The Dysfunctional Family Of God - GBA 9/11/22

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The Reverend Marben Bland, Pastor

11:00 AM September 11th, 2022 The FamilyDysfunctionalofGod Genesis 25:19B-34

Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 140 Rose Street, Athens , Georgia 30606

Order Of Worship September 11, 2022 The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost Doxology Call To Worship Opening Hymn #390 I am On The Battlefield For My Lord Prayer Prayer Response Refrain: #390 I am On The Battlefield For My Lord Song Of Praise Announcements Worship In Giving Cash App: $bethel140 Givelyfy - Greater Bethel Athens Mail: Post Office Box 49773 Athens, GA 30604 Song Of Praise Scripture Genesis 25:19B -34 Song Of Preparation #226 Amazing Grace Message “The Dysfunctional Family of God” Invitation To Discipleship #251 I Surrender All Benediction

Leader: Twenty-one years ago, today on September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes scheduled to fly from the East Coast to California.

A Call To Worship

A Despicable Thing Happened

Remembering The Events Of September 11, 2001

Inspired By: Genesis 25:19B 34

People: A Despicable Thing Happened

People: A Despicable Thing Happened

Leader: In a coordinated attack that turned the planes into weapons, the terrorists flew two of the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City

Leader The terrorists flew a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.

People: A Despicable Thing Happened

Leader:Passengers and crew members on the fourth plane launched a counterattack, forcing the hijacker pilot who was flying the airplane toward Washington, D.C.—to crash the plane into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, near the town of Shanksville. (Turn to the next page)

All: 21 years ago, today lives were lost, families were shaken, and this country was attacked.

Leader: Jacob showed himself to be, heartless, selfish, and despicable but despite all that God chose Jacob.

As dysfunction as America was then and still is God has blessed us.

People: A Despicable Thing to do

Changing his name to Israel which in Hebrew means 'Triumphant with God.'

Leader: Cunning and smart, Jacob schemed and tricked his older brother Esau out of his birthright.

People: A Despicable Thing Happened

And in the years since that despicable act God has shown us as he did with Jacob it is God’s will that will be done and His will for us is bask in the glow of his light on earth and for eternity in Heaven, as the Lord makes the despicable, respectable.

1. I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too; I heard a voice from heaven Say there is work to do. I took the Master’s hand, And I joined the Christian band; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Thomas A. Dorsey

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

3. Now when I met my Savior, I met Him with a smile; He healed my wounded spirit, And owned me as His child. Around the throne of grace, He appoints my soul a place; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

2. I love my friends and kindred, Bound for the Promised Land, The grace of God upon me, The Bible in my hand. In distant lands I trod, Crying sinner, come to God; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

#390 I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord

24 And sure enough, she had twins. 25 The first was born so covered with reddish hair that one would think he was wearing a fur coat! So they called him “Esau.”[b] 26 Then the other twin was born with his hand on Esau’s heel! So they called him Jacob (meaning “Grabber”). Isaac was sixty years old when the twins were born.

Turn To The Next Page

Living Bible

“I can’t endure this,” she exclaimed. So she asked the Lord about it.

19 This is the story of Isaac’s children: 20 Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah, 21 Isaac pleaded with Jehovah to give Rebekah a child, for even after many years of marriage[a] she had no children. Then at last she became pregnant. 22 And it seemed as though children were fighting each other inside her!

23 And he told her, “The sons in your womb shall become two rival nations. One will be stronger than the other; and the older shall be a servant of the younger!”

Genesis 25:19-34

31 Jacob: “All right, trade me your birthright for it!”

Genesis 25:19-34

33 Jacob: “Well then, vow to God that it is mine!” And Esau vowed, thereby selling all his eldest-son rights to his younger brother.

27 As the boys grew, Esau became a skillful hunter, while Jacob was a quiet sort who liked to stay at home. 28 Isaac’s favorite was Esau, because of the venison he brought home, and Rebekah’s favorite was Jacob.

30 Esau: “Boy, am I starved! Give me a bite of that red stuff there!” (From this came his nickname “Edom,” which means “Red Stuff.”)

32 Esau: “When a man is dying of starvation, what good is his birthright?”

34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread, peas, and stew; so he ate and drank and went on about his business, indifferent to the loss of the rights he had thrown away.

29 One day Jacob was cooking stew when Esau arrived home exhausted from the hunt.

Living Bible

1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see. 2. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! 3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.

#226 Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound

John Newton/Edwin O. Excell

Judson W. VanDeVenter/Winfield S. Weeden

1. All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily give.

2. All to Jesus I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow; Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me, Jesus, take me now.


#251 I Surrender All

Refrain I surrender all, (I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

Refrain I surrender all, (I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

September Wednesday–7:00PMSeptember14–OfficialBoardMeetingonZoom Thursday–6:00PMSeptember22QuarterlyConference October Wednesday–3:00PMOctober5,2022 –StewardBoardMeetingonZoom Wednesday–7:00PMOctober7,2022 –TrusteesBoardMeetingonZoom Thursday–7:00PMOctober6,2022–BibleStudy–Luke15#1onZoom Wednesday–7:00PMOctober12–OfficialBoardMeetingonZoom Thursday–7:00PMOctober13,2022–BibleStudy–Luke15#2onZoom

Please support this event at Greater Bethel’s adopted school Apps Road Elementary. During September we are asked to donate: Math Games (examples): board games with dice, math game cards, dominoes Prizes for Winners (examples): backpacks, math flash cards, games, toys S’mores: graham crackers, chocolate, marshmallows Snacks: jellybeans, candy, cracker jacks, popcorn Boxes of tissue and pencils Apps Elementary School October 11, 2022 Place donations in the bins in the fellowship hall or give them to Judge Patricia Barron MATH NIGHT WANTS'MORE

THE SCHOOL YOUTH CHURCH ! LIVE FOOD Starting Next Sunday September 18th After Service In The Fellowship Hall

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