The Available Father - June 18,2023

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The Available Father

"I will be a father to him, and he'll be a son to me. When he does wrong, I'll discipline him in the usual ways, the pitfalls and obstacles of this mortal life. But I'll never remove my gracious love from him." 2 Samuel 7:14-15

June 18, 2023
June18,2023 Father’sDay ThirdSundayafterPentecost CallToWorship OpeningHymn #429FaithofOurFathers TheInvocation TheInvocationResponse #429FaithofOurFathers SongOfPraise Announcements–Pastor’sAidMinistry WorshipInGiving SongOfPraise Scripture–2Samuel7:14-15 SongOfPreparation
Message "TheAvailableFather” InvitationToDiscipleship #226AmazingGrace!HowSweetTheSound Benediction

Call To Worship

“The Available Father”

Leader: Our relationships with our fathers are complicated.

People: For some of us, our father's love is like God's love -- too deep, too long, too wide, too strong to measure.

Leader: Some of our fathers are here; for some, our fathers are gone and for some, a father was never here.

People: For some of us, God's love fills in the empty spaces our fathers left behind.

Leader: All of us are shaped by the relationship or lack of relationship with our fathers.

All: On this day when we remember what it means to have a father or be a father, we recognize the importance of the availability of fathers in our communities. We pledge as a congregation to love and nurture the faith of our fathers so that they will manifest the love of God in all that they do.

#429 Faith of Our Fathers

1. Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy

When-e’er we hear that glorious word!

Refrain Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death.

2. Faith of our fathers! faith and prayer Have kept our country brave and free; And through the truth that comes from God Her children have true liberty.

3. Faith of our fathers! we will strive

To win all nations unto thee; And through the truth that comes from God Mankind shall then be truly free.

4. Faith of our fathers! we will love

Both friend and foe in all our strife; And preach thee, too, as love knows how By kindly words and virtuous life.


WeareexcitedtoannouncetheupcomingEmpowerment Weekend!!WewillstartonSaturday,June24at11:00AM withtheGoingfortheGoldSpiritualGrowth,Personal CareandServicetoOthersSeminarandthenonSunday wecontinueat3:00PMwiththeMen’sDayWorship Service.OurthemewillbeGainingObedienceWhile LeaningonMyDeliverance,withMinisterReginaldWade deliveringthemessage.




YouarecordiallyinvitedtoourAnnualRoosevelt& ThelmaTaylorScholarshipCelebrationHonoring

AthensHighSchoolCounselorsandSocialWorkers Recognizing2023andPastTaylorScholars.Chrystal Gillis,theDirectorofSchoolSocialWorkforthe

ClarkeCountySchoolDistrictwillbetheKeynote Speaker. Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846
t s Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 BETHEL BETHEL GREATER GREATER E v e n t s Youth And Adult Fellowship Our youth and adult fellowship continues on the following Sundays after church: - Sunday, June 18th - Sunday, July 9th - Sunday, July 16th - Sunday, July 23rd Remember our Church School on Zoom each Saturday at 4:00 PM

This summer, we are including young readers in our online book club. Invite your favorite young reader to join us as we read and discuss Bud Not Buddy, the story of a young Black boy's search for the father he has never met.

24th Meeting ID: 695 669 5487 Zoom Conference Call 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 695 669 5487
Book Club 3:00 PM ET Saturday, June

BTrivia ibleStudy

What did Mary use to anoint the feet of Jesus? (This story is told in Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8)

A. Expensive Perfume

B. Cold Water

C. Expensive Oil

D. Expensive Flowers Bonus Question In Matthew 22:36-40 what did Jesus say was the first and great commandment?

Increase your Bible knowledge! Join us today after church as we learn how to write a Bible study trivial question.


#393 Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Refrain: Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; Through the storm, through the night, Lead me on to the light, Take my hand, precious Lord, Lead me home.

1. When my way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near, When my life is almost gone, Hear my cry, hear my call, Hold my hand lest I fall; Take my hand, precious Lord, Lead me home.

2. When the darkness appears and the night draws near, And the day is past and gone, At the river I stand, Guide my feet, hold my hand; Take my hand, precious Lord, Lead me home.

#226 Amazing Grace!

How Sweet the Sound

1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see.

2. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed!

3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.

4. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures.

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Many Americans think that slavery ended in the United States when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, a document which declared that “all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

But in reality, the path to realizing freedom was much more complicated.

Fearing the loss of Americans who remained loyal to the Union, Lincoln’s Proclamation did not emancipate enslaved people in certain parishes in Louisiana as well as the states of Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, and West Virginia, though each of those states abolished slavery before the war’s end. In fact, news of the proclamation did not reach all enslaved people at the same time, with some African Americans first hearing about emancipation months after the war ended in April 1865.

Union troops under the command of Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19th, 1865, the final place yet to be notified. Granger and his men went street-to-street proclaiming “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”

Between 1936 and 1938 the Federal Writers’ Project conducted interviews with 2,300 former slaves who were still living. This included a number of them who lived in Texas when they received word of the proclamation on June 19th, 1865. Since that was the day the last of the ex-slaves learned of the proclamation, June 19th was chosen to be celebrated as “Juneteenth.”


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