Exodus & Numbers -Night One

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Moseswaskeepingtheflockofhisfather-in-lawJethro,thepriestofMidian; heledhisflockbeyondthewildernessandcametoMountHorebthe mountainofGod.2TheretheangeloftheLordappearedtohiminaflameof fireoutofabush;helooked,andthebushwasblazing,yetitwasnot consumed.3ThenMosessaid,“Imustturnasideandlookatthisgreatsight andseewhythebushisnotburnedup.”4WhentheLordsawthathehad turnedasidetosee,Godcalledtohimoutofthebush,“Moses,Moses!”And hesaid,“HereIam.”5Thenhesaid,“Comenocloser!Removethesandals fromyourfeet,fortheplaceonwhichyouarestandingisholyground.”6He saidfurther,“IamtheGodofyourfather,theGodofAbraham,theGodof Isaac,andtheGodofJacob.”AndMoseshidhisface,forhewasafraidtolook atGod.

7ThentheLordsaid,“Ihaveobservedthemiseryofmypeoplewhoarein Egypt;Ihaveheardtheircryonaccountoftheirtaskmasters.Indeed,Iknow theirsufferings,8andIhavecomedowntodeliverthemfromtheEgyptians andtobringthemupoutofthatlandtoagoodandspaciousland,toaland flowingwithmilkandhoney,tothecountryoftheCanaanites,theHittites,the Amorites,thePerizzites,theHivites,andtheJebusites.9Thecryofthe Israeliteshasnowcometome;IhavealsoseenhowtheEgyptiansoppress them.10Nowgo,IamsendingyoutoPharaohtobringmypeople,the Israelites,outofEgypt.”11ButMosessaidtoGod,“WhoamIthatIshouldgo toPharaohandbringtheIsraelitesoutofEgypt?”12Hesaid,“Iwillbewith you,andthisshallbethesignforyouthatitisIwhosentyou:whenyouhave broughtthepeopleoutofEgypt,youshallserveGodonthismountain.”

1. In Exodus 2:24 and 3:7-10, God explains his plan for the Israelites in Egypt. As you read the text list what is God’s plan and what were God’s two main reasons for doing his plan?

2. In Exodus 3:10, God told Moses that he was being sent to Egypt to tell the Pharaoh to “let my people go.” So why did God choose Moses? Read Exodus 2:1-23 to discover at least three special qualities that God saw in Moses for the task ahead.

3. When God told Moses in Exodus 3:10, that he was being sent to Egypt, he reacted with several reasons for his unfitness for God’s call. What was God response to Moses? Read Exodus 3:12 to reveal God’s response.

4. Read Hebrews 11:23-29. What was Moses giving up by obeying God’s command? What did his obedience cost him? What did he gain?

5. God called Moses to do a big thing, but he had concerns and fears. If God called you to do a big thing what would be your concerns and fears? How could you get to a place in your mind and heart to obey the Lord?

Next Week Read Exodus 5:1-23

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