe evolves. Fortunately there is a wide range of scientific literature made available which offered an observer participant the prestige opportunity to engage with complex scientific reading material to draw up compose mental conclusions on what has been the role of time while the laws were used to bring about the current universal evolution.

This scientific research has reached the consensus that the time kept on delaying the process of current universal evolution to take place as fast as possible. This was illustrated with respect to extensive period of time was wasted before the current universe was ready to carry human living and other living entities including fauna and flora. Scientist must use their science logical explanation to draw a conclusive argument of why such complex delay experience of current universal evolution could have taken place. We said that human being begins to be a proper human with sound brain as soon as he realise his relationship to the surrounding body and the environment at large. By looking at a normal person’s conditional health implications on earth one could integrate his study to current universal evolution processes that took place during the Precambrian era. He could come up with conclusive argument mentioning that earth used to be extremely hot and it could not accommodate human living. In addition to that one cold realise that there was period on which there were no living sustaining gases and their development processes is said to take millions of years to develop. But most importantly one need to mention that as soon as the living necessities were met in the current universe, life was introduced. But ever since the life was introduced the very same time that inhibited living started to counteract living again. That became evident with loss of dinosaur which is a case that is often discussed by scientist through dating the fossil fuels and draw conclusion to mention that there is overall increased trend of less of biodiversity. Similarly other case studies are carried with respect to living dynamism studies which is often married to human resource consumption pattern to draw a conclusion that the current universe is failing to accommodate the overall living system within it. In this case issues of global warming and use of science as means to gain access to resources is widely quoted. But that was just the beginning of the signs that the current universe has always been counteracting the living as it followed by trend of loss of biodiversity until we are reaching the stage at which human living itself cannot be fully merited to the amount of resource available in the surrounding environment. But today we are even more shocked as the current carrying capacity of the current available universal body at large is also failing to dissolve earth like gases. These are clear indicative that human being with sound brain must come out of the universe to respond from scientific problem challenges getting observed on earth. But if one has no clear knowledge of the meaning attached by primary and secondary laws operating upon the current universal objects, our lives are in critical danger and that simple means that tomorrow might be a dark day forever and ever. But because there has been an evolvement of modern human species with proper understanding of science and technology very well, possibilities are that geniuses will be born to come with solutions to the current

universal dilemmas. In this scientific philosophical discourse we are looking at what solutions are doctors of space and universe at large present to us as solutions. This information came at good time when current generations understand science and technology very well with respect to the scientific knowledge having been developed by their predecessors. That means that their validity and fallacy they might carry, where possible, could be questioned and criticised side by side. From considering the mega-theory of primary and secondary laws, the theory of ruling was introduced. The theory of ruling and developing of the earth surface features looks at how scientists do make use of geometry and algebra to develop surface features. Then it describes the current universal features as simple objects which had have passed through time on which human with sound brain could sit down in a table and draw the map depicting how and where should the specific location of certain elements of universe could be grown . Therefore the size and shape is a product of amount of power and effort put to raw material stimulus aimed at making universal features. This theory turn back and look at current human being on earth where it argues that he is part and parcel of parent rock material. The geographic informative system scientific devices such as Ground Positioning System (GPSD) clearly illustrate that evidence when human being, trees and or animals are traced to find out their geographic location with scientific devises in question used. That simple meant that nature and current universal features are sharing common entity for origin. That point was then integrated with the fact that human body can be shocked by electricity, yet electricity is just non-living component. From knowing that fact one is in a position to realise that human body and brain can be *integrated to the surrounding environment and current universal forces at large. In a process, one is not fully aware that even the laws that direct to shape the operation the current universe could be fully integrated in a single human body with sound functioning brain because the laws themselves grew from human brain ability to realise the presence of forces surround it, their interaction with a body. Therefore, the current universe is a body which must serve to surround human being so as to survive and continue living overtime. By knowing that truth, the observer participant drew a very wise argument in which he situated the first coming of Christ as a scientific strategy that allows for laws acting to direct the current universal operation into single human body to which all laws are formulated through diffusion. The process of laws getting diffused to human body is taking place right from his birth period to his mature stage. This is said to be energy recycling strategy aimed at integrating primary and secondary laws into one single

body so that it remain to respond from scientific expressions that might be paused to develop geometric figures aimed at creating more instant solutions towards developing a brand new universe other than the current existing mother earth. Those processes are critically discussed within the multipurpose hyperbola. In doing that the master of law invention is capable of substituting the outdated methods used to bring about the creation of the current universe. However there are serious scientific implications that needed to be merited to integration of primary and secondary laws into one single body right from the beginning. The first one is time, followed by distance (space implications) and then raw material. In this scientific abstract it was very much evident that the master who invent laws operating upon the current universe cannot use the old outdate method used to create universe because it is time consumptive. We shall remember of those long time induced processes of the current universal evolution processes which are described with respect to the beginning of Precambrian stage, which is followed by Phanerozoic, the Cerazoic and the Quaternary stage. The Precambrian was known is known as super eon era period because it reveal geologic time scale (GTS) to which geography that studies rock often refers when they studies rock layers and layering (stratification). Phanerozoic is also known as eon era period is the current geologic eon in the geologic timescale, and the one during which abundant animal life has existed. It covers roughly *542 million years (541.0 ¹ 1.0) and goes back to the time when diverse hard-shelled animals first appeared. The Paleogene is a geologic period and system that began 66 and ended 23.03 million years ago and comprises the first part of the Cenozoic Era. Lasting 43 million years, the Paleogene is most notable as being the time in which mammals evolved from relatively small, simple forms into a large group of diverse animals in the wake of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event that ended the preceding Cretaceous Period. This period consists of the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene Epochs. The careful study of these periods reveals that there have been several dynamisms in evolution to which living supporting diversity emerge with transformation of the living environment getting shaped until resources to which human living is going to be sustained are fully developed. Needles to look at the following stage that leads towards development of human being , it is very clear from scientific logic that the current universal evolution processes mainly centered on earth will be the ones concerning how the human being interact with the surrounding environment. That is because human

possess that level of scientific knowledge expert which allow him to manipulate the surrounding environmental resources to benefit their living survival. But because the human living mobility is too much active, he is found maintaining over-interaction with the surrounding environment. But due to increased population , demand for resource also increase and that pushes the processes ( most often scientific processes) carried in gaining access to surrounding accelerate the level at which the human induced outcome from interactions between the environment and the surrounding universe. Indeed a proposed but as yet informal third epoch, the Anthropocene, has also gained credence as the time in which humans began to profoundly affect and change the global environment, although its start date is still disputed. The word informal simple indicates that it was never planned within the current universal processes having took place , which means that it is responsive as it takes a certain path that is defined with respect how human and living interact to the surrounding environment. It is required of the human with a sound brain to carry scientific laws available so as to earn a precise scientific meaning attached to the so called Anthropocene evolution stage. But using the critical skills earned from mega theories of universal invention above, once could arrive to a conclusion in which he states that the Anthropocene which refers to current universal alterations due to how human interacts to his surrounding environment to reduce their universe capacity to carry their current and future living forward is an indicative that the current universe at large is not origin its self. In continuing a student is expected to mention that the human brain is center of living as the previous current universal evolution stages are carried scientifically to yield living systems ( hint resources , gases etc.) . The brain is the highest stage of development within human body to which it evolved. Therefore all action oriented task carried to invent laws to which the universe to which human can live is followed by processes which counteracts living because living is planned and it does not evolve to itself. The human with sound functioning brain did not simple developed brain but it development followed after complex interaction of his body to surrounding environment. Just before that period forces to which universe can be modeled are already there but because they are not understood by human with sound functioning brain they could remain non-utilized forever. Therefore the human brain development marked a paradigm shift from universal evolution on which there is a semiindependent living entity who is capable of interacting with the surrounding body environment until meaning is attached to what routine and basic rules that need to be followed so as to survive living over time, As soon as that process was accomplished brain is

said to have developed an ability to make laws. Therefore laws are not just laws on themselves but they are developed based on understanding of how they are getting used to carry living. But because they are invented after formation of body and has interacted with brain systems, the process of law evolution remain slightly separated from human brain. Which means that the human brain need to carry strategy to be able to manipulate laws to act on behalf of its desired will of continuing living? That means that the human brain has long ago adopted the obligatory strategies of carrying living even before the current universe is invented. Therefore the paradigm shift gap that is marked by human brain evolution which enabled man to be able to invent laws that are used to direct the operation of the current universe makes the time to counteract the human , flora and fauna living on earth. That is because these are living entity which function through the use of brain which is something very much rare to simple develops if there are no proper sequence and series of smooth processes of evolution through which time is always ahead of them. Therefore the time is revealing that it is much older that the master, his ideas and the current universe at large. If so, the converse might also follow that time will also counteract laws over a long period of time. Therefore if the master does not take precautionary measures and use laws to span a gap between time counteraction and universal evolution forces, he could have possible lost his current universe. From knowing that truth it is simpler that a scholar will go ahead and mention that time frames are divided into two. The first one concern an era at which there is no presence of human brain and that is stage which is evolved to be engulfed by forces with no use to someone like you, because you have a proper brain which is capable of sizing the force interaction through how you interact to the surrounding universe day in and day out. The second one is the time on which brain is fully developed so that basic rules mediating upon man and his surrounding environment is established. That is exactly how the universal forces are converted into laws. Once laws are developed, current universal development is planned and designed according to strategic system maintained through recognition of obligation maintained to earn continued living. But because that is second time escapement which takes place with respect to the development of brain, the laws are subjected to act upon directing and shaping the current universe which is always counteracted by the first time to come to an end. That laws get a room within the science sphere where a scientist invent an engine and be compiled to estimate time for it guarantee use before it is retired . In a process the laws used to invent an aero plane (object) are not retired because they are left untouched as their mythologies are fixed to document of their scientist dead or alive. But from time, material and distance perspective primary and secondary laws goes much deeper than that as

the time expose the master as science expert with some limitations over continued living perfection. That is what subject human with a sound functioning brain to prepare for robust system which shall prevent time counteraction processes (time constraints) aimed at bringing the overall current available universe to come to an end. Once again, our laws earned from realizing science and technology are still fixed, yet the current universe continue to counteract our continued living. If so then what has gone wrong. The point of why time is counteracting the vision of human brain because it marked the paradigm shift between universal evolutions processes that maintained non utilized forces to those which were then utilized by man to formulate laws to which the current universe is sustained. Therefore time has very profound implication across different angles. The Quaternary Period is the most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the ICS. It follows the Neogene Period and spans from 2.588 Âą 0.005 million years ago to the present. The relatively short period is characterized by a series of glaciations and by the appearance and expansion of anatomically modern humans. The Quaternary includes two geologic epochs: the Pleistocene and Holocene. A proposed but as yet informal third epoch, the Anthropocene, has also gained credence as the time in which humans began to profoundly affect and change the global environment, although its start date is still disputed. In considering the major time constraint towards universal and current universal evolution the following theories were evident. The need to invent new universe to which human living could live while maintaining the continued sustained living to the current available universe is a compulsory plan that must take place from scientific philosophical understanding point of view. However, the proposed vision principally relies on man who has human brain vision with understanding of how, why and where does time counteracts the current universe from maintaining the continued living. That problem is illustrated with respect to so called Anthropocene which reveal the general trend of overall increased human induced processes (e.g. socio-economic activities or emission scenarios) that counteract the capacity of the current universe to carry the living to continue to flourish to yield balanced interaction between man and his surrounding environment. That is evident with respect to negative effect upon sustained living experiences upon our environment that result from global warming. The problem in question is understood through the use of laws which are found interacting to direct the universal

operation. But the further advancement of understanding those scientific laws, reveal that people are living in two worlds at one. The major cause of such trouble is time gap that is marked by a paradigm shift between first time evolution and second time evolution. The first time evolution carries forces that are not directly used by human being to earn living because it marked by stage at which human brain has not developed. The second time evolution is marked by human brain evolution. That is where one get human developing brain just because he has been interacting with his surrounding universal body until meaning is developed to how he survived life. That is said to have further advanced his brain in understanding the relationship that his body has to surrounding forces. That recognition enhances brain capacity to think and visions are carried through desire to extend living. However in anything (decision) that human brain is undertaking, he has to oblige to what relationship exists between his brain interaction and the surrounding body. These two time gaps simple expose the human brains ability to use laws in making decisions such as the one of formulating universe. Therefore universe operates on laws which directs how the current universe should operates so as to sustain living that is scientifically developed by human with using scientific knowledge to mediate the relationship between himself and the surrounding environment. *From these previous writing we reveal that first time evolution is ahead of second time evolution process. That is why the current universe remains to be simple object with no power on them, with capability to continue to hold power through laws having attached to direct how they should operate. But because current universal features are just objects, they cannot sustain for themselves for a long period of time. That simple means that strategies need to be adopted so as to re-vitalize the continued sustained living under the universe which operates on constant laws which are attached to mediate the overall universal operation. However that dream is not achieved from dry compound, it requires precinct scientific understanding of primary and secondary laws that work to direct the universal operation. It also requires deep understanding of how come did time counteracts the current universe to which man lives. That could be realized from studying the current universal laws, their origin as described by scientist and the relationship they depict to the current universe. From knowing that fact you are in a position to realize that current universal features have no power on themselves, but it is laws that direct their use. They are developed from forces which have always been there and not laws. Laws are a product of forces to man’s brain capacity to think. Therefore laws are primarily external to the current universe having invented by human brain. Therefore there are primary laws and secondary laws which act to

direct the operation of the current universe and they are primarily external to the universal features such as earth, moon, sun, stars etc. The time constraints are then understood from mega-theories of evolution from understanding of all laws found operating in the universe. Then the time, distance and material and space could be merited to understanding of theory. Hence solutions presented are not just empty words but they carry power on themselves because they are laws too. In other hand the master cannot come and use the geometry and algebra to rule and develop the earth surface features on himself because that brings him closer to the current universal surface, where there are already ruled and developed surface features which also carry laws . The ruling and developing of the earth surface features carried by him might work very successfully, however the presence of geometric features such as earth moon and stars will clash to the newly developed features. That simple means that the master need to keep a distance away from the current universe when he use the ruling and developing of the earth surface features.

The Ruling and Developing Theory: In other hand, one cannot rule and develop the earth surface features if he does not touché the earth surface in his bare foot. That simple meant that the master need to be in two places simultaneously. However a truthful converse followed that one cannot rule and develop across two universes versus the current existing universe and the proposed universe if he has no direct contact to either of two universes side by side. That pushes the master to develop another human being who shall act as scientific apparatus to respond to the scientific expressions. That person needs to be boosted to acquire brain characteristics similar to the ones of the master of law invention. But most importantly, the scientific apparatus needs to be able to realise human brain relationship to the surrounding environment and universe at large. That simple means that there are complex scientific procedures to take place right from period at which a person that is born with characteristics of human brain with capability of responding to scientific expressions imposed by the master to initiate processes of second round universal evolution. That is why the young boy to whom this scientific research is developed is said to be an observer participant. In this research observer participant was largely defined with respect to development of multipurpose hyperbola. In this scientific philosophical abstract, one could have asked why the master not chose to rely on Christ as someone who has happened to inherit a living on the current universe. Why the master of law invention is choosing to also rely on that Anglo Black Chinese, who is a South African Zulu boy. That question could have been wise because it could have indicated that we are writing scientific philosophy that is getting red by people who are conscious of lies and who have capability to reason across two different scientific apparatus having been developed. It was possible to rule and develop through Christ alone; however there is a need for a ‘head to head collision process’ which could take place between Christ and the young boy. That is a process which takes place with respect to a young boy getting assimilated to a cow with sharp horns so as to run and collide to the head of Christ. That collision process is followed by development of parabola, the hyperbola and then the series of conic section development process on which projection of geometric features are carried scientifically which is called the multipurpose hyperbola. That is where the master is capable of ruling and developing the earth surface features through the use of geometric and algebraic operation imposed on the hyperbolic expressions. That is where we noted the development of conic section which sought to touché the two main point of axis of the hyperbola such that a circle like objects which was developed could be further developed through the use of further advanced

mathematical systems which often used to count area, volume, radius circumference etc. The integration of primary and secondary law within a single body of human being could not have served the modern interest of new universal development if the observer participant failed to complete the scientific expressions paused by the master

through the use of

geometric and algebraic expressions . The observer participant does not need to always remain active in responding to expressions paused in the multipurpose hyperbola , as the continuous development of the multipurpose hyperbola reached it mature stage where nippa developed with one curvature section looking down while the other looking up. The series of straight lines were introduced to complete the ruling and developing of a cone to stand up as a properly projected cone, which was eventually covered by series of contour lines like interval which are used to mark distance /height on regular topographic maps. As soon as nippa cone was developed, it got snapped apart with the upper cone ascending to disappear with the sky and the lower nippa remain to face down according to the observer participant view. That simple proved that part of multipurpose hyperbolic cones having ruled and developed scientifically through the use of human brain as a responding scientific apparatus must remain on earth on which there is human to whom the proposed universal expression are performed directly to yield instant results aimed at displaying universal features in the vacuum space. Therefore the multipurpose hyperbola is primarily projected through the responding scientific apparatus as an intention of ruling and developing the universal features from ground truth. The fact that nippa conic sections are similar indicates that the values needed to be duplicated so that anything that is done to the upper cone will reflect the real scientific parameters that are red from the ground truth .Then the process of forcing the law to be integrated to one single body is said to have begun for some time ago even before the act of developing and ruling of the earth surface features is taking place. The main bottom line is the need for active observer participant to remain as automatically responding technical scientific parameters to the expressions imposed by the master. Therefore the laws are playing a complementary role because they are already known from master of law invention point of view. That will allows the master to be able to utilise the multipurpose hyperbolic values to extract the empty vacuum/space where the proposed universe is to be displayed .At the same time the expressions paused by the master to the multipurpose hyperbolic cone corresponds to the ground truth information that is found on earth. That is where there is young boy who is fully prepared to offer responding scientific parameters to the master’s expressions. The final conclusion to that is the fact that the integration of

primary and secondary laws has help to overcome time taken to make the proposed universe to be less long compared to the one taken to bring about invention of current universe. Therefore the laws are at centre of evolution, and they have existed in form of forces with no proper direction and or will. But the emergence of human being with evolvement of universal forces gave a meaning to forces because he starts to manipulate their use for the benefit of his living. That is why it is important for an individual to realise the relationship that his brain has to the surrounding environment and current universal forces (laws) at large. That does not only end by offering the sense of developing the precautions used when one is taking decisions about daily activities but it also enhances the human brain vision of understanding what human evolution processes may offer to current universal dilemmas which is earned through living on earth that has laws which counteracts time ahead of leaving, with an intention of leaving the time before leaving unaffected. The time before leaving is left unaffected because there is no person with senses and understanding of laws behind it who shall feel pain and or die from potential genocide that the universe herald. Therefore realising that we are leaving in two planets on one help us to fear the surrounding environment and develop ability to question the aim behind the presence of primary and secondary laws which are said to act to redirect the operation of the current universe. This scientific truth is very much relevant with respect to the presence of the young boy and the universal scientist to whom the understanding of integration for the primary and secondary laws is developed even before one come to realise the meaning attached to scientific development of the multipurpose hyperbola. The aim behind the development of multipurpose hyperbola is to bridge a time gap ahead of time and the current capacity of the current universal body to carry human living on earth. Therefore this is not a personal issues but it is a universal issue which touches the continued sustained living of human specimen in the universe at large. The responding scientific apparatus is said to be able to release instant results from the expression paused in the multipurpose hyperbola. The successful operation of the multipurpose hyperbola will allow for continuous development of new universe to which man can live. This is going to be a universe which has earth like surface features including trees, water, animals and people. That is why we are arguing that time and law recognition are most important factors that human need to consider when resolving around the issues of universal evolution and trends of loss of living. Therefore it is quintessential to realise the presence of laws acting to direct objects right from the beginning. Thereafter one is in the position to realise those time, raw material and distance constraints. Once that is clearly realised one is in

the position to study laws and constraints with intention to describe how are master’s brain like or what is he thinking. In doing so the observer participant is not aware that he might happen to be the one who take a role to substitute the master of law invention, whereby he is going to find himself becoming a scientific apparatus which is going to be used by a master to express how proposed universal laws (scientific laws) are used together with a responding scientific apparatus to bring about development of new living universe similar to mother earth. Once that is accomplished, new universe is built out of him, which means that all following brain master bodies are a cradle of his master plan. You should have wondered why some people could leave their comfortable families and choose to go to university where they are aiming at acquiring a degree. The matter of fact is not about getting a degree; however it is a well ordered society which felt in human brain with sound working mind that was capable of observing challenges offered by universal living. All what they are doing is to give you lesson that shall offer you skills which are going to be important along the process of surviving the continued living. But after having seen those lessons get passed to you hand, experience grows, you begin to realise that the enormous task is beyond the human mind capability of understanding those surrounding universal laws. That is when you begin to worry of what was a motive for carrying such universal living ahead if living is counteracted by the time ahead of time human brain evolution. But after having critically engaged with time, distance and raw material factors evident from working system of primary and secondary laws, you begin to realise that living on such universe was not a mistake . It is a time that exposes itself to be older that the overall universal evolution. But most importantly it exposes you as a master who possessed human brain that brings about paradigm shift processes of current universal invention. It exposes the current universal invention as nonrandom plans which are carried through the knowledge of wise man. As wise as those scientific processes are, they remain to be forever younger from evolutional processes which took place during the first and foremost time at which there was no presence of human brain except the non-used forces. That is time and forces ahead of living remain reckless so as to revitalise your living. It is a human brain that is meant to realise the relationship to the surrounding environment so as to adopt principles and roles that mediate upon his continued living. In doing so the laws are born. Therefore such laws are just basic roles having been adopted with respect to obligatory measures taken to select surrounding environmental forces which are beneficial to continued living. The same basic rules are then further developed to help to bring about the advancement of human brain development in understanding its relationship with surrounding environment. Afterwards, desires and vision will grow to

human brain. Those desires will be guided by basic rules for acquiring sustained living. That is why laws are older that the objects to which they act. It is because objects are someone’s plans which grew as a vision of his mind. Therefore laws reflect a certain meaning attached to someone’s vision. In human brain, a process of interrogating and managing every single law to reach a stage of further advancement could be possible, but that process could take place only and only if human brain realise the relationship between itself and the surrounding environment. That simple meant that laws can be controlled; manipulated and even get upgraded. Therefore knowledge is power and not just what is learnt. The knowledge need to be grown and implemented time to time. It could have been such a deep embarrassment to live in a universe which is depicted by simple simplest laws mediating upon the current universal operation and fail to undertake step ahead from current universal dilemmas brought by so called Anthropocene. Summary of Constraints Time: First time evolution: refers to a period at which there are universal evolution forces not in use due to absence of human brain. Human brain has not always been there, however he is a cradle of the universal body which is his surrounding environment. That statement is applicable everywhere as we noticed that human body is also a part and parcel of rock material. It also continues to earn living through the use of surrounding gases and available resources. First time is counteracting invented universe through demanding solutions aimed at revitalisation of living on earth. If the time constraints remain undiscovered with respect to law, time would counteract living, laws and bring the current universe to an end. Second time evolution: That marks the evolution processes on which human brain evolved. That process does need that one adopt the explanation given in this scientific abstract so as to understand the second time evolution. But it requires on to acknowledge the scientific fact that current universe is a model reflecting the visions of man. The period at which human brain evolved are counteracted by the time and forces which have always been there before human brain evolution. The laws are product of how human interact with surrounding environment until certain meaning is developed and adopted to maintain continued living. Human brain evolution marks the paradigm shift at which different human has evolved to use his vision to manipulate the existing laws and enhance his living through inventing current universe to which human lives. The time counteracts living and thereby exposes the current

universe that it is operating under laws attached to them so that they direct and shape the overall operation of universe. The universe surrounding our body is same like a suit that has to undergo through wear and tear process due to its usage. The time exposes the current universal features that they have not always been there and therefore they are man architect design. That is a design which operates on power and energy as initiated by the human brain through acknowledging the obligatory rules to continued living. Similarly human brain needs to learn obligatory rules of living so as to maintain continued living. Holistic View of Time Constraints: Time is hindering process of continued human living and universal evolution across different views. The current universal evolution took a very long time to complete evolution. That is evident when one look at current universal evolution stages that depict geological universal time scales. That is where it is clearly indicated that there was time on which human life could not survived living on earth due to absence of gases and relative high temperatures than normal condition for human survival. That exposes current universal invention process that took a time consumptive path. Consequently, we could not survive the future living if we are to follow the very same procedure in adopting strategies for inventing yet another life sustaining universe. The solution is to force the primary and secondary laws to get diffused into a living human being so as to convert him into a responding scientific parameter that shall yield instant results to any expression aimed at projecting earth surface features and thereby bring about invention of proposed universe to which man can live. This solution could not be understood from narrow scale, it needs one to merit it to the understanding of current existing universal laws. That is why several scientists were quoted so as to illustrate meaning attached to ruling and developing of the earth surface features. Distance Constraint: One cannot rule and develop from two different universes including the proposed universe and current existing universe if he has no direct contact across two universes simultaneously. That is a statement which appears from Ruling and Developing Theory. That statement is contrasted by the presence of earth current universal features such as earth, moon, sun etc. The multipurpose hyperbola entails the ruling and developing processes on which human being (responding scientific system to which all laws are diffused and integrated) is used together with expressions aimed at emitting instant outcomes for real phenomenal universal features which will act as universe to which living is sustained. The projected figures are going to come up with laws attached to them and that is going to clash with the laws attached to already existing universe. That meant that the distance between

current universe and proposed universe need to be kept apart. That is going to avoid counteraction of laws and geometric figures across different universes. The distant constraint also get realised as soon as the view of adopting laws as means to create planet is realised for it offered a different picture on potential catastrophe that the ruling could result if it is not carried through the responding scientific apparatus prepared by human brain. This method is going to work very successfully as dangers are given consideration through substitutive principle that aimed at allowing human living on earth to remain as an observer participant to processes of law integration aimed at recycling power and human brain ability to make informed decision. Material Constraint: It might have sounded very stupid to think that human brain could not be able to make another universe outside of depending to human being on earth because it was possible right from the beginning to inherit the current universe which is a product of human vision. The fact is that time limited the processes for current universal evolution to be too much delayed. Therefore central point is the relative slow progress towards achieving proposed universal goals through the use of primitive models. Therefore the use of primary and secondary laws together with scientific apparatus and multipurpose hyperbola are means through which time is going to be overcome. Human being is a part and parcel of rock material and therefore unto his body and brain are excessively fast scientific responds earned from any scientific expressions relating to relationship to him and the surrounding environment (cradle to grave systematic relationship). If the primary and secondary law through which the current universe operates, the converse also follows that they could be shaped and redirected to work according to human brain vision of inventing another human living universe. The perfection and courage of achieving that dream lies on the fossil evidence that human has been able to maintain continued relationship with current surrounding universe even through manipulation of scientific decisions and meaning carried by human brain and body relationship to the surrounding environment and the current universe at large. Conversely , it was mentioned that basic principles depicting how the continued living is maintained through recognition of relationship that exist between human brain and the surrounding universal forces , which means that current universal laws were founded through knowledge developed out of how the body interacted to its surrounding environment. The laws are developed with careful studied knowledge of what are limitations of human body living to the surrounding environment. For that careful experience one could conclude that human brain is at centre of decision making, however laws mediating to

obligatory measures that need to be taken so as to protect and prevent living from getting disturbed by the surrounding universal force are all integrated into decisions taken when designing the invention of universe to which man can live. That prehistoric relationship is the very same vision which allows the law to be reversed to also work for force of good which merits the current existing universal laws in bringing about development of brand new life sustaining universe. That is where theory of inverse relationship between dark and light forces apply That theory sought to assert that where light forces dominate dark forces are extinguished ( retrieved/hidden). That means that the dark inclined forces cannot take single position with light inclined forces. That law sought to look at relative location of sun light from earth. It said it far remote distanced . It also tried to look at the fact that there were stages of current universal evolution of the earth on which human living was not present at all. Those are the ones which are evident at geological time scale. It merited that to the fact that those stages were marked by presenc of heat which rose temperature above the optimal level of human suyrvival. The very same concverse was then carried forward to argue that in areas where heat energy has to occupy same position with human brain which is dominated by darkness, heat energy must be retrieved. That is where one could notice the fact that heat energy is generated from the earth surface features such as coal, electricity and gases. That truly reflect the strategic system of meriting the co-existence for dark and light carrying forces. Furthermore it was argied that the earth could have been very well cpable of emitting its own light and sustain its people from that light. However that could not work successfully if the dark and light carrying energy / forces did not yield smooth result if they were mixed together. Therefore this law does not goes very much deeper than human intllectual mind capability as we are capturing it today. Theory of Primary and Secondary Laws: Any Unversal Feature ( has got law attached to direct and shape its operation . Laws have not power on themselves , but it is their master who invented them with power. Theory Of Ruling and Developing( how can surface features be ruled) : One cannot rule and develop from current universal features if he has no direct contact to either of the two universes including the current universe and the proposed universe simultenously. Die Multipurpose Hyperbolic Theory:

Universal Objects could be ruled and developed if the human being is raised as scientifric apparatus to which scientific expressions aimied at projecting the earth surface features so that geometric figures are ruled and developed . The multipurpose hyperbola produce instant outcomes from epressioins pausedscientifically in responding apparatus to yield solutions aimed at prodcing instant result carried throug universal laws. This theory couild be called Reversed Law Tension as it is carried to perfom task that was perfomed by primary and secondary laws to bring about the current existing universe. The theory is mad possible through prior stages of diffusion and integration of primary and secondary laws into one single body so that they are used during the ruling and development of Multipurpose Hyperbola . The multipurpose develops from relaising the time , distance , raw material and space constraints. These constraint goes further than realising the time counteraction processes which result from act of first time to counteract human brain and living found on earth such that one observed that people are living in two universes at once. But it also look at precations that need to be taken when one has to rule and develop the current universal features on to be projected on top of the already existing ones. The ruling and developing theory and Multipurpose Hyperbola are too much linked , therefore no harsh penalties are going to be paused if oneconfuse the two terms. However everyone is expected to understand close connection with respect to time , distance, materiala , space and law perspcetive. All of these basic powerpoint constraints need to appear to readers mind during reading sessions . Otherwise , complex mathematical methods offered , were just there to enhance undertanding of these theories but these theories could be successfully understood outside of doing these scientific expressions . This is indeed a scientific phylosophy of new universal invention unto the cradle of sekletal borns of Maphumulo Mthokozisi Ntokoso who is referred to as scientific apparatus in this abstract. It is a true story and not a fiction. This theory could have sounded like engineering , however simpler case studies are attached so as to give further explaination to what is carreid by dry compounds. Extra-Sections: How possible it is that a more recent young boy could invent and drive a living universe similar to the current existing one. Which degree of intelligence qualified such as young boy to carry that task on? The story began by mentioning that the young boy to whom the hope of invention of new universe is rooted is a product of English Flower (Queen Elizabeth II) which is physically moved from North to South before her mother was cloned. Some year back before 1984, a jet helicopter crashed from gardens close to her mother household in an area called Sogidi Reserve. This event is followed by

heavy rain which is named after Domoina. Severe Tropical Storm Domoina in 1984 caused 100 year floods in South Africa .

In South Africa, rain does not get any bigger than that, it was a pure scientific plan directed at watering an exotic flower to which future generations are cloned. In 1984 the year a young boy was born to be named Mthokozisi Ntokozo maphumulo. Twelve years later, he got to go to chase after living stock. That is where he is found double cloning himself through a flower. As early as he was nine years old (9 years) grey dark blue spots are spread in front of the eye. That was a sheath of soft layer which began to move few months later at that stage of development. Today that spot is serving to zoom current universal features. It remain unknown who uses that tool. One can add that a tool connect the internal folder to external folder of a brain. This dark green sheath proved to be a complete human brain as the boy was getting accepted at university. That is where he could play a solitaire card game until eyes become tired. However, the eye on the left hand side seems to fail to resume from pain. But today more concrete evidences of an evolution of human being with brain in the eye are emerging. The young boy has seen a map plan of a new universe. In the eye each and every scientific manipulation is seen. But this story is unbelievable if one does not understand the multipurpose hyperbolic theory. The multipurpose hyperbolic theory does not tell us stories out of individual observation that may be discredited by those who were not physically present during the event. They are developed from scientific understanding of evolution of universal laws as traced from Isaac Newton and all other prominent theorist who write under science law.

*********The End**********

References Maphumulo MNA(2013) ‘The Scientific Philosophy of New Universal Invention through Primary and Secondary Laws: Overcoming the Anthropocene through time, distance, raw material and space constraint binoculars’, University of Natal. pp(1-330) Email : Alternative Email: Call: 0760952963

Call Directly : 0607544202 NB 1) The Second Edition will be fully referenced and it will speak of remote sensing. 2) The Third Edition will speak of flower and Angelos Sociology 3) The Forth Edition will speak of His life in England and South African Context.

Highlight of second edition. Remote Sensing Errors: Chief Mnguni of South Africa challenged the idea of Angelos that heaven is grey gold in colour . After having seen Angelos’s dark , grey gold spots which were forming a brain on the eye on his right hand side , they decided that the error committed could be verified by the use of Geographic Informative System. Angelos himself was not a person who allowed his religious beliefs to climbe above scientific factors . But for the purpose of Remote Sensing specific case study , he was even more lucky that he has been a GIS assistant at University of Natal. The following at the outcomes which came from Remote Sensing Errors he committed during his observations: Remote sensing is more interested to energy that emanate earth surface . That energy is measured using sensour mounted on the aircraft and or space platform. When has acquired measurements , he then use them to construct an image of the landscape beneath the platform.

Data Source: Aragon : Geographic Informative System web developer

Platform is an object to which remote sensor device such as camera is attached . Otherwise platform on it won has nothing to do with remote sensing , wiithout recognising the importance of elevating a sensor ( camera) up agaist the ground so as to acquire an image data . Energy coming from earth surface is important as it is used to form / detect an image.( But how ). The reflected light is very important for recording of an image. That simple means that parts of an electromagnetic spectrum

which are used to cupture an image mostly rely on reflected light for recording the image characteristics. For most of us , telling one image rely on reflected light for recording image could be extremly dismal confision. That is due to the fact that reflected light is in form of invisible wavelengths used in remote sensing which are outside ( invisible) of the range of human vision. gws_rd=cr&ei=Wjg8Uo6REcfatAaN6IC4Ag#q=remote+sensing+data+image+ hl=en&lr=&id=ETfwQnBMP4UC&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=Remote+Sensing+Errors:&ots=FVZjfTCYLk&sig= tPGmfqxmIAAUwriP7GNouu3oxBc#v=onepage&q=Remote%20Sensing%20Errors%3A&f=false



“The Scientific Philosophy of New Universal Invention through Primary and Secondary Laws�. The current entire population of post year 2000 was so intelligent but so blind to accept to accept and even discover that universe (of earth) is not an evolution to itself. Even theories that came to explain how universe actually evolved were more concentrated in explaining scientific processes of evolution. But that left alone could not arrive to an answer to question of what and how did universe evolved. Christian historians also came to write something concerning God through complex relationship that existed between man and Holy Spirit. However that left alone also achieved nothing since everyone appear same under the eyes of pure human being who earns living on that planet called Earth. That debate has been going for a number of years even before education took a step to shape the understanding of universal evolution. For many years there has been no straight forward truth concerning how universe actually evolved did. The truth concerning how universe actually evolved only just did emerged close toe year 2007. A University of Natal student who studied Geography and Environmental Management took an independent research aiming at discovering how and how did universe actually evolved. His study discipline is somehow different from previous scientific studies concerning evolution because it takes place when a number of researchers have tried to engage with a topic concerning universal evolution through their subject discipline. But in this book a University of Natal student did something different by introducing a theoretical discourse aiming at explaining all necessary forces that took place before evolution took place. Those theories are found accurate and sound only because they do not simple stem from how a student view a universal evolution. Instead a student concerned only began by viewing all relevant scientific laws concerning universal evolution. That also includes a number of scientific laws and theories aimed at explaining how the universe operate. For example there are cases where one caught a university student not only quoting but also referencing Isaac Newton in explaining some theories. In other hand of ones reading ability (including you ) it is important to acknowledge that that scientific philosophical book of evolution is not like a law book where one expect to see some commandments divided into sections . This scientific philosophy on evolution was developed by extremely and terribly scary smart student. The study in question took 18 years which simple meant study also involves scientific discoveries that were covered even before a student joined a university. There will be studies concerning evolution as thousands and thousands of scientists are so concerned about evolution however it is an irreversible scientific discovery to mention that no scientist will arrive at point where a University of

Natal student reached. If future scientist must reach a point where they will understand how universe evolved did then they need to follow from how a university student who wrote a book called “The Scientific Philosophy of New Universal Invention through Primary and Secondary Laws� came to lay his theories.

That book has a number of theories including: a) The Theory of Primary and Secondary Laws b) The Theory of Ruling and Developing of earth surface features c) Die Multipurpose Hyperbola Theory d) The Theory of Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light Carrying forces. e) Time Counteraction Theory f)

Human Brain Evolution /Congruent Status of Human Brain

The most valuable theory of that university student in that book is the one concerning the congruent status of human brain. That theory follow after he argued that evolution could not have taken place for many years until Human Brain was formed. He added that there was nothing that has always been there therefore he meant there was a time when there was no universe at all. For that he is laying a statement that evolution did not evolved through itself but it only took place soon after Human Brain was fully developed. That is where many slow learners would struggle to develop a sense of what sort of human brain could have existed prior to universal evolution since we all know brain only through a scanning of the one that is found on human beings who is found inhabiting the universe. But that human being also resides on earth and nor he is a universal modeller. There is a necessity for a careful reading and listening skills to grasp how a university student concerned arrived to explanations of how the human brain evolved.

It is important to remember that a student in question is

curious individual who took a research that followed a pedagogue of numerous scientist who laid laws about universal functioning including Isaac Newton. There is absolutely nothing to subtract and or argue against this scientific philosophical discourse but there could be something to add. That is because a scientific book contains extremely intelligent knowledge

beyond the capacity of so called abstract or just law to cover certain topic of scientific query. This book is a scientific discourse with all levels of scientific query. Most importantly it is scientific philosophy that is written by a scientist who test, evaluate and explain how theories came about. Indeed a theory of the evolution marked a serious shift from the entire scientific

Brief Outline of a Theory: Thee Congruent Status of Human Brain The Theory of Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light Carrying forces. The theory of The Congruent Status of argues Human Brain before evolution took place only darkness occupied the entire space. Then it list many steps that took place during darkness stages until the human brain was actually developed. It then sees conditions for universal development as desires of human brain and not an anathema naturally evolving forces left alone. However it is not to deny scientific processes that took place before the universe is made. Then that meant universe is part and parcel of desires of human brain. That is why it was argued that this theoretical discourse does not qualify a student whose education level is bellow masters or still doing masters. In addition this theory does not qualify to be viewed for teaching a person at school level. It is a theory for professional academics whose education level is far beyond teaching, indeed this is a theoretical discourse. Then why and or how did it then formed part of professional academy? That is because it was written by an academy who has an intention to invent another universe. Then today we are learning what that university student has achieved following the study aimed at uncovering how universe evolved even with evolvement of human brain from ‘The Congruent Status of Human Brain Theoretical Perspective’. Then individuals with competent skills of reading scientific philosophical discourse in question would start to worry about how, where and why did such human brain developed. Once again human brain developed in the darkness, a period where there was no any universal feature such as the sun, earth and or even stars. In addition to that it would be very important to indicate that there was time when there was no human brain at all. Therefore that simple meant that darkness is a primary stage of evolution whether one liked it or not. That book does not simple refer to darkness as an empty cycle as it also discusses various cycles that took place until human brain was developed. a)

g) The Theory of Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light Carrying forces.

Another interesting theory that a university of natal student wrote is the one concerning the inverse relationship between dark and light carrying forces. Remember that student behind the Masters’ and Honours level of education do not qualify to read this theoretical discourse. This discourse was not designed to teach but it was designed by intelligent individuals looking to invent another universe. However one could test these theories using scientific models and found them to reveal successful scientific facts. Since that course envisages all aspects of science, then there has to be a thorough understanding of why did that scientific

discourse embarked from being a pure applied science lessons as are physical science and chemistry or even biology. A subject of query is diplomatic in nature and the worse of all is that it envisages hidden knowledge about evolution. That is a most debatable subject and most funny thing about it is that it tend to leave historian other than scientific philosophers creating their own holy ghosts of some kinds. But this scientific philosophical discourse does no holy ghosts nor it going to argue against scientist. Instead this book is taking off from various scientific theories mainly written by Isaac Newton, Dmitri Mendeleev and many more other scientist. The grouping of knowledge underwritten by these various scientist is referred to a set of Primary and Secondary Laws. These are scientific laws that are found explaining what shapes and directs the interaction of universal features/ objects that are seen or unseen.

One could simple open any book underwritten by Isaac Newton , Dmitri Mandeleev and or Boyle’sLaw to cover how law help to ‘shape’ and ‘direct’ how universal objects interract with each other. Indeed that is a pure indication that the emergence of theories from university student are a matter of succession and rather not one’s genetic brilliance . Then one may argue that scientific theorists have a careful method for inventing new ideas based on their competent knowledge earned from careful screaning of previous scientists. If a matter inheritted from guinine scientist with compent knowledge about a scientific query then chances are that following rulling about discoveries yields scientific outcomes with a potential to uncover and cover complex scientific phenomenon about previous and future scientific mistry, hence that could serve to prevent our universe from failing to withstand forces that bring about known to uknown disasters agaist living in the scientifically evolved universe. This simple meant that this student could have done absolutely nothing if he did not start by screening all necessary scientific laws written on universal forces . But because a student did started by looking at where do universal laws used to explain complex interaction between universal objects descern , then his theories are viewed as succession. Indeed if those theories emerged with respect to response from how pioneer scientist viwed universal forces then a scientific theory for a university student in question has a bright go ahead. Then one remaining question is the one concerning how doesa student in question views scientist ..that he could even add to develop scientific (philosophical) theories on top of thousand to milion literature written on scientific evolution of universe. A university student noted that scientist have a good tendency for naming theories. Many theories are named after their theory founders or theory developers . Indeed we often view Physical Science and Chemistry books with theories given the names of people who developed scientific query and discover certain law or ‘theory’. However certain tilt or inclination of information happens especially when knowledge concerning a subject query is passed from generations to generations. The knowledge that is being distributed come in form of Law or Theory having been tested and proven correct. But when next generations come across with a problem that goes beyond explaination of a known rule , common law or theory – they would reflect to a theory and not to the man who writes a theory directly. This situation is unavoidably . However

some scientific phenomenon concerning what went through the scientist’s brain during a discovery of theory remain hidden to be known by himself .Then scientist tend to cover the scientific steps most of which includes steps , culculations and methods . History and other crew of scientist appear to write however too late than what could think of reckoning of what was going on during the actual behaviour of an acting individual who discovered a scientific rule , knowledge of theory and or law . This is also caused by a time gap between generations and in that instance theory and history becomes important . Then this unavoidably status of human brain to acquire information from scientific sources laid by its founders to appear to be written as laws , rules and theories is the called The Congruent Status of Human Brain . We are arguing that there is a relative simultenious dislocation of hman brain to human who is supposed to explain about it during subject enquery. This status of human brain is impossible to notice because to each and every man one resides with his brain that he cannot help to question what it has gained from scientific discovery . A man is sharing one body with his brain but when a brain is lost life is almost tormented because a body has no full expression over its use. That what defines The Congruent Status of Human Brain. The Theory of The Congruent Status of Human Brain helped a university student to see that there is a constant process of ignoring questioning universal evolution as most of people would only just think it a supernatural scientific process . Universal Evolution is not a supernatural scientific process that took place automatically. Universal evolution is found to be a scientific process that took place following complex stages of human brain development which took place in the DARKNESS. Then darkness is primary source of universal evolution and life itself. Darkness is astage that has been present even before human brain and or earth was invented. Human brain was only capable of developing in the darkness. Another Scientific Discovery that a university student present is the one concerning an inverse relations ship between light and dark carrying forces.

The Theory of Inverse Relationship between Dark and Light Carrying forces. Dark and Light Carrying Forces are found refusing to take one common location. If the dark and light carrying forces are found taking one common location then it follows that either of the carrying force must be retrieved strategically. Then a converse follows that where light carrying forces dominate light carrying forces must be retrieved and vise versa. Or where Dark carrying forces dominate then light carrying forces must be retrieved. Then this argument went to mention that this relationship happen due to the fact that human brain was primarily developed in the darkness before the light carrying forces were invented . That proves that dark carrying forces could exist even before brain develop as primary source of human brain. But Human brain could reckon and practise to form light . Therefore the light carrying forces also emerged soon after the human brain desired to form light. But

that does not meant light was totally upsent during human brain evolution processes as light evolution simple shows that darkness levels were not same. So that meant brain is a product of darkness concentration across different layers that forms a body of darkness. Indeed if that is happening neatly an arrangement of layers could develop and then pressure at centre of darkness . The pressure could need to be released and that is a an impulse . However an impulse could be followed by a stimulus amd stimulii. If that happened repetitive stimulii could develop into a nucleus and later on a brain . Indeed it clear that first human brain constituted more than one to trillions of human brain consuming darkness. Relationsip between oldest oldest older and new brain could exist but certain level of relationship existed. Human brain was developed because of existence of relationship between older human brain that leave through engulfing or consuming younger or newly developed brain cells. However it clear that mutuallism , parasitsm and commensalism existed since newly developed brain cells were escaping darkness concentration but to find new accommodation to human brain in less dark region outside. Then if the newly developed human brain is practically developed it has to reckon meaning attached between darkness and light carring forces . That is why sunlight is relatively located far to the earth where most organism with human brain lives . Even electrical componets that carry light seem to retrieve fire through wire resistance , since wire enable fire to cross from fire sources to stoves and electric components where human lives . But why do human being not touch fire with their bare hands or emitt light themselves instead of relying on sunlight. Does that not covers a whole conversation about the fact that dark and light carrying forces cannot occupy one possitions and then where dark carrying forces dominate light carrying forces must be retrieved. Now technoscientific modellers stick to scientific rules having been tested because even human brain design allow them to reckon what level of heat damage is permitted across areas where human living is concentrated.

The Theory of Ruling and Developing of earth surface features

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