1 minute read
School of BUSINESS
Dean, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS tracy.foster@mbu.edu
Dr. Tracy Foster, Dean of the School of Business, joined Maranatha’s faculty in 2012 to teach accounting and business finance courses. In moving to MBU, Dr. Foster retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, where he worked most recently as a financial analyst in the Pentagon for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With military beginnings in a college ROTC program, Dr. Foster experienced various aspects of life in the service—three years as an intelligence officer, and 17 as a budget officer, including support roles for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait.
Dr. Foster’s heart for ministry and his belief in the significance of the local church led him to this second career in Christian higher education. His own life experience and career development have given him a burden to see young people find God’s will for their lives and work hard to advance in their fields. “Start at a very early time thinking and praying about where God might want you to be after you finish school,” he says. “In addition, take seriously your discipline. Pour everything you can into your classes.”