Hello Gorgeous - 3rd Sunday, July 16, 2023

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July 16, 2023 J www.gbaathens.org AfricanMethodistEpiscopalChurch 140RoseStreet Athens,Georgia30606 TheReverendMarbenBland,Pastor
Daughters have done well but you excel them all.
31:29 PROVERBS 31:29 HELLO GORGEOUSCrowned Girls/ Daughters Of Promise
Photo by
Gregg Bryant Many







#407AmIASoldierOfTheCross TheInvocation




Announcements–Pastor’sAidMinistry WorshipInGiving SongOfPraise







#251ISurrenderAll GraceAndBenediction


BecomingVirtuous InspiredByProverbs31:29

Mothersalwayswantthebestfortheirchildren,theynurture, guide,anddirectprovidingthebestadvicetheycanforhealthy growth.

LemuelofMassaisaBiblicalKing,asayoungprincehismother givesadviceforhishealthygrowthalongtheroyalpathway. Today,weknowthatadviceasProverbs31.

Theseverseshavebecometheanthemforwhatavirtuous womanshouldbe.Beingavirtuouswomanstartswith becomingavirtuousgirl.Forbeingvirtuousisbothinnateand shouldbetaught.

Blackfemaleshavehistoricallyjoinedandincreasinglyledthe ranksofaccomplishedgirlsandwomeninallaspectsofsociety, anastoundingfeatinlightofthesystemicobstaclesfacing them.

ABlackgirlismorelikelytobebornintopoverty,ifshedoes notfirstsuccumbtoinfantmortality.

ABlackgirlismorelikelytoberaisedinasingle-parent, female-headedhouseholdinalower-incomeneighborhood.

ABlackgirlismorelikelytolackreproductivehealth education.Leadingtoahigherriskofteen-agepregnancy. Trappingthegirlandherbabyintoacycleofpoverty.

ThequalityoflifeforaBlackgirlissocomplicated,yetitisso promising.ThisweekatGreaterBetheltheCrownedGirls/ DaughtersofPromisemetwithlocalgirlstoprovidethe teachingcriticalforbecomingvirtuous.

Becomingvirtuousisnotaboutfollowingasetofrules. Becomingvirtuousisalifelongcommitmenttooneself.Itisa commitmenttoself-discovery,acommitmenttoself-education, acommitmenttobeingcourageous,itisacommitmentto sayingnowheneveryonesaysyesandyeswhentheentire worldsaysno.Itisacommitmenttotryandfailandtryagain.It isacommitmenttofollowyourownbeatbuttobesmart enoughtoseekoutandtakegoodadvicewhereveryoufindit.

KingLemuel’smothersumsitupbestsaying29“Thereare manyfinewomenintheworld,butyouarethebestofthemall!” Bethebestofthemall–continueinbecomingvirtuous.

When The Battle Is Over

Am I A Soldier Of The Cross, A Follower Of The Lamb, And Shall I Fear To Won His Cause, Or Blush To Speak His Name?

And When The Battle’s Over, We Shall Wear A Crown!

Yes, We Shall Wear A Crown In The New Jerusalem.

Wear A Crown, Wear A Crown. And When The Battle’s Over, We Shall Wear A Crown In The New Jerusalem.

Must I Be Carried To The Skies

On Flowery Beds Of Ease, While Others Fought To Win The Prize,

And Sailed Through Bloody Seas?

And When The Battle’s Over, We Shall Wear A Crown!

Yes, We Shall Wear A Crown In The New Jerusalem.

Wear A Crown, Wear A Crown. And When The Battle’s Over, We Shall Wear A Crown In The New Jerusalem.

#407 Am I A Soldier Of The Cross

AlpsRoadDayOfPrayer–Saturday, July22,9:00AM

JoinusontheAlpsRoad campusaswegatherin prayerfortheupcoming schoolyear.

TheAnnualRoosevelt&Thelma TaylorScholarshipCelebration–Thursday,July20,2023@6:00PM

Youarecordiallyinvitedtoour AnnualRoosevelt&ThelmaTaylor ScholarshipCelebration.Honoring AthensHighSchoolCounselorsand SocialWorkers,recognizing2023and PastTaylorScholars.ChrystalGillis, theDirectorofSchoolSocialWork fortheClarkeCountySchoolDistrict willbetheKeynoteSpeaker.

E v e n t s
www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 www.GBAAthens.org BETHEL BETHEL GREATER GREATER E v e n t s BibleStudyTrivia5thSunday ServiceInTheFellowshipHall OnSunday,July30th,2023,asweworship theLordinaFifthSundayServiceoffood, fellowship,andBibleStudyTrivialquestions. BringyourBiblesaswetestourBiblical knowledgeinafunfamilyfriendlyway. Inviteyourfamilyandfriendsaswewill learnabouttheLord,andyoumaywina niceprize. GreaterBethelAthens GIVELIFY CASH APP App:$bethel140 Mail: Post Office Box 49773 Athens, GA 30604 Give To Greater Bethel

1. All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily give.

Refrain I surrender all,

(I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

2. All to Jesus I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow; Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me, Jesus, take me now.

Refrain I surrender all, (I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

#251 I


As we continue to enjoy our July meeting sabbatical let’s look ahead to some important meetin d h d l d f A ust and Septem

Tuesday, August 1st – Steward Meeting - 1:00 PM on Zoom

Tuesday, August 1st – Finance Committee – 4:00 PM In Person

Tuesday, August 1st – Trustee Meeting – 7:00 PM In Person

Thursday, August 3rd “Jesus Our Joy”

Bible Study 7:00 PM On Zoom

Saturday, August 5th – District Sunday School Convention

9:00 AM -4:00PM First AME, Athens

Tuesday, August 8th – Official Board Meeting

7:00 PM

Tuesday, September 5th – Steward Meeting

1:00 PM on Zoom

Tuesday, September 5th – Trustee Meeting

7:00 PM on Zoom

Tuesday, September 12th – Official Board Meeting

7:00 PM on Zoom

Tuesday, September 19th – Church Conference

7:00 PM In Person



During the week Sydney Goins, a fourth-year student at the University of Georgia and the current Miss Black UGG. spoke to the girls. We are grateful to Sydney for sharing her experiences.

Guest Speaker


Tayah Slaughter

Valentine is a third-year Psychology major with a minor in Theatre Studies and a Pre-Med emphasis, at the University of Georgia. She hopes to pursue a career as an Obstetric Surgeon.

Crowned MissBlackUGAfor2022, Tayahisinvolvedin severalorganizations,includingtheMinorityStudentScience AssociationandtheNAACP,whereshehasbeenPublic RelationsChairandnowSecretary.SheisaSpring‘23initiate oftheZetaPsiChapterofDeltaSigmaThetaSorority.

Tayahbeeninvolvedinseveralon-campusproductionsand studentfilms,whilevolunteeringfortheDawgDayofService. Sheiscommittedtoexpandingawarenessofmentalhealth issues,especiallyintheBlackcommunity.

Herlife’sphilosophyisshapedbyaquotefromBeyonce “Everypersonyoumeetisgoingtowantsomethingdifferent fromyou.Thequestionis:Whatdoyouwantforyourself?


Bible Study

Thursday: August 3, 2023 @ 7:00 PM ET

It's easy to be happy when things go well for you. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced--even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty.

Our Bible Study resumes with a ninesession study of Philippians. In our study Paul will show you how to live joyfully in every situation. Order the book today on Amazon.

www.zoom.us Meeting
8592 ID
ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846
301 715
:903 988 1805

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - Sunday, September 6, 2023. Pastor Marben Bland raises for discussion six questions that are worthy of praise.

AUGUST 6, 2023

Who Or What Is God?

AUGUST 20, 2023

Howdowe buildthe beloved community?


Istherean afterlife?

AUGUST 13, 2023

Whatdoesit meantolivea meaningful life?

AUGUST 27, 2023

Whydobad things happen?

SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Who amI?

The discussion of these six questions will continue in our Adult-Children Fellowship after church and online on Facebook, YouTube, and our website www.gbaathens.org

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