The Honorable Verda M. Colvin
Associate Justice - Georgia Supreme Court
The Honorable Verda M. Colvin
Associate Justice - Georgia Supreme Court
The Fifth Sunday Of Lent
Sister Brenda Yelder, Worship Leader
Sister Katheryn Davis, Greater Bethel AME Church - Athens, Georgia
Women's Day Tribute
Sister Gwen Manzy, Greater Bethel AME Church - Athens, Georgia
Introduction Of The Speaker
Attorney Nicole Hull, Hill First Baptist Church - Athens, Georgia
Sister Jackie Brown, Ebenezer West Baptist Church - Athens, Georgia
The Honorable Verda Colvin, Associate Justice of The Georgia Supreme Court
Innovation To Discipleship
The Reverend Terrie Patterson,
Pastor New Liberty Hill AME Church- Thomson, Georgia
Remarks And Presentations
Sister Beverly Copeland
Chair Of The Women's Day Committee
The Reverend Marben Bland, Pastor Greater Bethel AME Church
Leader:Itiswithholyreverence,thatwecometodaytocelebratewomen ofpurpose,power,andperseverance. WecometohonorSisterJohnnie LayBurksandSisterBettyHendersonHolston.Twoirreplaceablewomen ofGodwhonurturedusandtaughtustoloveyou.
People:MaytheirexampleofChristianfaithhelptransformusintoyour image.
Leader:Wehonorwomenwhofeedthehungry,clothetheunclothed, befriendthelonely,andcomfortthecomfortless.Weblessthemfor unselfishlylovingyourpeopleasyouloveus.
People:Lordmayyoucontinuetomeettheirneedsastheyministerto others.
People:Mayyou,OGod,continuetocomfortthemwithyourWord, spokenandblessed.Maywelearntoencouragethemastheyhave encouragedus.
Leader:Wehonorwomenpregnantwithyourunbornsonsanddaughters aswehonortherightforawomantochoosenottobepregnant.
People:MayyouLordshelterthemandthechildrentheybearunderthe shadowofyouralmightypresenceasyoushelterthewomenwhohave chosennottohavechildren.
Leader:WehonoryourdaughterVerdaM.Colvin,electedtothehighest courtinourstateasshespeakstoustoday.
Leader:Wehonorallthewomenwhohavegonebeforeus,namedand unnamed.Weblessthosewhoweptforus,rejoicedwithus,laughedwith us.andprayedforus.
People:Forletusnotbecomewearyindoinggood,foratthepropertime wewillreapaharvestifwedonotgiveup.
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His spirit, washed in His blood. Refrain This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
2. Perfect submission, perfectly delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
3. Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my savior am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
TheCongregation, RiseandSings:
“From all that dwell below the skies, let the Creator’s praise arise; let the Redeemer’s name be sung, through every land by every tongue.”
Hear what Christ our Saviour saith, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all my mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
TheCongregation, RiseandSings:
“GlorybetotheFather, andtotheSon, andtotheHoly Ghost; Asitwasinthebeginning, isnow, andevershallbe, worldwithoutend. Amen. ”
Attorney Nicole Hull has a wide range of experience representing and litigating on behalf of families in domestic, special education, probate, and child abuse and neglect cases. Ms. Hull graduated cum laude from Mercer University with a dual degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice. And she also is a graduate of Mercer's Walter F. George School of Law. Prior to opening The Hull Firm LLC in 2014, Ms. Hull garnered a broad range of child and family advocacy experience while clerking for the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government where her research and policy analysis reports were later used in the revisions for the Georgia Juvenile Code.
In addition to her litigation and mediation practice, Ms. Hull serves on the Clarke County School District's Board of Education, and is an Adjunct Professor for the Walter F. George School of Law and Brenau University.
Justice Verda M. Colvin was appointed to the Supreme Court on July 20, 2021, by Gov. Brian Kemp. She is the first African-American female appointed by a Republican governor to the state’s high court.
Previously, she served on the Court of Appeals, having been appointed by Gov. Kemp in April 2020. Her time as judge also includes nearly six years as a Superior Court judge in the Macon Judicial Circuit, during which she served on the Council of Accountability Court Judges.
Justice Colvin has served as an adjunct professor at Mercer School of Law and she is a member of First Baptist Church where she serves as a children’s Sunday school teacher and on the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team. She is the proud mother of two children, Weston and Taylor, and the wife of Nathaniel Walker with whom she shares two other adult children, Nathan and Nathalie.
Sister Bettye Henderson Holston is a trailblazing retired educator working with distinction in Barrow and Clarke Counties. The daughter of the late Mr. Joe & Mrs. Annie Henderson, she is a 1958 graduate of the then Fort Valley College. Sister Holston was married for 59 years to the late Brother James Holston, a union that produced two sons Jonathan and Bernard. She is the proud grandmother of 8 and the great grandmother of 14. An active member of the Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia. Sister Holston has served as the Director of Christian Education, Vacation Bible School, Coordinator of Church Programs, and a Sunday School Teacher. On the AME connectional level, she has served as Treasurer of The Sarah Allen Missionary Society of the Augusta Conference. Today, she is a valuable member of the Pastor’s Aid Ministry and a Godly mentor to all.
Recognizing Sister Bettye Henderson Holston epic contributions to education and the community, The Athens-Clarke County School Board recently announced that the current Alps Road Elementary School will be renamed in her honor.
SisterJohnnieLayBurksisanamazingeducatorwithanexpansiveandimpressivecareer spanningawiderangeofpositionsfrombeingaWorkforceInvestmentCounselorat AthensTechnicalCollege,DirectorofGuidanceforClarkeMiddleSchool,andan ElementarySchoolTeacher.
SheisthedaughterofthelateGraceMoonLayandDeaconJamesLayandthewifeof thelateArthurBurks.Fromthatuniontheyhaveonechild,adaughterPetula.
SisterBurksisagraduateofClarkAtlantaUniversityandtheUniversityofGeorgiaandis aGoldenLifeMemberofDeltaSigmaThetaSorority,Incorporated.SheisaCharter MemberofAthensAreaChapterofJack&JillofAmericaandtheBonBonSocialClubof Athens,Georgia.
AmemberofEbenezerBaptistChurchWestinAthens,Georgia,SisterBurksservesher communitydeliveringmealstothesick,counselingstudentsandassistingfamilieswith rent,utilities,andotherservicepayments.
Sister Burks’s lifetime of service has been recognized and honored with the renaming of the current Chase Street Elementary School in her honor.
Rosalyn Bassett
Nobel Benefield
Valerie Buford
Beverly Copeland
Barbara Covington
Darrin Covington
Katheryn Davis
Kirsten J. R. Davis
John H. Davis
Christine Whitehead Dixon
Nathel DuBose
Frank Eberhart
Delores Ford
Martha Gilree
Harriet B. Green
Glenda Gunn
James Harper
Evette Harrison
Bettye Holston
Diedtress Jackson
Izora Jackson
Carlos Jones
Cheryl Whitehead Jones
Mabel Jones
Gloria Little
Aaron Manzy
Bryson Manzy
Gwen Manzy
Winifred C. Maye
Prinnies Moore
Angela Nelson
Lea Nelson
Mya Nelson
Other Friends
Dorothy Parks
Toya Pass
Nathaniel Pierce
Carolyn Robinson
James Robinson
Rev. Lamar Sandoval
Larry Smalls
Tiffany Smith
Shurletta Stevens
Deidra Stewart
Candace Jones Terrell
Marian Walker
Harold Water, Jr.
Harold Water, III
Karalyn D. Waters
Lauryn E. Waters
Dexter Weaver
Betty Whitehead
Christopher Whitehead
Darryl Whitehead
Tanya Whitehead
Wanda Whitehead
Verlene Wise
Janice Whitehead Witcher
Evelyn Wright
Brenda Yelder
Isaac Yelder
Sister Beverly Copeland, Chairperson
Judge Patricia Barron
Sister Katheryn Davis
Sister Cheryl Jones
Sister Gwendolyn Manzy
Sister Annie Ingram
Brother Aaron Manzy
Brother Bryson Manzy
Sister Angela Nelson
Brother Darrion Willoughby
The Men Of Greater Bethel AME Church Thanks to All!