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Events Calendar


Oregon Garden

Daily, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. April - Oct. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Nov. – March. Seasonal rates, children 4 and under are free. Tour the botanical features of this 80-acre attraction, including themed gardens: water, children’s, Northwest, pet-friendly, the Rediscovery Forest and much more. Tram tours available.

Silverton’s First Friday

Monthly, 7 - 9 p.m. Various downtown Silverton locations. Visit galleries, shops, restaurants and boutiques. 503-873-5615

Lunaria Gallery

Tuesdays – Fridays, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cooperative gallery of regional artists, with a ground floor exhibit of new work every month from a member. Upstairs Loft gallery features guest artists. Featured shows debut at First Friday opening reception 7 - 9 p.m. lunariagallery.com

Oregon Crafters Market

May – October, Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sundays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. High & Water Streets, Silverton. An outdoor market space featuring local arts and crafts vendors, and live music on the Rong Stage. oregoncraftersmarket.com

Silverton Farmers Market

Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. May – Oct. Fiske Street, Silverton. Indoor market continues at Silverton Friends Church through Nov. and Feb. – April, 10 a.m. - noon. silvertonfarmersmarket.com

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Gordon House Tours

See page 6 for seasonal schedule. The Gordon House, 869 W. Main St., Silverton. Usonian home designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Reservation required. thegordonhouse.org

Open Alpaca Barn Tours

Daily, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Marquam Hill Ranch. Meet and learn about these camelids and shop for quality alpaca goods. mhralpacas.com


Wine Tastings

Hanson Vineyards

Saturdays & Sundays, March – Dec. Noon - 5 p.m. hansonvineyards.com

Paradis Vineyards

Saturdays & Sundays, Noon - 5 p.m. paradiswine.com

Pudding River Wine Cellars

Wednesdays – Saturdays, March – Dec. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sundays 12 - 5 p.m. puddingriver.com


Saturdays & Sundays (except Easter Sunday), March – Dec. 12 - 5 p.m. vitisridge.com

Wooden Shoe Vineyards

Wednesdays – Sundays, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. woodenshoe.com

September 2022

Mount Angel Oktoberfest

Thursday – Sunday, Sept. 15 – 18, Mount Angel. Founded in 1966, Oktoberfest is the biggest folk festival in Oregon. Features: Bavarian food, crafts, music, dancing, car shows, fun run, free children’s activities, and so much more. oktoberfest.org

October 2022

Silverton Sidewalk Shindig

Saturday, Oct. 1. Downtown Silverton. Dozens of musicians perform on the sidewalks and inside businesses all day. Free.

November 2022

Christmas in Historic Silverton

Get a jump on holiday shopping by visiting bazaars in Santa’s second home. 503-873-5615

Thanksgiving Weekend Wine Tour

Friday – Sunday, Nov. 25 – 27. Sample wines at the boutique wineries of the Cascade Foothills Winegrowers. cascadefoothillswines.com

Silverton Christmas Market

Nov. 25 – Jan. 1 (except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day). Oregon Garden Resort, Silverton. Stroll through a dazzling array of lights, Santa, German artisanal crafts market, biergarten, carolers, snowless tubing and more! Prices: silvertonchristmas market.com

December 2022

Silverton Tree Lighting Ceremony

Friday, Dec. 2, 6 p.m. Tree lighting at 7 p.m. Town Square Park, Silverton. Santa Claus lights Silverton’s tree. 503-873-5615

Mt. Angel-Silverton Hazelnut Fest & German Holiday Market

Friday – Sunday, Dec. 2 – 4, Mount Angel Festhalle. Featuring regional arts, crafts, and foods, especially hazelnuts. hazelnutfest.com

Holiday Festival at Silver Falls

Date TBA, South Falls Lodge, Silver Falls State Park. Make a wreath, gingerbread house, cards and ornaments. Storytelling, music. $5 per vehicle day use fee. friendsofsilverfalls.net

January 2023

First Day Hike

Sunday, Jan. 1, Silver Falls State Park. An organized circuit of onemile hikes to kick-off the year. friendsofsilverfalls.net

February 2023

Mount Angel Volksfest

Friday – Saturday, Feb. 3 – 5. Mount Angel Festhalle. Celebration of German sausage with music, dancing, German beers and wines. mtangelvolksfest.com

Silverton First Citizen Banquet

Saturday, Feb. 25. 6 p.m. Mount Angel Festhalle. A celebration of volunteer achievements of the previous year. silvertonchamber.org

March 2023

Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival

mid-March through early May. Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Explore 40 acres of dazzling color, tram rides, hot air balloons, children activities, wine tastings. Plus, Tulip Trail Run 5K, 10K and half-marathon. For prices: woodenshoe.com

April 2023

Earth Day at Oregon Garden

Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Oregon Garden. 21st annual day of educational activities and presentations for the family. Free admission, $5 donation suggested. On-site parking $5.

May 2023

Chamber Golf Tournament

Mid-May. Evergreen Golf Course, Mount Angel. Scramble format golf tournament and Silverton Chamber fundraiser. Open to both Chamber members and non-members. 503-873-5615, silvertonchamber.org

Birding & Wildflower Festival

Saturday – Sunday, May 13 & 14, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. South Falls Lodge at Silver Falls State Park. 44th anniversary of bird watching at the Falls, plus live raptors, native plant display, guided hikes, and plant sale. Free. $5 per vehicle day use fee. 503-874-0201, friendsofsilverfalls.net

Kiwanis Club Silverton Pet Parade

Saturday, May 20, 10 a.m. (line-up starts at 9 a.m.) Starts at Coolidge and Main streets. A Silverton tradition since 1932, for pets and children of all ages. Free. silvertonpetparade.com

Petal Pedal

Date TBA, 6:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. Starts and ends at the Oregon Garden. Scenic country roads and unrivaled support for the riders as they explore the Silverton area. Routes are 100-mile; 70mile; 50-mile or 30-mile. Limited to 1,500 riders. Register at: petalpedal.com

Memorial Day Wine Tour

Saturday – Monday, May 27 – 29. Tastings and events at boutique wineries in the Cascade Foothills. cascadefoothillswines.com

June 2023

Free Fish Day

Saturday, June 3, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Silverton Reservoir. Everyone is invited to fish in the reservoir – gear available. Shuttles from town. Contact Silverton Together, 503-873-0405

Frank Lloyd Wright Birthday Celebration

Date TBA. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Gordon House, Silverton. Tour the only Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home in Oregon. Fee $5. Games, prizes, cake. thegordonhouse.org

Silverton Hills Strawberry Festival

Sunday, June 18, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Coolidge-McClaine Park. A tradition of enjoying strawberries, shortcake and whipped cream in the park. Music. homerdavenport.com

July 2023

Silverton Day – July 3rd Celebration

Monday, July 3, 6 p.m. Fireworks begin around 10 p.m. Oregon Garden. Residents and visitors enjoy music, activities and fireworks. Free admission for everyone. $5 for on-site parking. oregongarden.org

Mount Angel Fourth of July

Tuesday, July 4, Mount Angel. Old-fashioned celebration starts with a parade at 11 a.m. Fireworks at 10 p.m. at Mt. Angel Middle School. mtangelchamber.com

Saint Benedict Festival

Saturday, July 8, Noon - 4 p.m. Mount Angel Abbey. A summer afternoon with the monks at a gourmet picnic with wine, beer, lawn games, behind the scenes tours, and more. Tickets: $50. mountangelabbey.org

Art in the Garden

mid-July – Sept. 30. Oregon Garden. Invitational outdoor art installation exhibit in the garden, launched with an artists’ reception, with live music and wine tasting. oregongarden.org

Music Mondays

mid-July – late August, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Old Mill Park, Silverton. Family-friendly, evening concerts on the grass. silvertonfriendsofmusic.org

Canterbury Renaissance Faire

Saturday – Sunday, July 22 & 23, 29 & 30, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Just north of Silverton on Hwy. 213. Jousting, sword fighting, royal court, magicians, blacksmithing, and marketplace provide an entertaining time travel experience. canterburyfaire.com

Abbey Bach Festival

Wednesday – Friday, July 26 – 28. Mount Angel Abbey. 52nd annual three-day Classical music celebration Includes picnic buffet supper. See website for admissions. mountangelabbey.org

August 2023

Mount Angel National Night Out

Tuesday, Aug. 1. N. Garfield Street between E. Charles and College. Free hot dog barbecue. Meet the neighbors. Sponsored by the Mt. Angel Police Dept., Mt. Angel Fire District, and Mt. Angel Chamber of Commerce. 503-845-9291

Homer Davenport Community Festival

Friday – Sunday, Aug. 4 – 6. Various locations in Silverton. Arts & crafts fair, food vendors, music, Silverton Flywheels classic car show, Hometown Parade, brew fest, Homer Classic fun run, Davenport (couch) Races, International Cartoon Contest exhibit. Free. homerdavenport.com

Lions Club Harvest Breakfast

Saturday – Sunday, Aug. 5 & 6, 7 a.m. - Noon. Coolidge-McClaine Park, Silverton. 75th annual fundraiser tradition: pancakes, eggs & ham are served in the pavilion to support community service projects. 503-931-1346

Scotts Mills Founders to Future Generations Weekend

Date TBA. Scotts Mills. Harvest fair, live music, car show, historical site scavengar hunt and homecoming picnic.

Silver Falls Star Party

Date TBA. 9 p.m. - Midnight. Silver Falls State Park. Go stargazing with the experts. Telescopes provided. $5 per vehicle. friendsofsilverfalls.net

Mud, Sweat & BBQ

Date TBA. Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. 5K mud run with registration fee, plus BBQ contest, micro brews and music. woodenshoe.com

Silverton Art Festival

Saturday & Sunday, Aug. 19 & 20. Coolidge-McClaine Park, Silverton. Juried art show with dozens of artists from around Oregon and the West. Music, food, hands-on activities. silvertonarts.org

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