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Early Childhood Education
As an Early Childhood Education major, you have the opportunity to mold and shape children’s cognitive, social, and spiritual growth during the crucial formative years. Research shows that giving young children a sense of security enhances their brain development. With a solid biblical foundation, this program trains you to model consistent Christlikeness and communicate truth to young children.
Career Options
• Pre-school teacher • Early childhood teacher • Early childhood program supervisor • Elementary school teacher • Curriculum developer • Mission field teacher
Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees, specialized training, or additional certificates and licenses.
alumni spotlight EMILY KLIER
Emily Klier ('19) lives in Elyria, OH. She graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She now teaches first grade at First Baptist Christian School. She shares, "Maranatha prepared me for my career so well! The professors in the education department were amazing. Each class taught me to engage my students in lessons and help students with various needs to succeed. The professors also provided an example of how a Christian teacher should love their students. I always knew that the professors wanted me to succeed, so I strive to make the same impact on my students."
Code Course Hours Early Childhood Education Requirements (73 hours) EDUC 100 Freshman Fieldwork 0 HUSO 141 Introduction to Sociology 3 EDUC 144 Foundations of Education 2 EDUC 201 Sophomore Fieldwork 1 EDUC 207 Instructional Media & Technology 3 ELEC 221 Child Care and Development 2 EDUC 225 Human Relations 1 3 ELEC 231 Program & Curriculum for the Preschool Child 3 ELED 231 Children’s Literature 2 HUPS 233 Developmental Psychology 3 EDUC 236 The Exceptional Child 3 ELEC 236 Physical Activities for the Preschool Child 2 ELED 244 Curriculum & Methods in Social Studies 3 ELED 253 Curriculum & Methods in Art 1 ELED 254 Curriculum & Methods in Music 1 ELEC 261 Language Acquisition 3 ELEC 271 Parent Education & Involvement 2 ELEC 281 Early Childhood Assessment 2 ELEC 291 Administration of Early Childhood Programs 3 ELEC 296 Child Guidance 3 EDUC 299 Upper Level Status 0 EDUC 301 Junior Practicum 2 EDUC 303 Educational Psychology 1 3 ELED 341 Curriculum & Methods in Mathematics 3 EDSP 343 Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities 3 ELED 344 Curriculum & Methods in Reading 1 3 EDUC 421 Education Seminar 2 EDUC 443 Supervised Student Teaching 12
Basic Skills Proficiency Courses (19 hours)
You must pass the following courses with a grade of C- or higher. ELED 118 Math for the Elementary Teacher 1 HUHI 141 United States History 1 ELED 218 Math for the Elementary Teacher 2 ELED 228 Math for the Elementary Teacher 1 and 2 2 ELED 261 Biology, Ecology, & Environmental Science for the Elementary Teacher ELED 263 Astronomy, Geology, & Meteorology for the Elementary Teacher ELED 264 Physics for the Elementary Teacher 3 3 3 3
4 2
1 This course must be taken at Maranatha and may not be taken as a Directed Study. 2 Students with an ACT Math score 21 or higher may enroll in ELED 228 which is a 3 credit course in place of ELED 118 and ELED 218.
Course Distribution
Early Childhood Education Major Basic Skills Proficiency Biblical Studies Core Liberal Arts Core
Minimum Hours Required
73 19 24 16
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
Freshman Fieldwork 0 Foundations of Education 2 Child Care & Development 2 Math for the Elementary Teacher 1 3 Old Testament Survey 3 English Composition 1 3 Introduction to Sociology 3 16 Physical Activities for Preschool Child 2 Math for the Elementary Teacher 2 3 New Testament Survey 3 English Composition 2 3 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 2 The Modern World 3 16
Year 2
Sophomore Fieldwork
1 Children’s Literature 2 Instructional Media & Technology 3 The Exceptional Child 3 Program & Curriculum for the Preschool Child 3 Baptist Heritage 3 Bible Elective 3 18
Year 3
Curriculum & Methods in Reading 3 Junior Practicum 2 Curriculum & Methods in Art 1 Curriculum & Methods in Music 1 Developmental Psychology 3 Parent Education & Involvement 2 Child Guidance 3 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 18
Year 4
Education Seminar 2 Educational Psychology 3 Physics for the Elementary Teacher 2 United States History 1 3 Literature Elective 3 Bible Elective 3 16 Upper Level Status 0 Early Childhood Assessment 2 Human Relations 3 Biology, Ecology, & Environmental Science for the Elem. Teacher 4 Curriculum & Methods in Social Studies 3 Language Acquisition 3 Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism 3 18
Curriculum & Methods in Math 3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Disabilities 3 Administration of Early Childhood Programs 3 Astronomy, Geology & Meteorology for the Elementary Teacher 4 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 Music Elective 2 18
Student Teaching 12 12
See page 26 for General Education Core requirements. Humanities Electives (6) are met by required Introduction to Sociology and Developmental Psychology. Quantitative Reasoning and Scientific Reasoning requirements are met by ELED math and science courses. American Studies Elective is met by required course U.S. History 1. Program must be completed with 128 credits. Students will take a 2 credit open elective if they test out of Comp 1 and test into Math for the Elem Teacher 1 and 2.