Marat Tsablinov Portfolio 2013

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Marat Tsablinov

Architectural portfolio

Contents 1-8 Multifunctional office complex December 2012 9-12 Building perspective view of a temporary wooden mausoleum on the Red Square May 2009 13-16 Library on the Tube street in Moscow June 2013 17-22 Museum of architecture November 2011 Presented works were made by me at course of the study at the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.

Multifunctional office complex On the banks of the Moscow River, at the Luzhnetskaya embankment next to the Olympic Committee and the Sports Palace "Druzhba" on one side and St. Andrew's Bridge District Railway and the third transport ring with another Is located the once legendary factory "Union". Full name of the building: JSC "aviation scientific and technical complex"Soyuz". Enterprise has been operaiting for more than sixty years. Currently the production departments of the factory handed over the territory of Moscow and vacant factory space leased for the organization of trade pavilions and offices. It is clear that in modern Moscow is the most profitable industries is not an industry, and finance, trade and other services. The changing priorities dictate its laws, and the city's infrastructure is rebuilt under the new leadership of the economy. Almost all urban enterprises present their area of commercial structures for offices and retail space. Is no exception and the "Union," and at "Luzhnetskaya waterfront, 2/4", you can find a lot of trading companies. Now it is one of the basic means of survival Moscow enterprises.


In my project, I tried to create a space inside the plant meets the current needs of the urban environment. I offered to keep and to spend a renovation of the part of thefactory buildings, facades facing the waterfront and representing a historical value, and the rest of the place I proposed a complex of office buildings and a hotel, which would become a dominant feature of the new district, which emphasizes the importance of this place as a social center. On plan marked gray stored factory buildings, dark red marked developed my office building with a multi-storey car park and high-rise hotel, marked red building of residential apartments that I have developed only to the stage of the master plan. After analyzing the situation in the area of urban planning developed my site, I came to the conclusion that it is appropriate to place a function of hotel at a high-rise building and thereby to maintain the system of regional dominance, and thus identify the significance of me being developed mixed-use complex.


I developed feature of the site is that it is on the lower bank of the river, "Moskva Reka" and creating a new regional dominance that I needed to take into account the value of difference of the relief, in order to create an equivalent rest of the dominants. Also it should be noted that all high-rise buildings in the developed my area are very important function such as building the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation or the building of Moscow State University, and my multifunctional complex is located in the legendary factory "Union" the significance of which earlier in respect of urban planning does not noted.



Second floor plan This plan is the type plan up from the second to the seventh floor. On these floors are office workers meeting rooms and rooms for servers. Also from the first to the sixth floor provides outputs on multi-level parking.


Second floor plan This floor plan is type of the second to the seventh floor. On this floors are located rooms of hotel guests.

First floor plan On the ground floor there is a reception area, a restaurant, a shop and a conference room. As well as recreation area.


Eighth floor plan This floor plan are generic for the eighth, ninth and tenth floors. On the plan of this floor are located offices of employees and management offices, and rooms for servers and bargaining.

First floor plan First floor apartment located entrance lobbies, security service premises, offices of employees of offices and meeting rooms.


In the seventh and eighth floors there are no exits on multi-level parking because of the features of the site a multi-level parking is anti-noise barrier and on the basis of calculations made by me, it is no need to do it above the sixth floor.

During the development of high-rise hotel, I was doing work models to better feel the space created by me. These images show an alternative embodiment of the lower part of tower building. I tried to create a more sophisticated layout many tier public areas of the hotel building, but in the end I settled on a simpler version. The image shows the layout of cardboard on a scale of 1:100


Building perspective view of a temporary wooden mausoleum on the Red Square In the 20's was the beginning of the formation of the outstanding work of Soviet architecture - the Lenin Mausoleum. January 21, 1924, Lenin died. The Government Commission on the organization of the funeral on the night of January 24, requests A. Shchusev design a mausoleum. In a short time the architect had to solve complex creative problems. The first project was a temporary mausoleum in terms of a box, to which both sides were adjoining L-shaped symmetric extension ladders. The visitor had to go down the stairs to the right, to circumvent the sarcophagus on three sides and up the stairs to the left. The temporary mausoleum, embodied only the main features the project was developed during the two months.


A. Shchusev was commissioned to create a new mausoleum in the same material, but in a more perfect form of monumental. A second wooden mausoleum was built from March 1924 and was opened in August of the same year. It was a step composition. The stands for government were located on the sides. To keep the wooden parts for a long period, they covered the oil varnish, giving the whole structure a noble light brown color. Doors, columns crowning the portico were made of black oak. Above the main portal remained laconic inscription - "Lenin". Wooden building existed five years - from 1924 to 1929. I tried to recreate the look of the second version of the wooden mausoleum. I found sketches of plans and facades and using methods of descriptive geometry build the kind of perspective view with the imposition of a shade drawing ink, before made preliminary sketch in pencil on tracing paper.




Library on the Tube street in Moscow In the development of this project for me was to create a public building with a carcass bearing core and glass facades at the site located on the tube Street in Moscow. In this case, to be sure to save the trees and green areas in the eastern part of the site.

In my project, I tried to create a vivid image of one of the community centers District Tube street and at the same time it is achieved in a concise combination of the building with the surrounding buildings and green spaces. Creating an image of this building I decided to develop a plastic facades by means of projections and recessed surfaces. Also, using this technique, the first and last floor of the building I made a glazed faÎade with a space equal to one step of the columns.



Due to the fact that the development of this project in front of me were severe restrictions on how the building should be the carcass backbone carrier, have glass fronts and at the same time in the eastern part of the site should be preserved green spaces, I came to the conclusion that under such constraints will be logical to follow rigid structure of the building layouts. I have created a rigid rectangular grid of columns with equal steps on the area of the plot. So my idea was that the green spaces and trees growing in the area was the growth of The created through my frame and the rest of the space frame structure I put the library space, separating it from the street glass facade.


First floor plan

Second floor plan

On the ground floor there is a reception of visitors, closet, dressing room and a recreation area with access to the street in the area of green space.

Third floor plan

Fourth floor plan

On the second floor as well as the third and fourth floors is located the reading room with access to the balcony and atrium space in between.

Fifth floor plan

Due to the atrium space in the reading rooms of the natural light enters from above, creating a comfortable environment for reading and working in them.


Museum of architecture Boris lofan is one of the outstanding Russian architect and his work is for me one of the standards of architecture. I noticed an empty plot of land in the center of Moscow is not far from one of the most famous buildings realized Boris Iofan home "on the waterfront" and I had the idea to create a complex architectural ensemble in which I would have designed the museum building in connection with the architecture of Boris Iofan. Architecture of Boris Iofan is shaped fusion of different genres and styles. It's an emotional architecture, dynamic based on the perceived good proportions and combinations of the masses and volumes. Classical motifs often deliberately simplified, and architecture.


My museum House on the waterfront Cathedrel Christ the savior


All of this allowed Boris Iofan create large scale and expressive plastic, which was combined with the aspirations of upward architectural composition. The main project of Boris Iofana was monumental and grandiose Palace of Soviets, which was to be built on the site of the blown up in December 1931 the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The idea of creating the Palace of Soviets was proposed by Kirov in 1922, the first All-Union Congress of Soviets. Boris Iofana project won an international competition and was approved by the government in 1934, The compositional scheme, characteristic of Russian architecture, the building does not suppress the grandeur of its size, and pronounced vertical line that unites the entire city. The architectural influence of the Palace of the Soviets supported by other high-rise buildings, which created a new silhouette of Moscow. I developed by the museum building is a dominant central volumes due to the transparent cylinder and the adjacent lateral volumes. In the central part of the building Is located the main exhibit of the museum model of the Palace of Soviets on a large scale. According to my idea of the museum visitors climb up the elevator and come down the ramp around the model. In lateral volume functions are located on different spaces are part of the museum.


The idea is that the central volume of the building put the layout of the Palace of the Soviets in the large scale of this effect is achieved and that its silhouette is visible in the center of Moscow, where he was originally to be built. Also the museum building itself will create a single architectural ensemble with the "house on the waterfront," one of the most famous of the realized projects of Boris Iofan. In the middle between developed by me the museum and the house on the waterfront passes major urban highway "Lenin Avenue," so when driving on her side of the Kremlin, the viewer will see the image of the Propylaea framing the entrance to the Kremlin. Red square marked by a newly constructed "Cathedral of Christ the Saviour" on the site which planned to build the Palace of Soviets. On the snapshots on the right layout of the palace of soviets in 1:500 scale that was presented at the exhibition dedicated to the works of Boris Iofan.


Image  PO UIF SJHIU  panoramic  view  of  the  center  of  Moscow  and  the  area  in  which  according  to  my  idea  should  be  a  museum. Pictured  from  below  -   layout  of  the  museum  that  I  made  from  a  cardboard  on  a  scale  of  1:200


Below  is  a  comparison  of  the  statue  of  Lenin  at  the  Palace  of  Soviets  in  Moscow  and  the  Statue  of  Liberty  in  New  York. Sectional  is  shown  the  model  of  the  palace  of  soviets  on  a  reduced  scale,  which  is  the  main  exhibit  of  the  museum  designed  by  me.

First  floor  plan On  the  first  floor  is  the  main  hall,  cinema  restaurant  and  a  library  as  well  as  exposure  to  the  outdoors.


Second  floor  plan On  the  second  floor  office  space

Red lines marked on the plan of the museum walls which according to my idea should be the frescoes in the style of 20's of the 20th century. I tried to develop composition in the spirit of Boris Iofana and other famous architects of the time. I studied the bas, frescoes and mosaics that have played an important role in their architecture and eventually created my own version.

This work is done in gouache on special paper. I figured fragment of the wall of the museum and I developed a fresco on it, and I tried to create window openings in the style of the time. The black figure of a man is shown to determine the scale.


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