Population Density

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ROUTINE INFORMATION Hillview Secondary School

Name of School: Student Surname and Name:

Maphumulo Mthokozisi

Student Number:



10, 11, 12




Population distribution and density

Content /Concept Area:

Population distribution and population density

CAPS page number:


Duration of Lesson:

45 minutes


July/August 2018

Specific Aims: To impart map work skills for analysing and interpreting information. To develop understanding of distribution and density also on the map.


Learners should gain

Skills Learners should be able to do

Value /Attitude Learners should acquire

knowledge and

following :

values and attitudes conducive to :

understanding of the following : Define , analyse and depict

Explore world population

Acknowledge skills of being

population distribution

distribution on a map.

able to demonstrate ability to use map for demonstrating

Define, determine and analyse

Draw a map and illustrate the

world population density Acknowledge ability

population density

population density









picturesque distribution Approaches / Teaching Strategies:


Role plays. Case studies Class discussions. Questioning. Whole class-discussion Group Work Resources: OHP/ Transparency Calculators Chalkboard Newspaper Worksheet Lesson Phases: Introduction: To introduce this lesson, I will ask learners to define a term population distribution and population density. Following then I will show learners photographs in which learners must identify sparse versus the densely populated area. Learners would also respond from open ended questions. Through narration I will also make learners to able to see lesson objectives. Briefly population distribution refers to how people are found spread / scattered over an area. The map often use a dot to show where and or how a certain number of people are scattered. Population density is a measure of the number of people in a square kilometre (1km 2) . In areas where there are lot of people in square kilometres, then the area has dense population. But in areas where there are few people in square kilometre then the area is experiencing sparse population. In fact there are three main types of population pattern including, a) Dispersed population b) Clustered pattern and c) Linear pattern Development: Population refers to people who are found within a given area. Population distribution shows how people are spread out over in an area. Population density refers to the number of people in a square kilometre.

There are three main type of population pattern including dispersed pattern, clustered pattern and clustered pattern. Group - work: Working with population distribution and density information. : Turn to page 187 and give answer to the following questions? Figure 4.2: and 4.3 The two pictures are showing the two pattern of population type including sparse and dense population. For the learners they must identify these two pictures and mention what are factors that may give rise to the type of pattern that arises. As a demonstrator and a teacher I will ensure to guide learners from communicating all ideas to discussed and also make a conclusion in which they shall need to develop their notes. As they discuss, I will ensure to make their corrections in form of class report. They will respond through responding from questions asked. Questions asked

Define a term population? Explain what population distribution is? Explain what population density is? List two types of population pattern Explain what population pattern revealed in figure 4.2 and 4.3 If population density is given by Population density =

Population Area

, what would be the solution from the following

example: Determine the population density of area region which is 100 km 2 on which there are 1000 people in it. Express your answer in number of people per square km.

Hence explain what does the answer you got entails.

Assessment: -

Students are going to examine a map showing the word population and density in pages 188 and 190. They will respond from the interactive map chart drawn. Students are now examined what level of map interpretation they possess. Here we will be examining if they understood the terms population density and population distribution. For example where the population is dense, students must be able to say there are many dots. In the case of the example given, 1 dots represents 100 000 people. Oval dot is used to represent 100 000 people. However the square dot is used to represents Cities with population above 8 million. In this case we are using map interactive skills to interpret and analyse both the population distribution and density. Students must be able to analyse the world’s population density, these are map skills. They look at the map of interactive chart in which figures, colours and labels are used to interpret, analyse and define information, e.g. page 190. Consolidation and conclusion:People locate themselves in a certain pattern that creates pattern of population distribution. Then people distribution only considers how people are distributed across the world map. You and I ought to discover what factors influencing population distribution. There are three main types of population distribution including dispersed pattern, clustered pattern and a linear pattern. Dispersed pattern is where people are spread out across the region. In this type of population distribution pattern people are not nucleated or clumped together. Another one is clustered pattern, which is directly opposite to the idea of dispersed pattern. In the clustered pattern people are spread out across the region, meaning they are nucleated or spread evenly in the map. The linear pattern is the one on which are arranged along the line. This may be associated with a farmstead on which people a found to share their commuter zone along the main road or freeway. . The land along their neighbourhood may be reserved for farming. The mountain barriers may also influence the linear patter population distribution. Finally population density is the measure of the number of people in square kilometre ( 1km 2). In areas where there are lot of people in square kilometres have a dense population? Areas with few people in share kilometres have sparse population. The formula for calculating population density is given by Population Density =

Population . Area

Comparing city urban areas to the rural farmstead one could see that cities have dense population while farm areas have sparse populations. When looking at the world population combined one can observe that large clusters of population are found in South East Asia, South and Eastern Asia and Europe. The interactive chart helps us to pick up population

density in the world map. Students must get used to use colours to depict / analyse the world pattern of population density. I that case geographical skills and techniques ranging from map reading, interpreting of graphs and analysing skills are applied. For example the maps seem to show that Singapore has the highest density but there is less population. Then students needed to account for the cause for that geographic phenomenon. In this case Singapore shows that it has large population but its places are less overcrowded, which implies that there are diverse alternative means of living as their economic hubs. What causes the concentration of people on a one area is limited source of economic development. If a country experience uneven economic growth, then people are found clumped in one areas.

Memorandum: Define a term population?

Population: the total number of people found living within a certain area. Explain what population distribution is? Population distribution shows how people are spread out over an area. Explain what density and also make sense of what population density is? Population density is the total number of people found in a square meter (1 km 2). In areas where there are large number of people in per square km, are said to be densely populated. Density population itself is concentration of number of things found in an area etc. Population Density =

Population . Area

NB: - Always remember that i) ii)

The value ( 10 in this example ) The unit of measurements: people per square kilometre (which can also be written as people / square kilometre / people per km2.

List three main types of population pattern a) Dispersed pattern: - a pattern in which people are spread out across a region. b) A clustered pattern: - a pattern in which people are grouped or nucleated in one part of a region. c) Linear pattern: - a pattern in which people are arranged along a line. Explain what population pattern revealed in figure 4.2 and 4.3 Figure 4.2 shows a city in which population is of Hong Kong in which population is denser than the one in figure 4.3 – a farm Karoo. Therefore farm Karoo has a sparse population while city in question has dense population.

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