Oscar Antonio
7522 Lisle Avenue Falls Church, VA 22043 703 - 659 - 5905
Oscar Antonio oscar.antonio.maradiaga@gmail.com www.maradiaga.net
Work Experience November 2010 - December 2011
Pezo von Ellrichshausen Architects Nonguen no. 766, Concepción, Chile +56 41 2210281 info@pezo.cl www.pezo.cl
Kulinski Group Architects 104 North West Street, Alexandria, VA, 22043 703 - 836 - 7243 steve@kulinskigroup.com www.kulinskigroup.com Junior architect at small residential architecture firm: - Measurement of existing conditions for renovation projects. - Drafting of municipal plan sets in addition to framing plans. - Design development of private residences within historically significant neighborhoods.
September 2007 - October 2008
Miller & Maranta Architekten Schützenmattstrasse 31, Basel 4058, Switzerland +41 61 260 8000 info@millermaranta.ch www.millermaranta.ch Intern architect at mid-sized, award winning architecture firm: - Concept development of competition entries in conjunction with senior architects. - Project visualization for large scale tourist resort using Cinema 4D and Photoshop. - Drafting of municipal plans for a large villa in Ordos, Inner Mongolia.
September 2001 - May 2005
August - October 2007
W.I.S.H. (Workshop for International Social Housing) Invited participation for workshop in Tblisi, Georgia for social housing. www.wish.arch.unisi.ch
August - December 2004
Center for European Studies in Architecture, (CESA) One semester studio in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.
August 2003 - July 2004
Design / Build Studio Two semester studio including summer sessions building and designing a rammed earth house in Giles County, Virginia.
Competitions September 2010
Sukkah City NY International competition to design a temporary wooden shelter to house a place for celebrating the Jewish week of Sukot (collaboration with Christine Varela).
March - April 2006
‘Campus des Bildes’, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst (HGK), Basel International competition to design a new visual arts campus in the Driespitz industrial complex in Basel (collaboration with Durisch + Nolli Architetti SAGL).
Freelance February 2012
Residential Condominiums ‘Los Nardos’, Tikipaya, Bolivia Schematic design for condominiums totaling 18,618 m2 of usable space (collaboration with Christine Varela).
September - November 2009
Concrete Garage Canopy for Enzo Prada, Mendrisio, Switzerland Schematic design, plans, 1:20 scale model, photo renderings for concrete garage canopy.
August - September 2009
Custom-made Black Polished Concrete Sink Basin, Mendrisio, Switzerland Schematic and final design, 1:1 scale model, photo renderings for concrete sink basin (collaboration with Durisch + Nolli Architetti SAGL ).
February - September 2005
Model making for San Pallegrino Thermal Baths, Mendrisio, Switzerland Cast plaster presentation model at scale 1:2000, ‘Dry plaster’ molded site model at scale 1:500 measuring 1m x 3.5m (collaboration with Architekturbüro Peter Zumthor).
Education October 2005 - August 2009
oscar.antonio.maradiaga@gmail.com www.maradiaga.net
Lead architect for the META project;10 pavilions along the Bio Bio coast as postearthquake cultural infrastructure: - Coordination of communication during design development stages between 9 other offices around the world. - Drafting of municipal and structural plans at scale 1:50 as well as presentation plans for publication of META: Ten pavilions for Chile (ISBN: 978-956-141223-1). - Management of expositions featuring scale models, plans, and lectures. March - November 2010
7522 Lisle Avenue Falls Church, VA 22043 703 - 659 - 5905
Master of Science in Architecture Università della Svizzera Italiana Accademia di architettura; Mendrisio, Switzerland Tutorship under Quintus Miller, Valerio Olgiati, Peter Zumthor. Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University; Blacksburg, Virginia Study towards six year combined program for M.Arch degree.
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August 2005
Lucy and Olivio Ferrari Studio Abroad Scholarship
May 2003
Harold Hill Memorial Scholarship
Skills Adobe Photoshop CS3, Illustrator CS3, Indesign CS3 Autocad 2008 Rhinoceros 2 Cinema 4d Vectorworks 12 Page 2 / 2