Annual Report 2012 CHA

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HEALTH Services

Health System Improvement

Strengthened H e a l th Lead ershi p

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QUALITY Professional Development

Meeting the health 1984 NEEDS of

1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Canadians 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Canadian Healthcare Association

17 York Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J6

Alice Downing Board Chair

Pamela C. Fralick President and CEO

has been quite a year. Twelve months ago, few of us M e s s a g e Itexpected that we would already have a confirmed successor

from the Board Chair and President and CEO

to the 2004 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care. Expectations that 2012 would see continued dialogue toward a new “2014” agreement were pre-empted by the Federal Finance Minister’s announcement of a new funding formula for the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) beyond 2015-16.

The value of the long-term financial predictability signalled by the announcement is balanced by the fact that the new formula will, over time, further shift the burden of health system funding to the provinces. This shift recalibrates the terms of the federal role in healthcare. Historically, Ottawa has used health transfer payments to ensure adherence to basic principles and, since 2004, to coordinate pan-Canadian priorities – albeit with mixed results. The new CHT mechanism will not have this capacity for influence. CHA however, continues to press Ottawa to play a pan-Canadian leadership role, specifically in key areas identified as priorities by our Board of Directors: focussing on population health promotion, creating integrated patient-centered services across the continuum, and promoting pan-Canadian health human resources planning. These messages were central gaps identified in the review of the 2004 agreement released by the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology in March 2012. CHA is also in dialogue with the Council of the Federation, which our Board has identified as a strengthened player in pan-Canadian healthcare discussions. But even as we have kept an eye firmly on today’s evolving political scene, CHA has dedicated significant energy this year to the creation of a new strategic plan which will guide us through an increasingly volatile and challenging environment. Enhancing and focussing our work on policy development and advocacy, on informing health system innovation, and on developing health system leaders through world class education and training; we look forward to sharing the details of these exciting directions very soon. Other major accomplishments of the past year are presented in the pages of this report. The many achievements of 2011-2012 would not have been possible without the passionate commitment and hard work of the Board of Directors, the Members of the CEO Forum, and staff. We extend our thanks and profound appreciation to all. Alice Downing Board Chair Pamela C. Fralick President and CEO

CHA Award Winners 2012 2012 Award for Distinguished Service Recipient: Arlene Wilgosh, President & CEO, WRHA

Arlene Wilgosh

Arlene Wilgosh is a registered nurse who is currently leading one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country. Born and raised in Minnedosa, Manitoba, she started her health care career in Winnipeg as a staff nurse at the Health Sciences Centre and went on to hold various nursing, nurse leadership and healthcare management roles in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba. Prior to joining the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in the spring of 2010, Arlene served in various positions with the Provincial Department of Health and Healthy Living, including Deputy Minister of Health for the Province of Manitoba. She has and continues to bring her insight and perspective as a nurse to each of her leadership roles and into the day-to-day decisions of the health system in Winnipeg.

2012 Marion Stephenson Award Recipient: Dr. Janice Keefe

Janice Keefe

Dr. Janice Keefe is a Professor of Family Studies and Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University and holds appointments at Dalhousie University’s Faculties of Medicine and Graduate Studies. In 2002, she was selected as a Canada Research Chair in Aging and Caregiving Policy and was awarded funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation to develop the Maritime Data Centre for Aging Research and Policy Analysis. In 2006, she was awarded the Lena Isabel Jodrey Chair in Gerontology and appointed Director, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging. Dr. Keefe’s research areas are caregiving policy and practice, continuing care policy and rural aging. She leads three CIHRfunded research teams - one projecting human resources needed to care for older Canadians over the next 30 years, another assessing caregivers of spouses with a cognitive impairment, and a third, exploring the impact that differences in physical design and care models within nursing homes have on resident’s quality of life. Dr. Keefe has published extensively and has been invited to present her research at national and international conferences. Dr. Keefe has received recognition internationally for translating her research into policy, and locally for her contributions to Gerontology and Health in Nova Scotia.

H ig h li gh ts o f S t r at eg ic P l a n 2009 – 2012

Vi si t w w w.cha.c a t o l e a r n m o re .

CHA is an A D V OC AT E for an accessible, highper for m ing health system .


CHA continues to advocate in key areas identified by our members: health leadership, funding, health human resources, wellness, continuing care and pharmacare through meetings with government officials, letters on a variety of issues, and presentations to House of Commons and Senate Standing Committees on the 2004 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care, Budget 2009 and 2012, and H1N1 Preparedness.

Health promotion and prevention and pharmacare positions approved by CHA Board of Directors in 2011.

Palliative Care in Canada: CHA’s Perspective presented to Parliamentary Committee on Palliative and Compassionate Care in November 2010.

Continuing Care: A Pan-Canadian Approach synthesizes common themes that have emerged across CHA’s continuing care briefs and identifies policy recommendations for action.

2011 “

Strategic collaborations with CHLNet (Network partner, founding member); Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century (Co-Chair); Quality Worklife-Quality Healthcare Collaborative (Chair); Taming of the Queue (partner); and Health Action Lobby (member).

CHA actively fosters a panCanadian V O I C E on h e a l t h p o l i c y t h ro u g h i t s o r g a n i z a t i o n a l s t re n g t h s .

The President and CEO Award of Excellence and Instant Star Awards celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of CHA staff with 9 Awards of Excellence and 10 Instant Stars awarded to date.

CHA’s Board of Directors advanced its governance practices through several key changes including now selecting the Chair through election and not by jurisdictional rotation and the introduction of at-large Director positions.

The first Director-At-Large was elected to the Board of Directors for a one-year term at the Association’s Annual Meeting in June 2011. Two are expected to be confirmed in June 2012.


C H A i s a CATA LY S T for p rog re ssi ve and i n n o va ti ve d eb ate.


Convening thought leaders: In partnership with Health Canada and the Canadian Home Care Association, CHA hosted a Home and Continuing Care roundtable with 12 experts in the field in September 2011. CHA Learning provides professional development for the health leaders of tomorrow. In 2009, 254 students achieved certificates of completion, 2010: 277; 2011: 287. A MOU was signed with Accreditation Canada International and CHA Learning to redevelop risk management courses for international offerings for 2012. A new Long Term Care Administrator course meeting the educational requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is in development. The Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety in Health Services course was launched in partnership with the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada. In partnership with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, the Canadian Patient Safety Officer Course, produced in partnership with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, was held in Ottawa and Vancouver in 2011 and 2012.

The National Health Leadership Conference (NHLC), the largest national gathering of health system decision makers in Canada, is produced through a partnership between the Canadian Healthcare Association and the Canadian College of Health Leaders. It provides a forum for cutting-edge presentations, formal and informal debate and the sharing of solutions to our most pressing challenges: 2009 - Accountability in Health System Leadership: The Balancing Act; 2010 – Transforming Health: From Systems to Silos; 2011 – Rising to the Challenge: Relationships, Resources and Realities. 95.35% of respondents to a 2011 post-NHLC survey were very/satisfied; 90.6% would recommend the conference to a colleague.

2012 “

C H A i s a LE A DE R in health policy Home Care in Canada: From the Margins to the Mainstream and New Directions for Facility-based Long Term d e v e l o p m e n t. Care launched in 2009 continue to garner attention. Respite Care in Canada, launched in January 2012, makes policy recommendations aimed at supporting Canada’s carerecipients and their informal caregivers.

Strengthening member engagement, between 2009 and 2011, CHA’s President and CEO travelled to meet with member boards including Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Manitoba.

CHA is a regular Health Canada invitee to consultations on Canada’s role at the World Health Assembly and Pan American Health Organization. Since renewing its membership in the International Hospital Federation in 2009, CHA’s President and CEO was elected to the IHF Governing the Council; CHA now sits on the Scientific Committee of the IHF 2013 conference in Oslo, Norway; CHA assisted in planning the IHF 2012 Leadership Summit. CHA is an invited participant at American Hospital Association’s annual board meetings, AGM and conference.

C H A R e v e n u e s a n d E x p e n s e s 2 0 11 Revenues

Total revenues $2,747,780 Other Income $65,783

Membership fees $674,444 Professional development

Grants and Contributions $1,219,679 $27,500

Rental Revenue Guide and book sales $178,806 $315,605 Conferences $166,614

Conferences $112,160

Directory (Guide) and Book Sales $159,545 Rental revenue $332,039

Professional Development $1,171,250

Grants and contributions

Membership Fees $154,512 $727,056

Other income $76,140

Total expenses $2,677,081


Human resources $1,452,231

Information Techn

Professional development $459,756

Amortization of Ca

Guide and book production $17,481

Property Managem

Policy, communications, advocacy and corporate affairs $206,133


Administration $189,219

Policy, Comm, Adv

Property management $215,673

Directory (Guide) a

Amortization of capital assets $97,565

Professional Devel

Information technology and other $39,023

Human Resources

CHA Staff Awards 2012 2012 President and CEO Award of Excellence: Brooke Barclay 2012 President and CEO Award of Excellence Team Award: Susan Anderson and Teresa Neuman

CHA Honourary Life Membership

The Honourable Michael Kirby

The Honourable Michael Kirby was born in Montreal and earned a B.Sc. and an M.A. in Mathematics from Dalhousie University. In 1965, he received a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University. Mr. Kirby first entered government in 1970 as Chief of Staff to the Premier of Nova Scotia. Four years later he became Deputy Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Trudeau. Mr. Kirby was Secretary to the Cabinet for Federal-Provincial Relations and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council from 1980 to 1983. In this capacity, he was deeply involved in the negotiations that led to the patriation of the Canadian Constitution and the adoption of the Charter of Rights in the Constitution. Mr. Kirby was summoned to the Senate of Canada in 1984 and retired in 2006, after 22 years of service. From 1999-2006, he chaired the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, which produced 11 health care reports, including the first-ever national report on mental health, mental illness and addiction, “Out of the Shadows at Last”, released in May 2006. One of the report’s key recommendations was the creation of the Mental Health Commission of Canada. In March 2007, Prime Minister Harper asked him to create the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and become its inaugural Chair. During his time as Chair, Canada’s first national mental health strategy was produced. He resigned as Chair of the Commission in March 2012 to become the first Chair of Partners for Mental Health, Canada’s first national social movement in support of mental health, an organization he created in order to mobilize thousands of Canadians in support of improving mental health services. In December 2008, he was named an Officer of the Order of Canada for his contributions to public policy and good governance in Canada, and more recently, for his leadership of the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

CHA Learning Award Winners 2012 The Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada Award Recipient: Wendy LeMoal, Risk Management and Safety in Health Services Donor: The Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada

The Agnew Peckham Award in Honour of Ronald J. C. McQueen Recipient: Crystelle Owens, Health Services Management, Year 1 Donor: Agnew Peckham Health Care Planning Consultants

The Quality Healthcare Network Award Recipient: Sara Limpert, Continuous Quality Improvement for Health Services Donor: The Quality Healthcare Network

The Agnew Peckham Award in Honour of Arthur Peckham Recipient: Christy Cook with Co-authors Susan Goble Hall and Jennifer Healey, Health Services Management, Year 2 Donor: Agnew Peckham Health Care Planning Consultants

The Bonanza Printing and Copying Centre Inc. Award Recipient: Carolyn McCarville, Modern Management Donor: Bonanza Printing and Copying Centre Inc.

The Extendicare Inc. Award Recipient: Donna Innes, Long Term Care Management, Year 2 Donor: Extendicare Inc.

The Revera Inc. Award Recipient: Michelle West-Martin, Long Term Care Management Year 1 Donor: Revera Living Inc.

The Campbell’s Company of Canada Award Recipient: April Lormier, Food Service Nutrition Management Year 2 Donor: Campbell Company of Canada

Board of Directors

Alice Downing (Chair); Larry Hogue (Immediate Past-Chair); Betsy Gibbons (Health Employers Association of British Columbia); Catherine Roozen (Alberta Health Services); Greg Kobylka (Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations); Margaret MacDonald (Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba): Lise Denis (Association québecoise d’établissements de santé et services sociaux*); Rino Volpé (New Brunswick Healthcare Association); Gerald Pottier (Health Association Nova Scotia); Ken Ezeard (Health PEI); Tony Genge (Newfoundland and Labrador Health Boards Association); Joe MacGillivray (Yukon); Monita O’Connor (Nunavut); Elma Heidemann (Director-at-Large); Pamela C. Fralick (President and CEO, Ex Officio).

Chief Executive Officers Advisory Committee (CEO Forum)

Mary Lee (Chair, Health Association Nova Scotia); Michael Marchbank (Health Employers Association of British Columbia); Stephen Gould (Alberta Health Services); Dale Markewich (Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations); Monique Vielfaure Mackenzie (Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba): Lise Denis (Association québecoise d’établissements de santé et services sociaux*); Jeff Carter (New Brunswick Healthcare Association); Ken Ezeard (Health PEI); Patricia Conrad (Newfoundland and Labrador Health Boards Association); Joe MacGillivray (Yukon); Monita O’Connor (Nunavut). *Strategic Alliance The CEO Forum brings recommendations on policy and priority issues to the Board of Directors and provides advice and counsel as requested by the Board of Directors. CHA wishes to thank departing Directors Raj Downe, Ken Hughes and Ron Williams for their service to the Board of Directors. We also wish to thank Susan Antosh, John Peddle, Chris Mazurkewich and Andrew Will for their participation as members of the 2011-2012 CEO Forum. Finance and Audit Committee: Ken Ezeard (Chair), Greg Kobylka, Alice Downing, Larry Hogue, Pamela C. Fralick, Ron Williams. Governance Committee: Larry Hogue (Chair), Betsy Gibbons, Margaret MacDonald, Alice Downing, Pamela C. Fralick. Awards Selection Committee: Greg Kobylka, Larry Hogue, Jeff Carter.

Mission The Canadian Healthcare Association is a leader in developing and advocating for health policy solutions that meet the needs of Canadians.

Vision The Canadian Healthcare Association is the recognized champion for a sustainable and accountable quality health system that provides access to a continuum of comparable services throughout Canada, while upholding a strong, publicly-funded system as an essential, foundational component of this system.

Contact us to learn more about our solutions to health system challenges

Canadian Healthcare Association 17 York Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J6

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