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Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 3
20.12.2017 17:27:02
with character
We love effects!
Create highlights!
COLORADO GOLD Metallic effect paint
BERLIN FLIP FLOP Flip-Flop paint
YUKON GOLD CREAM Metallic effect cream
VEGAS GLITTER Glitter paste
HIMALAYA STONE Stone-effect paste
NEW YORK NEON Fluorescent black light paint
NEVADA RUST Acrylic rust effect
LONDON CHALKBOARD Blackboard paint
HAVANNA PATINA Acrylic patina effect
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 4
20.12.2017 17:27:03
Unique lifestyle.
Soft & Snugly.
VENICE PEARL Acrylic pearlescent paint
DECOR SOFT Acrylic soft paint
ICELAND CRACKLE Crackle paint & Crackle medium
DECORMATT Acrylic matt paint
SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE Acrylic wood glaze
DECORLACK Acrylic gloss paint
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 5
20.12.2017 17:27:09
COLORADO GOLD Metallic effect paint
Colorado gold rush: the gold particles in the red mud of the river are among the most precious things nature has to offer. COLORADO GOLD metallic paint makes every object turn to gold. White gold, yellow gold, red gold – everything that glitters is gold: COLORADO GOLD is available in 27 different colours. All the shades have a particularly intense depth of colour, a metallic sheen and a high yield.
50 ml
* also available in 225ml
784 metallic-gold* 786 metallic-red gold Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 784 Metallic Gold 00C793 / 32M / 87Y / 08B - 11/17
antique gold 784_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005784.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 786 Metallic-Rotgold 00C787 / 42M / 75Y / 02B - 11/17
metallic-copper 786_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005786.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 793 Antik Gold 08C794 / 21M / 100Y / 08B - 11/17
antique copper 793_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005793.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 787 Metallic-Kupfer 10C713 / 54M / 68Y / 00B - 11/17
metallic-orange 787_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005787.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 794 Antik-Kupfer 13C / 56M / 61Y / 32B - 11/17
794_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005794.eps Marabu - COLORADO - 713 Metallic-Orange Marabu_EVB_Home and GOLD Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 6 00C / 52M / 100Y / 00B - 11/17
20.12.2017 17:27:14
732 metallic-red 734 rose gold* Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 732 Metallic-Rot 00C733 / 97M / 87Y / 60B - 11/17
metallic-pink 732_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005732.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 734 799 Rosé-Gold Metallic-Satin 06C735 05C / 35M 08M / 14Y 35Y / 10B 12B - 11/17
metallic-magenta 734_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005734.eps 799_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005799.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 733 Metallic-Rosa 10C756 / 70M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
silver lilac 733_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005733.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 735 Metallic-Magenta 07C764 / 100M / 02Y / 00B - 11/17
silver blue 735_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005735.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 756 Flieder-Silber 10C753 / 23M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
metallic-light blue 756_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005756.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 764 Blau-Silber 36C792 / 00M / 09Y / 00B - 11/17
metallic-petrol 764_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005764.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 753 Metallic-Hellblau 100C / 06M / 02Y / 10B - 11/17 758
metallic-turquoise 753_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005753.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 792 Metallic-Petrol 100C / 45M / 00Y / 45B - 11/17 761
silver green 792_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005792.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 758 Metallic-Türkis 53C769 / 00M / 23Y / 00B - 11/17
metallic-green gold 758_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005758.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 761 Grün-Silber 30C762 / 00M / 18Y / 00B - 11/17
metallic-light green 761_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005761.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 769 Metallic-Grüngold 18C768 / 10M / 60Y / 23B - 11/17
metallic-dark green 769_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005769.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 762 Metallic-Hellgrün 46C798 / 00M / 90Y / 00B - 11/17
white gold* 762_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005762.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 768 Metallic-Dunkelgrün 56C782 / 00M / 58Y / 78B - 11/17
metallic-silver* 768_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005768.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 798 Weißgold 02C / 12M / 23Y / 05B - 11/17
781 antique silver 798_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005798.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 782 Metallic-Silber 05C / 03M / 05Y / 11B - 11/17
799 metallic-satin 782_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005782.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 781 Antik Silber 03C796 / 05M / 14Y / 08B - 11/17
platinum 781_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005781.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 799 Metallic-Satin 06C795 / 08M / 35Y / 12B - 11/17
palladium* 799_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005799.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 796 Platin 13C / 08M / 11Y / 26B - 11/17
797 metallic-zinc 796_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005796.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 795 Paladium 19C772 / 15M / 13Y / 34B - 11/17
metallic-anthracite 795_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005795.eps Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 797 Metallic-Zink 12C / 24M / 09Y / 28B - 11/17
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 7
797_COLORADO_GOLD_12640005797.eps 20.12.2017 17:27:32 Marabu - COLORADO GOLD - 772 Metallic-Anthrazit 16C / 23M / 23Y / 44B - 11/17
YUKON GOLD CREAM Metallic effect cream
In their natural state, precious metals hide their beauty. The fantastical highlands of the Yukon in Canada rewarded staying power with gold finds – until today. YUKON GOLD CREAM metallic paste is first matt after application, then after polishing it reveals its lustre and depth. How brightly it shines and reflects – just like a real precious metal – depends on the length and intensity of the polishing.
50 ml
784 metallic-gold 787 metallic-copper Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 784 Metallic-Gold 02C / 39M / 100Y / 07B - 11/17
784_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005784.eps 734 rose gold Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 787 Metallic-Kupfer 03C / 77M / 97Y / 15B - 11/17
787_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005787.eps 733 metallic-pink Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 734 Rosé-Gold 00C / 25M / 15Y / 00B - 11/17
735 metallic-magenta 734_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005734.eps Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 733 Metallic-Rosa 01C / 32M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
753 metallic-light blue 733_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005733.eps Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 735 Metallic-Magenta 00C / 75M / 30Y / 00B - 11/17
758 metallic-turquoise 735_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005735.eps Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 753 Metallic-Hellblau 60C / 00M / 08Y / 00B - 11/17
782 metallic-silver 753_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005753.eps Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 758 Metallic-Türkis 70C / 00M / 25Y / 00B - 11/17
795 palladium 758_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005758.eps Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 782 Metallic-Silber 06C / 02M / 04Y / 08B - 11/17
782_YUKON_GOLD_PASTE_12650005782.eps Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 8
Marabu - YUKON GOLD PASTE- 795 Paladium 33C / 18M / 13Y / 40B - 11/17 20.12.2017 17:27:38
167 light concrete 168 dark concrete Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -167 Beton hell 34C / 21M / 18Y / 05B - 11/17
127 sandstone 167_HIMALAYA_STONE_12630050167.eps Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -168 Beton dunkel 64C / 43M / 37Y / 33B - 11/17
136 granite 168_HIMALAYA_STONE_12630050168.eps Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -127 Sandstein 33C / 38M / 58Y / 25B - 11/17
169 stone grey 127_HIMALAYA_STONE_12630050127.eps Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -136 Granit 30C / 25M / 19Y / 58B - 11/17
179 graphite 136_HIMALAYA_STONE_12630050136.eps Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -169 Steingrau 33C / 18M / 13Y / 40B - 11/17
169_HIMALAYA_STONE_12630050169.eps Marabu - HIMALAYA STONE -179 Graphit 73C / 58M / 53Y / 60B - 11/17
HIMALAYA STONE Stone effect paste The largest mountain range in the world presents an infinite variety of impressions. Rocks and light constantly change. HIMALAYA STONE stone effect paste imitates nature – and can be easily sanded after drying to produce incredibly realistic weathered effects. The four coarse HIMALAYA STONE pastes create a natural stone look, the two fine pastes, a modern, smooth concrete look. Whether a realistic faux stone effect or an obvious industrial style concrete effect – with HIMALAYA STONE the finished work is always light as a feather.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 9
100 ml
20.12.2017 17:27:44
16 0 -1
S A L I VA -
NEVADA RUST Rust effect Set ANT
It takes time for rust to develop on things. So when metal returns to its natural state it creates a play of light like in the mountain ranges of the Sierra Nevada. NEVADA RUST rust effect paint allows rust to bloom on many different materials. For example, by dabbing on with a brush or sponge multiple shades will produce the rust effect. This not only creates a play of colours in warm rust tones, but also an organic feel.
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20.12.2017 17:27:48
16 0 -1
S A L I VA -
HAVANNA PATINA Patina effect Set
The history of a city can be told in many ways – in Havanna the details speak for themselves. Covered with a slowly acquired patina, the buildings, streets and cars give a glimpse into the passage of time. The HAVANNA PATINA paint set gives things a history and a past with a realistic patinated effect. Specially coordinated shades are companions on this journey through time, a shimmering gold tone adds accents and highlights. HAVANNA PATINA works best on light surfaces. The patina set creates a particularly realistic and three-dimensional look and feel on surfaces that have been previously treated with fine sand paste.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 11
20.12.2017 17:27:56
BERLIN FLIP FLOP Set with Flip-Flop paint AQUA
Today, tomorrow – Berlin is one of the most dazzling cities in the world. The city is sometimes young and loud, sometimes old and steeped in history. The multi-toned BERLIN FLIP FLOP paint changes its colour depending on the angle of view and the incidence of light – for objects that are not always what they seem to be. The reflections and the iridescent effect of BERLIN FLIP FLOP show best on dark backgrounds.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 12
20.12.2017 17:28:00
VEGAS GLITTER Glitter paste The Las Vegas strip sparkles at night like a diamond. Light refracts and reflects in an infinite number of rays to glittering effect. VEGAS GLITTER effect paste gives work made from various materials a multi-faceted sparkle. Use the paste with a brush, spatula or stencil. A thick application will produce a glamorous glitzy 3D-effect.
50 ml
* also available in 225ml
533 glitter-pink* Marabu - VEGAS - 533 Glitter-Rosa 551GLITTER glitter-violet 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
533_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005533.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 551 Glitter-Violett 598GLITTER glitter-aqua blue* 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
551_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005551.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 598 Glitter-Aquablau 594GLITTER glitter-sapphire 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
598_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005598.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 594 Glitter-Saphir 561GLITTER glitter-kiwi 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
594_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005594.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 561 Glitter-Kiwi 567GLITTER glitter-green* 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
561_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005561.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 567 Glitter-Grün 582GLITTER glitter-silver* 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
567_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005567.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 582 Glitter-Silber 584GLITTER glitter-gold* 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
582_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005582.eps Marabu - VEGAS - 584 Glitter-Gold 593GLITTER glitter-copper 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
584_VEGAS_GLITTER_12690005584.eps Marabu - VEGAS GLITTER - 593 Glitter-Kupfer 00C / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 13
20.12.2017 17:28:23
321 neon-yellow 324 neon-orange Marabu - NEW YORK NEON- 321 NEON-Gelb 00C / 00M / 100Y / 00B - 11/17
334 neon-pink 321_NEW_YORK_NEON_12660050321.eps Marabu - NEW YORK NEON- 324 NEON-Orange 00C / 60M / 100Y / 00B - 11/17
355 neon-blue 324_NEW_YORK_NEON_12660050324.eps Marabu - NEW YORK NEON - 334 NEON-Pink 00C / 100M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
365 neon-green 334_NEW_YORK_NEON_12660050334.eps Marabu - NEW YORK NEON - 355 NEON-Blau 83C / 01M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
355_NEW_YORK_NEON_12660050355.eps Marabu - NEW YORK NEON - 365 NEON-Grün 50C / 00M / 100Y / 00B - 11/17
NEW YORK NEON Fluorescent black light paint In New York City’s Times Square it’s never dark. The neon signs of the theatres, cinemas and restaurants try to outshine one another and compete for attention. The neon colours of NEW YORK NEON transform any object in an instant. The five brightly coloured neon shades show up to best effect on a light background.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 14
100 ml
20.12.2017 17:28:27
16 0 -1
S A L I VA -
It’s a traditional art used by pub landlords in London to advertise their offering on slates outside. Artistic writing in chalk is most effective on a smooth, even surface. LONDON CHALKBOARD blackboard paint is extremely fine and gives a particularly smooth, dense and velvety surface which can be written on and wiped off again and again.
100 ml
123 chilli 131 raspberry
Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 123 Peperoni 00C / 100M / 45Y / 12B - 11/17
123_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050123.eps 990 blue-grey deep Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 131 Himbeere 18C / 100M / 00Y / 08B - 11/17
131_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050131.eps 868 green Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 990 Graublau, dunkel 100C / 57M / 09Y / 52B - 11/17
990_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050990.eps 179 graphite
Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 868 Tafel Grün 94C / 28M / 74Y / 73B - 11/17
868_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050868.eps 875 black
Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 179 Graphit 65C / 43M / 26Y / 78B - 11/17
179_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050179.eps Marabu - LONDON CHALKBOARD- 875 Tafel Schwarz 00C / 00M / 00Y / 100B - 11/17
875_LONDON_CHALKBOARD_12680050875.eps Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 15
20.12.2017 17:28:32
Acrylic pearlescent paint AQUA
During Carnival, when pearl encrusted masks shimmer in the soft light of the Lagoon, a special magic lies over Venice. VENICE PEARL captures this light-play and lends every object a beautiful lustre and a delicate glow. VENICE PEARL pearl gloss paint is available in six particularly rich, soft shades.
100 ml
771 pearl white Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 771 Perlmutt-Weiß 00C / 00M / 00Y / 05B - 11/17
740 pearl rose 771_VENICE _PEARL_12600050771.eps Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 740 Perlmutt-Rosa 00C / 30M / 02Y / 00B - 11/17
749 pearl lilac 740_VENICE _PEARL_12600050740.eps Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 749 Perlmutt-Lila 10C / 17M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
751 pearl blue 749_VENICE _PEARL_12600050749.eps Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 751 Perlmutt-Blau 38C / 04M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
763 pearl green 751_VENICE _PEARL_12600050751.eps Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 763 Perlmutt-Grün 32C / 00M / 30Y / 00B - 11/17
775 pearl grey 763_VENICE _PEARL_12600050763.eps Marabu - VENICE PEARL - 775 Perlmutt-Grau 21C / 11M / 09Y / 23B - 11/17
775_VENICE _PEARL_12600050775.eps Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 16
20.12.2017 17:28:37
ICELAND CRACKLE Crackle paint & Crackle medium Rugged landscapes created over millions of years. The Icelandic landscape is fascinating in its jagged beauty. The two-component system ICELAND CRACKLE gives work a realistic cracked appearance. The crackle paint should be applied over the crackle medium. Once dry, depending on the thickness of the application, delicate or rough cracks will appear – perfect for a natural, Nordic inspired look.
50 ml
* also available in 225ml
400 medium clear* 171 edelweiss* Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 171 Edelweiß 00C / 00M / 00Y / 01B - 11/17
112 pastel yellow 171_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005171.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 171 Edelweiß 00C / 00M / 00Y / 01B - 11/17
129 bordeaux 171_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005171.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 112 Zartgelb 01C / 02M / 24Y / 00B - 11/17
134 powder pink* 112_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005112.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 129 Bordeaux 00C / 86M / 05Y / 64B - 01/17
148 lagoon 129_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005129.ep Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 134 Puderrosa 03C / 23M / 00Y / 00B - 01/17
159 mistletoe* 134_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005134.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 148 Lagune 39C / 02M / 14Y / 10B - 11/17
161 cocoa 148_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005148.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 159 Mistel 12C / 02M / 24Y / 09B - 01/17
177 slate grey* 159_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005159.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 161 Kakao 30C / 67M / 65Y / 70B - 01/17
161_ICELAND_CRACKLE_1262005161.eps Marabu - ICELAND CRACKLE - 177 Schiefergrau 45C / 25M / 16Y / 55B - 01/17
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 17
20.12.2017 17:28:45
16 0 -1
S A L I VA -
SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE Acrylic wood glaze
Natural wooden materials with structure and character, delicately enhanced and accentuated, make a home cosy. The Danes call this „Hygge“. SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE wood stain puts wood surfaces into the spotlight and emphasises the unique grain of every piece. SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE is easy to work with and mixable. The stain is available in nine matt colours and nine glossy satin shades.
50 ml
171 edelweiss 123 chilli Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 171 Edelweiß 00C / 00M / 00Y / 01B - 11/17 131 raspberry
171_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005171.eps Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 123 Peperoni 03C / 100M 144 light/ 70Y blue/ 12B - 11/17
123_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005123.eps Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 131 Himbeere 06C / 100M / 26Y / 24B - 11/17 264 pistachio
131_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005131.eps Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 144 Lichtblau 45C / 01M / 00Y / 01B - 11/17 159 mistletoe
144_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005144.eps Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 264 Pistazie 05C / 05M / 100Y / 16B - 11/17
264_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005264.eps Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 159 Mistel Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 18 34C / 10M / 33Y / 20B - 11/17
20.12.2017 17:28:47
169 stone grey 179 graphite Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 169 Steingrau 140 grey blue 13C / 08M / 11Y / 26B - 11/17
169_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 179 Graphit 24C / 09Mshimmer-lemon / 08Y / 22B - 11/17 520
179_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 140 Graublau 58C / 32Mshimmer-rose / 18Y / 54B - pink 11/17 534
140_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 520 Schimmer-Zitron 00C / 05M / 98Y / 00B - 11/17 531 shimmer-red
Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 534 Schimmer-Rosa 00C / 61M / 06Y / 00B - 11/17
534_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005534.eps 536 shimmer-pink Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 531 Schimmer-Rot 00C / 79Mshimmer-lilac / 24Y / 41B - 11/17 596
531_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 536 Schimmer-Pink 16C / 82Mshimmer / 00Y / 00B - 11/17 597 brilliant blue
536_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 596 Schimmer-Lila 61C / 56Mshimmer-reseda / 00Y / 00B - 11/17 560
596_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 597 Schimmer-Brilliantblau 86C / 08Mshimmer-gold / 00Y / 00B - 11/17 583
597_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 560 Schimmer-Reseda 42C / 00M / 62Y / 00B - 11/17 581 shimmer-silver
560_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 583 Schimmer-Gold 06C / 27M / 100Y / 12B - 11/17
583_SCANDINAVIAN _GLAZE_1261005 Marabu - SCANDINAVIAN GLAZE - 581 Schimmer-Silber 00C / 04M / 05Y / 02B - 11/17
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20.12.2017 17:28:51
Acrylic soft paint
16 0 -1
S A L I VA -
Hands-on art – in the literal sense: DECOR SOFT covers objects with such a velvety-soft surface structure that you can scarcely keep your hands off them. This acrylic paint with the soft touch effect transforms a variety of objects into caresses. Surfaces get a new dimension: colour becomes tangible. The acrylic soft paint goes a long way and has a high opacity.
50 ml
* also available in 225ml
020 lemon 036 coral red Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 020 Zitron red 02C / 00M / 60Y038 / 00B ruby - 11/17
020_DECOR_SOFT_14020005020.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 036 Korallenrot 00C / 72M / 55Y033 / 10B pink* - 11/17
036_DECOR_SOFT_14020005036.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 038 Rubinrot 236 pink 08C / 100M / 55Y / 37Blight - 11/17
038_DECOR_SOFT_14020005990.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 033 Pink 03C / 60M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 20 Marabu Marabu_EVB_Home - DECOR SOFT - 236and Hellrosa 01C / 32M / 00Y / 00B - 11/17
20.12.2017 17:28:56
081 amethyst 989 blue-grey light Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 081 Amethyst 24C / 44M / 05Y148 / 10Blagoon - 11/17
081_DECOR_SOFT_14020005081.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 989 Blaugrau hell 34C / 15M / 00Y990 / 00B blue-grey - 11/17 deep
989_DECOR_SOFT_14020005989.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 148 Lagune blue 39C / 00M / 07Y053 / 00B dark - 11/17
148_DECOR_SOFT_14020005148.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 990 Blaugrau dunkel 43C / 25M / 03Y092 / 40B petrol* - 11/17
990_DECOR_SOFT_14020005990.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 053 Dunkelblau 276 agave 100C / 58M / 09Y / 46B - 11/17
053_DECOR_SOFT_14020005053.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 092 Petrol 96C / 03M / 35Y264 / 12B pistachio - 11/17
092_DECOR_SOFT_14020005092.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 276 Agave 69C / 00M / 54Y115 / 07Bpowder - 11/17
276_DECOR_SOFT_14020005276.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 264 Pistazie grey* 22C / 15M / 86Y278 / 47B light - 11/17
264_DECOR_SOFT_14020005264.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 079 115 Dunkelgrau Puder grey 45C / 65B - 11/17 37C / 25M 37M / 16Y 17Y079 00Bdark 11/17
079_DECOR_SOFT_14020005079.eps 115_DECOR_SOFT_14020005115.eps
Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 278 Hellgrau 21C / 11M / 09Y070 / 20B white* - 11/17
278_DECOR_SOFT_14020005278.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 079 Dunkelgrau 45C / 25M / 16Y073 / 65B black* - 11/17
079_DECOR_SOFT_14020005079.eps Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 070 WeiÃ&#x; 00C / 00M / 00Y / 01B - 11/17
Marabu - DECOR SOFT - 073 Schwarz 00C / 00M / 00Y / 100B - 11/17
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 21
20.12.2017 17:29:03
Acrylic matt paint
271 019
247 021
u - Decormatt Marabu - Decormatt Marabu - Acryl - -271 Decormatt -Marabu Acryl Elfenbein - -247 Decormatt - Acryl Beige - 029 - Acryl Hautfarbe - 020 Zitron 031 032 004 034 00M05C / 20Y / 07M / 00B 00C / 25Y - 04/04 / 25M / 00B 00C / 40Y - 04/04 / 00M / 5B /- 80Y 04/04 / 5B - 04/04 Marabu - Decormatt Marabu Decormatt -Marabu Acryl Decormatt - Acryl Mittelgelb - 013 - Acryl Orange - 030 Zinnoberrot hell u - Decormatt - Acryl - -019 Gelb- -021 033 014/ 00B - 237 / 22M 00C / 90Y /04/04 62M / 00B 00C / 80Y - 04/04 / 92M / 00B/ 100Y - 04/04 04/04 16M00C / 100Y / 00B - 231 Marabu - Decormatt Marabu Decormatt -Marabu Acryl - 032 - Acryl Karminrot - 004 Granatrot u - Decormatt - Acryl - -031 Kirschrot - Decormatt - Acryl - 034 Bordeaux 051 25C / 100M 30C / 70Y /04/04 100M / 10B / -60Y 04/04 / 22B/ 51Y - 039 04/04 100M / 80Y / 12B - 007 00C / 100M / 69B - 292 04/04 - Decormatt - 237 Zartrosa u - Decormatt - AcrylMarabu - -231 Wildrose Marabu Decormatt - Acryl 014 Magenta Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl - 033 Pink- -Acryl 00C 20Y -/ 04/04 0B - 04/04 052 090 056 095 30M8C / 10Y / 00B - 04/04 //95M 00Y // 10B / 70M /20C 00Y 00B //- 50M 04/04
_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 247_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 029_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 020_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 021_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 013_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 030_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps
032_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 004_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 034_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 237_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 033_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 014_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 051_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 292_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 039_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps u - Decormatt Marabu - Decormatt Marabu - Acryl - -257 Decormatt -Marabu Acryl Royalblau - -055 Decormatt - Acryl Ultramarinblau - 053 - Acryl Dunkelblau -dkl. 290 Türkis _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 056_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 095_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 052_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 70M 100C / 00Y / 80M / 20B 100C / 00Y - 068 04/04 / 70M / 00B 100C / 00Y - 075 04/04 / 30M / 47B/ 45Y - 065 04/04 / 20B - 061 04/04 - Decormatt -Decormatt Acryl - 066 Marabu Marabu - Decormatt - Gelbgrün Acryl - 062 - Acryl Hellgrün - 067 Saftgrün u - Marabu Decormatt - Acryl - -091 Karibik _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 055_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 053_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 290_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 245 042 047/ 30B - 040 80C / 00M /80C 100Y / 00B - 04/04 / 00M 100C / 80Y //00M 00B /- 85Y 04/04 04/04 00M / 25Y / 00B - 04/04 u - Decormatt Marabu - Decormatt Marabu - 068 Dunkelgrün - Decormatt - Acryl - -075 - Acryl Tannengrün - 065 Olivgrün Marabu Decormatt - Acryl - 061 Reseda 066_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 062_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 067_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 278 079 00M 100C / 70Y / 00M / 60B 71C / 70Y - 045 /04/04 00M / 80B / 80Y - 008 / 58B/ 90Y - 04/04 22C /04/04 00M / 00B - 04/04 Marabu - Decormatt - 042 -Sand u - Decormatt Marabu - Acryl- -Acryl -245 Decormatt Marabu Milchkaffee Decormatt - Acryl - 047 - Acryl Hellbraun - 040 Mittelbraun _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 075_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 065_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 061_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 25C // 43M 70Y 08B - 04/04 073 782 784 070 20M 45Y // 00B 50C -/ 04/04 / 75M 68C / 90Y / 80M / 30B/ 80Y - 04/04 / 20B - 04/04 u - Decormatt Marabu - Acryl - -045 Decormatt Dunkelbraun - Acryl - 278 Hellgrau Marabu - Decormatt -Marabu Acryl - -008 Decormatt Terracotta - Acryl - 079 Dunkelgrau 042_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 047_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 040_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 787 77M / 85Y / 53B 5C - /04/04 5M//15B 5Y /-58B - 04/04 42C / 95M / 100Y 23C /04/04 00M / 00Y / 82B - 04/04 Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl u - Decormatt - Acryl - 070 Weiß- 073 Schwarz _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 008_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 079_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 20C /04/04 10Y / 100B - 04/04 00M / 6Y//10M 5B -278_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 073_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps _Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps
u - Decormatt Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl - -007 -Marabu Acryl Lavendel - -051 Decormatt Violett dkl. - Acryl - 292 Zartblau Marabu Decormatt - Acryl - 039 Aubergine 257 055 290 43M80C / 00Y / 80M / 00B / 00Y - 04/04 / 37B 44C 04/04 / 00M / 00Y / 00B - 04/04 80C / 100M /- 20Y / 55B - 053 04/04 u - Decormatt Marabu - Decormatt -Marabu Acryl - -090 Decormatt -Marabu Acryl Hellblau - -056 Decormatt - Acryl Cyan- 095 - Acryl Azurblau - 052 Mittelblau 091 067 00M 100C / 00Y // 35M 00B 100C -/ 20Y 04/04 / 30M / 10B 90C / 00Y - 066 /04/04 66M / 20B / 00Y - 062 04/04 / 00B - 04/04
Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl - 782 Metallic-Silber Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl - 784 Metallic-Gold 00C / 32M / 70Y / 22B - 04/04 00C / 5M / 8Y / 31B - 04/04
784_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps 782_Decormatt_Acryl_0404.eps
Marabu - Decormatt - Acryl - 787 Metallic-Kupfer 00C / 53M / 62Y / 30B - 04/04
16 0 -1 53 SI
S A L I VA -
15 ml
50 ml
One for everyone: DECORMATT acrylic paint is the perfect base for any piece of work and can stand alone – the huge selection of shades reflects the entire colour spectrum. DECORMATT is also suitable for a modern look: effect paints are particularly effective on its rich, matt finish. DECORMATT acrylic matt paint has been proven over decades as easy to use and high yielding. Excellent for freehand painting, stencilling and stamping – good for almost all crafting techniques.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 22
20.12.2017 17:29:19
Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 271 - Acryl Elfenbein - 029 Hautfarbe 013 230 00C / 05M00C / 18Y / 22M / 00B/ 26Y - 04/04 / 00B - 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 021 Mittelgelb Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 019- Gelb / 25M / 100Y / 00B - 032 04/04 00C / 05M00C / 100Y / 00B - 031 03/10 Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 013- Orange Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 230 Geranie 00C / 77M10C / 100Y / 00B/ 100Y - 033 03/10 / 100M / 10B 014 - 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 031 Kirschrot Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 032 Karminrot 051 00C / 100M / 100Y / 25B - 04/04 15C / 100M / 65Y / 25B - 090 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 014 Magenta Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 033 Pink 056 095 / 00B - 03/10 7C / 55M /20C 00Y // 95M 00B /- 00Y 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 051 - Acryl Violett - 090 dkl. Hellblau 052 055 100C / 100M 75C/ 00Y / 00M / 30B / 00Y - 04/04 / 00B - 04/04
nt029_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps Acrylic gloss pai271_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 021_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 019_Decorlack_Acryl_0310.eps 013_Decorlack_Acryl_0310.eps 230_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 031_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 032_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 014_Decorlack_Acryl_0310.eps 033_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps
Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 056 - Acryl Cyan- 095 Azurblau 100C / 30M 100C / 15Y / 50M / 05B/ 00Y - 053 04/04 / 05B - 290 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 052 - Acryl Mittelblau - 055 Ultramarinblau dkl. 100C / 80M 100C / 00Y / 90M / 25B/ 00Y - 091 04/04 / 35B - 062 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack -Acryl - 053 Dunkelblau Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 290 Türkis 100C / 90M / 20Y / 45B - 067 04/04 100C / 30M / 40Y / 20B - 075 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 091 Karibik Marabu - Decorlack -Acryl - 062 Hellgrün 80C / 00M / 30Y / 00B - 04/04 061 042 85C / 00M / 90Y / 00B - 04/04
051_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 090_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 056_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 095_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 052_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 055_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 053_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 290_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps Marabu Decorlack - Acryl - 067 Saftgrün Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 075 Tannengrün 091_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 062_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 100C / 00M / 85Y / 25B/ 74Y - 047 04/04 100C / 00M / 75B - 040 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 061 - Acryl Reseda - 042 Sand 067_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 075_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 045 078 30C / 00M10C / 90Y / 42M / 00B/ 70Y - 04/04 / 22B - 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 040 Mittelbraun Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 047 Hellbraun 061_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 042_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps / 85M / 100Y / 25B - 073 04/04 55C / 80M65C / 100Y / 10B - 070 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 045 - Acryl Dunkelbraun - 078 Grau 047_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 040_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 782 55C / 75M10C / 100Y / 00M / 63B / 00Y - 100 04/04 / 70B - 04/04 Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 070 Weiß- 073 Schwarz 078_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 045_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 787 / 100B - 784 04/04 00C / 00M40C / 6Y // 20M 00B /- 20Y 04/04 073_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 070_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 782 Metallic-Silber 6C / 00M / 6Y / 40B - 04/04
Marabu - Decorlack - Acryl - 784 Metallic-Gold Marabu - Decorlack Acryl - 787 Metallic-Kupfer 12C / 40M / 75Y / 00B - 04/04 00C / 60M / 70Y / 35B - 04/04
784_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps 787_Decorlack_Acryl_0404.eps
15 ml
50 ml
Varnish and colour in one: DECORLACK acrylic gloss paint gives work brilliant colour with a high shine. This classic has been fulfilling its role as a solo performer for a long time, now as a team player, it also adds brilliant highlights in combination with modern effect paints. DECORLACK acrylic gloss paint is easy to use and is characterised by exceptional colour brilliance and high opacity. Excellent for freehand painting and for almost all crafting techniques.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 23
20.12.2017 17:29:38
PICTURE PERFECT: photo box With PHOTO TRANSFER you can put photos onto different surfaces.
Style The velvety finish of LONDON CHALKBOARD blackboard paint can be written on again and again.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 24
AQUA GLOSS VARNISH protects, seals and provides a shine.
Fluorescent NEW YORK NEON paint brings colour into play.
20.12.2017 17:29:42
HIGH CONTRAST: mixed materials
COLORADO GOLD metallic effect paint adds highlights.
Style For finer accents use METALLIC LINER GOLD. HIMALAYA STONE stone effect paste gives smooth surfaces the appearance of stone – as varied as in nature.
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 25
20.12.2017 17:29:47
Marabu GmbH & Co. KG Fritz-LiekenStraĂ&#x;e 7-9 D-74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen Tel. + 49 7141 691 0 www.marabu.com/creative
Marabu_EVB_Home and Decoration_E_20-12-17_DU.indd 2
4 007751 715524
0118 - 59110 205 00122
FSC LOGO wird von Druckerei eingesetzt
Subject to change without prior notice. Differences in tone due to printing method. No liability for printing errors.
20.12.2017 17:27:02