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Sport Management


If you are looking for a strong foundation in business and sport management concepts, Maranatha’s Sport Management degree is for you. Courses include marketing, promotion, sales, societal issues in sports, ethical issues in sports, event planning and production, facility management, sports financing, and business law. This unique blend of studies is designed to cover a wide variety of full-time employment opportunities. In the United States alone, sport management is a multi-billion dollar industry that offers thousands of exciting job possibilities.


Career Options

• Interscholastic athletic administrator • Intercollegiate athletic administrator • Professional event manager • Youth, amateur, and recreational sport administrator • Sport promoter/marketer • City sports commission manager • Sports information director • Community relations director • Sport tourism/vacation manager • Facility manager

Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees, specialized training, or additional certificates and licenses.

alumni spotlight SAMUEL & SARAH COURTNEY

Samuel (’19) and Sarah (Wright ’20) Courtney live in Watertown, WI. Samuel graduated with a BS in Sport Management and currently works at Erin Hills Golf Course as the Assistant Golf Shop Manager. He assists in the day-today operations of the course which range from taking payments to handling accounts. He also oversees transportation services and the overnight managers. Samuel says that one of the most important skills he learned at MBU was communication. “[Mr. Steve Board] would challenge us to branch out and make connections with people even if they weren’t in our field of work. Just being able to connect and effectively communicate with a wide variety of people has helped me most in my current role.”

Business Requirements (33-36 hours) BUMG 112 Introduction to Business & Management 3 BUMI 165 Computer Applications 3 BUMG 211 Business Communication 3 BUMG 222 Macroeconomics 3 BUMG 223 Microeconomics 3 BUMG 231 Principles of Management 3 BUAC 243 Principles of Accounting 1 3 BUAC 244 Principles of Accounting 2 3 BUMK 251 Principles of Marketing 3 BUMG 422 Business Law 1 3 Business Electives (3-6 hours) Any BUMG, BUMK, BUOL, or BUAC courses Sport Management Requirements (31-34 hours) BUSP 111 Introduction to Sport Management 2 BUSP 112 Sport and Society 2 BUSP 201 Leadership and Ethics in Sport 3 BUSP 301 Financing Sport Operations 3 BUSP 302 Sport Marketing & Public Relations 3 SECO 338 Organization & Admin. of Athletics & P.E. 3 BUSP 401 Facilities Design and Management 3 BUSP 402 Event Planning and Production 3 Practical Experiences BUSP 199 Campus Sport Management Practicum 1 BUSP 298 Recreation Management Practicum 1 BUSP 299 Athletic Administration Practicum 1 BUSP 499 Internship in Sport Management 6-9

Course Distribution

Sport Management Requirements Biblical Studies Core Liberal Arts Core Open Electives

Minimum Hours Required

67 24 25 12 128

Sport Management Minor

For non-business major

BUSP 111 Introduction to Sport Management 2 BUMG 112 Introduction to Business & Management 3 BUSP 112 Sport and Society 2 BUAC 243 Principles of Accounting 1 3 Electives (8 hours) BUSP 199 Campus Sport Management Practicum 1 BUSP 201 Leadership and Ethics in Sport 3 SECO 235 Methods of Coaching 2 SECO 236 Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2 BUSP 298 Recreation Management Practicum 1 BUSP 299 Athletic Administration Practicum 1 BUSP 301 Financing Sport Operations 3 BUSP 302 Sport Marketing & Public Relations 3 SECO 338 Org. & Admin. of Athletics & P.E. 3 BUSP 401 Facilities Design and Management 3 BUSP 402 Event Planning and Production 3

Minimum Hours Required 18

Suggested Schedule

Year 1

Intro to Sport Management 2 Intro to Business & Mangment 3 Computer Applications 3 Old Testament Survey 3 English Composition 1 3 The Modern World 3 17

Year 2

Leadership and Ethics in Sport 3 Org. & Admin. of Athletics & P.E. 3 Principles of Accounting 1 3 Principles of Marketing 3 Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism 3 15

Year 3

Rec. Management Practicum 1 Principles of Management 3 BUSP 302 or 402 3 Business Law 1 3 Macroeconomics 3 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 16 Sport and Society 2 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 2 New Testament Survey 3 English Composition 2 3 Science Elective 3 Math Elective 3 16

Campus Sport Management Practicum

1 BUSP 301 or 401 3 Principles of Accounting 2 3 Business Communication 3 Baptist Heritage 3 Literature Elective 3 16

Year 4

BUSP 302 or 402

3 Bible Elective 3 American Studies Elective 3 Business Elective* 0-3 Open Electives 6 15/18 Athletic Administration Practicum 1 Microeconomics 3 BUSP 301 or 401 3 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 Music Elective 2 Business Elective 3 Open Elective 2 17

Internship* Bible Elective Open Elective

6-9 3 4 13-16

*Students will need to take an additional 3 credits of Business Electives if their internship is 6 credits. See page 26 for General Education Core requirements. Humanities Electives (6) are met by required courses Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.

Sport Management Concentration

BUSP 111 Introduction to Sport Management 2 BUSP 112 Sport and Society 2 Electives (8 hours) BUSP 199 Campus Sport Management Practicum 1 BUSP 201 Leadership and Ethics in Sport 3 SECO 235 Methods of Coaching 2 SECO 236 Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2 BUSP 298 Recreation Management Practicum 1 BUSP 299 Athletic Administration Practicum 1 BUSP 301 Financing Sport Operations 3 BUSP 302 Sport Marketing & Public Relations 3 SECO 338 Org. & Admin. of Athletics & P.E. 3 BUSP 401 Facilities Design and Management 3 BUSP 402 Event Planning and Production 3

Minimum Hours Required 12

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