Greater Bethel 130th Anniversary Program

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130th Anniversary BETHEL GREATER 130th Anniversary Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 140 Rose Street, Athens , Georgia 30606 The Reverend Marben Bland, Pastor 2 : 0 0 P M O c t o b e r 2 3 r d 2 0 2 2 Celebrating God's Faithfulness Through 130 Years Of Fellowship And Service “Take refuge in the lord. The best is yet to come.” Galatians 6:9 Rev. Dr. Toni Belin Ingram, Presiding
Elder Augusta North District Guest Preacher
TABLE OF CONTENTS OrderOfWorship.........................................................1 CallToWorship.............................................................2 #390IamOnTheBattlefieldForMyLord.................3 Galatians6:7-10............................................................4 SummaryOfTheDecalogue.......................................5 #251ISurrenderAll.....................................................6 HistoryOfGreaterBethelAMEChurch................7-12 "TheBestIsYetToCome".......................................13 TheReverendDoctorToniBelinIngram................14 CelebratingOurSaints..............................................15 RecognitionsFromOurChurchPartners FirstAME–Athens,Georgia...............................................16 NewLibertyHillAME–Thompson,Georgia....................17 NewTennilleAME–Tennille,Georgia...............................18 WashingtonCircuitAME–WashingtonCounty,Georgia19 Mt.ZionAME–CollegePark,Georgia................................20 BethelAME–Powersville,Georgia....................................21 NewBethelAME–EastDublin,Georgia...........................22 SaintPaulAME–Gray,Georgia........................................23 GreaterMt.Zion–Waycross,Georgia..............................24 GreaterJordanChapel-Haddock,Georgia....................25 Worship xx
TABLE OF CONTENTS MemorialsAndFamilyTributes JohnnieCrawfordNeely-FromtheNieces.......26 JohnnieCrawfordNeely–FromtheFamily.......27 BenefieldMemorial..............................................28 DavisMemorial.....................................................29 Tribble,WareandMartinFamily........................30 EmmaMaeBolden................................................31 PhyllisThomas......................................................32 PrinniesMoore.....................................................33 FarmerFamily......................................................34 GaryJonesFamily................................................35 SimsFamily..........................................................36 ArleenTaylorLaster...........................................37 Dr.SoniaSharmin...............................................38 PierceFamily......................................................39 EarnestineThurman.........................................40 HolstonFamily..................................................41 GreenFamily.....................................................42 ManzyFamily...................................................43 SmithFamily....................................................44 AcknowledgmentsFromTheBusinessCommunity TheBlandClinic...............................................45 2ThePointTheologicalMedia.......................46 Dawson'sMortuary........................................47 RambeauReality............................................48 PCVirusBusters............................................49 TheGreenLawFirm......................................50 McRaeFamilyDental....................................51 OurPatrons.............................................52-62 2022Revival...................................................63 The2022MidTermElection........................64 xxx

GreaterBethel:130YearsOfNotGettingTiredOfDoingWhatIsGood ACallToWorshipInspiredByGalatians6:7-10

Leader:For130YearsGreaterBethelAthensanditspeoplehavepraisedGod inHisSanctuaryandbeyond.

People:Wehavenottiredofdoingwhatisgood.Forweknownottomock thejusticeofGod.

Leader:ForitisGodthathasdeliveredGreaterBethelfromourhumble beginningsinatwo-roomdwelling,toourmovetoafarmbuildingonthecorner ofBillupsandBroadStreet.Thensurvivingafirewhichdestroyedoursanctuary onlytobeblessedwithourpresentlovelyplaceofworshipat140RoseStreet.

People:Wehavenottiredofdoingwhatisgood.ForweknowGodhastold usthatyouwillalwaysharvestwhatyouplant.

Leader:Godhasgivenourmemberstheforesighttobeattheforefrontoflifein Athens–ClarkCountyandbeyond.Wehavebeenleadersinbusiness, education,andinfaith.Servinginthekitchen,thehome,thefarm,andthe factory.Servingontheschoolboard,inthecourtroom,theclassroom,andthe hospitalroom.Neverforgettingthatthesourceofourstrengthcomesfromour timespentintheprayerroom.

People:Wehavenottiredofdoingwhatisgood.ForGodhastoldus wheneverwehavetheopportunity,weshoulddogoodtoeveryone— especiallytothoseinthefamilyoffaith.

Leader:Today,wearethankfultoGodfor130yearsoffaithandasweemerge fromthegloomiestdaysofCovid,theeyesofGreaterBethelarefirmlyfocused onthefuture.AfuturewheretheSpiritofGodhasbeenpouredoutonus. Whereoursonsanddaughtersprophesize,ouryouthseevisions,andour seniorsdreamdreams.Wepraythattheseprophecies,visions,anddreamsare aboutaMaddoxCenterrestoredtoglory.Acommunityinvolvedwiththechurch andasanctuaryfilledwiththeactiveenergyofpeoplefromtheneighborhood,the university,andbeyond.

People:Wehavenottiredofdoingwhatisgood.Becausefor130yearswe havebeenonthebattlefieldforourLord.


#390 I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

1. I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too; I heard a voice from heaven Say there is work to do. I took the Master’s hand, And I joined the Christian band; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

2. I love my friends and kindred, Bound for the Promised Land, The grace of God upon me, The Bible in my hand. In distant lands I trod, Crying sinner, come to God; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

3. Now when I met my Savior, I met Him with a smile; He healed my wounded spirit, And owned me as His child. Around the throne of grace, He appoints my soul a place; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.

Refrain I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die. I’m on the battlefield for my Lord.



New Living Translation

7 Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

10 Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.


Summary Of The Decalogue

The Congregation, Rise and Sings:

“From all that dwell below the skies, let the Creator’s praise arise; let the Redeemer’s name be sung, through every land by every tongue.”

The Minister Says:

Hear what Christ our Saviour saith, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all my mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”


I Surrender All

1. All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily give.

Refrain I surrender all, (I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

2. All to Jesus I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow; Worldly pleasures all

forsaken, take me, Jesus, take me now.

Refrain I surrender all, (I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.


TheBest IsYet ToCome

Psalm 150 invites us to praise God in His Sanctuary. Today, we gather in His sanctuary called The Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church to celebrate 130 years of faithful service to the Lord. As Greater Bethel and its people have praised God in His Sanctuary and beyond.

From our humble beginnings in a two-room dwelling, to our move to a farm building on the corner of Billups and Broad Street, to our present home at 140 Rose Street. Greater Bethel and its people have been on the battlefield for our Lord.

Our members have been at the forefront of life in Athens–Clark County and beyond. We have been leaders in business, education, and in faith.

Serving on the school board, in the court room, the classroom, and the hospital room never forgetting that the source of our strength comes from our time spent in the prayer room.

So, today we celebrate 130 years, but the eyes of Greater Bethel are firmly focused on the future. An Acts 2:17, future where the Spirit of God has been poured out on us. Where our sons and daughters prophesize, our young men see visions and our seniors dream dreams. I pray that these prophecies, visions, and dreams are about a Maddox Center restored to glory. A community involved with the church and a sanctuary filled with the active energy of youth from the neighborhood the university, and beyond.

All these things and more are possible because for 130 years Greater Bethel has been faithful to the call of Psalm 150. A call for us to praise God from whom all blessings flow, in His sanctuary and beyond. Because the best is yet to come!



Presiding Elder Augusta North District

The Reverend Doctor Toni Belin Ingram is the Presiding Elder of the Augusta North District. Prior to her appointment as Elder, Rev. Dr. Belin Ingram pastored Greater Smith Chapel and Greater Turner Chapel AME Churches where significant capital improvements were made under her leadership.



I Thank My God in All My Remembrance of You. Philippians 1:3

Sister Catherine Barnes

Sister Nellie Bell

Sister Emma Bolden

Sister Nettie Ruth Buffington

Sister Rosa Buffington

Sister Lizzie Childress

Sister Annie Coffey

Brother Henry Cook

Brother Henry Cook

Sister Martha Dupree

Brother Luther Durham, Sr. Sister Bertha Ford

Sister Beatrice Goodrum

Brother Hugh Goodrum Brother Fred Griffeth

Sister Malsenior Harris

Sister Evelyn Hatcher

Brother James Holston

Sister Jean Huff

Brother Gary Jones

Sister Rosa Kelly

Sister Arleen Laster

Brother Dwight Manzy

Brother James Maxey

Sister Sarah Lynn McNeely

Sister Johnnie Neely

Sister Joan Postell

Sister Grace Sims

Brother John (J.B.) Sims

Sister LaTasha Sims

Brother Rufus Sims

Brother Willie B. Sims

Brother John Smith

Brother Roosevelt Taylor

Sister Thelma Taylor

Sister Phyllis Thomas

Brother David Thrasher

Sister Ernestine Thurman

Sister Lucy Travis Sister Mary Travis Brother James Tribble Brother Clifford Waugh Sister Rosie Waugh Sister Della Williams Brother Isaac Woodall


Our Church Partners




B.A. Hart, Senior Pastor

AME Athens, Georgia

Reverend Terri Patterson Pastor



African Methodist Episcopal Church

Reverend Pamela Easton Hobbs



Patrica D. Wilder


Rev.Dr. Esther Powers

Pastor 20

Rev. Jacquelyn Craig


New Bethel

African Methodist Episcopal Church East Dublin, Georgia

Rev. Cathy Dargan Harper
R e v . L e Q u i n t C a s w e l l F i r s t L a d y T r a c i C a s w e l l Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church Clinton-Gray, Georgia 23


Greater Mt. Zion Waycross, Georgia

The Reverend Rheunnette Hair Pastor




Worship Fellowship


Rev.Dr. MariaGordon

Memorials And TFamily ributes

130th Anniversary BETHEL GREATER

In Loving Memory Of Our Aunt

Mrs. Johnnie Crawford Neely

Your Nieces and Nephews

Cshanyse Allen, Dyann Allen Jordan, Kisha Baily, La Quatas Bullock, Mr. & Mrs. Farris Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Tamaine Jordan,

Wanda Neely-Pass, Mr. & Mrs. Garfield Neely, Gloria


Kelli J.

Mr. & Mrs.

W c

Angela Neely, El
Neely,Shelia Neely-Norman,
Taylor Pass, Leslie J. Roberts-Jones P o


Crawford Neely


Hearts Forever…

Our Loving and Devoted Sister And Mother Willie J. Crawford Heartean Crawford Earnestine Crawford Roberts Eric D. Roberts Ricardo Neely Alfornia Neely Your loving Family 27
InCelebrationOfOurLovedOnes THEIR BODIES ARE IN THE EARTH, BUT THEIR SPIRITS ARE ALIVE AND WELL. WE MISS YOU. Mr. James Thomas Tribble, Mrs. Mary Primus Ware Mr. Walter Ware, SR. Mr. Walter Ware, Jr. Mr. Roosevelt Williams Mrs. Betty Smith Mrs. Nancy Mae Tribble Mrs. Louise Ware Johnson KaToyis Johnson Remembered By The: Tribble, Martin, and Ware Families 30


Lee Moore Children Curtis Moore (Irma), Gwendolyn Manzy, Prinnies Moore, Carlius Moore (Salicia) Grandchildren Jalyn Chapman, Aaron Manzy, Bryson Manzy 33

Congratulations on your 130th Church Anniversary!

As the church clocks in a new age, may this new Anniversary come with the blessings of a new season.

May Righteousness and Godliness continue to be present.

Greater Bethel

Happy Church Anniversary

Dr. Willie S. Farmer and Mrs. Tommie F. Farmer

From Hattiesburg “The Hub City”, Mississippii



MemoryOf GARY JONES Your Loving Wife Cheryl Husband,Father, Grandfather, Brother, Uncle Your Children Gary, Carlos, Candace, Rokayah Your Grandchildren Gary, Andre, Tenique Amelia, 35

In Memory Of Our Beloved

Rufus Sims And Sis. Alma Sims

Sons: Bro. Charles Sims, Bro. Harold Sims, Daughters: Sis. Lizzie Childres, Sis. Hazel Sims, Grandson: Bro. Lenzy V. Childres, Jr, Great Granddaughters: Sis. LaTasha V. Sims, Sis. Alma Nakesia Hutton The Sims Family 36

In loving memory of

Sister Arleen Taylor Laster

Sweet Remembrance:

The Alston Family The Hill Family The Person Family The Siler Family 37
A Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul. Proverb 27:9 CONGRATULATIONS to the Greater Bethel AME Church Family and My Dear Friend, Sister Gwen Manzy on your 130th Church Anniversary. May God Continue to Bless You All! Dr. Sonia Sharmin With Love, 38
The Pierce Family Nathaniel NathanielPierce,Sr. RoxieT.Pierce NathanielPierce,Sr. RoxieT.Pierce Although the circle has been broken Our love for you both continues. Miss you both dearly Your Children: Brenda Yelder (Isaac), Valerie Buford (Ronald), Tiffany (Dennis) Rosalyn Bassett (Terry, deceased), Nathel Dubose (Jeffrey), Nathaniel Pierce, Jr. (Deirdre) Your Grandchildren: Toya (Marco), Tiffany (Dennis),Tamir (Ariel), Taliah, Terry, Jr (Sonya), Tenathius, Jeffery, Jr. Naron, Nathan, Deon, Nicholas Your Great Grandchildren: 39


Earnestine Thurman

Those we love remain with us. For love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade.

Those we love can never be more than a thought apart,

For as long as there is memory, they'll live on in the heart.

Remembered By

Willie, Cedrita, Joe, and Homer Thurman


In Loving Memmory

Brother James Holston

Devoted Husband, Father and Grandfather With Love,

Bettye Holston & Family


In Loving Remembrance

Of Our Parents Mrs. Kathleen W. Green

Dr. Donarell R. Green, Jr.

The Green Children


In Sweet Remembrance Tof his Beautiful Life:

Brother Dwight Manzy

Happy Anniversary to the Greater Bethel AME Church Family. May God Continue to Bless and Strengthen Us!


in Our Hearts!

Manzy Family

Devoted Husband, Dedicated Father and Talented Educator Always


and Love,

Sweet Maeve's 6th
CongratulationstotheGreaterBethelAMEChurch FamilyonYour130thChurchAnniversary! SisterJuliaC.Hawes-Aunt SisterNettieR.Buffington-Co-Worker SisterRosaL.Buffington-Co-Worker SisterLucyB.Travis-Co-Worker BrotherJamesHolston-Teacher In Remembrance
Linda Smith 44

Acknowledgments From The Business Community

130th Anniversary BETHEL GREATER
Listen To The I't A Matter Of Your Health Podcast YOUR HEALTH IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY THE BLAND CLINIC Veita J, Bland, MD Primary Care Physician And Hypertension Specialist 1317 N Elm St. Ste 7 Greensboro, NC 27401-1023. 45
WHO WE A CALLFORAPPOINTM 608 358 130 Formed during the g the pandemic in 2020, 2The Point Theological Media Corporation (2TPTMedia) is a 503c corporation committed to the production of highquality media, business management and leadership solutions all supporting the call of Jesus to spread the Gospel to all nations. (The Great Commission) Matthew 28:16 20. 2 THE POINT Theological Media websites, social media strategy OUR BRANDS How 46
D Dawson's Mortuary Blessings To Greater Bethel Athens Adrick A. Ingram, CEO/Licensed Funeral Director Annie S. Ingram, Business Manager 98 Hopgood Street Warrenton, Georgia 30328 Adrick Alexander Chapel 12271 Broad Street Sparta, Georgia 31087 706-444-5558 47
827 Fairways Ct, Suite 300 Stockbridge GA 30281 Direct: 706-614-7013; Office: 678-833-3852 48
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S GREATER BETHEL 1127 W. Hancock Ave., Athens, GA 30606 Phone 706-227-4294 www.greenandgreenatlaw.com50
Epps Bridge 706 227 0773 Traill Creek 706 395 677 Baxter 706 546 84890 Three Locations McRae Family Dental Improving Lives One Smile At A Time www.drmcrae.com51

Patrons List

130th Anniversary BETHEL GREATER


Listed In


From Patricia
Fannie Barron From Beverly Copeland Rico Barnett Tarika Freeman Izora Jackson John Maye Skylar Ransom Josiah Robinson Sonya Scott52
Patrons Listed In Alphabetical Order From Cheryl and Donarell Green Margie Arnold Ollie Dunn Todd Dunn Treva Dunn Predita Freeman Judge Donarell Green, IV Celandra Smith 53
Patrons Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy Joan Antone Tava Aziabor Anita Barnett Greg and Joycette Bell Sandra Blount Angel Bolton Shantelle Dalton-Bonds Stephanie Burgess Dianne Campbell 54
Patrons Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy Jalyn Chapman Harriett Green Church Wayne Cliett Timothy and Lorri Clark Patricia Clifton Novella Edwards Debra Ellis Linda Fair Tommie F. Farmer Dr. Willie S. Farmer Coach Shaquille Gatlin 55


Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy Willie Ghivan Pamela Glenn Deborah Green Wilucia Green Evette Harrison Annie Mildred Hill James Hill. Jr. Barbara Johnson Mabel Jones Stephanie Jones
Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy (The Family of John Smith) Vivian Mabry Aaron Manzy Bryson Manzy Genae Martin Jonita Martin Linda McGhee Terisa Moore McQueen Carlius Moore Prinnies Moore Salicia Moore Claude and Patricia Morris Patrons 57
Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy Richard Nash Angela Nelson Yolanda R. Owens Dr. Jonathan Page Minister Lisa Phillips Anita Pratt Dr. Neda Roby Valeria Scott Karen B. Shelton Pat Sikes Rhondolyn Jones Smith Patrons 58
Listed In Alphabetical Order From Gwen Manzy Phyllis Q. Stewart Josie Taylor Marjorie Green Turner Uniquely Yours Hair Designers Bonita Wade Marie Wallace Ava Antone Weaver Bernita White Walter And Fran Williams Patrons 59
Listed In Alphabetical Order Fron Angela Nelson Lea Christianna Nelson Mya A. Nelson Carolyn Robinson James Robinson, Jr. From Darrion Willoughby Brandolyn Witcher From Brenda Yelder Rosalyn Bassett Valerie Buford Isaac Butler Nathel Dubose Patrons 130th Anniversary BETHEL GREATER 60
Listed In Alphabetical Order FromBrendaYelder FriendOfTheChurch ToyaPass NathanielPierce NaDarriusSmith TiffanySmith FromIsaacYelder Anonymous ReneeArnold AnnieCannon RoseMarieDewberry DenetriusFikes MichaelGresham Patrons 61
Listed In Alphabetical Order FromIsaacYelder RoseMarieDewberry DenetriusFikes MichaelGresham AliceLawrence ErnestStephens JerryWilloughby Patrons 62

Greater GBethel reater Bethel

140 Rose Street Athens, Georgia

The Reverend Marben Bland, Pastor

Rev. Dr. Daryl G. Bloodsaw Senior Pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Athens, GA.

7:00 PM ET Wednesday October 26th

Key Dates

Final day to submit



Runoff day, if needed:

Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church supports the right to vote. Use the QR code or go to to check our voter guide.

Early voting (in-person and absentee) starts: October 17 Saturday Early Voting: October 22 and 29. Sunday Early Voting October 23 and 30
absentee ballot application: October 28 Early
ends: November 4 Election
November 8
December 6
857 799 9977 6:30 AM ET Prayer Call Monday, Wednesday, Friday Delivered to your phone Tuesdays @ 10:00 AM ET Saturdays @ 6:00 PM ET A Devotional Moment WWW.ZOOM.USMEETINGID:9039881805 CALL3017158592ID:9039881805 Thursday @ 7:00 PM ET Bible Study ChurchSchool Saturday @ 4:00 PM ET wwwzoomusMeetingID: 903 988 1805 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church - Athens, Georgia O n l i n e M i n i s t r y O p t i o n s Everywhere Text "Acts" to 912 219 0756 Stay In Touch

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