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Committee Operation: The Dean of the Seminary chairs all seminary committees. The President of the University is an Ex Officio member of all committees. The Executive Committee of the University handles final appeals.
Seminary Council: The Seminary Council consists of the university President, Dean of the Seminary, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and two seminary faculty members appointed annually by the Seminary Council. The Seminary Council is responsible for the creation and maintenance of seminary policies and general oversight of the seminary, including academic, discipleship, and promotional matters.
Admissions Committee: The Seminary Admissions Committee consists of the Dean of the Seminary, university Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and a rotating seminary faculty member appointed by the Seminary Council. Admissions processes will be handled by the university Admissions Office, while the committee will determine seminary acceptance.
Academic Operation: The university Registrar is responsible for transcripts, grades, certification of graduates, and classroom assignments. The Dean of the Seminary and Vice President of Academic Affairs collaborate on course sequencing and faculty load matters. The Business Office is responsible for billing students, processing payments, and collections. Since the express purpose of Maranatha Baptist Seminary is to train Christian men and women for Christian service, the completion of minimum academic requirements in graduate classes does not automatically qualify the student for a degree. A student is expected to demonstrate maturity of Christian character, competence in the Christian ministry, and commitment to the purpose and position of Maranatha. All qualified applicants will be accepted without regard to race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
Master’s level seminary studies are for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from an approved college or university. Occasional exceptions will be made for older, experienced ministry students who don’t have a bachelor’s degree. These exceptions are limited and approved by the Dean of the Seminary.
Doctoral level seminary studies are for students who have completed the Master of Divinity program or meet one of the other admissions requirements. (Please see page Doctor of Ministry Academic Program page for more details.)
The Admissions Committee looks for signs of academic competency in a student’s previous program(s), not merely the completion of course work. There must be indicators pointing to potential success in the academically challenging environment of graduate studies.
1. Apply online at mbu.edu/seminary/apply. 2. Request that all the colleges and universities you have attended send an official transcript directly to the Seminary Office at 745 W. Main St.,
Watertown, WI, 53094. 3. Include an autobiography of at least 200 words. This should include an expression of educational objectives, purpose in life, and your purpose in coming to the Seminary. This essay should also include something about home, work, school, and church experience, as well as your testimony concerning salvation and dedication to the Lord. If you are a transfer student, include the reason for transfer. This essay will be analyzed for evidence of