1 minute read


Luke 24:13–35 tells the story of an encounter the risen Jesus had with two of his disciples as they were walking to Emmaus, a village about seven miles from Jerusalem. In a teaching from this passage Pastor Marben Bland highlights the intelligence of Jesus and how we can learn to be the hands and feet of God in this world.


There’s no getting around it: $787.5 million is a lot of money.

Inatimewhenbeinginarelationshipcanbe dangerous Wesawhowdangerous relationshipcanbe:whentheteenageboywas shotringingthewrongdoorbellinKansasCity. WesawitinTexaswhentheyoung cheerleaderwasshotaftergoingtothewrong carandwesawitinNewYorkafterayoung ladywillkilled,shotbyamanbecauseshewas inacarthatdroveintothewrongdriveway

JesusWantsToBeInA RelationshipWithYou

Jesus wants to in a relationship with you Look at what he did in verse 15. "While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them”

Jesusintentionally walkedalongsidehis disciples. Heiswillingto bewithusregardlessof thewrongturnswemay make


After Jesus shared the Gospel with the disciples on the road and in the breaking of the bread, they went and told others about Jesus. "The disciples told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread." Luke 24:35

Dan Rather, Formal CBS News Anchor

Jesus wants you to know the truth about who and what he is. As he did with the disciples on the road to Emmaus: "Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures." Luke 24:27

Charles Stanley was a solid Bible teacher with a straightforward preaching style that allowed people to stay in touch with Jesus. Giving us a greater ability to share the Gospel of Christ.

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