Harrismith Map Questions Grade 11-12

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NAME & SURNAME : COURSE : Reg. Number : Task

Maphumulo PGCE –Geography 207503878 Group Work

Question 1: If the distance between Queen’s Hill in block C2 and Walton station in F4 measure is 18 cm, determine the average gradient between these two areas. (Hint: use trig. 299 and contour line next to station reads 1640). Question 2: What may have prevented King’s Hill Plantation to expand towards North West? Question: 3 Account for reason(s) why would rivers along the ‘Zig Zag Path’ in Block ‘A 4’ flow towards the south east direction. Question: 4 Discuss reasons why the most south part of a map is used for farming. Question 5: Give the Grid Reference of a dam next to Kaya Lami in D3. Question 6: Account for reasons why north east part of Harrismith is largely urban. Question 7: Calculate the area covered by the Golf Course area between block A1 and block A2 in topographic map. Question 8:

In which direction do you think Wilger River flows? Question 9: There is something peculiar about Wilger River more specifically when you watch it from its ends. What are geological factors for this river situation? NB: You may use the drawing below to help in explaining this situation.


Question 10: a) There is extremely intense concentration of contour lines towards North East Corner of the map. Give a geological reason concerning why could such land mass developed? b) Look for Sunnymede and Hollandia in Block E2. What nature conservation would you device for areas around Sunnymede and Hollandia provided there are wild animals and other aquatic ecosystem inhabiting the river. Question 11 In the topographic map Look at block A1 and C2 on the map paying attention to the road called N3. Look the similar sections on the orthophoto map provided. Provide a reason why would a road turn towards the South West direction as it approaches C 2. Question 12 What would be a direction in terms of true bearing that will be followed by an aeroplane that need to land next to R3 on spot height 1614 when it is coming from Queen’s Hill. (Hint use trig beacon and spot height provided).

Hence, otherwise explain what precautions you may give a pilot as the aeroplane as he fly towards C2 and B2. Question 13: Look for G2 and G3 on the topographic map and answer the following question. Why would G2 and G3 be remain very susceptible to erosion? (Hint use your map reference). Question 14: Describe the type of city plan of Harrismith as it appear on B1 and B2 on the topographic map. Where possible, comment on the urban settlement pattern of Harrismith. Question 15: Given the scale of Orthophoto map is 1:10 000 and the scale of topographic map is 1: 50 000 a) Which of the map between these two has large scale resolution. b) What necessitated the co-existence of complex convergence of more than one roads network to cross each other towards C1 and C2? Bonus Question: c) If the N3 road towards South East direction is leading towards Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, which other South African province do you think the other end of N3 road towards the north west direction is leading to? d) Does a topographic map spot A5 represents a Plateau ‌ *explain your answer?


Question 1: If the distance between Queen’s Hill in block C2 and Walton station in F4 measure is 18 cm, determine the average gradient between these two areas. (Hint: use trig. 299 and contour line next to station reads 1640).

Average gradient = G


VI =

Vertical Interval ( Verticakl Interval ) Horozontal Equivalent ( Horizontal Distabnce ) VI ( VD ) HE ( HD ) 1757.2 – 1640

= 117.2 m Given distance = 18 cm Therefore HE = 18cm x500 m since this is topographic map ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

G = =


HE = 9000 m G


117.2 m 9000 m

117.2 m/117.2 m 9000 m/117.2 m 1 76.8 G = 1: 76.8

Question 2: What may have prevented King’s Hill Plantation to expand towards North West? There are many reasons i) ii) iii) iv)

The plantation is situated next to a road which prevent it to expand towards the north east direction The land towards the north east is reserved for tourism (hint look at tiny housing spots with plantation and large dams). These areas have The area is becoming too much mountainous as you approach far north east direction which is unsuitable for cultivation. This is a scheme to prevent mono-cropping etc.

Question: 3 Account for reason why would rivers along the Zig Zag Path in Block A-4 Flow towards the south west direction. The land is steeper from north east direction, so that allow water to follow a slope towards lower part of the mountain. The slope rise as you move in the opposite direction of the flow of rivers. (learners can also say anything about contour interval / contour lines). Question: 4 Discuss why the most south part of a map is used for farming. a) There is lot of space as there are no many city building constructions taking place b) There is abundant water from dams and rivers. This water is used for irrigation.

Question 5: Give the Grid Reference of a dam next to Kaya Lami in D3. 280, 18’, 23’’ S 290, 09’ 30’’ E

Question 6: Account for reasons why north east part of Harrismith is largely urban. In Harrismith map there are evidence of mining excavations which are sources of capital building. Harrismith is located in area that has water for agriculture. The main road and other road network converge to the city and this allow a city centre to either absorb or market what it manufactures in and around the city. The road network includes road transport and railway line. The area is becoming more urbanised with advancement of city infrastructure city residential buildings, tourism sites, hospitals and clinics, Question 7: Calculate the area covered by the Golf Course area between block A1 and block A2 in topographic map.

Question 8: In which direction do you think Wilger River flow?

According to this map a river flow towards the north west direction. For learners it is not easier to depict because it has two close ends which makes it not clear to compare water flow according to catchment, tributaries and even broadness of river. This is pretty much good as it demands learner to recall looking at contour lines to depict where lower lying areas are. This assist a learner to be able to depict water movement. In addition to that learner need to recall types of drainage system. For example, the Wilger River flow may be associated with trellis or rectangular flow. At the same time, the river have evidence of floodplain as you can see some clear patches of dams associated. So, that makes it to look like a deranged pattern in which there are series of dams as if they were formed by melting of ice glacier from mountains. The river is too wide so as you follow, it changes all forms of drainage patterns. The river system is not young it has undergone through many process and that is as a result of the rock strata that is found in that area. This area is pretty much complex. This question was designed to test learner’s critical thinking skills. Question 9: There is something peculiar about Wilger River more specifically when you watch it from its ends. What are geological factors for this river situation? NB: You may use the drawing below to help in explaining this situation. i)

Erosion: There are evident cases of erosion as this river appear to have profound meandering shape. The winding sides is due to corrosive activity of water carrying


rock material from upper lying areas. Ice glaciation: In this area there are high lying mountains, the ice prefers higher lying altitude. But due to gradual heating with climate change and global warming ice smelt to loose water into major rivers such as Wilger River. There are industrial areas in and around Harrismith and that could influence increased rate


of heating to influence the increased rate of glaciation. Harrismith area has a mix of higher lying mountains and flat areas. There is a contrast of water flow to continue to move faster when it reaches flat lying surface. This causes water to begin to go in a zig zag shape which encouraged meander. The water divide themselves to escape from flat area. That is part of


reason why there are many drainage pattern operating on one river. The rock strata The rock strata is not the same. In other part there are soft rock while others are brittle or hard. Hard rocks would not encourage river erosion. The river changes

direction in times heavy storm looking to discharge of water. That creates new water paths on which waters may erode the ground to open new path as channel. When the heavy storms and floods ends new dams are constructed nearby the main river. Additional reason v)

Mining disturbed water flow and that resulted to creation of dams.

Question 10: a) There is extremely intense concentration of contour lines towards north east corner of the map. Give a geological reason concerning why could such and mass developed? b) Look for Sunnymede and Hollandia in Block E2. What nature conservation measure would you device for areas around Sunnymede and Hollandia provided there are wild animals and other aquatic ecosystem inhabiting the river.

10 a) This is due to volcanic activities. a) The plateaus form as magma deep inside the Earth pushes toward the surface but fails to break through the crust. Instead, the magma lifts up the large, flat, impenetrable rock above it. Learner may not be penalised for highlighting anything concerning continental plate activity such as convergent, divergent margin. A drawing may also be accepted if learner felt like to use it to explain this question. But a drawing must be drawn in a lead pencil and be labelled in a pen. b) The area must be fenced to protect animals from being injured by passing transport on the roads The area must be conserve as animal reserve Fishing activities taking place in this area must be controlled Protect area from fires during times of droughts etc. Learners are marked for anything that show they can see what forms of nature is in this area. 11) Question 11

In the topographic map Look at block A1 and C2 on the map paying attention to the road called N3. Look the similar sections on the Orthophoto map provided. Provide a reason why would a road turn towards the South West direction as it approaches C 2. The area has a Hill. So the road constructors were trying to avoid steep slope. Learner need to observe that the contour lines have small space apart as you approach the Hillbrow Hill. The less the space apart in between the contour lines the higher the mountain elevation. (gradient variation). Question 12 a) What would be a direction in terms of true bearing that will be followed by an aeroplane that need to land next to R3 on spot height 1614 when it is coming from Queen’s Hill. (Hint use trig beacon and spot height provided). b) Hence, otherwise explain what precautions you may give a pilot as he flies the aeroplane as he fly towards C2 and B2. a) 3300 b) -The Aeroplane need to fly higher as there is a mountain. - The aeroplane must avoid flying over the city building to avoid crashing with city scrappers, where applicable to this town.

Question 13: Look for G2 and G3 on the topographic map. Why would G2 and G3 be remain very susceptible to erosion? (Hint use your map reference). These areas are mountainous but lying close to erosive river and they are prone to erosion. Indeed the map reference show erosion sand and tight contour lines in this area. The Orthophoto map expose this area with its lack of vegetation cover. This may also be accelerated by deforestation.

Question 14: Describe the type of city plan pattern of Harrismith as it appear on B1 and B2 on the topographic map. Where possible, comment on the urban settlement pattern on Harrismith. Where does that help the city to control its function? Grid plan, grid street plan, or gridiron plan

This is a type of city plan in which streets run at right angles to each other, forming a grid. Frequent intersections facilitate pedestrian movement. In the CBD, the layout of street in a city affect individual’s ability to obtain the agglomeration benefit that they are seeking. Grid pattern enables the ease movability of transport and goods in and out of the city. The CBD is a place where major economic activities are integrated and by making a grid pattern you enable the city to be more accessible. The industrial sectors and other business expansion influence the frequent intersection of transport. In other words the Harismith grid pattern plan speed up vehicular flow. Learners need to mention that people gather into city to acquire urban economic benefits. The grid street pattern lay out allow promote interpersonal contact. For example the Harrismith map show maximum number of grid street pattern and that maximise the total land value because road pattern reaches different ends of the city and that enables different areas around the city to be able to access key economic sectors. Grid pattern in intersect at right angles and this is conducive to save the space compared to irregular shaped street patter. Right angles house are easy to build and it is easy to integrate it to underground parking. This can be cost effective measure to facilitate the city’s ability to drain the resources in and around the city areas. Indeed around Harrismith there are mining, forests and plantation. The resources are drained from the areas surrounding to be processed to be sold as finished product. The grid pattern is suitable for adaptation to city change such as those associated with demographic changes. As population increases the concentration of city function is decentralise and the road network encourages traffic to divert easily. Grid pattern is good for future planning as size and shape of city might change with respect to change of CBD activity due to increased population. Question 15: Given the scale of Orthophoto map is 1:10 000 and the scale of topographic map is 1: 50 000 a) Which of the map between these two has large scale resolution. b) What necessitated the co-existence of complex convergence of more than one roads network to cross each other towards C1 and C2?

a) Orthophoto map has larger resolution because all map features appear larger. Learners need to understand the fact that resolution refers to amount of details you will be able to see. Topographic map has too much information featured on the map. Features are

very small and you make use of symbols to verify a feature on the topographic map. In contrast, Orthophoto map shows the 3-d view of the actual map features. b) - The bridge construction -The intersection of roads and railway line - The intersection of roads with main road called N3. -The alignment of CBD activities to road network to and from resource centres. Bonus Question: c) If the N3 road towards South East direction is leading towards Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, which other South African province do you think the other end of N3 road towards the North West direction leads to? d) What type of land mass does topographic map spot A5 represents ‌,*explain your answer? a) Gauteng b) Plateau According to topographic map: The area is elevated from the ground. But as you reach to the top of a land mass the land becomes flat. The contour lines are very much spaced apart. The plateau develops as a result of magma pushes underneath the ground and fail to break through the earth crust. The volcanic lava lift up the large flat impenetrable rock, above (to lift it up ). The end:

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