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Mount Angel
Elaine M.
Annen Doll Museum
879 W. Wilco Hwy. in Mount Angel Festhalle. elaineannendollmuseum.com.
A collection of over 500 vintage and modern dolls. See page 14 for more info.
Oktoberfest Joy
Intersection of Main Street, A delightful bronze statue inviting visitors into town, celebrating the world-famous Mount Angel Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest. JIM KINGHORN
Mt. Angel Sausage Co.
105 S. Garfield St. mtangelsausage.com
A Mount Angel favorite, offering a wide-range of its famous meats, full restaurant and bar, and a European-style market.

Evergreen Golf Course
11694 W. Church Rd. N.E.
A nine-hole course set among the lush farmland just outside of Mount Angel.
Mount Angel Academy & Normal School
980 S. Main St. The Benedictine Sisters ran their school from an impressive building that stood from 1912 – 1993. Now occupied by the Father Bernard Youth Center.
Queen of Angels Monastery
840 S. Main St. After emigrating from Switzerland, the Benedictine Sisters founded their monastery in 1888. The campus is currently in the process of transitioning functions.
Providence Benedictine
540 S. Main St.
This care facility was built by the Sisters in 1957 and is now operated by Providence Health & Services.
Schmaltz & Sons Warehouse / Wilco
190 S. Main St.
Nicholas Schmaltz’s original warehouse and landmark grain elevator operated by Wilco tragically burned down in 2021.
Willamette Valley Railway
Wilco Hwy. near Garfield St
The Willamette Valley Southern Railway electric line took travelers between Mount Angel and Oregon City, 1915 – 1925.
Mt. Angel Creamery & Ice Co. SE corner Church & Garfield streets. Operating from 1912 – 1969. One of the buildings still stands as part of Mt. Angel Vitamins –across the street from Mt. Angel Sausage Co.
St. Mary Catholic Church during Oktoberfest.

St. Mary Catholic Church
575 E. College St.
The fourth parish church – and second on this site – is a GothicRevival masterpiece that was completed in 1912.
St. Mary’s School
590 E. College St.
Constructed in 1921 as a Catholic school, now St. Mary’s Public Elementary School – rebuilt in 1997.
Mount Angel Abbey mountangelabbey.org
E. College St. near Abbey Drive.

Monks from Engelberg, Switzerland founded the community of St. Benedict in 1882. The campus features a museum, café/gift shop, and a library designed by Alvar Aalto. The monks’ Benedictine Brewery is located down the hill at 400 Humpert Lane NE.

The Palmer House
E. College St. near Abbey Drive
Site of the 1853 land claim by pioneer and Mount Angel’s first school district director, John Henry Palmer.
White Corner Store
490 W. Church St.
Built in 1900 to serve as a neighborhood goods store, it was operated by the Ebner family until 1979. Now occupied by Mt. Angel Mercantile, a décor and gift shop.
Weissenfels Blacksmith Shop
110 Sheridan St.
Built in 1902, later operated by the Weissenfels Bros., some of the original equipment remains inside. Now occupied by Touch of Bavaria imported clothing shop.

Der Maibaum –

The Tree of Trades

S.E. corner of Charles & Garfield streets.
A tribute to the trades and services that built Mount Angel.
The Glockenspiel

190 E. Charles St.

Constructed in 2006, this musical timepiece celebrates Mount Angel history daily: 11 a.m., 1, 4 and 7 p.m.
The Saalfeld House
195 E. College St.
In 2010, Henrietta Saalfeld bequeathed her family’s home (built in the 1890s) to the city of Mount Angel as a community resource.
View of North Main Street
N.W. corner of College & Main streets.
A look at the oldest known photograph of downtown Mount Angel, taken in 1898.
Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
90 E. College St.
The passenger and freight depot was in service from the late 1880s to the 1920s.
Bank of Mt. Angel
95 N. Main St.
Founded in 1905, the Bank operated into the 1930s. Now occupied by Chic Skape, coffee-clothing-nail salon.
The Mount Angel Heritage Trail is a walking tour of historic markers with etched photographs.
Stations of the Cross walkway continues to Mount Angel Abbey.

Oregon Garden
879 W. Main St. Open daily, seasonal hours. An 80-acre botanical garden featuring more than 20 specialty gardens, the Rediscovery Forest, amazing water features, garden art, wetlands and much more.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Gordon House
869 W. Main St. thegordonhouse. org See page 6 for more info.
Silverton Commercial Historic District
on Map.
Shops and galleries include Lunaria Gallery, Apples to Oranges, The Wild Dandelion, and Serenity Home & Spa Shoppe. Other historic downtown hallmarks include antique shops and restaurants.

Silverton Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center
426 S. Water St. Mon.Fri., 10 am - 3 pm (+ Sat. over summer).
Silverton Country Museum
428 S. Water St. Weekends, 10 am - 3 pm, March – Nov.

Homer Davenport’s political cartoons, original train depot, and WWII-era lookout.
Silverton Community Pool
601 Miller St. Open year-round.
Coolidge-McClaine Park
300 Coolidge St. Pavilion, playground, walking paths, creek access, and restored splash fountain tell the story of this century old, forested park.
Silverton Marine Park & Reservoir
4381 Silver Falls Drive. Open daily, seasonal hours. Fishing, boating (no-gas motor), hiking. $5/vehicle day use fee.
Gallon House Bridge
Gallon House Road. See page 6 for more info.

Drop by learn about more local activities. silvertonchamber.org

Silver Falls Timber Co. • Hwy. 214 near Jefferson St.
Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms • 990 N 1st St.
Orville Roth, Grocer • 918 N. First St.
The Mammoth Camera • 441 N. Water St.
Norma Jean Branstetter • 1301 N. Water St.
Don Pettit, Astronaut • Water & High streets
Davenport’s Arabian Quest • Wolf Bldg., Water St.
The Veteran • 207 E. Main St.
The Old Oak Tree • 213 E. Main St.

City of the Falls • Main St. Bridge
June Drake, Photographer • Main St. Bridge

The Town That Still Believes • Main & Fiske St.
Adventures of Bobbie • S. Water & Lewis streets
Gallon House Bridge • Lewis & S. Water streets
Keith Kaser, Walking Man • Lewis & S. First streets
Homer Davenport, Cartoonist • 205 S. First St.
Canyonview Camp • 204 Oak St.
Paws for Love • 306 Oak St.
Steam Engine Festival • First & High streets
Silverton Airport • First & High streets
Silverton Pet Parade • 600 First St.
9/11 & American Wars Memorial • 500 West C St.
Silverton Red Sox • C St. near James St.
Our Twentieth Century • C St. near James St.
Silverton Healthcare History • C St. near McClaine

Doug Brown, Cowboy • C St. and Silverton Rd.
The Oregon Trail • 1787 Pine St. in Bethany