3 minute read
Special Education
Code Course
Hours Teacher Education Requirements (56 hours) EDUC 100 Freshman Fieldwork 0
HUSO 141 Introduction to Sociology EDUC 144 Foundations of Education 3 2
EDUC 201 Sophomore Fieldwork EDUC 207 Instructional Media & Technology EDUC 225 Human Relations 1 ELED 230 Children’s Literature 1 3 3 2
HUPS 233 Developmental Psychology
3 EDUC 236 The Exceptional Child 3 SEED 242 Sec. & Middle School Teaching Methods 3 ELED 244 Curriculum & Methods in Social Studies 3 EDUC 299 Upper Level Status 0 EDUC 301 Junior Practicum 2 EDUC 303 Educational Psychology 1 3 ELED 341 Curriculum & Methods in Mathematics 3 ELED 342 Teaching Language Arts 3 EDUC 342 Educational Assessment 1 2 ELED 344 Curriculum & Methods in Reading 3 EDUC 421 Education Seminar 2 EDUC 443 Supervised Student Teaching 1 12 Special Education Requirements (18 hours) EDSP 300 Inclusive Classroom Strategies 3 EDUC 340 Classroom Management and Positive Behavior 3 EDSP 343 Diagnosis & Treatment of Reading Difficulties 3 EDSP 381 Educational Diagnosis & Assessment 3 EDSP 410 Collaboration, Communication, and Transition 3 EDSP 420 Methods in Cross Categorical Education 3 Basic Skills Proficiency (16 hours) ELED 118 Math for the Elementary Teacher 1 3 ELED 218 Math for the Elementary Teacher 2 3 ELED 228 Math for the Elementary Teacher 1 & 2 2 3 ELED 261 Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Science for the Elementary Teacher 4 Choose one of the following HUHI 141 United States History 1 3 HUHI 142 United States History 2 3 Choose one of the following 3 EDUC 234 Introduction to Geography for Educators 3 EDUC 235 Physical Geography for Educators 3
1 This course must be taken at Maranatha and may not be taken as a Directed Study. 2 Students with an ACT Math score 21 or higher may enroll in ELED 228. 3 Students may meet geography requirement by taking a proficiency test prior to earning 58 credits or by taking EDUC 234 or EDUC 235.
See page 26 for General Education Core requirements. American Studies Elective (3) is met by required U.S. History 1. Humanities Electives (6) are met by required Intro to Sociology and Developmental Psychology. Scientific Reasoning is met by Concepts in Biochemistry. Quantitative Analysis requirement is met by requirements in the major.
Course Distribution
Special Education Major Biblical Studies Core Liberal Arts Core
Minimum Hours Required
90 24 19 133
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
Freshman Fieldwork 0 Foundations of Education 2 Math for the Elem. Teacher 1 3 Old Testament Survey 3 English Composition 1 3 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 2 The Modern World 3 16 Introduction to Sociology 3 Math for the Elem. Teacher 2 3 New Testament Survey 3 English Composition 2 3 United States History 2 3 Music Elective 2 17
Year 2
Sophomore Fieldwork 1 Instructional Media & Technology 3 The Exceptional Child 3 Children's Literature 2 Secondary & Middle School Teaching Methods 3 Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism 3 15
Year 3
Curric. and Methods in Reading 3 Inclusive Classroom Strategies 3 Classroom Management 3 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 Bible Elective 3 Literature Elective 3 18
Year 4
Education Seminar 2 Educational Psychology 3 Teaching Language Arts 3 Educational Assessment 2 Geography for Educators 3 Collaboration, Communication and Transition 3 Bible Elective 3 19 Developmental Psychology 3 Human Relations 3 Curriculum & Methods in Social Studies 3 Biology, Ecology, and Environ. Science for the Elem. Teacher 4 Upper Level Status 0 Meth. in Cross Categorical Education 3 Baptist Heritage 3 19
Junior Practicum 2 Curric. and Methods in Math 3 Diagnosis & Treatment of Reading Difficulties 3 Educational Diag. & Assessment 3 Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 3 Concepts in Biochemistry 3 17
Student Teaching 12 12
EDSP 300 Inclusive Classroom Strategies for Exceptional Students 3
EDUC 340 Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Practices for Students w/ Disabilities3 EDSP 343 Diagnosis & Treatment of Reading Difficulties 3 EDSP 381 Educational Diagnosis & Assessment 3 EDSP 410 Collaboration, Communication, and Transition: From School to Community 3 EDSP 420 Methods in Cross Categorical Education for Special Needs Learning: LD 3
Minimum Hours Required
NOTE: EDUC 236 The Exceptional Child is a pre-requisite course for the program.