VISIT TO FITUR 2014 International Tourism Trade Fair 22nd to 26th January A â–ş STUDENTS WHO GO TO FITUR (this group of students should do the following tasks) After visiting FITUR you should present an ANALYSIS of your visit based on the following aspects 1) Your opinion about the Fair Things you liked best about it: positive aspects Things you liked least: negative aspects Suggestions to improve it 2) Your opinion about the exhibitors stands The most innovative stand The most attractive stand The funniest stand The most exciting stand The most unusual stand The most creative stand The most ingenious stand The most practical stand The most boring The most + ...
3) Analysis of the tourism sector in the city of Madrid. Look for unusual/alternative tours of the city of Madrid. Choose one and describe it in detail. Present it to the class on Monday, 28th 4) DESCRIPTION OF A PAINTING During your visit to El Prado Museum and El Reina Sofia Museum choose a painting and write a full description of it. Read and follow the guidelines in the worksheets "DESCRIBING A PAINTING 1 y 2" to help you do it. The written description together with an image of the painting should be presented to the rest of the students in class on Monday, 27th B â–şSTUDENTS WHO DON'T GO TO FITUR (this group of students should do the following tasks) 1) FITUR Fair 2014 : keep track of all the activities that are going on at the fair through the different media at local, national and international level. Make a selection of the most relevant headlines that appear on the media covering the Fair. 2) ANDALUCIA : Analysis of the tourism sector in Andalusia. What attractive/new/unusual tourist attractions are offered at the Andalusia stand? 3) DESCRIPTION OF A PAINTING. Check the web pages of El Prado ( and the Reina Sofia Museum ( Choose a painting and write a full description of it. Read and follow the guidelines in the worksheets "DESCRIBING A PAINTING 1 y 2" to help you do it. The written description together with an image of the painting should be presented to the rest of the students in class on Monday, 28th
All the tasks should be presented in class on Monday, 27th Students will work in groups (the same groups that work together for the modules EMT and PROCESOS)