Who Is God - August 6, 2023 - First Sunday

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August 6, 2023 11:00 AM J www.gbaathens.org WhoIs GOD? AfricanMethodistEpiscopalChurch 140RoseStreet Athens,Georgia30606 TheReverendMarbenBland,Pastor

Order Of Worship

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

August 6, 2023 – 11:00 AM


Call To Worship

Opening Hymn

#520 Come, We That Love the Lord

The Invocation

The Invocation Response

#520 Come, We That Love the Lord

Song Of Praise

Announcements – Pastor’s Aid Ministry

Worship In Giving

Song Of Praise

Scripture – Psalm 14

Denunciation of Godlessness

Summary Of The Decalogue

Song Of Preparation


Who Is God?

Invitation To Discipleship

#364 My Hope Is Built

Holy Communion


Call to Worship

Who Is God?

Leader: Fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is no one who does good. (Psalm 14:1)

People: Who Is God?

Leader: The Lord has looked down from heaven on the sons of men, to see if there are any who understand and look for God. (Psalm 14:2)

People: Who Is God?

Leader: God is One, but He exists as three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.(Matthew 3:16-17)

People: Who Is God?

Leader: God judges sin (Psalm 5:5) but also offers forgiveness (Psalm 130:4).

People: Who Is God?

Leader: God created the world. God actively sustains the world (Colossians 1:17) He is executing His eternal plan (Ephesians 1:11) which involves the redemption of humans from the curse of sin and death (Galatians 3:13-14)

People: Let us march on to Zion as we discover Who Is God.



1.ComewethatlovetheLord, Andletourjoysbe known, Joininasongwithsweetaccord, Joinina songwithsweetaccord, Andthussurroundthe throne, Andthussurroundthethrone.

Refrain:We’remarchingtoZion, Beautiful,beautiful Zion; We’remarchingupwardtoZion, Thebeautiful cityofGod.

2.Letthoserefusetosing WhoneverknewourGod; ButchildrenoftheheavenlyKing, Butchildrenof theheavenlyKing,Mayspeaktheirjoysabroad, May speaktheirjoysabroad.

Refrain:We’remarchingtoZion, Beautiful,beautiful Zion; We’remarchingupwardtoZion, Thebeautiful cityofGod.

3.ThehillofZionyields Athousandsacredsweets Beforewereachtheheavenlyfields, Beforewe reachtheheavenlyfieldsOrwalkthegoldenstreets, Orwalkthegoldenstreets.

Refrain:We’remarchingtoZion, Beautiful,beautiful Zion; We’remarchingupwardtoZion, Thebeautiful cityofGod.

4.Thenletoursongsabound, Andeverytearbedry; We’remarchingthroughImmanuel‘sground, We’re marchingthroughImmanuel‘sground, Tofairer worldsonhigh,Tofairerworldsonhigh.

Refrain:We’remarchingtoZion, Beautiful,beautiful Zion; We’remarchingupwardtoZion, Thebeautiful cityofGod.

www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 www.GBAAthens.org BETHEL BETHEL GREATER GREATER E v e n t s MeetingsThisWeek RememberourChurchSchoolon ZoomeachSaturdayat4:00PM YouthAndAdultFellowship Ouryouthandadultfellowshipwillgather everySundayafterchurchduringAugust. GreaterBethelAthens GIVELIFY CASH APP App:$bethel140 Mail: Post Office Box 49773 Athens, GA 30604 Give To Greater Bethel Rescheduled – Stewards Meeting – Tuesday, August 8th, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM On Zoom Official Board Meeting – Tuesday, August 8th , 7:00 PM-8:00 PM - In Person Jesus Our Joy Bible Study – Week #2 Philippians 1:1-11 – Thursday, August 10th, 7:00 PM on Zoom
Task#1-SetTheVison SetTheVision,Mission, AndExpectations August18,2023 1:00PM–2:30PM Task#2-DefineTheActivities SetTheProgramsOfThe MaddoxCenterWith CommunityInput September15,2023 1:00PM–2:30PM Task#3-CommunityNeeds Assessment Mesh Community Needs With The Programs Proposed By The Church October20,2023 1:00PM–2:30PM Task#4-BusinessModel MaddoxCenter OrganizationalStructure November17,2023 1:00PM–2:30PM Task#5-Budget&Fundraising Budget&Fundraising GoalsSet November17,2023 1:00PM–2:30PM ProposalDevelopedWithInputs FromThePreviousTasks Task#6 -Draft5013c Proposal January19,2024 1:00PM–2:30PM February16,2024 1:00PM–2:30PM Decision Meeting March19,2024 6:00PM-7:30PM All Meetings On Zoom With Notes Available Maddox Center Decision Roadmap 6 Tasks For Completion And Discussion Monthly On The 3rd Friday

Birthday H A P P Y

Katheryn Davis - August 7th

Tiffany Smith -

August 7Th

James Hill, Jr. - August 14th

Rosalind Parks -August 15Th

Bryson Manzy - August 18TH

Isaac Butler - August 23th

Raymond Roundtree - August 24th

August 2023

Mark Jackson

NBA Great And Broadcaster

Black History Moment

Mark Jackson was a standout point guard at St. John’s University and a first-round pick by the New York Knicks in 1987. He was named Rookie of the Year in 1988 and played 17 seasons for several teams including the New York Knicks, Indiana Pacers, Los Angeles Clippers, Denver Nuggets, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz and Houston Rockets.

He currently ranks second on the NBA all-time assists list with 10,323 and is also among the alltime leaders in steals. While playing for the Knicks, Jackson teamed with Patrick Ewing and Charles Oakley to turn the franchise into a prime playoff team in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

After retiring from playing basketball, Jackson became a broadcast commentator for ESPN and ABC alongside his former coach Jeff Van Gundy and playby-play man Mike Breen. In 2011 the Golden State Warriors hired Jackson as head coach. He coached the team for three seasons but was fired in 2014 despite leading the Warriors to consecutive playoff appearances for the first time in over 20 years. Following this, he returned to ESPN and continued working as a commentator until his departure this week.

BTrivia ibleStudy Bible Study - Thursday, August 10th 7:00 PM, ET On Zoom www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 In Week #2 of the Jesus Our Joy Bible Study we will examine Philippians 1:111. What is Paul’s “present circumstances” as described in the verses? A.Paul is resting at Lydia’s home. B.Paul is meeting with Roman governmental officials. C.Paul is in jail. D.Paul is traveling with Timothy.





1Foolssayintheirhearts,“Thereisno God.”Theyarecorrupt,theydo abominabledeeds;thereisnoonewho doesgood.2TheLORDlooksdown fromheavenonhumankindtoseeif thereareanywhoarewise,whoseek afterGod.3Theyhaveallgoneastray, theyareallalikeperverse;thereisno onewhodoesgood,no,notone.4Have theynoknowledge,alltheevildoers whoeatupmypeopleastheyeat bread,anddonotcallupontheLORD?

5Theretheyshallbeingreatterror,for Godiswiththecompanyofthe righteous.6Youwouldconfoundthe plansofthepoor,buttheLORDistheir refuge.7OthatdeliveranceforIsrael wouldcomefromZion!WhentheLORD restoresthefortunesofhispeople, Jacobwillrejoice;Israelwillbeglad.


TheCongregation, RiseandSings:

“Fromallthatdwellbelowtheskies, letthe Creator’spraisearise; lettheRedeemer’s namebesung, througheverylandby everytongue. ”


HearwhatChristourSavioursaith, thou shaltlovetheLordthyGodwithallthy heart, andwithallthysoul, andwithallmy mind. Thisisthefirstandgreat commandment. Andthesecondislikeunto it: Thoushaltlovethyneighborasthyself. Onthesetwocommandmentshangallthe lawandtheprophets.


TheCongregation, RiseandSings:

“GlorybetotheFather, andtotheSon, andtotheHolyGhost; Asitwasinthe beginning, isnow, andevershallbe, world withoutend. Amen. ”

WhoIs GOD?




ThinkingcorrectlyaboutGodisofutmost importancebecauseafalseideaaboutGod isidolatry InPsalm50:21,Godreprovesthe wickedmanwiththisaccusation:“You thoughtIwasaltogetherlikeyou”Tostart with,agoodsummarydefinitionofGodis “theSupremeBeing;theCreatorandRuler ofallthatis;theSelf-existentOnewhois perfectinpower,goodness,andwisdom”


We know certain things to be true of God for one reason: in His mercy He has condescended to reveal some of His qualities to us God is spirit, by nature intangible (John 4:24). God is One, but He exists as three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17).

The fact of God’s existence is so conspicuous, both through creation and through man’s conscience, that the Bible calls the atheist a “fool” (Psalm 14:1). Accordingly, the Bible never attempts to prove the existence of God; rather, it assumes His existence from the very beginning (Genesis 1:1). What the Bible does is reveal the nature, character, and work of God.

Youmightbeabletoge somemuch-needed (anddesperately wanted)timefor yourselfifyougetup earlyandlivewithother humans-childrenor adults.


HerearesomeofGod’scharacteristicsas revealedintheBible:Godisjust(Acts 17:31),loving(Ephesians2:4-5),truthful (John14:6),andholy(1John1:5) God showscompassion(2Corinthians1:3), mercy(Romans9:15),andgrace(Romans 5:17).Godjudgessin(Psalm5:5)butalso offersforgiveness(Psalm130:4).


We cannot understand God apart from His works, because what God does flows from who He is Here is an abbreviated list of God’s works, past, present, and future: God created the world (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 42:5); He actively sustains the world (Colossians 1:17); He is executing His eternal plan (Ephesians 1:11) which involves the redemption of man from the curse of sin and death (Galatians 3:13-14); He draws people to Christ (John 6:44); He disciplines His children (Hebrews 12:6); and He will judge the world (Revelation 20:11-15)

Sermon Notes

#364 My Hope Is Built

1. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

Refrain On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.

2. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil.

Refrain On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.

3. His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my home and stay.

Refrain On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.

4. When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found! Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before that throne!

Refrain On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.



Youthatdotrulyandearnestlyrepentofyoursins,and areinloveandcharitywithyourneighbor,andintend toleadanewlife,followingthecommandmentsof God,andwalkingfromhenceforthinhisholyways, drawnearinyourseatswithfaithandtaketheholy sacramenttoyourcomfort,andmakeyourhumble confessiontoAlmightyGod.



Christ,makerofallthings,judgeofallpeople ,weacknowledgeandbewailourmanifold sinsandwickednesswhichwefromtimeto timemostgrievouslyhavecommittedby thought,word,anddeedagainstyourdivine majesty,provokingmostjustlyyourwrath andindignationagainstus.Wedoearnestly repentandareheartilysorryfortheseour misdoings;theremembranceofthemis grievousuntous.Havemercyuponus,have mercyuponus,mostmercifulGodforyour Son,ourLordJesusChrist’ssake;forgiveus allthatispast,andgrantthatwemayever hereafterserveandpleasetheeinnewness oflife,tothehonorandgloryofyourname, throughJesusChristourLord.Amen.

AlmightyGod,ourHeavenlyFather,whoofyour tendermercydidgiveyouronlyson,JesusChrist, tosufferdeathonthecrossforourredemption, whomadetherebyhisoblationofhimself,once offered,afullperfectandsufficientsacrifice, oblation,andsatisfactionforthesinsofthewhole world;anddidinstituteandinhisholygospel commandustocontinueaperpetualmemoryof thathispreciousdeathuntilhiscomingagain; hearus,OmercifulFather,wemosthumbly beseechyou,andgrantthatwereceivingthese yourcreaturesofbreadandwine,accordingto yourson,ourSaviourJesusChrist’sholy institution,inremembranceofhisdeathand passionmaybepartakersofhismostblessed bodyandblood;whointhesamenightthathe wasbetrayedtookbread,andwhenhehadgiven thanks,hebrokeit,,andgaveittohisdisciples, saying, ‘Take,eatthisismybodywhichisbroken foryou.Thisdoinremembranceofme.’(The Minstersaystake,andeatthebread,thebodyof ourSavorJesus.)Likewiseaftersupperhetookthe cupandwhenhehadgiventhankshegaveitto themsaying, ‘Drinkallofit,forthisismybloodof NewTestament,whichisshedforyouandfor manyfortheremissionofsins;dothis,asoftenas youshalldrinkit,inremembranceofme. (The Minstersaystake,anddrinkfromthecup,the bloodofourSavorJesusChrist.)Amen. ’




OurFatherwhoartinheaven, hallowedbe thyname. Thykingdomcome. Thywillbe done, onearthasitisinheaven. Giveusthis dayourdailybread; Andforgiveusour trespassesasweforgivethosewhotrespass againstus; Andleadusnotintotemptation butdeliverusfromevil. Foryoursisthe kingdom, andthepower, andtheglory forever. Amen.

#321 Jesus, KeepMeNeartheCross

FannyJ. Crosby/WilliamH. Doane

Jesus, keepmenearthecross; There apreciousfountain, Freetoall, a healingstream, FlowsfromCalvary’s mountain.

Refrain: Inthecross, inthecross, Be mygloryever, Tillmyrapturedsoul shallfind Restbeyondtheriver.

www.facebook.com/GBAAthens www.youtube.com/GBAAthens www.GBAAthens.org www.marbenbland.com Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church O n l i n e M i n i s t r y O p t i o n s

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - Sunday, September 10, 2023. Pastor Marben Bland raises for discussion six questions that are worthy of praise.

AUGUST 6, 2023

Who Or What Is God?

AUGUST 20, 2023

Howdowe buildthe beloved community?


Istherean afterlife?

AUGUST 13, 2023

Whatdoesit meantolivea meaningful life?

AUGUST 27, 2023

Whydobad things happen?

SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Who amI?

The discussion of these six questions will continue in our Adult-Children Fellowship after church and online on Facebook, YouTube, and our website www.gbaathens.org

Bible Study

Thursdays @ 7:00 PM ET

It's easy to be happy when things go well for you. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced--even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty.

Our Bible Study resumes with a ninesession study of Philippians. In our study Paul will show you how to live joyfully in every situation. Order the book today on Amazon.

www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846 Call 301 715 8592 ID :903 988 1805 Passcode: 982846

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