Looking To Jesus - Acts 7:51-60 Lesson #5

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Looking To Jesus As Christians, our aim is to live and die for God’s glory. By looking to Jesus for grace and mercy, we can face the tough times of life. Think about someone that you know who has faced a life-threatening situation with faith and courage. What do you learn from this person? Stephen didn’t have the reputation that surrounded the original disciples. The religious establishment feared the popularity of the apostles, but they decided Stephen was expendable. So when he began to teach, they put him on trial. False witnesses were hired to create a case. Stephen made an impassioned statement, not so much in his own defense but to urge his opponents to give Jesus serious consideration. As he neared the end of his remarks—and his life—Stephen made some lasting statements that are worth pondering.


Acts 7:51-60 Common English Bible “You stubborn people! In your thoughts and hearing, you are like those who have had no part in God’s covenant! You continuously set yourself against the Holy Spirit, just like your ancestors did. 52 Was there a single prophet your ancestors didn’t harass? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the righteous one, and you’ve betrayed and murdered him! 53 You received the Law given by angels, but you haven’t kept it.” 51

Once the council members heard these words, they were enraged and began to grind their teeth at Stephen. 55 But Stephen, enabled by the Holy Spirit, stared into heaven and saw God’s majesty and Jesus standing at God’s right side. 56 He 54


exclaimed, “Look! I can see heaven on display and the Human One standing at God’s right side!” 57 At this, they shrieked and covered their ears. Together, they charged at him, 58 threw him out of the city, and began to stone him. The witnesses placed their coats in the care of a young man named Saul. 59 As they battered him with stones, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, accept my life!” 60 Falling to his knees, he shouted, “Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!” Then he died. [a]

Bible Study Questions

1. What accusations did Stephen make against the members of the ruling council?

2. What comparisons did Stephen make about the religious leaders and their ancestors? 3

3. What did Stephen mean when he asked, “Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute” (verse 52)?

4. Why did Stephen’s speech infuriate his adversaries?

5. How did Stephen face his impending death? To whom did he look?

6. What do Stephen’s last words reveal about his character

Personal Reflections 7. Why do you think Stephen was able to face death courageously? 4

8. How does Stephen’s example encourage you?

9. Why do people tend to look to themselves for strength rather than depending on God?

10. Where do you usually turn for help when you are in trouble?

11. What happens when you depend on yourself or others to carry you through painful times?

12. What was one specific instance when you received God’s help during a difficult time? 5

Final Thoughts

When the crisis moments come . . . when death looms . . . when dreams and plans suddenly disappear—to whom do we turn? Almost every day provides us with small and large opportunities to trust and reach for Jesus’ hand. We are most likely to reach for him in our final moments before death if we’ve been in the habit of doing that all our lives.


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