Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
June 25, 2023 – 3:00 PM
Brother Aaron Manzy Worship Leader
The Doxology
“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”
The Call To Worship
Pastor Marben Bland
Opening Hymn
#450 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
The Invocation
Brother Darrion Willoughby
The Invocation Response
#450 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
Solo Brother Eric Johnson
The Reading Of The Scriptures
Old Testament - Dr. Robbie Hooker
New Testament - Judge Kamau Hull
Summary of the Decalogue
Brother Aaron Manzy
Announcements – Pastor’s Aid Ministry
Pastor Marben Bland
Brother Bruce Haygood
Brother Isaac Yelder
Brother Eric Johnson
Welcome & Occasion
Brother Bryson Manzy
Special Recognition
Brother Aaron Manzy
Sister Gwen Manzy
Worship in Music
The Voices of Truth
Introduction of the Preacher
Dr. Vernellia Wade
The Sermonic Selection
Minister Reginald Wade
The Message
Minister Reginald Wade
The Invitation to Discipleship
#251 I Surrender All
Brother Aaron Manzy
The Grace and Benediction
Minister Reginald Wade
Dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall
Gaining Obedience While Leaning on My Deliverance
Leader: Oh, Listen to God’s words of men of Athens and beyond. The Lord needs your obedience, the Lord needs your deliverance, the Lord needs your leadership.
People: I will gain my obedience while leaning on my deliverance.
Leader: The Lord needs your leadership in your home. As God has demanded you to be a reliable partner to your wives and a good father to your children.
People: I will gain my obedience while leaning on my deliverance.
Leader: The Lord needs your leadership in the community. As God is calling on you to make a difference in the lives of His people.
People: I will gain my obedience while leaning on my deliverance.
Leader: The Lord needs your leadership in the church. As God is commanding you to build a new church for the present age.
People: I will gain my obedience while leaning on my deliverance.
Leader: The Lord needs your leadership in fellowship with other men following the examples of Brother H.V. Brown, and Brother Raymond Roundtree. As God has ordained that iron sharpens iron when men work together.
People: It is with the blessed assurance of the Lord, that I will gain my obedience while leaning on my deliverance as I become the Leader God wants me to be.
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His spirit, washed in His blood.
Refrain This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
2. Perfect submission, perfectly delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
3. Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my savior am happy and blessed, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
PastorBlandisblessed,honored,andexcitedtobe goingonhissecondpilgrimagetotheHolyLand startingMonday.Formillionsofpeopleoffaith,the WallingWallisthesymboloftheHolyCityof Jerusalem.Itisaplacewherepeopleofallfaithpray, oftenplacingslipsofpaperintothecallcontaining prayers.
Pastorwelcomestheopportunitytotakeyourprayers totheHolyLand.Writeyourprayerontheslipsof paperprovidedanddropthemintheboxatthealtar. YourconfidentialprayerwillbeplacedintheWalling Wall.
YouarecordiallyinvitedtoourAnnualRoosevelt& ThelmaTaylorScholarshipCelebrationHonoring
Recognizing2023andPastTaylorScholars.Chrystal Gillis,theDirectorofSchoolSocialWorkforthe
ClarkeCountySchoolDistrictwillbetheKeynote Speaker.
1. All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily give.
Refrain I surrender all,
(I surrender all). I surrender all,
(I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.
2. All to Jesus I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow; Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me, Jesus, take me now.
Refrain I surrender all,
(I surrender all). I surrender all, (I surrender all). All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.
In2ndSamuel7:1welearnthatGodhas assignedKingDavida“personal prophet.”Whoisit?
NamethefourGospelswhicharethe booksintheBiblethatdetailsthelife, teachings,death,andresurrectionof Jesus.
The Empowerment Weekend committee would like to thank the following people:
Pastor Marben Bland
Sister Patricia Brown
Sister Beverly Copeland
Brother Shaquille Gatlin
Brother Nick Hill
Sister Cheryl Jones
Brother Bryson Manzy
Sister Gwen Manzy
Sister Prinnies Moore
Brother Eric Nesbitt
Sister Janice Roundtree
Sister Diane Thrasher
Brother Darrion Willoughby
Sister Janice Witcher
Sister Brenda Yelder
Thursday: August 3, 2023 @ 7:00 PM ET
It's easy to be happy when things go well for you. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced--even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty.
Our Bible Study resumes with a ninesession on Philippians. In our study Paul will show you too how to live joyfully in every situation. Order the book today on Amazon.