Maramures Rugs I

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Victoria Berbecaru Covoare maramureºene Sãptãmîna sau trecerea timpului / The week or the passing of the time, 2007

Expoziþie iniþiatã de Mircea Cantor

Plan B un proiect de Mihai Pop susþinut de Target Capital servicii de investiþii financiare & Finas servicii de consultanþã str. Albert Einstein 14 400045 Cluj România

natural colored wool, 57 × 170 cm each

programare vizitã: +40 742 504901

27 februarie–8 martie 2008 Vernisaj: 27 februarie 2008, orele 18–21 organizare: Bianca Comºa traducere: Anamaria Tãtaru foto: Mircea Cantor design: Eugen Coºorean tipar: IDEA design & print, Cluj

Compoziþie cu registre / Composition with registers, 2007 natural colored wool, 110 × 240 cm

A privi un covor maramureºan autentic e ca ºi cum ai mînca dulceaþa din cãmara bunicii. Din el emanã o energie ºi o forþã vizualã înscrise în simboluri strãvechi ºi forme ce au strãbãtut timpul din generaþie în generaþie pînã azi. Temele ºi motivele sînt inspirate din muncile cîmpului, din sãrbãtorile religioase sau agrare ºi din diferite alte obiceiuri ºi credinþe; compoziþia lor în spaþiul covorului ºi alegerea culorilor le dã forþa ºi viaþa: rodul pãmîntului, floarea, bradul, poarta, cãlãreþul, liliacul, vîrtelniþa, cerbul, hora maramureºanã, dinþii de lup, ºarpele, grebla, unda apei. Lîna este coloratã manual cu pigmenþi naturali: sunãtoare, coji de ceapã, coji de nucã, crusin, coajã de prun.

Watching an authentic Maramureº carpet resembles eating jelly from grandmother’s larder. It spreads both energy and visual force hidden within its ancient symbols, as well as forms crossing over time, generation by generation until the present day. Its themes and motives are both inspired by the labour on the fields, by religious or agrarian feasts and by different customs and beliefs. Their composition and choice of colours offer them their strength and life: the lord-and-ladies, the flower, the fir, the gate, the rider, the lilac, the reeler, the stag, the Maramureº round dance, the wolves’ teeth, the snake, the rake, the water wave. The wool is handcrafted, coloured with natural pigments: all-saints-wrote, onion peels, nut rinds, buckthom, plum tree bark.

Am selectat ºi reunit pentru aceastã expoziþie cîteva dintre cele mai frumoase covoare ale Victoriei Berbecaru; alegerea mea nu e cea a unui etnograf sau antropolog, mã rezum pur ºi simplu în a sublinia prin expoziþie autenticitatea acestei arte, lãsînd privitorului ºansa de a se bucura pur ºi simplu de ceea ce are în faþa lui.

I have made a selection for this exhibition of some of the most enchanting carpets made by Victoria Berbecaru; my choice is not similar to that of an ethnographer or anthropologist, I am just emphasizing the authenticity of this art, rendering the chance for the viewer to simply enjoy the works.

Mircea Cantor

Mircea Cantor

Victoria Berbecaru born in 1944 in Ciceu Mihãileºti, Bistriþa Nãsãud, Romania lives and works in Botiza, Maramureº, Romania Education 1973 Faculty of Philology, Iaºi, Romania From 1974 she moves to Botiza, where she rediscovers and revitalizes the traditional carpet making and natural wool coloring, still alive in the memory of the old ladies from the village. Selected exhibitions 1977, 1982 Botiza, Ro 1978–1979 Group shows in Sighetu Marmaþiei and Baia Mare, Ro 1983 Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, Ro (solo) The Village Museum, Bucharest, Ro 1984 The Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, Cluj, Ro 1992 Workshop and exhibition with local school, Slatina, Ukr 1994 Das Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, D The Museum of Romanian Civilization, Sibiu, Ro 1996 The Parliament’s Palace, Bucharest, Ro 1997 The Museum of the Criº Rivers County, Oradea, Ro 1998 French Cultural Center, Bucharest, Ro 2000 Tourism Fair, Berlin, D 2004 Workshop and exhibition inside the Commercial School, Vienna, A 2006 Fair/Exhibition, Strasbourg, Fr The Romanian Traditional Carpet, Romexpo, Bucharest, Ro 2007 Castle of Parma, I (solo) 2008 Centre Culturel Peruwelz, B (solo)

poster: Pomul vieþii / The tree of life, 2007

Compoziþie cu registre / Composition with registers, 2007

natural colored wool, 70 × 200 cm

natural colored wool, 80 × 178 cm

Victoria Berbecaru Covoare maramureºene Expoziþie iniþiatã de Mircea Cantor Plan B 27 februarie–8 martie 2008

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